Resolution 278-1983 / ,/ Mayor J err)' m:;.l nandez RESOLUTION NO. 278_1983 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE GOVERNOR AND THE CABINET OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO USE THEIR BEST EFFORTS TO OBTAIN FOR MONROE COUNTY RELIEF FROM THE INTOLERABLE TAX BURDEN PLACED ON THIS COUNTY BECAUSE OF CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND THE COUNTY'S CONTROL; REQUEST THAT THE GOVERNOR AND CABINET ADDRESS THE QUESTION OF RELIEF FOR MONROE COUNTY IN IT'S AD VALOREM TAX PROBLEMS WITH PARTICULAR EMPHASIS ON THE BURDEN CREATED BY THE DESIGNATION OF MONROE COUNTY AS "AN AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN"; REQUESTING THE GOVERNOR AND CABINET TO MAKE AVAILABLE PERSONNEL OR FINANCIAL AID POSSIBLE AT THIS CRITICAL TIME FOR MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, ad valorem property tax assessments have escalated alarmingly in the past year in Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and County Commission of Monroe County find that one of the reasons for the drastic increase in assessments and the necessity for the same has been occasioned by the designation of Monroe County as an "Area of Critical Concern" and the curtailment of development in Monroe County, and WHEREAS, Monroe County has been caught in a severe tax bind in that the inability to develop more properties in this County have drastically curtailed the ad valorem tax roll, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and County Commission of Monroe County desire to make known to the Governor and Cabinet this problem, and WHEREAS, because of the action of the State, this condition exists and it should be addressed, not only by Monroe County, but by the Governor and Cabinet of the State of Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, that: 1. The Governor and Cabinet be called on by Monroe County to lend any and all assistance of any sort available to aid Monroe County in relieving the problem of this County which is occasioned by the fact that ad valorem tax assessments have risen drastically. That one of the causes, therefore, is that the assessment roll of Monroe County has not been augmented by new construction since the provisions of Chapter 380 designating Monroe County as an "Area of Critical Concern" has hindered such augmentation. 2. That the Governor and Cabinet be called on to lend any and all assistance to Monroe County to relieve any deficiencies created by the failure in utilizing potential development of the County, that the same has been occasioned by stringent restrictions placed on the County from the standpoint of development that resulted from the same being declared an "Area of Critical Concern". BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By w~.~ 3// · (SEAL) Attest: RALPH W. \'i1{m:, ~lERK ~ '<'~ 1\1. OJv>,o.c BY