Resolution 086-1983 RESOLUTION NO. 086 -1983 WHEREAS, the provision by the County of municipal type ser- vices to the unincorporated area is an important responsibility of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, Monroe County presently has special taxing districts to provide municipal type services in the unincorporated area of the County; and WHEREAS, the Local Government One-Half Cent Sales Tax Act of 1982 amended Florida Statutes, Section 200.00l(8)(g) to include dependent special districts in the cap upon ad valorem tax levies; thereby treating all tax levies in the County the same regardless of from what area of the County they were being raised, from what tax base they were being supported, or for what particular purpose they were being used; and WHEREAS, should the millage limitations remain in place, the County will be forced to choose between services in the unincor- porated area and general county-wide services, this being an unfor- tunate circumstance as these are services which Monroe County's citizens need, desire and have been willing to tax themselves to obtain, now, therefore, / BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Monroe County local State Legislative Delegation is hereby petitioned to present in the 1983 Legislative Session the below indicated amendment to Florida Statutes, Section 200.001 (8)(g), to-wit: "Aggregate millage rate" means that millage rate obtained from the quotient of the sum of all ad valorem taxes levied by the governing body of a County or municipality for county-wide or municipality-wide pur- poses, respectively, plus the ad valorem taxes levied for all districts dependent to the governing body, except those districts less than unincorporated area wide in size which have been established specifically for the ur oses of fire control street Ii htin community etterment, or similar special and -2- delineated municipal type services, upon the request of the residents or property owners in accordance with Florida Statutes, Sec- tions l25.0l(g) and 165.041, divided by the total taxable value of the county or muni- cipality." 2. That other counties are hereby called upon to support the proposed amendment. 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 4. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Governor of the State of Florida, and the local Legislative Delegation. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 31st day of March, A.D. 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, Fr;t,A .~ OF By Chairman ~ .I1''''~ (Seal) At te s t: RALPH W. 'YHiTE, CLERK ~'c~ C'I\.P~.O~. Clerk BY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND iAL SUFFICIENC ~~~