Resolution 101-1983 . .~ , .-" / "/ RE.$fDCU~!fDN NfD. 101 -1983 IDHEREA.$, the BfDARD fDF tfDUN~Y tfDmmI.$.$IfDNER.$ fDF ffifDNRfDE tfDUN~Y, FCfDR!DA, has receivea an application from Charles Rosenberg & Ira Sochet ana IDHEREA.$, in compliance wibh .$tate .$tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceaure to reaa the following Biological Assessment inbo the Recora as follows: Applicant proposes to create a 0.95 acre upland boat basin and create an access canal/channel of 80' x 50' x -5' through upland and wetlands into an existing canal/channel. Applicant further proposes to enhance circulation in the boat basin by installing a 3' x 20' x -2' MHW calvert at the northwest corner of basin into adjacent mangrove fringe. As the substratum appears to be (from the exposed sides of nearby existing canal) solid rock, the sides and bottom of basin may be relatively smooth, consequently applicant proposes to place rip-rap around the 15 boat capacity basin at base of walls. Applicant wants basin to furnish boat mooring for residents of proposed upland development. Most of the previous development to the northeast along the mangrove fringe/shore of Upper Matecombe Key has been S.F.R's. Southwest of this site a 50' x 150' boat basin exists. The shoreline southeast, beyond the basin, is serrated with private breakwaters, docks and boat slips. Waterward of the proposed access channel mangrove fringe exists, up to 600' wide. this fringe is approximately 300' wide. and boat basin, an established black and red In the area of the proposed circulation channel, The upland, to the east of the east of the proposed basin is vegetated with Keys hammock species, including, but not limited to, gumbo limbo, poisonwood, cacti, stoppers, brazil- ian pepper and mahogany. Sesuvium sp., Salicornia sp., Borrichia sp. and to the south extensive lawn grass are present adjacent to the access channel site. The owner of the adjacent property has evidently extended its lawn onto the applicant's lands and has used this area also as a repository for lobster carcasses and trapping debris, as well as installing and using a boat ramp where the access channel is proposed. The access channel is proposed to be cut mostly through the underlying upland rock prevalent in this area. A triangular area approximately 80' long and 50' on the wide side will be dredged through wetlands. Five mature red and black mangroves and a dozen smaller Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora mangle are in this area, as is an abandoned boat skelton and other debris. Sediment is a few inches thick over the rock layer. Thalassia testudinum and epiphytic algae cover this sediment layer. The area of the proposed upland basin is totally vegetated with mature hammock species. The area of the proposed circulation culvert is transitional zone and terminates in a mature black/red mangrove fringe approximately 300' wide. The impact of this proposed project will be the destruction of approximately 0.2 acres of wetlands and transition zone with the accompanying loss of associated vegetation. The basin will, in the proposed configuration, collect debris and organic detritus in the interior corners, causing degradation of water quality. As most boats will be motorized, petroleum residue will collect in this enclosed area. The circulation culvert will encourage the introduction of nutrient-ladened waters from the mangrove fringe into the enclosed basin. BE !~ RE~~C~ED BY ~HE B~ARD ~f t~UN~Y t~rnm!~~!~NER~ ~f m~NR~E t~UN~Y, fC~R!DA, that the above Biological Assessment has been rean into the recorn ann nU1M consineren pursuant to f10rina ~tatute 253.124 bM the Boarn of tountM tommissioners of monroe tountM, f1orina, this 15 t h naM of Ap r i 1 , 19 83 at a regu1ar1M schenu1en meeting. BM B~ARD ~f t~UN~Y t~mm!~~!~NER~ ~f m~NR~E t~UN~Y, fC~R!DA .9V~.. (m or) ~/;I (~ea1) RALPH tA, p,mJ"TE CLrRK Attest:.. n. ~iU J . t L \[ L\A~ fY\. ~ D.~ . 6 D (t1erk) . APPROVED AS TO FORM ~S~LE~~ / BY ,0-<..t..~--t....._ ~ ""...c -;:..1.. L AttGrMy'. Office / . ._ PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Charles Rosenberg & Ira Sachet P.O. 430756 S. Miami, Fla. 33143 2) Date 3-28-83 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 3) Phone number Resolution No. Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number H.E. Rhodus P.O. 256 Islamorada, Fla. 33036 5) Legal description of property: Section 28 KUpper Matecumbe ey Subdivision Bay Hammock Township 6 3 S Lot Block Range 37E Street, road or mile marker Volume of material: dredged/excava ted filled/deposited 266 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. 12, 7i~. landward ofM.H.W. c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: • DEPARTMENTAL CORREPf1N` CE DATE: March 31, 1983 SUBJECT: Charles Rosenberg and Ira Sochet:Proposed Boat Basin and Channel TO: William Russell, Acting Director DEPT: Building, Planning and Zoning FROM: Mark L. Robertson, Environ.Biol. DEPT: Planning and Zoning 7/77a4--"a A", LEGAL: Bay Hammock Subdivision, Section 28, Township 63S, Range 37E Upper Matecumbe Key ZONING:RU-1 (approved Major Development and approved subdivision plat) INTRODUCTION: This application, which proposes an excavation of greater than 100 cubic yards extending navigable waters, should be reviewed by the Board of County Commis- • sioners pursuant to Section 19-111(b) (4) of the County Code. DISCUSSION: The applicants propose to develop a boat basin of 0.60± acres landward of the mean high water (MHW) line requiring clearing and excavating of 12,743 c.y. of uplands. The proposal requires the excavation of 266 c.y. below MHW through mangrove wetlands and submerged lands to connect to an existing manmade channel into, Florida Bay. The proposed basin is part of the Bay Hammock Subdivision, which received Final Major Development approval from the Zoning Board on June 2, 1982. The sub- division plat was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on March 4, 1983. The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation and the U,S, Army Corps of Engineers have issued permits for this proposal (copies attached) . This basin proposal was previously reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners on November 29, 1982, but no .decision'was made and the proposal-:was returned to County staff for clarification of unresolved questions. My previous report, dated October 22, 1982, is attached. The basin plan has subsequently been revised so that it is not within the Shoreline Protection Zone established by Section 4-18 of the County Code. The shoreline mangroves on this site are a highly_ productive wetlands area. Although questions may still be raised con- cerning the effect of the basin on water quality, the Florida DER has issued a permit certifying that State water quality standards will be maintained. The new plans show a boat ramp, which was not part of the plan that received Major Development approval from the Zoning Board. The attached DER biological report discusses this project in greater detail. The higher acreages and volumes of fill in the DER report do not reflect the current proposal, which is a modification of the original plan. • Charles Rosenberg and Ira Sochet:Proposed Boat Basin and Channel Page 2 EVALUATION: The modification of the proposal, removing it from the Shoreline Protection Zone, will maintain a natural buffer landward of the shoreline mangroves, thereby promoting the long-term productivity of these wetlands. In order to provide baseline water quality data for future boat basin proposals, it is recommended that dissolved oxygen and flushing times be periodically monitored in this basin and transmitted to the County Planning Department. The boat ramp', which was not part of the approved Final Major Development Plans, may require review by the Zoning Board pursuant to Section 6-238(c) of the County Code. RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following conditions: 1) mangroves to be preserved outside channel areas; 2) reference markers for "Limits of Work" be placed before clearing and excavating; 3) periodic monitoring of dissolved oxygen and flushing times is recommended. Attachments: County Application Form Plans (2 sheets) Previous report dated October 22, 1982 (3 sheets) FDER report (5 sheets) FDER permit (2 sheets) ACOE permit (2 sheets) """~'","" E ---/~.H'--~~~-'~:\ ~~~:~.~- "'1) .,. \., I \,' '! I' \1''" ': ',~ !'i pHI 'I'I'J I .1'!; (VI 1.'('1' ':Ui,,';y' ~.f'..'..dl.t~\ ':'.{..\".". 1(\':..:lp. :"!r(1sr! (Y [:fl..: ,..!.!'~!'\r'(-[1'!\\1 .... T lr..l' I'. -TF ~......__.__ ._... I~~"_ .::'::-.-:--'~\L'I'l \.';I:S 1'1: "(~"JI(lr-TT"'~.2....._------- (ii'" .~.. (;\\neL 1,.:;"(' r, ,<Ii j ir:'~ a(l(lrc,:;s .' i 1':lt(' c;) P),on(' mrrnr-er Charles Rosenberg and Ira Sochet P.O. 430756 S. Hiami, Fl. 33143 3-28-83 ('nt1':lC: or or :!<':l'rlt's n:une, mallini: :,tldrcss, I I, plwflC r; Cl'rt i I. i c!t i (in flt ITnl'cr . H.E. Rhodus P.O. 256 Islamorada, Fl. 33036 - ~,. ----_. '(':.;:11 d('~cripti on of prOpt'rty: ;cction, 28 ,uh11srip, 63S F.,rngc, 17E (if acreage) Vey, Upper Matecumbe ~lIhljvision, Bay Hannnock Jot, Plock, onlng, Street, ,'r):Jd or mil" 1I':Ir):cr, 11c:~crihe the propose(l actjvity, methods of constructjon r~ ,unollnt of rnnteriCl1 (in cuhic YClrcs), to he exeav3ted or disc}'arged. Descrihe purpcse f, intcnded use of project. Boat Basin (As per attached plans) dredged /exclvatf'd fj~lerl/~er9sjted , I ume of I ('r i :IJ . 266 c.y. waten~'(lrd of ~'.!f.I'.r. 12 743 c . y. 1 :~l(1W;mr of p.!!.!". c.y. \Vat envarcl or ~'. f'. \". c.v. 1 an(~wm=rr ' o f' ~ f . " .1': . N:lIlle, ::lddrcss r = iI' cede ('f c1c1j oininl' pr0p('rty (lhl!Crs \.;hnsv prq1cny :Irr,.onts \vater \\'(JV. 1. Floyd C. Russell, Etux; Post Office Box 963, Islamorada, Fl. 33036 2. R.G. Warren Russell, Etux; Post Office Box 44, Islamorada, Fl. 33036 3. Monroe County; Monroe County Building Department, Public Services Building, Wing II, Stock Island, Key West, Fl; 33040 :!) J ist other permits issued and/or Jpplie(l for, ine 111de ;!f1n 1 icant 's naJ'w, ~(1r ths site: See enclosed ACOE,FDER and USCG permits b) If applicotioo }1c.5 neen sul:mittcd for this pro.ieet (or ope similar) in t1--e 1'(15t, explain re<lson for ne\v application ;md give ;1j~p1 icmt ':; n:U!1C i r \1i rfcrent from current applicant. N/A I ist all fe . tate agencles t at ave recel\'ec; app lCDt 1 ellS proJ ect . Florida Department of Environmental Regulation 111is complete applIcati on 01111 wi 11 le 3ccanpmlle( following, or it ,\'ill r-:rr he processed. , Two (2) sets of drawings, on 81:2 x 11 pClper, sno\ving loc]tion, plot p13n, tor view anel cross section of proposal, drawn to sC;:11e. ''PplicJtion precessing fee as folloh's: $75.00 for dredge, fil1, dcd:s Cl' any structures 3ffronting natura] water bodies. $30.00 for vertical sea\.;alls onman-mane rmjes or h':lter. $75.00 for any canbination of the ahove activities )ler site. ':1)11ication is hereh\' m:Jde for ;J pcnnit to ;Iutl'ori::c th' :ICt ivi! iv:; dc:;crihcd J'erein. T "rLfy t!~:1t I : Dr' fami1jar with the infonnation cc))ltainc(1 il' t)lis :l!'J'lieation, nnd to tl1e h'st ,: ITl;: kJ1O\vlcd~:e I; ]'c1ief sllcn infonnation is trllc, cnrllr']ctc :; :1CCllr:Jte. 1 !'urth:-r certify t1:(1t possess the ;Ililhurit;. to 1IIldC'l'Ll~C t)'e I'r<iposc,! :,,-: i\;1 ;~'.. .I'll prl)\'::. ;(~rL. ni' l:n.:s ;1Jl(1 rrdin3I1ecs govcrning ths t)11C' of h'Ork h'i11 he conJ11ic,! hitl, \,,)'ct1('r spec-ii-icel rercjn or not. 'r:mtjng of a pen:1it does not preSlu11t' to give ulIt1:orit;: to \.jo]:11c r cmcel th.' I~rovisjons Of iil" COllllty, st:1te or federal 1:11\. 1'C,\.:,'111:1t in:~ canst - ct i en or i'cr. n:;l"ce of c(lnstnlcti on cf ths \pe of Lie i 1 j t:: . , . ~-2!:-.Ytd_ ~_~_ _____~_ . ]'.'l1:ltllr:' ;t~~r'!'] 1''':Ult/;I:.~ent j-e e. jJ Ovt Cd u./ / f-/t O:frt' i I <IY1C~ / . Ct///"C4;% h_ I- e (I receipt :: ~ ~ cY.3 /-;:nc...~ "n'e 'I' 1Il,t>:lrtl11l'l1t 11se enl\) ---.----'-------.----------- ---_-4.- I';lte -------- \-rson accept ing :lpI'l ie;1t ion f! Dat (' :'l'prt)\'cd hy J's~~ 't. T)irector c():~ tor penn i 1 r,~t il'l:!t('C1 cost or COI's1TlICt j on '~'YF l:M~~Lbj~'~~)"/:.~'/.l~'/:~' ./~ ", T II IIII '1:- !I II' I,~il~ I Jilt. 1.\ .11 II (1;1 '111'\ I, i~!~ I '11I.1lli1/./1 ~f.:~ : 1:11111.~ Jt! \ ;1 ~ : I I ~~ I'~;: I' I olIO oil ' .~ I I r: II I f:~ \ 'i : I " I I II I' ~~ ! ; I I' .,,,, 1'111 ~~ \, II <z. I I I' I' I' , 1 . r 'I \ II ,; I I' I'll I III I I 1 -....-- 1.,1 t!''''' ~~'. j __ iJ!p' 1) r l> Z o '1 :u o o o o ^ to II , o E_ ac. JU II -.., 00 ~ .IJ ~(/) ., t Z !o ' . a " .. 0 I If CI'I , ~.. . ~ . " ~- -t .!. L.. a t 0_ z, 0 t a. 0 U 0 0111 ..t 0 .. zC ~ 0( ~ -4 oX 0 ilia iO III" 0 -.. .. t ~-4 ..c. a;V t C II G z milt -i ~ III , . 0( !! I' ' ! I III J 0 II - I . !! :: . 0 '. / / '. ~. .~ .. .... ........ 0. 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AT ,..... ~ '-.~ ~ L + , I I o " " .. ... .., i " t1 ,. ( /) ,. / .-...... :1 I / _Ii '~ ~ g .'11 I .:10 ~ - ~': I /r . ,(' 't.~.v/ /1 I "'-.. I "k........... '~ ...--...,.... i . S -~ - , 01 ~~ =:1 -421 ~ ......... ~.... ..... ......... -, .............. ---. "..'. @,\ ~ r1 \' ~x ~o ~l> ,< ~l> ~-I G- ,,0 ~z . 4 o l 1""'0 ~r '" ~l> ez I" ,. '" r .. "- " - - - l .. II ~~ rQ '\~~ ~ ~ ~mS!! !:~ ~ ~g ~;:o- -'O~ ~m" ~ >- ~8:g C:;:o --20 ' ""-I < :-~" \ ~ -< >- '~\\ ~g ~ , \'~ '~, ---., '-(\ ~ ' "'" ~ ''\. ~ 1 .. \ \ \ \ , \ \ '\ .. ~ . ... e' ~ ---..... ~. --.,-.', . 'a-a,. "'" ...... • n 0 Nl,Fl 0E Ai 1 P1._LNNINC, l<<1I1.!`1YC ;;�,;)�;(' nnFPAP11 'I:\:l' I'7:P'1 :t.PPIICA'1'f(': FOP .,1 )i.1i�;91r Y r`"_AV-VI'ION,. .TFIF PFPOS_IT OF P-I1.1,, PP STP1'C11'r'L� IT[PS IN Tl'F • __ • li,,', i�\'r r iP (Iv: ' -,,,,TT) • rN' 1• roperty owners name e! nailing address ' .- __ 2) -Pate 3) Phone number Charles Rosenberg and Ira Sochet' ' '` P.O. 430756 3-.28-83 S. Miami, Fl. 33143 Contractor or agent's name, mailing address , phone certification number. H.E. Rhodus - - P.O. 256 Islamorada, Fl. 33036 . legal description of property: - Section, 28 . . • Key, Upper Matecumbe Subdivision, Bay Hammock Township, 63S •� .Range, 37E -Lot, Block, (if acreage) - � - Street, road or mile marker, • Zoning, . • -) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction F, amount of material (in cubic yards) , to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose i; intended use of project. Boat Basin (As per attached plans) dredged/excavated filled/deposited afore of 266 :,c.y. 1:2,743. `c.y. c.y. c.y. ' Ia t erial. waterward landward waterward ]andwar�c. of M.H.W. of r".1!.l''. of P.P.W. of M.H.W. •.) Name, address F, zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. 1. Floyd C. Russell, Etux; Post Office Box 963, Islamorada, Fl. 33036 2.. R.G: Warren Russell, :Etux; Post Office.Box .44, Islamorada, Fl. 33036 3. 'Monroe County; Monroe County Building.Department, Public Services Building, Wing II, Stock Island, -Key West, Fl. 33040 a) List other permits issued and/or applied. for, include applicant's name, for this site: See enclosed ACOE,FDER and USCG permits' b) If application has been submitted for this Project (or one similar) in'the'past, explain reason for new- application and. give-applicant's name if different from current applicant. . N/A 7 Iist all Fe eral and State agencies that have received applications .:or t i.s projec Florida Department of Environmental Regulation - Department of the Army• Corps of Fngineers • This completed application form will be accompanied by. the following, or it will NCT be processed. . a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 81 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. )) Application processing fee as follows : . $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks CP. any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. • $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. • application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I .:ertify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best . ,af my' knowledge F, belief such information is true, complete FT accurate. - I further certify that possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions •of laws and trdinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. T1, ' ;ranting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate r cancel the provisions of ' :any county, state or federal law regulating const ction or per - manc.e of construction cf this :vpe of facility. • `oAlnat.ure F appl icant agent Pate or. Department Use C{tltir/ fe< /0G�- ( e�/`/-/z . �c f, /k` 5, .- . . • .F ! . el receipt II Approved by Ass 't. Director Person accepting application F, . Date Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction ' . I :. • • . • '''• • • • • • : .., . • .. • A L-IMIT5 . /. - 2 • i -4 ,• • -.-- • .)1•,---8. / .-- / ----_25-; i MZ i r- , -02-BIOLOGIST: APPROVAL 11/4/f3 •,....;z2F 0.,........„..„...•- .-3----1C :,/ „,. .. ,./_______io. , . /.. / r- ''' ''.Yr 4- ' ..:-/s . ,...• • . AS, PER MONROE COUNTY C DE . .. , . • .• ---. \./4.::..---___-_ --;•.••-• ------,..! 4,...,6,, .- ,,..a R. --. . •-•-• b , reviewo by LL.c. .-: • /0 e.... / . / :j, ------!-- vc. ' 0._ -------......_• // . . ..i: 1.."-.1 / 0 ..„.... ....:?..wramvEsii ,...:; • j ----j•‘Alk. -/coNc.77-24.- T tr.'.,.."` I i.7 . .1-..""rir..„:"Z.1., /............,...5„,...774M ' • : • 1 /t,' .- -• /... ' i • . -7.• • -‘,.... •\. / • • ! ..., ..„/ OA.' / '14. • '.." ' „,..is, Yr a - I • , .to.1149.. . : 1.• /. ..... 0. .I. .4= +1. r • ! . c AT-Ail: -4 • , . - / • r A /N, 'v.,. , 'B. ii -.1 /,' ;\;.C....+4?-‘7-. --",', . '.•1 \----1 /r• . / a / - '•..4:I. '/6? . 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O.0 c.AL -I275-r 1_,I.A.117.5.6-6( STILIP•---." - -. r:ra.E,Tca Fa.mvcarT 7Lair.r0P.P. ..„......-12., 1...oaq p [-Are t....-rmil."--..- *.) • . - 1' 2' 5' . 4' .1.- e.-. ‘• . . .. .L........,_ 7' • .- • a' • !•I . . 'S.. -..., ••.,,,m-...., -....., a "••• A4.-------. Ai. et: rd . u . '. . . _ .. • .. : . - .. • BOAT BASIN LAYOUT _: I.• I%ID.C.46.,XS aeou"LEV P E.M.A4.4.1u_1+4-r oF r F_amuc„s_ IN_A.o. owl ?A'. (111111 1)1111111h 1.1 =2 0' 0.5-1-Er.s_ ao17.• . - . . `....,. 2'5 C O.. DO....I.44 I+4+Rs,T. FOR- MAC...Oa.-non IN:/OP.i...k••TraN- ' _,. ' . . ale-ft r OCR_ To P.IL.rt...OOP C.O.IL- FE12.•4 •- IR 4"FS .2- s rm G.r.e./...-rt08.19 •.SO'- - . . • ,, ' .1"E ToMS On•MoTTO A4 . Q a ST=MA 1.101.8. A-La. won. 5 t..M..:!-E CT To .../ ' - '• . . - ' . . • .• _. MOO Goa GoaraTT IZ.sit.....5 LuD 4...GGI.....710.15 FOR- f. a VISO 100 C.Y. 1. . . . - • ?.......4 41.7v2 WALK . . . - - . - . ' . ' •-A 114-e... - Lo.L....* May . • . . .. - . . . ' .. . . •- . . . ,,r-, ___.• ItLe......11."-ltorrway . : - - - -- - . '1::' —— ----...,---r--------------------,-----_ __._ ______ .. ...,,_-- BAY HAMMOCK COMMUNITY . ,.... _ _a-•-\— ! • . . • • - MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA • z..4. —— ,_: _ . _____ __ • 1 -3 .,. _ _, s, _in. • . uoTS.D ......... ....,...;yo .---,.--. . . • - --..-. . . I 000 •F-1..D-R• .........., N.r----7--.......--rac .osr•z....:.z. --.... . _ . - .• ' JOSE M. MUXO JR. . ,. . • ____________.___...._ „4-,---:-___ --- 4._4... CONSULTING ENGINEER 2313-3135, . ... 4 ' ••••••••••••....- =:- (. FEEC•AET 2r2Ca SE4.7-.0N - 9720 S. W. 195 STREET ...: 82-81-BBI , •Ic•••b- 1-0.:(•,seT ler ;_ave,.... • MIAMI. FLORIDA 33157- . ' . •.... . ____--...._ .PLAN OF A C. DOCK I/2" = It-0 • , ... .. . .., . • - -• _ -- / ... Pi -/ / / --------1 --- -1') y ..:._s_x•s-r,..:G C. 1,70 s..11Z...-", 1 I . : I - ../ • .....-- / / /I . . 1 A_., / , 1 in4 K_BIQLOGIST: APPROVAL cf94-9 - .,.. ,?.......,....,..: , , j i m i • .0,..,..:-..,• -•••••:::.- • , .......fArf„. r I:. i AS PER MONROE COUNTY C DE /- / / I r • , • , ...--- so' .• -•• I /1 • izz. / e rie.view-eer kv Ac.a • .' - is:1'.V11,,,,i... . , / • . . f i ,. -- • . ..„......, ,,,, .4 ,/ .4..,,,,,... .... 7-E5 1 , 1. I ..... / • ./\ .1 . 4 4 4..•• /.. • I . , 1/ .- AI. . • . ...,i ... .. . . ....t..„, 't -!,/ ••• -. . / • - :Ze ;/ • / - •.' . • 4,• // „....---<:< .. ,' •11, / // 10P_II:" .. C .• / : / II , , . ,C?. ,'/ Ve ...• r . / . I ,C, -C• ./.., / . A a /// ,—. ..1„... / • , .• - ,- 4 35'41 z , 4 / .I iij t.4 on / • • - - i 4. I 7' i , ,., ., . .4, // i- / . . 9.E.FS• r....;ce vrs-f. e . / • • o - 6 !/ , t ' ' ;fp / ...., -.11/ _ / •• 5.• ./ . • -‘,1";;S.„'Afo. , 4'i2',' / ' i • / • _::1-‘• It •. ;0-1, .• ' ; . .51' ',..11.• ter..G' 4.7. 5.., Ice," ay g7/ - • . ' _._. ., • . -..._.,• 1 1.2 — .11222.2_vA--18E7- P.R.M. ..6 .........„.......,...............„..................s. . a eter tse v-w -4 -, . .NN......\......,........................./2i . I OFFSET' f . / // P., „./. ; 1 El 8 S• 57'W ,/ ,'''' ! I. / S / IFT) I f • ill - ry --,,./ ......" .. 15. -1L---1--Tve . - ---:4--------J':--- ,.----riimur We ."' :.---: • . .....O.S1 .........-C Pe.e..1 i --- .,‘ J . • / . ....- • - - • Zw,iitratt-ii 1110.11011111i1 ILIII.4.,}1.ryf ...... ...4.1l1.111111,1111•1 -, / • t: • 111 7.°1.1,_ .• ••.....• .t --,..- /‘ - / / /-....--------/.- —...•••.••..---‘.... - ..--:i:., -• . _ ., / • , •/ . 1. I ' / ...•-• • :,.. .• ,2.s•x •--_-t I i , ....."....... y• ••••111012 1 aysiNtigaivpitillii,,,iL li lll 1:riii rptj 1 .111.11111..111,..Ili a 1111......!...511.111 lerilli1)1( -- , 1cil.111 . , 75 I 1 ...-•'1' . . ,.; • 11 .- ( 'N 8 B.Ise s"r•E • 952 1 i - 1. s lk.... SET Ft RM. " - • • -"‘..„..0 • OFFSET EXCAVATION . PLAN I" = 201' - ._. - . tk. .c4,v ES 71201PG, 6-C, e-Le.vA.-7 I c7s4. 1-11,41e.S. P...12 -1.1C1-.P12.1211 IA Z.-Te-11-7 - -- . .. • . • . • • • . • . • .. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . ., - . . - .. . • . , . . . - . ' -....-- . 4---- . BAY HAMMOCK COMMUNITY 28 SEC - ,— - --.' Av--_ --- ---,.--- _... • ;GOV.LOT I, . .TWP. 830.ROE.37E - . — . FLORIDA • --- - _ •-- I MO N R OE COUNTY, 1 •••••••••• Li L11C0 - M17 ..P.0-:—-----.--7--- -- -. - -. - ._ _-• . .... .- .-.---.--------—---_— 1..M., ......... . I mem 2,-2 JD-I.• . - awns . . __—--- ..--..—---- ._ . -- _____ --... . . • Jose M. MUXO J R. - . • _____ . . ..., CONSULTING ENGINEER 238-3135 • . ............... 9720 S.W. 185 STREET • ' - SEOTION . - 82-8FEIB2 _ MIAMI, FLORIDA 33157 • HORIZONTAL SCALE 1"=20' • . - VERTICAL SCALE 1"= 10' . . - . - . .-.. . . . . . . . , • - • . - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: October 22, 1982 SUBJECT: Tra 4nrhPt and rh leG RoSPnhPr a c3T g Prnnn� Rcat Basin_ and Road Constructio TO: Alar1 T,Pssler, Djrect2ix _DEPT: Building, Planning and Zoning FROM: 101\1-4". Ma'CX L. Robertson, Environ. Biol. DEPT: Planning and Zoning LEGAL: Section 28, Township 63S, Range 37E, Upper Matecumbe Key Zoning: RU-1 (Major Development) INTRODUCTION: This permit application, proposing an extension of navigable waters, is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-111(b) (4) of the County Code. • DISCUSSION: The applicants propose to excavate a boat basin of 0.60 acres landward of the mean high water (MHW) line, requiring the excavation of 5,200 cubic yards of uplands. The proposal will require the excavation of 133 c.y. through mangrove wetlands and submerged bay bottom to connect the boat basin to Florida Bay. -The excavated material (5,333 c.y.) would be used for roadways 'on the adjacent uplands. The basin and roads are part of the Bay Hammock Major Development, an RU-1 subdivision that received Final Major Development Approval from the Zoning Board on June 2, 1982. The proposed Bay Hammock subdivision plat has not yet been approved by the Board of County Commissioners, as required by Chapter 17 of the County Code. The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation and the Army Corps of Engineers have issued permits for this proposal (copies attached) . Two aspects of this proposal deserve special consideration: i 1. Violation of the Shoreline Protection Zone Established by Monroe County Code. The basin reviewed by the Zoning Board (see attached copy of development plan) is within the Shoreline Protection Zone established by the Monroe County Code (Sec. 4-18) . The Shoreline Protection Zone extends fifty (50) feet upland from the landward edge of the shoreline mangroves. The proposed basin, along its northwest edge, extends 41± feet into this Zone. Boat basins are not a use that is permitted within the Shoreline Protection Zone (Sec. 4-19, Monroe County Code) . • Ira Sochet and Charles Rosenberg:Proposed Boat Basin and Road Construction Page 2 2. Water Quality. The proposed basin may alter water circulation along this shoreline by creating a dead- end pocket where the accumulation of debris and pollutants can lead to poor water quality. The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan states: "Any project which may produce changes in circulation patterns will be approved only after sufficient hydrographic in- formation is available to allow an ac- curate evaluation of the possible impacts of the project." (Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element, page 36) The applicants have not performed any hydrographic studies examining circulation patterns or flushing in the proposed basin. Florida Bay has a very small tidal prism; therefore, tidal flushing of the proposed basin may not be adequate to maintain water quality. Concerns about water quality have prompted me to measure dissolved oxygen in two boat basins similar to the proposed basin, and in the canal to which it will con- nect (water quality data attached to this report) . Water with low dissolved oxygen can kill fishes and other marine animals. The data indicate that water quality may be a problem in the proposed basin. On several occasions dissolved oxygen in the canal to which the proposed basin would connect was slightly below State standards. Both boat basins were permitted by DER, the canal predates DER reg- ulations. The attached DER biological report addresses other aspects of this proposal. The higher acreages and volumes of fill in the DER report do not reflect the current proposal, which is a modification of the original plan. EVALUATION: 1. Shoreline Protection Zone. The location of the proposed boat basin within the Shoreline Protection Zone established by Sec. 4-18 is not a permitable use within this zone (Sec. 4-19) . The construction of the proposed basin within 10± feet of the shoreline mangroves would eliminate the natural buffer upland from these trees. This violation of the Shoreline Protection Zone could adversely affect the productivity and health of these mangroves. Ira Sochi Charles Rosenberg:Proposed Boat Basin and Roaa"'Construction Page 3 2. Water Quality. The data collected by me in similar DER- permitted basins indicate that water quality in the proposed boat basin may not meet State standards. This emphasizes the need for a hydrographic study of water circulation patterns as required by the County's Comprehensive Plan. 3. Road Construction. Until the plat is reviewed and approved by the Board of County Commissioners, no clearing or filling of roads in the subdivision should be permitted. RECOMMENDATION: Disapproval. A more favorable review may be possible if the proposed basin is removed from the Shoreline Protection Zone and a hydrographic study by the applicant shows water quality will be maintained. Read: E %w /D oy e_� Robert Dennis / Attachments: County Application Form Plans (4 sheets) DER Report (5 sheets) DER Permit ( 2 sheets) COE Permit (2 sheets) Water Quality Data (3 sheets) ARTLALNT: CIF FNVIRorat,ENT Are ..T >> Lr,Tio?`T P. -F:1II'I'' h[.y'I?LICA'i'i01J t PPP I�.�i File No :44 i0:306-5E County 1,on'ro .. Date . 8/1.5/80. . Applicant Name : Sachet and :oser?berg ' �:3r'.ress l'0 Iiov 403756 , _Sci ith :�I] ern] FL =;1 'i Aag:nt ..(;lf :aUulicahle) TyfP 11 3:ci�ha: L , l.c� ,7C:c,Io;>y Inc .'' dress Whitehead St Key .Uesr. , - _ � t3S T ., 37E OGd�'10�'2 O` P'rC�]E C;��.: .St?C+�i'-,•� ( ? `�� _ Town sfli Zc7'nCiL i Secti.on ( - ) 7'ol i:shit, i?ange Local Reference : Island- Christian Sc1 ool Church , Russel Lane N , tr,r Body •: Florida Bay .. - .- _ .. ,vatcr. Classification Of Project, Area :; III •' Adjacent Waters ., III �.iat = Pr'eserve • No, but 'opposite' Lvc' rglcide National Park Waters'. Jutstarr'ing. ';'1orida Waters : :rho •C! .;:'smote" ins.pcct_o:, b� . •Richard F. r)urn�-is Date o{ . Insp, et��z 8�14/. Or .gi-1 �. ^rl�ca� i oi1 . "es r.;c ' Revi red Application : Yes No. X )ate :: of 2nd .Insp. . BiOlOgiCa1 r'ci Water Q 1C , 1 tv -sse .sr. . :t. \ .Dc_,sc]"iptiori of Proposed project and Construction l r'. al�. ,c . Qu_ntlfy Iea of project. 'wn ch e`:t+endS into W.tf:'"S C' the state :ii iu!3 J G the submerge lanes 'of' thosi aLers -_ ona1 ;c'r .land)-- a cc= - ncc i:n Se - ;o 17 -.i r; > . ti • Sec_ion. 17-4 . 28 Florida . t'di i ri stic.ta.ve ical features cf ao'-1 ral ai"t.,=: -, �1 ..me .S concerning .tt. .t. 01 (le oo 1t_nf_ .off rI'1'?17�iit!T �T L' i `i ' s 'lS: tit • L t '" L"mil_ 7a: t ni st;:rical `acts about t: t: ui't_. C Pio:)hyslcal features of s7Dcc..fic Title and ication ;sr:t '.i)irl `'' _er and ael'r' - �1avant 1]l�'•:OJ :LC:�1] i c't.: about 7-1:1 1). .'otential 13n•']?r-+' o :pro- i=C'- on .i nl- -•r' - ., _. Solj,r.`c: an water i1 � nt:c . lc Ct. - _ i s i:icG: G_at iMpact rod" 11 aspect• q-±-. •.. ne L1"LJ&ct' . I _ �. SuL-1,,.jesticas , . - .. . _ i 1 ` , for ~Cd1r] Cat] OlS that _,,8` -( ^LC=. :n].ninll.:i: (, 791 - • • • SO ,HET & ROSEN BERG 144-30306-5E Monroe County Islamcn ada Page Two • A. Applicant proposes to create a 0 . 95 acre upland boat basin and create an access canal/channel of 80 ' x 50' x -5 ' through upland - . and wetlands' into an existing canal/channel . Applicant further proposes to enhance circulation in the boat basin by installing a 3 ' x 20 ' x -2 ' MEW Calvert at the northwest corner of basin into adjacent mangrove fringe . • As the suhstr. atum appears to be (from 'the exposed sides of nearby existing canal) solid rock , the sides and bottom of basin may be _ . relatively smooth , consequently applicant proposes to place rip- rap around the 15 .boat capacity basin at bas ., of walls . • • Applicant wants basin to furnish boat mooring for r:Isidr nts of • proposed upland devel opmen•. _. Ii • - Most of the previous development to the northeast along the man- grove fringe/shore of Upper Matccombe Key has been S . F . R ' s . . 'Southwest of this site a 50 ' x 150 ' boar basin exists . The shoreline southeast , , beyond the basin , is _ serrated with private break aters , docks and hit slips . Yaterward of the proposed access channel and boat basin , an eStabl.i sh d black and red mangrove fringe exists , up to 600' wide . In the area of the -,-•rc-posed circulation channel , this fri-r,s;e is • approxir:.a.tely 300 ' wide . • The upland , to the east of 'the proposed basin is ve, etatcd with ' Keys hammock Species , including , b-et not limited 1 o , gumbo limbo , poison.wood , cacti , stoppers , brazil i an pepper and mahogany. - SeSuVium so , Salicornia :gip , Bor:-ichia sp and to the south exter- Ive -Tawn grass are spresent j acen.. to the access channel site . - T,;e owner of the adjacent property has evidently extended .ts 1 awn onto the applicant 's lands and has used this area also as repository for lobster carcasses and trapping debris , as well as installing and using a boat ramp where, the access channel -Is • proposed . The access channel is proposed t:o be cut mostly through the under- - - e lying upland rock prevalent in this area . A triangii1.^.r area approximately 80 ' lonc:, and 50' on the wide Side will be dredged through: wet] anus . Five mature red and black. mangroves and a dozen smaller Avicennia germ ;_naes and Rhi.z.ophora manti;.ie are in this area , as 1_s an abandoned boat 4 elc Dr) mu or:ier d(_Dris . Sediment 7 s a few inehe ck over the roar: ] .� er }:al.,, S; ` -.r r_ r �i ., , �.- and epiphyt-ic algae cover this sediment 1. :• _: . The ,erect of the propce:,.,I upland basin i., t.o': :: . 1 _ eec •_aced with 11 , i;iT"c: Iia::'.11';o;:k ::hPr: i (.•:. • SOCNET & RQSENBFRr_, P44-3030E-5E Monroe County - Islamorada Page Three The area of the proposed circulation cul7ert is transitional zone and terminates in a mature black/re:; mangrove. fringe ap,:roximately 300' wide . D. The impact of this proposed project will be the destruction of approximately 0 . 2 acres- of wetlands and transition zone with the accompanying loss of associated vegetation . The basin will , in the proposed configuration, collect debris and _ organic detritus in the interior corners , causing degradation - of water quality. As most boats will be motorized, petroleum residue will collect in this enclosed area. The circulation culvert will encourage the introduction of nutrient- ladened waters from the mangrove fringe into the enclosed basin . • • SOCHET & ROSENBERG q 44-30306-5E Monroe County - Islamorada Page Four E. Under the provisions of Chapter 403 F. S . and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 F.A.C. , recommend this application be denied. If the circulation and flushing within this boat basin can be improved , the project would have less adverse impact and more favorably appraised . R1 IA1ll P. D HAS , ENV. SPEC . II Date : Au i t 22 , 19SO Read : ;72 5-2( ("0 � N DOE RFD/dvo For F-ovtin;-1•o Dlortict Oti:xt L�aie of Ftorict• And/Or Yo , T o rddr .— • DEPARTMENT OF ENMENTAL REGULATION To: Loom . • To: Lain.: INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Loctn.:_ From: Data: TO : Philip A. Barbaccia FRO:": Richard F. Dumas0(2 DATE : September 3 , 1980 SUBJECT: Monroe County, File No. 44-30306-5E Sachet & Rosenberg KeyCology submitted plans for a redesigned basin (8/29/80) on which the basin corners are replaced with curves , reducing the areas of debris accumulation and enhancing circulation within basin. Although the revised plans still include the circulation culvert , I wish to defer judgement on this to a person qualified to determine whether the proposed increase in circulation will outweigh the introduction of nutrients from the adjacent mangrove fringe. Therefore , based on the redesign of the basin solely, I withdraw my original objections . RFD/dvo cc : Lynn Kephart • • i(5 F+iv 7r76 • ipi ENvlaoncy�tir�\ BOB GRAHAM 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD '— � :11 GOVERNOR PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 l � JACOB D.VARN x JA�l ��! SECRETARY ,if OF FLOC-. - STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE • APPLICANT: Sochett & Rosenberg PERMIT/CERTIFICATION c/o Lynn Kephart Na 44-30306-5E ' - . 414 Simonton St. Key West, Florida 33040 COUNTY: Monroe • PROJECT: Private .Boat • Basin This • • permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 253 & 403. , Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17-3 & 1 /-4 , Florida Administrative Code. The above named applicant, hereinafter called Permittee, is hereby authorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown on the approved drawing(s), plans, dccuments, and specifications attached hereto and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: to excavate approximately 5200 cubic yards - landward of MHW for a . 60 acre boat basin accomadating 30 pleasure craft; to dredge approximately 133 cubic yards waterward of MHW for a proposed 80 ' X 30 ' X -5 ' MSL access channel connecting the basin to Florida Bay (Class III Waters) , in Section 28 , Township 63 South, Range 37 East, Monroe County. • PAGE 1 OF 3 DEA FORM 17.1.122163) 1/4 (1/801 -• -••. .,;.,•,:,.:1,.7 ..-.•••. •-...,":•--' • , .... -•. • , ..--m-i'"'"'"`"" "Fr- - . , ..._ , . ,, . . 1 v• -••••,-,p ..,,,,t, •C i • .- Zr --• •44 -4.7,-'4.,;V 4.'.fin•i,..'i::••-b;"-ri-•••••••k....„.4.-.„714 4., .... .. .1111 _...___....ww............-'. - ••:. ‘•'::1;-••.•L. -;.•;-:7.--,•.••••••,',1.-,;.,-,• _ :-!.. . , ,.. ---- --• .--...----...-. ---..___. ....— T.a......„,..........".".......'. 4 •' ' ' . •• '-.- ,.-' 4' •- --• -•- : '•-•-•,1;;;-•.•-•-..,'• ‘.'`..,;.•••,'?I'•'-'. 1.:-''';fkn'!•-••7• '--;t:q.rr•-.. 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F 823-0228 _ • • ul Applicant SOCHET AND ROSENBERG • APR 2 0 19S-21 • Effective Date • .; Expiration Date (If applicable) APR 20 1985 • • • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY • PERMIT • 20 March 1980 Referring to written request dated for a permit to: (x) Perform work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States,upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers,pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C.403); • .( ) Discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States upon the issuance of a permit from the Secretary of the Army •acting through the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (86 Stat.816,P.L.92-500); ( ) Transport dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters upon the issuance of a permit from the Secretary of the Army acting through the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1052;P.L.92-532); • Messrs, Sochet and Rosenberg P.O. Box 430756 - South Miami , Florida 33134 • • is hereby authorized by the Secretary of the Army: to excavate a .6 acre basin and connect to Florida Bay with a 80-foot by 30-foot by -5-foot (m.s.1 .) access channel (133 cubic yards excavation below mean high water). • • .in ' Florida Bay • at Section 28, Township 63 South, Range 37 East, Monroe County, Islamorada, Florida . ' • • in accordance with the plans and drawings attached'hereto which are inr, rporated in and made a part of this permit (on drawings:give .file number or other definite identification marks.) three sheets labelled "82J-0228," dated February 1982 • • • su'gect to the following conditions: - I. General Conditions: • - a. That all activities identified and authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit;and that any activities not specifically identified and authorized herein shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit which may result in the modification, suspension or revocation of this permit, in whole or in part, as set forth more specifically in General Conditions I or k hereto, and in the institution of such legal proceedings as the United States Government may consider appropriate, whether or not this permit has been previously modified,suspended or revoked in whole or in part. I'( ENG FORM 1721 EDITION OF 1 APR 74 IS OBSOLETE. (ER 1145-2-303) JUL 77 11! i.� 1 yr(1(v. l c:l 'rl 1',t)SSC I I ) Nei t: )7 11— t\. J 1� ( ).;i:t_;l (' ) il � U�, " f�l �rCz7[.)� j_�- - [�'�) • ..1_� . 7 "V t• N 0 5. o 1.. A. , • . • T • . . .• .9 ,. 5 ...< •, , . . . . . . • . •,. . ..- ,-- - ---' 0 0 s ,• , 1- • '3 . 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