Resolution 124-1983 y � e • RE$OCUZi N N . 124 -1983 WHERE , the BOARD OF mum COMMWIONER$ OF m(O ROE C®UNtg; FLORIDA, has receiveh an application from Joseph Picariello , ana 3))HERE $, in compliance with State Statute, it is neeessarji as part of the permitting procebure to reaei the following Biological Assessment into the Recori as follows: The applicant wishes to protect his commercial property from erosion. The goal will be accomplished by building a seawall along the waterward edge of an existing shoreline dock. The seawall will measure 50 ft. long. Boulder riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall on a 1 to 1 slop, coming up to an elevation of one ft. below mean high water (MLW) . Approximately 10 cu. yds . of riprap will be used for this purpose. An area of wetlands landward of the seawall will be partially backfilled. Approximately 20 yd. 3 of fill will be required to backfill the seawall (the applicant ' s estimate of 200 yd. 3 appears to be high) . With the exception of the riprap the project .is now complete. The seawall was constructed by pouring_ concrete-.into 'forms constructed around and in alignment with the concrete piles on an existing dock. The area landward of the seawall was only partially backfilled such that a 3 to 4 ft. wide gap exists between the seawall and the approximate mean high water (MHWY line. No description -.of how the riprap will be placed was supplied with the application; nor was any • description of how water quality will be maintained during construction supplied. The availability of upland supply routes suggest that they will be utilized exclusively. The project site is located on the Coco Plum Beach Causeway, which connects Coco Plum Beach to Fat Deer Key. The causeway crosses Bonefish Bay, a natural predominantly shallow body of water, which • is 'designated as Class III waters (Chapters 17-3. 081 and 17-3 .161, Florida Administrative Code) . The land is approximately 100 ft. deep on either side of the right • of way. Development in the area consists of a patchwork of • commercial 'and residential development, with commercial fishing the most common. The applicant' s property is located on the west side of the causeway. Bordering the property to the north is' a lot which is used as an equipment (boats, trucks, etc. ) storage and workyard. To the south, is an. undeveloped lot which has re- cently been cleared, including most of a formerly lush stand of wetland trees along the shoreline. The shoreline of most of this side of the causeway is vegetated by a 20± ft. wide fringe of lush mangrove trees. Bonefish bay has been altered by a series of dredge and fill projects over the years to the point that it is difficult to determine what its natural condition was. On April 7, 1981, permit number 44-39397-5E was issued to Mr. James H.. Fenhoff, Jr . On July 6 , 1982, the permit was transferred from Mr. Fenhoff to Mr. Joseph. Picariello. The permit authorizes the construction of a 60± ft. long by _15± ft. access channel and a 10 ft. by 30 ft, shoreline dock: The access channel was supposed to. border on. the dock for 24 ft. of its length with a preserved section Of mangrove wetlands bordering the southern end of the dock (copies of . biological report,'_and permit attached) . s Resolution N � • Pi6ariello, Jo sep April 14,• 1983 Page Two • • A 50 ft. by 9 ft. parallel to shore dock has been built at the project site and the entire area waterward of it has been dredged out. As indicated by the present application, a seawall was also' built. The Department is presently pursuing . this unauthorized' activity and permit violations through standard enforcement procedures. The applicant ' s property consists of a 60 ft. wide by 100± ft. deep lot. A chain link fence encloses the lot. The area _. within the fence is used as a commercial fishing work and storage. yard with lobster trap building equipment, storage sheds, and traps, etc. kept there. Much of the- area is un- vegetated ground with a few Australian pines and pioneer grasses being the primary vegetation. .The entire area is apparently filled bay bottom with the substrate consisting of crushed rock at an elevation estimated to be 4ft. MSL.' Running along the outside of the fence on the west side of , the project site is a 50 ft. by 9 ft. shoreline dock. The dock is pile supported and built out of concrete. The dock - extends from the southern property line to 10 ft. south of the northern .property line. A 'small 4 ft. ± MSL deep channel runs from the north end of the dock to the south. The. channel borders the entire length of the dock. At the waterward edge of the dock is the concrete seawall for which authorization is being sought here. Before construe tion of the seawall, the channel extended under the dock a short distance. Since the seawall has not been backfilled there is a large gap under the dock between it and the edge of the fill. The floor of the channel consists of fine unvegetated sediments . There is a moderate accumulation of sunken wrack in the channel . The most noticeable type of fauna . in . the - channel consists of the upside down jellyfish (Cassiopeia xamachana) . . For a description of the site prior to the recent construction work, see the attached biological reports from files #44-39397-5E • and #440553035 . Construction related activities have and will result in elevated levels of dissolved organic compounds, turbidity . and particulate organic compounds in the waters, at and near the project site . Proper use of turbidity .curtains should be able to control_ these impacts within acceptable levels. Once completed, the project will stabilize the shoreline area and probably result in a long term reduction of .turbidity and related pollutants at the project site. Construction of the seawall, dock and access channel has resulted in the destruction of a 50 ft. by 10 ft. area of . shoreline wetlands. Twenty-six (26) ft. of the . length of this wetland area consists of areas which were specifically designated as areas to be preserved as:a condition of permit number 44-39397-5E. With the loss of the wetlands is also the loss of there functions of habitat,' pollution filtration, primary production, secondary production and shoreline stabi lization. The dredging of the access channel has resulted in the creation of a stagnant .pocket. The area of the channel tends to accumulate • detritus which sinks to the channel bottom and decays . It is expected that the accumulation 'of .putrescent. material on the channel floor will prevent the area from ever reestablishing a healthy biological assemblage. • Rdssladon Nor llillik • _ • F,Picariello, Joseph April 14, 1983 Page Three BE It REWPED pg ZRE BOARD OF COMM COMMIMONER$ OF mown coung, PURIM, that the abave Binlagical Assessment has been reab into the recarb and bulg ransiZtereb pursuant tn Flariba Statute 253.124 bg the Baarb nf Cnuntg Cummissianers Manrne Cauntg, Flarina, this 29th hat a April , 19 83 at a regularly schebulea meeting. BOARD OF COMM COMMIMONEU OF MONROE COMMf-FORIDA BU (LI-0 Okit,i'4-4=7.4, 1/, /iniapr) :39/7 ( EAL) rev/ I , A W”7 Attest: PA.111 wilgo.1 —A_Nr P"Anie .0 0 'C . 1440 '714-‘361-14 (Clerk) itrier C. Prabg, Cauntg Attarneg APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. BY Attorney's Office , � • �'BOARD Olc COUNTY COMM RS - — d' .`,h I-_ r __... OFFICE OF: Wtlhelmina Harvey, District 1 _� -_,. Director Curt Blair, District2 tix , ' it.:: Building, Planning amMayor Protem Jerry Hernandez,Jr., District 3 ' i. Zoning MAYOR George E. Dolezal,:District 4 r! °.._! 'r ( _ P.O.BOX Room 205 Wing Ken Sorensen, District 5 , � {r''I ,0} ,, ._ . Public Service Buildi] ` s ,,N-"' ` `I _ Z , -: � 5825 Jr. College Rd. S :� _;,F'.. OUNTY O MONROE -, Key West , Florida .� -� - ,.- *! e 33043-4399 �� KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 yr (305) 294-4641 Lucien C.; Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street . . Key West ,; Florida 33040 r f • I , the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and informatijo.n is complete in the package of the applicant as follows : Certificate of Complete Enclosures I/ 1 . County Biologist Report • 2. Resolution (JOSEPH PICARIELLO) • 3. Permit 4 . Application for Permit (AFTER-THE-FACT RIP RAP & 1/ SEAWALL) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map - 7. DER Assessment • f/ Date i -e O_ BY • r:f;ii0--) AFF1 ,_ > ' • ,COUNTY Pi i 1 is • MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 1983 TO: William R. Russell, Acting Director FROM: dy Ho to , Biologist SUBJECT: Josep Picariello, Rip-rap, After he-fact seawall LEGAL Township 66 South, Range 33 East, Section 4, Coco Plum Beach Sub- division, Block 2, Lot 22 , Fat Deer Key, Monroe County, Florida Zoned BU-2 The applicant requests an after-the-fact permit for seawall that was placed at the base of an existing dock and was . backfilled with crushed coral rock. Also, the applicant wishes to place rip-rap boulders at the base of the seawall (below the mean high water) . Both activities are proposed for erosion prevention and the rip-rap is also for habitat establishment. Monroe County issued a permit to Mr.. Joseph Picariello on July 13, = 1982 for the construction of a dock. Attention was brought to the County by the Department of Environmental Regulation and the Army Corps . of Engineers that Mr . Picariello' s structure was a deviation from the permits issued; however, a review of the file found that the permit that was issued by the County was for a "dock" and was void of dimensions and specifications. Details of the completed work are accurately described in the attached D.E.R. bio-report; however, any adverse environmental impacts placed on this area have already occurred during construction and the presence of this structure does not appear to actively contribute to degradation of the area. Moreover, the removal of this structure and restoration of the shoreline would in itself have an immediate disturbance and comparative environmental impacts (restoration vs . retention) over a long period of time would probably be insignificant. e- William Russelillmirting Director Joseph PicarieZZ'C, Rip-rap, After-the-fact seawall March 16, 1983 Page Two Although the dredged basin that lies in front of the structure will collect detrital material and water quality may be presently sub- standard, properly placed rip-rap may aid in improving water quality. Invertebrates and fishes can colonize within the rip-rap, thereby resulting in an increase of biomass turning over available nutrients throughout the water column. Based on the above, it is recommended that an after-the-fact permit be granted and that the placement of rip-rap at the base of this dock and seawall be approved. AH:cm Attachments q_. S p��jco • � PLANNING, BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT MONROE ��¢`'�2�.•4e PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY h Picariello 9-01-83 Joseph • Resolution No. 11455-3rd Ave. Ocean 3)Phone number Marathon, Fla. , 33.050 743-6964 Date: 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number Self 5)Legal description of property: Section 4 Key Fat Deer Subdivision Coco Plum Beach Township 66 South Lot 22 Block 2 Range 33 East Street, road or mile marker Coco Plum Drive Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited 50 c.y. c.y. c.y. 50 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: BU-2 • PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: It is recommended that an after-the-fact permit be granted and that the placement of rip-rap at the base of this dock and seawall be approved. • • William R. Russell , Acting Dir. Planning, Building and Zoning s . , ' ~es� ` l) iiatC, • • c-1O 5 'e.�oh , i�{a ri e //� 1 7... �� 7/ a 3.305"Q . 1.0 pee.,." ling address , prone & certification number . 4) Contractor or ascot ' n a::c , mailing Je/f . 5) Legal description of property : ! Subdivision, - 1 � Key ,• L-.: /_.. r- Section, _ J. -1 ? Block, Township , , ' •S • ,. Lot , —' �� Street , road or mile marker , Range, . �• � �=--� � � f' . (if acreage) (; �)/ 1.� ��--r.- (Jv . Zoning, G) Describe the proposed activity , methods o` constrtctiom & amount of material r be excavated or disc ars;ed . Describe purpose &, intendec (in cubic yards) , to / do c/ a used£ project . Tt2 <`. G,�L S' �' 7' 30 .: /. �U �. / •r P J/� �✓ 1 ry 1�/ t-/r- / j. (0 !J Lam. ci C;,r 7'r)v" /0 C:/v( ;.1 `G-- iJ,ti /G.1l:t.:l'1 n -0-6 isiw TES 1u fr�`Q 1iS. /1 r� (..LcC�i^'CC�fed/ filled/de C ^.Vc.y posited j'k- r C . 1 �`' C . V volume of material: .ti :'' c • Y• c ` " W. L--- .;`;? ri 1 F"c75. r1_ "i�` a -:' . fi .ja oc :� . :: . � . � , ,_ op r,. affron zip code of adjo:.iog property owners whose property tY • 7) Name , acidxes� & � water way. �.'.�P ill e - -( e �':, '<- //;`1--,- /1-r�. A -/ licant ' s g a) List other permits _issues and/or, applied /�r .include app name, this site �J t,/:J,�'•. �i ie' f ( u r air �� " j' A,/ f. 0 f r4 e 4 i- --7. . . • . ! .�- for this project (or one similar) in t 1 b) If. application has been sub.,.. � ..eG past , explain reason for new application and give applicant ' s name if different from current applicant . • n State agencies that have received applications for t • "J List all Federal .and d � �•r. / `' . -• a. n / .l 1 J L 1': 4 i., in Y .., pro j ect . � Y'. �-;" This com?acted application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will \ • NOT Be processed. �� • • paper, location,'plot plan, top view a) Two (2) sets of drawings , on x 1showing and cross section of proposal., drawn to scale. • b) Application processing fee as follows:1 .- $� fill, docks O? any structures affronting natural water bodies. �5.00 for dredge, r $l0.•0'0 for vertical seawalls. on man-made bodies o£ water. the above activities per site. $7_S .00 for any combination of made for a permit to 'authorize the activities described herein. Ice- ify t as h�rcby information contained in this application, and . o _� ' � I certify tht�I am familiar with the & accurate.. •belief such information is true, complete . to the best of my knowledge �< • to u•�dert'!{e the proposed activities.I further certify that I possess the authority be cti lied with"-. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work willP �:..� of permit does not presume to give fhereinThe a whether speci.�icu or not• �- � � ��zte or federal law the pro•;is ions o:: a p.y county, .. {t}• .violate or cancel ' ' r• ,s `., e of „•icility., authority tO ..�-r.•..r �qrl Q th C resukating. cengtx�aEt�.c:n or parpQ,�cr,^:�ca c:. co,,,, v,, ,,. � i �� :r_ a-11 L c. . i./ c ,u.,L Jo_U / o / 71 ,��, <or Department Use Only/�'/ 3 72 1 r,L 6 receipt-. if Approved by t\ssl.t . 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Fla. 33050 x � Jones Holland CONTRACTOR__• PHONE MAILING ADDRESS 2001 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 WORK DESCRIPTION : DOC:k • REMARKS 0®� '° Del'1T2.1.0 9-9 31 ESTIMATED VALUE '' 4 9 5OJ.00 ; DES L coe7;k. .31 j-U2 Y( • PERMIT CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED ON STREET SIDE BUILDING FEE �75.00 OF LOT IN PERMANENT, SUBSTANTIAL MANNER, AND •s IN A CONSPICUOUS, SHELTERED LOCATION, ACCESS- PLUMBING FEE " •• ;IBLE TO THE INSPECTOR. PERMIT MUST REMAIN DIS PLAYED UNTIL AFTER FINAL INSPECTIONS.ONE COPY _ • OF APPROVED PLANS, BEARING BUILDING DEPART- ELECTRICAL FEE MENT STAMPS,MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB SITE,AVAIL- ABLE TO THE INSPECTORS AT THE TIME OF ALL IN- SPECTIONS. ..." TOTAL FEE !;)-lb S.0O THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF - ISSUANCE OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING NINETY (90) DAYS. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY LOCAL, _ STATE OR FEDERAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. THIS -.. PERMIT IS NON-TRANSFERABLE, NON-MARKETABLE AND NON-ASSIGNABLE AND ANY ATTEMPTED TRANS- . FER, SALE OR ASSIGNMENT OF SAID PERMIT SHALL RESULT IN THE AUTOMATIC REVOCATION OF SAID PER- MIT. ' 1:r :" HOWARD JOHNSON • SIGNATURE OF OWNER,CONTRACTOR OR AUTHOR- IZED AGENT BUILDING OFFICIAL G' • "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' BY LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING `.t� 8460 IMPROVEMENTS". V . PERMIT . ORIGINAL-BUILDING PERMIT GREEN-ASSESSOR'S COPY CANARY-OFFICE COPY PINK-INSPECTOR'S COPY GOLD-OWNER'S COPY STATE OF FLORIDA rem I247/8 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA - �s""�O"►+Eti, GRAHAM BRANCH OFFICE (S6GOBi VERNOR 11400 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY s VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SUITES 219.224 a — SECRETARY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 \\�f OF ROW- Certified Certified Mail No. P 282 559 288 December 3 , 1982 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Joseph Picariello 1455 3 Avenue, Ocean Marathon, Florida 33050 Re: Unauthorized construction of a seawall and compliance with Permit No. 44-39397-5E. The site of the unauthorized activities is Lot 22, Block 2, Coco Plum Beach subdivision, Monroe County, Florida. Dear Mr. Picarielle: Available information indicates that you arc a party responsible for the above activity, either as a property owner, or person performing or causing the performance of this ;work which violates the following: Chapter 253 . 123 , Florida Statutes (F. S. ) - Restrictions on filling land and dredging. Chapter 403 . 087 (6) (b) , Florida Statutes: The Department may revoke a permit which has been violated. Chapter 17-4 . 10 (3) (b) , Florida Administrative Code: A permit may be revoked if its conditions have been violated. Chapter 17-4 . 28 (2) (e) , Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C. ) - Dredging and/or filling activities requires a permit before being undertaken. You are hereby requested to immediately cease and desist from unauthorized activities which are under the Department ' s juris- diction. Failure to do so may subject you to the imposition of civil and criminal penalties as provided in Sections 253. 04 , 253 . 124 (5) (a) and 403 . 161, Florida Statutes. Continued. . . Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life • • ' • Mr. Joseph Picariello Page Two Dec. 3 , 1982 The Department considers this to be a serious matter and therefore requests you to submit a plan for the restoration of the effected area. The plan shall include removal of the seawall and restoration of the contours and elevations to their pre-seawall condition.. The plan shall be submitted by December 14 , 1982 and carried out to the Department' s satisfaction by January 5, 1983 . Please be advised that Monroe County and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may also have jurisdiction over these activities. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated and although it does not release you from responsibility for the above actions, it will be considered relative to the Department ' s future actions with regard to this case. - Inquiries pertaining to the contents of this notice should be directed to this writer at the letterhead address or call (305) 743-5955. Sincerel , '72 David Bishof Environmental Specialist Enforcement DEB/dvo cc: Langley Adair, DER Gary Stephens, Atty. , DER Curtis Kruer, ACOE s Andy Hooten, Biologist, Monroe Cnty. v - BOARD;OF COUNTY COMI�JERS __ ";` • i,y r . E OF: :Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 _- _. '=`--`•y Andy Hooten Curt Blair, District 2 1.,r; ........1. -, Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez,Jr., District 3 f,.:_, ;;rney r..;:;v, ;;i: . Planning and Zoning Dept MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 ' a':_', -1s A ry,E.r aij 3103 Overseas Highway Ken Sorensen, District 5 }f '' = 1 ^ tz 44i Marathon, Fla. 33050 QYa6ur OUNTY 0 MONR '�y4+Uta. ,< KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 r +A (305) 294 4G41 :v.t: •.... ,e CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED NUMBER 739257 December 16,1982 Mr. Joseph Picariello 1455 3 Avenue, Ocean Marathon, Florida 33050 Re: Non-permitted construction of a seawall . Specific location: Lot 22, Block 2, Coco Plum Beach Subdivision, Monroe County, Florida. Dear Mr. Picariello: Available information indicates that you are a party responsible for this non-permitted activity,. either as a property owner, or persons per- forming or causing the performance of this activity. The construction of this seawall is in violation of Monroe County Code. Chapter 19-101(a) states that : "No covered or uncovered boat docks, boathouses or boat lifts or seawalls shall be constructed within Monroe County, Florida without a permit." Our records show that you were permitted to construct a dock at the above location on July 13, 1982; however, a seawall was not a condition on the permit. You are hereby requested to CEASE and DESIST from any further violations of County Law on this site. Furthermore, you are requested to contact the Building Department within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this letter. _ Also, there appears to be an electrical violation on this site. Please be advised that failure to comply with this request may result in court action. If you have any questions, you may contact me at the above address or call me at (305) 743-9451, 7439452, or 743-5405. 411 Mr. Joseph Picariello December 16,1982 Page Two Sincerel , Andy Hooten Enviornmental iol gist cc: Mr. Dumont D. Sterling, Assistant Building Official Mr. Larry Gray, Violations Inspector File o l agdrtV1 7610 i s>�,� 37,�1 1 n/3'a4477dd (V(7 OP mod'No1itee O N fi✓ 3/P (;p... .�r 2122 377?,/_ 7 f/N 0/1 fj/y O N°>115'70.0 fit / ,aQ ?lfZZ._ ;"' S �! i���7 ....._._:.._.._......_... 3'c7 ' e/ 0%1 ci,If�1 ON ljv f177f/�S e /yea '75' 2/a/ Q si plc:/d oN S% /6.1 gt,6/21 76//a'=116iGI/ a// b f/ �l�✓1.1 73/d rR%3J5 0 t'// 7/7 oQ . Nam/O Oo"), ' G, ,p y► 3.cy 0416.1 /7:74/ v's/Z(v S G'7 P 2/4Yg/S 3/f'J J 0 giPdw 3/f/! S .d e»lJa'3:14// ,7 a &L awn 1 ' ,1 — �� fib' p��1�� �� �a wny .s3,7 3/1z/j . .. d/ iv,6>1 as s a.! ..3✓79 p/v4 56/ / '9 6.'Zs" 3r.2'a/vap yiv1 r/ a.g77t/: s/vJ 'c"d a��l tY717 �� o�� QP,`, .- s t',1'7 a's� ._ /. / /2/ 51/21,l ,s7r/b-1sN v3/6/ ab'j/ lA,7/7 /1la'a7gs pi''a! S'3'7,b c/•3', x W7dt7 Q 2 p a/Y .SFi'/171./ ./Y ors///(79(5" 1. ( 70'aJ OJ z _z 127'flQ r'c7:LSN 7 i'Pui .s1t17 �vo�1� dSiN/ n'd 'Z8 Q 2/ /yQ • • < . '-11111" ,,, December 23 , =82 David Dt.shof Department of Environmental Reulat on 11400 Overseas Inghway Suites 219 224 Marathon, Florida 33050 Dear Mr. Bishof : In response to your letter of December 3 regarding construc- tion of a seawall_ at my property on Coco Plum, I offer the following explanation and proposal : After construction of the permitted doc%, I attempted to add fill material to the uplands . Due to the poor so- l cond_t'.ons , the suhsoll began migrating toward the water. . It appeared that this m .gration would cons`.nue and I had to do something rd J to stop it. The solution was to form onup totae"l aty fforaan after and pour concrete. It '"s my ; the-fact permit for this acti.v' ty 147.th-n a few days Rather then restoration to pre "ex~_stL.ng cond' tons , I propose to add rip rap at the toe as a mitigation measure Your con_ sideratton of this proposal is appreciated Sincerely, Joseph Picar _ello 1455 3 Avenue, Ocean Marathon, Florida 33050 CC Curtis Krwer Andy Hooten' r . - Dec . 27 , . (305) 743-6964 Joseph Picariello �-' � 1982 ' 11455 Third Avenue Ocean - Marathon, FL 33050 --- - ;. ��� ,1, in 1 a� actor or agent's name, mailing c:z' ..: v (�v, ►Y 0 .r2.1 description of property: • , • �, Coco Plum S:��c.iviS Cn, Coco PJ um Bccch- 7,tion, 4 �y ' ISC,�p' -- --- io' 22 . _ ".cc'., . 2 E `, (if acreage) .-_�<e,. Causeway . road or mile • • . Coco Plum Bch. .,.in", second lot north of bridE,e,_west _s„ide of,�road .... _ --------------- rl activity, d of coast uc' o.'_' .. - material ��`�CriJe the propose aC�1Vl , mC�i'?O S �� `'-- .. - ..�. . cubic yards) , oJbe excavated or discharged. Describe A._.r e. is .n dec'. use Place vertical concrete seawall at .waterward row of piles efexisting dock; backfill with crushed coral rock fill . Project is to prevent f . fill into dredged area waterward of dock. Rip rap is to be placed at toe' • of seawall to provide erosion protection and habitat for sealife. ^r dredged/exc vated . (-1 — ---- c.y. 10 •v • 200 C.V. - m,n of waterward• c•y• landward. ;�c:',er ':, ,,. _:;.. ;,,�_.- . r;alf a•t T_T•j� or_ a< Of .-..'.. �_`..... — ' ^n `,l'( •1(nr�' ^r rr C'�•C water i`�^.V a^.e address c zip code of edj cining nro2ort 1 ownou5 - -\' af` v' Ed Neff Glenn Hewlett 419 Harwood Avenue 717 96 Street Ocean Satellite •Beach , FL 32937 Marathon, FL 33050 ,/ .r_ 1..�;e ..-,..,•^.:C.,�.t'S ,,�.mn for tniS S-lte. other permits issued and/or applied for inc.] 3..:7•Li - List Prior permit issued to James Fenloffpfor cotnstructionwas feof dock and dredging of access channel to doe applicant who is the present owner. • • t this ec� (or one -s ilar) - .he t, If has Been 5�:�^1t�eC1. for '�:Ol - - application ,"^j ..� y �'_ 'g T`"`^e �r different lr(1^`' y,�rreT?-h e +lain reason for new application and. give ap_l= a: - _, - app li c an t. • • .ist all Federal-and State •agencies t;'_at nave receivea a-n_I.icatiC ?S or t.^is "':.•c�eCi.. U.S . Army , Corps 'of Engineers State of Florida , 'Department of Environmental Regulation This completed application ic-=, r,\-i i i be. acC0mpan iec- p,; the willbe processed_ following, or 7.:. :�;CZ' • _:� 8 x 11 p� er sho�4ing location plot pl tf'n vie:' ma ~�O (2) sets of drawings; on i G7 _ • --.. - .. -:ross section of proposal, drawn to scale. • \-Tnlication processing fee as follows : affront �• 1 water bodies. 77 5.00 for dredge, fill, decks CP. any str.:ctures ing __ ��l 13`1.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. - �., 5.00 for any combination of the above activities per site . eactivities described ^rein. ' ;cation is hereby made for a permit to autboriz the i�_ti s __ I with r im P contained in this anplica ion, and•, tf1 the best ._-.�v that I am familiar the ir. o� atic co a- r ,,. ,-, that � true, !'�,",^^min `� rv.. n'-,� .l-guy. ly+r certify -n\ 1 g ° belief such information is �rL - accurate.'�o�d edge u - .. s ... laws ^ undertake the Droposed•ac activities. c.n7i`; o-, a ossess the authority to ` _ - _ •:- „tc_��-�^ci:`ied ,c,-c-:n cr(no` . �. yyn,c/+e - will? r I.iod wi.. ^ - I:W'll..e5 governing this type of .:'or, ,ram y hec ,._ :,,- le nr`c...Y':c^�, tl,,, • --,.�,-,.s_ ,�:,c „r „'-�nR nr a permit does not pros,�^e �o g --�county, state or federal law ?e� „ralJi " :oast .ctr. . or _ -.. y-. c,G t, _r' r^ . . _. CY of .� ty. , facility..i ( __1 9/?7/R2 ronartrnef_` Use ( ;wv/ . ----- - n o L Ot :� 32s/ dG • �^ . 111111 2� f-ii. tlx.._-`'- 1 NOTE : NkW.WORK CONSISTS OF 1:1 j`1,, " . t ' 3 BULKHEAD AT WA'LERWARD PILL ROW :: 5 ��' -1 z N. ` .'r AND FILL-AFTER TH E FACT- PLUS ��`_ a RIP RAP AT TOE -FUTURE ,oQ.�� • . ef\�t pad t 4tv ;,' Ilt... tl ,‘1 P r°r . ,c, SITES • 1 i ,o //_,,, ,,,L „,.......,,oc„R ,,iN ToutR MHW = pROFILE �l+G VIL '. A SCALE (FT.) / / o i 1 3 ¢ S ' -4w ex I5T 501To S' S 3 .i=�. E II - — i. t O PLANoi SCALE (FT.) . _ - :7_, t 0 z it/II A: c le .., �I. .._.^. .c....... i - Joi it /oo' 4 APPLICATION FOR JOSEPH PICARIELLO I2.27-8 2 .:IV 1:1ViY.LCIA'>C q l%:%LLGL J6...44 i•..........--... _ - - C t u i� i `l activities. .A...i...i-_•^•\ -_ J.L'. . . _........,_.� r..4 »..s ss the authority to'-under �F� _ e �~rroscc:. ,s :� _.-.. 1.�- .� ,. - i„ •_ _ _ ..- ...., .. ..n.. r..n r-0.C-n�; .n..n-n ^v �n�. • I = •• DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No. : 440643225 County: Monroe Date : 2-3-83 Applicant Name: Joseph Picariello Address : 11455 3 Avenue, Ocean, Marathon, Florida 33050 Agent (if applicable) : Address : Location of project: Section (s) 4 Township 66S Range 33E Section (s) Township Range Local Reference : Coco Plum Beach Causeway Water Body: Bonefish Bay (Atlantic Ocean) Water Classification of Project Area : III Adjacent Waters : III Aquatic Preserve : None Outstanding Florida Waters : None On site inspection by: David Bishof 1-25-8 3 Date of Inspection: 1-31-83 Original Application: Yes_z No Revised Application: Yes No Date : Date of 2nd Insp. • Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state . (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code . B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) • 'PICARIELLO., _PEI #440643225 Monroe County - Coco .Plum Beach Page Two A. The applicant wishes to protect his commercial property from erosion. The goal will be accomplished by building a seawall along the waterward edge of an existing shoreline dock. • The seawall will measure 59 ft . long. Boulder riprap will be placed at ' the toe of the seawall on a 1 to 1 slope, coming up to an elevation of one ft. below mean low water (MLW) . Approximately 10 cu. yds. of riprap will . be used for this purpose. An area of wetlands landward of the seawall will be partially backfilled . Approximately 20 yd . of fill will be required tc backfill the seawall (the applicant ' s estimate of 200 yd. appears to be high) . • With the exception of the riprap the project is now complete. The seawall was constructed by pouring concrete into forms constructed around and in alignment with the concrete piles on an existing dock. The area landward of the seawall was only partially backfilled such that a 3 to 4 ft. wide gap exists between the seawall and the approximate mean high water (MHW) line. No description. of how the riprap will be placed was supplied with the application, nor was any description of how water quality will be maintained during construction supplied. The availability of upland supply routes -suggest that they will be utilized exclusively. • B. The project .site is located on the Coco Plum Beach Causeway, which connects Coco Plum Beach to Fat DeeriKey. The causeway crosses Bonefish Bay, a natural predominantly shallow body of water, which is designated as Class III waters (Chapters 17-3 . 081 and 17-3 . 161 , Florida Administrative Code). . The land is approximately .100 ft. deep on either side of the right of way. Development in the area consists of a patchwork of commercial and residential development, with commercial fishing the most common. • • The applicant ' s property is located on the west side of the causeway. Bordering the property to the north is a lot which is used as an equipment (boats, trucks, etc . ) storage and workyard . To the south is an undeveloped lot which has re- cently been cleared , including most of a formerly lush stand of wetland trees along the shoreline. The shoreline of most of this side- of the causeway is vegetated by a 20+ ft . wide fringe of lush mangrove trees.. Bonefish bay has been altered by a series of dredge and fill projects over the years to the point that it is difficult to determine what its natural • condition was. i PICARIELLO, JOSEPH #440643225 Monroe County - Coco Plum Beach Page Three On April 7 , 1981, permit number 44-39397-5E was issued to Mr. James H. Fenhoff, Jr. On July 6, 1982 , the permit was transferred from Mr. Fenhoff to Mr. Joseph Picariello. The permit authorizes the construction of a 60+ ft. long by 15+ ft. access channel and a 10 ft. by 30 ft. shoreline dock. The access channel was supposed to border on the dock for 24 ft. of its length with a preserved section of mangrove wetlands bordering the southern end of the dock (copies of biological report and permit attached) . pn April 29, 1982, the applicant applied for a permit to build a seawall along the project site shoreline. The application was withdrawn on October 22, 1982. (Copies of the application and biological report are attached) . A 50 ft. by 9 ft. parallel to shore dock has been built at the project site and the entire area waterward of it has been dredged out. As indicated by the present application, a seawall was also built. The Department is presently pursuing this unauthorized activity and permit violations through standard enforcement procedures . C. The applicant ' s property consists of a 60 ,ft. wide by 100+ ft. deep lot. A chain link fence encloses the lot. The area within the fence is used as a commercial fishing work and storage yard with lobster trap building equipment, storage sheds, and traps, etc. kept there. Much of the area is un- vegetated ground with a few Australian pines and pioneer grasses being the primary vegetation. The entire area is apparently filled bay bottom with the substrate consisting of crushed rock at an elevation estimated to be 4 ft. MSL. Running along the outside of the fence on the west side of the project site is a 50 ft. by 9 ft. shoreline dock. The dock is pile supported and built out of concrete. The dock extends from the southern property line to 10 ft. south of the 'northern property line. A small 4 ft.+ MSL deep channel runs from the north end of the dock to the south. The channel borders the entire length of the dock. At the waterward edge of the dock is the concrete seawall for which authorization is being sought here. Before construc- tion of the seawall, the channel extended under the dock a short distance. Since the seawall has not been backfilled there is a large gap under the dock between it and the edge of the fill . • PICARIELLO, JOSEPH #440643225 Monroe County —Coco Plum Beach Page Four The floor of the channel consists of fine unvegetated sediments. There is a moderate accumulation of sunken wrack in the. channel. The most noticeable type of fauna in the channel consists of the upside down jellyfish (Cassiopeia xamachana) . For a description of the site prior to the recent construc- tion work, see the attached biological reports from files- #44-39397-5E and #440553035. D. Construction related activities have and will result in elevated levels of dissolved organic compounds, turbidity and particulate organic compounds in the waters at and near the project site. Proper use of turbidity curtains should be able to control these impacts within acceptable levels . Once completed, the project will stabilize the shoreline area and probably result in a long term reduction of turbidity and related pollutants at the project site. Construction of the seawall, dock and access channel has resulted in the destruction of a 50 ft. by 10 ft. area of shoreline wetlands. Twenty-six (26) ft. of the length of this wetland area consists of areas which were specifically designated as areas to be preserved as a. condition of permit number 44-39397-5E. With the loss of the wetlands is also the loss of there functions of habitat, pollution filtration, primary production, secondary production and shoreline stabi- lization. The dredging of the access channel has resulted in the creation of a stagnant pocket. The area of the channel tends to - accumulate detritus which sinks to the channel bottom and decays. It is expected that the accumulation of putrescent material on the channel floor will prevent the area from ever reestablishing a healthy biological assemblage. PICARIELLO, JOSEPH #440643225 Monroe County - Coco Plum Beach Page Five E. Under the provisions of Chapters 253. 123 , 403 . 087 , 403 . 141 and 403 . 161 , Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3. 051 (1) (a,b,c) , 17-3. 121 (7 ,14 , 28) , 17-4 . 03 , 17-4 . 10, and 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code, I recommend this application be denied Departmental permitting authorization. The project would receive a favorable recommendation if it incorporated the following modifications: Remove the northern 20 ft. of the dock and seawall and reestablish the preconstruction contours and grades in this area, including the channel . Once the original grade is recreated, the shoreline should be replanted with suitable wetland plants . See the attached plans for details of this modification. • DAVID ISHOF, E . SPEC . DATE : Feb u ry , 1983 READ : RICHARD J. HELBL DEB/dvo Enclosures