Resolution 039-1983 J S 0 J J RESOLUTION NO . 039 -1983 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE DIVISION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES, STATE OF FLORIDA, AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE CURB VESSEL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows : That the Mayor and Chairman of the 'Board of County Commissioners ' of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorizdd to execute an Authorization Document by and between the Division of Surplus Pro- perty, Department of General Services, State of Florida, and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, regarding the CURB vessel. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of February, A.D . 1983 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By .-- 40 541(244..---.47., ,,ffe_ , A 67 Mayo /Chairman `/ (Seal) Attest : 1 f, DT1 pi® VIE, LEY@.id ON (7•41440/4) ... i( • . Clerk • APPROVED,p�s TO FORM AUTHO R ZATION DOCUMENT • known as . the Division of Surplus WHEREAS , the Florida State Agency. Property,' Department of General Services , by authority of the . Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 as amended; makes available federal surplus personal property to public agencies for public purposes , and to nonprofit tax-exempt health and educa- i tional institutions, and • Board of County Commissioners iimplps t Monroe County ,° hereafter referred •to _ (Applicant Organization) as the applicant, is desirous of utilizing the services and resources of this Agency, and • WHEREAS, the. Applicant further certifies that property is • needed and will be used by the recipient for carrying out or promoting for the residents of a given political area one or . • more public purposes and for' no other purposes , and WHEREAS , the Applicant further certifies that property, is needed - and •will be used by the. recipient for educational or health purposes including research and for no other purpose, and WHEREAS , the Applicant agrees that all items of property shall be placed in use for the purposes for which acquired within one. year of receipt and shall be continued in use for such purposes • for one year from the date the property was placed in use, and in the event the property is not so placed in use, or continued in use , the donee shall immediately .notify the State agency, and return said Property to the State agency as directed, and 1 • iI • WHEREAS , the Applicant further' agrees to abide by. all additional periods of restriction placed on property by the` State Agency, . . assl that is, 18 months on all passenger er motor vehicles and other. items ` . , of property with a unit acquisition cost of $3 ,001) or more, except for such items of major equipment on which the State agency desig- nates a further period of restriction as indicated on the distri- bution document, and • • WHEREAS , the Applicant further agrees that during the period of. restriction, it will not sell, trade, lease, lend, bail, encumber, or otherwise dispose of such property without prior approval of the General Services Administration or the State agency, and in the event property is.so .disposed of without prior approval of the the Applicant ' General Services Administration or the State agency, pP will be liable for the fair market value or the fair rental value of such property as determined by the General Services Administra- tion or the State Agency, and WHEREAS , the Applicant further agrees to remit promptly to the State • agency for all fees assessed on all property acquired for service and handling expenses , • THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that. the Applicant requests_ that eligibility be established to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program, and -11111 • ' • Board of County Commiebioners of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Monroe Col_ (Applicant: Organization) certify hereby q-sitgAtiA;tgi,sc that he has read and understands the above. (Date) (Signature) (Address & Zip) Monroe County Board of CopntiCommissione • (A.gency) (Telephone) Persons authorized to• sign for and receive property and cont the expenditure of funds: Jerry Hernandez, Jr. , Mayor of County Commissioners (Print) • (Print) (Print) (Print) PREPARED BY Lucien Proby, County Attorney Please print PHONE # 305/294-4641 x 470, 472 _ _ SURVEY OF PROPERTY NEEDS., RESOURCES • 7 - AND UTILIZATION CAPABILITIES • •• The State Agency for Federal Property Assistance, to more equitably . serve the needs of all participants, requests the below .informat On and • _ stipulates that the data submitted will be used only for the ,purpose of facilitating the fair and equitable distribution of property ;and for no other purpose....- Public Law 94-519 , October 17, 1976, amends t`lie`,Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 and mandates that the State Agency will provide for fair andiequitable distribution .of' propertY • • within the State based upon relative needs, resources and ability to utilize available personal surplus .property. This survey will be used to make those determinations. Your cooperation in supplying the requested data will be appreciated. I. General Data .• A. Type of agency: ' ' • Public Agency Private Nonprofit_ Institution I : x 11 I- ' 1 •:. B. Resources Available: . • . 1.• Funding' source - • I' Tax appropriated funds I x I Federal or State Grant I . . 1 . Tuition or charges for service 7 Donations or contributions • 2. Statement of relative financial ability (budget. limitations, inability to purchase from commercial sources, extraordinary economic problems, . etc. ): The County 'government in cooperation .wth •a local group of concerned citizens are attempting to build .a series of artificial fishing reefs without ..tax support. The local group (FKARA) has collected approximately $1000 in do- nations. The county and the FKARA have obtained a small grant from the State Dept. of Natural Resources. ' $12000 remain uncommittee. Reef building with • appropriate material and construction practices is heavy, expensive work! Note; Other factors may be considered in the distribution of available • property .such as , per capita income of residents of area, assessed • property values, economic ranking, and other data as published in the Statistical Report of the Department of Revenue and other similar report • C. Population served: Approximately 65000 County residents, Approximately ' tourists D. Capability for repair and maintenance of property: . ' N/A - to be sunk . E. Ability to utilize requested property ( statement o; utilization potential, ' ongoing need, temporary need, reserve backup, etc') : ' very able, needed now • f f • • TrTOT31p•SuT'LzT�aep. . , 1 I uo-przTur3ag..algT$TT3• ., asaQ r, zaTmarp uommoo Lq• ATzoazTp dT4S La aouao uoTongT=ls'FP • Low B, zQ do-sloTd +,7 Lotm2r BuTPToti TEsapa; zQ .dn-vioTd ;oazTQC:D . . suoTzonzsul tuTodTIls 'III • - • • • • • • . i - BuzpTznq ;aaz.T .T3'IJ'tlaX zoo xuns aq usa �au� aTgpasnun `�?TTa�ap `pTo sTassan Taals a.2zaT • magi (asocznd) uo.proT3Izsnr anTzrazeN uo-pdTzosaQ . . . • •L2aadozd • ;o smazT pazTTuTuads I I . st;ao:puE ;soTuoz oaTa ;o; smaFv,zocQia :zuamdTnba uoTzonpozdaz !sauauod - co puE ssalndmoo :zuauidTnba dogs :z dp ba osE�uamdTnba .oT �uanba os uoTzrza2Tasas ':3uaadTnba BuTsuTad ;:suauidTnba-'oTgdra o4d :szuauoduico put sTooz auTgoEa; ;:szuamnz4suT TuDTsnm :szo.ssazdmoo :szo1raa082 suauodmot• puE zuamdTnba SuTTPuEu TET;a1Em !sTETzalr? uoToonz2•suo0 4nEaq :s;uauodmco pue. ;uamdTnba uoT ?nssuoo . ;°suauodmao PuEouosngn`sEzt�onsdsza�uao sTassan :s:,uauodmao puE;;z;EzPzTe oz p. zTT zo Eui asEo u .noTzngTzsTP•;Koua2r a•tiz •uT .miclir E�'-? PTTEsauaB lou smavT. F TP I I i' MI ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC AGENCIES FEDERAL SURPLUS ,PROPERTY UTILIZATION PROGRAM i Legal Name. of Applicant Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Address 310 Fleming Street, Key West, Florida Zip 33040 County Monroe Area Code 305r ' Telephonal .4641 ext. 16D. 410 or . Date Agency began Operation• 1. Check type of. Agency: (See definitions on reverse,, side) i a. .Conservation f. State Agency ____ . CountyGovt. b. Economic Development --�;i- g. ____ • h. City Government - c. Parks & Recreation.' ---- . group, band, d. Public Safety ---- i. Indian tribe, g p� e. Museum -- Pueblo (State. Reser---_- Reser- vation only) j . Other . ---- - 2. Atts.ch .a narrative which describes the program and services ottaered red. Also attach evidence that. the applicant is a public agency. 3. How is the activity funded: (Show percentages) a. Tax-supported (other than by grant) • b. By grant and/or contributions approx. 95% grant, 5% contributions c.. Other ,(specify}' T . 4. Attach completed Assurance, of Compliance with GSA Regulations under Title VI *of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 , as amended, and Section 504 of. the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , as amended. attached 5. Attach an Authorization Document completed by the Governing Board or .Body designating one or more representatives to act for the • applicant acquiring property from the State Agency, to commit the expenditure of funds , and toexecute the State Agency's invoice/ issue sheet, including Terms , Conditions , Reservations , and Re- strictions that the State Agency or GSA may- establish on the property. kiq f� -� � SIGNED: � W /I2fs� DATE: J 7�� b, r TITLE: / / - ;2 ' V •G . • FOR STATE AGENCY USE . 1 Date Approved: ;; Date Disapproved: Conditional Eligibility ' . Director: . I . ' - Defi-nit . . . 1. q2122.tion: \_Means a program or - programs carried wit. . by. a public agency for public:purpOses •involving Aly or in- directly the protection, •maintenance , developmten ,TAMIrestoration • of the natural resources Of a given political area , These resources . include but are not limited tccthe elr, land, fores;ts , water , rivers , • . streams , lakes and ponds minerals , • and animals , fish, and other ftL_ j°_, . . 2. Economic Develo ment: - Means a .program or prograMs carried out .or promoted by a public agency for public purposes which involve directly or indirectly effort to improve the opport:unities of a given political area, for the. uccessful establishment or expansion ',- of industrial , commercial , or• agricultural plantS or facilities and which otherwise assist in the creation - of long .term. employment opportunities in the area or .primarilY benefit the unemployed or . - those with low incomes. ! 3. Parks anclf._9_E-2-P-----ti(3n: •Meansa program or programs carried out 379161.7176ted by a public agency for public purposes which involve directly or. .indirectly the acquisition, development , improvement, maintenance , •and protection of park . and recreational facilities for the residents of a given. political area. Such fecilitie includebut are not limited to parks , playgrounds and athletic fields , swimming pools , golf courses , nature facilities , and nature . . . , • trails . Safet 1 . 4. 1212],ELLy: Means a program. Or. programs Carried out or promoted a public agency for public purposes .involVipg , directly or in- 11 directly , the protection , safety , law enforcentent activities , and • 1 . criminal justiCe system of a given political area. Public safety programs may, include but are not limited to those carried out by 11 public police departtSf sheriffs' offices , the courts , penal and correctional institutions including. jUvenile facilities , State ...i. , and civil defense otganizations , and fire departments and rescue squads including volunteer fire departments and rescue squads . - supported in Wholeor- in part with publiC funds . 1 . ' • 5. 11.1.2...sfril: Means a public or nonprofit facility which is attended by the public free or at a nominal charge and which provides museum LI • . services inCluding the preservation and exhibition of artistic , Cultural , historical or scientific objects. it: • . . 6 . State , Count and Cit Governmental. Acencies: Surplus personal. =.t,'- • property acquired through the. State Agency must be used by the i ' -. public agency to carry out or to promote for the residents of a ,„. .. . given political area one or more public purposes. While the Act lists certain specific public purposes such as conservation, r . economic development , education, parks and recreation , public sa. this enumeration is not. exclusive and is not intended to preclud the acquisitiOn of donable surplus personal property by a public . agency for . other public purposes. - Each public program is conduc - designated departments , agencies , or they instrumentalities of the State and/or local governments. 7 . Indian Tribe , Band, .Gtou , Pueblo , or Community : May be certif: -..; . - . . for participation in the Federal Surplus Property Donation grog . • . only if located on .a State Reservation.- . . • - . . 1 1 . •. ' .. ,' ' I . , i 1 . . . 1 - . . . . . . . . • , . . . i . ' . • . • • • - - • • . . ---.:..-,:...a, • I . ,. 1 . • • . . .. BOARD'OF COUNTY COMM RS Wilhelmina Harvey, District — , � _. Curt Blair, District 2 n„�, h'jorida Cooperative Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez,Jr., District 3 = Extension Service MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 „:„.„ •° • P.O.BOX 2545 Ken Sorensen, District 5 k ; AYR , t' ;po • . tilt a . OUNTY IDMONROE Off° c KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 t,EY (305) 294 4641 V'p • RE: Statement in Regard to item #2 for.'the "Eligibility Application for Public Agencies" The Monroe County Board of Commissioners and the Florida Keys Artificial Reef Association entered into the enclosed agreement for the purpose of artificial reef-building activity in the Florida Keys. We use whatever material is appropriate to this function and all activities are undertaken with appropriate federal and state permits and biological review. Mayor County Commission; Nondiscrimination Assurance Assurance to _be executed by authorized representative of donee activity . prior to receiving donations of surplus personal property from the State • Surplus Property Agency on and after October 17, 1977. I Assurance of Corpliance•with GSA . Regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of. 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property and • Administrative Services Act of 1949, - as • .amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation • Act of 1973, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, and Section 303 of the Age Discrimination, Act of 1975. • Board of County Commissioners . of Monroe County , hereinafter called the "donee," hereby (Name of donee) ; agrees that the program for or in connection with which any property is donated to the donee will be conducted in compliance with, and the donee • will comply with .and will require any other person' (any legal entity) / • who through contractual or other arrangements with the donee is authorized to provide services or benefits under said program to comply. with, all . requirements imposed by or pursuant to the. regulations of .the General Services Administration (41 CFR 101-6.2;_ or 101-8) issued under the provisions of Title VI of the Civil. Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as 'amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Title IX' of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, and Section 303 of the Age Dis- crimination Act of 1975, 'to the end that no person in the United. States shall. on the ground of race, color, national -origin, sex, or age,' or that no ' otherwise qualified handicapped person shall solely by reason of the handi- cap; be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the . donee received Federal assistance from the General Services Administration; and Hereby Gives Assurance That it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. . The donee further agrees that this agreement shall be subject in all respects. to the provisions of said regulations; that this •agreement shall . obligate the donee for the period during which it retains ownership- or • possession of any such property; that the United States shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this agreement; and', this agreement . • • 1111 _hall be binding upon any successor in interest of the donee and the word "donee" as used herein includes any such successor in interest. Dated Donee .; • • BY (President/C ai r==_n of the Board or co—arable authorized official) • • Donee mailing address • • • • • • it•