Resolution 142-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 142 -1981 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from CHARLES W. LI~IDER and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes the construction of a seawall bulkhead along an eroded shoreline, involving the placement of approximately 800 cubic yards of backfill, of which approximately 400 will be deposited along an artifi- cially created canal and 400 will be deposited along an open water shoreline adjacent to a peripheral channel. Of the cubic yardage proposed for place- ment, approximately 50 percent will be placed below MEW, a maximum of ten feet waterward of MHW. Riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall, a maximum of five feet out. The proposed seawall will serve as a dock for private boat mooring. It will be constructed of concrete on la' centered piles. The deck will have a 3' overhang and will have concrete tie backs. The present elevation of the lot is 5.0', at which height the seawall'will be constructed. The lots contained within this subdivision and surrounding subdivisions were created from deep canal excavations which are commonplace along this entire shoreline. These deep canals are joined at their mouths by a shallow peripheral channel which extends for most of the length of the shoreline but does not lead to deep water offshore. Offshore waters are, in fact, shallow throur;llout with very limited large boat access to any type of deeper waters. The lots along these canal shorelines are 25-50 percent developed. Pew of these lot shorelines have been stabilized although erosion, especially on the northernlots bordering open water, is very much evident. Offshore waters support patchy seagrasses where sediments permit. These sediments are thin and are of a soft, fine particled texture, readily stirred up by wind and wave action. Depths range from 1-3 feet within the body of water enclosed by Shark Key to the east and Half Moon Key to the north. The applicant's lot drops sharply from upland elevations to the rubble shoreline which has been extended landward as a result of erosion. Fill composition of this lot is loose limestone and marl overlying a hard Miami oolite caprock substrate. Scattered sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum)is found along this erosion line, although vegetation, in general, is sparse. Between the erosion line and the wrack line, a five foot strip of unvegetated limestone rubble exists. Below the wrack line and continuing through the intertidal zone to MLW, the Miami oolite substrate has been exposed. This intertidal substrate has numerous large rock boulders not eroded by wave action and which form somewhat of a riprap line. This line of boulders supports a large popu12tion of gastropods, of which the thin-shelled oyster (Isognomon ~.) and mussels (Mytilidae) are most numerous. During the on-site inspection, which was done at a relatively low tide, most of the above bivalves along with green algae colonies of the Batophora genera were above the water line. Just below the water line there existed a dense vegetation strip which was somewhat narrow but which ran the entire length of the shoreline. This vegetation was composed primarily of brown and red algaes of which Acantho- phora E.E.. dominated. TurUegrass (Thalassia testudinium) was also found here in somewhat less than dense although significant amounts. 1 of 2 LINDER, CHARLES W. RESOLUTION NO. -1981 Past this submergent vegetation, the bottom drops and benthic flora becomes scattered. Stabilization of this shoreline will eliminate the erosion problems now experienced. As such, deleterious sedimentation and turbidity problems will be lessened. Because this shoreline is highly unstable, with the majority of it non-submergent, little in the way of permanent marine biota or habitat will be lost. If the applicant's boat mooring is confined to the canal side, the seagrasses found along the open water shoreline will be retained. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}1MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County 19thday of May 19 81 Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (Seal) APPROVED A$ TO FORM AAVJ'CML NWCIE-iJ' BY !'M...o~~, ,~/J ,1"~ CMIM ~'k 2 of 2 }n.;f , '-Cf!:<-&- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E, Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~ OFFICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept. Public Service Center Key West, Fl 33040 (3051 294-4641 8:"-. '. , , ".!9; ~ Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures V 2. Permi t ---- 3. Application for Permit t--- 4. Site Pl an J- 5. Location Map t.- 6. County Biologist Report t,/'- 7. DER Assessment ~ 8. Resolution r- BY ~~~. ~ )/J!PL Admlnistrative Secretary DATE q/:;;.Y/J?I ( I Zoning: RU-4 ~W:(Grnuw~~ MAY '7 .981 COUNTY AllY. l~~fE ~ rr-' ~ ~ IT' t;~ PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPART~1ENT PER}lIT MCN~OE ~ '::. PERHIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY \ ..;.1:: J FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE ~ // ~~ WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY -, --- 1) Property o~vners na!ne & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE OXLY Charles W. Linder and Mary V. Linder Resolution No. 6930 N. Park 3) Phone number Indianapolis, Indiana Date: H- (317) 251-3668 W- (317) 637-3170 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Gloria Medina (Mrs. Joseph) c/o Century 21, Baragar & Gibson I Overseas Highwav. Sugarlof Kev. Fl 33044 5) Legal description of property: I Section 22 Key Big Copitt Subdivision Porpose Point Section 5 Tm.mship 67S Lot 11 Block 8 Range 26E Street, road or mile marker Sapphire Drive Volume of material: dred~ed/excavated filled deposited c.y. waterward of M.H.H. c.y. land,iTard of t1.H.W. 50 c.y. 430 c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-4 PURPOSE: Seawall to prevent erosion and serve as boat-dock Cost of Pemit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD -OF COUNTY Cm~nSSlmmRS OF NONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: "Approval" CODV in File Date Building Official ~, 'ff Property owners name & ma i 1 i ng ~.~NRCE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPAR",~... PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY address 2 Date For De artment Use Onl , .r~'1 ( I ) I~ ~:':--0 S':t;l,"'",,-, ,'") .:'--> :< ,- C \ c1r/~<: \..u ,I, J\ \ (?I' 01..,1 IJ ~. n r- '1 c/ I -\ 1'<-1 3). rf.hone number JV\ ~ 1"'1 V, L j t\ 4 '2(', J- ~/?- -2.S'}.:3. '(, c; 3 c> N, P'l ("' l. x:::: he) , r. J:" h ) ~ 3; -103 ~)-3J'>p 4 Contractor or agent I s name. mail i ng address & phone num1fe-IQ P:>I.\J "? if S-:-t y si r:: /0 I / c, /'vI e oj ; 0) c, (l'V\rs. -r~:-St'" ~k Mc-Ji^l ~~) Hctr-Q '7 tfS'"""- (97') c~'C-c..(d'''',f'y}..( ~c;r'::'.J-....r -;--G,'bSccI ,oversr''l-S H-11l-.1.\J<:() ~4)4.-J#l ~ey Ai, ~3"t-('-/ Legal descriptlon of property: Section, e1...L Township, h 7 .j ~E (if acreage) Range. Key. ,6).7 Cpptll.f Subdivision, ikr,,'J5 ~ Pdjnt Lot, J J Block. g; '~'-..!-L""'# h <' <.\S r4j' P'~1- B,;-.;ol~~A~-?,e J/i_ N!ll~r~~ G,"''1~1 H'\:. Street. road or mll e marker. ~Jr~ 001/-<. ,~ /H!j;(, JeU-4- ^ Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material. in cubic yards). to be excavated or discharged. A. EXCAVATION - Removal and disposal of unclassified excavation ( rock, earth, other material) using appropriate equipment. B. BACKFILL - Furnish and place select granular backfill material composed of sound, durab1 particles ( 6 inches to 1/4 inch ). No compaction required. dredqed/ excava ted}.rO ~_...-/ jJ c.y. (40) c.y.'-y 50 c.y. 430 c.y. waterward landward ,- waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. I J..c-+ I~ -TIV-<-J.So" ~J--f-(;'f?5 rAhr. J-e~[rJe..s E'--3C;- ,8a..YC\J VJ (\J 0 R r L.--l./ ~ I '\ (\'- 4 ~ JC . ce<;-~ e~ J- I' <" I-"'i./jc J- . ~ I Lv J 2- C", 1\ ..., ~ . t- l. . . . 1/ J ..5a"3) ; ")~-.J,~ '1c. !1.LJ1t-J.o'",sl-o).. sf-. Me bofJ'.e. i~"i.3 ~'?3~ I This completed application form will be accompanied by the following. or it will ! NOT be processed. 9TWO (2) sets o~ drawings, on 8'. X 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view ~ and cross sectlon of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Applica ion processing fee as hlllows: 25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. .0 for vertical seawalls onIllan-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any ;om~ination of the above activities per site. volume of material: filled/deposited Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this applicatiun, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true. complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any countY'1;;1te or fede~al law regulating construction or performance of constructi of this tY~_f faci 'ty. ~ /~' ~A ~./A1/;I/1 Si nature f a llcant a ent ~-c;-~C} Date For Department Use Only -~ ,. ,.-' ".; r Person accepting application Fee & receipt # Approved by Assistant Director Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction ,--- ._~ r--.:, ~~ ~ -.... --. . .,. .,,:,' -=- -~. ~ -'* . .-( I --- \ \ - ~ ~ \0 ~ <;.:' !:;'./:-V or. ~_\--':.~ ~L,~__ L. (,,-.,r-., -OR .'-: ~.: ~...",_r. ,--__t 2-: - -' . _. - ". - . '...... .-.... I.:'; oJ>-"(. f' ' -J' ~ ...lo(J i.. -50 c.. J C> ~ ~/f-': a t: ,...c ,--100 . 5 UN 1-1 A I~ ../ of Grdd/r:~~(~hon;.side, of 'Pro?osed WOII: J...4~.ID . It. 100-: 10- . t f.'-- _ ---419 ~r' . -- ~ 9-"" , rt-",/"" i :/480 c.y 6e/ecl , ,[!;acKr'/I ~... 2./ 40 c.Y ~xcC/;lal ... if~"~'~=~~~aL~~,-,~~ ..,~- ' - 1 r:cp.-QhTr3fe_:9-c,oe -:-b-ea)-'p~~~ J U~.f) c.. '"t - tJa(' "~"" ~j"" 'L't ; ~n lIf%f"'" 40 . , JoI ~ , ("0:1- !).-",3 r-t~ eJpf ~ '610 110r ~ cJ ~a.bo(l. ~~,c.c l,if1( t; ( ) L '"" oe-V'- '<::('.. ~ o.t? r' "(Iii v.....l-foldl ~ ~( rf \:J "J .- - . " . '-.' . ....... - ~ ~ . ~ . ...... . .-.. . - ';,.j - , -"'J \ i \ C,J1;....,., (O1!,......~...-.~. l~ i \ \ 1 '1>, '. ~ -1 'rS',O I al.G~' o/1!2PfJJ!2J: D!2o ~50 '[)/f'/). S~Co\ rL f',:~' . , . .. .....; -- -, , :---........ . -, . . ......~ .. . ...,! LOT IlJ BLOCK 8 OF 'PORPOISE POHH SECTIOH FIVE' AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5 AT PAGE 119 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF fbNROE (OUNTYJ FLORIDA. (U1DIES \,1 L'I~lncR 11..1\_ il. _Il.!.JL I I !~-::.: :')' (I='!J- 1 ry "L,.~,-, ,-l\IJr THAT THE SU~\'E)' RcF'~FSE:':.fFD J~;.~EOr~ :-..fE~lS T;-{E ;.I.I7~i:.~U:.~ ~.:.:'--::_!j:':d.::::UTS.A:::)QPT[D 5Y THE FLORiD.t.. SOC1ETY CF ?RC,;rL<<;S!O~'~,~,- L:';-:D SUR- .. i~ <. ,:; S ,:, : ~ D 1: ~ E F L (; ::: J '0!, L:. :J ~ T] T i. E r. S '::. 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Application has been made to the county for the construction of about 270 I inear feet of concrete bulkhead, and about 500 cubic yards of necessary backfill, 50 of which is intended to be placed below the mean high water mark. The purpose of this proposal is to establ ish a bukhead I ine and to prevent future erosion along this RU-1 property. Approximately 125 feet of this proposed seawall would affront a man-made channel on Fla. Bay, with the remaining 145 feet being intended for the canal portion. The entire subdivision has been extensively altered by dredge/fill activities in the past. Marine biota noted within the portions affronting the channel and intended for back fill include the alga Rhipocephalus sp., the grass Thalassia testudinum, the alga Penicillus sp., gastro- pods Nerita sp., and oysters Isognomon sp.{?). The densities of these types of biota are relatively sparse, with the largest Thalassia sp. patch being about 3 X 3 feet. Recommendation -- approval Both COE and DER permits would also be required; a DER bio-survey will be forthcomming. ,) ~~~ 'l~_ ~ --L.L \ ~ "-S Of f\.c/I-~ STATE OF FLORIDA BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY 1J201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 33950 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE March 11, 1981 Charles W. Linder c/o Gloria, Medina c/o Century 21 - Barager & Gibson Overseas Highway Sugarloaf Key, Fla. 33044 Re: Monroe County, File No. 44-3490S-SE, Seawall Dear Mr. Linder: As we advised you on 9-26-80 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Councilor their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council n. . .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, ~ru;. ~ R\'1a/ ck Enclosure R. W. Cantrell Dredge & Fill Supervisor DER Form 17-1.122(50) ,I , " i j '. , &l _'_'_ ../!A-:J - ') . (.. r\ '-' I~ _ J LINDER, CHARLES W. 1/44-349.05-SE Monroe County - Page Two Dl..; :;0 cU\, u" '''_ T tll".~:ClJ C}~.. ~ -- Key West .---.......-- . A. Applicant proposes the construction of a seawall bulkhead along an eroded shoreline, involving the placement of approximately 800 cubic yards of backfill, of which approximately 400 will be deposited along an artificially created canal and 400 will be deposited along an open water shoreline adjacent to a peripheral channel. Of the cubic yardage proposed for placement, approx- imately 50 percent will be placed below MHW., a maximum of ten feet waterward of MHW. Riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall, a maximum of five feet out. The proposed seawall will serve as a dock for private boat mooring. It will be constructed of concrete on 10' centered piles. The deck will have'a 3' overhang and will have concrete tie backs. ,1 ,[ ~! .~ ---. -f -.,. ... -. ---= . '-..... 1 j The present-elevation of the lot is 5.0', at which height the --- seawall will be constructed. B. The lots contained within this subdivision and surrounding sub- divisions were created .from deep canal excavations which are commonplace along this entire shoreline. These deep canals are joined at their mouths by a shallow peripheral channel which -extends-for most of the length of the shoreline but does not lead to deep water offshore. Offshore waters are, in fact, shallow-throughout with very limited large boat access to any .. typ.e ofd_e_Etl>erwaters. .. _._____ The lots along these canal shorelines are 25-50 percent devel- oped. Few of these lot shorelines have been stabilized although erosion, especially on the northern lots bordering open water, - is very much evident. . -~ __.-w... - -~--.. --~."-;--9" Offshore waters support patchy seagrasses where sediments permit. '- These sediments are thin and are of a soft, fine particled texture,~~~ readily_stirred up by wind and wave action. Depths range from ' . 1-3 feet within the body of water enclosed by Shark Key to the ,~ east-and ~Half Moon Key to the north. -- , .. C. The applicant's lot drops sharply from upland elevations to the rubble shoreline which has been extended landward as a result of erosion. Fill comoosition of this lot is 'loose limestone and marl overlying a hard Miami oolite caprock substrate. Scattered sea purslane (Sesuvium oortulacastrurn) is found along this erosion line, although vegetation, in general, is sparse. -. .. / Vi LINDER, CHARLES W. 4/44-3490S-SE .- Monroe County - Key West Page Three j J j ~ 'i -t .1 i -~j, :1 Ir:; ,L Between the erosion line and the wrack line, a five foot strip of unvegetated limestone rubble exists. Below the wrack line and continuing through the intertidal zone to MLW, the Miami oolite substrate has been exposed. This intertidal substrate has numerous large rock boulders not eroded by wave action and which form somewhat of a riprap line. --. _L :I - j~ n -;- -,- - --~ 1_ _\,1, -- J This line of boulders supports a large population of gastropods, of which the thin=shelled oyster (Isognomon~) and mussels (Mytilidae) are most numerous. During the on-site inspection, which was done at a relatively low tide, most of the above bivalves along with green algae colonies of the Bato~hora genera were above the water line. Just below the water l~ne there existed a dense vegetation strip which was somewhat narrow but which ran the entire length of the shoreline. This vegetation was composed primarily of brown and red algaes of which Acanthophora ~ dominated. Turtlegrass (Thalassia' testudinium) was also round here in somewhat less than dense although significant amounts. Past this submergent vegetation, the bottom drops and benthic flora becomes scattered. ~ - -'-~ -.:. ~--.' ----- -~---- --- D. Stabilization of this shoreline will eliminate the erosion problems :~; now experienced. As such, deleterious sedimentation and turbidity -- --,,"; problems will be-lessened. Because this shoreline is highly , , unstable, with the majority of it non-submergent, little in the way ~:~~ of permanent marine biota or habitat will be lost. If the applicant '-Si boat mooring is confined to the canal side, the seagrasses found--~~ along the open water shoreline will be retained. '-~ .;:._~ -~