Resolution 209-1981 " RESOLUTION NO. 209 -1981 '{HEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from SCHARF LAND DEVELOPMENT, and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes the excavation of 1240 cubic yards of coral rock from two existing residential canals. The northernmost canal will be extended inland approximately 62.5 feet to a depth of 5.5' MLW, while the southernmost canal will be extended, on the average, 30 feet, also to a depth of 5.5' MLW. Also in the southern canal, the last 45 feet of the canal, as it now exists, will be maintenance dredged to remove emergent limestone blockage. Both of these canals are 40 feet wide and will remain at this width after extension. Approximately 1003 cubic yards will be removed water- ward of MHW and 237 cubic yards removed landward of MFnv. Depth of the proposed maintenance dredging in the southernmost canal was not given. Silt screens will be used and all dredged material will be loaded .directly into trucks via public access roads. The material will be deposited in an upland area. Dragline will be used for excavation. No blasting will be required. The canals proposed for additional excavation are part of a network of canals contained within the Tamarac Park Subdivison. The southernmost canal connects directly to the Atlantic Ocean and is oriented on a north/ south axis. The canal leads into a deep water channel after connecting to open water. This channel runs east/west parallel to 'the Atlantic shoreline and connects with three other canals before extending south to deeper water at the westerly end of the channel. The northernmost canal, on the other hand, is presently sealed from state waters by a berm on the northern end. This berm presently acts to enclose four canals that are also part of this dubdivision. For this reason, the waters contained within this canal should be con- sidered exempt from permit requirements and any proposed impacts upon these waters will not be addressed here. Depth of the existing south canal proposed for excavation and maintenance dredging is approximately 11 feet }~W. This canal is con- nected to shallow (1-2 ft.) flats of the Atlantic. These flats support productive seagrass and algae communities characteristic of the shallow open waters on the Atlantic side of the Florida Keys. Canal lots have been approximately 75 percent developed. Seawalls extend the entire length of this canal. The depth of the south canal referred to in section B shallows considerably to approximately 5 feet MLW over the terminal 45 feet of the canal. A limestone ridge protrudes from this shelf near the deep water end of the shelf, emerging above the water surface in some areas. Because of this emergent limestone ridge separating the deeper water of the canal proper from the terminal shelf, organic debris has collected at the end of the canal and water circulation is poor. Page 1 of 2 ., SCHARF LAND DEVELOP~'IENT RESOLUTION NO.209 -1981 Bottom sediments, primarily organic, were~ two feet in depth along this shelf, at which point solid oolite was encountered. Sediments over the deeper portions of the canal were primarily inorganic and were consid- erably shallower. At a ~epth of approximately 8 feet in the canal a brown layer of floc was observed while diving. A thermocline was encountered in conjuction with this floc layer, indicative of anoxic bottom conditions and poor water circulation within the canal. Canal walls supported populations of Batophora sp, Caulerpa sp, Cladophosa sp, and Colpomenia sp, in addition to several species of ascidians and poriteras. Gray and schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus sp) and grunts (Haemulon sp) were also observed here, habitating the incongruities formed by seawall construction. Over the shallower shelf area not covered by sedimentation, Caulerpa sp was found. The upland portion to be excavated is limerock with limited ground cover. The shoreline has been partially eroded with scattered sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum)and white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa). The impacts expected from this project are primarily long term, the -most serious of which is water quality degradation. The removal of the -existing limestone ridge by maintenance dredging should enhance water circulation if the depth is kept at a 5.5' MLW maximum. Further extension of this canal will, however, increase undesirable nutrient assimilation by increasing upland residential runoff in the form of stormwater, septic system, effluent, fertilizers and drainage associated with State Road 941. Because of the present condition of the canal, it is anticipated that the following water quality parameters would be affected adversely: dissolved oxygen, transparency, nutrients, bio-chemical oxygen demand and biological integrity. Depending upon soil percolation rates, bacterio- logical quality may also be affected by the proposed project. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 14th day of July , 19 81 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOAR~NTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE UNTY, FLORI~ ~ By ~ c.. C. _ .0 J1.: cf/ 'Mayor. , d_<_: (Seal) n .~L~U ~U ~.f<.c:,r.Tf. r~ ;;rn'K. Attes t : .m Yo ~~. tw .ll~ ~ d..f ~tl..~n~ t., '( ~m) ()\.?~ cr Cle Page 2 of 2 APPRO 'D AS TO FORM ~<L~ rt ,.. a C-L t-~ A..~.CM'IN ' - ~.r-~ MEMORANDUM TO Honorable County Cornmissioners FRO~ 1;!1~ector Building, Planning & Zoning DATE July 6, 1981 SUBJECT Scharf Land Development Canala - Geiger Key _ Your favorable action is requested on the subject per~it request. A brief recapitulation on subject permit request is in order, as follows; and as shown in copy of minutes attached. 1. The request for the perrni t was first heard at the October 6, 1980 meeting at Key West. .. 2. A.ction on permit request was delayed at the request of the Tamarac Park Property Owners Association on the possibilities of a bridge rather than a dead-end canal. 3. Public Works Director was requested to investigate the matter. 4. Public ~orks Director has reported to the Property Owners Association, and the writer,that the bridge proposal was not feasible. 5. Tamarac Property Owners Association has withdrawn objectIDnto co~pleting the canals without bridge - copy of letter attached. 6. Reco~mendation of County Biologist's for approval, and the writer concurring with said recommendation. ffi)~~~ll~7W.. TIn ~J9 ~ -'\)1) JUL 6 1981 COUNTY ATTY. FORM IX I ~l;~ .----' i--r ~ .~~-=-_ ~ ....'L~ " . ~. ~~~". ;!-1t1~. t ~ ~:~ '~. !:~~ 'D" tl~~"; -. ,;!..Jf(~\~,i~..~ -I~'J.,I, , ~':'l ,,\lJ "i;~ -:V.;.;:r~7:"":i""'-~~"'~~.J?. . . \ 1.~C'~i..v .", I$\is;::5".L;.. OKYV~:;~R~~'~04qE (305) 294.4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey. District 1 Curt Blair. District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez. Jr.. District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal. District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept. Public Service Center Key West, Fl 33040 ~ I, the undersigned. do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures V' 2. Permit - v 3. Application for Permit ./ 4. Site Plan ./ 5. Location Map v 6. County Biologist Report v 7. DER Assessment V- 8. Resolution V BY -f6c~a. ~ Administrative Secretary DATE 1/:3 oj.?'! ( I '~,/(. .~ ~E. ~M. , rJT.' "p..F ~.: ".,.. ... ~ .. ...... MONROE COUNTY PL~NNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPAR~mNT . PER}IIT FOR EXCAVATION. TRE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR HETL<\NDS OF HONROE COUNTY PERl-HT NO. - 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTHENT USE ONLY .' Scharf Land Development Company Resolution No. P.O. Box 1031 3) Phone number Miami, Fl 33156 Date: (305) 253-6166 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Same 5) Legal description of property: Tamarac Park, Geiger Key i Section 27 Key Geiger Key Subdt'isionMobile Romes I I Township 67 Lot Block , Range 26E Street, road or mile marker Between Mars Lane & Venus Lane j - I - Volume of material: dredzed/excavated filled/deposited 1001 c.y. 717 c.y. . c.y. c.y. waterward land~vard waterward wa tenvard . of M.R.H. of H.R.W. of M.R.H. of t-1.R.H. I ZONING; RUt'S Proposed Use; Cost of Permit Extend c~nals to providewa,ter access ;for upland lots. Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY CmmISSIONERS OF HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions, if any: "Approval" CODY in File Date Building Official tJLJ\f-L-: I :;~.. ~ 1 LU I ;JG /J /_C;~ ~ ~~G J~P!~RT:';[ ~O.fP'tJ" fJEE:.ili MPPL C;;TIG:I F ? UC;,'ihT[Gil, Itlc. ~"'- ~ - DE )('5 IT f'F ., L OR Tnr '(~-':-l-.-"-;:--L- ( ~ ['/ I...... T""'r- ~ t,......" t) I J - 1 L" I I t-<\j "j J~_h ;\~ I ; l. t J .;.,~ w, [~I -II'E '.lr.TC;)-~-()rl "!E~l f-.n""'--l;f'--'.~tJ"()OE (O'J~lT'( -. j 11 ~ j \ I '. - " .J , \ ,~ '. ; "t _ , ,.J ...) J '" 1 , \ ~ l I :.,.-.1) Property O\'l.ners name &maTl i ng ~-d-(fress----:~ if-O-J-te-- H___ - -- TO!=_UY2~-;~t~~:n ~_~~e O_n_ljJ----. - Scharf Land Development Company B/ll/BO P. O. Box l03l ~ami~ Florida 33156 MONROE COUNTY L 3 r Phone number (305) -25,3-6l66 4} Contractor or agent's name, mail ing address 6. phone nUillber -5) Legal description of property: Section, 27 Key, Geiqer Ke!1 Subdivision,Tamarac Park, Geiger Mobi le Homes Lot, Block, Street, road or mile marker, Between Mars Lane & Venus Lane dredqed/Excavated filled/deposited volume of material: \. . - lOO,3 c.y. 237 c.y. . c.y. c.y. "laten-lard landv/ard \-/aten-/ard landward ! of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. i _J+--Name, address & zip code of adjoining property mmers I'lhose jJropert'l affronts 'dater way. i Charles Schueleri 211 Venue Lane~ Tamarac Par~ Ke3-1 Westi Fl. 33040 " iMichael Radlow~ : 59 Mars Lane, Tamarac Park~ Key west~ F. 33040 iJanice Klindt~ l86 Venus Lane~ Tamarac Park~ Key West~ Fl. 33040 iJohn Rossi~ 80 N. Prospect Drive~ Coral Gables~ Fl. 33133 : Charles Wiseman~ 7235 S. W. l26th Street~ Miami~ Fl. 33156 jWilliam Martin~ llBl5 S. W. l02nd Court~ Miami~ Fl. 33176 . ; David Slachter~ Biscayne Bldg.~ Suite 8l6~ 19 W. Flagler Street~ 'Miami~ Fl. 33130 This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. '-d;.1Jl.T1YO (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ X 11 paper, shoh.ing location, plot plan, tor VIel, ,<--O<-;'frrd cross section of proposal, dra\Vn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural \Vater bodies. $10.00 for vertiCClI seawalls on mCln-made bodies of '.vater. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per 3ite. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. L....X'-. Sf c?-/J-cYu . Da te / For Department Use Onl Person accepting application ~ J::;O 0 -50 c6 S- IS Fee & receipt :! /JU~~~~___ ~'bY I~ssistant Dil'ector Cos t of penni t Estimated cost or constr~ction DREDGING PLAN - GEIGER KEY, MONROE ~~Yl FL. LOIllGiTVl>E: 'aIO-3l:f'-30" LATITU~~: 2.10-31('-50" SE.C.'l.7 iW~OVTIl RGE.2'EAST } \ m - AREA 10 & DREPGED h-! I fIillJ - cANAL MAINTENRNce DREoc,JNG ARfA A o&iLf;;. cJ-i&j~~s UJ Z q -J V) oc <t: ~ uJ z 12. .5 g] II <C ~ :J ct: :2 q: (J ~ z .- J- en UJ Z q C( .J 8 ~ :2 lu :> /0 -r1it.1IlRI/e P,f/I2K '0 'ij PURPOSE; DflEDGIf#G vpf~tJ1) 1;.?En OA TUM 1 eM.. = So FaT AOJACENT PROPERTY C;HERS: . iCHI/RI.C:S $C.H lie let{ ~ MIC flAU. RAl>LOW 2. WIIII~'" MI11{riN , JOhN RosSi DI1..,'O SLAch1e~ J"1:WICE. KLI~DT CfiRRLEs WISEMAN MI/W MNW'~ ~ - MSL...:J:.. ...... ,.."IiWr-i . i"lSL-=k. ..... r: 1\1L.>V i's' tf--lWrr.___i .. - DI~"SIO"'S NOT TO SCALE. I N U;>~ND ,o.Re/1 AT TIlPlIlf'JH~ ~..ql< (G~jOEQl\ey) COUNTY 01' MONROE. SUTE FIO;liM APf'IL I CAT I ~ BY l' ('ATE ;1. f'xfv4j ~~ e. TOPS 'y., FORM 3397 LITHO IN U. S. A. DE?ARTMENTALCORRESPONDENCE DATE f8 Seotember 1980 SUBJECT SCHARF LAND DEVELOPMENT CO., EXTEND CANALS H. WE tNKAM FROM R. DENNIS j) /~! DEP'T ZONING To DEP'T ZONING LEGAL TPSP 678, RGE 26e, SECT 27, Geiger ~tobile Homes, Gei~er Key, Zoning is RU-5. Ao"tic~nt wiehe., to pxtend two de.-d end c-nf>l., one "north")f St~te Ro-"'d 94' ::.t'!d one J'eouth" of Stpte Ro"'d 941 t" "rovide wJ'ter pcce"'" to home lot"'. V" 1 ume ,f m~tertPl to be dredged ~itt be '240 cubic y~rd" ('OO~ cubic y~rd.. ~~te~~~rd of me~n high w'ter ~nd ?~7 cubic yprd'" l"'ndw~rd ~f me"'n high ~~ter) Both 're~'" "'re re"identf~l. The nryrth cpn~t WP" found to h~ve clepr w~ter, p number of loc~l. fi.,h ""ecip" J'nd the .,rev"qing Td.nd'" f~cilit:>te remov,-l..,f debri". The "outh c n~t 'o"e~red to h~ve d~rk w"'ter the "revRiling wind" tended to entr-., ~rgpnic debr!" (Thpt"""i~ ~nd Svr;n2od~u~). The Ipnd "re~ t~ be dredged i~ oreviou., 1 ~nd fi 11 . There p"oep~~ to be no rep"'on to .,u."ect ~ny ch"nge in the .,re~ent condition., for either c"'n<>l PC: ,.. re"ul.t of the .,ro"""ed ~ctivity REASON FOR PROJr.CT: 1. ~emova1 of coral rock debris. 2. Extend canals to provide wnter access for upland lots. Recommendption----Aoorov"l *DER AND COE PERMITS MAY. BE REQUIRED. ..~ .'>......~ ,.."~..,.~)j"!,'.J1.~;a:..~"'...~. ~FPl~~:a!So^.......~KUl.........KJ....-x~~...~r.Jl'll'T~~-\.".......... T PEmlI l' ArPLICAT::-C)~1 APPRAISAL File No.: 44-34036-5E County: Monroe Date: 9/3/an A 1 t '" Scharf Li1i1\! Developmf~nt pp i:an ...2~e: Address: PO Box 1031, Hiami, Florida 33156 Agent (if applicable): Gary Sams, Esq., Hopping, Boyd, Green ~ Sams, p.~. Address: Suite 400, Lewis StaLL Bank Bldg., PO Box 6526, Tallahassee. F j~JC\ Locati~n of project: Section(s) 27 Township 66S Range 26E Section{s) Township Range Local Reference: Tamarac Park/Geiger Key Watel Body: Man-made canal/Hawk Channel/Straits of Florida - -- -.--..--.- . -.. Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aqu~tic Preserve: - Outstanding Florida Wat2-s: On site inspection by: John A. Heyer Date of Inspection: 9/15/80 Original Application: Yes~No__ Revised Application: Yes No X Date~ Date of 2nd In~p. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. D~scription of proposed project and construction techniques." Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands o~ those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Flor~~~ ~d~lnistrative Code. B. Biophys ical features of general area. Inclu.de conunents conCerni!1'1 extent of development of adjoini~g properties as well 3S releva~~ historical facts about the area. c. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottc:n types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term imoact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduc~ or minimize the potential impact of project. -\ ;:PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) "...-." , '~~flIl'1Il'>!""r' ~"'~-"'-........-.-..............'_. "" ..~. ......... .-.---.- .-"'.-' .. SCHARF "LAND DEVELOFMENT :if44-34036 -SE Monroe County - Tamarac Park Page THo (Gei~(~r Key) . . A. The applicant proposes the excavation of 1240 cubic yards of coral rock from two existing n~sidential canals. The northern- most canal will be extended inland approximately 62.5 feet to a depth of 5.5' MLW, \vhi1e the southernmost canal will be extended, on the average, 30 feet, also to a depth of 5.5' MLW. Also in the southern canal, the last 45 feet of the canal, as -it now"exists, will be maintenance dredged to remove - emergent limestone blockage. Both of these canals are 40 feet wide and will remain at this width after extension. Approximately 1003 cubic yards will be removed waterward of MHW and 237 cubic yards removed landwayd of MJnoJ. Depth of the proposed maintenance dredging in the southernmost canal was not given. Silt screens will be used and all dredged material \vi11, be loaded directly into trucks via public access roads. The material will be deposited in an upland area. Dragline will be used for excavatioll. No b1ast~ng will be required. B. The canals propo~ed for additional excavation are part or a n2~- work of canals containeJ within the Tamarac Pa.rk Subdivis:.on. The southernmast canal connec t:, direc tly to the Atlantic Ocean an~ is oriented on a north/south axis. The canal leads into d deep water channel ~fter connecting to open water. This ch~~~ ' runs east/west parallel to the Atlantic shoreline and connects Wit!l three other canals before extending south to deeper water at the \vesterly end of .. lV' ~h'1nnel. The northernmost canal, on the other hand, is presently sealed from s cate water~ l"'v a berm on the northern end. This berm presently acts to e~close four canals that are also part of this subdivision. For this reason, the waters contained within this canal should be considered exempt from permit requirements and any proposed impacts upon these waters will not be addressed here. Depth of the existing south canal proposed for excavation and maintenance dred.~ing is approxirlla tely 11 feet HLW. This C;.ina 1 L; connected to shallow (1-2 ft.) flats of the Atlantic. These flats support productive seagrass and algae communities chara...:- teristic of the shallow, open waters on the Atlantic side of the FloriJa Keys. , Canal lots have. been;1pproxilllcr.ely 75 percent developed. Sea.- T,valls extend the l!ncirc length :)c this can:ll. . ," .-....."l,'.~~V~,.I,y............., '-"- ~~ _........~... -~~~.......U"...._......"" --~-"'.....,...-- ..1OIlt.....___,.,-........~.,. _,...'_. .,.......""'..~.,.-..-11.._..~.,,__.__ __._...~...._____.__. SCHARF LAND DEVELOPMENT 114 +-3L~036-5E Monroe County - Tamarac Park (Geiger Key) Page Thr~e C. The depth of the south canal referred to in section B shallows considerably to approximately 5 feet HLW over the terminal 45 feet of the canal. A limestone ridge protrudes from this shelf near the deep water end of the shelf, emerging above the water surface in some areas. Because of this emergent limestone ridge sep.aL"'ating the deeper ~vater of the canal proper from the ~e~inal shelf, organic debris has collected at the end or the "canal and water circulation is poor. Bottom sediments, pr~marily organic, were two feet in depth along this shelf, at which point solid oolite was encountered. Sediments over the deeper po~tions of the canal were primarily inorganic and were considerably shallower. At a depth of approximately 8 feet in the canal a brow~ la'ler of floc was observed while diving. A thermoe1ine was encountered in conjunction with this floc layer, indicative of anoxic bottom conditions and poor water circulation within the canal. Canal walls supported populations of Batophora sp, Caulerpa sp, C1adophosa sp, and Colpomenia sp, in addition to several species ot asc1dians and porIreras. Gray and schoolmaster snapper (Lutj anus sp) and grunts (Haemulon sp) <;vere also observed here, habitating the incongruities formed by seawall construction. Over the shallower shelf area not covered by sedimentation, Cau1erpa sp ~as foun~. The upland portion to be excavated is limerock with limited ground cover. The shoreline h<1s been partially eroded \vith scattered sea purslane (Sesuvium portu1acastrum) a~d <;vhite mangrove (Laguncul:lria racemosa). D. The impac ts "expec t(~d f,-h' s proj ec tare priP.l<,xi 1y long term, the most serious of Vlhich is W2.ter quality degradation. 1ne removal of the existing limestone ridge by maincenance dredgiI~:> should enhance water circulation if the depth is kept at a 5.5' HUv maximuITI. Fur ther extcns ion of this cana 1 Hill, hOT..,rC"'c'r:. increase undesirable nutrient assimilation by increasing ~pla~d residential runott in the form of stormwater, septic system effluent, fertilizers and drainage associated with State Road 941. Because of the present condition of the canal. it is anticipat:e~! that the following water quality parameters would be affect~d adversely: dis~;olved oxygen, transparency, I~utrients, bio- chemical oxygen demand, and biological intcgr ity. Depending llt:U:' soil percolation rates, bacteriological quali~y may also be affected by the proposed project. :........ ~ .....~....,~ ~7"__"I'"""",, ....... ..'!'lP!JIIl" ~_."_...._-~ ~~"".Cf r'~ ____ "'If. !lI1CI1.IWteiS...,~? ~ "---~~"'JJ l 'I~"" ~ .........~. . v SCHARF LAND DEVELOPMENi 1/44-34036-5E Monroe County - Tamarac Park (Geiger Key) Page Four . . E. In accordance with Chapters 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3.121 (7), (14), (20). (28), 17-3.061, 17-4.07, 17-4.28 and 17-4.29 of the Florida Administrative Code. recommend denial of this application as proposed. Suggest tp?t the application be modified to exclude the exten- ~ion of the south canal connecting to state waters. Maintenance "dredging of this canal should be limited to a 5.5' ML~v depth with dredge material placed over deeper canal bottom to decrease existing canal depths. ,--... " ,r-- ( I "--':'_.. (', { ~I ,\" ,~ ....... " \ .. -- . '---1 \. '\ ,....-. ......:....--""--- JOHN A. HEYEf{, . SPEC.,. II Date: Read: JAM/dvo ,~ ~'""!'-: .........,-.,........- "....'+O:...,.~~_,~~,.,,,___, _ .......--.. _. ---~--...._- '..--. ~.--~-..._-_.._- . .-.'" _,\>"... ',,:w~,.\ .~. ',.;~t'~.2.i~r . ~.,..~,t "A" '. "~..~~~; PHOTO 1/2 Borth canal and adjacent proposed for excavation. canal is not connected to \Vaters. uplands This state . 'h.po .._. .._._ PEOIO i; 1 South canal and uplands to ~e maintenance dredged and excava- ted for canal extension, res:","," tively. Note the rock obs tF!~'" in the ~Qntc~ ~E the Dicture the end of the canal.' PHOTO :lf3 Entire area from w~~ch c2npl be eXca"at~d as v-"'~\12C. ':"1.'"01.1 to north. State Road 941 is in the center. (:)......,.... :-) C I ~ TOPS ~ F~RM .3397 LITHO IN U. $. A. DEPARTMENTALCORRESPONDENC~ SUBJECT DATE February 20, 1981 SCHARF LAND DEVELOPMFNT EXCAVATION - Tamarac Park To ~-ptt.;;;c;;Y' Dire ctQr . . Weill am, .irector DEP'T Public Works, Roads FROM DEP'T BI dg .. PI alllling & Zoning In regards to the subject matter, there seems to be some question as to where the project stands. Let me draw your attention to the minutes of the January 13, 1981 meeting of the County Commission. I have enclosed for your perusal a copy of the page of the minutes of said meeting and have underlined, in red, the portion of said page regarding the subject matter. I will await ypurs' and the Commission's response. Thank you. cc: Mr. Kermit H. Lewin County Administrator ment of Labor and Employment Security and Florida State Employment Service at the Key 1;vest Office until January 27, !I :, I' II il It II Ii I 1981. The County Administrator was instructed to obtain I I was instructed to research the contract to see if Elected I Officials can serve on that Board. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Harvey and secondedll a copy of the Consortium Contract and the County Attorney by Commissioner Dolezal to adopt the following resolution I concerning application of Jerry Richmond for construction Ii I' of deep commercial boat slip and incorporating the biological 1 assessment into the records per staff recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. I' RESOLUTION NO. 6-1981 II See Res. Book No. 21 which is incorporated herein by referenc~. Ii Motion was made by Commissioner Harvey and seconded! l Ii by Chairman Dolezal to adopt. the following resolution con- cerning application of Outdoor Resorts at Long Key, Inc., for repair of existing breakwater island at Outdoor Resorts Inc., Marina and incorporating the biological assessment into the records per staff recommendation. During discussionl a motion was made by Commissioner Hernandez and seconded by Chairman Dolezal to postpone action on this item until the January 27, 1981 meeting. Motion to postpone carried unanimously. The Board discussed a resolution which would I' I I I I I Secretary of Tamarac Park Property Owners Association ad-' II dressed the Board. Motion was made by Commissioner Hernandez,l and seconded by Commissioner Blair to postpone action on thiSI! item until the January 27, 1981 meeting and the Public <<orks II II II 'i I incorporate a biological assessment into the records for Scharf Land Development for escavation of coral rock from two (2) existing residential canals. Mr. Bill Sywetz, Director was instructed to review and report back to the Board on this item at the next meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Motio~ was made by Commissioner Blair and seconded by Commissioner Hernandez to disapprove a resolution con- cerning application of Safe Harbor Railway, Inc., for l. r, ~ ~ - .. 1 -- j