Resolution 287-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 287 -1981 A RESOLUTION PROHIBITING VEHICULAR TRAFFIC OVER ALL BRIDGES IN MONROE COUNTY UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTAN- CES; STATING AND SETTING FORTH THE TYPE OF VEHICLES PROHIBITED FROM USING THE BRIDGES IN MONROE COUNTY UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES. WHEREAS, to insure the safety of the citizens of Monroe County, Florida, and the motoring public under certain circum- stances, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that in the event sustained wind velocities of 40 miles per hour or gusts that reach 50 miles per hour or higher shall be cause for the Civil Defense Director to prohibit any and all vehicular traffic over the bridges in Monroe County In the following type of vehicles; school buses, recreational vehicles, travel trailers, tractor trailers, boat trailers, or other vehicles other than pick-up trucks, commercial buses, automobiles or any emergency vehicles. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of October, A.D. 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ?~C- 'Z .() ~/ MaY~Chairman .~ ( SEiAL) At tes t : -7 /.....~/ .L./z . APPROVED AS TO FORM AND. L SUFFICIENCY. BY . '----;"" 4.1 l .-\G l:~L:.!E~';7 (.. PC:-: C:!. \:3 E () F [J r: 0 ~ r: s:> r I): ; . \ L :3 E ~: ': r C:~ :.:; THIS AGI\8r::.:E::T, ~naci0 t:;c: "'-fl d:t": 'I: ~-. ~!l U:.' J".':tL' :~I J-f. by and botween The Souch Flurida E:~;JLu~..;l..tlL .:~ Tl":Ulli:l;": C.dl:;()~'[:U:,1, 1;:: its Execlltive Director, o.lle! the Cou:;tv of '.1onroi"". D'! its Count"," ~c1_n.D.istr.J.t is hereby o.uthorized for services as staLcd lWr~Ul: l)T~e Count'.' of Mon~oe shall orovide attached work plan: and , liaise:! SQ!:"liCi?S ,- (--. ~~ r1nsc-~ ;:;cJr1--.i.~ "'-hO 1...-..... _ 2)Th9 South Florida Emclovment and Trainina Consortium shall co~pp~sate the County of Monroe for said services: THE PARTIES hereto further agree to the following conditions: l)The South Florida Emolovment and Training Consortium shall provide adequate office soace Lor the use of the Liaison Office. ," 2)~he Co~ntv Administrator shall select and appoint the Liaison Officer who's appointment shall be confirmed by a majority of the Board of CountVCommissioners. Said Liaison Officer shall be comcensated by the County of Monroe and subject~to the County of Monroe's applicable merit system and pay plan. THIS AGREE~E~T shall be in effect during the peribd(s) October 1,1981 \ t:-:Y"::'~.1ChSeDteT!',::e:::- 30, -1982.. and sho.ll provide for maximum compensation, from the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium to The Countv of Monroe of $57,000. ,fift'.! seven thousand and no/lOO dollars. payable from Butige~ Code Xo. _ A - pursuanT to the terms of this agreement. ~ ..t~ BEING DULY signed, the execution of this a~reement is in conformQnce with Resolution adopted by the South Florida Employment & Training Consortium on the ' day of , a copy of which is attached to and made a part of this agreement. ..- ...\.. ~... "I . . Executive DireCTor, South Florida Employment and Training Consortium -Da t c This is to certify tho.t services 11ave been, or shall be performed and tba t paymen t has not been I:lade" ,/ // / / \ (~'-;" - -</ / l -. '- ~/,(.. J;/ // './ -.:._ _ (..A, -+"c. ~<..-<.._ -7 Co J "1 ~ ...,-'- ,'\(-1.." '1 ; ~ t. ,,~ ~ 0 l' Co' J "/L \' 01:' t..I.,l. ....: .. --...1..1.... -"- o.'J li.... .:.J.. l,. .- t .....l,.... ~10n 1'0-2 (' i _ /(" //../...2 :~.'./ "-~ (. , , . , D:1l:0 APP'lO~ ~l!.-o lu-ci en -Pray. . ~lon roe i\T'!TST: .... .. ~ y ot County Clerk:~~ . ~ .:~..-. ~,\'.)>r' '".. :~ :: :'>>~-.; - -' , #' .. ~. ~ ........~ . .' . ~ 4 ~" -- ~. - . ...;. ~'.-"4 . .'~_. .. _... ... .... "..' _..__..~. _..... .:;..::.:'#;',~~ .;-,.l.... ~1)~""'.-;l",'J_rV',,,, .........-.::.: "'';' '.' ~.._ &...6. ...~..~;-;_..::.- '"......... ,:.... '-',- . - , h'OR}( PL"\..\i " CCL:'JIT Of' i'DNROE LI;\.I:;O~! SEHVICC The County of XOl;r()(?, in accord \Vit.~ the Professional SCr-viC2S .::'::::::es.r::'.2nc. .for "hie!1 thist.'ork Plan ..is mace a part, shall provide the fOllo..,ing Liaison Selvic2S: 1) Represent the County of l\~onrce and its interests ,in S.F.E.T.C. rr.eetings related to: , Meetinss cOr:\;ened by t.1-;'2 Executive Director .. G:'...-era tions ITl2etinss, when re.:;c.es tC2d Liaiso:! rr,eetinqs 2nd other appropriate S.f'.E.T.C. rreC2tlngs 2) A'::. the rcSL:2S t of bl:e COLL'""! ty oE. i':Ol1l."C2 I s Cons':):::-~i L:";, Repr-ese!!tative, sit in said repres"mtativ2S st22S, 1','h.:?:1 a?propxiate, a.t Consortitl;li rr:eetings. Since the COJ;.- SO:::tiUll Re[):::esent2tive, authorized and ar::;L=oi?1t'2~:by th::- C::lllI1 ty of I<onroC2 CO:;;;lission, is t11e COLwl tjr Acl-:1i::.is tra tor of f'.:on::,.-ce COlU1t~o, it is \1.--:ders,;::CX:-d that the Ccu,'"":t:-,o }.-cJninistJ;:<ltor"shall senerally attend und re::=,rcse::t tl~e CC;':''1ty of ~'~o::r-ce at ;-;;c;cti::s,:spf t:110 Sout.h ?lodca ET:-plOl7i.2nt and Training Ccnsortiu;l. 3) P:~C;']i::::2 SUiloT:3.r,' re?Crts, r.O;J~hly - or as rC:':::C23;:2C;- o!.: Consortium .actions for the COLU1t:y' of :':onroe I s ,:'o~:.iilis- tratioil ~;c Elected Officials, \ I II '\ II I' 4) P.covice Sti.'T;\lary re;::orts of D.o:pClrt;7~-2nt of La.l::0::: Instn:c- tions I Rules and Rec;ulations, and such other infomatiO!l as may be appropriate. " :s) Pepresen t the County of I<onrc2 In tJIC2 develoL=;Lc!'1 t of a COilsortium Policy t-!c1lJual. i . 6) Provide Such othc~r services Clt the, dircctio:l of the COW'lt}' Administr<1tor of thC2 Count~; of r:onro2. ''l. \~ ", ivlETROPOLlTAN DADE COU~TY :nJDGET DEPARDIENT ! _ FlJ0iD EXPENDITURE JUSTI FICATION MONROE COUNTY GOVERNMENT ..., PROGRA.\I CETA Liaison 3. DEPARTMENT CETA liaison 4_ DIVISION <) OBJ FeT 7. EXPENDITURi. lJESCRIPTfON AND JUSTIFICATION CODE 1-101 .. EMPLOYEE REGULAR Liaison Officer @27,099. Secretary @10,926 .~'I FRINGE BENEFITS 0140 Social Security @6.70% x $38,025. 0141 Retirement @10.93% x $38,025. ~- 0142 Group Insurance @33.22 per mo. x 2 x 12 m~nths 0147 Workman1s Compensation @11.20 per 270(liaison) @ 5.00 per 109 (secretary) 0334 EQUIPMENT RENTALS copy machine 0401 0502 POSTAGE 0501 TRAVEL EXPENSE (out of town) TELEPHONE EXPENSE , ,includes hotel, food, transportation conference, workshop registration, accommodations 0838 OFFICE SUPPLIES TOTAL BUDGET ,.~._L,________ FISCAL YEAR ]9~_-__?~ 5. CODE 8. REQUEST 9. FOR BUDCET USE ONLY 11>27,099. 10,926. 38,025. 2,548. 4,156. 797. 3,024. 545. 605. 505. .610. 4,960. 825. 400. 1>57,000. II 11 I I II I I il II II Ii II II II !I !\ ,I I' !J 11 Ii METROPOLITAN D.\DE COU;;;TY ;lJ1)GET DEP.\RDIENT EXPENDITURE JUST! FICATION FU~D MONROE COUNTY GOVERNMENT 3. DEPARDIENT Liaison 4. DIVISION 2. PROG RAM Liaison ; OBJECT 7. EXPr:NDITURi. JESCRIPTlON AND JUSTIFICATION CODE 101 102 140 142 147 334 302 401 J09 309 538 ,.~ ~ ~.~ ~, .. Salaries Liaison Officer @$25,899 + $1,200 increase .Admin. Secretary @$9,726 + $1,200 increase Total Salaries Fringe Benefits Social Security @6.70 x $38,025 Retirement @10.93% x $38,025 Group Insurance @33.22/mo x 2 employ~e-s x 12 mo. Workman Compensation @ll .20 per 270(liaison) @ 5.00 per 109(secretary) Total Fringe .. Equipment rentals - copy machine Postage Telephone - outside Florida approx. 36x $3.00ea plus regular charges and prorata watts ~Travel expenses lOdging - 20 trips overnite @50.00/ea 20 trips perdiem @40.00/ea meals - 20 @6.00/ea airfare - 40 @76.00/ea Travel(out of town) (2) seminars includes: transp.; airfare; meals;registration Office Supplies TOTAL BUDGET '. '. FISCAL YEAR 19 81_ -8~_ /8. REQUEST ". 27,099. 10,926 38,025. 2,548. 4,156. 797. 3,024. 545 111,070. 605. 505 610. 1 ,.000. 800. 120. 3,040 825. 400. 57,000. 5. CODE FOR BL'DGE"T USE O\"L Y II II II 'I i: /I Ii II /! I! II il il II I: Ii Ii 'I I, il il I' il 'I I, II I! II 'I ,I I I I II :i II :/ I! :I :/ [I I! ~i :j I, ------------.-------------------.______ :1__________ DGET DEPARDIE:'.-T .:u?-w :ETA .'C. 7. Loc. "de Code J.- J2.IA Rev. 1/76 2. PROGRA.\l Monroe County 8. OCCL?ATIO~AL TITLE ... Not Aoolicable ~ SALARY RECONClllATION FISCAL YEAR 19~1-_81.__ 3. DEP:\RT_\lE~T Liaison Office 4. DI'/rSIO:-; 5. CODE 9. P:-ior. ! 10. :--lumber ity 11. REQl:C:ST /12. FOR BL"DC2T USE O;'-!LY I ~ r I' II :at. '.J It !I 'I I 13. RECO~.1 \IE:-ID..\ no).' !~. CL~~~E?';T DL'C'GE7 lG. Sl'8-TOT.\L 15. 0\1Il-1 TOT.\L 17. .\r:-~ITrO).' I I I I Ii I I I , I i I I I I ii I i... ;:'f~~~;'~?~~~~.~-~t3i' I..., "".. ..r....~._ 'IL ~G~r;:([:':;'12~~jit~r4' ,..... " .".,,"..,. ,I -_~;"..~i:.i~~..,t _ 't II Ii II I ,".1 18. TOTAL ~~~c~;.::~ /. .-.....i,. .!'" . ~~,;..~:1:/.:-':..~\~, ~~ P,\GE of ". ", . '-~~ ~IETROPOL1T.\~ D.\DE COUNTY 3UDGET DEPAR.DIDiT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR ]9 ~ ~2__ :. FID:D ~. PROGRr\~1 r 3. DfP).. R T.\1 E::-..-r Liaison Office . 18. F:.rst 19. lJ"J;':q lO,Cl:.rern Ill. O_'.!lJ-J Il2.1:,~.:.:c::c : P:;cr I " " " J '{ e:u 1 .j ~ 1 I , 1 l j 1 ,j n ~ 1 J 'I :, .. .1 :1 'I ,I 4. DIVISION CETA Monroe County =. OCe. 17. OCCUP.-\T10:\.-\L TITLE CODE I 15. COCt: 13. FOR 2LJ[;CET .. USE O.\LY Liaison Officer 1 See ret.a ry 1 ~ I /' I ! ...~ i i i i 'I II ~ I !I !I [I " :1 II !! 14, paSlTro:\' TOTALS i I i I I I I II I 'I I :, I I. i I I 2 L 2!1 I --"--- '-"-~--~-"--_.- ,._------~-'-~,.._-,-,- ,'tJ ;'}...., O~~'. !,.:..~ ,:-;ET DEPARnIE:\T U~D 'ETA JECT DE . Not AD-olicable -, ~lETROP()LlT.\;-"; DADE cou:--nv CAPITr'\L OUTL/\Y SUivlMARY 3. DEP.\RnIENT Liaison Office 9 PriOri!:: I '.'11 ~' I .,a ~ '.~ FISC\L YL\R 19---B.l--_~ 14. DlVISIO:'I 10. II. UNlfl12, TOTAL ~~;1~/ COST I REQl'EST \ 5. CODE II' 13. FOR BUDGET I, USE O:--iL Y ., i! Ii 'I \, I' II :1 11 i! " Ii ji " il il Ii Ii 1I Ii " :1 " :1 ;1 I, 1\ l! i\ II il I, Ii I I I ! i I I - Ll' :: Ii -------- --- ------.---.--- ------------------ 'f . " ... t1 UDGET DEPARDIE:-:T ~IETRCPOUT AN D~\DE COLI\TY REVEi'JUE SUj\'1MARY , I f FUND "'/2. PRO Grz..I,..\1 CETA Mc~roe County I DESCRJPTION OF REVEl\iUE / 3. DtPART.'dE\"T Liaison Office /4. DIVISION FUNDS FRO;,! SOUTH FLORIDl>. EMPLOY;"1ENT AND TRAHJING CONSORTID;'j ~ -;- ...~ FISCAL YEAR 19_8l-~ 15. CODE FOR DUDGET_ USE ONLY _ I 7. , II ~ $57,000. II II I, i' I I II ,I i I I I , I i II II I, 'I II II ~ VI r -0 I~ ." ro 0 c: () AI VI :z: -s ....... 0 ro Vl -I VI c-t 0 ....... AI ::l 0 -S :z: '< 0 .0 -t, n . -t, r ::t:> () VI ro VI -S ....... 3: ." 0 ., ....... :z: I n ;::0 -0 ::t:> 0 ;::0 -I lT1 0 ... ....... (j) 0 n ;::0 :z: 0 ::t:> c: 3: :z: -I -< ~, ;::0 ::t:> -b'l- -I VI --' lT1 ::t:> .j:::> --' -0 ~ ~ Ul N lT1 r c: Ul 1..0 ;::0 :z: 0 ::t:> ....... lT1 N -0 n 0 I:l Ul w ::t:> ;::0 ....... ." ::t:> -< -0 ." ;::0 -< ::t:> ....... -I -0 r n 3: lT1 lT1 lT1 J ;::0 r :z: ....... ." ....... -I 0 ::t:> 0 0 ....... VI ;::0 0 :z: lT1 ." ....... :z: n VI c: CO n 3: ::t:> ::t:> CO ........ r N N lT1 VI CO .j:::> .j:::> ;::0 N -< -I -I lT1 0 0 ::t:> -I ." ;::0 ::t:> r -0 ::t:> VI -< ::t:> r -0 ::t:> lT1 ;::0 ;::0 ....... ....... -b'l- CO lT1 0 Ul c: VI 0 -....J 0 VI (j) C> rrJ C> -I 0 :;;:: -t:A - ::t:> w N (j) CO C> -....J rrJ 0 1..0 0 ::t:> NI N 1..0 3: UlI (J) 1..0 0 ~I c: 0 0 :z: 0, C> C> ---i