Resolution 295-1981 ,-, --'" RESOLUTION ~O. 295 -1981 I~HEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY Cm1t~ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from James F. and Nellie P. Lanier , and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to construct a bulkhead and backfill approxiamtely 1000 square feet of presently submerged la~ds along his business-zoned Conch Key ~roperty shoreline. The proposed 100- foot long seawall will be situated along the applicant's northern and western canal front property shorelines. It will be constructed of steel-reinforced, concrete tube pile and slab a~d equipped with deadman tie-back anchors and+a 7 ft. wide concrete cap elevated 2- ft. above the MLW mark. Approximately 150- cu. yds. of clean boulder riprap and limerock fill materials will subsequently be deposited as backfill be~ween the proposed sea- wall location and the existing property shoreline (+3.0- ft. elevation). The methods of construction are unspecified. The purpose of the project is to prevent further property erosion. The applicant's property is situate~ on bayside Conch Key in Monroe County. Conch Key is a relatively small (20- acre) island sit~ated within the Middle Florida Keys Area between Long and Duck Keys (t1.M. 63-, U.S. Highway No.1). Originally developed in conjunction with the construction of the Overseas High- way (U.S. #1), it has since become a center for the middle Keys commercial lob- ster fishery. Although presently almost completely developed with existing trailer and house residences, the vast majority of the island area is utilized for the business interest associated with commercial lobstering (primarily small individual, home-based businesses). As a result, most existinq residences on the island are equipped with boats and related facilities (docks, ramps, slip, etc.). Additional island developments include serveral fish houses, restaurants, hotel/motel and a large, concrete construction facility associated with the Florida Keys bridge replacement program. Adjacent Florida Bay (West) and Atlantic Ocean (East) water are Class III (Section 17-3.041; F.A.C.), predomi- nantly shallow, extremely productive and of generally excellent quality. The applicant's proper~y is situated centrally on the bayside (west side of U.S. Hoghway No.1, island bisection) of the island. It consists of a small, rec- tangular residential lot bordered to the east and west by similar properties, to the south by Conch Key Roadway and to the north Conch Key Waterway. Easterly and westerly adjacent properties are developed with S.F.R's and concrete bulk- heading and boat storage facilities similar to that proposed here. Northerly (and westerly) ~djacent Conch Key~Waterway is an+artificially-created canal measuring 1,000- feet long by 100~ ft. wide by 5- ft. deep (MSL). It provides access for Waterway residents and businesses to vlesterly adjacent Florida Bay waters. At present, the existing canal shoreline is almost completely developed with concrete seawall bulkheading (various design) in association with the adja- cent residential and business residents. Since the majority of the Waterway re- sidents are commercial lobster fisherman, this may be considered a heavy boat traffic area. The aprlicants' property area is presently developed \'/ith a wood frame single family residence. Existing adjacent upland vegetation consists of a small grassy lawn area (front yard) and miscelleneous landscaped tropical exotic flora. Property backyard areas are largely disturbed by the owner's commercial lobster fishing business (ie, traps, construction material and miscellenous tables, chairs and debris). An old, 4 ft. wide, somewhat delapidated, wood- on-wood dock presently exists along the entire property Waterway shoreline (ie, 100 linear feet). Predominant property substrate is a fine, marly, limerock fill materi a 1. At present, the existing property shoreline contains only temporary bulkheading structure. Various wooden boards, piles and concrete rubble have been placed James F. & Nellie P. Lanier Seawall and fill Page 2 along property shoreline areas in an effort to halt the erosion of property fill materials. In addition to that observed along the property backyard peri- meter areas, a substantial amount of fill materials have eroded from beneath the aDplicant's residence (see attached sketch) to the degree of seriously threatening its longterm structural integrity. Adjacent Conch Key Waterway waters exhibited generally poor water quality at the time of inspection. A scarcity of benthic vegetation (isolated, sparse Penicillus, Udotea spp. algaes only) and an abundance of tolerant Casseopeia spp. anemones indicate a lack of waterway circulation. Fine, silty, 1+ ft. thick submergent sediments are continaually disturbed by the aforementioned heavy boat traffic in the area. Mobile marine fauna observed included snappers, grunts and pinfish. The main project impacts will result from the proposed filling of 1000 sq. ft. of presently submerged lands within the project backfill area (also within applicant's pro~erty boundary). Additional short-term project impacts may be anticipated from turbidity raised during seawall construction activities with- in fine silty submergent sediments. ' Due to the existing ~~aterway quality conditions described above, it is not expected that either of these impacts will prove significant in this instance. Beneficial project impacts are expected from the decreased shoreline erosion and hence turbidity within the applicant's property area afforded by the pro- posed seawall bulkhead structure. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant ot Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 19th day of October 19 81 at a regularly scheduled meeting. ~o F COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO E COUNTY, ~IDA ~ ~. 7" Co. c. ~ 1af" Mayor (Sea 1) AttestL~0~ Clerk APMOW'D... '" 10ItM 8y~~i;1 Attorney's OHictl II ~ ,30""'0 OF ~OUNTY COMMISS,_ . Wirhel~ir.a Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E, Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 l~ ..,......I~--:....> o ;: Henry F. Weinkam, Director Building, Planning & Zoning ,r _ li l~~V ;~'tif~.'i~ -4. .,..~,' 9'::::1, ,._~.:l......,.~",~~,~\ ~1"~'io~~~'i('4~~;~.., OK~y~~Y~R~[qE (305) 2944641 P,O.BOX Room 205 Wing II Public Service Building Stock Island, Florida 33040 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Cowplete Enclosures ~ l. Resolution V 2. Permit ...../. 3. Application for Permit V 4. Site Plan V 5. Location Map v 6. County Biologist Report v 7. DER Assessment ~ BY 4>>. C7~~ DATE I d - 7-Jl ~~ce~rrw~,W OCT 8 1981 COUNTY ATTY. ~5_ ...;.;i!r _ lEt",~ ~ F~~.'''''''';'' flr""': ~~ 't~ ~'.'. - , [.,. "i..o , l:.':~' _.c,: .- .. .--. - . '~-..- ":"'~! f'~,~ T"" ',..''''' I,' ' ~ .' f~- , " . , ... . ,., . . . . ~\ PL\}.'NING, BUILDr:;G & ZONING DEP ART~!ENT PER}lIT (1}~~ 'MClN~ClE PERHIT FOR EXCAVATIOX, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. : COUNTY ~~/ FILL, OR STRUCTU~~L ACTIVITIES IN THE -- ~~ WATERS OR HETLANDS OF HONROE COUNTY 1) Property O\~'11e r s name & mailing address 2~ Date FOR DEP AR~,mNT USE m:LY ug 10, 1981 ! James & Nelli e Lanier Resolution No. . Rt. 1, Box 491 3) Phone number i Marathon, Florida 33050 289-0157 Date: : 4) Contractor agent's nane, mailing address & phone number , or ! Self , 5) Legal description of property: Section 15 Key Conch Subdivision Conch Key Tm>'11ship 65S Lot 40 Block Range 34E Street, road or mile marker North Conch Avenue 1000 c.y. land\,.rard of 11. H . W . filled/deposited sq. ft. of backfill Volume of material: dredged/excavated c.y. waten,ard of M.H.H. + c.y. 150- c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.H. ZONING: BU-2 PURPOSE: Cost of Pemit Esti~ated cos~ of Construction Approved by Chaiman BOARD OF COUNTY COmnSSlm:ERS OF ~ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Com.'1'.ents - Rest!'ictions or Special Conditions if any: Approva 1 CODV in File D:1te cui l:.: ir::: O:::c i:_ll -'....--"\ . :.) I'ropb",:,~y O",~~C:-5 n~~.c uAft\l$ r:.. .. }{f1LL/~ lef I ,3D X '191 (l1A ,1..4 r- H . N. 1='.4 ,......::; ;',-.',/ :..-:.. ~.-,- ,ACT!.VtTIG5 IN 7"".'-4[; t~.:AiCl?S Ol{ V:l.in~,1NO u, r"CNi2.J't:": C"UN1t .> ) jl .1011 Q r'. U Ii\ :1 U ):. & ~n:...li~..f: ':'<;GrCSG 1. ) Dn:c t~ J../J,.J J IF (( ~ ' l "-\ ~l, ,... " ~. ( ,1,;\ \~. \ ~ \.,} \ :J.?9.~/5 7 I I ~) Contractor or a~cn:'~ name, ~ni:in~ nd~rcss, ~honc & certification number. ~ ca /{- 5) ~e~a: Gcscri,:ion of ?ropcrty: Section, /::;- To,...nsh if', I., ~ -S Ran~e, <''f{- (if acre::.r,e) Xcy, c ('t (\/ (: 1,/ tl rc , Sub d i vis ion, t C \'\ c...h ~ :o~, 1310 c k, Strcet, road or milc marker, .. . l.O n ::.. n f': , _~(l?_ N. (.. ~ Nr ,l/ /,,:J t..~s' 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of constru:tion & amount of material (in cubic yarns), to 1,e excavntec. or (ii!;c:'1.:1.r~ed. I'esc.ribe purpose & intended useof rroject. 8,., / L [) / III t ,#) e.,q 1(.)..,4 t. k -J ./' ,(';1,.. ~ I r"... ,." S l>> d ~ r(. c. ,..,c t' I' , ~ volume of material: ~i~11ed/ de~o sit ed /" c " Y'., , c " y . (c . y . c . v . ~., ~ c ~~ Y.' ~ Z (l J; (\ ~ (,r; ....L '\.~" \.[ ~,,:, r ~"~. \.~ ,~; J:.--~I..' r. t,'r, <.~ r" T, d.l ;" c(" ~. 4 ;; Do :rc~ o __ ll.:~. ',\ . \,. .. -'" .. ul. vI. . ~ . n . \... . 7) Na"e, address & zi.p code of .'dj';::;::-i"3 "~O?C~ty o"nJ,<IJ "hos<YlPF?P~<ty affronts '01 ate r '01 a y . d~ h'11 UJ _ '7) ~j'/"'-j i;;'f) i'ii-e-,( '-I 9 0 ~/ -"'7/ ~ ry411.'I(LI.4;-; I11Sk'f>~vt~'&., >-, It!f. J f'.~ 4 ~ '-IE 9 YY)ILA-c,-,l.jc.J-~ Lis: o~~er perrr.its issueci anc or applied for, .include applicant s name, lOI "'-l,' J-I"ril l:r~!I'oAl Jlf f.JrC{l(''f-iy. d~cd~c~/cxc~v~tccl (; a) this site NII/......~ b) If application has been suh~ittcd for this project (or one similar) in the past, cx?lnin reason for ne~, n??lication and give a?plicant's name if differen~ fro~ cur~ent ~?p:ic~~~. ~) List all Federal and State a~encies that have received applications for this ';1rojec.t. t--t '" N~ T~i~ completed application form ~ill be nccomp~nicd by the following, or it will ~OT 3c proccssed. a) ':.'.....0 (2) sets of Grn.....in~s, on S~ x :: p.....pcr, sho~,in:; loc~tion, p;.ot plan, top view and cro~q section of uroros~l, dr~wn to ~cAle. b) ^?plic~tion processing fee ~s fo:low~~ $25.0,0 for dred::;e, fill. (~oc::s 0::. :~':1y str~c~'J,:.-es :'1ffrontins n~tur?l wllter bodies. $10;00 for vertic.-:l se!l'....nlls on m"":'.-:-:1f\GC ooC:ies o:Z W!1tcr. $25.00 for .1oy cOmOi':1,"ltio':1 of th~ ?oovc I'c::i\'i~ics DCr' site. c.' J~) i).i-':" c.:.~ ~'.. l.. ',/ ....' /~..o::.- nC7'~'r't~'en~ :Tsc ()nl~"/ /) C> if- 37:1-:;'70 .~ ~' C (..': ,,< :- c c C :":!:: ;,' A?? :::: 0 v e d by Ass 1, t. D ire c to::: h ,. ,\ ,,,,\ /''''1i~'~,., Ji: /.., , , 'C',L / . ,- LL ~'- ,"'C' ./'.../ L ,1'->_ ,_ --'!:.~/' ,?)'i I. "',/.. /~-7'r;; , .. /<..~ - .....,...,(;' 1/ ~ (, ~' 1 t /.__1 . ..' !". - .. t.-- .J ,<72 7' ,/1 ~ /. (.c-/124,,"''-~':''' ,.])UL.t..;/'~J L( a.& ,'~ .. ./ J r ! j -/ ,.' / -p~1 :/-c5) I t. ~ ~. V ,.. .: ,-- .', t:t::/'r~' " ~,.' ~'l ___ . / / J. l>(-("- .' , .. .- Ii' Vel?' /Ljl';'vT lrV e: y e-~l /",'? ;f ~ , I' ~J;{ let" 7 . -----.. -:-.... ,15 V (',/~ zzj''K/ Ud ' , /- ,- - . I) /,/tifl.Zi/:.. GC;;:;~'.,'.'L.{<<fO""""/' /tt.....; r-/ ,7 - . / ./ .. "" / .' J \. ,j;~a;;'~' ,,/-:/~ t/ C/ '\. .- {:t. .tt?'- / // ('i-,,/!({/: 7)tl-' . L7" ' ,~/:,,: l "t....t&-lt'\- ' ' / (i /)."" "r., .' /:.. ' I-C[...fj.!. v.J.t.VI. -I '.// . ,,' " ... .A-VA,-' ' ,r i..Cyzc (J-~~: C /' ~'. (,.,/ //L<.-- C, .( L ~ .:, ,,'-<:/ /' ~l) / , Y p(/tF/ 3201 GOl.F COURse BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 33950 ~. u"it";,'.....yi~~..~ /(j/--.....~'., /~~--~~\ /~ =--~~~\ f j;.. ;__:J "-' /; - Jj r; \ ~Q;<<n1Jk,;. '~~~/ "-- ~'~.u~L./ / ~'F Of fll)9.~ ' .~--_......---- BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACDB D. VARN SECRETARY ,.. ~ -/ ). - ? -:l,") STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENViRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE September 21, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. James Lanier Rt. 1, Box 491 Marathon, Florida 33050 \, Re: Monroe County - Fi le #',44-46897-5E, Seawall and fill ( Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lanier: A.s we advised you on August 28, 1981 , yow: incomplete withcut local approval, pursuant to Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of ~~e ordina~y high water line. "t--..- applJ.ca tion is 0 Section 253.124, existing mean/ } Please submit the enclosed copy of ou= biological corr~en~s together with your permit application to the Board of County Co~~issioners/City Councilor their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city co~~cil ". . .shall have in hand the (biological) rep~rt and findings thereof.~ It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of_county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need ~o obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete wi~~out valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, CU/ljf 1/ ( J::c~ Teryl A. Kranzer Environmental Specialist Enclosure TAK/ds OER ?o~ 17-1.122(50) '0u)lc h161 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PE&~IT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No.: 44-46897-5E County: Monroe Date: 9-11-81 Applicant Name: James & Nellie Lanier Address: Rte. 1, Box 491, Marathon, FL 33050 Agent (if applicable): N/A Address: Location of project: Section(s) IS Township 65S Range 34E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Middle Road; Conch Key (bayside). Water Body: Conch Key Waterway to Florida Bay. Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: , III Aquatic Preserve: Non~ Outstanding Florida Waters: None On site, inspection by: Eri'~ R, -T.okpT'l Date of Inspection: 9-10-81 Original Application: Yes-! No__ Date of 2nd Insp. Revised Application: Yes__No~ Date: BiOlogical and Water Quality Assessment, A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact f~r all aspects of the project. E. Sug(l~stions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or 1:, imize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10(Rev.6/79) I. f J l' 1. ., r it. LANIER, JAMES & NELLIE fj44-46897-5E Monroe County - Conch Key Page Two I"~ ill 1: A. The applicant proposes to construct a bulkhead and backfill approximately 1,000 square feet of presently submerged lands along his business-zoned Conch Key property shoreline. The proposed 100+ foot long seawall will be situated alo~g the applicant's northern and western canalfront property shore- lines. It will be ~onstructed of steel-reinforced, concrete tube pil~ and. slab a'nd equipped Hi th deadman tie-back anchors and a 7 tt. w~de concreLt= l:ap e1.eVateCl L-t- rt:. above the MLW mark. Approximately 150+ cu. yds. of clean boulder riprap and limewock fill materials will sUbsequently be deposited as_ backfill between the proposed seawall location and the existing property shoreline (+3.0+ ft. elevation). The methods of construction are unspeciried. The purpose of the project is to prevent further property erosion. I:; ", '. 'I, ',' !i. B. 'The applicant's property is situated on bayside Conch Key in Monroe County. Conch Key is a relatively small (20+ acre) island situated within the }fiddle Florida Keys Area-between Long, and Duck Keys (M.M. 63+, U.S. Highway No. 1). Origin~ ally developed in conjunction with the construction of the Ove.rseas Highway (U.S.#l), it has since become a center for the _. middle Keys con~ercial lobster fishery. Although presently almost completely developed with existing trailer and house residences, the vast majority of the island area is utilized for the business interests associated with commercial lobstering (primarily small, individual, home-based businesses). As a result, most existing residences on the island are equipped with both boats and related facilities (docks, ramps, slips, etc.). Additional island developments include several fish houses, restaurants, hotel/motels and a large, concrete construction facility associated with the Florida Keys bridge replacement program. Adjacent Florida Bay (west) and Atlantic Ocean (east) waters are Class III (Section 17-3.041; F.A.C.), predominantly shallow, extremely productive and of generally excellent quality. The applicant's property is situated centrally on the bayside (west side of U.S. Highway No. 1 island bisection) of the island. It consists of a small, rectangular residential lot bordered to the east and west by similar properties, to the south by Conch Key Roadway and to the north by Conch Key Waterway. Easterly and westerly adjacent properties are developed with S.F.R's and concrete bulkheading and boat storage facilities similar to that proposed here. Northerly (and westerly) adjacent Conch Key Waterway is an artificially-created canal measuring 1,000+ ft. h I 1.;... I L, I' I, " I; I. , i ;. " i , , ,1 , ' ~ j' \1 " I ii' F 1 . i! j! ,. II, \' j' J " i 'c~ 1'" /. ]" 1, ' ii' '~ t ~i 1: 'I ,I' ii .I, JI " t ~. I i j ;i . .: <' Ii'." 1 I il ~ " LANIER, J~mS & NELLIE . ,4144-46897 - 5E Monroe County - Conch Key Page Three long by 100+ ft. 'tvide by 5+ ft. deep (MSL). It provides access for Waterway residents and-businesses to westerly adjacent Florida Bay waters. At present, the existing canal shoreline is almost completely developed with concrete seawall bulkheading (various. design) in association with the adjacent residential and business residents. Since the majority of the Waterway residents are commercial lobster fisherman, this may be considered a heavy boat traffic area. E. The applicant's property area is presently developed with a wood frame single family residence. Existing adjacent upland vegetation consists of a small grassy lawn area (front yard) and miscelleneous landscaped tropical exotic flora. Property backyard areas are largely disturbed by the owner's commercial lobster fishing business (ie, traps, construction material and miscellenous tables, chairs and debris). An old, 4+ ft. wide, somewhat dilapidated, wood-on- wood dock presently exists along the entire property Waterway shore- line (ie, 100+ linear feet). Predominant property substrate is a fine, marly, Iimerock fill material. A~ present, the existing property shoreline cpntains only temporaryu bulkheading structures. Various wooden boards, piles and concrete rubble have been placed along property shoreline areas in an effort to halt the erosion of property fill materials. In addition to that observed along the property backyard perimeter areas, a substantial amount of fill materials have eroded from beneath the applicant's residence (see attached sketch) to the degree of seriously threatening its long term structural integrity. . Adjacent Conch Key Waterway waters exhibited generally poor water quality at the time of inspection. A scarcity of benthic vegetation (isolated, sparse Penicillus, Udotea spp. algaes only) and an abundance of tolerant Casseopeia spp. anemones indicate a lack of waterway circulation. Fine, silty, 1+ ft. thick submergent sedi- ments are continually distrubed by the aforementioned heavy boat , traffic in the area. Mobile marine fauna observed included snappers, grunts and pinfish. . D. The main project impacts will result from the proposed filling of 1,000 sq. ft. of presently submerged lands within the project backfill area (also within applicdnt's property boundary). Adgi- tional short-term project imuacts may be anticipated from turbidity raised during seawall construction activities w~thin finef silty submergent sediments. Due to the existing Waterway ~ualitr "- '- ..,...... ''-. LANIER, JAMES & NELLIE #44-46897-5E Monroe County - Conch Key Page Four conditions described above, it is not expected that either of these impacts will ?rove significant in this instance. Beneficial project impacts are expected from the decreased shore- line erosion and hence turbidity within the applicant's property area afforded by the proposed seawall bulkhead structure. ~~'"':"r.,'1 .. ~..... . ., -. . . --. -. -_. ._.. --...'''''' , ' , ....- .; 'J ames & Nellie Lanier 4fr44-46897-5E It ~~ It"U~ ."'":; ,';' .,. ,^ ," ~.' J!~~~{~i;;2i;,);ti~ ~ ~ ~...:,joIiioUlI' .:a ".-.:!U(...~",,~:;:+>.~.;:.'..i " V...,' . ,.....~.1!'"!>f.~,! ~ft... "\.ffi#'~' ~,:;~]~~t~t~~~~,i.'..',.'j)';;~ ~\!.~-;~'~.' "...,1...-_ . "".~J._'tl; N'.1(.<!}P;"r..'!"~' ,,0, " <';,;.'" ",.:,;. ' l ~,_.. . B1" \ti~~~f~'~t1~;)~~!~;~0~ , .." ..,.f,;, ~llU"''''''~''''''''''~~~'''''''~'-'''''' ..:...'.:1 ~. ..,).... ' ., pIIIl"p.......,. .", -:;;.......:.;.. ~~~1\.~ ~~_;.Jt:.~.:-i.!~"\..-.,.,.;i.':....-,r,;..:~ ~:,' ".,. , ,~~ .. . it.". ,....,., ""-~,,,,'''',,",,~~''f!C ";:;~"~'"""~'''; ;f. . . ..... ~~\ ':i.', -:~~.~. '''~'."., . \ i\ .....-. _ . ~ 04'--"_ ~,/>.~ ....If<;''t-lh.~ qt...iJ.... ~ ~. . J.' . -....t......,""'..,n""."..~ \:. ~.,... """4;,'" Ul~'~ , ~..;-, ,.~ ',..' ~ .,'.'.~"Ll .;.:..,;~..;.",;. ~,:.:." .........-- . ':;~t.'~ ' -'''':\U....~!>O..;ii .-..-"1....'.,,4......_......'.... ,< PROTO ifF 2 View of northern property and adjacent submerged areas from west to ~ast. Note existing dock, disturbed backyard area (traps, misc. construction materials) and applicant's comn1ercial lobster boat within project area. Note also existing lack of submergent vegetation within adjacent submergent areas. PHOTO #1 Vie"l'l of proj ect area (west side of Lanier property) from southwest to northeast. Note existing wood frame residence, perimeter dock and existing canal shoreline dis- continuity within project limits (denoted by red flagged stake). Conch Key Waterway and opposite residences in photo background. ~' -.'.. J......\..: - ,,.'~r..-::I'~,.~~r. W $ .. "','" ",~,\I~ *,.{1'"Th.~\,1 '~' ~~.4 ." 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'; ,-- '1 .: ~ - @)- J l , " ; " \ '1 :j "") ji -...:. J ,-. I ( i' It r "" '-') " ~ ,...... ,1 ~...... ~;, &. ;~ J "1 ,.. :1. ,,~ II ~1 ~ \, # I ~ : ~.' ,.:......~j . ~1 i ...~, ~'I: 'l"'~ ~~....! :~. .........! 1'1' !. j~ I I ' I I !l~ I, I r: 1 , ; l 'I '" i : I I" ~ ~ ~ J .~,~ ~ - ---f--' , ~\ l~.' . " ... I ( . i ' \ \ -;....... , ~ - ';:7. ~ . I . i . . \ !.- _ _ i---l .--" -'J , - .- ... - - -- ____ ' ..; , , ' ,~; I 1 1 I 1 ;rp-:-~ I t i i _I !':_::co~_; '/ q 1 \! Ii i ;J 111::\!, \ \ \' \ ~. ___' ," !",I 1 II , :=-..::-.:.:: ~ ~ \' -,-,/._...;.:..' , --,,' - --A /'" I :-=..:::~~:,; \, 1:,....) ;:..//....;:1 1/ /'/1 ~;:i:"" ....,(;JcK- '--)~ l=-j th~ (1.jUlLc.+iM ' , ~-l:l ;~_. -, ~ ' r-I (bw j .,. <<H-4~~9't ~5e-). ~I f.f( L>~ q/llf~(.: I i---'j \ ~~ I ~ ..---'~ }--,~ r--'~ t--:~ 1-,~ //" ." ~=;~ \ " ~./ .;......./ ~ ............/ .....///,r \1 '___"'\' ' " " ' i"~-':;\ ' ' ,'.. r-'-"':;' \ ~\~~'(. , , . .,---11 t==;~ \ ,. 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BY DATE .a/"/~I v, ~I ", SUBJECT SHU: 1 No, I / ,1 ,\ i " J')8 ^"', , .......1-1 I 't .. i ~ ."'( ~. .0.._ _ . _ _.._ ._ ~~ '/,".0 ," -" " 'J. 1, p.!' Jf" '1fC+ - /4 I - .......... l_ I . , ,-.. {1 ,.-, .-.... 0 ;,,1:';,.1 .c:,,~... o l~.. "r.-")/1. ...1. .).J.. \_ __ L,'"-',j { . '\\ (:... ...-" ,-..; !~... .; K..: ,/ ;~/.~ - r :', ,~ \- ~\, ~ d' ~!j 0''.)':... ... ,.~-4':"" If /,,/,0,,',(;, I;." IV. ~1.L1 .+~ IV., _l.l ...... _+_ '" ", - - - -- -- "--- -'" '-1.- ~-"."T"2..,:!:2',-----~r .,L f':..~ "i, I;' i". " "!J ",;', ",'1 h" ::tA,,",u",i~,__. "....,,,.... "'q , '~,; 7itl;6..." :;... < ' , t ; - ~ , . ~ :~d "/'I T /10 '\ : ; -~ i. I,,' CJ I. \ ~ I'i" .: . ........ " 1 :~.- '- .- ~ ..:J ''\.'',-,'1 :-.J: --1 ~,..:. :". I, ~ . , ~': ' ~ .. Y.t. ..... ~-', . c: \ t::: ' 1-: " , > ~ l'-.: "I ~('. "',' .r, '" ."il: ~ ~~~ -I: ' . tot f'J: >~ ':)1 ,PLAT 0.2' smnr~y 01 LOT 40 o:~ "CONCH KEY", AS RECCRDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, AT PAGE 130 OF THE' PU3LIS RECORDS C? MONROE CCUNTY, FI~1. ..>. ..... " l'~ -...; t:.:--=- . 1--- l~ , ' v; ~ ~h ~ I.i\ '.. ~~,-, . 'I r....-; I.\~' -: :---' .. \l J ,-,,} ,~'\~-...: '-1 t...,~' V) ."" ~ ~~ ~d!" ' ~:! 5oil!' -.. , " " \1, <.::, ''lO.N U':: (' ' ~ r 20. 28 ' ... --- -- ( .." 1 ~ , :s:.' ~ " , ..' . ' I ~\I 1'1 4'" 7rol'I'I' '" -~ I ~ . ~ ~;"~.; ;;; .. ~ \~ L~: ,oL --____~Jr. __.__ , - "::....1.,.- Co ~, I ~. :,p,~,,,:: c., , ';";1 ~ .. .8 .',,1, ' ,,'Od 5c:<( /17 ,;:J ,'t)i" &:l I / /0' ly/ ,', 'U. " c/~ f"1 \ / i e ",:,-:..:,~,,_.J_Y , r--,(,' 4','" VJ' c::--t _~__ ..~_v~~~.~ ,'" .:..:.-=- / _ , cr: <9, ,__u.... '.,. ___ , ,...."._..__ I HEREBY CERTIFY:-That the attacheri "PLAT 01" SURVEY" i3 true and correct to the best of my knowJ,edge and belief as surveyed and platted by me. ,. ;" '....~ ,-' (J ___.'J. Land ,+,,- . . ( (; BAILEY & ASSOCIATES lArvO SURVEYORS "'S) '1":,!: H.)X 1)8, MAf-lATHON FLOHIDA JJ05u TElEPHON~ 2890688 COMP B '( CG ,;, CH" By SUBJECT DArE A/~ ';:, ""'I ;;J I ," SHEE1~" / .' ,.- ( JUH .'\; \ i..h' I'') j J- ,'L( ,'-:.1 '---,... 4 ~. PO,'. ~'i(:f. ., I .,.. -.. .'='-,)..'>,.1 , ../", j \,.....'~ ,f ~ . ,--: /'i , (J~,., .... ~'" v " ,.~ \ ~ ~ \ \\ \' ~ " ().'Ii .'(' 1:.' ., .--- .i/ .., t~ .... " If: 15:; 0'0 ~ -. ,,/ ~~-4'= '"/.L' ,( .. t' ".' /- ".I, :;/1 IV. lO '..LJ +:::,V.,..,' '_' - - -'. - ,_.. ,-, -. -'. '-'-" - --::--'~'r2r3,f~_ -:-':,.J=;- ': ~ki..lj L:J.~, .... .,j'-'I. \:~ ,',:: ~~ ' t If 7i7fl:r:' ::1. 1, ~! '\ 1: --- ,// 1'4 It J .~_~T1 " ',. ,~ "''1 .~ ' '., LOT 40. I, . i ,-' I , i ... :'-1 , " ',l '-.l: 1 ~I", > \:: . '. " f: -.' -, - ;, ~ ' /"/' C' 'tQ ~U( 0../01". ,_~ ;- ~ ~ " '] l..:, , -....; <1..0 " ~ ~ '-' r ~ .d'!. .. \l: .. , ~\ , "1 ;:-" " . '-J ~! ',' I "- '--.) .."..' ',> to;. ,,,~ ~ YO, I ~ ~ ~ I -....: :y ~ '" c-...\; t"..),"",. .-!'~ ,u'Ji ~ \, ~ ~ "-" _' t ~ j ~)LAr U:' SUF:'i:-';Y ()~' LC/~ .:(j eLF' "~;()NCH II.3"Y", i\.s R.t:;~CRJE~ TN PLAT BOOK 2, AT PAGE 1jO OF TH~ PU::3LIC RECORJS C'':' ivlUXRCl:; cc:~]~:rY, r-'LA. t'..j ~ f" ;~ '~,L ('I; >: ') --, , " ~\ 7?,;1 V: ! "":"":.' f' .-6 __~ It'':-: ?:: ;:'1.4:/ . , ~~ ~ Zv,::8 ' ~ , .... , 'l ~ ~, ~" f.l.-.; }. ~~i,~~.~Tr i-i'l" 7/":)f.(j] : ~ / , "'I""vl; 30ft ~ ~i . 'v! ~",:"", Ii l ^C':;, ~ ~ "O;--~-:'~-~ c "',.1.....,_' -t' ,~ '.J ~ , ,... ~ .3.1.1 j,}l,-"C;'-<C. ,i; P p, : ,v, " ! /0' \..',' , '-1' ~ , - I" \ / C , . I" _ .,j.:,~ .: .' ~/ ,::_-~~':'_::~---:~ <:L\' ./ ~j~_ , -.--.. '-- c:r. ~orrect t8 :h.: .::;latted by fit:. I. HEREBY 8ERTI ~'''i : -Tha. t ~.he a t t,3.~.~r~ei ~) (' ~-i t ~ f r;~:: ,. t:r:o~.l edF;-e "?L.AT Ur' JU?-liY" .l..':'') true :,l.!l',1 a..nJ ~,f.:Jic~- '") ~~ ,,~ sur'.'" Y'~':: :..ifl :~ , t." I .. '/' ....~ l,{f /,..... ~,.y..-.I,c..., . t '. -_.:.._-- -- -------- - -'-- --=- ---- .::.-------------------------- ----- ,}. ;~-~i.::':?J~' Rer.... l-"\J.-~_-{. L~nd ~:ul~veycr. ~c. c)C '. + SUBJECT ( (; BAILEY & ASSOCIATES CUMP 8 y c.G ,5. LAND SURVEYORS '>C,,;' ')~FIi:t BOX 728, MARATHON. FLORIDA 3JO~U TELEPHONE 289,0688 i_ ..::1.,'..t.,; ')/4 p/PF: 5d, o ,""'" i'" .,. .C1/1 ...}-;, ;?:..)J:..). :~':; i ~C''':I{' ! CHI<.. BY , -, liAri' 8;:z /,,:.;, I .. J ' SHE.E.T ~~d / / ,~ \ '. - .- J()o ~...u ~_1-1._, './ f-- ,""( \ --- C () .Ai .:"' .:c L! ~~' A ~ ,! r. ;". ..:; 'Y " r -~ fe.,' !l; !'{1 'v. 10 G '..._ 'v _ ::;, .' -- - - -.--- ,-. -f- 4 -' rr!~~~_.__:_:- J-+ f'C: ::' .. i ' r; , ',,, ".I','. <:; 'l~ , :. r....-~'. ""'..."_.._;'-._,...~': ' ,: -r:n-.(;.'r rr',. ( I , .._,-, JI'/I' >' ... _.l ' '" !.-':"'~ 1: C:!l ! "'T 40 \:: I. I.(' . 1: ~ ~; '..! I: .,'.'. . '.; " ~ ~~Ifff ' A v", a.ro/lf;7 H ~ , /.. ~ ~ "3/~v./: 30ft . 0-.., i M.$L. 'JI' s_ f' ,r ~ ~, :.' r=,::;0 ~ ' ' .'1(: '_ i.t'lA' '1 -' i....-. . -" ~ ~ !P 13:; 0'0 ~ ..., ./ ~"':"_D,':' . ,~ \f .. \, J ,~ ' "'-'. I , .. f- -1 \" .1 .....;=~ ~;.:::_J ~- \ L_ \ ~- \ L-::, ... 1=', : ,g' 'J, :;;:: l.~ ~ I I' ~ll.t.. - , .. ::0.44 ~ ,~ .I.J) "" ~.j t-; ). ~, , -, ,. \,) v: i.; I.n ',,, ~'<:::i-I.." . " ..") \,j\' .~. ~ "'1 \::.1 ,(:;: ,,,< --..J I,' 'v) ,~~ ~ ::0,:8' .8 .\.1.: ,/0.7 ,-C;L~<',,.:( .~'7 .P .r:P),'~1 / el /0' ....r ~-':... (U.:: C';-< c :::)., / , -' ,~~;.._C-'-"_('" 4.~::: ,V.:.~':; '. &:j I b c-: r: " h ;, ~ i , j' . ;,. ~, ~.. Q)r;... :-1:~ Itl" 10 ':l.li " ',':'1; t\) i -"I .."J ',.. :~ , 'I. ' "J ,., \..\ 1","-,'""1 , ~..- ~ PLAT OJ<' .:3UR'i~Y OF LOT ~() Of "CONCH t~iY", AS RECGRDEJ TN PLAT BOCK 2, AT PAGE 130 OF THE PUBL Ie RECORDS 0:2' f.';ONRCB COUN1'Y, FJ..A. t\t ~ ro.; \~ \ , , I .._,~---_.- ' :..~ ;~ 1 HEREBY CERTIPY:-That correct to th~ hest ~f platted by rr;,c. the attached "?1A'f OF SUR'/EY" L3 true and my kno~ledgc ani telief ~s surveyed and S.3. Bailey, Re~. PIa. Lan~ Surveyor ~c. 620 .... I fA~', 1>, .re-~I4I~"-: .70 1J~ ~ -Fvfl,~ - r.rj;,,J , !J~1:d J.A,J/I~t'J . Lot 'fo~ ~~cN ~ ..- . j ," - t 1.. , , ; - 1-- ._____~u _-;.u._w , T-- -I -r , 1 i Ii, rFi-- i- j ""r- · . i ..L --..,. '7 :7. , ' ---tn--- ! ,-.--- --- ! ...~- -. : I I ,..-+ _'H~ ,eUf~ -'-----, --t--' - -+- -- ~--- + - , ~.u.. i.At ' I: ~' :, __ ' ~ _1ef)~ l.fl~1fr --Ii;;-~jjAt.~ ! i , -T'''' ---f----- +-----..~.-.---~- , I I ('o,J~1 ~~' w,.~~? I - <------- .,-<--- -~ .-.-- :) Pl lr') ,,' - tv . I t... i ! l , ....1 , 1-- ;, -j-.. \' --1'-- .1 ! j" l' , 1 J 11'-- f)'''~ , 1-+. -,--j-- I I . j -T+ --I ,i--.t- ,I., ! j , , ,I i 1 ." ,.. ~ 1-- ,. b i Is1 1. , I I i~. .,.~..,.. i tI I ! ~.m PUN~~~E': .,-" 'Pt?~,/r;N""Ft?(jJ:~,~.' --t ,I AlJ~At:eNT P~oPC"74 ,~? 'JOHN w.7)oL.AH l_~ ':"':?ANr(L-IN r~A SIr- JF tv Ie:! I ! OwN S/{$: t- ..... ,,,. ,~:t \; d , . CO,N'::i-:' /:::1.:/ LA//.di.'fZ ~'/17 . -- , ~ ----'---............ - ., ' - ,. t - '~--:--._-_.~-:-----~- ~~~t-> ~ t< r" :-- -~----..._-_." ,--'-'-'-- -. r-'--' ,-. -<--, .- ,. . J .~~ , f~' ;._~, ._1 (-1 . :'II'-~ ;-.' f ~ ~!:,-I . ~ '~.r : I ~ '~," I -.j '\ . ~~'1 I -"~ : ,,-. ,,~;, l I ,~~-,L \"1 I I~~, .---,t, II ~:t,- ! !'--~ i..,; I I'fQ~, I ,~l~ ;j- i'~: II ~l~ . ~ ,\" II ,~,~ -, I' 't' ,.., ;- i: r I U IJ' ! , .. : :- !J f · - ~--: f< ,-, . ,,' ,\ ( ~ , ': ~ It 'I~;~' I I' . I - , ( -1-' i . -t - I - ~ A~o,:";'j.!f ,-.--. i S~.(IIA{l.' 1 -;-," ---; ., u ,T-- t r- r--' -. ",-,1 _U '.'U r _ - t j.--.-.---+-- I u f - _ .-.--..--..----.---.. . " --. , ~o: -,- ...._"--~ -- - - -- .._.- - - ,- :'I't;.,.II"1 ti ,. If' ll~' ~ I -.! '~Ii; t I r\, as ,~i;,~I-'f h i.1l:>f;{LIpocK.. , ,i / !! i . ' j- -,"- --- " t /-1 ,/ "1_ -- -l- l I i - r' J I I t i !~I ~~~,j '\ j~,~, ..~ ~ . . \ ll'-. ~ '~': ~~, rl'.i ~ 1 I' '.~t~ . : \ IX: 1"- \ 'luj~ \ 'l~,.~ \ ' ;~ \'1'~ \ \ \ , 'N ~ ~ J ~ 'I . \1 // //'1 !--..- . .: , . ./ /' /' '/ /' / /./ . /) , ~~. ,t ,,,,_ ~ r-.......r.J.-. , I... __ '/" l I ~ : ~u__ !------. "-'f-' ; i I I . I I -i t " ,-~ -"'\'-; ; i -- -t- 1 I I ! - -, o TOPS. 'y- ~aRM ! 3397 L.ITHO DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE . October 5, 1981 SUBJECT Lanier, J. F. and N. P.: Seawall and fill FROM Robert Dennis, Environ. Biol. -~ DEP"T~uildino. Planninq and Zoninq DEP'T Planning and Zoning To Henry F. Weinkam. Director LEGAL TWSP 65S, Range 34 E, Section 15, Lot 40, Conch Key. Zoned BU-2 INTfWDUCTION: This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. DISCUSSION: Applicants are requesting approval to construct a 96 ft. long seawall and backfill approximately 1000 sq. ft. of submerged land. Some of this fill will be used to replace materi a 1 eroded from under the app 1 i cants I res i dence. The seawall will be constructed along the applicant1s northern and western canal front property lines. In addition, 150+ c.y. of rip-rap will be placed at the toe of the seawall (see DER report). - The area ~6 ft. x 21 ft.) below MHW to be filled is part of a short canal serving single family residences to either side (one of which is the applicants home). This canal branches off from the Conch Key Waterway which is the main canal. l~ater quality in this canal appears poor, the bottom sediments are silty in nature and virtually devoid of vegetation. Cassiopeia (the "upside down jellyfish") is an abundant inhabitant in this canal which indicates the lack of water circulation. The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional information. EV,l\LUATION: No adverse or long term environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. RECor1~'lENDATION : Apnrova 1. NOTES: DER and Army Corps permits required.