Resolution 044-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 44- 1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, AND THE AREA AGENCY ON AGING FOR DADE AND MONROE COUNTIES - UNITED WAY OF DADE COUNTY, INC. TO PROVIDE FOR IN- CREASE IN THE TITLE III C-1 CONTRACT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of 'County Commissioners of Monroe County Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Amend- ment to the Contract by and between the Area Agency on Aging for Dade and Monroe Counties - United Way of Dade County, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, to provide for increase in the Title III C-1 Contract. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of February, A.D. 1981 (Seal) Attest:.~ ~ / ' / ~itc~~~.~( ... . '----"'" / 1 e r -' APPROVED AS' TO FORM AIIIJ UGAl. StIFFICIENCY. BY vr ~0ItII.\t ... Area Agency on Aging for Dade and Monroe Counties r---. I ,- '\ ,. \ . ~ '\ . i....- ~ .0 - \ - ,;.'......_~-.-J Post Office Box 010790, Miami, Florida 33101 . 305/854-8311 February 13, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: SANDI EAST TROSSET, DIRECfOR MONROE CaJNTY NUTRITION PROGAAM FRCN: LUIS M. BORGES, _'>t:! J", ~ 1/11'1 ~ 0 .Jd. } MA DIRECTOR ~ I' f ' v \,...,/ v- -r ~ REF: TITLE ill -C CONTRACf AMENDMENTS Enclosed please find six (6) copies of the Title m C-l Monroe County Nutrition Program contract amendment in the amount of $32,580 for the period of 2/2/81 to 3/31/81. An extension of 1 month, through 4/30/81, will be awarded by the AAA upon \vritten request. Please note that all copies must include dated original signatures; the date must read February 2, 1981. It is essential that you return all copies of this amendment to the MA office no later than 2/19/81. Monies will not leave the AAA office prior to compliance with the following condition (s) of award: (1) Submittal of appropriately signed match corrnnitment form. /bmb ~~31 U:'; ITED I'I'A \' OF l),\DE COU\TY, [\C. AREA :\CE\CY 0\ ACI:\G rOR DADE <I ~IO:-Jr<OE COU\TTES MIE:.JD~IENT TO CONTRACT TillS ,\GREHIENT, entered. into this 2nd day of February by a~ll ~et\veen. Monroe COlITlty Nutri tion Pro~r{1m hereInafter referred. to as the "Provid.er", and the Area on Ag i ng for D::tde and. ~Ionroe Count les 0 f Un i ted. Way. 1981 J\CTency b , WITNESSETH: The above-n::tmed parties hereby mutually agree: I. That the contract between the said parties d\iX: XX covering the period from April 1, 1980 to March 31, 1981 for Title III~ of the Older Americans Act. , 1\. The total amount of funds is increased as follows: Title lIT C-1 $32,580 For a total of $105,130 B. A Special Provision IS added as follows: a. Original contract in the amount of $72,550 is to be considered an attachment to this amendment b. Copies of invoices for all equipment submitted to AAA. II. The termination date remains March 31.1981 III. The provision of services will remain the same throughout the period. IV. The attached contract entered into on April 1, 1981 is, in fact, the contractual agreement between the Provider and the Area Agency and this is the agreement under which payment has been taking place. V. Only items in the contract or attachments to the contract in conflict with this amendment to contract shali be and are hereby changed to conform with the contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. Area Agency on Aging for Dade & Monroe Counties- United Way of Dade County, Inc. (Date) By: Provider: Title: Director BY: Date: Title: Attest: AAA 29 2/9/81