Resolution 052-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 52 -1981 . , WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from CHARLES MCCARTHY, and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes the construction of an "L-shaped" breakwater and a boulder riprap seawall along his Florida Bay waterfront property shoreline on Plantation Key to create a private, protected small boat harborage. The proposed porous breakwater will be constructed of 175+ cu. yds. of coral rock, provided with a concrete veneer cap and elevated to approximately+2.0 ft. (NGVD). Said breakwater will extend approximately 60 ft. into state waters from applicant's extreme southern shoreline and associated "L-section" will continue approximately 67 ft. northward from the waterward end of this shoreline extension. Entire breakwater will be approximately 7 ft. wide and constructed to allow flow-through circulation. The proposed riprap seawall will be constructed of 15+ cu. yds. of boulder riprap (with 5+ cu. yds.deposited waterward of MHW line)~ provided with a 5+ ft. wide concrete cap and elevated to approximately +4.0 ft. (NGVD). An additional 130~ cu. yds. of clean fill material will be deposited behind said seawall (i.e. backfilled) to complete shoreline stabilization. This riprap seawall will extend approximately 75 ft. following natural, existing shoreline and upland contours to existing shoreline stabilization structures (i.e. seawalls) at both adjacent properties. The proposed construction will involve no materials excavation. Entire area of fill deposition (i.e. breakwater and seawall w/backfill) will be less than 0.1 acre. All construction materials will be trucked to site via existing roadways and applicant's uplands. During construction, turbidity diapers will be placed as necessary to prevent contamination of state waters. Applicant's property is a rectangular tract of land (approx. 75' wide by 160' long) in High Point Subdivision of Plantation Key. High Point Subdivision consists primarily of single family residences (S.F.R. 's), many of which are already existing in area. Applicant's property is bordered to the north and south by existing S.F.R. 's, to the east by Rolling Hill Road and to the west by Florida Bay. Florida Bay waters adjacent to applicant's property shoreline are contiguous with the "outstanding waters" of Everglades National Park as defined in Section 17-3.041 (FAC). The existing S.F.R. bordering applicant's northern property boundary (also two neighbors farther north) is equipped with shoreline stabilization and porous breakwater structures very similar to those proposed here. All appear to be in excellent condition with good cJrculation and water quality. Several, 30 to 40 ft. diameter, lush beds of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) were observed growing in these basins in addition to several species each of algae, sea anemone and fish. In addition, Florida spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus) and cerinths were observed occupying existing niches in riprap structures. Personal communication with applicant revealed that all of these breakwater systems have been existing 5+ years. The S.F.R. bordering applicant's southern property boundary is equipped with both a concrete seawall and an "L-shaped" dock of the same approximate dimensions as the breakwater proposed here. All of these basin structures are presently in service with several small boats observed occupying spaces in same. The upland areas on applicant's property have all been previously scarified and are presently vegetated only with lawn grass and isolated palm trees. A concrete housepad is also existing on said property uplands. Page 1 of 3 CHARLES McCARTHY RESOLUTION NO. 52- -1981 The majority of the proposed riprap seawall backfill will be placed in said property's transition zone (approx. 15 ft. wide along entire 75 ft. property shoreline). This transition zone is presently in natural condition and vegetated by a variety of flora including buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus), white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa), sea purslane (Sesuvium spp), sea daisies (Borrichia spp) , beach carpet (Philoxerus vermicular is) , bay cedar (Suriana maritima), saltwort (Batis spp), swamp lillies (Crinum americanum) and several species of grasses. Predominant transitional substrate is shallow soil layer over coral marl. Submerged areas in proposed project area are similarly in natural condition. Several species of red, brown and green (Acetabularia spp, Batophora spp, Penicillus spp, Caulerpa spp) algae were observed growing primarily in inshore areasin addition to several small (10 ft. diameter) patches of turtlegrass (~testudinum). Inshore submerged substrate consists primarily of coral marl with limerock rubble and shallow sand layer covering certain areas. Beyond this area (15+ ft. from shoreline), submergent vegetation exists only in small (1-5 ft. diameter) patches of algae and grasses on a predominantly open, sandy bottom. Marine fauna observed in project area included several species of sea anemones, cerinths, fish (Scarus spp, Abudefduf spp, Haemulon spp, Lutjanus spp, Anchoa spp, Acanthurffi spp, Holocanthus spp, Pomacanthus spp, Strongylura spp, Sphyraena spp) and several spiny lobster (panulirus spp). Observed water quality throughout project area appeared excellent with adequate depth (3-4 ft. MW) for safe small boat navigational access. The direct impact of the proposed project will primarily be in the immediate areas associated both with the riprap seawall and backfill placement and with the porous breakwater installation. The riprap seawall and associated backfill will result in the removal and loss of all of the transitional vegetation cited above affecting an area of approximately 1100 sq. ft. Since no excavation is required for this work, this portion of project should have no other deleterious affects on environment. In addition, proposed riprap construction should be beneficial in providing additional shoreline habitat area. The proposed break- water will cover 900+ sq. ft. of submerged lands presently occupied primarily only by small (1-5 ft. diameter) patches of seagrass and algae. Only substantial loss of submergent vegetation will be in the removal of one, 10 ft. square (100 sq. ft.), patch of turtlegrass (~ testudinum) presently growing in inshore area of proposed breakwater waterward extension. Remainder of submergent area to be impacted by said breakwater is predominantly open, sandy bottom. In addition, proposed breakwater should provide a significant increase in submergent habitat for marine flora and fauna. In the longer term, the only expected environmental impact will be in the addition of some hydrocarbon pollutants to state waters from boat motor maintenance and operation procedures. However, since the proposed basin area is private and intended only to service on S.F. R. it is expected that any such additions will be minimal in this instance. In addition, it is expected that, provided the proposed flow-through circulatory aspects of the breakwater design function properly, said breakwater will result in a productive mini-reef system and protective area for seagrass growth promotion as was observed in adjacent breakwater system. Page 2 of 3 CHARLES McCARTHY RESOLUTION NO. 52 -1981 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~lISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners , 19 81 of Monroe County, Florida, this 24th day of February at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 'c. 01) J Mayor (Seal) Att~;t: . ~C~~ erk AHIfOVEDM TO FORM BY -~;.iL A.. ,..,.011_ Page 3 of 3 ,...~- '/ -L:":, , c./ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelm'ina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 _~ 17 rv--- ____F .-<' ~ ~ ""r , ,.. OFFICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept. Public Service Center Key West, Fl 33040 (305) 294-4641 .-"" .. . . ... WI f#'!.'t'. Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: l. Certificate of Complete Enclosures Y'" 2. Permi t ~ 3. Application for Permit t.-- 4. Site Pl an '--' 5. Location Map V- 6. County Biologist Report J,-- 7. DER Assessment J-- 8. Resolution t..-- BY --f5~. .'-~ Administrative Secretary DATE ~rn ZONING: RU-l -/"""" C:-:;~")---.. ~ .".' i;' , ':.~ . .,_'0--,._,.. r~~~ I . . "; '. ,..' '" \ 'Joo.'.' " . i ' ,...:i ( : ! i! - 0 ; ,~t-. ~ ,-, C,1,. Ul.,...il\':i;~ / 1'( . ! ;', ';'";. '. TOPS' FOR.. 8397 LITHO IN U. S. A. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE Fehruary 3,1981 SUBJECT 11 c Car t 11 y, B rea k l.r ate ran d rip - rap sea lol all To Hen ry l-lein kam DEP'TDirector. Planning, Blde. & 7nning Environmental Biologist DEP'TPlannin!?:. Building & 7nning FROM Robert Dennis LEGAL THSP 63s, RGE 38e, SECT. 7, High Point Subdivision, Lot 20, Block 1, Plantation Key. Zoning is RU-l. PURPOSE: This project is to he reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance lolith Monroe County Ordinance 13-1980; fill helow mean hi~h water. DISCUSSION: Applicant proposes to construct an "L-shaped" boulder breakwater and rip-rap seawall along his Florida Bay water- front. The breakwater will extend approximately 60 ft. into the Bay and then making a right an~le turn to parallel the shoreline for approximately 67 ft. The breakwater will be +2.0 feet (NGVD) and 7 ft. wide. In addition, approximately 175 cubic yards of coral rock will be required. Three flolol through culverts will be constructed as shown on the attached drawing. The proposed seawall will be approximately 75 ft. long. and will require 15 cubic yards of rip-rap boulders (5 c.y. placed waterward of MHW). Hehind the seawall will be placed 130 cubic yards of backfill. A species list is provided by the attached Dept. of Environ. Reg. report. The environmental impacts of the proposed project is' also detailed. INTENDED USE: The rip-rap seawall will prevent erosion of applicant's property and the breakwater will provide wave protection for a private hoat basin. :,. j.~ LITHO IN U.., A. " DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE February 3, 1981 SUBJECT McCarthy. Breakwater and rio-rao seawall To P a Po e t t-lO DEP'T FROM DEP'T EVALUATION: As noted in the DER report, this project will result in the 109s of transitional vegetation and impact small (1-5 ft. diamet er) pat che 9 0 f a eagras sand alp,ae. .' On the other hand, other similar breakwaters in the area have provided protective waters enabling seaBrasses to take root. The rip-rap seawall and breakwater will provide habitat t for other marine plant and animal species. RECOHHENDATION: Approval with, the fOllowinR conditions: 1). Filter fabr~c be used in the rip-rap seawall to prevent upland runoff, 2). Turbiditi curtains he used durinR construction and especially dttrin~ placement of backfill. 3). Rip-rap seawall be placed first followed by backfill, ~-1~~ DIR. PLNG., ZONING BLDG. NOTES: DER and Army Corpspermics required. DER bio-survey attached. RD I j f OE?AR"'(MENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION To: For Rou'109 To Di,tric. Officcn And/Or Tn O.hor Than Th. Addr~ , ~. . ......... I Locln,' ~~~~...~~> Loc.n. . SllIt" 01' Flortd. To: INTEROFFICE MEMORA~DUM To: Loc.n.: DII.e: From: FROr-1 : Philip Barbaccia, South Florida District Branch Office Pamela A. Sperling, Bureau of Permitting iDtt!- TO: DATE: November 25, 1980 SUBJECT: File No. 44-33122-5E I have reviewed the material provided by Hr. Robert Routa of Roberts and Egan, P.A. concerning file no. 44-33l22-5E. Essentially I agree with Mr. Eric Loken's suggestion to place two 36" culverts in the southwest section of the breakwater, one 20' from the shoreline and a second 40' from the shoreline. However, in addition to the above I suggest the following changes be made: a. A third 36" culvert be placed near the natural bottom in the northwest section of the breakwater, 20' from the elbow. b. The opening between the existing breakwater on lot 19 and the proposed breakwater be increased to a minimum of 25'. If the above suggestions are accepted by the applicant, I see ,.no further need for a hydrographic study. I would appreciate seeing final drawings for this project and would appreciate your informing Mr. Routa of this request. PAS/js H6 . R.-v 7/76 RL - _. JEO DEe 1 5 1980 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRET ARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE December 10, 1980 Dr. Charles McCarthy c/o Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan 10 Palms Plaza Homestead, Fla. 33030 Monroe County, File No. 44-33122-5E, Breakwater, Florida Bay Dear Dr. McCarthy: - Enclosed is a site inspection report and comments from our hydrographic engineer indicating that your project, as proposed, will have an adverse impact on the environment. However, with the modifications suggested by Eric Loken and Pam Sperling, the impact could be lessened to an extent which would eliminate the justification for the denial recommendation. Please consider these modifications. If you.feel that you can modify your proposal as indicated, or in some other manner which would reduce the adverse impact on the environment, please submit a revised sketch/letter of agreement to the changes by December 23, 1980. If we have not from you by this date or if you do not wish to modify your proposal as suggested, we will continue to process your application as submitted. Eric Loken of the Marathon office will be glad to answer any questions you may have concerning the suggested modifications. Phone (305) 743- 5955. PAB/wb cc: Eric Loken Pam Sperling Sincerely, Ayc;: ~.~~ Phili~ A. Barbaccia Environmental Specialist uriginal I) ,wd on 10000f rr.c)'clt..d paper McCARTHY, CHARLES #44-33122-5E Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Two A. The applicant proposes the construction of an ilL-shaped" break,vater and a boulder riprap seawall along his Florida Bay waterfront property shoreline on Plantation Key to create a private, protected small boat, harborage. The proposed porous breakwater will be constructed of 175+ cu. yds. of coral rock, provided with a concrete veneer cap and elevated to approximately +2.0 ft. (NGVD). Said brea~vater will extend approximately 60 ft. into state waters from applicant's extreme southern shoreline and associated ilL-section" will continue approximately 67 ft. northward from the waterward end of this shoreline extension. Entire breakwater will be approximately 7 ft. wide and constructed to allow flow-through circulation. The proposed riprap seawall will be constructed of 15+ cu. yds. of boulder riprap (with 5+ cu. yds. deposited waterward of MHW line), provided with a 5~-ft. wide Concrete cap and elevated to approximately +4.0 ft. (NGVD). An additional 130+ cu. yds. of clean fill material will be deposited behind said seawall (ie. backfilled) to complete shor~- line stabilization. This riprap seawall will extend approximately 75 ft. following natural. existing shoreline and upland contours to existing shoreline stabilization structures (ie. seawalls) at both adjacent properties. The proposed construction will involve no materials excavation. Entire area of fill deposition (ie. breakwater and seawall wI backfill) will be less than 0.1 acre. All construction materials will be trucked to site via existing roadways and applicant's uplands. During construction, turbidity diapers will be placed as necessary to prevent contamination of state waters. B. Applicant's property is a rectangular tract of land (approx. 75' wide by 160' long) in High Point Subdivision of Plantation Key. High Point Subdivision consists primarily of single family residences (S.F.R.'s), many of which are already existing in area. Applicant's property is bordered to the north and south by existing S.F.R. 's, to the east by Rolling Hill Road and to the west by Florida Bay. Florida Bay waters adjacent to applicant's property shoreline are contiguous with the "outstanding waters" of Everglades National Park as defined in Section 17-3.041 (FAC). The existing S.F.R. bordering applicant's northern property boundary (also two neighbors farther north) is equipped with shoreline stabilization and porous breakwater structures very similar to those proposed here. All appear ~o be in excellent condition with good circulation and water quality. Several, 30 to 40 ft. diameter, lush beds of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinun) were observed growing in these basins in addition to several species each of algae, sea anemone and fish. In additi0n. Florida SDiny lobsters (Panulirus argus) and cericth. were 0"~~ved occupying- McCARTHY, CHARLES {f44- 3 3122- 5E Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Three existing niches in riprap structures. Personal communication with applicant revealed that all of these breakwater systems have peen existing 5+ years. The S.F,R bordering applicant's southern property boundary is equipped with both a concrete seawall and an "L-shaped" dock of the same approximate dimen- sions as the breakwater proposed here. All of these basin structures are presently in service with several small boats observed occupying spaces in same. C. The upland areas on applicant's property have all been previous- ly scarified and are presently vegetated only with lawn grass and isolated palm trees. A concrete housepad is also existing on said property uplands. The majority of the proposed riprap seawall backfill will be placed in said property's transition zone (approx. 15 ft. wide along entire 75 ft. property shoreline). This transition zone is presently in natural condition and vegetated by a variety of flora including buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus). white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa). sea purslane (Sesuvium spp) , sea daisies (Borrichia spp). beach carpet (Philoxerus vermicularis). bay cedar (Suriana maritima). saltwort (Batis spp) , swamp lillies (Crinum americanum) and several species of grasses. Predominant transitional substrate is shallow soil layer over coral marl. Submerged areas in proposed project 'area are similarly in natural condition. Several species of red, brown and green (Acetabularia spP. Batophora spP. Penicillus spp, Caulerpa spp) algae were observed growing primarily in inshore areas in addition to several small (10 ft. diameter) patches of turtlegrass (T. testudinum). Inshore submerged substrate consists primarily oX-coral marl with limerock rubble and shallow sand layer covering certain areas. Beyond this area (15+ ft. from shoreline). submergent vegetation exists only in small (1-5 ft. diameter) patches of algae and grasses on a predominantly open. sandy bottom. Marine fauna ob- served in project area included several species of sea anemones. cerinths. fish (Scarus spP. Abudefduf spp, Haemulon spp. Lutjanus spP. Anchoa spp, Acanthurus spP. Holocanthus ~PP. Pomacanthus Sp? Strongylura spP. Sphyraena spp) and several spiny lobster (Panulirus spp). observed water quality throughout project area appeared excellent with adequate depth (3-4 ft. MW) for safe small boat navigational access. D. The direct imoact of the proposed project will primarily be in t~e immediate areas associated both with the riprap seawall and backfill placement and 'vith the porous break\07ater installation. The riprap seawall and associated backfill 'vill result in the McCARTHY, CIUffiLES #44-33122-5E Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Four removal and loss of all of the transitional vegetation cited above affectin~ an area of approximately llnn sq. ft. Since no excavation is required for this work, this portion of project should have no other deleterious affects on environment. In addition, proposed riprap construction should be beneficial in providing additional shoreline habitat area. The proposed breakwater will cover 900+ sq. ft. of submerged lands presently occupied primarily only by small (1-5 ft. diameter) patches of seagrass and algae. Only substantial loss of submergent vegetation will be in the removal of one, 10 ft. square (100 sq. ft.), patch of turtlegrass (T. testudinum) presently growing in inshore area of proposed breaKwater waterward extension. Re- ~mainder of submergent area to be impacted by said breakwater is predominantly open. sandy bottom. In addition. proposed break- water should provide a significant increase in submergent habitat for marine flora -and fauna. In the longer term. the only expected environmental impact will be in the addition of some hydrocarbon pollutants to state waters from boat motor maintenance and operation procedures. However, since the proposed basin area is private and intended only to service one S.F.R. it is expected that any such additions will be minimal in this instance. In addition. it is expected that, provided the proposed flow-through circulatory aspects of the breakwater design function properly, said breakwater will result in a productive mini-reef system and protective area for seagrass growth promotion as was observed in adjacent breakwater system. ~- ' C' 'A' . >~' 'VI' <~,: ~' --d'" F. ' ~"'~," I," ' , ',' ' " :': l,~ ,0 !", ,c F\ " ~.,' l ~- t- ." ~~:', . t~;~:: 1~ ". r -~~ ~~.., . ;_.: .. ~l ~~ PLANNING, BUILDING & Z00fING DEP ARTI-IENT PERNIT MONROE PE&~IT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY '~~. FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE -- ~ WATERS OR HETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property ow~ers name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEP ARTI-1ENT USE ONLY Dr. Charles McCarthy Resolution No. 138 North Rolling Hill Road 3) Phone number Tavernier, Fl 33070 (305 ) Date: 852-5522 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. 10 Palms Plaza Honestead, Fl 33030 5) Legal description of property: Section 8 Key Plantation Subdivision High Point Township 63 S Lot 20 Block 1 Range 38 E Street, road or mile marker 140 No. Rolling Hill Road - Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited - c.y. c.y. 180 ,+ c.y. 50+ c.y. waten,rard landward waterward landward of H.H.H. o f ~1. H . W . of M.H.W. of N.H.W. ZONING: RU-1 INTENDED USE: Rig-trap.seawall will prevent erosion of property and breakwater will provide pr ect10n tor a pr1vate boat bas1n. Cost of Pernit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS OF NONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: "Approval with stipulations of Biologist-see report" CoPy in File Date Building Official ."'-"r',. :..,. '., '-"~..L ...:2.... ."...Jot -_..~,-. ............. 1. ~..lIf.a.i. .: ,:- ...~l1;;;~:.=~: :,'-. "'."^,_r_-"'~?..."' -;t>,~..,:;:r.;.i...l -"", -",. ~ - _ ->.....':\<... ", -::-.~ ",..,. '@ 1) Property owners name & mailing Dr. Charles McCarthy 138 North Rolling Hill Road Tavernier, FL 33070 PLANNING. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY address 2 Date For De artment June 25, 1980 Use Onl' MONROE COUNTY '3) Phone number (305) 852-5522 /,j ,f, .-/ /~ ... "'\ J":'V\ i j /1 (1 ~, i i i \J . 4 Contractor or agent1s name, mailing address & phone number Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. 10 Palms Plaza Homestead, FL 33030 5) Legal description of property: Section, 8 Key, Pl anta ti on Subdivision, High Point Township, 63 So. Range, 38 Ea. (if acreage) Lot, 20 ~lock, . 1 Street, road or mile marker, 140 North Rolling Hill Road 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material, (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. (See attached) volume of material: dredqed/excavated filled/deposited 7) Name, address & zip o c.y. 0 c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. code of adjoining property owners 1 80+ c. y . 50+ c. y . waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. whose property affronts water way. Brown, Elgie 136 No. Rolling Hill Road Plantation Key, FL 33070 Thomas E. Smith Box 1120 142 No. Rolling Hill Road Tavernier, FL 33070 This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. \ I a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8!z X 11 paper, shm,-ing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for vertical seawalls onlTIan-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. ~~.~ L~~U 6 1l9~) Siqnature of applicant/ aaent l1atel IFor Department Use Onlyl Person accepting application '$;2'; " ~'- 7 C ';b Fee & receipt if Approved by Assistant Director Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction / / (i) ~ /~ De \2-. J~ ~D (j) _:y\;e/2.h ~ - ~~+I .,' \. ,. .. - - -...- -- - - -. -- - -- - -- -- ---.. -..... -- --- ---- ---------.---------- --.-. . . L!)T 1(1 (R8..I-P.IIC) ! .., C) 14 ~ IS .. ';- \ f. -\ ~ ., .r I .- . () ~ } t .... t tut ~-- ... N t. t LOCATION MAP Not To Scale . . 7 & . : Pf<O.w ( ~. ....:., ';-\ {- .~ .o' ~ .r ....... l:;.' ~ ~>, \: \; '- ~.~ '\. ~... " '" / AI :j~/ ' /'.... ;rtf.;i',,/ \' ' ,~> 5-6J cl/' .. .t. ,'. T '\ o N' K"E PRO?C:>SED eR<EAKWA~R 't"o :)'::I.~~~\lu~=5~r Co35, R~E 3'~C ), .' /-:'0 0.../ V I .. I " . . \ ~.;--., 1"--1 '"": '" ~"-- l '- I \,J\..-"- \, H ~ ':1 ~ \ ~' \ \ \ 'Dt::::L ./\ n' T"J A. \. \"'T J\. ~ \ . ~', ~. \<,1;:' y 1-:" i \ LJ -, -,b ~'''' I ~ \ 'l..J,' J. ."_- ~ . \... . -..,........."?~.....-,. AGENT/ENGINEER: .. .. Post. Buckley. Schuh &~migln.,Inc. 10 Pal. Plaza Bu11ding . '.- />~.,' Homestead. FL 33030JUL'I' 5 "/98"'0"', . " (305) 664-4628 A T , y '......-r \ ,j I , '~'''- i j , ! ' 4, , , i '1' \/-.... i- ..1_____ I' --:"?'O I \ :::: ././ 0 ,.- ----. --;"'~.--_.~ -~--'.' - "-'-.._.,....-- .~..,~ ---. APPLICANT: Or. Charles McCarthy 138 No. Rolling Hill Road Tavernier, Fl 33070 (305) 852-5522 7/10/80 1 of 2 -----:......... ....':.~.1...k--~....;i.~_ ~ PROPOSED CORAl! 'RrJ.j, 0R::: A't:._ Vo/Aii:-.:.r.(','::'TJJ :) '. cacRrrF CAP AT-. -z.'N6VC. ('{)A15T/'.UCT /0<../. 10 .( '-La IN /JIetJ. ......... -mE-WALL ClmJ~,(r'[:IV ffiCY=CDE. D h~ ;~::'c~ t'J~'J&:AT &51N .s6d~/4I.L "/ (NO E Xc..A'IA,....nON ') eY r+B 0)' .... @ fXJ..JAJlJ1A..J6S - . SI../RVE.Y DATA /3 Y' flX 7j C:...Ck'...rY, 'S~ ;./1.//../ I ,.._>~~"" ......_ [,P/..i/6A.U;W A'.4~; lite - ~ - ~ .....'-l -.. PLA~ /" = 30 I ~LJ;yA71(Ji) '+- CCUAJDIN US RFFEf.: TO N6Vt> 192'1. c;.\O Y .~' .-''; .~~ "- '/ (,'7' ~ '., A' l' (7~~ So.~!l. EX/5TIN6 ~. \@ E:I.YA T ~~/N )( ~r COIeAL ,eOtK. ~ SEA WALL ,~ ~1 ..... , ({We. lXXl( d ~ ~ r/SET IP Ctirt E)..JT Iv WEE12. DNi.. 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Ner\lD .., '\'.; , 1'<; ;' --. ,,:. /; (o.e..: L Ro: Ie "'.-: L L ~ 5ECTION B-B O)-~ )' I-lO ~^I G (PtSV~,~~ vb...~""\o 'FOl..L~ ~\loft.E:~'~E: ""- <....\t"l....A.fo.1~ (~N'Tc:'::>>..l~...) /rIJO IP c I. 3:; , \" ~\ Y Inc. ~_.- .- . .....--- - APPLICANT: Dr. Charles McCarthy 138 No. Rolling Hill Road Tavernier, Fl 33070 (305) 852-5522 AGENT/ENGINEER: .Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan. 10 Palms Plaza Building Homes tead, FL 33030 (305) 664-4628 7110/80 2 of 2