Item B BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: February 23.2005 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes No --X.- Department: Planning Department Staff Contact Person: Marlene Conaway AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A public hearing on the request by THE KEY HAVEN ESTATES, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership (KHE) for a Development Agreement with Monroe County for portions of Key Haven located at the entrance to Key Haven Subdivison and the island known as the "Enchanted Island" to develop forty-three (43) residential dwelling units; 10,000 square feet of professional and neighborhood service commercial floor area; accessory uses consisting of sewage treatment plant, storage, landscaping, roads and utilities to serve the development; and dockage for the residential units. ITEM BACKGROUND: On December 6, 2004, the Monroe County Development Review eommittee reviewed the proposed Development Agreement and recommended approval to the Planning Commission of the portions that were in compliance with the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and the County eode and denial of those portions that were not in compliance. Staff further recommended that the Agreement be revised to address the outstanding issues outlined in the DRC Staff Report, dated September 19, 2004. On February 9, 2005, during the review process, the Monroe County PlaIUling eommission, reviewed the Revised Development Agreement and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners of the Agreement with all the staff proposed changes. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A 81' AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve TOTAL COST: N/A COST TO COUNTY: N/A BUDGETED: Yes N/ A No DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROV AI~: Year REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes N/ A No N/A DOCUMENTATION: Included ---1L- DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN KEY HAVEN ESTATES LTD., (IlliE) AND MONROE eOUNTY TO BUILD 43 SINGLE F AMIL Y HOMES AND ACCESSORY USES INeLUDING DOCKAGE AND 10,000 S.F. OF COMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA AT KEY HAVEN SUBDIVISION AND ON THE ENCHANTED ISLAND, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 2005 WHEREAS, the affccted properties are described as "Parcel B" (unplatted), bounded by Key Haven Terrace, Key Haven Boulevard, and the boat basin/dredged bay bottom; and "Parcel C", (unplatted), is located south of "Parcel B" and connected to it by a strip of land. It is bounded by "Parcel B" to the north, boat basin/dredged bay bottom to the east, Key Haven Boulevard to the west, and right of way of U.S. Hwy 1 to the south; and the "Triangle Parcel" (unplatted), bounded by Key Haven Road, AlImanda Drive, Key Haven Boulevard, and U.S. Hwy I right of way; and lots 3 through 8 in the Ninth Addition; and lots 11 through 24 in the Ninth Addition; and lots 17 through 23 in the Fourth Addition; and the "Enchanted Island", (unplatted), located east of Raccoon Key and separated from it by a dredged boat basin, all located in sections 25 and 26, Township 67 South, Range 25 East, Key Haven, Florida, at approximate Mile Marker 6. The Real Estate Numbers are 00116981.000000, 00123100.000000, 00123120.000000, 00123140.000000,00123150.000000, 00123170.000000, 00123200.000000, 00123210.000000, 00123220.000000, 00123230.000000, 00123250.000100, 00135850.000000, 00l35860.000000, 00135870.000000, 00135880.000000, 00135890.000000, 00135900.000000, 0135910.000000, 00139310.000000, 00139320.000000, 00139330.000000, 00139340.000000, 00139350.000000, 00139360.000000. 00139390.000000, 00139400.000000, 00139410.000000, 00139420.000000, 00139430.000000, 00 1 39440.000000, 00l39450.000000, 00139460.000000, 00139470.000000, 00139480.000000,00139490.000000, 00139500.000000, 00135510.000000 and 139520.000000; and WHEREAS, on June 07, 2004, the applicant filed an application for the proposed Development Agreement (Agreement) pursuant to Sections 163.3220- 3243, F.S. and Sections 9.5-lOl and 102 of Monroe County Code (MeC); and WHEREAS, pursuant to MCC Section 10l, "development agreement is intended to vest the existing ordinances and regulation, but not to allow a development to waive or deviate from the regulations in effect on the date that the agreement is executed"; and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2004, the Monroe County Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed Agreement and rccommends approval of the portions that are in compliance with the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) and the eounty Code and denial of those portions that are not in compliance. WHEREAS, Staff further recommended that the Agreement be revised to address the outstanding issues outlined in the Staff Report; and WHEREAS, on February 9, 2005, during the review process, the Monroe County Planning Commission, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process, reviewed the Agreement and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners of the Agreement with the Staff proposed changes; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Board) is the local government body having jurisdiction over the review and approval of the Agreement, in accordance with section 163.3220 - 3243, F.S; and WHEREAS, the public notice requirements of Monroe County for consideration of the Agreement have been met; and WHEREAS, the public was afforded an opportunity to participate in the public hearing and all parties were afforded the opportunity to present evidence and argument on all issues; and WHEREAS, at a special hearing dated February 23, 2005, the Board reviewed the above referenced documents, the related recommendations of the Planning eommission, as well as all related testimony and evidence submitted by the parties and members of the general public; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT THE REFERENCED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE IS HERBY APPROVED, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County eommissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a special meeting held on the _ of , 2005. Mayor Dixie Spear Mayor Pro Tern Charles "SOMY" McCoy Commissioner George Nugent Commissioner David P. Rice eommissioner E. Nelson BOARD OF COUNTY eOMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Mayor Spear (Seal) MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APf',OVE.O ~s TO FORM f'./(;(; <? t ..~".~ r ~~: . J/J ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK o Deputy elerk DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (Agreement) is binding on the "effective date" as set forth herein between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (County) and Key Haven Estates, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership (KHE). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, KHE is the owner of real property known as portions of Key Haven Subdivision and Raccoon Key, Monroe County, Florida, located at the entrance to Key Haven immediately adjacent to U.S. Highway 1 at Key Haven Road, and containing portions ofthe following streets: Key Haven Road, Alamanda Drive and Key Haven Boulevard; and also being comprised of an island known as "Enchanted Island" connected to U.S. Highway 1 by an improved private road, and being further described as attached hereto in Exhibit A (as attached to the original application) - Survey of the KHE Property (Property or KHE Property); and WHEREAS, all the Property subject to this Agreement is located in the Florida Keys Area of Critical Concern as defined by Chapter 380.0552, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act, Sections 163.3220 ~ 163.3243, Florida Statutes, authorizes local jurisdictions, inclusive of Monroe County, to enter into agreements with landowners to effectuate the provisions and purposes ofthe Florida Envirorunental Land and Water Management Act, which created the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern and the 2010 Comprehensive Plan for Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the Enchanted Island portion of the Property was the subject of a Settlement Agreement between the Florida Department of Community Affairs (FDCA) dated May 8, 1997, Exhibit B (as attached to the original application), and was also the subject of a major conditional use approval by Monroe County, Resolution No. 8-95 (included in Exhibit B (as attached to the original application); and WHEREAS, the following is a statement of the history and circumstances and status of existing uses, land-use applications, and development approvals that apply to the Property: 1. The subject Property is a single-family subdivision with adjacent commercially zoned property. 2. The Property has existed in this capacity for over thirty (30) years, with local and State approvals for the subdivision, various re-subdivisions and building permits for single-family, road construction, utilities and commercial development. 3. The Property consists of parcels with the following land use district designations (zoning): IS - Improved Subdivision SR - Suburban Residential SC - Suburban Commercial 4. Development of sixteen (16) townhomes has been approved for Enchanted Island, which is a part of the Property (see Exhibit B as attached to the original application). Page 2 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 2005 5. In the early 1990's the County and FDCA have approved building permits for the expansion and upgrade of the sewage treatment plant serving Key Haven to tertiary standards, but without nutrient stripping. 6. The IS and SR portions of the Property remain eligible for the Allocation of Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) permits for single-family homes; and WHEREAS, the County denied a proposal in 1992 for the utilization of the commercially zoned areas that make up a portion of the Property, citing the need to protect the adjacent single-family subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the predominant development type in Key Haven is single-family homes on various sized lots; and WHEREAS, the Key Haven Subdivision is a prime location for lower density housing for individuals and families whose place of work is Key West or Stock Island; and WHEREAS, KHE and the County agree that the creation of new commercial floor area as could be allowed with the existing zoning of portions of the property would further exacerbate the shortage of employee and affordable housing; and WHEREAS, KHE and the County agree that the preferred development type in Key Haven is the single-family home; and WHEREAS, both the Property and its subdivided lots were in existence at the time of the County's analysis and census of existing dwelling units, July 1990, whose results formed a major basis of the Residential Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) ordinance cited above; and Page 3 of19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 2005 WHEREAS, although the parcels that make up the property subject to this Agreement arc not all contiguous, the County will treat them as a single parcel for purposes of this Agreement and development approvals in order that density may be allocated across the property as one entity. WHERAS, property commonly known as the 6th addition owned by KHE, with the exception of lots 14, 15 and 16, is valuable wetlands habitat that should be protected through a conservation easement or acquisition by a public agency; and WHEREAS, according to the 2004 Monroe Public Facilities Capacity Analysis, there is excess traffic capacity for US Highway 1 serving Stock Island and Key Haven; and WHEREAS, the County finds that entering into this Agreement furthers the Purposes, Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Year 20 I 0 Comprehensive Plan and the Principles for Guiding Development of the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern designation; and WHEREAS, the upgrading of the Key Haven sewage treatment plant will bring at least 450 existing residences on line to the upgraded system and create at least 600 nutrient reduction credits most of which may be allocated to the County; and WHEREAS, the immediate Key Haven community has expressed the desire to have the property developed in a manner other than additional commercial uses, which will draw customers from outside the neighborhood, and create the need for additional affordable housing, thus adding to the already large deficit of such housing; and WHEREAS, the completion of the proposed single family subdivision will create an estimated $50-75 million in net new taxable property value; and Page 4 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 2005 WHEREAS, the County and KHE agree and recognize that most of the residential density and lot sizes proposed in the site plan are derived from existing platted lots currently zoned Improved Subdivision (IS) and previously approved development on Enchanted Island; and NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows: I. PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT The purpose of this Agreement is multi-fold: A. To provide a rational method for the completion of the existing Key Haven Subdivision. B. To avoid costly litigation between the parties with regard to KHE's ability to develop the lots within the 6th Addition and adjacent un-subdivided property. c. To eliminate an inappropriate commercial land use district designation on the Property that is more suited to residential use. D. To limit the number of residential units to be developed on the Property as portrayed generally on Exhibit C (as attached to the original application) 43 single-family homes. E. To recognize and protect the private property rights ofKHE, and balance those rights with the County's responsibility to protect valuable natural resources and to comprehensively plan and execute the rational development of communities such as Key Haven. Page 5 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10,2005 II. STATUTORY AND CODE REQUIREMENTS The parties recognize the binding effect of Sections 163.3220 - 163.3243, Florida Statutes as to the form and content of this Agreement and in accordance therewith set forth and agree to the following: A. Legal Description and Ownership The properties that are subject to this Agreement are described in Exhibit A (as attached to the original application) - Survey of the KHE Property. B. Duration of Agreement This Agreement shall remain in effect for ten (10) years from its effective date as defined herein. It is the intention of the County and KHE to promote rational and timely development of the Property to maximize best land use management practices consistent with the landowner's rights and commitments described herein. C. Permitted Uses 1. The development uses permitted on the Property, including the generalized lot layout, the population densities and building intensities as set forth on Exhibit C (as attached to the original application), KHE Key Haven Development Plan, specifically, forty-three (43) single-family estate lots and 10,000 square feet of professional and service commercial floor area which will be subject to the Monroe County Non Residential Rate of Growth Ordinance, NROGO at the time of application for building permits for such commercial uses. 2. Accessory uses, including but not limited to sewage treatment plant, landscaping, and accessory storage for each unit. Page 6 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 200S 3. Dockage for the residential lots will be to be limited to 1 dock space per residential unit not to exceed 43 in total. Docks shall not be used for any commercial purpose and are accessory to each dwelling unit. 4. Roads and utilities to serve the development. For the duration of this Agreement, the parties agree that any and all of the approved development shall adhere to, conform to, and be controlled by this Agreement, Exhibit C (as attached to the original application) , the Land Development Regulations, and the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan governing the development of the land effective when the County and KHE execute this Agreement as authorized by Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes. Should the County adopt any new Comprehensive Plan Policy, Land Development Regulation or any other regulation which would serve to better achieve the purposes of this agreement or be more advantageous to the developer to implement the planned redevelopment, to the extent that such new regulations or policies do not materially conflict with the provisions of this agreement, then KHE make utilize such regulations and policies to implement the development .In the event that all or a portion of the existing or authorized development subject to this Agreement should be destroyed by a storm, fire, or other common disaster, KHE, their grantees, successors, or assigns shall have the right to rebuild or repair so long as such work is in compliance with this Agreement. D. Public Facilities 1. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority provides domestic potable water to the Property. Page 7 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 2005 2. Electric service to the Property is provided by Keys Energy Services. 3. Solid waste service is provided to the Property by a solid waste collection system franchised by Monroe County. 4. KHE shall provide wastewater and sewage collection and disposal via the existing onsite package sewage treatment plant approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at the time of building permit application. 5. KHE shall construct, own and maintain all new roads, drainage utilities, landscaping, signage and docks in the development. E. Local Development Permits The following is a list of all development pennits approved or needed to be approved for the development of the Property as specified and requested in this Agreement: 1. Approved Development Permits a. This Agreement. 2. Further Development Permits Required a. The approved final site plan, landscape plan, drainage plan, and building elevations and floor plans as encompassed by and referred to in the Monroe County Planning Commission Resolution for the subdivision and development set forth on Exhibit C (as attached to the original application) for the redevelopment of the Property, as contained in a major conditional use application. b. Amendment of the future land use category of the Triangle Parcel from Mixed Use Commercial (Me) to Residential Low (RL) and oflots 6, 7, Page 8 of19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 2005 and 8 ofthe Ninth Addition from Mixed Use Commercial (Me) to Residential Medium (RM). c. Rezoning of the Triangle Parcel from Suburban Commercial (SC) to Suburban Residential (SR) and of Lots 6, 7, and 8 of the Ninth Addition from Suburban Commercial (SC) to Improved Subdivision (IS). d. An Approved Major Conditional Use Development Order for redevelopment ofthe Property with utilities, dockage and roads. e. An Approved re-subdivision of the Property by means of an amended plat. f. Building and related construction permits for all main and accessory structures, land clearing, and landscaping, as appropriate. g. State, South Florida Water Management District, and Monroe County permits for storm-water runoff and dredge and fill, if required. h. Purchase of 15.0 Transferable Development Rights required for development of Enchanted Island and lots on the mainland portion of the property. L Abandonment of Key Haven Boulevard from US 1 up to its intersection with Key Haven Terrace. F, Finding of Consistency By entering into this Agreement, the County finds that the development permitted or proposed herein is consistent with and furthers the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and all applicable Land Development Regulations. Page 9 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 2005 G. Breach, Amendment, Enforcement, and Termination Exclusive of any others except those imposed by law, the following additional conditions, terms, restrictions, or other requirements are also determined by the parties to be necessary for the execution and enforcement of this Agreement: 1. Breach of Agreement and Cure Provisions a. Upon KHE's material breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Monroe County shall serve written notice on and shall provide KHE the opportunity, within ninety (90) days, to propose a method of fulfilling the Agreement's terms and conditions or curing the breach. The County shall allow KHE an opportunity to cure the breach or to negotiate an amendment to this Agreement within a reasonable time, not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days after KHE's response or proposal absent exigent circumstances. b. The following events, unless caused by fire, storms, floods, or other acts of God or events beyond the control of KHE are to be considered a material breach of this Agreement: (t) the failure to maintain the open space provisions of this Agreement as generally shown in Exhibit C (as attached to the original application); (2) the failure to maintain conditions placed on permits or approvals contained in or issued as a direct result of this Agreement; (3) the failure to comply with applicable permitting requirements of Monroe County after notice and opportunity within ninety (90) days to commence to comply with such permitting requirements or, if applicable, to commence compliance with such requirements and have them completed within a reasonable time frame, Page 10 ofl9 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 2005 not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days, as mutually agreed by the parties if compliance requires more than sixty (60) days. c. If Monroe County, through its Director of Planning, finds that KHE or a successor is in material breach ofthis Agreement, and after notice is given as provided herein to respond to or cure said breach KHE fails, within a reasonable time, to respond, cure, or secure an amendment resolving the breach, the County may utilize appropriate code enforcement remedies to cure any breach. 2. Amendment, Termination, or Revocation The parties hereto shall at all times adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Amendment, termination, extension, or revocation of this Agreement shall be made in accordance with the notification and procedural requirements set forth herein. Amendments to this Agreement shall subject KHE to the laws and policies in effect at the time of the amendment only if the conditions of Section163.3233 (2) Florida Statutes are met. It is further agreed that no modifications, extensions, amendments, or alterations of the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document approved and executed by the parties to this Agreement. 3. Hearing Requirements a. Before amending, terminating, or revoking this Agreement, Monroe County shall conduct at least two (2) public hearings. Page 11 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February to, 2005 b. Notice of intent to amend, terminate, or revoke this Agreement shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation and readership in Monroe County. The day, time, and place of any further public hearing shall be announced at the first public hearing and the date thereof shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before such public hearing. The notices shall specify the location of the property subject to this Agreement, the development uses proposed on the property, the proposed population densities, and the proposed building intensities and height, and shall specify a place where a copy of the proposed amendment, termination or revocation, and supporting information can be obtained. 4. State and Federal Law If State or Federal laws enacted after the effective date of this Agreement preclude any party's compliance with the terms of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be modified as is necessary to comply with the relevant State or Federal laws; however, this Agreement shall not be construed to waive or supersede any contention under law that KHE has acquired vested rights under prior law. 5. Enforcement a. Monroe County, KHE, their successors or assigns, or any aggrieved or . any adversely affected person as defined in Section 163.3215(2) Florida Statutes may file an action for injunctive relief in the Circuit Court of Page 12 of19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10,2005 Monroe County to enforce the tenns of this Agreement or to challenge compliance with the provisions of Section 163.3243, Florida Statutes. b. Nothing contained herein shall limit any other powers, rights, or remedies that any party has, or may have in the future, to enforce the tenns of this Agreement. III. Compliance with Other Laws The failure of this Agreement to address a particular pennit, condition, tenn, or restriction shall not relieve KHE of the necessity of complying with the laws governing said permitting requirements, conditions, tenns or restrictions. IV. Additional Provisions A. Future Land Use Map Zoning Designation and Timing of Conditional Use Applications The County shalt allow KHE to submit an application for conditional use and re-subdivision approval of the Property contemporaneously with the County's initiation of the change of Future Land Use Map for the KHE Property. The County shall request the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) to expedite or "fast track" the request to amend the Future Land Use Map, as allowed by applicable State Statute. Approval of conditional use applications and subdivisions shall be contingent upon approval of Future Land Use Map changes. Should the FLUM and appropriate zoning designation change not be approved by the County and State of Florida, this Agreement shall become null and void. Page 13 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February to, 2005 B. Transferable Development Rights KHE shall be required to purchase and apply to the lands to be developed not more than 15.0 transferable development rights for the development of the ten (10) single-family lots on the parcel known as Enchanted Island, the six (6) single family allocations transferred from Enchanted Island and the three (3) lots created from lands currently zoned to SR. C. Dedication of Environmentally Sensitive Lands KHE shall dedicate to the County or other conservation public agency or private land conservation group the entirety of the undeveloped 6th Addition with the exception oflots 14,15 and 16 which are not owned by KHE as an open space preserve with the condition that it remain in its natural state with no recreational use allowed. The County agrees to allow KHE to use the lands as mitigation for any permits required by the County and/or state of federal agencies for the filling of wetlands or impacts associated with the completion of all elements of the development authorized by this Agreement. KHE shall dedicate said lands upon issuance of the first residential building permit. D, Affordable Housing Requirements The County agree that KHE may meet the requirements of Section 9.5-266(b) of the Land development Regulations, "Provision of Affordable Housing" by linking as allowed by Section 9 .5-266( c) to an approved affordable housing project of 18 units to be built on Maloney Avenue on Stock Island, and that his linkage shall completely satisfy the requirements of the affordable housing obligation. Page 14 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10,2005 E. Tier System Designation KHE and the County agree that the entirety of the lands proposed for development allowed by this Agreement are properly within the designation of Tier 3 "lnfill". F. Wetland Setbacks The ability to achieve a proposed thirty (30) foot setback shall be based upon the final plat for the subdivision and any South Florida Water Management District and Florida Department of Environmental Protection permits for filling lands adjacent to such wetlands. The shoreline setback on Enchanted Island shall be twenty-five (25) feet as specified in Exhibit B (as attached to the original application). G. Termination of Legal Proceedings Against County Upon the signing of this Agreement by all parties and its subsequent recordation with the Monroe County Clerk of Court, KHE shall terminate, withdraw, and cease all claims and actions in law against Monroe County and DCA filed in local or circuit court or court of appeals related to zoning, site development, or code enforcement on the KHE Property. H. Recording Monroe County shall record this Agreement with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County within fourteen (14) days following signature by all parties. Recording fees shall be paid by KHE. I. Entire Agreement This Agreement incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or Page 15 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 2005 understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in or incorporated into this document. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the tenns hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. J. Severability If any part of this Agreement is contrary to, prohibited by, or deemed invalid under any applicable law or regulation, such provisions shall be inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited, or invalid; however, the remainder shall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect. K. Jurisdiction and Governing Law The parties hereto agree that any and all suits or actions at law shall be brought in Monroe County, Florida, and no other jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida. L. Conflicting Resolutions All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement and its resolution arc hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. M. Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors in interest, heirs, assigns, and personal representati ves. N. Notices All notices, demands, requests, or replies provided for or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and may be delivered by anyone of the following methods: (a) by personal delivery; (b) by deposit with the United States Postal Page 16 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10,2005 Service as Certified or Registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the addresses stated below; or (c) by deposit with an overnight express delivery service. Notice shall be deemed effective upon receipt. For purposes of notice, demand, request, orreplies: The address of Monroe County shall be: Mr. Thomas Willi County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 The address ofthe KHE shall be: Mr. Wayne Lujan 1104 Truman Avenue Key West, Florida 33040 O. Effective Date The effective date of this Agreement shall be thirty (30) days after the duly signed and recorded Agreement is approved by the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Page 17 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10,2005 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day and year below written. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: Witness: Key Haven Estates, Ltd. (FLORIDA) By: Print Name Wayne Lujan Dated: Signature By: Print Name Edwin O. Swift, III Dated: Signature State of Florida County of Monroe The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this 2005, by and are personally known to me or produced identification and did not take an oath. day of They as Notary Public Printed name My commission expires: My commission number: Page 18 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10,2005 APPROVAL OF MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS On the day of , 2005 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved this Development Agreement by Resolution No. _' A TrEST: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DANNY KOLHAGE MAYOR Dixie Spehar COUNTY CLERK By: Page 19 of 19 Key Haven Development Agreement February 10, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: The Board of County Commissioners FROM: K. Marlene Conaway, Director of Planning and Environmental Resources DATE: February 10, 2005 LAST REVISED: December 15, 2004 RE: Consideration of Development Agreement Between Monroe County and Key Haven Estates, Ltd. MEETING DATE: February 23,2005 APPLICANT: Key Haven Estates Ltd., (KHE) AGENT: The Craig Company I. THE COUNTY AND STATE REGULATIONS: Sections 9.5-101 and 102 of Monroe County Code (MCC) set out the regulations governing development Agreements. Pursuant to MCC Section 9.5-101, the development Agreement is intended to vest the existing ordinances and regulations, but does not allow a development to waive or deviate from the regulations in effect on the date that the Development Agreement is executed. Section 9.5-102 outlines the authority of the County Commission to enter into agreements subject to a ten-year time limit and sets out development agreement's legal procedure as required by Florida Statutes (F.S.). Sections 163.3220 - 3243, F.S. known as the Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act establish definitions, as well as procedures and standards for public review, modification, duration, approval, recordation, execution, and periodic review, local laws affecting agreements, and DCA oversight, as well as other requirements. Section 163.3233 (1), F.S. delineate the vesting of local government's laws and policies governing the development of the land at the time of the execution of the Development Agreement for the duration of the Development Agreement. 11. BASICS OF THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT: A. Overview of the Proposed Agreement: The applicant wishes to extend its right to construct additional residential and non-residential uses on Key Haven and the Enchanted Island for ten years without being subject to changes in the regulations. The proposed uses include construction of 43 single-family homes with Page 1 of3 accessory uses including dockage, and 10,000 S.F. of neighborhood commercial floor area. The Development Agreement as proposed is potentially possible if the proposed Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and Land Use District Map amendments for lots 6, 7, and 8 in the Ninth Addition to RMIIS from MC/SC and the "Triangle Parcel" to RUSR from MC/SC in Key Haven are approved and adopted. Through this process, the existing buildable lots in the subdivision will be aggregated and re- platted to create 43 larger lots. Sixteen duplexes that were approved in a Settlement Agreement on Enchanted Island will be used to build sixteen single family units; six of which will be moved to six newly created lots on Key Haven. The remaining 27 units will be built using the development rights from the existing 21 (IS) lots and the three (3) new IS lots to be created through map amendment; and 3 units of Transferable Development Rights (TDRs). In total the number of TORs needed to complete this project will be 15 units. B. Affected Prot>erties: The affected properties are described as "Parcel B" (unplatted), bounded by Key Haven Terrace, Key Haven Boulevard, and the boat basin/dredged bay bottom; and "Parcel C", (unplatted), is located south of HParcel B" and connected to it by a strip of land. It is bounded by "Parcel B" to the north, boat basin/dredged bay bottom to the east, Key Haven Boulevard to the west, and right of way of U.S. Hwy 1 to the south; and the "Triangle Parcel" (unplatted), bounded by Key Haven Road, Allmanda Drive, Key Haven Boulevard, and U.S. Hwy 1 right of way; and lots 3 through 8 in the Ninth Addition; and lots 11 through 24 in the Ninth Addition; and lots 17 through 23 in the Fourth Addition; and the "Enchanted Island", (unplatted), located east of Raccoon Key and separated from it by a dredged boat basin, all located in sections 25 and 26, Township 67 South, Range 25 East, Key Haven, Florida, at approximate Mile Marker 6. The Real Estate Numbers arc 00116981.000000, 00123100.000000, 00123120,000000, 00123140.000000,00123150.000000, 00123170.000000, 00123200.000000,00123210.000000, 00123220.000000, 00123230.000000, 00123250.000100, 00135850.000000, 00135860.000000, 00135870.000000, 00135880.000000, 00135890.000000, 00135900.000000, 0135910.000000, 00139310.000000, 00139320.000000, 00139330.000000, 00139340.000000, 00139350.000000, 00139360,000000, 00139390.000000, 00139400.000000, 00139410.000000, 00139420.000000, 00139430.000000, 00139440,000000, 00139450.000000, 00139460.000000, 00139470.000000, 00139480.000000,00139490.000000, 00139500.000000, 00135510.000000 and 139520.000000. C. Development Approval/Permitting History: Triangle Parcel. Parcels Band C: In 1989, the owner of this property applied for an amendment to a major conditional use to build a resort named "Key West Inn and Ocean Club". The proposed development consisted of five inn buildings with 114 hotel units, 17 villas (single family homes) and duplexes, a clubhouse, a beach house, a Gazebo, three tennis courts, three racquetball courts, a swimming pool, a swimming area with dock, a marina with 40 boat slips, and a main building consisting of 7200 square feet for a restaurant, Employee housing, office space, lounge, and guard house located at the entrance along Key Haven Road. The project was denied by the Planning Commission. Subsequently, the applicant filed an appeal that was denied in 1992. Page 2 of3 Enchanted Island: On June 12, 1995, Major Conditional Use Development Order No. 8-95 was issued allowing for construction of sixteen dwelling units in eight duplexes and accessory structures comprised of a recreational building, a swimming pool, four piers with four boat slips per pier, a sewage treatment plant and utilities. Pursuant to condition # 9, the construction of four (4) dwelling units was permitted under the allocated density in existence at the time of the application. According to the condition of approval, the proposed 16 dwelling units could only be constructed if 11.5 TDRs were transferred to the site subject to a minor conditional use approval. Based on the Development Order, the proposed construction of these sixteen dwelling units on site are subject to ROGO per Section 9.5-121 (d) of the Land Development Regulations. In May 1997, DCA outlined a Settlement Agreement so the project could be completed if the thirteen (13) conditions in the agreement were met. The conditions included all the conditions in the D.O. by the Planning Department along with additional measures that would further protect the envirorunent from the adverse impacts of the development. Furthennore, under the condition # 9 of the Settlement Agreement, the applicant was given ten (10) years to complete construction of the dwelling units to allow enough time to compete in the ROGO process. III. STAFF COMMENTS: On December 6, 2004, the Monroe County Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed Agreement and recommends approval of the portions that were in compliance with the Monroe eounty Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and the County Code; and denial of those portions that were not in compliance. Staff further recommended that the Agreement be revised to address the outstanding issues outlined in the DRC Staff Report, dated September 19,2004. On February 9, 2004, during the review process, the Monroe County Planning Commission reviewed the revised Development Agreement and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners of the Agreement with all the Staff proposed changes. Currently, there are no outstanding issues and all the Staff proposed changes have been addressed in the final version. IV. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above discussions, the Planning and Envirorunental Resources Staff recommends APPROVAL of the Development Agreement. Page 3 of3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: February 23. 2005 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes No -X- Department: Plannifilz Denartrnent Staff Contact Person: Marlene Conaway AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A public hearing to consider a DCA TRANS MITT AL Resolution to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) per the request of the applicant THE LUJAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, for property located at sections 25 and 26, Township 67 South, Range 25 East, Key Haven (Raccoon Key) and the Island known as the "Enchanted Island", Florida, at approximate Mile Marker 6 from Mixed Use Commercial (MC) to Residential Low (RL) or Residential Medium (RM) and from Residential Low (RL) to either Residential Medium (RM) or stay the same; and a Land Use District Map Amendment from Suburban Commercial (SC) to either Improved Subdivision (IS) or Suburban Residential (SR) and from Suburban Residential (SR) to either Improved Subdivision (IS) or stay the same in accordance with Map 1 and Map 2 in the Notice of Public Hearing, as attached hereafter. ITEM BACKGROUND: On August 19, 2004, Development Review Committee recommended approval to the Planning Commission of the amendments to the FLUM from Mixed Use Commercial (Me) to Residential Low (RL) and the Land Use District Map from Suburban Commercial (SC) to Suburban Residential (SR) for the Triangle Parcel; and amendments to the FLUM from Mixed Use Commercial (MC) to Residential Medium (RM) and the Land Use District Map from Suburban Commercial (SC) to Improved Subdivision (IS) for lots 6, 7, and 8 of the Ninth Addition. All other parcels submitted as part of this application are recommended to remain unchanged. On February 9, 2005, the Monroe County Planning Commission recommended approval to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners the amendments to the FLUM from Mixed Use Commercial (MC) to Residential Low (RL) and the Land Use District Map from Suburban Commercial (SC) to Suburban Residential (SR) for the Triangle Parcel; and amendments to the FLUM from Mixed Use Commercial (MC) to Residential Medium (RM) and the Land Use District Map from Suburban Commercial (SC) to Improved Subdivision (IS) for lots 6, 7, and 8 of the Ninth Addition. All other parcels submitted as part of this application are recommended to remain unchanged. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A ST AFF RECOMMENDA nONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: NI A COST TO COUNTY: N/A BUDGETED: Yes N/A No REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes N/A No AMOUNT PER 1 APPROVED BY: County Atty. -X- OMB/Pur~g DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included ---X- Year ,AlCP DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # BOCC Transmittal Resolution RESOLUTION NO. -2005 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TRANSMITIING TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS THE REQUEST BY THE LUJAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE DISTRICT MAP (FLUM) FROM MIXED USE COMMERCIAL (MC) TO RESIDENTIAL LOW (RL) FOR THE PARCEL KNOWN AS THE "TRIANGLE PARCEL", AND FROM MIXED USE COMMERCIAL (Me) TO RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM (RM) FOR LOTS 6, 7, AND 8 OF THE KEY HAVEN'S NINTH ADDITION. FURTIIER DESCRIBED AS SECTIONS 25 AND 26, TOWNSHIP 67 SOUTH, AND RANGE 25 EAST. RAeCOON KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE REAL ESTATE NUMBERS ARE: 00123170.000000, 00123220.000000, 00139360.000000, 00139350.000000, AND 00 l39340.000000. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review and comment of a proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan, changing the future land use designation of the property described above; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners support the requested future land use designation change; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners does hereby adopt the recommendations of the Planning Commission pursuant to the draft ordinance for adoption of the proposed Future Land Use Map amendment. Section 2. The Board of County Commissioners does hereby transmit the proposed amendment as part of the first (1st) set of comprehensive plan amendments for 2005 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review and comment in accordance with the provisions of Chapter l63.3184, Florida Statutes; and Section 3. The Monroe County staff is given authority to prepare and submit the required transmittal letter and supporting documents for the proposed amendment in accordance with the requirements of 9J- 1 I .006 of the Florida Administrative Code; and Section 4. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of tJlis resolution to the Director of Planning. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a special meeting held on the _ of ,2005. Mayor Dixie Spehar Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" Mceoy eommissioner George Neugent Commissioner David P. Rice Commissioner E. Nelson BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Mayor Spehar (Seal) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK MONROE COUMTV ATTORNEY APP-".V~ AS TO FORM -f). tL 2.- U' f'lS .: Deputy Clerk DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL AIR STATION PO BOX 9001 KEY WEST FL 33040-9001 11011 Ser N01 SJAl032 February 23,2005 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Board of Commissioners: This letter is intended to provide formal comment from Naval Air Station Key West (NASKW) concerning the current proposal for residential developments on Key Haven, Enchanted Island and the Southeast portion of Stock Island. The residential development of this property, as it is currently planned, is incompatible with the safety and noise standards expressed within the 2004 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) for NASKW. Accordingly, the proposed development of this property is expected to adversely impact the overall mission of this installation. The Florida Legislature has recognized that certain land developments near military installations can adversely affect the ability ofthe military to carry out its mission and threaten public safety. See, FL. Stat. 163.3175. Accordingly, Florida law requires local governments to notify military installations of plans that would affect the use, density and intensity ofthe land in close proximity to the installation, and to consider any comments the commanding officer may have relating to the proposed development. Id. Specific comments to be considered include whether proposed changes would be incompatible with safety and noise standards contained within the AICUZ and whether the military installation would be adversely affected by the proposed action. Id. Copies ofthe 2004 AICUZ (final version) were provided to representatives ofthe Monroe County Planning Commission on January 13,2005 and command officials have verbally expressed concerns regarding the incompatibility of the proposed residential developments on numerous occasions, including announcements at the public hearings held on January 11,2005 and February 9,2005. The 2004 AICUZ represents the best information currently available concerning the safety and noise aspects ofthe specific property in question. It has identified the areas of proposed development on Key Haven, Enchanted Island and the Southeast portion of Stock Island as areas where residential development should be strongly discouraged or prohibited. The proposed Key Haven development is located in Accident Potential Zone (APZ) II and Noise Zone 2 with a Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) between 70-74. The Enchanted Island property is in APZ II and Noise Zone 3 with a DNL between 75-79. The proposed housing development on the Southeast portion of Stock Island is located in Noise Zone 3 with a DNL between 75-79. 1 The AICUZ safety and noise standards state that residential use of property should be strongly discouraged in Noise Zone II with a Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) between 70-74. It further states that residential uses are not compatible and should be prohibited in Noise Zone III with DNL of75 and above. It also provides for restricted residential use of property within APZ II. (e.g. The maximum density being detached single-family housing on half acre lots) . The residential development of this property, as it is currently planned, is incompatible with the 2004 AICUZ and will have an impact on NASKW that may adversely affect the ability ofthe air station to effectively carry out its mission of ensuring war fighter readiness. The geographic "island" location ofNASKW provides a unique and invaluable area in which to train military pilots with limited interference on civilian populations. The vast quantity of flying is done over the ocean well away from the civilian developments. However, the most dangerous and loudest aspects of operations occur during takeoff and landing. Historically, this has not been an issue and NASKW has been able to accomplish its mission with little or no negative impact on the local community. The proposed land developments of Key Haven, Enchanted Island and the Southeast portion of Stock Island would place homes in areas specifically identified as incompatible for residential development. This raises obvious concerns of the impact on the continued ability ofNASKW to effectively carry out its mission. Florida law and the AICUZ analysis envision a continuing and working dialogue between local governments and military installations, in order to analyze the true impact of proposed development projects on both the local community and military operations. Ideally this process would allow for community input regarding the AICUZ and perhaps incorporate separate/independent studies on safety, noise and potential impact. Moreover, the military and the local government could analyze the comprehensive plan concerning land development around the installation and long-term impacts can be properly considered. Unfortunately, this process has been cut short. This command only learned of the current development proposals in January 2005. Likewise the most recent AICUZ was not formally released to the County until January 2005. We request a reasonable amount of time for additional dialogue and analysis prior to formal comment from NASKW and/or final decision by the County. Without additional time this command must rely solely on the 2004 AICUZ, as the best information currently available, in making this formal objection to the proposed developments. Sincerely, ~.'K.~) J. K. SCHOLL Commanding Officer Naval Air Station Key West 2