03/17/2005 Agenda AGENDA MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Any person who wishes to be heard shall provide the Clerk with his or her name and residence and the agenda item on which he or she wishes to be heard. Such information shall be on a card provided by the County. Once public input begins, there will be no further speaker cards allowed to be submitted to the Clerk for that subject. An individual has three minutes and a person representing an organization has five minutes to address the Board (except that individuals wishing to speak during public hearings pertaining to land use issues will have five minutes). The first person representing the organization will be allowed the five minutes. Subsequently, all other speakers on behalf of that organization have three minutes to address the Board. Once an individual has addressed the Board, he or she will not be permitted to return to the podium for follow-up comments, unless the issue involved is quasi judicial in nature. In that case, the applicant may return to the podium to conclude his or her position at the end of the public hearing. Please note that all time approximate items are listed in bold. Thursday, March 17,2005 Marathon Government Center 2798 Overseas Highway, MM 47.5 (Gulf) Marathon, Florida Regular Meeting 9:00 AM. TIME APPROXIMATE REGULAR MEETING 9:00 A.M. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION SALUTE TO FLAG A. ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, DELETIONS B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing to consider adopting a DCA Transmittal Resolution to amend the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan to delete the HEI requirements in the Plan, require an existing conditions report including a vegetation survey, require a grant of conservation easement to protect open space vegetation and limit the clearing of native upland vegetation dependent on the tier system designation, and provide for a Land Acquisition Master Plan. (1st of 2 required public hearings) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS - CONTINUED 2. Public hearing to consider adopting a DCA Transmittal Resolution amending the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan to change the Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) and the Non-Residential Rate of Growth Ordinace (NROGO) to utilize the Tier Overlay as the basis for the competitive point system, deleting, revising and adding policies, objectives and requirements for the implementation of Goal 105 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan and the Tier Overlay District. (1st of 2 required public hearings) 3. Public hearing to consider adopting an ordinance amending the Monroe County Land Development Regulations to revise environmental regulations by deleting sections 9.5-336 through 9.5-343 to eliminate requirements for the Habitat Evaluation Index (HEI); creating new Section 9.5-336 to require an Existing Conditions Report, including vegetative survey; creating new Section 9.5-337 to protect upland vegetation through grant of Conservation Easements; creating new Section 9.5-338 to incorporate existing open space requirements for wetlands; revising Section 9.5-347 to provide for maximum clearing limits of native upland vegetation based upon the Tier system designation of the subject property. (1st of 2 required public hearings) 4. Public hearing to consider adopting an Ordinance amending the Monroe County Land Development Regulations Sections, 9.5-120 through 9.5-125 and Section 9.5-266 by changing the Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) to utilize the Tier Overlay as the basis for the competitive point system, providing for an optional lottery system, prohibiting affordable housing allocations in Tier I, increasing the affordable covenants to 99 years for public financed properties and making allocations for affordable housing on a first come basis or by reservation of the BOCC. (1sT of 2 required public hearings) 5. Public hearing to consider adopting an Ordinance amending the Monroe County Land Development Regulations to implement Goal 105 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan by renumbering existing Sections 9.5-256 to 9.5-271; creating a new Section 9.5-256, Tier Overlay District; providing criteria for designation of tier boundaries; and, providing a mechanism for Tier Overlay District Map amendments. (1st of 2 required public hearings) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS - CONTINUED 6. Public hearing to adopt an Ordinance amending the Monroe County Land Development Regulations to revise Section 9.5- 124 through 9.5-124.8 Non-Residential Rate of Growth Ordinance (NROGO) utilizing the Tier Overlay as the basis for the competitive point system. (1sT of 2 required public hearings) 7. Public hearing to consider adopting an Ordinance amending the Monroe County Land Use District Map to include a Tier Overlay Map District designation on all land in unincorporated Monroe County in the Florida Keys between Key West and Ocean Reef and designating boundaries for Tier I, Tier II and Tier III as required in Goal 105 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the criteria in section 9.5-256. (1 ST of 2 required public hearings) ADA Assistance: Anyone needing special assistance at the Board of County Commissioners' meeting due to a disability should contact the County Administrator's office at 292-4441 by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, March 11,2005.