Item K3 BOA R I) OF CO U ~TY (;0]\'1]\..1 [SSIONE RS AG E:'\I DA ITEI\'1 S 11 ,"'1:\.1;\ RV l'v1ecli llg Date, 6/15/05 - \.1 A R D~Vlsinn- ('ounty Attomey Hul h: hem ..... es \.Jo x Staff Contan PCf:>On.: l.oh nJ:LJ" ol,lins ;\GE~D'\ rTTl\'l \VORIlIi'\G: AuttlOri.l.ation to execute all Jmer-jOl.:ul /'1.grt'~'mem \.....ith The Kt'y /.mgo J-Vas/nnllt'l' liHllmt'lIf Ih~f!'iCl. pLJI suant 10 previoLJs approval and direction b~' the Hoard to H,,~imbursc the J )iwricl. rn::1\1 BACKGROUND: A 11 Imer-Iucal ,-lgreemem bCh\iC~~n ,o\joun)(' ( TnJin~r and the f);slr;cl is nece%ary to facilitate the ~jlecti\t' aumilJistratiol1 uf the lra.nsfer and reimbursemem ur v,,'a~aewater fLillds 10 lhe I,h~lfld, PHEVIOlJS R[1.FV,\~T IIOCe ACTIO:"\: .Ioinf He,mll/holl - (Nfnnme (TrmJl~r and FforiJlI ;Ceys /H}uedu(;1 All/lio!'i!)': Ai(' Nesnlu!lolJ OY3-2()()2 uNd FAA,.1 H.t',\ofmiorl 0_'-(18 Inla-Ionrl Ap't'l,'ment, 2/21 /2 O() ,) (\1onroe ( .mm~}'> tile j h<;/n'cl and the Florida KI.~rs A (fuedllCl A tirhurily), roan ,,1xr('~m('tu. I :/] ~il004, (,Honme (.mm~r and the nis/ncf), CO~TRA{.T/Ar;REE'lE~T CHANGES: ~'!A. STAFF RECOMM EN DA TlONS: Appro\"al. TOTAL COST: $~.u, ()QO,OOQ, ,_ !ill OGKn:n; Yes X 1\0 COST TO COIJNTY~ so LJ RCt: 0"- I'F N DS: R[VEN[IE PRODU,-J~C.: Yes '\0 X AI\'10t 1\'1' ItER _\10~TH \'ear APPROVED BY: C ounl\' Attl,.' 0\1 H!I'urchasin~ f)ifk \1ana1l:cmcnt c:jil--~~ ~ I' DrYISION lHRfCTOH. .-\ PPROV r\ L: .. ....----.- Juhn R, C.ollins, (' OUllty Attorll~'Y DOC1."1r~'TATIO,'\j; I ncludcd ~ u ~ol Required_ DISPOSITION; AGI:t\'[)A ..n~M # RC\"ls.crt 2.'0:'- MOI\ROE COU0JTY UOAR-I) OF COUNTY COMMISSlOr\LRS CONTRACT SU\1\1AR y Com ract with' Key" [,arg.o Wa~te,vater Distl jC[ COmn,l(,l Cnc(li \'(~ F.-'pir at inn Date: Lpon Exccut ion by Both Parties (' Onlf<lCl Purposeilkscript LOll: I n tbci I irate the drcct i \ C ad mi 11 istrat ion of the transfer and rei mhursement of wastewaler tiJ nJs t(l ! he Di stri c1. C onlract \ 1all<luer John R Collins (1\ am~) H7U ( [:.u,) Coullty .'\!tDfIl~:."" Stop /~? __ (Depan menli.sWp i") for BOCC meeting un bi 15....0~ Agenda Deadline: )....:; 1/05 COT\'TR .ACT COSTS 'I nwl Dollar \ 'a luc ~lf Cant rLKt: S Budg(,lCd'" Y t~[XJ No [l Gram S County r\.htch: $ :O,000,OfJO Current Ycar Pm1ion, S ~ . ~ - ..-- -.- - -. - --..--. h;til1l:1tcd Ongoing Costs S ~ '.it) [ ilL,IHd~'d in {loll:lr\',lhh,; ~lboYd ,'W ADDlTIOKAL COSTS For, (q.:, mam[CI1;]n~~, ulJ lHlC" ,IJHHC)['I~lL :>;jtlrL(:~, (C[C 1 CONTRACT REVIE\\," Di \'i sioJl Director Chii[]g~S I )arc In NcedcJ Yc~::J "\o[] Dalc Out Rt'vie,";er Risk \lanagClllcnt y csn ~nCl ~ -. . . o \1, n ,....PurdI3f.lIlS y ~~L1 NuU g~~- ~. :i. '-" ' , Count\' At tOrll\:,\' (J....7...n .::; y c~1' j\'o[>SJ ,,_.. - -..- CommenTS' 0\-18 FfJTIll R~.... i';Cd 2.:2"/01 f\,'1CP-II~ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON ROE COU NTY l FLORIDA, AND THE KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTR.GT ,2005 SECTION 1 01 SECTION 1,02, SECTION 2,01, SECTION 3,01, SECTION 3,02 SECTION 3,03, SECTION 3,04, SECTION 3,05, SECTION 4,01, SECT ION 4,02, SECTION 403 SECTION 404 SE CTION 4,05, SECT ION 4,06, SECTION 4,07, S EeT ION 4,08, SECTION 4,09, TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae ARTICLE I DEFINITrQNS WORDS AND TERMS....,..,..,..,......,.... .."....".." ,,',',....,'" 4 CORRELATtvE WORDS.." " "...., ,',' " ,...... ...., " ",.......... .. ...." 7 ARTICLE II INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT PURPOSE OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT,....,..""",..,..,..,....,..", 7 ARTie LE III WARRANTlES, REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS WARRANTlES, R EPR ES E NT A TIO N S AND COVE NANTS OF THE COUNTY. ..,..,..,..,..,....,..,..""",....,..,..,..,.., ""...., ,....,..,..,,8 WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS OF TH E D ISTR rc 1. ., ..,...... ......., .... .. ,., " ...... .. .... .. .... ". .... ,..,...........9 LEGAL AUTHORIZATION, ........ .... " ,....,...... ''', "",,12 LEGAL AUTHORIZATION, ....,..,..,.."""..,..,..,..,..,...."",..,..,..,..,..,12 AUDrT AND MONITQRtNG REQUIREMENTS, "...."..,........, ......13 ARTICLE IV PROJECT INFORMATiON PROJECT CHANGES, ...."....,.., ...." ",..,.., ....,..,.., .."..,....,..,..,.., ,14 TJTLE TO PROJECT SrTE. ,.."" " '''',' ,,"," ""..,...."",..,..,........15 PERMiTS AND APPROVALS..".., ,.."""..,..,..,..,..,.. .."..,..,....,..,.. 15 ENGINEER ING SERVICES_ """'" , '__.. .. ' _, ....... .. .. 15 PROHIBITION AGA1NST ENCUMBRANCES , ,......"", ....,..,...... ..16 COMPLETION MONEYS, ..,...., ,...., ...."..,..,..,.., ...., .."..,..,..,...." ,16 C LO S E-OUT. .. ,.., .. ..,.., ..,..,...., ..,.., .. ,...., , ..,.., .. ,...., ..,.., " , " ,.., .. ,.., " 16 REfMBURSEMENTS...... "..".., '" "'" " ""..,....,.. ..,...., , ....,..,...... 17 ADV ANC E , " , .. ..,.., ..,.., .. '" ,.., ',',..,'"',, " ""'"....,..,..,..",,........,..,.. 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED PaQe SECTION 5,01, SECTION 5,02, SECTION 5,03, SECTION 5,04, SECTION 5,05, SECTION 6,01, SECTION 6,02, SECTION 6,03, SECTtQN 7,01, SECTION 7,02, SECTION 7,03, SECTION 7,04, SECTION 7,05, SECTION 7,06, SECTION 7,07, SECTION 7,08, SECTION 7,09, SECTION 7,10 SECTION 7,11, SECTION 7,12, SECTION 7,13, SECjTON 7,14, SECTtON 7,15, SECTION 7,16, SECTION 7,17, SECTION 7,18, SECTION 7,19, SECTION 7,20, SECTION 721, ARTIC LE V RATES AND USE OF THE SEWER SYSTEM NO FREE SERVICE, ' " .. ...... ....,..,..,..,....,..".."".., ,..,...., .., , ....19 MANDATORY CONNECTIONS, ,..,............", , " ".............. ......,19 MAINTE NAN CE OF TH E NORTH COMPONENTS, ,..,..,..,..,........ 19 ADDITIONS AND MODIF ICA TIONS, "..,....,..,..",.., ,....,..,..,..,...." ..19 COLLECTION OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES, ..........20 ARTIe LE V I DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES EVENTS OF DEFAULT. , .." ........ ..,...... ....,.." ...., "..,..,..,..,..,...... 21 REMED1ES, ",' " ",' " ", , '" " """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 22 DELAY AND WAIVER. ".. ....,....,..,..,..,.... ......, ..",.." "" ", ". 23 ARTICLE VII GENERAL PROVISIONS ACCESS TO PROJECT SJTE AND PLACES OF DISTRICT RECORD RETENTION, ..,....,..,....""..".."....,....,..,.., ..24 ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS UNDER AGREEMENT. ""..,..,....,..,..24 AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT. "....,..,..,..,...., .."..""..,....,..,.., ..24 ANNULMENT OF AGREEMENT AND THE DISTRICT'S RES PONS IB~UTY TO THE C au NTY ,....,..,..,....".."....,..,..,...., ..24 SEVERABILITY. .."....,..""....,.., ......,......,..,..,..", ..".., ,...., ....,..,.., ..25 ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS.."...... ""....,.., " ,," ,..,.., " " 25 CLAIMS FOR FEDERAL OR STATE AID ..,..,..,..".., ""..,..,..,..,.... ,26 ADJUDICATION OF DISPUTES OR DISAGREEMENTS ..,..,',' ..,26 NOND ISC R1MlNA T ~ON , " , "'" """ " "" " "" """""""""""""""'" " 26 COOPERATION, ",..,",.."..,...."............"....,..,..,',...... .. ...., 27 COVENANT OF NO INTEREST, .., " '..' """,..,......,,28 CODE OF ETHICS".."" ,.. ..........,..,..,..,....,..,.., ..".., ,..,......,..,..,.. 28 NO SQLC1TATIQN/PAYMENT ....,...... ..,....,......,.."".., ,...., ...., ...... 28 PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS,..,..,..,...."....""",....,..,..,..,..,..,.. 29 NON-WAIVER OF IMMUNITy....,..,..,....,..,..,...., .."..""..,....,..,.., ..29 PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES..".., ............, " ",..,,,.., " " " ",29 LEGAL OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES; NON-DELEGATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL OR STATUTORY DUTIES" ",.. .... ..,.. .. .......... ..", "" ..", .. " " "", 30 NON -R E LIANe E BY NON-PARTIES......,..,..,..,..""....,..,..,..,....,.., 30 NO PERSONAL LIABJUTY ................, .. .... ,.." ,.." .." ", ,.." ,31 SECTION HEADINGS, ,....,..,.., ....,..,..,..,..,...., ..".., ,......,..,..,..,..,..,31 GOVERN~NG LAW: VENUE,..,..,..,....,..,..,..",.."".., ,....,..,..,..,.., ,..,31 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED PaQe ARTICLE VIII CONSTRUCTiON CONTRACTS AND INSURANCE SECTtQN 801, SECT~ON 8,02, SUBMITTAL OF CONSTRUCTlQN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS" 31 lNSURANCE REQUiRED,..,..,....,..,..,..,..""....,..,..,..",.."....,.."""" 32 ART lGlE IX ADDITIONAL PROJECT COMMrTMENTS OF THE DlSTR1CT SECTION 9,01, SECTION 902, SECTfON 903. PROJECT COSTS..,..""..,..,..,....,..,..,..,...." ,..,..,..,..",..,..,..,..""",,32 SCHEDULE. "',',..,, "'",,..,..,',' ..".."..,' ..,',..,..,',' " "",,' """ " 32 PUBLIC PURPOSE REQUIREMENT , """""" ,___ '" , ,_33 ART lCLE X EXEC UTION OF AGREEME NT SECTION 10,01 COUNTERPARTS__ _____________ _____ _ __34 SECTION 10,02. SUPERCEDES OTHER AGREEMENTS,....",..,..,..,..""",....,..,.."" ..34 SECTION 1 003, FILING AND EFFECTIVE DATE.",..,..,..,..,.." ,....,...., .."..,..,..,.., '" 34 APPENDICES: AP PEN 0 IX A , , .. .. .. ,.., .. .. , ,.., .. .. .. .. .. , .. ,.. ........ .... .. , " " ........", , , .. .. .. .. .. .. , , , , , .. .. ,...., .. , A-1 APPENDIX B, .. ..,.. ........ ....,..,..,...... ....,..,..,..,..,......, ........ ....", ......, " '" ...... ...., B-1 II INTERlOCAL AGR EEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into pursuant to section 163,01, Florida Statutes, by and between Monroe County, a polittcal subdiv~sion of the State of Florida (the "County"), and the Key largo Wastewater Treatment District, an independent special district existing as a public agency under the laws of the State of Florlda (the "0 istrjct"), WHEREAS, the County possesses home rule authority and, in addition: IS authorized by section 125,01 (1), Flonda Statutes, to provide, assist in providing. and fund centrahzed wastewater treatment systems and the County may enter into agreements with the Dtstrict relative to such activities; and WH EREAS, the County's Com prehensive Plan requires that certain waslewater treatment levels be achieved in unincorporated areas of the County by 2010, levels which can best b€ achieved by the Installation of central wastewater treatm ent system 5~ and WH EREAS. the District was formed in 2002 by the Legfslature of the State of Florida pursuant to House Bill 471, Chapter 2002-337, Laws of F~orida, for the purpose of perform ing such acts as shaH be necessary for the sound planning, acquisit ion, development, operation and mafntenance of a wastewater management system within the district, includ~ng all business facilities necessary and incidental thereto; and WHEREAS, Chapter 2002-337, Laws of Florida, provides the District with exclusive jurisdiction over lhe acquisition, development, operation and management of a wastewater management system in and for the Distnct boundaries; and 1 WHEREAS, the County, the District and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (the "Authority") entered into an intertocal agreement on February 21, 2003, pursuant to which the parties agreed to transfer wastewater funds and functions from the Authority to the 0 istrict and WH EREAS, the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan (the "Master Plan") identified and acknowledged the benefits to Monroe County, its residents. visitors and environs from the installation of regionalized central sewer systems and identified areas and projects which should be given priority attention, referred to as ''Hot Spots." and WHEREAS) the County, the District and the Authority have worked to Identify funding sources and grants from local, state and federal sources to advance the provision of central wastewater services and programs on a pnority basis and guided by the Master Plan's identification of "Hot Spots;" and WH EREAS) it is im perative to the heanh, safety and welfare of the crtrzens of Monroe County that the delivery of such wastewater facilities and programs be expeditiously advanced, and therefore, the County, the Authority and the District entered into certain joint resolutions and Interlocal agreements to utilize the resources of two grants and County Capital Jnfrastructure Sales Surtax Funds for the benefit of the District, and the County created a Mumcfpal Services Taxing Unit ("MSTU") to assist the D istric1: and WHEREAS, the County has the legal authority to provIde funding to the District as provided herein to accomplish its purposes; and 2 WHEREAS, the Dlstricl has approached the County with a request for additional financial assistance to initiate design, permitting and construction of a portion of a regional wastewater system for serv~ce within the District's boundahes to be identffied as cer1ain North Key Largo sewer system components (the 'North Components"): and WHEREAS. the County has delerm ined that it currently has cash reserves on hand In the amount of up to Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000:000) which previously were obta ined by issuance of infrastructure sales surtax bonds levied pursuant to section 212,055(2), Ftorida Statutes (the "Infrastructure Sales Surtax Bond Proceeds") and from other revenue sources; and WHEREAS, the conslructlon of the North Components will provide central wastewater service to additional "Hot Spot" areas identrtied in the Master Plan; and WHEREAS~ the District has informed the County that the design and constructlon processes for the Project can commence upon the County's agreement to reimburse the District for up to Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) {less certain adjustments and County Cosls (as defined herein, the "Reimbursemenl Amounl") of lhe costs to be expended by the District to design: perm it and construct the Project; and WHEREAS, the County has determined that it is in the best rnterest of 2311 of the citizens of the County that a portion of the Infrastructure Sales Surtax Bond Proceeds and other cash reserves shall be applied to satisfy the Reimbursement Amount to be provided for the construction of the North Components; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, representations and promises set forth jn this Agreement and for other good and valuable consrderation 3 each to the other, reC8lpt of which is hereby acknowledged by each party, the County and the Disthct hereby agree, stipulate and covenant as follows ARTICLE I D EFIN IllON S SECTION 1.01. WORDS AN 0 TERMS. Words and term s used herein shall have the meanings set forth below' "Agreement" means this Jnterlocal Agreement. "Authority" means the Flonda Keys Aqueduct Authorrty "Authorized Representative" means the offic~al of the County or the District authorized by ord inance or resolution to sign docum ents of the nature identified in th is Agreem enl "Bond Documents" means Resolution No, 077-2003. adopted by the County on February 19, 2003, as amended and supplemented (the "Bond Resolution'} and all other documents pertaining to the issuance by the County of the County Bonds, "County Bonds" means the tnfrastructure Sales Surtax Revenue Bonds previously issued by the County, "County Clerk" means the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Monroe County, Fforida, as ex-officio Clerk. of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florfda, and such other person as may be duly authorized to act on his or her behalf, "County Costs" includes all costs of the County, induding legal and financial <3dvisory fees and expenses, costs incurred by the County to compensate lega~, engrneering and other advisors associated with supplements to the Master Plan, review and overs ight of the Proj eet, and preparation of interlocal agreements and other 4 resolutions and agreem ents requIred to perm it lhe County to use the proceeds of the Infrastructure Sales Surtax Bond Proceeds for the purposes identified In th IS Agreement County Costs also shall include any costs of a similar nature incurred by lhe County to perform the review, fnspection, audit and monltonng functions identified in thfS Agreement. "District" means the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment 0 istrict "Equivalent DweUing Units" or "ED Us" means the standard unit of applying System Developmenl Charges, as described later in this Agreem ent. For residenlia I im proved parcels, a minimum of one EDU shall be applied to each family residential dwelling. condominium unit and mobile home, EOUs for multi-fam ily structures is detennined by the number of dwelling units (ilL, six units in a multi-fam ily structure will constitute six EDUs) For non-residential fmproved parcels of property, the number of EDUs will be calculated based on a formula to be detennined by the District. A minimum of one (1) EDU shall apply to each parcel ION orth Components" means the wastewater treatm ent, coHection, transm tssion and disposal facrlities to be designed, perm itted and constructed by the District as specifically identified in th is Agreem ant to provide wastewater service to a portion of the Key Largo area of unincorporated MDnroe County, "Operation and Maintenance Expense" means the costs of operating and m a~ntaining the System determ ined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles (as applied to state and local governments), exclusive of interest on any debt payable from system revenues, depreciation, and any other items not requlnng the expenditure of cash, 5 "Project" means the design, perm itting, construction and operation of the North Components, The Project, and projected Project Costs, are described fn greater detail In Appendix A which is attached hereto and Incorporated herein, "Project Costs" means the cost of designing, perm lttfng, and constructing the North Com ponents, including the labor, materials and equipm ent and general and administrative costs In connection with the design and construction of the North Components under contracts to be entered by the District and any other "Costs" {as defined in the Bond Resolution) w~h respect to the Project, Project Costs may Include casts expended by the District rn connection with the design and construction of the North Com ponents, regardless of the date of expenditure, and regardless of whether they were expended prior to the date of th is Agreement. Project Costs incurred prior to the dale of th is Agreement sha~1 be subject to approval of the County's bond counseL Project Costs shall not include Operations and Maintenance Expenses or County Costs, The County and the District acknowledge and agree that the ProJoct Costs WJll exceed Twenty Million Doljars ($20,OOO,OOO) and both parties agree that the District will be obligated to secure addiHonal financing to complete the Project. "Reimbursement Amou nt" means the County's reim bursement to the 0 [strict of Projec~ Costs expended by the D;strlct to design, perm it and construct the North Components which will be an amount of Twenty Million Dollars ($20,OOO:OOO}, less County Costs, The Relm bursement Am Dunt shall rndude an advance of funds in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) to the District payable by the County as provided in Section 4,09 of this Agreem ent "Senior Revenue Obligations" means the following debt obligations: 6 (a) Additiona I bonds issued on a parity with the bonds fdentified above; and (b) Any refund~ng bonds issued to refund the obligations ldentified above, "System Development Charges" means connection fees, capital expansion fees, utility Improvement fees or other similar fees and charges levied upon and collected by the District from new users of the System as a contributiDn toward their equitable share of 1he cost of capita I im provements required to serve new users of the Nor1h Com ponents, SECTION 1.02. CORRELATIVE WORDS. Words of the masculine gender sha II be understood to incl ude correlative words of the fem imne and neuter genders, Unless the context sha~1 otherwise indicate, the singular shall include the p~ural and the word "person" shall include corporations and associations, including publ ic bodies: as well as natural persons, SECTION 2.01. ARTIe LE II IN TERLOCAL AGREEM ENT PU RPOSE OF INTERLOCAL AGREEM ENT. The purpose of this Agreement is to continue the cooperative efforts between the County and the District to develop centraltzed wastewater treatment, collection and disposal services on a regfonal basis in the most efficient manner and at the most reasonable cost practicable so as to best meet the public's needs and serve the public Interest. By this Agreement, the District agrees to initiate and comptete construction of the North Components which will serve approximately 2,500 Equivalent Dwelling Units ("EDUs") initially and 6,000 EDUs upon comp'et~on of the System, 7 The Master Plan identifies the area to be served by the North Components as ~ncluding the four highest priority areas for central wastewater service in the upper keys, Centralized wastewater services currently are not avaifable to businesses and residences to be served by the North Com ponents, The preva fling method of wastewater collection, treatm ent and disposal in the area to be served by the North Components currenlly is the utilization of on-stte sewage treatment and disposal systems, incfuding package planls, cess pits and septic systems The cess pits, package plants and septic systems provide inadequate sewage treatment resulting In pollution of near shore water, damaging of the living coral reefs, and other adverse affects on lhe health and welfare of the citizens of lhe County and the County's tourist based econom y. The County is requ ired to el im inate the use of cess pits and sept~c systems in the Key Largo area of the lower keys and desires to make available 10 the residences and businesses of the Key Largo area a regional wastewater collection, treatment and disposal system, The construction of the North Componenls will Improve, mafntain and protect the heafth, safety and welfare of the cilizens of the County and serves a publ ic purpose ARTICLE III WARRANTJES, REPRESENTATtONS AND COVENANTS SECTION 3.01. WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS OF TH E COU NTY. The Counly warrants, represents and covenants that: (1) The Counly has furl power and authority to enter into thfs Agreement and to com ply with the provis ions hereof 8 {2} The County curren~ly is not ~he subject of bankruptcy insolvency, or reorganization proceedings and IS not fn default of, or otherNise subject to, any agreement or any law, adm inistrative regulation, judgment, decree, note, resolution, charter or ordjnance which would currently restrain or enjoin it from entering into, or comp'yrng with, this Agreement, (3) There is no material act~on, suit, proceeding, inquiry Dr tnvestigation, at law or in equity, before any court or public body, pending or, to the best of the County's knowledge, threatened, which seeks to restrain or enjoin the County from entering into or com plying with thls Agreem enL (4) The County covenants that this Agreement is entered into for the purpose of formalizing the agreement of the County to use infrastructure Sales Surtax Bond Proceeds In an am aunt sufficient to reim burse the District for Project Costs up to the Reim bursem ent Amount IdentIfied in thfs Agreement and that such expend iture of bond proceeds will in all events serve a public purpose, The County covenants that it will coordinate with the Djstrict and aud it the 0 istrict records as may be necessary to monitor whether the Pro)ect is progressing in the manner contemplated herefn and shall be com pleted to fulfill the publ ic need rdentifjed in this Agreement SECTION 3.02. OF TH E DISTRICT. WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS The District warrants, represents and covenants that. (1) The District has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to com ply with the provisions hereof. 9 (2) The 0 istrict currently is not the subj eet of bankruptcy. insol veney, or reorganization proceedings and is not in default of or otherwise subject to, any agreement or any law, administrative regulation, ludgment decree, note, resofution, charter or ordinance wh ich wou Id currently restrain or enjoin it from entering Into, or com plYing with, this Agreem ent. (3) There lS no materlal action, suit, proceeding, rnquiry or investigation, at law or in equily, before any court Dr public body, pending or, to the best of the District's knowledge.. threatened. whfch seeks to restrain or enjoin the District from entering Into or complYing with thIs Agreement. (4) AH permits, real property interests, and approvals required to construct and complete the Project have been or will be obtained for construction and use of the Proj eet. The District knows of no reason why any future required perm its, real property interests or approvals are not obtainable, (5) The District shall undertake the Project on rts own responsibility and shall apply proceeds of the County Bonds only to payor reim burse val id Project Costs, {6) To the maximum extent permitted by law, the District shall release and hold harmless the County, its officers, members, employees and contractors from any claim arising in connection wrth the Dfstrict's actions or omissions fn its planning. engineering, adm inistrahon, and construction activities regarding the Proj ect and the ~istrict's operation of the Project. (7) The District shall comply with all applicable State and Federal Jaws, rules, and regulations To the extent that any assurance, representation, or covenanl of the 10 District contained herein requfres a future action I the District shall take such action as is necessary for com phance, (8) The District shall maintain records using accounting principles established and accepted by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, As part of its bookkeeping system, the District shaH keep accounts associated with the Project separate from all other accounts of the District and ~ shall keep accurate records of all expenses and expenditures relating to the Project so as to facilitate to the greatest extent possible the Countys abili1y to review and audrt Project Costs in the manner provided by this Agreement. (9) The District agrees to construct the Project in accordance with the Project schedule provided in Section 9 03 hereof (10) The District shall secure any additional funds necessary in an amount sufficient to complete the Project on or before the date identffied in the Project schedule and shaH pursue com pletion of the Project in the most expedrtious manner possible conSidering ihe publ ic purpose to be served by this Agreem ent but al so with proper consideration for the need for sound utility management in the completion of the Project (11) The 0 istnct covenants that this Agreem ent tS entered into for the purpose of form al izjng the agreement of the County to use Infrastructure Sales Surtax Bond Proceeds in an am aunt sufficient to reim burse the 0 istrict for funds expended to design, permit and construct the Project up to the Reimbursement Amount Identrfled in this Agreement and that such expenditure of bond proceeds will in all events serve a public purpose, 11 (12) The District shall take no action or omrt to take necessary action that wlll adversely affect the tax~exem pt status of the County Bonds: the 0 istrict will take such action as is reasonably requested by the County in connection with the County Bonds so as to allow the County to retafn the takexempt status of the County Bonds, The hofders of the County Bonds shall be considered thrrd party beneficiaries for purposes of this covenant. (13) The D~strict shall not enter into any contract or other instrum ent with respect to the management of the Key Largo Sewer System without the prror written consent of the County SECTION 3.03. LEGAL AUTHORIZATION. Upon signing this Agreement, the County's legal counsel hereby expresses the opinion, generaHy, that this Agreem ent has been duly authorized by the County and sha II constitute a val id and bind ing legal obngation of the County enforceable in "lccordance with its terms upon execution by both parties, provided, however, me enforceabllity thereof may be subject to bankruptcy, Insolvency, reorganfzalion, moratorium and other similar jaws affechng creditors' hghts generally and subjecl, as to enforceability, to general principles of equity and the exercise of judicial discretion, SECTION 3.04. LEGAL AUTHORIZATION. Upon signing this Agreement. Ihe District's legal counsel hereby expresses the opinion, generally, that thfs Agreement has been duly authorized by the District and shall constitute a vafid and binding lega~ obligation of the District enforceable in accordance with its terms upon execution by both parties, provided, however, the enforceabflity thereof may be subject to bankruptcy: insolvency, reorganization. moratorium and other sim ilar laws affecting 12 creditors' rights generally and subject, as to enforceability, to general principles of equity and the exercise of judicial discretion, SECTION 3.05. AUDIT AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS. The District agrees to the following audit and monitoring reqUlrem ents (1) Final Audit Report, Wfthin six (6) months after completion of the Project. as dem onstrated by the Dist6ct placing the proj eet into service, the District shall subm it to the County a Project-specific audit report (the "F inal Audit Report") identifying all related Project Costs, The Final Audit Report shall Identify all Reimbursement Amounts received from the County, total Project Costs, and otherwise describe the District's compliance with the terms of this Agreement The District shall cause its auditor to notify the County immediately If anythrng comes to the auditor's attention dUring the exam ination of records that would lead the auditor to question whether any costs are aflowable Project C OSt5 under th is Agreem en!. The fina I determ Ination of whether such costs are appropriale Project Costs shall be made by the County, (2) Record Retention The District shall retain sufficient records demonstrating rts compliance with the terms of this Agreement for a period of five years from the date that the Final Audit Report ~s issued, and shatl allow the County, or jts designee, or lhe County Clerk, access to such records upon request The Dfstriet shall ensure that audit working papers also are made available to the County, or its designee, or the County Clerk, upon request, for a period of five years from the date that the Final Audit Report is issued, (3) Monitorino, The Distrfct agrees that the County's monrtoring procedures may include, but not be I im ited to, review of contracts related to the Proj ect as well as 13 englneenng designs and plans, on-site visits by County staff or other designee at Project siles and the District's adm inistratlve offices, Iim ited scope audits, and/or other procedures By entering into this Agreement the District agrees to comply and cooperate with any m onttoring procedures and processes deem ed appropnate by the County, In the event the County determ ines at any time that a limited scope audit of the District is appropriate, the D istricl agrees to com ply with any additional instruclions provided by the County to the District regarding such audit, The District further agrees to com ply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations. or audits deemed necessary by the County Clerk or other auditor of County business, Any costs incurred by the County to perform any review, audit and other monitoring activities permitted under this Agreement shall be deducted from the Reimbursement Amount. (4) Reportlnq, The Dlstrict shaH provide to the County a copy Df any reports, management letters, or other information required to be subm itted to lenders or other persons as may be required pursuant to the terms of the District's Senior Revenue Obligahons, state revolving loan fund documents and any documents related to the Project Such copies shaH be forwarded to the County at the same time as such docum ents are provided to third parties pursuant to the term s of the respective docum ents ARTICLE IV PROJECT INFORMATION SECTION 4.01. PROJECT CHANGES. Proposed Project changes and addenda shaH be subm itted to the County prior to acceptance by the District to permit the County to insure that such changes will not cause a default of covenants contained 14 in the Bond Documents. adversely affect the tax exempt status of the County Bonds, or othervlise cause the Counly to incur any penalties, costs or reporting requirem ents The Distrfct shall not approve any change or addendum if lhe County obj eets and such objection is based upon the County's determ ination that any of the events ident~ied In the preceding sentence couid occur if the change or addendum were to be approved by the District. The District and the County wlll agree to procedures allow,ng for prompt review of any changes and addenda, and the parties will use thetr best efforts lo m inrm ize any delays in review and approval of them, SECTION 4.02. TITLE TO PROJ ECT SITE. The 0 istrict shall have an interest in real property suffiC!8nt for the constructfon and location at the Project free and clear of liens and encumbrances which would impair the usefulness of such sites for the intended use, Evidence of clear title shall be a conditiDn precedent to the County's obligation to reimburse the District for Project Costs, The County understands and acknowledges that except for the wastewater treatment plant and other facilities for which the District believes a possessory interest in land is required, the Disthct intends to construct all project components within easements, SECTro N 4.03. PERMITS AND APPROVALS. The District shall obtajn all perm its and approvals required for construction of the Project or portion of the Project funded under this Agreement. SEGTJON 4.04. ENGINEERING SERVICES. One or more professional eng ineers, registered in the State of Florida, shall be em played by, or under contract with, the District to oversee design, penn itting and construction of the Project 15 SECTION 4.05. PROHIBITION AGAIN ST ENCU M BRANCES. The 0 istrict is prohibited from selling, leasing, or disposing of any pari of the Nor1h Components unless the written consent of the County is first secured, The County shall consent to a proposed sale, lease or disposition solely upon the cond~tion that the County is able to obtain an opinion of counsel that such sale, lease or disposition shatl not be cause for default of any covenants contained tn the Bond Documents, defeasance of the Bonds, loss of tax exem pt status of the Bonds, or otherwise cause the County to incur arbrtrage penalties or Dther additional penalties, costs or reporting requirements under the Bond Docum ents, Th is prohibition shall continue until the County Bonds reach maturity or are otherwise redeemed in full jn accordance with the terms of the County Bonds and Bond Docum ents, SECTION 4.06. COM PLETION MON EVS. In addit ion to the Reim bursement Amount to be reimbursed to the District by the County hereunder; the District covenants that it has obta ined, or will obta in. sufficient moneys from other sources to com plete construction and place the Project in operation on, or prior to, the date specified tn th is Agreement Failure of the County to approve a Reimbursement Amount above the fevel identffied in this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the District's covenants to complete and place the Project in operation in a manner consistent with the terms of th is Agreem ent. SECTION 4.07. CLOSE-QUT. The County shall have the right to conduct a fnat inspection of the Project and Proj eet records subsequent to notification by the Distnct that the Project has been placed into service_ Follow;ng the inspection, deadlines for subm itting additional reimbursement requests, if any, shaH be established 16 along with deadlines for completing additional requirements as may be necessitated by the Bond Documents, if any, Deadlines and the identification of add~tonal reqUirements, if any, shall be incorporated into this Agreement by amendment SECTION 4.08. REIMBURSEMENTS. Reimbursements to the District shall be made only by the County Clerk and only when the requests for such relm bursem ents are accompanied by a certification from the County's Engineering Department that such costs are proper PrOject Costs, Reim bursements shall be made dlrec11y to the 0 istnct for Project Costs, Reim bursem ent for Project Costs shall be made only after receipt by the County of the following from the District: (1 ) A completed relm bursement request fonn in the form attached hereto as Appendix B signed by the District's Authorized Represeniative, Such requests must be accom panied by an rtem ized disclosure of the materials, labor, or services provided In sufficient deta il to idenhfy the nature of the work perform ed~ the cost or charges for such WO rk; and th e perso n prov id in g the service or pe rf onn ing the work, (2) A certification signed by the 0 tstrict' s Authorized Representative as to the current estimated costs of the Project; that the materials, labor, or services represented by the invoice have been satisfactorily purchased, performed, or received and applied to the Project; and that the 0 istrict was required to incur such Project Costs under the terms and provrstons of the contract(s} between the District and third parties providing services necessary to com pletion of the Project. (3) A certrtlcahon by the engineer responsible for overseeing construction indicating the percentage of the Project completed as of the date of such certrt"ication; stating that the equipment, materials, labor and services represented by the 17 constructIon In va ices have been satisfactorily purchased or received, and appl ied to the Project in accordance wtth constructfon contract docum ents stating that paym ent is in accordance with construction contract provisions~ stating that construction, up to the point of the reimbursem ent request, is in campi iance wn:h the contract documents: and IdentrFYlng aH additions or deletions to the Project which have materially altered the Project's perfonnance standards, scope, or purpose (4) Such other certificates or docum ents by engineers, attorneys, accountants, contractors: or suppliers as may reasonably be required by the County, SECTION 4.09. ADVANCE. The County and the 0 istrict recogn ize that the District is in need of capital funds to initiate the Project, Recognizing this need, the County agrees to provide lhe District with an advance of funds to b€ used by the District so~ety to pay Project Costs tn the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) (the "Advance"), which sum shall be credited against the Reimbursement Amount which the County is obligated to provfde to the 0 tstrict under this Agreem ent. The Advance shall be paid by the County to the Distrrct within th irty (30) days of execulion of th is Agreement by the County, As the Advance tS spent by the District the District sha" complete the Reimbursement ReqUisition form provided in Appendix B and supply the County such other documents and infonnation as required In this Agreement as necessary to perm it the County to confirm that the Advance has been used solely for Project Costs 18 ARTiCLE V RATES AND USE OF THE SEWER SYSTEM SECTION 5.01. NO FREE SERVlCE. Except as may be required by applicable law, the District shall not pennit connections to, or furnish any services afforded by, the North CCJmponents without making a charge therefore based on the District's connectjon pol icies, SECTtON 5.02. MAN DA TORY CONN ECTION S. The 0 istrict shall adopt, as necessary, and enforce requirements consistent with applicable laws for the owner, tenant or occupant of each building located on a lot or parcel of land for which the Key Largo Sewer System is avaitable to connect such buifding to the Key Largo Sewer System, SECTION 5.03. MAINTENAN CE OF TH E NORTH COM POENTS. The District shall operate and mafntain the Key Largo Sewer System in a proper, sound and economical manner and shall make all necessary repairs. renewals and replacements, SECT'ON 5.04. ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. After completion of the Project, the District may make any addiHons, modrtications or improvements to the North Components which the 0 istrict deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the operational integrity of any part of the Key Largo Sewer System, All such renewals, replacements. additions, modifications and improvements shall become part of the Key Largo Sewer System, 19 SECT~ON 5.05. COLLECTtON OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES. (1) The District shall coiled System Development Charges to fund a portion of the capita I costs of the North Com ponents, The 0 istrict and the County recognize that System Development Charges should be established at suffic1ent levels so as to equitably assfgn the capitar costs of constructing sewer system s to those users that are imposing the need for construction of the system as well as benefiting from the enhanced use and enjoyment of developed property bestowed by the existence of a central sewer system, The existence of a central sewer system enhances the use and enjoyment of improved property by: (a) facilitating the development of property and increasing the use and enjoyment thereof; (b) positively affecting the marketability and market value of the property; (c) providing a means to best protect the quality of the surrounding water suppl ies; (d} properly and safely drsposing of sewage generated from improved property; and (e) enhancing improved property through the environmentally responSible use and enjoyment of the property, (2) The County and the District furiher recognize that the commitment to collect an equitable and reasonable portion of the capital cost of constructing the Key Largo Sewer System from the proposed users of the Key Largo Sewer System w~1I facilitate and maximize access of the County and the District to addftional Federal and State funding ~ssisti3nce for the Project and similar regional sewer projects, including system expansjons, to be constructed by the County and the Drsthct (3) The District has confIrm ed that it will retain an expert In utilrty rates and financial planning to deliver a report recomm ending an appropriate System Development Charge per EDU to be co~lected from users of the Key Largo Sewer 20 System The County and the District recognize that the total capitaf cost of providing wastewater service to future users of the Key Largo Sewer System exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) per EOU, By establishing a System Development Charge in an appropriate amount, the District and the County acknowledge that they will be able to maxim ize the level of no cost and/or low cost Federal and State funding assistance for the construction and future expansion of the Key Largo Sewer System and sim ilar systems to be constructed in un,ncorpor.ated Monroe County, The County and the District further recogn ize that the collection of System Development Charges serves to reduce the month~y cost of service to users and thus reduces the rates which users would be required to pay to the Distrfct on a monthly bas is, (4) The County and the District further agree that the System Development Charge may be collected by the District and paid by the users of the Key Largo Sewer System over a period of time and that the District may also recover the capital costs of the Project through such other capital recovery mechanisms as may be available to the District including, but not lim ited to, non~ad valorem assessments, ARTICLE VI DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES EVENTS OF DEFAULT- Each of the following events IS SECTION 6.01. hereby dedared an event of default: (1) Failure by the District to comply with the provisions of this Agreement or failure in the performance or observance of any of the covenants or actions required by this Agreement ;r such failure shall conlfnue for a period of 60 days after written notice thereof to the 0 istrict by the County, 21 (2) Any warranty, representation or other statement by, or on behalf of, the Distnct contained in this Agreement or in any tnformation furnished by the District in compliance with, or In reference to, this Agreement, is materially false or misleading, (3) An order or decree entered, with the acquiescence of the District, appointing a receiver for the Dis~rjct or if such order or decree, having been entered wrthout the consent or acquiescence of the Drstrict, shall not be vacated. discharged or stayed on appeal within sixty (60) days after the entry thereof (4) Any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar proceeding instituted by, or against, the District under federal or state bankruptcy or insol veney law now or hereafter in effect and, if instituted against the 0 islrict, is not dism issed within sixty (60) days after filing, (5) Failure of the D~strict to give immediate written notice of default to the County if such fail ure shall continue for a period of fourteen (14) days, SECTION 6.02. REMEDIES. Upon any event of default. the County may e nf orce its ri ghts by any of th e following rem ed ie s: (1} By refusing to reimburse the District for any Project Costs incurred by the District subsequent to the date that the County provides written notice by facsimjle copy or overnight delivery that the Distnct is in default under this Agreement and the County shall be relieved of any liabrlity for such Project Costs unless otherwise agreed to by the County in wrrting; (2) By m andam us or other proceed ing at law or In equity, to requJre the Drstrict to fulfill Its obligations under this Agreement, 22 (3) By action or suit in equity, to en)oin any acts or things which may be un lawful or in violation of the rights of the County, (4) By applying to a court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver to manage the D is1rict, establ ish and collect fees and charges, or issue debt; and apply the revenues to the completion of the Project and the District's obligations under this Agreement, SECTION 6.03. DELAY AN 0 WAIVER. No delay or om ission by the County or the District to exercise any right or power accruing upon an event of default shall impair any such right or power nor shall be construed to be a waiver of any such default or acquiescence therein, and every such right i3nd power may be exercised as often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver of ~ny default under this Agreement shall extend to or affect any subsequent event of default, whether concernfng the same or dffferent provision of this Agreement, nor shall such waiver impair consequent rights or remedies of the County or the District hereunder, 23 SECTION 7.01. ART1CLE VlI GEN ERAL PROVISION S ACCESS TO PROJECT SITE AND PLACES OF DISTRICT RECORD RETENnON. The District shall provide County representatives with access to Project sites and admlntstrative offices (as well as other offices where Districl records may be retained) dunng normal business hours, The District shall cause its engineers and contractors to cooperate in the fulfillment of the Drstrict's obligations hereunder and shall require cooperation with County representatives during Project inspections Including, bu~ not I im ited to, making available work ing copies of contracts, invoices purchase documents, plans, maps and specrFications, SECTION 7.02. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS UNDER AGREEMENT. Neither the County nor the District shall have the nght to assign rights or obligations created by th is Agreem ent to any th ird party wfl:hout the prior written consent of the other party, SECTION 7.03. AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be amended in wrrting, except that in no event shall any amendment be perm itted which is inconsistent with the terms and covenants of the County Bonds or Bond Documents, SECTtON 7.04. AN N ULMENT OF AGREE MENT AND THE DISTRICTS RESPONSIBILITY TO THE COUNTY. The County may unilaterally annul thfs Agreement if the District has not drawn any reimbursements of Project Costs within eighteen (18) months after the effective date of this Agreement or [f the County possesses reasonab~e certainty, ~n the Counly's SO~e discretion, that the County will suffer a default under the Bond Documents, impairment of tax exem pt status of the County Bonds, arbi~rage penalties or incur other costs or penalties due to the actions or 24 inaction of the District. In the event that the t<3X exempt slatus of the County Bonds is ~mpaired, arbitrage or other tax pena~ties are incurred or the County incurs any other costs or penalties resulting from the District's actions or inaction, the District shall be responsible to pay all costs incurred by the County as a result of such event or events, including attorneys fees, penalties and costs of any kind or manner associated with such impairment of tax exempt status, arbitrage or other tax penalties or other event. SECTION 7.05. SEVERABtllTY. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement {or the application thereof to any circumstance or person} shall be declared invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining term s, covenants, cond itions and provis ions of thls Agreem ent shall not be affected thereby; and each remain ing term. covenant, condition and provis ion of this Agreement shall be va I id and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent pennltted by law unless the enforcement of the remaining terms, covenants. conditions and provisions of this Agreement would prevent the accomplishment of the original fntent of this Agreement. The County and District agree to reform the Agreem ent to replace any stricken provision wjth a val id provlsion that comes as close as posSIble to the fntent of the stricken provision, SECTION 7.06. ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS, The County and District agree that in the event any cause of action or adm inistrative proceeding is initiated or defended by any party relative to the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevafling party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses, as an award against the non-prevailing party, and shall inClude attorney's fees, court costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses 25 in appellate proceedings, MedIation proceedings inibated and conducted pursuant to this Agreement shall be in accordance wlth the Flohda Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and customary procedures required by the circLlit court of Monroe County, SECTION 7.07. CLAfMS FOR FEDERAL OR STATE AID. County and District agree that each shaH be, and is, empowered to apply for, seek, and obtain federal and state funds to further the purpose of this Agreement; provided that aH applications, requests, grant proposals, and funding so~icttations shall be approved by each party prior to submission, SECTION 7.08. ADJUmCATION OF DISPUTES OR DISAGREEMENTS. County and District agree that aU disputes and disagreements shall be attempted to be reso~ved by meet and confer sessions between representatives of each of the parties, If no resolution can be agreed upon within thirty (30) days after the first meet and confer session, the issue or issues shall be discussed at a joint public meeting of the governing bodies of the County and 0 istricL If the issue or issues are still not resolved to the satisfaction of both the County and District, then either shall have the right to seek such relief or remedy as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law; provided, however, the unresolved issue or issues shall be subm itted to mediation prior to the institution of any adm inistrative or legal proceeding, SECTION 7.09. NONDISCRIMINATION. County and District agree that there will be no discrimination against any person, and it ~s expressly understood that upon a determ ination by a court of competent jurisdiction that dlscrimjnation has occurred, this Agreement automatically term inates without any further action on the part of any party, effective the date of the court order, County and D~strict agree to comply 26 wi~h afl Federal and Florida statutes, and all local ordinances, as appl icabfe, relating to nondiscrim inatJon, These include but are not lim !led to: (1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P,L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin: (2) Section 504 of the RehabfhtatJon Act of 1973, as amended (20 US_C s 794), which prohibits discrimination on the bas!s of handicap; (3) The Age Discrrm ination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U,S,C, SS, 6101..6107), which prohibits dischm inallon on the basis of age; (4) The Drug Abuse Office And Treatment Act of 1972 (P,L 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (5) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabitrtation Act of 1970 (P,l, 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrim ination on the basis of alcoho~ abuse or alcoholism; (6) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, 58, 523 and 527, (42 U,S,C, 290 dd-3 and 290 ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse palient records; (7) The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U,S,C, s, 1201 Note), as may be amended from time to time, relating to nondiscrim ination on the basis of disability; (8) The Florida Civil Rfghts Act of 1992, (Chapter 760, Florida Statutes, and Secbon 509,092, Florida Statutes), as may be amended from tfm e to ttm e, relating to nondiscrim ination; (9) The Monroe County Hum an Rights Ordinance (Chapter 13, Artrcle VI, Sections 13~ 101 through 13-130), as may be amended from time to time, relating to nondiscrimination; and (10) any other nondischm ination provisrons in any federal or state statutes or local ordinances which may apply to the parties to, or the subject matter of, this Agreement. SECnON 7.10. COOPERATION. In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either party relating to the formation, execution, 27 perfonnance. or breach of this Agreement, County and District agree to participate, to the extent reqwred by the other party. in all proceedings, hearings, processes, meetings, and other activities relaled to the substance of this Agreem ent or provision of the services under this Agreement. County and District speciflcally agree that no party to this Agreem ent shall be required to enter into any arbitration proceed~ngs related to this Agreement or any Attachment or Addendum to this Agreement. SECTION 7.11. COVEN ANT OF NO rNTEREST. County and D istrlct covenant that neither presently has any interest, and shall not acquire any interest. wh ich would confl iet ~n any manner or degree with its perform ance under this Agreement, and that only interest of each is to perform and receive benefits as recited In this Agreement. SECTION 7.12. CODE OF ETH ICS. The County and Distnct agree that the officers and employees of the County and D,strict recognlze and will be required to comply with the standards of conduct relating to pub"c officers and employees as dellneated in Section 112,313, Florida Statutes: regarding, but not lim ited 10, solicitation or acceptance of gifts, doing business wrth one's agency; unauthorized compensation; misuse of public position, conflicting employment or contractual relationshrp; and disclosure or use of certain information. SECTION 7.13. NO SOLCITATION/PAYMENT. County and Distr,ct warrant that. In respect 10 itself, it has neither em played nor retained any com pany or person other than a bona fide emp~oyee work,ng solely for it, to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not pard or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona ffde em ployee working solely for it, any fee, com mission, 28 percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making ot this Agreement. For the breach or violation of this provision. the District agrees that the County shall have the right to term inate this Agreement withou1 I iabil ity and, at its discretion, to offset from monies owed, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, comm ission, percentage, gift, or consideration, SECITON 7.14. PU BLle ACCESS TO RECORDS. County and 0 istrict shall allow and permit members of the public reasonable access to, and inspection of, all documents, papers, !etters, or other materials subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by County and Distrlct in conjunchon with this Agreement, and the County shall have the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement upon violation of this provision by District. SECTION 7.15. NON-WAIVER OF IMMUNtTY. Notw~thslanding the provisions of See 768.28, Flonda Statutes, the particjpat~on of the County and District in this Agreement and the acquisition of any commercial liability insurance coverage, serf- insurance coverage, or local government liabll ity insurance pool coverage shall not be deemed a waiver of immuniiy to the extent of liability coverage, nor shall any contract entered into by County or District be required to contain any provision for waiver SECTION 7.16. PRIVilEGES AND IMMUNITIES. All of the privileges and immunitIes from liability; exemptions from laws, ordinances, and rules; and pensions and rei iet, disabil ity, workers' com pensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents, volunteers, or employees of the County and Distrfct, when perform ing their respective functions under thfs Agreement withfn the territorial hm its of the County shall apply lo the sam e degree and extent to lhe perform ance of such 29 functJons and dutres of such officers, agents. volunteers, or em ployees outside the territorial hm its of the County, SECTION 7.17. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONStBILlTIES; NON- DELEGATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL OR STATUTORY DUTIES. This Agreement is not intended to: nor shall it be construed as, relieving any partjcjpallng entity from any obligation or responsibility imposed upon the entity by law except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by any other participating entity: in which case the performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsjbi~ity Further, this Agreem ent is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as, authorizing the delegation of the constltutionat or statutory duties of the County, except to the extent permitled by the Florida constitution, state statutes, case law, and, specrtically, the provisions of Chapters 125 and 163: Florida Statutes, and Chapter 2002-337, Laws of F londa (2002), SECTION 7.18. NON -RELIANCE BY NON .PARTIES. No person or entity shall be entiUed to rely upon the term s, or any of 1hem: of this Agreem ent to enforce or attempt to enforce any third-party claim or entitlement to or benefit of any service or program contemplated hereunder, and the County and District agree that neither the County nor the District or any agent: officer, or em ployee of each shall have the authority to inform, counsel, or otherwise rndlcate that any particular individual or group of individuals, entity or entities: have entitlements or benefrts under this Agreement separate and apart, inferior to: or superior to the com m unity In general or for the purposes contemplated rn this Agreement. 30 SECTION 7.19. NO PERSON AL LlAB ILlTY. No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreement of any member, officer, agent or employee of the County or the District in his or her individual capacity, and no member, officer, agent or employee of County or District shalt be liable personally on this Agreement or be subiect to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the execution of this Agreement. SEeTIN 7.20. SECTION HEADINGS. Section headings halle been Inserted in this Agreement as a matter of convenrence of reference only, and it is agreed that such sectIon headings are not a part of this Agreement and will not be used in the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. SECTION 7.21. GOVERNING LAW; VENUE, This Agreement shall be governed by and con5trued in accordance with the Laws of the State of Florida applicable to contracts made and to be performed entirely in tile State, In the event tIlat any cause of action or administrative proceeding is instituted for the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the County and District agree that venue wi!! lie In tl1e appropriate court or before tiie appropriate admin~strati\le body in Monroe County, Florida, ARTICLE VIII CON STRUCT'ON CONTRACTS AN 0 IN SU RANCE SECTION 8.01. SU BMITT AL OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCU M ENTS. The 0 istrict shall subm it to the County copfes of all contracts associated wrth the Project, all contractor insurance certFficatlons and all 0 istrjct notices to proceed with construction within fourteen (14) days after receipt or Issuance by the District. 31 SECTION 8.02. IN SU RANC E REQU IRED. The Dlstrict shaH cause the Project, during construction, and the Key Largo Sewer System to be insured by an insurance com pany or com pan res I icensed to do business in the State of Florida against such damage and destruction risks as are customary for the operation of Projects and systems of like size, type and tocation, The proceeds of insurance policies received as a result of damage to. or destruction of, the Projecl or other parIs of the Key Largo Sewer System as may be required to operate the Project shall be used to restore or replace damaged portions of the facilities, If such proceeds are insufficient, the District shall provide additional funds to restore or replace the damaged portions af the Project or other portions of the Key Largo Sewer System, Repair, construction or replacement shall be promptly completed, ARTICLE ~X ADDITIONAL PROJECT COMM ITMENTS OF THE DISTRICT SECTION 9.01. PROJECT COSTS. The District and the County acknowledge that the actual Projecl Cost has not been detenn ined as af the effective date of this Agreement. The District and the County agree to the prehminary estimates of Project Costs reflected in Appendix A hereto while recognrzing thaI Project Cast adjustments may be made as a result of construction bidding or Project changes, SECTION 9.02. SCHEDULE. The District agrees by executfon hereof: (1) To proceed diligently with the design of the Project and to award a design build contracl for construction of the Project no later than , 2005, 32 (2) To provide the County wrlh evidence Df clear title to Project sites for the treatment. collection, transm ission and disposal faci~itjes by no la~er than December 31, 2005, (3) To subm rt required perm it applicalion{s) to the appropriate regulatory agencies by no later than , 2005 (4) To secure additional financing above the Reimbursement Amount (as may be required to complete the Project) by no later than , 2005, (5) To obtain all necessary permits and begin construction no later than _ 2005, {6) Com p!etion of Project construction is scheduled for 2006, SECTION 9.03. PUBliC PURPOSE REQUIREMENT. The District acknowledges and agrees that the County must use the proceeds af the County Bonds for a public purpose and that County Bonds proceeds must be expended promptly after issuance of the County Bonds to avo id potential adverse tax consequences for the County Bonds, In recogn ition of these facts, the District covenants and agrees to inform the County of any facts or events which may arise which could reasonably cause the County to suffer any of the adverse consequences identffied in Sec1!on 7,04 of this Agreement or otherwise cause the District to be unable lo spend the Reimbursement Am aunt In the manner set forth herein within forty-eight (48) hours of the 0 istrict's becom Ing aware of such fact or event. 33 ARTICl E X EXEcunQN OF AGREEMENT SECTION 10.01. COUNTERPARTS. Thrs Agreement shall be executed in three or more counterparts, any of which shall be regarded as an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the sam e ,nstrum ent. SECTION 10.02. SUPERCEDES OTHER AGREEMENTS. The County and the District agree that this Agreement represents their mutual agreement and replaces and supercedes any prior agreements, understandings, or communJcatlons on the subject of the financing of the N or1h Com ponents, whether written or oral. SECTfON 10.03. FILING AND EFFECTfVE DATE. A copy of this Agreement shall be filed wjth the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County and this Agreement will take effect on the date such copy executed by both parties is so filed, 34 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on their behalf by the County Chairman and the District Chairman, BOARD OF COU NTY COMM ISSJONERS OF MONROE COUNTY~ FLORIDA (SEAL) By: Mayor/C ha irperson Danny L Kalhage, Clerk By: Deputy C !erk KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DlSTRJCT ( SEAL) By C ha irm an ATTEST: Clerk j" .-:"1:. ~);:!~:-: ":.:-!"-f':':'!: :..:,-.:;.......:p :':'. ~.i~:~~.::):.:.~.::-S'.~..._....~ ::-..o:.:.Jr"':,..J'~.-~.~L :..:"'l.._ ~.::;:t;~~L.'rr~: i-'F.... .l-.[:(:":: WSl :"; :I~. .,: I:~. :1:"..,:. :":-.-=- - - MONRO E (:Ui~ f'" +v ,;;" ]"; G H Nt' ~~~OV~A~'~0FM --:::/. '-'" ',',"~~:-~,_!2tR~~ JOW.J -" ',,- ,.. ',~ c.our-.-:-y ;,~, ..',~ :"' .. I / ). ,. r tle1e,.. .,..!..,,'; ....'." ~,- ~.. - -, .., 35 APPEN DIX A PROJECT DESCRIPTION AP PEN DIX A PROJ ECT DESC RIPT10N The District's conceptual design for the North Components ~ncludes a wastewater treatment plant with a design capacity of 2,25 million gallons per day average daily flow, The Dist(jel owns a treatment plant site located at mile marker 100 5, The conceplual design for the Norlh Com ponents Includes a treatment prant transm issjon line, and collection system s, Efftuent qual ity will meet AVVT standards and effluent and sludge disposal will be accom pljshed consistent with appl icable !aw_ PREUMIN ARY PROJECT COSTS CATEGORY Design and perm itting costs Wastewater treatm ent plant construction Transm ission line construction Collection system construction Conhngency (15%) TOT AL COST($) $ 1,8 million $17,6 million $ 4,8 m~llion $10,8 million $ 4,5 million $39,5 m iljjon A-1 APPENDIX B FORM OF REIMBURSEMENT REQUISITION REIMBURSEMENT REQUISlTION NO. Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District (the "District") Request to the Board of County Comm issioners of Monroe County, Flortda (the "County} Am aunt Requested' $ Total Reimbursements to Date (Exclusive of this Request): $ 1, Each obligation for which a reimbursement is hereby requested is described in reasonable detail in Exhibtt A hereto together with the name and address of the person, firm or corporation to whom payment was made by the District. The first requ isit ion subm itted by the District also includes inform ation confirm ing that the $1,000,000 Advance provided by the CDunty has been used solely for Project Costs 2, The bills, invoices or statem ents of account for each obligation referenced fn Exhibit A are on file wjth the D istrjct. 3 The 0 istrict hereby certifies that (a) each obligation mentioned fn Exhibit A has been properly incurred, is a proper Project Cosl, was required to be incurred and has been paid in compliance with the contracts between the District and third parties providing services necessary to com plete the Proj ect, and has not been the basis for any previous reim bursement (b) no part of the reimbursement requested hereby will be used to pay for materials not yet delivered to the Project for prompt incorporation or for services not yet perfonned in connection therewith; (c) no Event of Default exists Linder the lnterlocal Agreement between the County and the District dated , 2005 (the "Agreement") relating to the Project (d) no item in Exhibit A represents any portion of an obligation which the District is, as of the date hereof, entitled to retain under any retarned percentage agreement. (e) to the best knowledge and belief of the District, insofar as any obligation described In Exhibit A was incurred for labor, services, mater~als, supplies or equipment (i) such labor and services were actually performed in a satisfaclory manner in B~1 connection wllh lhe acqu~sition, construction and equipping of the Project and (ii) such materials, supplies and equipment were actually used in connection with the acqulsrtion, construction and equipping of the Project or were del ivered to the site of the Project (and remain at the site of the Project) for that purpose: l:f) all sum s previousl y advanced by the County have been used solely for purposes perm Itted by the Agreement and the specific items which are the subject of thts reim bursement request will be so used; (g) there has not been served upon the District any lien, notice of any lien, right to lien or attachment upon or claim affecting the right to receive payment of any moneys payable to any of the persDns or firm s nam ed in this reim bursem ent request which has not been released or will not be released slm ultaneously wilh the payment of such obligation: (h) the use of the reimbursements requested hereunder will nDt result in the covenants made by the District in the Agreement being violated: (i) the current estimated cost of completing the project is $ U) the percentage of completion of the Project at the time of subm ission of this reim bursem ent request is %; (k) all warranties, representations and covenants in the Agreement are true and correct on the date hereof: (I) all outstanding claims for labor and materials through the date of the last reimbursement request have been pa~d, and aU liens therefore have been wa~ved: (m) to the best knowledge and bel ief of the Disthct, all work on the Project pnor to th is reim bursem ent request has been perform ed in a good and workm ani ike manner in accordance with the construction agreements entered by the 0 istrict wah third parhes for construction of the Project; (n) any required payment and performance bond remains in full force and effect and free from default on the date hereof; (0) the addltJOnS or deletions that have been made to the proj eel. pursuant to County consent, which have altered the Project's performance standards, scope or purpose since the subm ission of the last rermbursement requisition are item ized on the attachments hereto; and (p) the Distrd has or anticipates that it shall have available sufficient moneys to com plete the Project B-2 4, All capitalized terms herein, unless otherwise defined herern, shall have the meanings ass igned to them in the Agreement, or jn the docum ents perta ining to the issuance by the County of the Infrastructure Sales Surtax Revenue Bonds, Senes 2005, day of ,20 This APPROVED: KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT By: Autho r it y E ng ineer Authorized Representatfve APPROVED: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: B-3 Name Purpose EXHIBIT A 8-4 Am aunt Account On. 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