Item R1 INTERI~l DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE US 1 HIGH\V A Y CORRIDOR BET\VEEN TAVERNIER CREEK AND MILE MARKER 97 BOARD OF COUNTY COl\lMlSSIONERS Marathon June 15, 2005 INTERIM DEVELOPlVIENT ORDINANCE A REQUEST BY MONROE COUNTY DEPARTI\lENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES TO ADOPT AN INTERIM DEVELOPl\IENT ORDINANCE FOR THE U.S. HIGU\VAY 1 CORRIDOR BETWEEN TAVERNIER CREEK AND MILE lVIARKER 97; ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF; DEFERRING THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS UNTIL DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES ARE ADOPTED; PROVIDING FOR EXElVIPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT O.F COMJ\1UNITY AFFAIRS (DCA); PROVIDING FOR EXPIRATION \VITHIN SIX MONTHS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE LIVABLE COMlVIUNIKEYS MASTER PLAN TAVERNIER CREEK TO lVULE l\IARKER 97 OR UPON ADOPTION OF DESIGN STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. STAFF: ORe: pc: Approval Appl'oval Approval May 23,2005 March 24, 2005 Resolution # D7 -05 April 27, 2004 Resolution #P17-05 DRAFT BOCC ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ADOPTING AN INTERIM DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE FOR THE U.S. HIGHWAY 1 CORRIDOR BETWEEN TAVERNIER CREEK AND MILE MARKER 97; ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF; DEFERRING THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS UNTIL DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES ARE ADOPTED; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (DCA); PROVIDING FOR EXPIRATION WITHIN SIX MONTHS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE LIVABLE COMMUNIKEYS MASTER PLAN TAVERNIER CREEK TO MILE MARKER 97 OR UPON ADOPTION OF DESIGN STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting of February 16, 2005, adopted the Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 as an amendment to the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (referred to hereafter as the 2010 Plan); and WHEREAS, The Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan for Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 (referred to hereafter as the Master Plan) is the product of the Livable CommuniKeys program as outlined in the 2010 Plan Objective 101.20; and \VHEREAS, Goal 105, "Smart Growth," was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in 2001; and 'WHEREAS, Objective 105.1.2 directs the County to prepare design guidelines to ensure that future uses and development are compatible with scenic preservation and maintenance of the character of the casual island village atmosphere of the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the 2010 Plan Objective 101.20 identifies the Livable CommuniKeys Planning Program as a planning program designed to address community needs while balancing the needs of all of Monroe County; and \VHEREAS, Action Item 3.1.2 in the adopted Master Plan requires that design standards be prepared and that any new development or redevelopment within the US 1 Highway corridor be consistent with design standards; and \VHEREAS, Action Item 3.1.5 in the adopted Master Plan directs the COUllty to adopt a temporary moratorium on development in the corridor until the guidelines are adopted or six months after the effective date of the Master Plan, whichever comes first; and Page 1 of6 WHEREAS, the County has committed necessary staff and resources to the development of the design standards and design guidelines in order to facilitate diligent and good faith efforts to establish policies and regulations within a reasonable period of time; and WHEREAS, the utilization of the moratorium device as a temporary measure to facilitate government decision making, study and adoption of comprehensive plan and land development regulations is a legitimate governmental tool to facilitate logical and considered growth and as a means of avoiding inefficient and ill-conceived development; and, WHEREAS, thc Board of County Commissioners, in anticipation of the adoption of the Master Plan, voted to contract with HDR Consultants to prepare the design guidelines and design standards and implementation measures including Land Development Rcgulations at their meeting of January 19, 2005; and WHEREAS, the County finds that it is necessary to enact an Interim Development Ordinance deferring the acceptance of development applications that seek development approval for new development or redevelopment in the U. S Highway 1 corridor until such time that the County can prepare design guidelines; and, WHEREAS, the purpose of this Interim Development Ordinance provides mechanisms to assure democratic discussions and participation by citizens, developers, and propelty owners who may be affected by eventual amendments to the Land Development Regulations; and WHEREAS, Chapter 125 FB., authorizes the Board of County Commissioners to adopt ordinances to provide standards protecting against imminent and immediate threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, this Interim Development Ordinance constitutes a valid exercise of the County's police power and is otherwise consistent with Section 163.3161, et seq., F.S., which, inter alia, encourages the use of innovative land development regulations including provisions like moratoria to implcment the adopted comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of this Interim Development Ordinance is necessary to provide the County the opportunity to create design standards and design guidelines for review and approval of developments requiring review under Action Item 3.1.2 of the Master Plan; and \VHEREAS, following the direction of the Board of County Commissioners in the adopted Master Plan, the Growth Management Division staff immediately undertook the development of this Interim Development Ordinance and began working with the consultants HDR, Inc on development of design standards and guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the draft lnterim Development Ordinance and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed and considered the draft lnterim Development Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission and Planning staff. Page 2 of6 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Pursuant to the Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on February 16, 2005, the Interim Development Ordinance shall apply to the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center, the boundaries of which are described on the map, attached hereto as Exhibits 1 and 2, and hereby is made part of this ordinance. Section 2: Pursuant to its lawful authority and the pending legislation doctrine as set forth in Smith v. Citv of Clearwater, 383 So.2d 681 (Fla. 2d DCA, 1980) the Board of County Commissioners hereby establishes the interim development regulations set forth in this Ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect until the expiration of this legislation, September 1, 2005 or whenever the land development regulations and design standards and guidelines become effective, whichever comes first. Section 3: During the period (defined in Section 2, above) that this Interim Development Ordinance is in effect, no application for a building permit or development approval shall be granted for new development or redevelopment, within the u.s. Highway 1 Corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center, which meet the following criteria: 1. Any new or expanded non-residential structures. 2. Any new or expanded outdoor retail sales. 3. Any new residential structure containing more than two units or redeveloped residential structure containing more than two units that involves a change in floor area, building height, or configuration ofbuilding footprint. 4. Any new transient residential structure or redeveloped eXlstmg transient residential structure that involves a change in floor area, building height. or configuration of building footprint. Section 4: The following are exempt from this ordinance: 1. Public buildings as defined in Section 9.5-4 (P-18) of the Code and redevelopment of existing structures subject to review and approval of building design by the Planning Commission, based on the draft architectural design standards and design guidelines prepared for the county by HDR consultants. 2. Development under an approved conditional use permit, repair and/or approvals required for life safety improvements. Section 5: The Planning Commission is hereby authorized to hear such review created by Section 4 hereof, and approve or disapprove any building design based on the draft architectural design standards and design guidelines. Notice of the public hearing shall be given in conformance with procedures of Section 9.5-45. The application for design review shall be in a Page 3 of6 form specified by the director of planning and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of$250.00. Section 6: Until expiration of the Interim Development Ordinance created by Sections 1, 2 and 3 hereof, no application for a building permit or development approval shall be granted pursuant to an application or request with a submittal date of April 1, 2005, or later. Section 7: Any application for a building permit or development approval with a submittal date of March 31, 2005 or earlier shall be exempt from this Interim Development Ordinance. Section 8: As of the effective date of this Ordinance no building permit application or planning approval meeting the criteria for review identified in Section 3 hereof, shall be accepted or processed by the Growth Management Division, except applications exempt hereunder and development awarded a vested rights determination pursuant to Section 10 hereof. Section 9: This Ordinance shall not be construed to prohibit application for, or the issuance of a building permit or development approval for any development or redevelopment that does not meet the crite11a for review identified in Section 3 hereof that is allowed pursuant to the Monroe County Land Development Regulations and the 20 I 0 Plan. Section 10: Any property owner adversely affected by the provisions of this Interim Development Ordinance may seek a determination that the owner's proposed development or redevelopment is vested against the provisions of this Interim Development Ordinance, by filing with the Director of Growth management, together with an administrative fee in the amount of $400.00, a vested rights application setting forth facts establishing the applicant met, prior to April 1, 2005, the vested rights standards set forth in Section 9.5-181, Monroe County code. Such application must be filed no later than sixty (60) days after the effective date of this ordinance. Section 11: The County Administrator is directed to have the Growth Management Division begin immediately preparing the draft text and other supporting studies in cooperation with the Planning Commission to develop design standards and design guidelines for development and redevelopment along the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center. Section 12: In preparing these amendments, the County Administrator is directed to focus the Growth Management Division's efforts in the following important areas; 1) preparation of design standards and design guidelines to ensure that future uses and development are compatible with scenic preservation and maintenance of the character of the casual island village atmosphere of the Florida Keys; 2) identification of regulatory amendments and strategies to ensure that the goals and objectives of the 20 10 Plan and the Master Plan are properly implemented. Page 4 of6 Section 13: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 14: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 15: The ordinance is hereby transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Section 16: This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida, but shall not become effective until a notice is issued by the Department of Community Affairs or Administration Commission approving pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Section 17: This Ordinance shall stand repealed as of September I, 2005 or upon the adoption of design standards and design guidelines for the U.S. Highway I Corridor Between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center ~ months after the effective date of the Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan Ta'/crnier Creek to Mile Marker 97, whichever comes first, unless repealed sooner or extended pursuant to the terms set forth herein. -Remainder o[this page left blank- Page 5 of6 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the ___ day of ~~ 2005. Mayor Dixie Spehar Mayor Pro Tem Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David Rice Commissioner Murray Nelson BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Mayor Dixie Spehar (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOHAGE, CLERK Deputy Clerk ATTACHED - U.S. HIGHWAY 1 CORRIDOR BETWEEN TAVERNIER CREEK AND MM 97 AND COMMUNITY CENTER MAP Page 6 of6 LblQble CommuniKevs il,/aster Plan for Tavernier Creek Brid!!e to il.file Marker 97 Tnverfj;e,' CI'eek to Mde AAuker 97 U..s. Corridor Area lktwecn MM 91 and MAl 'n Exhibit 1 '\0. A Figue 2,4 Map of the US. Corridor ArGl lktweul Mile Marker 91 and \HIe Marker 97 Community Character Element 42]) :Ur;/ifMe C~mWfiK4:\'iVg ,tfili!ttlJ'Pfan ft#' rft'h"f'nit~r Cre4'k B7idfA~ /41 }~fi!i' JifMhT <)7 liS IhgJ1wlly C{mmnnuty Exhibit 2 A ::2 Map I is t CmTI"i"w Arfft (t~l~lin'iXl fl11 t :7P0~~1 ~z fl Boce STAFF REPORT GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 400 Marathon, rlorida 33050 Voice: (305) 2S~)~Z500 FA,'\.: (305) 289-2536 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Dixie M. Spehar, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Charles "Sonny" McCoy, District :3 George Neugent, District 2 David P. Rice, District 4 Murray E. Nelson, District 5 MEMORANDUM :From: The Board of County Commissioners K. Marlene Conaway, Director, Planning and Environmental Resource;11/~ To: Date: May 23, 2005 Subject: BOCC Adopted Changes and Staff Amendment: U.S. Highway 1 Corridor Tavernier Creek to MM 97 including the Community Center Summary At a regular meeting on May] 8,2005, the BOCC amended Section 2 and Section 17 of the 100 to create a specific end date for the 100 of September 1, 2005, or whenever the land development regulations and design standards and guidelines become effective, whichever comes firs 1. As Amended by BaCC Section 2: Pursuant to its lawful authority and the pending legislation doctrine as set forth in Smith v. Citv of Clearwater, 383 So.2d 681 (Fla. 2d DCA, 1980) the Board of County Commissioners hereby establishes the interim development regulations set forth in this Ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect until the expiration of this legislation v,'ithin six months of the effective date of the Livable CommuniKeysMaster Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97. September 1, 2005 or whenever the land development regulations and design standards and guidelines become effective, whichever comes first. Section 17: This Ordinance shall stand repealed as of September 1, 2005 or upon the adoption of design standards and design guidelines for the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor Between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center or Six months after the effective dute of the Livable CommuniKeys l\'laster Plan Tavernier Creek to r.tile Marker 97, whichever comes first, unless repealed sooner or extended pursuant to the terms set forth herein. Page 1 of 2 Staff Recommendation The following amendments have been approved by the BOCC and arc reflected in the IDO as amended: Section 2: Pursuant to its lawful authority and the pending legislation doctrine as set forth in Smith v. Citv of Clearwater, 383 So.2d 681 (Fla. 2d DCA, 1980) the Board of County Commissioners hereby establishes the interim development regulations set forth in this Ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect until the expiration of this legislation within six months of the effective date of the Livable CommuniKeysMaster Plan Tu\'ernier Creek to 1\'lileMarker 97, September l, 2005 or whenever the land development regulations and design standards and guidelines become effective, whichever comes first. Section 17: This Ordinance shall stand repealed as of September L 2005 or upon the adoption of design standards and design guidelines for the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor Between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center or Six months after the effecti'/6 date of the Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan Tayernier Creek to Mile Marker 97, whichever comes first, unless repealed sooner or extended pursuant to the terms set forth herein. Page 2 of2 RESOLUTION NO. P~17~05 AN RESOLUTION BY THE lVIONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF AN INTERIM DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE FOR THE U.S. HIGHWAY I CORRIDOR BETWEEN T A VERNIER CREEK AND MILE MARKER 97; ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIF~S THEREOF; DEFERRING TI-lE ACCEPTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS UNTIL DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES ARE ADOI>TED; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE IJEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (DCA); PROVIDING FOR EXPIRATION WITHIN SIX MONTHS AFTER TIlE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE LIVABLE COMMUNIKEYS MASTER PLAN TAVERNIER CREEK TO MILE MARKER 97 OR UPON ADOPTION OF DESIGN STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. WHEREAS, The Monroe County Planning Commission, during a public hearing held on April 27, 2005, reviewed and considered the proposed lnterim Development Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting of February 16, 2005, adopted the Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan Tavernier Creek wMile Marker 97 as an amendment to the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (referred to hereafter as the 2010 Plan); and WHEREAS, The Livable CommuniKeys Master Pian for Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 (referred to hereafter as the Master Plan) is the product of the Livable CommuniKeys program as outlined in the 2010 Plan Objective 101.20; and WHEREAS, Goal 105, "Smart Growth," was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in 2001; and WHEREAS, Objective 105.1.2 directs the County to prepare design guidelines to ensure that future uses and development are compatible with scenic preservation and maintenance of the character of the casual island village atmosphere of the Florida Keys; and \VHEREAS, the 2010 Plan Objective 101.20 identifies the Livable CommuniKeys Planning Program as a planning program designed to address community needs \vhile balancing the needs of all of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, Action Item 3.1.2 in the adopted IY'faster Plan requires that design standards be prepared and that any new development or redevelopment within the US 1 Highway corridor be consistent with design standards; and WHEREAS, Action Item 3.1.5 in the adopted Master Plan directs the County to adopt a temporary moratorium on development in the corridor until the guidelines arc adopted or six months after the e1Iective date of the rvfaster Plan, whichever comes 11r8t; and Draft Page 1 of6 5/24/2005 \VHERK,,-S, the County has committed necessary smff and resources to the development of the design standards and design guidelines in order to facilitate diligent and good faith eHcwts to establish policies and regulations within a reasonable period of time; and WHEREAS, the utilization of the moratorium device as a temporary measure to facilitate government decision making, study and adoption of comprehensive plan and land development regulations is a legitimate governmental tool to ttlcilitate logical and considered gro\\rth and as a means of avoiding inefficient and ill-conceived development; and, vVHEH.EAS, the Board of County Commissioners, in anticipation of the adoption the Master Plan, voted to contract \vith IIDR Consultants to prepare the design guidelines and design standards and implementation measures including Land Development Regulations at their meeting of January 19,2005; and WHEREAS, the County finds that it is necessary to enact an Interim Development Ordinance deferring the acceptance of development applications that seek development approval for new development or redevelopment in the U. S Highway] corridor until such time that the County can prepare design guidelines; and, WHEREAS, the purpose of this Interim Development Ordinance provides mechanisms to assure democratie discussions and participation by citizens, developers, and property owners who may be affected by eventual amendments to the Land Development Regulations; and WHEREAS, Chapter 125 F.S., authorizes the Board of County Commissioners to adopt ordinances to provide standards protecting against imminent and immediate threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, this Interim Development Ordinance constitutes a valid exercise of the County's police power and is otherwise consistent with Section 163.3161, et seq., FS, which, inter alia, encourages the use of innovative land development regulations including provisions like moratoria to implement the adopted comprehensive plan: and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of this Interim Development Ordinance is necessary to provide the County the opportunity to create design standards and design guidelines for review and approval of developments requiring review under Action Item 3.1,2 of the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, following the direction of the Board of County Commissioners in the adopted Master Plan, the Growth Management Division statI immediately undertook the development of this Interim Development Ordinance and began 'Vvorking with the consultants HDR, Inc on development of design standards and guidelines; and vVHEREAS, the Planning Commission after hearing public comments and staff input, finds that the proposed Interim Development Ordinance is consistent with and furthers the goals and objectives of the Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 and the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and Draft Page20f6 5/24/2005 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMlVllSSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, to recommend APPROVAL to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners of the following Interim Development Ordinance: Section 1: Pursuant to the Livable COl11muniKeys Master Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on February 16, 2005, the Interim Development Ordinance shall apply to the U,S. Highway 1 Corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center, the boundaries of which are described on the map, attached hereto as Exhibits I and 2, and hereby is made part of this ordinance. Section 2: Pursuant to its lawful authority and the pending legislation doctrine as set forth in Smith v. Citv or Clearwater, 383 So.2d 681 (Fla. 2d DCA, 1980) the Board of County Commissioners hereby establishes the interim development regulations set forth in this Ordinance, which shall remain in full force and eHeet until the expiration of this legislation within six months of the effective date of the Livable ComrnuniKeys 0'laster Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 or whenever the land development regulations and design standards and guidelines become effective, whichever comes first. Section 3: During the period (defined in Section above) that this Interim Developmem Ordinance is in effect, no application for a building permit or development approval shall be granted for new development or redevelopment, within the U.S. IIighway 1 Corridor between Tavemier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center, which meet the following criteria: 1. Any new or expanded non~residential structures. 2. Any new or expanded outdoor retail sales. 3. Any new residential structure containing more than two units or redeveloped residential structure containing more than two units that involves a change in nom area, building height, or configuration of building footprint 4. Any new transient residential structure or redeveloped eXlstmg transient residential structure that involves a change in floor area, building height or configuration of building footprint. Section 4: The following are exempt from this ordinance: 1. Public buildings as defined in Section 9.5-4 (P-18) of the Code. subject to review and approval of building design the Planning Comlnission, based on the architectural design standards and design guidelines prepared county IIDR 2. Development under an approved conditional use permit, repair and/or approvals required for life safety improvements. Section 5: The Planning Commission is hereby authorized to hear such revievI created by Section 4 hereof: and approve or disapprove any building design based on the draft architectural Draft Page 3 of 6 5/24/2005 design standards and design guidelines. Notice of the public hearing shall be given in conformance with procedures of Section 9.5-45. The application for design review shall be in a form specified by the director of planning and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of $250.00. Section 6: Until expiration of the Interim Development Ordinance created by Sections 1, 2 and 3 hereof, no application tor a building permit or development approval shall be granted pursuant to an application or request with a submittal date of April I, 2005, or later. Section 7: Any application for a building permit or development approval vvith a submittal date of March 31, 2005 or earlier shall be exempt from this Interim Development Ordinance. Section 8: As of the effective date of this Ordinance no building permit application or planning approval meeting the criteria for review identified in Section 3 hereoC shaH be accepted or processed by the Growth Management Division, except applications exempt hereunder and development awarded a vested rights determination pursuant to Section 10 hereof. Section 9: I'his Ordinance shall not be construed to prohibit application for, or the issuance of a building permit or development approval for any development or redevelopment that does not meet the criteria for review identified in Section 3 hereof that is allowed pursuant to the Monroe County Land Development Regulations and the 2010 Plan. Section 10: Any property owner adversely affected by the provisions of this Interim Development Ordinance may seek a determination that the owner's proposed development or redevelopment is vested against the provisions of this Interim Development Ordinance, by filing with the Director of GrO\\'th management, together with an administrative fee in the amoum of $400.00, a vested rights application setting forth facts establishing the applicant met, prior to the date that this Ordinance is adopted by the Board of Monroe County Commissioners, the vested rights standards set forth in Section 9.5-181, Monroe County code. Such application must be filed no later than sixty (60) days after the effective date of this ordinance, Section 11: The County Administrator is directed to have the GrO\vth Management Division begin immediately preparing the draa text and other supporting studies in cooperation with the Planning Commission to develop design standards and design guidelines for development and redevelopment along the .S. Highway 1 Corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center. Section 12: In preparing these amendments, the County Administrator is directed to focus the Growth Management Division's efforts in the following important areas: 1) preparation of design standards and design guidelines to ensure that future uses and development are compatible with scenic preservation and maintenance of the character of Draft Page 4 of 6 5/24/2005 the casual island village atmosphere of the Florida Keys; 2) identification of regulatory amendments and strategies to ensure that the goals and objectives of the 20 I 0 Plan and the Master Plan are properly implemented. Section 13: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 14: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conf1ict. Section IS: The ordinance is hereby transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Section 16: This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secremry of State of the State of Florida, but shall not become effective until a notice is issued by the Department of Community Affilirs or Administration Commission approving pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Section 17: This Ordinance shall stand repealed as of the adoption of design standards and design guidelines for the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor Between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center or Six months after the effective date of the Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile JvJarker 97, whichever comes first, unless repealed sooner or extended pursuant to the terms set forth herein. -Remainder of this page left blank - Draft Page 5 of 6 5/24/2005 PASSED AND ADOPTED bv the Planning Commission of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 27tb day of April, 2005, Chair Lynn C Mapes Vice Chair Denise Werling Commissioner Jiulio Margalli Commissioner James C. Cameron Commissioner Randy Wall _~ Y es ~~,~ Yes _ Y es~~ ~~"- _Absent_, PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Lynn Mapes, Chair Signed this day of ,2005. ATTACHED - MAPS EXHIBIT 1 and EXHIBIT' 2, U.S, HIGHWAY 1 CORRIDOR BETWEEN TAVERNIER CREEK ANDMM 97 AND COMMUNITY CE~NTERMAPS Draft Page6of6 5/24/2005 DEVELOPMENT REVIE\V eOMlVlITTEE RESOLUTION #1)7-05 DRC RESOLUTION NO. D7-05 AN RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO TIlE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE ADOPTION OF AN INTERIM DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE FOR THE U.S. HIGHWAY 1 CORRIDOR BETWEEN TAVERNIER CREEK AND MILE MARKER 97; ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF; DEFERRING THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS UNTIL DESIGN ST ANDARDS AND GUIDELINES ARE ADOPTED; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEP ARTlVIENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (DCA); PROVIDING FOR EXPIRATION \VITHIN SIX MONTHS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE LIV ABLE COMlVIUNIKEYS MASTER PLAN TAVERNIER CREEK TO MILE IVIARKER 97 OR UPON ADOPTION OF DESIGN STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting of February 16, 2005, adopted the Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 as an amendment to the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (referred to hereafter as the 2010 Plan); and WHEREAS, the Livable Communi Keys Master Plan for Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 (referred to hereafter as the Master Plan) is the product of the Livable CommuniKeys program as outlined in the 2010 Plan Objective 101.20; and WHEREAS, Goal 105, "Smart Growth," was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in 2001; and WHEREAS, Objective 105.1.2 directs the County to prepare design guidelines to ensure that future uses and development are compatible with scenic preservation and maintenance of the character of the casual island village atmosphere of the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the 20 10 Plan Objective 1 01.20 identifies the Livable CommuniKeys Planning Program as a planning program designed to address community needs \vhile balancing the needs of all of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, Action Item 3.1.2 in the adopted Master Plan requires that design standards be prepared and that any new development or redevelopment within the US I H.ighway corridor be consistent with design standards; and WHEREAS, Action Item 3.1.5 in the adopted Master Plan directs the County to adopt a temporary moratorium on development in the corridor until the guidelines are adopted or six months after the effective date of the Master Plan, whichever comes first; and Draft Page 1 of 6 5/24/2005 WHEREAS, the County has committed necessary staff and resources to the development of the design standards and design guidelines in order to facilitate diligent and good faith efforts to establish policies and regulations within a reasonable period of time; and WHEREAS, the utilization of the moratorium device as a temporary measure to facilitate government decision making, study and adoption of comprehensive plan and land development regulations is a legitimate governmental tool to facilitate logical and considered growth and as a means of avoiding inefficient and ill-conceived developrrrent; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, in anticipation of the adoption of the Master Plan, voted to contract with I-lDR Consultants to prepare the design guidelines and design standards and implementation measures including Land Development Regulations at their meeting of January 19,2005; and 'WHEREAS, the County finds that it is necessary to enact an Interim Development Ordinance deferring the acceptance of development applications that seek development approval for new development or redevelopment in the U. S Highway I corridor until such time that the County can prepare design guidelines; and, WHEREAS, the purpose of this Interim Development Ordinance provides mechanisms to assure demoeratic discussions and participation by citizens, developers, and property owners who may be affected by eventual amendments to the Land Development Regulations; and WHEREAS, Chapter l25F.S., authorizes the Board of County Commissioners to adopt ordinances to provide standards protecting against imminent and immediate threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County; and \VHEREAS, this Interim Development Ordinance constitutes a valid exercise of the County's police power and is otherwise consistent with Section 163.3161, et seq., F.S., which, inter alia, encourages the use of innovative land development regulations including provisions like moratoria to implement the adopted comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of this Interim Development Ordimmce is necessary to provide the County the oPPOliunity to create design standards and design guidelines for review and approval of developments requiring review under Action Item 3. 1.2 of the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, following the direction of the Board of County Commissioners in the adopted Master Plan, the Growth Management Division staff immediately undertook the development of this Interim Development Ordinance and began working with the consultants HDR, Inc on development of design standards and guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Development Revievv Committee, during a regular meeting held on March 24, 2005, conducted a review and consideratIOn of the request flied by the Monroe County Planning Department to recommend approval to the Monroe County Planning Commission of the Interim Development Ordinance. Draft Page 2 01'6 5/24/2005 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DEVELOPIVIENT REVIKW COMMITTEE OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, to reeommend APPROVAL to the Monroe County Planning Commission of the following as requested by the Monroe County Planning Department: Section 1: Pursuant to the Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on February ] 6, 2005, the Interim Development Ordinance shall apply to the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center, the boundaries of 'vvhich are described on the map, attached hereto as Exhibits 1 and 2, and hereby is made part of this ordinance. Section 2: Pursuant to its lawful authority and the pending legislation doctrine as set forth in Smith v. Cit).! of' Clearwater, 383 So.2d 681 (Fla. 2d DCA, 1980) the Board of County Commissioners hereby establishes the interim development regulations set forth in this Ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect until the expiration of this legislation within six months of the effective date of the Livable CommuniKeysMaster Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97 or whenever the land development regulations and design standards and guidelines become effective, whichever COInes first. Section 3: During the period (ddined in Section 2, above) that this InterirnDevelopment Ordinance is in effect, no application for a building permit or development approval shall be granted for new development or redevelopment within the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center, which meet the follovving criteria: 1. Any new or expanded non~residential structures. 2. Any new or expanded outdoor retail sales. 3. Any new residential structure containing more than two units or redeveloped residential structure containing more than two units that involves a change in Hoor area, building height, or configuration of building f()otprint. 4. Any new transient residential structure or redeveloped eXlstmg transient residential structure that involves a change in floor area, building height, or configuration of building footprint. Section 4: The following are exempt fi~om this ordinance: 1. Public buildings as defined in Section 9.5-4 (P-18) of the Code, subject to review and approval of building design by the Planning Commission, based on the draft architectural design standards and design guidelines prepared for the county by [lOR consultants. 2. Development under an approved conditional use permit, repair and/or approvals required for life safety improvements, Section 5: The Planning Commission is hereby authorized to hear such review created by Section 4 hereot~ and approve or disapprove any building design based on the draft architectural Drafl Page 3 of 6 5/24/2005 design standards and design guidelines. Notice of the public hearing shall be given in conformance with procedures of Section 9.5-45. The application for design review shall be in a form specified by the director of planning and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of $250.00. Section 6: Until expiration of the Interim Development Ordinance created by Sections 1, 2 and 3 hereof, no building permits or development approval shan be granted pursuant to an application or request with a submittal date of April I, 2005, or later. Section 7: Any application for a building permit or development approval with a submittal date of March 31, 2005 or earlier shall be exempt from this Interim Development Ordinance. Section 8: As of the effective date of this Ordinance no building permit application or planning approval meeting the criteria for review identified in Section 3 hereof, shall be accepted or processed by the Growth Management Division, except applications exempt hereunder and development awarded a vested rights determination pursuant to Section 10 hereof. Section 9: This Ordinance shall not be construed to prohibit the issuance of a building permit or planning approval for any development or redevelopment that does not meet the criteria for review identified in Section 3 hereof that is allowed pursuant to the Monroe County Land Development Regulations and the 2010 Plan. Section 10: Any property owner adversely affected by the provisions of this Interim Development Ordinance may seek a determination that the owner's proposed development or redevelopment is vested against the provisions of this Interim Development Ordinance, by filing with the Director of Growth management, together with an administrative fee in the amount of $400.00, a vested rights application setting forth facts establishing the applicant met, prior to the date that this Ordinance is adopted by the Board of Monroe County Commissioners, the vested rights standards set forth in Section 9.5-181, Monroe County eode. Such application must be filed no later than sixty (60) days after the effective date of this ordinance. Section 11: The County Administrator is directed to have the GroY\ithManagement Division begin immediately preparing the draft text and other supporting studies in cooperation with the Planning Commission to develop design standards and design guidelines for development and redevelopment along the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center. Section 12: In prepanng these amendments, the County Administrmor is directed to focus the Growth Management Division's efforts in the following important areas: 1) preparation of design standards and design guidelines to ensure that future uses and development are compatible with scenic preservation and maintenance of the character of the casual island village atmosphere of the Florida Keys; 2) identiJication of regulatory Draft Page 4 of6 5/24/2005 amendments and strategies to ensure that the goals and objectives of the 2010 Plan and the Master Plan are properly implemented. Section 13: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 14: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conDict with this ordinance arc hereby repealed to the extent of said conDict. Section 15: The ordinance is hereby transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Section 16: 'This ordinance shall be filed in the Oftlce of the Secretary State of the State of Florida, but shall not become effective until a notice is issued by the DepartTnent of Community Affairs or Administration Commission approving pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Section 17: This Ordinance shall stand repealed as of the adoption of design standards and design guidelines it)}' the U.S. Highway I Corridor Between Tavernier Creek and Mile Marker 97 including the Community Center or Six months aner the effective date of the Livable CQmmuniKeys Master Plan Tavernier Creek to Mile Marker 97, whichever comes first, unless repealed sooner or extended pursuant to the terms set forth herein, -Remainder of this page left blank Draft Page 5 of 6 5/24/2005