Resolution 434-1989 , , Planning Department ...., RESOLUTION NO. 434_1989 A RESOLUTION CORRECTING AND AMENDING RESOLU- TION NO. 296-1989 WHICH RATIFIED AND ADOPTED THE 1989 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES CAPACITY REPORT PREPARED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING PURSUANT TO SECTION 9 . 5 - 291 , ET SEQ. , MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. WHEREAS, Monroe County Resolution No. 296-1989, a copy of which is attached hereto, was defective as signed due to a printing error which omitted Section 3 of that Resolution, and WHEREAS, the omission of Section 3 was merely a scriveners error, and WHEREAS, the Board originally intended to include Section 3 in Resolution No. 296-1989, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. Resolution No. 296-1989, a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby amended by adding Section 3 which reads as follows: "Section 3. The annual public service capacity report indicates that projected growth within the subsequent twelve months could occur in the following areas which have inadequate transportation service capacity: a) MM 4-6 (Stock Island, Key Haven) L.O.S. F b) MM 9-11 (Big Coppitt) L.O.S. F c) MM 29-35 (Big Pine Key, West Summerland L.O.S. E d) MM 84-91 (Windley Key, Plantation Key) L.O.S. F e) MM 106-107.5 (Key Largo) L.O.S. E" Section 2. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Department of Community Affairs for its review. , 30?:JNOW , 1:) 'lNVO rf: rd LZlr & O<iOJ3H tlO.:i 0311.:1 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 21st day of July, A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY, /III-if:! ~1fft, (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK J2J.~.~; ~L uty er , ,",1fff3= Aft)(n,~..'. OHke '-'" ~ .. ." 'C1!~ " Planning Department 10 :32 RESOLUTION NO. 2?6 -1989\ !. ; L, A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND ADOPTING THE 1989 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES CAPACI- TY REPORT PREPARED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLAN- NING PURSUANT TO SECTION 9.5-291, ET SEQ., MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; FURTHER IDENTIFYING THOSE AREAS WHICH MAY HAVE INADEQUATE SERVICE CAPACITY; MAKING SPECIFIC FINDINGS THAT ALREADY ALLOCATED DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS IN AREAS OF POTENTIALLY INADEQUATE CAPACITY SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO DEVELOP; AND IDENTIFYING FUNDING SOURCES; AND INSTRUCTING THE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO PREPARE A CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Land Development Regulations, Section 9.5-291, et seq., require that the Board of County commissioners adopt an annual assessment of public facilities capacity each year; and WHEREAS, it is desired to accept the report prepared by the Planning Director; and WHEREAS, the report indicates the service areas which may have inadequate available capacity to serve residential and non- residential growth and development in the sUbsequent twelve' months; and therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The annual assessment of public facilities , capacity report, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, prepared by the Directo,r of Planning dated February, 1989, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 9.5-291, et seq., Monroe I County Land Development Regulations. Section 2. The Board herepy specifically finds that the County should consider alternative methods to provide for addi- tional capacity in the affected service area, and provide for rational permitting procedures, ,.,",,~., ~ ".' .1' \~t~,'.'~" '-....,/ f.'; '-..;, .' whi~h will ensure that development approvals are conditioned so as to minimize the likelyhood of reaching inadequate facility , levels of service, and would therefo~e be preferable to motatoria or to the permit allocation process which is presently dictated by the County's Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Vol. II, to-wit: a) Sec. 2-102(A)(3) which requires the County to "es- tablish a land use management system that promotes orderly and balanced growth in accordance with the capacity of avail- able and planned public facilities and services;" and b) Sec. 2-102(A)(4) which requires the County to "pro- vide for affordable housing in close proximity to places of employment in Monroe County;" and c) Sec. 2-102(A)(5) which requires the County to "es- tablish a land use management system that supports a diverse and sound economic base;" and d) Sec. 21-102(A)(6) which requires the County to "protect the constitutional rights of property owners to own, use and dispose of their real property;" and e) Sec. 2-109 which requires the County to preserve "existing community character;" f) Sec. 2-110(A)(1) which requires the County, inter alia, "To ensure that all development is served by adequate public facilities." Sed. 2-110(A)(2) "To ensure that public services are reason- ably available to all economic segments of Monroe County." g) Sec. 2-112 (B)(l) which requires the County, inter alia, "To limit the location and intensity of future growth and development to that level that can be reasonably support- I ed by existing and planned public or private facilities which can be self supporting in an environmentally sound manner." "To equitably distribute the burden of implementing a growth management plan on the owners of all land." "To promote infill development through bonuses and incentives available through a discretionary review procedure." .'~"ltt" '<.../' ~) '. MM 92.5 due to projected landfill of less than a) Area north MM 92.5 service by the Key Largo landfill. 1) Amend the MCLDR to allow landfill heights to exceed 35 feet with a maximum of 65 feet, subject to meeting strict recycling objectives. I ~;'. ,..~: ~ \.... 2) Continue with implementation of the Solid Waste Management Program as adopted by the Board o~ County Commissioners facili- ties county-wide to relieve growth pres- sure on Key Largo by continuing with the near term acquisition plans for expansion on Long Key and Cudjoe Key and long term acquisition plans for composting, recy- cling and transfer sites in other areas, and at site(s) in Dade County. 3) Utilize revenues currently raised by the Municiple Service District (MSD) service charges and/or special assessments. 4) Creation of a surcharge on all solid waste service charges and/or special assessments. 5) Increase the solid waste impact fees. 6) Utilize the Monroe County Land Authority to accelerate the purchase of additional (the Authority) sites. The Authority will purchase the site(s) up front and then convey them to the County as County funds become available. 7) At the North Key Largo landfill site, move the existing communications tower to provide for an additional 2.5 acres of landfill capacity. Section 7. I Pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 9.5-292 et seq. the Director of Planning is hereby directed to prepare and initiate a concurrency management system as described in the proposed "Settlement Agreement" between the Department of Community Affairs and the County. '"-" '-~ PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the~day of /I/.'}- , A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By8.$tR/J Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest:D~ J,.. ~OLHAGE. ~~ ~t ;rf~-'1M. Clerk .Ji,- .tf-.-.. . ", TOI'ORM~', r ' ' ,tJA. {~ I I I I I -- It>~'''''''' . COUr.lr.. to ........ co ~ ...~. CU,..... 0..- ;"~ji"" 0_...."., ~"(' .'. ':: " \:....... .../~Q~ '\>~~i~~.~~1. ~'h7 ~X~;;;:r J )/cA ~~ :mann!, JL. lftolbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 1305) 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHiTEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 July 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED p-O;( 7 - /'3(P -~/O Department of Community Affairs Rhyne Building 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 and . Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 p-oa7- /3~-/7~ Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on July 2f' 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 434-1989 correcting and amending 'I Resolution No. 296-1989 which ratified and adopted the 1989 Annual Assessment of Public Facilities Capacity Report pre- pared by the Director of Planning pursuant to Section 9.5-291, et seq., Monroe County Land Development Regulations. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. Very truly yours, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners by: .~ Rosalie L. onnolly Deputy Clerk cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig Fi~.. .SENDER:' Complete Item. 1 end 2 when .ddltlone' ..rvlce. ere desired, end complew Item. 3 Ind4. . Put your eddr. 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