Resolution 475-1989 Commissioner John Stormont Cl C"'\ a:: C:') CJ ~ C) w.. 0.. f.~L -. ...,. - C ~ Ll C W.. - ~ L.L.- RESOLUTION NO. 475 -1989 "~'C:' A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, SITTING AS THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE UPPER KEYS HEALTH CARE TAXING DISTRICT, SETTING BUDGETARY PERCENTAGES FOR DISTRIBUTION OF TAX PROCEEDS FOR THE UPPER KEYS HEALTH CARE TAXING ~!~I~!~I_!Q~_I~~_!!~~~~_!~~~!~~~=!~~Q~__________ ""."..- i,..,,_ z o :r.: WHEREAS, Ordinance 008-1988 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County created the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District for the purpose of off-setting costs of transport, hospital and physician treatment, if unassumable by the patient, for trauma related injuries, and WHEREAS, Section 6 of Ordinance 008-1988, subparagraph 5 established certain percentages of allocation of funds in order to achieve the purposes of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District for its first year of operation, and WHEREAS, Section 6 of Ordinance 008-1988, subparagraph 6 indicated that subsequent percentages and utilizations shall be affirmed or modified by the Health Care Taxing District Board of Governors as a part of the Monroe County budgetary considerations for any given year, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, sitting as the governing body of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, that, upon recommendation by the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District Advisory Board, Section 1. The following percentages of estimated revenue funds shall be budgeted for the purposes prescribed, for Fiscal Year 1989-1990: A. Sixty-five (65%) as aid for off-setting costs of such transport, hospital and physician treatment, if unassumable by the patient, in assuring transport and/or accessibility for .r trauma-related injury patients at accepting institutions outside of Monroe County or at the District Hospital, and any administrative expenses connected therewith. B. Fifteen percent (15%) as aid for off-setting costs of pre-transport treatment, if unassumable by the patient_ to the District Hospital for pre-transport, hospital and physician care, if necessary_ prior to transfer to medical institutions outside of Monroe County, and any administrative expenses connected therewith. c. Twenty percent (20%) as aid by means of upgrading facilities and staff services, to the District Hospital in relieving reliance upon medical institutions outsiBe of Monroe County, upon request by the District Hospital, and any administrative expenses connected therewith. Section 2. Carry-over funds from Fiscal Year 1988-1989 shall be credited into each identical percentage utilization category as previously allocated, except that, at the option and request of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District Advisory Board, such transfer may be credited into any other percentage lltilizatlon category of Fiscal Year 1989-1990 as the. Advisory Board may so indicate as needed as long as the paramount direction is followed as is given by Ordinance 008-1988, according to the priority of purposes enumerated therein. Section 3. Any other funds received by the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District. as permitted such a municipal service taxing district as established under Section 125.01(1)(q) of Florida Statutes for which a special taxing district may be created under Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, shall be credited as additional revenu~s into any percentage utilization category as may be recommended by the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District A3visory Board. ,. , PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the"th day of August. A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA /Jj/~ By____________~~---------------- Mayor/Chairman (Seal) At t est :DANNy L. KOLHAGE, Cl _ erk ~~-~ _~L__ =(2tf~ IlY _-'-..-"--:-_ . Atl,Ht: ~ .,Jlfice '"