Resolution 476-1989 RESOLUTION NO. 476 -1989 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN BAYSHORE MANOR a/k/a MONROE COUNTY AND FLORIDA DISPOSAL COMPANY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to approve the service agreement between Bayshore Manor a/k/a Monroe County and Florida Disposal Company, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this 9fj, day of IIIlJue.'t ,1989, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By //lI~k/~ Mayor / ~~irman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -p.~~~/ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. By III . .J"~ ~ I ^-J Attorneyts Office i r1ilOJ JOHNOW ';~tl rl ','i '7 0 ZO: Id II ~ 68. udOJ j ..:;.-H.l.J J] lU 're ‘i 19041agle ^ P. 0. Box 1619 Key West, 0 rill CUSTOMER k. (305)294-3787 NUMBER 5019096 CUSTOMER'S BILLING NAME Bayshore Manor NewaccouNT $ CUSTOMER'S BILLING ADDRESS HOW OBTAINED 5200 W Junior College Rd. CITY,STATE,ZIP CODE CHANGE $ Key West, Fl. 33040 CUSTOMER CONTACTS TELEPHONE NO. 294-4966 CANCEL $ SERVICE LOCATION Ra ghnrP Manor REASON SERVICE ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. TYPE OF CHANGE 5200 W. Junior College Rd . 794-4966 SHORT TERM $ CITY,STATE,ZIP CODE CUSTOMER P.O. Ye WPAr , FT. 3'f4() BANK REFERENCE CONTACT TELEPHONE NO. THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT,AND CONTRACTOR AGREES TO PROVIDE AND CUSTOMER AGREESTO ACCEPT THE FOLLOWINGSERVICES AND EQUIP- MENT AT THE CHARGES AND FREQUENCY OF COLLECTION INDICATED BELOW SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPECIFIED ON THE REVERSE SIDE. FREQUENCY OF SERVICE ON CALL 123. 15 SERVICE CHARGE PER MONTH$ CAACITY QUANTITY UP YDS.) OPEN CLOSED FRONT REAR OTHER CASTERS PICK UP(S) ADDITIONAL CHARGE PER 2 PER WEEK YARD OVER CONT.SPEC. $ 2 1 2yd CONTAINER USE CHARGE $ 0 EFFECTIVE SERVICE DATE COMPACTOR USE CHARGE $ 8/18/89 Ci EFFECTIVE DISC.DATE ❑YARD $ 2 CI CUSTOMER OWNED [I] LOAD•SIZE $ �� ❑WMI OWNED OR SIZE $ JJ a EQUIP.PROMISE DATE LIFT SIZE a j P.U. DEL. $ F ul ca DATE DELIVERED SIZE Z •INDICATE COMPACTOR LOAD WITH A"C" O CONTRACT REVIEW DATE 8/18/90 PREVIOUSSVC $ /•- !- PRESENT SVC $ (OFFICE USE ONLY) _ NEW x X 2 MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN TOT ❑ 640 ❑ TICKET PLATE ❑ ❑ UPDATE LISTING❑ CUST.FILE ElSTREET OLD ❑ SALE SUMMARY ❑ COMPACTOR PILES ROUTE 3 0 5 ❑ TICKET TAB ❑ ROUTE CARD 0 APPROVED AS TO POMO AN!)LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. YVVt U (--41 , -5, cok Arrnrno:i 8 Office MISCELLANEOUS DATA FOR- '"640"-LINE 50 - ./4( /.6/.CC CUSTOMER'S COPY ••• 7;-4. • 1111111 • 11111 • . _ .. • . . • • • • , • • . • • , ,„ • • . • ' • • • ..„ ••made w:ien due. (2er-tractor, t ii nH (.;;;;'0"„ n.j at y !iinr r r:I ::,:: • : „ r, 2: ; C• . • : ' :••:,• • •-,1 • ,;", ' it' .':1-.'r• •.:•, t c. ' • - ',in er:,:r ,he ••-."r •r,' •t °:,- ; - ,•,tit inerene• d!spotat or fuel coats. • el '7 :-•f• • •;i:•. • • •-• •ic inereas, in t',,,,C'ensiitser P,ice led . : nn •hr.•lrt.t.,a r!t,t,tioir_veciit,d•ef tais e-ee- fc The Schedule of Charges may be adjusted for reasons other than increases in disposal or fuel costs or the Consumer Price Inde ,subject to approval by Customer. SPECIAL WASTE. if t'iisarjrcornent pertains to Contractoi's furnishing e!sr-r.ices and equipment or waste,• then additional terms ono conditions shall apply: C•istornr.r wnrrantt; tint ftc speck!: Las the ..orrocncats end cherzietr.stins rnetir.; th-c dsser ntien contained in the••Ccilereeei's !.1a•;-;rial Profit Ohn•-it"tctiediort tereto and made a part hereef !a the event such special waste is late, determined or defined to be hazardous,toxic or radioactive caste or if the disposal facility permitted to receive such special waste,ceases operations or is later prohibiter]to reee:ve such waste,then this agreement shall be subject to immediate termination by either party upcn written notice to the other. If manifests o;shipping papers are required by law to aecosnpa.r.y the special waste to th•-_,sterny;or d'spoeal facirty, Customer is roponsiblo for preparing all manifests or papers in form and number required law. PAVEMENT DAMAGE. Contractor shall not be responsible for damage to Customer's pavement or other driving surface resulting from the wLight of Contractor's vehicles servicing the eLiuipment location,designeted hy Customer Cht-inics. in thin Sr:Ie.:Hie of Charges, frdqiierny cf colleetiee c•;ipricit! .,at may b(,; J; • :I oi in w-ting, part•e':. Cans.ent tn ierni chrinc •rtt,i the ectitD,••• Het- ,. --• 777.:S. In th'r t"rant of a breach of!hie :W 1;7 ; J.'he br,,aell'n;; pa-:,'s'• r•-• •• ;, fnes and c ts of the oti,er paty incident to any q;ti., I nroi.J a to,-;,,f t;ii-.;agrfiein• ASSIGNt4ENT ANn DENIE717. Thin nr,i nem 'n: r• and t' •i' r,-