Item H2 BOARD OF GOVERNORS FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April I?, 18,2002 Division: Public Safety Bulk Item: Yes No ~ Department: Fire Rescue AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Automatic Aid Agreement betwe~n Board of Governors of Fire and Ambulance District 10fMonroe County, Florida and various fire service providers within Monroe County concerning closest unit response. ITEM BACKGROUND: Automatic Aid or Closest Unit Response is a system whereby fire service providers assist neighboring providers in controlling or extinguishing fires or other emergencies when a quicker response may be provided due to being closer or more available. This practice is already being successfully carried out throughout the county, however it is necessary to have an executed agreement in place. Therefore, an agreement was prepared and routed to all fire service providers within Monroe County requesting their execution. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOG ACTION: None. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOT AL COST: .00 BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: .00 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: APPROVED BY: County Atty Yes DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # //~- Revised 2/27/01 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF GOVERNORS LOWER AND MIDDLE KEYS FIRE AND AMBULANCE TAXING DISTRICT CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with:Citv of Key West City of Marathon. Islamorada Village Effective of Islands. Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Department. Inc.. The Sugarloaf Date: 11/21/2000 Key Volunteer Fire Department. Inc.. The Big Pine Key Volunteer Fire Department. Inc.. Marathon Volunteer Fire and Rescue. Inc.. The Conch Key Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad. Inc.. The Layton Volunteer Fire Department. Inc.. Tavernier Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps. Inc.. Key Largo Volunteer Fire/Rescue Department. Inc.. and Ocean Reef V olunteer Fire Department. Inc. Expiration Date:none Contract Purpose/Description: Automatic Aid! Closest Unit Response Agreement by and among the County and the various fire departments in Monroe County. Contract Manager:Ross Willman 6006 F ire Rescue (Name) (Ext. ) (Department) for BOCC meeting on November 21, 22, 2000 Agenda Deadline: November 7,2000 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 0.00 Current Year Portion: $ 0.00 Budgeted? YesO No 0 Account Codes: _-_-_-_ Grant: $ _-_-_-_ County Match: $ _-_-_-_ - - - ---- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $_/yr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes / /J / Date Out DrteIn Needed~' //~"e'er Division Director '... 7f! l :,YesO No '--:..-.-,1::<. "7 ~''-' ~ . "" I~"" - . / - .:>,/e' jt".., Risk Manage!TIent \ (,) 11(,t 0 c YesO NoB' \, L~'ck-','\---L \C,,(~ :'\"~J'r"'- Ie I fL. \ Db o~~g (YeSDNO .' tl~~ /0(2-.3/4-0 CountyAttomey (O-I3'-I!:'OYesDNO~ /~-I3-(Q? Comments: OMB Form Revised 9/11/95 Mep #2 Monroe County Automatic Aid Agreement AUTOMATIC AID/CLOSEST UNIT RESPONSE AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG THE COUNTY AND THE VARIOUS FIRE DEPARTMENTS IN MONROE COUNTY This Agreement is made this day of , 20_, by and between Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Board of Governors Lower and Middle Keys Fire and Ambulance Taxing District, City of Key West, City of Marathon, Islamorada Village of Islands, Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., The Sugarloaf Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., The Big Pine Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Marathon Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Inc., The Conch Key Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Inc., The Layton Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Tavernier Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps, Inc., Key Largo Volunteer Fire/Rescue Department, Inc., and Ocean Reef Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Monroe County, it's fire service districts and cities desire to provide a uniform emergency response system, known as an "Automatic Aid/Closest Unit Response"; and WHEREAS, said fire service providers are not restricted by local, county, state or federal statute or laws from assisting neighboring providers in controlling or extinguishing fires or other emergencies; and WHEREAS, city and jurisdictional boundaries may be common between two (2) or more fire service providers; and WHEREAS, calls for assistance occur in areas where a neighboring jurisdiction's emergency units may be closer or available quicker for an emergency response; and WHEREAS, delays in responding to certain emergency situations, due to availability of emergency apparatus or personnel because of distance or operational status, may result in more severe conditions involving loss of life, injury or loss of property; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the fire service agencies and/or governmental entities on behalf of their fire service providers participating in this Agreement to mutually cooperate in Page I of8 order to effectively provide assistance to each other in the interest of the public's health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is intended to provide a remedy for jurisdictional problems that could result from the use of facilities, equipment or personnel shared in common by the parties at such emergencies; and WHEREAS, joint response or closest unit response or automatic aid or mutual aid, may result in a reduction of fire insurance rates for the citizens of Monroe County; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein contained, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: SECTION I DEFINITIONS A. Local Authority - The authority having the responsibility to provide the Primary Emergency response in a certain jurisdiction. B. Closest Unit Response - The unit which is pre-determined to be the closest to the emergency scene and which is dispatched first without regard to the jurisdiction where an emergency occurs. C. Automatic Aid - the process for automatically assisting in controlling an emergency situation. This may entail the dispatch from formal "Runcards". When implemented. D. Runcards - The systematic response on a pre-determined basis of the emergency units. Runcards are accessed in the computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system and dispatched on the recommendation of the CAD system. E. Incident Commander - The person who assumes overall command of personnel, apparatus, equipment and operations at the incident scent. F. Responsible Agent - Agent or Agencies affected by the content of this agreement. Page 2 of8 SECTION 2 The Monroe County Automatic Aid Standard Operating Guideline dated September 29, 2000 will be the guide to vehicle response until such time Monroe County implements "Runcards". (See attached Exhibit A) An emergency response run card system, hereafter called "Runcards", will be maintained by Monroe County Fire - EMS, Fire and EMS contract agencies and the Monroe County Sheriffs Department Communications/Dispatch Center(s) when implemented. A. Said runcards will be prepared to indicate the closest or most appropriate emergency units to respond to each type of emergency situation as determined by the local authority. B. Runcards will be monitored by Monroe County Fire - EMS and affected Fire and EMS contract agencies within Monroe County, changes may be requested only by the authority directly affected in coordination with other affected department or agencIes. C. Each fire service provider agrees to respond available units in accordance with the established runcards. SECTION 3 During or prior to an impending local or area-wide disaster such as, but not limited to, hazardous material incident, tornado, hurricane or major fire, the local authority may withdraw that jurisdiction's responses from the runcard system and retain control locally of all responses of that agency's emergency units. Normal operation will be resumed by the Monroe County Sheriffs Department Communications/Dispatch Center(s) upon notification by local authority. SECTION 4 Units responding to an emergency into another jurisdiction shall be under the command and control of the incident commander until released. Page 3 of8 SECTION 5 Representatives of each emergency service agency will meet regularly to review communications and operational procedures. SECTION 6 The service provided herein by the parties shall be provided without cost to the other parties and no cost against any party shall be assessed by the other parties unless consented to by formal action of the party's governing body. SECTION 7 The parties hereto agree that all acts and omissions of each party's employees, are performed as agents of the employing party. The employees of one party shall not be deemed to be the agent of another party by performing any function under the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 8 The parties agree that each will defend, indemnify and save the other harmless due to the negligent acts of its own employees, officers, or agents, including volunteers, or due to its negligent operation of equipment. The parties shall each be obligated to indemnify and hold harmless the other under this Agreement only to the extent that the other may be held liable under Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, as the same may be amended from time to time. This section shall not be construed as waiving any defense or limitation which any of the parties may have against any claim or cause of action by any person not a party to this Agreement. SECTION 9 The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a term beginning the date that each party executes this Agreement and to remain in effect indefinitely. If any party expresses its intent to withdraw from this Agreement, the party shall provide written notice to all other parties no less than ninety (90) days in advance of the date of withdrawal. Page 4 of8 SECTION 10 Notices provided for herein or related to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be provided to the attention of the responsible agent at the addresses set forth below: Mr. Roberts, County Administrator Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Public Service Building, Wing II 5100 College Road, Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 Julio Avael, City Manager City of Key West P.O. Box 1409 Key West, FL 33040 Craig Wrathell, City Manager City of Marathon 11 090 Overseas Hwy. Marathon, FL 33050 James Mooney, Mayor Islamorada Village of Islands P.O. Box 568 Islamorada, FL 33036 Timmy Leonard, President Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. P.O. Box 2292 Key West, FL 33040 Michael Bowden, President The Sugarloaf Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. P.O. Box 40 SugarloafKey, FL 33044 John McCarthy, President The Big Pine Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. P.O. Box 430192 Big Pine Key, FL 33043-0192 Robert Coletti, President Marathon Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Inc. 8900 Overseas Hwy. Marathon,FL 33050 Page 5 of8 Steve Drew, President The Conch Key Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Inc. RT 1, Box 438 Conch Key, FL 33050 Charles MaClaren, President The Layton Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. P.O. Box 624 Layton, FL 33001 Donald Bock, President Tavernier Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps, Inc. P.O. Box 301 Tavernier, FL 33070 Chris Fleming, President Key Largo Volunteer Fire/Rescue Department, Inc. P.O. Box 782 Key Largo, FL 33037 David C. Ritz Ocean Reef Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. 100 Anchor Drive #505 Key Largo, FI 33037-5273 SECTION 11 This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by the appropriate officers of the respective parties. Failure of any City or Fire Service Provider to sign this agreement will not affect the agreement as signed by other providers. (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk o:r Clerk MAYOR Date (SEAL) BOARD OF GOVERNORS LOWER AND MIDDLE KEYS FIRE AND AMBULANCE TAXING DISTRICT Attest: Clerk Chairman Date (SEAL) CITY OF KEY WEST Attest: Clerk MAYOR Date (SEAL) CITY OF MARATHON Attest: Clerk MAYOR Date Page 6 of8 (SEAL) Attest: Clerk (CORPORATE SEAL) fJf1. I~ ------ ~ Se(,;..~.ta1) lr (CORPORATE SEAL) If iJrJ) , -, i ,j , /tf. (71.1 ("-7 ,::$ecretary (CORPORATE SEAL) , j " (CORPORr\TE SEAL) ~/a/ L2~Lfd; ~ Se~retary 1 ISLAMORADA VILLAGE OF ISLANDS MAYOR Date BIG COPPITT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INe. P::::?t - ~ /2- 0"- 0 Date Date THE BIG PINE KEY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMF~~INC._~ ~.-s=~~~/ President 1/-/-c;91 Date MARATHON VOLUNTEER FIRE RE.., U. E, INC. .! 11 ' / / / '/~ a r~ l-J...-./( presi72t ' :2 'lO/G1( I , Date Page 70f8 (CORPORATE SEAL) Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL) cd;! L '0A t //.1 / / H~ - ' c ~cretary (CORPORATE SEAL) ~) r) _ " / ':">41 ~/_____ Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL) Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL) Secretary THE CONCH KEY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND RESCUE SQUAD, INC. President Date THE LAYTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DTTMENI1INC. , G'\ "Y\t'0'"\ U~ ~-'-L...-"-~~ President 10 --.J-. - C I Date TAVERNIER VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND AMBULANCE CORPS, INC. (2;1"",'1? ,0A,,-<{ /;Z/29/0" Date KEY LARGO VOLUNTEER FIRE/RESCUE DEPARTMENT, INC. President. Date OCEAN REEF VOLUNTEER F~E.~ P ~T~T,.}~C. /-J-./ Ie II \ cZ7 President j, / ' ./ f6(2 Of Date Page 8 of8 EXHIBIT A Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 1 of 13 Intent The intent of a Mutual Aid Agreement or Automatic Aid Agreement is to insure a high level of emergency response in a cost-effective rtlanner. Mutual aid Is the request of additional equipment or personnel by an individual. This procedure is usually supported by a written document between two agencies. Automatic Aid The process for automatically assisting in the control of an emergency situation, This entails the dispatch of equipment and personnel by the communication system without a formal request from an Incident Commander. The benefit of this type of response is that emergency equipment and personnel are en-route to assist much quicker. In addition ISO will give credit to the receiving department as if the mutual aid equipment were part of the requesting department as long as the equipment is within five miles of the district. Implementation Monroe County primarily operates under an Automatic Aid Agreement between Monroe County Fire - EMS and volunteer fire departments. This agreement is formalized through written contracts between Monroe County and the fire department corporations within Monroe County. In addition Monroe County may have the need for assistant from other agencies within or outside of Monroe County, these agreements are addressed in written formal agreements where the county has a need for assistance or the county will offer assistance, Workers Compensation Workers Compensation insurance for injuries to volunteer fire department members is a budgeted item of the county, which falls under the county insurance policy. Paid employees of the corporations are covered by the corporation insurance. The corporations covered under the policy at this time are Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Department, Inc" Sugarloaf Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Big Pine Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc" Conch Key Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Inc" Layton Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Tavernier Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps, Inc., Marathon Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Inc. until October 1, 2000, Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps., Inc., and Key Largo Fire/Rescue Department, Inc. Liability for agencies not listed must address liability in a written agreement between Monroe County and that agency. Cost of service Monroe County provides funding for Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Big Pine Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Conch Key Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Inc., Layton Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Tavernier Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps, Inc., Marathon Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Inc. until October 1, 2000, Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps. and Key Largo Volunteer FirelRescue Department, Inc.. Therefore no cost shall be Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 2 of 13 incurred from these departments. For agencies not listed, Monroe County shall not pay for any assistance unless addressed in a written document outlining payment. Authorization to respond Under the automatic aid procedure, the county dispatch system shall respond the two nearest departments to Structure Fires, Multi-Casualty Incidents and Heavy Rescue/Extrication & Entrapment. This procedure may be improved with the implementation of a computer aided dispatch system at which time computerized "Run Cards" shall be utilized. Mutual Aid may be activated by the Incident Commander or officer within our system, the request for mutual aid with Dade County for a hazardous material response must be requested by a command officer, with notification to the Monroe County Fire Marshals Office. A large hazardous material incident will require the notification of the Directors of Public Safety, EMS, Emergency Management, Fire Marshal and Fire Rescue. Mutual Aid through the Florida Fire Chiefs' Association STATEWIDE FIRE - RESCUE DISASTER RESPONSE PLAN shall be routed to the Director of Public Safety through the Sr. Director of Fire Rescue utilizing an Assistant Fire Marshal as the liaison to the State EOC through ESF4 and 9. In addition the EMS chief shall be notified for request of EMS. Staffing & Equipment It is important that the appropriate emergency equipment and personnel respond to any request for assistance. Each department should address their needs with other agencies as to insure the appropriate equipment is dispatched and properly equipped. The Monroe County Emergency Services System Standard Operating Guidelines - Automatic Aid adopted May 1, 1998 address the response of a Tanker or other appropriate apparatus and personnel. In the absents of an agreement between departments to address equipment and personnel this document will be in effect. Designated Incident Commander The first arriving officer or member on the first arriving unit to an emergency scene shall assume command and provide a brief situation report by radio that indicates the nature and the extent of the emergency. The report shall identify the on-scene unit, confirm assumption of command, describe the incident parameters, state the obvious conditions, and briefly describe the course of action initiated by that unit. Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 3 of 13 Transfer of Command Transfer of command from the first commander shall be carried out according to the Monroe Counties IMS, whereby continuity of command responsibility is formally turned over in person on the scene. Command Options When a command officer arrives with the first arriving units, this command officer shall assume command and establish a fixed command post. If a company is the first to arrive at the scene, it shall be the responsibility of the company officer to assume command until relieved by an officer of higher rank or an officer from the jurisdiction in which the incident is taking place. Command Structure The Incident Commander shall delegate responsibility to subordinates in order to concentrate on overall strategy. This results in an increase in the number of staff and command positions, as an emergency escalates, in conformity with the Monroe County IMS. Deployment of Resources Staging shall be established as soon as possible, large incidents may require two levels of staging. The first level of staging will be in the immediate area of the emergency and the secondary shall be in a location large enough to accommodate a large volume of equipment and personnel. Training Training shall be conducted between agencies, which have the primary responsibility of providing assistance to each other. The training shall be sufficient to ensure compatible operations. Communication Apparatus responding to mutual aid incidents shall be equipped with radios that allow personnel to communicate with Incident Commanders and Sector, Division or Group officers. Separate frequencies shall be utilized as to not interfere with the working operations. Each and every department has adequate radios and frequencies to accomplish this goal. Departments from outside the county may not have compatible radios. To assist, both re-hab units Big Coppitt and Tavernier have a supply of radios on board to assist until the county communication vehicle can be activated. These radios are on VHF not our primary UHF frequency, therefore a person shall be necessary to monitor these radios for the Incident Commander. Dispatch procedure The dispatcher shall dispatch the primary and Automatic Aid department only. Additional aid will be dispatched as required by request of the Incident Commander. Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 4 of 13 Should the first responding unit fail to acknowledge the tone out or is otherwise engaged in another response, the dispatcher shall tone out the next nearest department to the incident. Automatic Aid will be utilized for only the following type of incidents: Structure Fires, Multi-Casualty Incidents, Heavy Rescue / Extrication & Entrapment. If in doubt the dispatcher shall ask for direction from the first responding unit. Automatic Aid Standard Operating Guidelines The operating guidelines, Monroe County Automatic Aid Standard Operating Guidelines adopted May 10, 1998 shall be the document of reference until changed or updated. Mutual Aid Agreements Agencies not covered by the Monroe County Automatic Aid procedure should have a written mutual aid agreement with the county if they wish to receive assistance from Monroe County. Agencies which Monroe County would request mutual aid shall have a written agreement between Monroe County and That agency. Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 5 of 13 Sample Mutual Aid Agreement This agreement, made and entered into this and the by and between the WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, each of the parties hereto maintain equipment and personnel for the suppression of fires or other emergency operations within its own jurisdiction and areas, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to augment the fire and emergency protection available in their establishments, districts agencies and municipalities in the event of large fires, conflagrations, and natural or technological disasters, and WHEREAS, the agencies entered into this Agreement have an interest in providing mutual assistance in emergencies for which each respective fire department has the capabilities to respond, and THEREFORE BE IT AGREED THAT: (a) Whenever it is deemed advisable by the commanding officer of a fire department belonging to a party to this Agreement, or whenever the commanding officer of any such fire department is actually present at an emergency incident, such commanding officer may request assistance for the purpose of extinguishing, controlling, or aiding in the extinguishment or controlling of fires, or in the mitigation of emergency medical service incidents or other emergency incidents from the fire department which are signatory to this Agreement. Under the terms of this Agreement, such commanding officer is authorized to make such a request and the commanding officer of the department receiving the request or authorized subordinates, shall forthwith take the following action. 1. Immediately determine if apparatus and personnel can be spared in response to the call; 2. What apparatus and personnel might most effectively be dispatched; Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 6 of 13 3. The exact mission to be assigned in accordance with the detailed plans and procedures of operation drawn in accordance with this Agreement by the managing representatives of the fire department concerned. 4. Dispatch such apparatus and personnel as the responsible officer receiving the call reasonably believes should be sent, with complete instructions as to the mission, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and pursuant to the instructions received in the request for assistance. (b) The tendering of assistance under the terms of this Agreement shall not be mandatory, but the party receiving the request of assistance should immediately inform the requesting agency if, for any reason, assistance can not be rendered. (c) Each party to this Agreement waives all claims against the other party or parties for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death occurring in consequence of the performance of this Agreement. (d) Each party to this Agreement shall maintain its own insurance coverage or self-insure for equipment and personnel. (e) All services performed under this Agreement shall be rendered without reimbursement of either party or parties. (f) The commanding officer of the fire department requesting assistance shall not relinquish responsibility for mitigating the emergency incident to those officers responding pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. A senior officer of a responding mutual aid department will make him I herself available to the commanding officer for consultation as a resource person, to assist in tactical or strategical decisions during the emergency. As often as is practically possible, the mutual aid department will remain intact under the direct supervision of the highest-ranking officer from their own department. Direction for the responding department's fire fighters and subordinate officers' activities will, however, come from the commanding officer of the fire department initiating the request for assistance. (g) The chief fire officer and personnel of the fire departments of both parties to this Agreement are invited and encouraged, on a reciprocal basis, to frequently visit each other's activities for guided familiarization tours and as feasible, to jointly conduct pre-fire planning inspections and drills. Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 7 of 13 (h) The commanding officers of the fire departments of the parties of this Agreement are authorized to meet and draft any detailed plans and procedures of operation necessary to effectively implement this Agreement. Such plans and procedures of operation shall become effective upon ratification by the signatory parties. (i) This Agreement shall become effective upon the date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect until canceled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto or by written notice by one party to the other party, giving ten (10) days notice of said cancellation. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement at Monroe County, Florida, on the day and year first above written. Reference: NFPA 402 Mutual aid agreements should be drafted by the legal system of the participating agencies Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 8 of 13 Sample Automatic Aid Agreement AUTOMATIC AID/CLOSEST UNIT RESPONSE AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG THE COUNTY AND THE VARIOUS FIRE DEPARTMENTS IN MONROE COUNTY This Agreement is made this day of , 2 , By and between Big Coppitt Fire Department, SugarloafFire Department, Big Pine Fire Department, The City of Marathon, Conch Key Fire Department, Layton Fire Department. The City of Islamorada, Tavernier Fire Department, Key Largo Fire Department, Key Largo Ambulance and Monroe County Fire-EMS. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the fire service districts and cities desire to provide a uniform emergency response system, known as an "Automatic Aid/Closest Unit Response"; and WHEREAS, said fire service providers are not restricted by local, county, state or federal statute or laws from assisting neighboring providers in controlling or extinguishing fires or other emergencies; and WHEREAS, city and jurisdictional boundaries may be common between two (2) or more fire service providers; and WHEREAS, calls for assistance occur in areas where a neighboring jurisdiction's emergency units may be closer or available quicker for an emergency response; and WHEREAS, delays in responding to certain emergency situations, due to availability of emergency apparatus or personnel because of distance or operational status, may result in more severe conditions involving loss of life, injury or loss of property; and Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 9 of 13 WHEREAS, it is the intent of the fire service agencies and/or governmental entities on behalf oftheir service agreement participating in this Agreement to mutually cooperate other in order to effectively provide assistance to each other in the interest of the public's health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is intended to provide a remedy for jurisdictional problems that could result from the use of facilities, equipment or personnel shared in common by the parties at such emergencies; and WHEREAS, joint response or closest unit response or automatic aid or mutual aid, may result in a reduction of fire insurance rates for the citizens of Monroe County; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein contained, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: DEFINITIONS SECTION 1 A. Local Authority - The authority having the responsibility to provide the Primary Emergency response in a certain jurisdiction. B. Closest Unit Response - The unit which is pre-determined to be the closest to the emergency scene and which is dispatched first without regard to the jurisdiction where an emergency occurs. C. Automatic Aid - the process for automatically assisting in controlling an emergency situation. This may entail the dispatch from formal "Runcards". When implemented. Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 10 of 13 D. Runcards - The systematic response on a pre-determined basis of the emergency units, Runcards are accessed in the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system and dispatched on the recommendation of the CAD system. E. Incident Commander - The person who assumes overall command of personnel, apparatus, equipment and operations at the incident scent. F. Responsible Agent - Agent or Agencies affected by the content of this agreement. SECTION 2 The Monroe County Automatic Aid Standard operating Guide-Line dated of 2 will be the guide to vehicle response until such time Monroe County implements "Runcards". An emergency response run card system, hereafter called "Runcards", will be maintained by the Monroe County Fire - EMS Office, Fire and EMS contract agencies and the Monroe County Sheriff Office dispatch office when implemented. A. Said runcards will be prepared to indicate the closest or most appropriate emergency units to respond to each type of emergency situation as determined by the local authority. B. Runcards will be monitored by Monroe County Fire - EMS and affected the Fire and EMS contract agencies within Monroe County, changes may be requested only by the authority directly affected in coordination with other affected department or agencies. Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 11 of 13 C. Each fire service provider agrees to respond available units in accordance with the established runcards. SECTION 3 During or prior to an impending local or area-wide disaster such as, but not limited to, hazardous material incident, tornado, hurricane or major fire, the local authority may withdraw that jurisdiction's responses from the runcard system and retain control locally of all responses ofthat agency's emergency units. Normal operation will be resumed by the COUNTY Central dispatch upon notification by local authority. SECTION 4 Units responding to an emergency into another jurisdiction shall be under the command and control of the incident commander until released. SECTION 5 Representatives of each emergency service agency will meet regularly to review communications and operational procedures. SECTION 6 The service provided herein by the parties shall be provided without cost to the other parties and no cost against any party shall be assessed by the other parties unless consented to by formal action of the party's governing body. SECTION 7 Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 12 of 13 The parties hereto agree that all acts and omissions of each party's employees, are performed as agents of the employing party. The employees of one party shall not be deemed to be the agent of another party by performing any function under the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 8 The parties agree that each will defend, indemnify and save the other harmless due to the negligent acts of its own employees, officers, or agents, including volunteers, or due to its negligent operation of equipment. The parties shall each be obligated to indemnify and hold harmless the other under this Agreement only to the extent that the other may be held liable under Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, as the same may be amended from time to time. This section shall not be construed as waiving any defense or limitation which any of the parties may have against any claim or cause of action by any person not a party to this Agreement. SECTION 9 The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a term beginning the date the last party executes this Agreement and to remain effect during the period of time that the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners provides emergency communications services through the Sheriffs' Office to each fire service provider. If any party expresses its intent to withdraw from this Agreement, the party shall provide written notice to all other parties no less than ninety (90) days in advance of the date of withdrawal. SECTION 10 Notices provided for herein or related to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be provided to the attention of the responsible agent at the aforementioned addresses: Monroe County Fire - EMS Mutual Aid - Automatic Aid SOG 600.07 9/29/00 Page 13 of 13 SECTION 11 This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by the appropriate officers of the respective parties and upon filing with the Clerk of The Circuit Court. Failure of any City or Fire Service Provider to sign this agreement will not affect the agreement as signed by other providers. SECTION 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereto set their hands and seal day of ,2_ this ATTEST: Mayor-Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: City Manager District President Reference: Pinellas County Automatic/Closest Unit Response Agreement Mutual aid agreements should be drafted' by the legal system of the participating agencies