Item B12 Ma~ os 02-11:008 p.2 HOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 15., 2002 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: No~ Department District Five' AGENDA ITEM WORDING: of Commerce Week". Proclamation to declare June 2-Sth, 2002 as the "Florida Key's Chambers ITEM BACKGROUND: .. The State ufFlorida is celebrating "Chamber of Commerce Week" June 2-8,2002. The Florida House of Representatives has declared the theme of "Your Chamber of Commerce. . Champion of Florida's free Enterprise". ' ..". , PREVIOUS RELEVANT DOCC ACllON: CONTRACTI AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A TOTALCOSl: ~ COST TO COUNTY: BUDGETED: Yes__No X REVENUE PRODUCING: N/A APPROVED BY: County Attorney _ O'MBJPw-chasing Risk Mgt. DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: '~~~er OOCUMENT ATION: Included: X - To Follow: Not Required: DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM Ii !3)~ Jla!,or'~ ~rotlamatton WHEREA$. theJe .... ch8rnbers ofei::lmn'let'te Ioceted in our convnunity rapretent.ing ItnaII and I8rge businesses ., operation in the community; and ....... in eddlIioft to promoting the buslneu. eMc. and economic intIIrMts of our.... chambeI'I of oomm.etce provide Input to Ieadera of all .... of,government on Y8riol.Is iIIues of critieaf concem to businees end resridenIs; and WI...... todaY. ~ of commerce ...liiio vigorouIty Ieeding their ~ It't~ ~ proepetIly. establiShing a cIMr community vi8ion. and ...,.......~ and 1M....,.. ~ g;.,e ~ oflheir time, eMIIY. and ~ In adYIIneIng ....~ of the chamber of commerce and in meeting the goeIs of their annuat~~ ' HOW. ~. by virtue of the power ve.I8d in me .. Mayor of Monroe County. Florida. I. CHARUES 'SONNY' MCCOY. do prodaim 1he Week of June 2-8, 2002 .. "FLORIDA KEYS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK" and the Monroe COIQy &e,d 01 county Commi8aioner'. p-... in ita delibetetions to recogm. the merits of the cMmbef'a of CClI'nrIWCe In Monroe County and .... its sincere appreciation for the steadfast efforts of at those invoIYed in their organizations. DATED this 15111 day of May, 2002. COUNTY MAYOR. ~~--