Item M2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5 / 15 /02 - 5/16/02 Division: Bulk Item: Yes.JL.. No Department: AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of disposition of inventory items for the month of May 2002. See attached list of $382,529.18. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACfION: CONTRACf/AGREEMENT CHANGES: sTAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COSTe. n/ a BUDGEnw: Yes..:..... No_ COST TO COUNTYz n / a REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management_ ~~.~ APPROVED BY: County Atty _ DIVISION DIRECfOR APPROVAL: Chief Michael D. Rice, Bureau of Admi~istration DOCUMENTATION: Included To Follow_ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM ## /'7~-=- Revised 2127/01 MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE DISPOSITIONS FOR BOARD MEETING MAY 15-16. 2002 INVENTORY ITEM DESCRIPTION PURCHASE ACQUISITION CURRENT DISPOSITION TAG # PRICE DATE VALUE L0134 Hewlette Parkard XL300 Printer 2,370.84 09/29/1992 0.00 Junk S1078 Hewlette Parkard Laser Printer 995.66 10/10/1995 0.00 Junk S0074 Dell Optiplex 466 Computer 2,974.00 11/03/1993 0.00 Junk E0093 Burroughs Check Signer 1,509.65 08/02/1985 0.00 Junk H0177 IBM Wheelwriter 6 Typewriter 788.00 04/06/1988 0.00 Junk M0116 Video Conferencing System 64,431.48 09/30/1993 0.00 Junk M0540 Video Conferencing System 60,065.12 09/30/1993 0.00 Junk M0539 Video Conferencing System 64,460.12 09/30/1993 0.00 Junk M0738 Video Conferencing System 64,646.42 09/30/1993 0.00 Junk M0739 Video Conferencing System 60,251.41 09/30/1993 0.00 Junk M0129 Video Conferencing System 60,036.48 09/30/1993 0.00 Junk Total: $382,529.18 II: <.n I :'i i~\tj3"r~ ,. , , ,,, "' "',. I A:I $ ~ :+ " ;+ ~ !J~ - ~ ..... !t: r- 01 ::.0..:;:: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: = fi'1 :~~g:~~~88~g2 (,..4 '..! .....j :."~ t..~ ~ fA t..,) j-.:. '..! -..(i ;::. CO J;::. '-..0 CO 0 ,..(: ...c 0--. '..! L.'~ , n ,+ xxx'xxxxxxxx tl",! '" 6- I ,+ n ;+ :J,: ~ !,.f: (';GD',::!-Vij ifT1 rri !:i-I II _~~88 ~8B;:~g~qB~g~ ~.._~.;ry?JH----iH-i;:::-i~.. . ;-.:. ~ ("4 t,'~ t..,) r.j ;-.:. ;-.:. t..,) C.l ~ ] B :~ S ~ .~ ~ ;S ~ Q !-IH3::CiOi::!Oeo:vffi 3Z-o:f'!1f!'1rr1!7l!:'1!"!1r:iq rriMSOOOOOO~ ':::iJ ,j ri ;G n GG r; ("') H (..I') 'I ! :::zjOOCOOO~H 11 I i Z Z Z 'k Z Z f'!'1 l..l' gV~;;j;:;;j;;;~i ~r-r;::7J:0:::V~;ij~Ai ;i;.....fur;~~g~~~R "gj~,S~~SS8P ::",:o-.ZZZZZZ:E ~:;: G:I I:;:: G:I G:: G:: G':: 3 t..~ ,c.X) en tr',! (:") 01 (j"; xi ~ -<-<-<-<-<-<, C (f.! U'.! u:: (f) 0'10') 0-- :rMrrinirrirri~ :3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3. '.:1 ..) ~ ~ 0 - t.ri ~ . " -5 0 t.J I t:l n , , ..... "I t.J ~ ,+ 0 I 0 i t.J n 3: ~ :;1 :.:1 tt! '< :0 -' - ~ ..... ~~ t:l "0 fl) 0 ~ U'! ~ " ~ .... "0 t:l ,+ !l; ,+ '0 l1) .::; 3: g ., n m t"'I 0' ~ 5 < ..... ~ '< ,+ 51 ~ '< ~ ..... r ..., .... ..., ~~ ~~ ,+ t"'I -' ::;:; :,Q ..., u. n m 0 < ro ., '-i (.ij 0 t:lt:l ....'0000000000 ~!-'. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ t~ ~; ~~ ~~ ~~ ~; tF! ~ ~ cooocococo) t..,) k'! ?j t.J r.j t.J rJ l~_ tJ tJ r:J >..............'..............'.....000) w S S 8 8 8 St..,) t...) t..,) r:J " !li ;Q m ....