Fiscal Year 2005CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COUFRT =1 Financial Statements 1111111AZT41=1NAMOW1619129 AIR Z49 Independent Auditors' Report., ......... Page 2-3 4 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds- --------------------------------------------------- 5 Statement of Fiduciary Assets and Liabilities - Agency Fund --------------------- --------------------- 6 Notes to Financial Statements 7 - 11 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual - General and 12 Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual - Special Revenue Court Related Fund ----------------------------------------------------- ...... 13 Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual - Special Revenue Records Modernization Fund --------------------------------- ­­ -------- 14 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities - Agency Fund --------------------------------------- 15 SUPPLEMENTARY INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORTS Independent Auditors' Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards ....................... ......... ............................... ---------- 17 TN,7*F:T9#N4A- Z lli-WAC C Wol :�P;Azl =1:191 z4 We have audited the accompanying financial statements of each major fund and the aggrega4M remaining fund information of the Monroe County, Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court (the "Cie as of and for the year ended September 30, 2005, which collectively compose the Clerk's ba I] financial statements as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are t responsibility of the Clerk's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on the financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the 1 States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our osinions. of complying wiffbection General -Local Government Entity Audits, and are not intended to be a complete presentation of the financial position of Monroe County, Florida, and the results of its operations and the cash flows of its proprietary funds in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of each of the major funds and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Clerk as of September 30, 2005, and the respective changes in financial position thereof for the year then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued a report dated January 30, 2006 on our consideration of the Clerk's interrial control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. 0 The budgetary comparison scnedules on pages 12 - 14 are not a required part of the bast-i financial statements but are supplementary information required by the Governmenta' Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted primarily of inquires of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentatior -*f the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and w� -xpress no opinion an Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the ClerWs basic financial statements. The accompanying -statement of changes in assets and liabilities - agency fund is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. This statement has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied by us in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management and applicable stalls agencies, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than the speced parties. I CAC4;t I L� L.rdg e January 30, 2006 R Major Funds Court Records General Related Modernization Fend Fund Fund Totals ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,454,168 $ 1,145,694 $ 1,549,002 $ 4,148,864 Due from Board of County Commissioners 48,340 - 8,936 57,276 Due from other governments - 24,262 24,22 Interest receivable 14,484 14,484 AssetsTotal $ 1,516,992 $ 1,1 9,956 $ 1,557,938 $ 4,2 , 886 LLABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 87,184 $ 146,200 $ 144,871 $ 378,255 Due to Board of County Commissioners 1,385,254 702,205 - 2,087,459 Due to Florida Department of Revenue 257,432 257,432 Deferred revenue 64,119 64,119 Deposits 44,654 44,554 Total liabilities 1,516,992 1.169,956 144,871 2,831,819 Fund Balances - 1,41,067 1,413,067 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 1,16,992 $ 1,169,956 $ 1,557,938 $ 4,244,886 The notes to the financial statements 4 are an integral part of this statement. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT G161"LA11 111r'A It'll AN 111* M = 1711 re rTw 1 6-Mo M711 Major Funds Court Records General Related Modernization Fund Fund Fund Totals Revenues: Intergovernmental $ $ 662,112 $ 662,112 Charges for services: Board of County Commissioners 2,199,405 9213,077 3,127,482 Others 1,775,298 1,745,074 591,371 4,111,743 Fines and forfeitures - 1,214,885 1,214,885 Interest income 115,090 21,401 136,491 Miscellaneous - 8,936 8,936 Total revenues 4,08%793 4,550 ® 148 621,708 9,261,649 Expenditures: Current: General government. - Salaries and benefits 2,185,918 3,388,374 - 5,574,292 Operating expenditures 537,909 233,523 25,364 796,796 Capital ouflay 7,603 19,932 151,660 179,195 Total expenditures 2,731,430 3,641,829 177,024 6,550,283 Excess of revenues over expenditures 1,358,363 908,319 444,684 2,711,366 =EZEZM���' Lease purchase proceeds 318,750 318,750 Transfer to Board of County Commissioners (1,358,363) (650,887) - (2,009,250) Transfer to Florida Department of Revenue ... (257,432)_ -(257432) Total other financing sourcel(uses) (11,358,363) (908,319) 318,750 (1,947,932) Excess of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other uses 763,434 763,434 Fund balances, beginning of year 649,633 649,633 Fund balances, and of year $ 1,413,067 $ 1,413,067 The notes to the financial statements 6 are an integral part of this statement. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Statement of Fiduciarp Assets and Liabilities Agency Fund September 30, 2005 Cash and cash equivalents $ 4,629,813 Due from others - 10,798 Total assets $ 4,640,611 Due to individuals $ 2,886,950 Due to Board of County Commissioners 113,279 Due to other governmental agencies 1,640,382 Total liabilities $ 4,640,611 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Reporting Entity - The Monroe County, Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court (the "Clerk") is a separately elected county official established pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Florida. The Clerk's financial statements do not purport to reflect the financial poson or the results of operations of Monroe County, Florida (the "County") taken as a whole. Entity status for financial reporting purposes is governed by Statement No. 14 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Although the Clerk's Office is operationally autonomous, it does not hold sufficient corporate powers of its own to be considered a legally separate entity for financial reporting purposes. Therefore, the Clerk is reported as a part of the primary government of the County. Description of Funds - The accounting records are organized for reporting purposes on the basis of three governmental funds and a fiduciary fund. General Fund - The General Fund is a governmental fund used to account for all revenues and expenditures applicable to the general operations of the Clerk that are not required legally or by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America to be accounted for in another fund. Court Related Fund — A special revenue fund is used to account for proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted or committed to expenditures for specified purposes. The Court Related Fund is a special revenue fund used to account for revenu- a • expenditures of court functions. Any excess fees over actual expenditures is returned to either the Florida Department of Revenue by January 1 for the preceding county fiscal year or the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (the "Board"), depending on the source of the original funding. Fiduciary Fund - The Fiduciary fund of the Clerk is an Agency Fund, which is used to account for assets held by the Clerk as agent. JIWr77X_- =1 E-FlIda NTWIN4,10 N zm��M LV Rote I - Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Use of Esfimates - The preparation of financial statements requires management to make u of estimates that affect reported amounts. Actual results could differ from estimates. Note 2 — Deposits and Investments As of September 30, 2005, the Clerk has the following deposits and investments: lemand deposits $ 7,473,133 -ocal Govemment Surplus Trust Fund 1,305,544 M - Florida Statutes authorize investments in certificates of deposit, savings accounts, the Lo Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund administered by the Florida State Board Administration, money market funds, direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury, federal agend and instrumentalities and Intergovernmental Investment Pools that are authorized pursuant I ihe Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act, as provided in Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, Th Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund is not rated as to credit quality risks. i U t-73111,74 I I Benefits are established by Chapter 121, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 60S, Flori I Administrative Code. Amendments to the law can be made only by an act of the Flori . Legislature. Employees have the option of participating in an Investment Plan or a Pensi Plan. For the Pension Plan, benefits are computed on the basis of age, average fin. compensation, and service credit, Regular class employees who retire at or after age 62 with - least 6 years of credited service or 30 years of service regardless of age are entitled to retirement benefit payable monthly for life, equal to 1.6% of their final average compensation f each year of credited service. Vested employees with less than 30 years of service may ret! - before age 62 and receive reduced retirement benefits. Special risk class employees (swo law enforcement officers, firefighters, and correctional officers) who retire at or after age 55 wl at least 6 years of credited service, or with 25 years of service regardless of age, are entitled a retirement benefit able The Clerk has a master lease arrangement to purchase equipment financed by installment obligations. As of September 30, 2005, $198,174 of the amount payable represents advances on future equipment purchases. The Clerk is obligated under the installment note payable as of September 30, 2005 as follows: September 30, PrinclRal Interest— Total ITI $ 13,375 ,711 Amounts. . with leasespayable are reported in thegovernment-wide statement of nel County,assets of the - than on the financial statements .: The Clerk leases various office equipment under cancelable arrangements accounted for as operating -ases. Total lease expense was $77,615 forthe year ended p - b - 0 2005. Litigation The Clerk is a defendant various lawsuits and is in• - other disputes wherein substantial • are claimed. In the opinion of - these suits and claims should not result in judgmentsor r aggregate, would have a materialeffect on Clerk's financial position. 11 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT General r, Year Ended September 30, 2005 General Fund Variance With Final Original Final Positive Budget u get Actual (Ne0ative Revenues: Charges for services: Board of County Commissioners $ 2,240,719 $ 2,240,719 $ 2,19% 05 $ (41,314) Others 900,000 900,000 1,775,298 875,298 Interest income - 115,090 115,090 Total rGvenues 3,140,719 3,140,719 4,089J93 94,074 Expenditures: Current: General government: Clerk recording 511,576 511,576 462,096 49,480 Clerk information systems 665,111 665,111 489,440 175,671 Clerk finance 1,317,629 1,317,629 1,286,641 30,988 Internal audit 218,470 218,470 146,259 72,211 Tourist audit tax 184,108 184,108 138,990 45,118 Non -court administration 117,861 117,861 98,842 19,019 Non -court records management 12,94 125,964 109,162 16,802 Total expenditures 3,140,719 3,140,719 2,731,430 409,289 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures - 1,358,33 1,358,363 , Transferto Board of County Commissioners - (1,358,363) (1,358,363) Total other financing sources (uses) - (1,358,363) (1,358,363) Net Changes in Fund Balances - Fund Balances, October 1 _ Fund Balances, September 30 $ - $ _ $ - $ 12 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 2n� Special Revenue Court Related Fund Year Ended September 30, 2005 Specfal Revenue Court Related and Variance With Final Original Final Positive Budget ud et ctual (Negative) Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 635,224 635,224 $ 662,112 26,888 Charges for services: Board of County Commissioners 963,898 963,898 928,077 (36,821) Others 1,573,229 1,601,229 1,745,074 143,8 Fines and Forfeitures 1,149,790 1,133,530 1,214,1385 81,355 Total revenues 4,322,141 4,333,881 4,550,148 216,267_ Expenditures: Current: General government Clerk administration 308,214 308,214 281,628 26,586 Clerk records management 329,405 329,405 305,330 24,075 Clerk jury management 137,163 137,163 81,840 55,323 Clerk circuit court criminal 817,305 617,305 736,918 80,387 Clerk circuit court civil 453,678 453,678 410,494 43,184 Clerk circuit court family 145,114 145,114 119.639 25,475 Clerk circuit court juvenile 102,492 112,017 109,810 2,207 Clerk circuit court probate 60,448 60,448 58,576 1,872 Clerk county court criminal 611,496 576,671 538,001 38,670 Clerk county court civil 238,958 238,958 227,838 11,120 Clerk county court traffic 746,486 771,786 771,755 31 Total expenditures 3,950,759 3,950,759 3,641,829 308,930_ Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures 371,382 383,122 908,319 525,197 Other financing uses Contingency (371,382) (383,122) - 383,122 Transfer to Board of County Commissioners (650,887) (650,887) Transfer to Florida Department of Revenue (257,432) (257,432) Total other financing uses (371,382) 383,122) 908®319) .525,197) Not Changes in Fund Balances --------------- Fund Balances, October I Fund Balances, September 30 $ $ $ 13 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT I-f-R.SMSM02% - Rwfgs�-�- Special Revenue Records Modernization Fund Year Ended September 30, 2005 Special Revenue Records Modernization Fund Variance Vfflh Final Original Final Positive Budget Budget Actual (Negabye) Revenues: _ Charges for services: Others $ 230,000 $ 230,000 $ 591,371 361,371 Interest Income 4,000 4,000 21,401 17,401 Miscellaneous 8,936 8,936 Total revenues 234,000 234,000 621,708 387J06 Expenditures. Current: General government: Modernization trust 704,000 704,000 177,024 526,976 Total expenditures 704,000 704,000 177,024 526,976 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (470,000) 444,684 914,684 Other financing sources (uses) Lease purchase proceeds 318,750 318,750 Total other financing sources (uses) 318,750 318,750 Not Change In Fund Balances (470,900) (470,000) 763,434 1,233,434 Fund Balances, October 1 649,633 649,633 649,633 - Fund Balances, September 30 $ 179,633 $ 179,633 $ 1,413,067 $ 1,233,434 14 �.' 1 A ',. � � � MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT S12tw-mM 2-a!-!.42iN9c-,AkSww,-Pu?4 Year Ended September 30, 2005 Balance Balance October 1, September 30, 2004 Additions Deductions 2005 Assets: Cash and short-term investments $ 3,7,800 $ 61,097,479 $ 60,146,466 $ 4,629,813 Due from others 14,589 27,408 31,199 10,798 Total assets $ 3,693,389 $ 61,124,887 $ 60,177,665 $ 4,640,611 Due to others $ 1,761,778 $ 5,122,810 $ 3,997,638 $ 2,1186,950 Due to Board of County Commissioners 141,522 1,499,104 1,527,347 113,279 Due to other governmental agencies 1,790,089 54,502,973 54,652,680 1,640,382 Total liabilities $ 3,693,389 $ 61,124,887 $ 60,177,665 $ 4,640,611 15 R:ilii�i J�Z �ihr �Z 9�� 11 k to] z-&-im :4 4 ;M A & W41171 4 ;a To the Honorable Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida: We have audited the financial statements of each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Monroe County, Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court (the "Clerk") as of and for the year ended September 30, 2005, which collectively comprise the Clerk's basic financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated January 30, 2006 for the purpose of compliance with Section 218.39(2), Florida Statutes, and Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General -Local Governmental Entity Audits. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Internal Control over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Clerk's internal control over financial reporting in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting. Our consideration of the internal control over financial reporting would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control over financial reporting that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a reportable condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that misstatements caused by error or fraud in amounts that would be material in relation to the financial statements being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. We noted no matters involving the internal control over financial reporting and its operations that we consider to be inaterial weaknesses. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Clerk's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, and contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances Ef noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. W" This report is intended solely for the information and use of management and applicable stat"I agencies, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. 17 I il I il #a#z I J04 N ff-All I'] ik to] t&V NO OEW-4iTil:-4 Z k d 4 Aitt4l To the Honorable Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of the Circuit Court Monroe County, Florida: We have audited the financial statements of each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Monroe County, Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court (the "Clerk"), as of and for the year ended September 30, 2005, which collectively comprise the Clerk's basic financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated January 30, 2006 for the purpose of compliance with Section 218.39(2), Florida Statutes, and Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General -Local Governmental EntityAudits. States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. We have issued our Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting based on an audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards, dated January 30, 2006, and it should be considered in conjunction with this management letter. Additionally, our audit was conducted in accordance with Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General. Those rules (Section 10.554(l)(h)l) require that we address in the management letter, if not already addressed in the auditors' report on compliance and internal controls, whether or not corrective actions have been taken to address significant findings and recommendatons made in the preceding annual financial audit report. There were no recommendations made in the preceding year's annual financial audit report. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(l)(h)2) state that a management letter shall have a statement as to whether or not the Clerk complied with Section 218.415, Florida Statutes, regarding the investment of public funds. In connection with our audit of the financial statements of the Clerk, the results of our tests did not indicate that the Clerk was in noncompliance with Section 218.415 regarding the investment of public funds. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(i)(h)3) require disclosure in the management letter of any recommendations to improve the Clerk's management, accounting procedures, and internal controls. There were no recommendations in connection with the fiscal 2005 financial stateneit audit. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(1)(h)4) require disclosure in the management letter of the following matters if not already addressed in the auditors' reports on compliance and internal controls: (1) violations of laws, rules, regulations, and contractual provisions that have occurred, or are likely to have occurred; (2) improper or illegal expenditures; (3) improper or inadequate accounting procedures (e.g., the omission of required disclosures from the financial statements); (4) failures to properly record financial transactions; and (5) other inaccuracies, shortages, defalcations, and instances of fraud discovered by, or that come to the attention of, the auditor. There were no such matters noted. iu- The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(l)(h)5) also require that the name or official title and legal authority for the primary government and each component unit of the reporting entity be disclosed in the management letter, unless disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. The Clerk is a separately elected county official established pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Florida. There are no component units related to the Clerk. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(i)(h)7(a)) state that a management letter shall have a statement as to whether or not the Clerk compiled with the budget certified by the Florida Clerk of the Courts Operations Corporation pursuant to Section 28.35, Florida Statutes. In connection with our audit of the financial statements of the Clerk we noted no noncompliance with Section 28.35 regarding the budget certified by the Florida Clerk of the Courts Operations Corporation. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(l)(h)7(b)) state that a management letter shall have a statement as to whether or not the Clerk complied with the performance standards leveloped and certified pursuant to Section 28.35, Florida Statutes. In connection with our iiudit of the financial statements of the Clerk our testing did not indicate that the Clerk was in noncompliance with Section 28.35 regarding the performance standards developed and certified. ji!p;1111�1�; 11!!!1�1; MGM toeneral, anU appliCaUle 5113te agenulub, ano is not Inten and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. January 30, 2006 FrAW, 96- 19