07/18/2002 Audit i AUDIT REPORT OF MONROE COUNTY CASH MANAGEMENT - GRANTS AUDIT July 18, 2002 `J.yJJ i- 0•• A 6 . ter' N . ,i, l III- ry i%' COUNTY, nr. • y.;'44 Prepared by: Internal Audit Department Clerk of the Circuit Court Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Monroe County, Florida GOUNTyCOti • ss :pla-uI�QG' ' A yt6 :N • 1�rqo'...........fro OUNTV. x_ • annp 'I.. 1aoujage BRANCH OFFICE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MONROE COUNTY 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON,FLORIDA 33050 500 WHITEHEAD STREET PLANTATION KEY,FLORIDA 33070 TEL.(305)289-6027 KEY WEST,FLORIDA 33040 TEL.(305)852-7145 FAX(305)289-1745 TEL.(305)292-3550 FAX(305)852-7146 FAX(305)295-3660 July 18, 2002 The Honorable Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of the Circuit Court • Re: Cash Management - Grants Dear Mr. Kolhage: At your request, the Internal Audit Department conducted a review of internal controls at Grants Management, concerning the procedures for collection, receipt, monitoring and recording of grant funds. The review was requested because of fourteen FEMA grant checks totaling $1,798,296.60 that were held in a folder and not deposited timely. The review for timely deposit of grant funds was extended to other County Departments using Fund 125 Government Fund Type Grants. Background Almost all local governments receive financial assistance from their state government and from the federal government. Federal and state grants of approximately $17,788,000 were received for Monroe County residents during fiscal year 2001. In general, grants are awarded on a reimbursement basis. Some grants are advanced. Both methods require close coordination with the Office of Management and Budget to insure the timely draw down of funds and appropriate expenditure of government funds. The grant checks are received by the requesting departments and then forwarded to the Clerk's Finance Department for deposit. There are a few sent directly to Finance by electronic funds transfer (EFT). Most of the grants checks tested for this audit were deposited timely. However, because of the inherent risk involved due to the large amounts of dollars in an individual grant check even a few late deposits can cost Monroe County a loss in revenue from interest income or worse if the account is not monitored the check might never be located and deposited. Employee turnover, vacations, new programs, checks lost in the mail, and incorrect addresses all contribute to grant checks not being deposited timely. The Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) requires that all vendor payments made by the Federal Government be disbursed by the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) method. Using the EFT method, Monroe County would receive payments faster, elimination of checks which could be lost in the mail, and automatic deposit of funds directly to their bank account with immediate funds availability. Grants Management Late Deposits Findings: A. During the morning of September 17, 2001, the Clerk's Finance Department received a call from the Grants Manager, in OMB. He indicated to the Clerk's Accounting Specialist Supervisor that he had a problem with some checks. See Exhibit A - Letter Explaining Problem and Copies Of Disaster Checks. KPMG previously had completed a procedure manual for Monroe County detailing the process for complying with accounting requirements for the disaster related expenditures and revenues. A list of the checks received by courier is as follows: Check Check Date Received Number Date Amount By Finance 4-33 762 996 10/16/00 $ 14,300.06 09/17/01 4-33 762 988 10/16/00 2,377.00 09/17/01 4-33 762 987 10/16/00 47,911.98 09/17/01 4-33 772 552 10/17/00 101,118.30 09/17/01 4-34 045 403 11/20/00 289,688.00 09/17/01 4-34 045 414 11/20/00 236,951.00 09/17/01 4-34 045 409 11/20/00 250,952.00 09/17/01 4-34 045 407 11/20/00 38,972.00 09/17/01 4-34 507 083 01/24/01 151,990.00 09/17/01 4-00 836 082 06/18/01 375.00 09/17/01 4-00 872 896 06/21/01 2,321.94 09/17/01 4-01 162 955 08/01/01 58,919.00 09/17/01 4-01 221 929 08/10/01 83,997.26 09/17/01 4-01 221 935 08/10/01 518,423.06 09/17/01 $ 1,798,296.60 2 The deposits were not completed within three business days as required by Monroe County Administrative Instruction 1013.1 - Cash Management Procedures - See Exhibit B. The instruction states that "All Divisions/Departments will have in effect a policy for all cash funds received to be deposited as quickly as possible, but in any event, not later than three (3) business days from receipt. This procedure was written in response to an independent audit report deficiency dated September 30, 1993. Its purpose was to establish a standardized cash management procedure that will eliminate the risk of loss or misappropriation of funds. Monroe County lost approximately $40,000 to $50,000 in interest due to the late deposit of the funds. B. There were four checks received for the Edward Byrne State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, which were not deposited timely in accordance with Cash Management Procedures. A list of the checks is as follows: Date of Check Date Received by Date Received By Amount Grants Management Finance 06/29/01 07/65/01 09/28/01 $10,630.31 08/21/01 No Stamp 09/28/01 $10,448.42 08/21/01 No Stamp 09/28/01 $18,360.99 04/11/01 04/18/01 05/02/01 $ 5,190.42 Grants Management does not always stamp their checks with a received date so the actual date the check was received by Grants Management can not always be determined. Recommendations: 1. County management should remind all employees of Administrative Instruction 1013.10 - Cash Management Procedures. Finance should notify the Director of Office of Management and Budget if any departments are sending late deposits. 2. County Management should have all grant funds sent by electronic funds transfer (EFT) if available. See Exhibit C - Sample Grant Application. The application states that if the sub grantee is participating in the State of Florida Comptroller's Office electronic transfer program, reimbursement can not be made to any other entity. It must go the Chief Financial Officer which is the Clerk of the Court. If EFT is not available the grant funds should be sent directly to the Chief Financial Officer - the Clerk of the Courts. The C-1 block on the sample grant application would just have to be left blank in order for the funds to be remitted directly to the Clerk. 3 3. The department requesting grant funds would send a copy of the pay request to Finance so that when the wire or check was received the appropriate accounting entries would be made. (Social Service sends copies of the pay requests to Finance currently and an EFT is received for one of their grants.) 4. County departments should date stamp all checks when received. County Administrator's Response: A. The Administrator agrees that $1,798,296.60 in checks were sent to Finance on the morning of September 17, 2001. The checks dated October 16 and 17, 2000 were received in October in the County Admistrator's office. The checks dated November 20, 2000 were received in November in the Purchasing Office. The balance of the checks listed do not show a location or date received. The Administrator agrees that the provisions of Administrative Instruction 1013 were not followed. B. The Grants Manager was advised upon his return from vacation, that it was a serious violation of our administrative instructions to hold check longer than three business days and if there were any others that he was holding for any reason they should immediately be sent to Finance. The Grants Manager found three checks that were sent to finance and received by them on September 28, 2001. The Grant Administrator was sent to a course on Cash Management sponsored by FGFOA to increase his knowledge of cash management issues. Review of Recommendations: 1. The Administrator agrees to remind employees of Administrative Instruction 1013. This will take the form of an e-mail to all users. The Administrator will enhance this notice by requiring Division Directors to designate those individuals within their division with responsibility to process receipts of checks to acknowledge receipt of the Administrative Instruction and such acknowledgment placed in their personnel files. The Administrator accepts the recommendation that Finance notify the Director of Office of Management & Budget of any department not adhering to Administration Instruction 1013. 2. The problems uncovered by this audit would have been prevented had electronic funds transfer been the method of receiving money. The Administrator agrees that all funds should be transferred in this manner and when EFT is not available, the Chief Financial Officer- the Clerk of the Courts, should receive grant funds directly. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to incorporate this recommendation. 3. Pay Requests will be sent to Finance when prepared. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to incorporate this recommendation. 4. The Administrator will modify the Administrative Instruction to incorporate the provision for date stamping all checks that are received by county departments. 4 • 5. In reviewing the history of the issues involved in the audit, it is apparent that there needs to be, not only tighter controls, but also a better understanding on the part of the key individuals in the Administration who handle funds concerning the proper and timely handling of those funds. In reference to grants, as staff is presently structured, the Grants Administrator is the appropriate person to assist with the revisions in the policies and - practices. For that reason, he has been assigned the responsibility of obtaining a full personal understanding of proper procedures and practices and preparing training for other key people within the County government. That training will be conducted and the Clerk's office will be informed when it is to occur. (Please see attached letter to the Grants Administrator). 6. Many years ago, the Administration attempted to have an additional position(s) to assist with the grants accounting function. For whatever reason, the Board of County Commissioners determined that the additional position should not be funded; however, in the presentation of the Fiscal Year 2003 budget, a grants accounting position has been proposed. This position will be responsible for working on just the types of issues that have been determined in the audit. Should the position be approved, it is anticipated that the position will be filled in October, 2002. Growth Management Missing Check A check for $417,912.00 was not located until two months after its issue date of October 10, 2001. See Exhibit D - Growth Management Check. The Finance Department was questioning Growth Management about payment of an invoice on the grant and Growth Management responded it must be correct since the State of Florida had already paid us. The Clerk's Finance Department then asked for a copy of the check because the accounting records did not reflect receipt of the funds. The check had been sent to the wrong address and then apparently was forwarded incorrectly to another Monroe County Department before it was finally located in a stack of envelopes in Growth Management and sent to the Clerk's Finance Department for deposit. The check was deposited into the bank but could not be credited to the proper account because a resolution for unanticipated funds for the Water Quality Monitoring Little Venice for $242,012 had never been sent to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners per Monroe County Administrative Instruction 4301.4 - Basic Procedures for Filing Grant Applications. See Exhibit E. Good authorization controls require that authorizations always be obtained in advance. Recommendation: • 1. Growth Management should monitor all their departmental grants on a monthly basis. Research of all past due receivables is a necessary step in the process. 2. Monroe County Administrative Instruction 4301.4 - Basic Procedures for Filing Grant Applications should be followed. 5 3. County Management should have all grant funds sent by electronic funds transfer (EFT) if available. See Exhibit C - Sample Grant Application. The application states that if the sub grantee is participating in the State of Florida Comptroller's Office electronic transfer program, reimbursement can not be made to any other entity. It must go the Chief Financial Officer which is the Clerk of the Court. If EFT is not available the grant funds should be sent directly to the Chief Financial Officer-the Clerk of the Courts. County Administrator's Response: Review of Recommendations: 1. Pay Requests will be sent to Finance when prepared. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to incorporate this recommendation. 2. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to incorporate recommendations of this Audit where possible. 3. The problems uncovered by this audit would have been prevented had electronic funds transfer been the method of receiving money. The Administrator agrees that all funds should be transferred in this manner and when EFT is not available, the Chief Financial Officer - the Clerk of the Courts, should receive grant funds directly. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to include this recommendation. Monitoring Procedures Finding: In 2001, There was still outstanding accounts receivable grants from the 1998 hurricanes. Grants Management did not research the location of the anticipated funds in violation of Monroe County Administrative Instruction 4301.4 - Basic Procedure for Filing Grant Applications. Administrative Instruction 4301.4 states "The record of expenditures should be reconciled with the detailed distribution list monthly. A record keeping and project monitoring system shall be established and maintained by the Office of Management and Budget to insure that reports and reimbursement requests are completed and filed in a timely manner, in compliance with grant requirements. The instruction further states "The Grant Manager will monitor all County grants for program compliance. Coordination and communication with the offices and departments as discussed in this document will insure improvement in grant accountability". 6 It appears a separate Grants Department was approved to be established on 7/21/92 by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners in response to the Independent Auditors "Report on Internal Control Structure and Management Comments of July 8, 1992. The Response to Auditor's Comments states that "The new Director, Grants Acquisition and Management Programs will establish a monitoring system to insure the timely collection of payments and the preservation of the Board's financial interest. In reviewing the Management Comments over the last ten years it appears that different departments still have problems with grant procedures. The late deposits being just one example of a problem. Grants Management was not sure how to record the funds, therefore, the funds were held and subsequently forgotten. See Exhibit E - Monroe County Administrative Instruction 4301.4 - Basic Procedures for Filing Grant Applications. Also in the Fiscal Year 1992 Annual Audit Report it states "The Grants Department has acquired a computerized Grants Monitoring System which alerts the coordinator to upcoming deadlines. The Department also receives bimonthly trial balance reviews which are used to reconcile grant expenditures and revenue receipts for comparison with the reimbursement requests and support documentation. A monthly report is accordingly prepared for review and analysis by the Grants Management Director and County Administrator. Interviews with Grants Management and the Office of Management and Budget indicate that a monthly monitoring report is not produced. Recommendation: 1. Grants Management should monitor all grants on a monthly basis. Research of all past due receivables is a necessary step in the process. 2. The Office of Management and Budget should monitor grant related policies and procedures on an ongoing basis to ensure they are continuing to function properly, as designed. County Administrator's Response: The BOCC did establish a separate Grants Department in 1992. This department was made up of three people. However, the BOCC reorganized Management Services in 1994 and the Grants Department downgraded from department status and was a section of the Office of Management &Budget. It was, at this time, comprised of only 1 staff position. Although Administrative Instruction 4301.4 states that "The record of expenditure should be reconciled with the detailed distribution list monthly.", it is not clear who should be doing that function. This quote is from paragraph I, beginning "Project implementation shall be the responsibility of the project manager". The Project Manager is not the same person as the Grant's Manager. Reference is also made to "a computerized Grants Monitoring System". The report that is attached appears to be from the AS400 system, which has been obsolete with the County since approximately 1995. Most grants require a quarterly reconciliation and that will be done unless the grant contract requires more frequent reconciliation. 7 Review of Recommendations: 1. With the staffing level at only one person, monitoring all grants on a monthly basis is impossible. The Grants Administrator will bring the listing of all county grants up to date and should be able to contact the grant monitor for each grant on a quarterly basis and again a month before the grant closes. The Grants Administrator should have a copy of all grant agreements approved by the board. All grants going to the Board for approval should be routed to the Grants Administrator prior to being put on the agenda. 2. The Office of Management and Budget will review the Administrative Instructions 4301 and 1013 for appropriate changes as outlined above. Sincerely, Sandra L. Mathena, CFE, CPA cc: Board of County Commissioners (5) James Roberts, County Administrator Sheila Barker, Director of Administrative Services Sandee Carlile, Clerk's Finance Director Marva Green, External Auditor 8 Exhibits Exhibit A Letter Explaining Problem And Copies Of Disaster Checks I, , September 18, 2001 During the morning of September 17, 2001, I received a phone call from Dave Owens, Grants Manager, in OMB. He indicated that he had a bad situation and that some checks had been found in a file and he was concerned about having them deposited as soon as possible. He wanted to know if we could just deposit them for now and they would work on determining where the revenue needed to be applied. I indicated this would be fine,just send them down and we would put them in miscellaneous revenue for now. He also mentioned that he would be - heading out of the office so he was sending them over today. Dave asked whose attention he should send them to. I suggested sending them to Sandee or to me. He said he would send them to me and again wanted to make sure that we would deposit them right away. I said no problem. ' Based on this conversation with Dave I was surprised by both the number and the amount of the - checks. Following is a list of the actual checks received via courier. Check Check Date Received Number Date Amount by Finance '_ 4-33 762 996 10/16/00 $ 14,300.06 09/17/01 4-33 762 988 10/16/00 2,377.00 09/17/01 4-33 762 987 10/16/00 47,911.98 09/17/01 _ 4-33 772 552 10/17/00 101,118.30 09/17/01 4-34 045 403 11/20/00 289,688.00 09/17/01 4-34 045 414 11/20/00 236,951.00 09/17/01 4-34 045 409 11/20/00 250,952.00 09/17/01 4-34 045 407 11/20/00 38,972.00 09/17/01 4-34 507 083 01/24/01 151,990.00 09/17/01 4-00 836 082 06/18/01 375.00 09/17/01 4-00 872 896 06/21/01 2,321.94 09/17/01 4-01 162 955 08/01/01 58,919.00 09/17/01 4-01 221 929 08/10/01 83,997.26 09/17/01 4-01 221 935 08/10/01 518,423.06 09/17/01 $ 1,798,296.60 To the best of my knowledge this is the conversation and subsequent information I received from Dave Owens regarding the above listed State.of Florida checks. VIJC. j —— --- — j.. j —. L ur deLoach-H e - Monroe County Finance Department -I li STD'T]E OF FLORIDA 4- 3 3 7 6 2 9 9 6 _ _—.- O• ? .CE OF COMPTROLLER • I f REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DEVI( SAMAS ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT N ' '52-202750001-52600300-00-10992400 520000 00 D1000234777 7300_ 10/16/00 0712461 PAYMENT AMOUNT RECEIVED $ 14,300.06 _ DO NOT CASH 111 I I t 11I I1111 t 1 t 1111I I1111111111 111111 1111I 111 I f,I I 1111111 I I OCT 2 0 2000 AGENCY DOCUMENT NO MONROE COUNTY BCC V003805 5100 COLLEGE RD WING 2 RM 212 KEY WEST FL 33040 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-5409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US • INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT 99 $ 14,300.06 • F r—►r� 1;A-� RECEIVED SCE • 7 'nnt 1 ,2.5 34,09to1 , 4,9_ (2.ci L 11 — 54—ol— DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT .ff hiT• iHlSfeIF+P't th'Ft w.y'iM x �,A h' '�T{f ryh+t fy�� r attxki.; SAMAS ACCOUNT COPE,' ' ( '14,;^ bbCUMEN-1 NO - 08JECT,,'-, .DATE WARRANT NO 63=69 �' ' 52 202750001-52600300.00;10992400t , �,,•D1000234777 7300 10/16/00 0712461 Q �� 0r Nstr r °t ' . 1`ry�l ( .3 55 ttrr 630 y DEAF 1�MOnn•II��ITT.{{ !f,�/ '' ` 'i �'17r.^.' 71 ;It l om .?X j`s + Y ._, 4- :;rt , �`._ 6 '�off•..,e STATE 0 Ifl<I LORIDA kAMOUNT rDFtr r i +a 1 OFFICIEO :PAY 'TRERrr' 4�"r,,r f • l' FOURTEEN—THOUSAND—THREE—HUNDRED & 06/100 DOLLARS f�> �'t, j i ;r, $****14;300.06 I� 1, t't trj,,G•}^}0.04,: s�'1 Il t� 1. f 1 51 a f;f .r 'cr f ii`` y �. i t T �y ( f VI 1 I t .fif i2 51 c.fN,;:•14, i.a . k , { 1SSµ,itLi ` 1 { i�r� f ,%-'f. +u r J r r T ,.. rtlri,}N f"f.t r S �(+c't f r ( ,!', {4 ��`Y 9J -t j i a a t :'( ;{5 t tt r i ?: . f s.1 Jrr +f •t'...s-I SF. rtr �i r s § },.. 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(850) 488-6409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT • 20 $ 2,377.00 - Ft�I-14 1 -Ai'9 125 5C0D00I RJEC D SEP 1 7 20Q 99_ 2,rt- ,a3m 11 - ®d1 —OF . 1;140 DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT I-'. Y '�f}I.I r'+Oi t, l t'9Y44Y%fe}�L Y-s:.1111 ",i4.hk- t'ih. :Yc f✓;%tiV.wt`� a'ni{.N.`W'< Y K hhi f✓C)F f...• V e. .w:%�h.Y .'�lilf%tth' >'M,.N,%A�? •:e;.NtN.P• t..:.t r%ief�Z- I.i ."`' c1' .:tt 's'{1 .,t t11t r,41r•`4h '1"*PA/14 f2i X�£.� .y.c t _ ...::... 1; �" oW_rRS SAMAS ACCOUNT CODEff�'r 't114l'u'.,'DO UMENt'1NO� ' " OBJECT ".DATE WARRANT NO 63-69 Q _` �,e.. i n fat;} u r £ .rS s •. c r 9•( 52-202339047 52500300 00 10992400�r�'rrD10002'34755 7300. . 10/18/00 _0712453 63o I. U1 �-f M C t r; Y r.F,� i c.L a -y/f rl i, t' t t�'4 `I :. .. ;;i 1' 7h IIta�fi r f'i;��'(�k". 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S _ �q,b� KEY WEST FL•3304o rr�:r �l1ely (. -1. f.lviiA7-xtz r it y ,r £ ritr £: f �1lii� r 1jt'iiiyz .' 'j4F tlx t to t, t • COMPTROLLER OF FLORIDA • {. t a.. t t;y1I:c . • I a-. t r t' • £ ` ►la L�,0 ? 1 a 53C13u® i:El63001lV,9lip;ri' °,� j I t' u, STATE OF FLORIDA 4- 33 762 98 = I ICE OF COMPTROLLER REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DEV: SAMAS ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT 52-202339047-52600000-00-10992400 520000 00 _ D1000234764 7300 10/16/00 071245 PAYMENT AMOUNT RECEIVED $ 47'911°98 DO NOT CASH I I I I I191I I9I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e 1I 11 I I1111 I I 11I 1 B l l I e l l l l I l 11 l l l l OCT2 0 •�000 AGENCY DOCUMENT NO MONROE COUNTY BCC v003792 5100 COLLEGE RD WING 2 RM 212 KEY WEST. FL 33040 .COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-6409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS i VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT 20 $ 47,911.98 Fir—I1% L 4 . RECErvE.D SER t 7 26411 ► 5 34.0,900I 99 — 'R 1— a3 11 - 54— 01 — c40 DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT A;fS >w,F.M.YY •a}M t °1-N NT lF fw".N h"f •NM N Yn n h Y Nft NYA\A., i •TY,tN� •N1q s .\i5'h'I�'t T.L�'KFPiq.?Y c pLl►i SAMAS ACCOUNT CODE DOCUMENT.NO s OBJECT' DATE WARRANT NO 63-89 s ': 52 202339047-52600000 00 10992400 D1009234764 r 7300': 10/15/00 0712452 s3o O Nm `n< ,4 f ,cYTr ., yyl'Lji� •r f �Y�r �L f N t 1>ti ;..D AE E 1 MO TF ' 1 ,F STATE ioF',6FLORID 4-,,.�' 1 . - r F,X 3• tf7 ,v, r r s • • • V y: OFFICE iOFh COMP'TROLLER'�`t I' s PLAY . . ,, , xIAIVIOUIVT FORTY—S EVEN—THOUS AND NINE HUNDRED ELEVEN t& 9$/1'00;D0LLARS r{ t $**** 98 4T,9i� i - 3 s , Swt'leI1 � yY z u v ' 5 a s t1 j Jist it �._. } 'x � 10).Islo}*S 1 c{ t v \ 4 { .fi r' �It= I { Y P 7 ; 7r ? t d.,a t x :RTcwv{6Ft yy fc>r ,t�,;l'x r � Utz..,,✓ ( s( s^ r.d{ Y*ScI < )j {:Ri1{ a!�1r ti,VI i}'yf A•N 32'Yfilms v., ':i,at 3:.,Ss tl , cs! r .. tY...' {I n:1• . TO THE i k i,s 'tart r5' _ntct�r*•}�{taf-�c'�4'i„<'' F' "f'r'r} l' 4�t' 1rC i'1 EXPENSE;WAR 7, i .I s f 5 i.:. a,' ' F f c',a,>-,1 lay `,.,.s Y s i v A x RANT. ORDER r?`i v3 , a7 „ a VENDOR ID:NUMBER ,1 ty G4 I •�--" I . I�L IOltt, it i' i • • }T0:'TREASURER 91 .F.LORID {i r t se s e,.,4 I" I F.t-a r;r.f F EI\ •- G•-.•-- .- ' I e 1l I.11I l I I I1,I.I 1I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00110...... ..I I1I I I I ykK r, Y r,tz Y e z TALCAHASSEE MONROE COUNTY BCC :' k sp t I t�2�s1 �t� 5100 COLLEGE RD WING 2 RM 212 .. i1r,: t+ .ri ` fir• KEY WEST .FL 33040 i:'} ' ` - • 1 az ' COMPTROLLER OF FLORIDA Isli 1/-107 1 2L15 20t Il 1:06 3000691 1:u-.",, ...,. IIe1Q 211' 1 ,"`�"' STA E OF FLORIDA 4- 3 3 7 7 2 5 5 iJ a r OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DEV SAMAS ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT 52-202750001-52600000-00-10992400 520000 00 D1000234774 7300 10/17/00 07215! PAYMENT AMOUNT RECEIVED $ 10• 1,118.30 DO NOT CASH • IIIIIIIIIIIllltll'Iti'I111IItellilliiiellI1�tIlltttllhltoi III AGENCY DOCUMENT NO 1 MONROE COUNTY BCC OCT 2 0 2000 V003802 5100 COLLEGE RD WING 2 RM 212 KEY WEST FL 33040 • COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR • PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-8409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT ' 1 19 $ 101,118.30 i _ Fes.. 1249 RECEIVED SEP 1 72auf (.2.5 p9W1 99 - ri �- 11 -,5'4 -01- 040 DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT 1- ISZ•tt.4.s,fS;00,0( 41Z;fANOts04-1Y;'ird741.0,.lY(•WA..t wr IZ;.44+44.+t ilT.OiddilloNs Iil 0410}p. r TY;+W'ngf.k+t lY;.gi4W+.1.1.r;{.1py„+.IS;l+'tt.: t.11.;1'-0..l"..4. Jill .p .lir• i*.+e.T'ii.4-'},g �tr, Z F T ( A 1 Ia#ti,.tt,�, _ ;ra;;f - _ , s,i , {. o 1i,T , -, 4" t� • r M rr 1 • I- .. .i , i 1 lr'h IJY /•• S�3Ac oU •14•11r •h, a ••• • •••{':': o. •f'.`. 1' , '+, E T.° �7A7E1ri I go?�l WIlRRANT'�10 6J 89 ~ ; 52 .202750bU 'szsb0000 0 09924 t.• o�`o:• . O1 �/ool'a. 0721595'Y r . '1 1 r s3o of t:, i Ull .Y:n ' ire¢.3 r,iin �`r, •k.+h yr-SM,e:�l' .2i� I...1rark-Ol...K.• r ' .' 1111,. M'_� t`r. 41, t:.St :., ...P.!:1V. Cl/1yy♦ t tMtir r� li •,• '•'I � �'S't1.1 -)j1..r j •,. ., .OAIDA s1 •,.: In• f•/!'t,8t. ,•� .* ; ri .. .r� O(j(D F t �A 1 `'! ... :J 4•rtd, ,�T)ICIi ; ,.t,,:{;,,,j!fjY{A{ K: '-..,Fr`f •� r r i..•'R i • ���,,, i,lc r .11..inrtyt��,^... i:•I lfn iia.: 4 4+ r `, 6'. 0 D 1 �O-- r r t .''1, '.+ ,° h -;t'13;1.+i'S t.z 4` ., ,• 1,. v� :0 YOri P ,al• D• Vf�te-ir.rr i 4; .of, j , {11 ,J i i. 'r fiN� t• 1!-. / •1'}f 11 �j. ' r• rr. J:•i r v �e ,/ F f th Ao rjlt / r li)r• i .�.• . i ®/� at �. ��>` trIR •�t4r t•S •/. r �t v11L.•• / • rF. �[ Ir�� !t lr�t� 1 t !�1=� 1,." �: f-/"!� r i Sates¢'��, it Jn' ..f tf,u� • o d ®��1 , E e 1bpA��y-k�,y .• . • 3t+ 1 Y .' s t I ' t 4t{{-'.":µµ ' Q3 • r�A:.or.i�t. `-ijc`a�tbJ'�a ;r • t 1` AiVIOUNT ,•- '7 .*-i . ... :� �,_ '!...,':•I,114 (i,Ft ,+1�5'�,;:.•t Alt 1.stfi ' •4•1DAt` .4 ,ey f 4. trL J[ ' 11 ONE-HUNDRE8 ONE~ TH011SAIb. 0 E IU ND �' ti � fk e i o r t� • -�-f Ji #' >' ° { s �a t Q,. x, N RE-Q� Ti. Ib '� t r / J� t, +t S,d r T �� W.•,!: y'1¢irit. .1ri•Mr ;<;F r F, r r .-,ot. i .sV..„ . ..} k •', k;.•K i ! . Q' •, ` :. / Y iii4 , ...4v �, �. r� 'L ..r.iy 4 ' ;•.;,N1 �ri:•'• •A:--STM Ottt.1.1fRr)�`1!•',8pil'i .' � 5 ..i,A ,r�i 1',�, •.•••„ t..)`: •(' t•. n}•'r ,,},,L,,:.:,.,,ti„ .,,=,,111,.k. ,•'••.,�I�• FL i,f' TE.00FtFLOIVL,.:,, �•ilT'4'_�1 1 •' .1�}`.:Bf L. ,.Co"rtT,•4Z°(t #....1 ' ry. g; S. .4rc, . itz'QI.Y :4 ;F ! IAtartin bk11UQ,STATE•OF-FLO NUA.,,,etAtE Q? .i, 1 A+7'* •i .('. , ..,•r. 'lo• ... TOTH�i Ik t �t/-� tii Yi`��t r 'tp,�ly`q<tip"' ` ,l/i: '' L 7^ A ioFF LbaioA SVArg•Cfp.'f�r dttt t sp: ACitg.F GI. 1 tr' li ;i zr. •~�VI1 t ,:ORDER•. ��'.�i t rr,. r r r l iTit :. : ' tifrAt r dA1nA),,STATE oF,:FLO ItsA y�� .•r• Le. rkr 1 • t atv ] '! Ft �j�+ �{(It` o L w s ei �{h 't11 ! pr •1 OP: S'6 lit!;:1r la•173,'.T..G :S 01 i' V, ,pxot Vr-tLVQNY,i,ot/IT4_V0 j 1�'' I,,,.,'` -AB/ j. f' '-, t '� 4',"� :1:i'�1 ; zf •'t%,a�ai, 1`�'il,',4 �i ."Z .. h A tartar.. ,r'NbA It .,.: ' , *I.�: • -Q1<_P '''.'A 1 VP .;i1 fr li t if:r'.1, I'. O •Ftd/i!tfA A.VITA • .it'.'t'• ' "'v; , h ' 1 I r. 1 t.. rtA1.1 ...., EE'. ittiio„ 1'11' �►tiyIJi vti,ii ii1 rr I NI • Ke v ° •, .E ; ,• �' .,,. t" :. s- t . r e . tllftgt I'J� .� MUNRUEA C! ... ., (,4 ,.— � P • .�.442 ',6 ,i t' r / 06141 :;, il:i7kk . . 5100;?,SOL°LEGE�,�2U W,1 G 4 y .1 t C? d f Oh'o.i ` 'r;{. I a:• ' 1 KEY ST�.4FL1330140 x, 1 ' iF %,AlE`: N• 3•.'�tt���; •f srn orti c 1 •• ;; --e 1.,-1 ry.=4 mi Tr,l . r1c •° �� F1.d� Y • ,•i:7, 4 �.�G� stet F rr ID - t''t ,. �ilk �� M`�f .� i!"r. i+i ' it tr '�c r • LLEROFFI.ORIDA{ (1! F �r J 7 tt�V t rE to 7 i• rl i 1461. tf�j'�r ..,f.' r. s• 1 ! ,. , to( )Y.1'T1 �} P "f • N!r .(, gar. H � ( F.: f { 1,. t..' �, ; e1.i'. '1'-}Si-'f. 4:.,,,1� •�e� .d�r.. :�Lr r.:. 4 r,,t .1i.1'•.( • rry".t.• . •'_ ..:.,i!,' t }� a i Jo7r;4 '. n® 1,l 1i ? `1 '5.9. '1 I `i`.n r 9 n pi rill i l:�,i, �, i',If ,rt'f a,�II:rj R 1�+ 1,...; I(t 1 t°� STA7, OF -FLORIDA :.'• 4- 3 4 0 4 5 4 OFF. ..E OF COMPTROLLER ,, r • REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DI SAMAS ACCOUNT CODE OL0 SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYME • 52-202339047-52600000-00-10992600 520000 00 D1000317648 7300 11/20/00 0949 PAYMENT AMOUNT $ 289,688.00 DO NOT CASE ISSIIIIIIIIII11111 I I I I I I I I I 1111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I11I,11I1I AGENCY DOCUMENT Ni BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS V005087 OF MONROE COUNTY . 5100 COLLEGE RD KEY WEST FL 33040 R CEI�rr'Li SEP 1 72( PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-8409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS • VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT • 6 $ 2E19,688.00 • . t. ' . F MiA• 1259 • n. i2S 56,43001 • • 99-vr -USmIIp54-ol- Wl DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT ^1k.VZrcP• . wY1.IEZ7:r.::.:rsttfreniS4f.^Artilla T'7:RLLliRL'77.4:1YiYVISZ='AR,C3artili-p.r'P ertinr`naill1J4.111 :i9.R'MirtirEMETZIO elliMR'MR3iVVIIM NnraP.S rVIR °71=111TYQ^A4{vflS]'SY2 ..,1:R'..iP • _• SAMAS-ACCOUNT CODE . q• .e i N}s1!DOCUMENT N0 OBJECT t DATE WARRANT NO 63-69 rQ °L • o�� 52 202339047 52600000=00 10992600:•'' D1000317048 �`r 7300 11/20/00 0949433 630 tf °°! _� � i 11.v11 .r:, • VOID,AFTER 12 MONTH �` STA'�E''!O]F'f�]F �RIDA. 4� 3 41 0 4•5 4 H y� OFFICE:OFI iC(OMPTROLLER I x "1 e `/w' •' I,N 9 ,Ay ` 1`^ k.oi ‘IE i+, rigy i :44,3Y.?T_0t,-• F:, i `�1� '/�I Y I O V I Y TWO-HUNDRED-EIGHTY NINE THOUSAND SIXHUNDRED E-IGHTY ((EIGHT & 00/100. DOLLARS t***289,688.1 , r . `7 s - '' �'f 11i4 Nt f r 4y klAti 1 H i f • ..—*t t , .nr.fir 7 - l i,r 1� t i s s s r Yq".,: .' '{j F . Y i }' , d"' .t 1 X u • I. .: .~~` ,..: + ,� ;:q4'j2a ar �1 1#+.'-rlii tt4�fli .:.. 1* r tz t 1,.a:;:41., fJ i ••L�' i 't~'j,"�iti t� t t.' _� . e-t5 a�`?t9r :St`1� ' rI s4St $'5..� F. " ,r1 �; 5 ` 31 of t TO.THE • c s .2 fir' e t t I n 7,N. r1 _ to et.1 1 tJ h 711).V. ° z � 1 EXPENSE 6WRItRy'P ORDER'.-:', -tiA 3t } 1�t. � rk ' l3a s� t4�s`� <!�*�' G VENDOR ID NUMBER v ':h"I S quiut }E� fr . r{ „. , } ,,,,.�f� i,,, i•,,,,As 'e e vi ,3 �t TOa RED SURER OF,II C ICI T 7.is :i 1 •111.. r'L rill rn /){k1`e'L1� „rrJtf ri "1 t I.1 ��/J.�1 ! r�r t r r it ��{ 5 1 7 ? el.a,._ ;� f :__ :TALLAHASSE.E .. e' I III 1111111111111I III IIi, .1 11IlII1IB M!I11I 11II 1111 1111 111I1/g1 u� , t e.- e..- I: •BOA_RD :OF .COUNTY :COMMI SS I ONERS1c.o jA.G u1:214i, 7A't,: ,r nl , ) ,, h t 0F' MONROE COUNTY' ' t e { z fi"Rtti� i: ,�.�t } '• •— �I `^ sAlta�r+ . li . ' 5100 'COLLEGE RD 1A'yr { s, t� KEY WEST'FL • r 's, ,nf : :.' fil'aE.V ,ti ', 33040 `eF I, 3u , �{r v , `COMPTROLLER OF FLORIDA Ki. • �I, i•f {tt;J O fit . 1 I. II• L40949Ls33061I' ';®630006A41;'{I;`,'. , f. : .Iii4'2u•. ST, TE OF FLORIDA 4- 3 4 045 4 1 ..„--- G. . ICE OF COMPTROLLER • • REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DE' SAMAS ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMEN 52-202750001-52600300-00-10992600 520000 00 D1000317659 7300 11/20/00 09494 PAYMENT AMOUNT $ 236,951.00 --, • DO NOT CASH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/11681111i11 , AGENCY DOCUMENT NO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS v005098 OF MONROE COUNTY 5100 COLLEGE RD KEY WEST FL 33040 PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-8409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT.INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT p, ..cc4i 5 $ 235,951.00 AO.' 44 • P0,, fro,, c/ile • Fr-i„e „- 125 9 - , -70, - ., i 9.5 5 co 9 CDC) 1 . • RECEIVED r-D,.,L..I 1 7 zoo( 99.. (at-1 6401, - 11 -54- 01 -001 DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT rriXrst, . V./,:..„ 1.''''•' .'.'. . .”.i),4re, .4 ,„f•,--.3,0,..r.. 321i). W. . -•.•a §0tbPiASS94NTCODE titoo91 ,, ,9V gc - AT W ARR-A-N ,.NO 63-69 630 ' ' ,i1E-11:9N0\\ •- ',•..52"7., es27ti:yobfiltloixisdoo'4iiorip.' oi6667, 1411666i d -v 1'-17-59.AtA300 .-A1426/09 F.,:1 so94p444. - : . .z• UM S,.. - '-:.! .,--.-.•.'-; . 1:4!gliA7P:q..-50. ,11-ht,-W-,Ki, ".fP.e,KitYet , , .-P:-;-:.3•:!.:•;'. ',1•::-'.'..•••- • :--tj,';'" • -1'12 MOUTHS 1 I. 8 pr47,„ RI ,., Li-'..1;T-:-i...' ::-.,',:.;:' ,..*',•,;.u.,3'. - r:;...,Alf1:1,-.:,:p:roi.;,:taltry.:41{.1,q ;pV15.0,f.11,z.,,,,.. .i. .',--.:,,::. :.;. • .V91!.1A144r .,.:.. ?;,•?..yr,'OElz!ifp:;;`,!A!thrii--Afriv• ii.• i ;lowly' 'I'li:• 'V..;. 4 .3. ,:.-;.,.L...i., -,!,/.Y.,,ti,,,,,..,.,...t.61,-6,...,..., 41,,:, 4:,..i k _ ,,...% ,,,,,! ..,.i.,14,,,,l,k'(4,,,i 11.- :,'..•_ ..:',, . ..,,-,,,.,,-•,,-,,,,,„--.: ' 191:145 ;.'::41...1. .: • ti.ilt!..,7-, w,. ,,...r,- -•,;1, -.?. ci.,„„- T .0 .LEtir,f. „4.,:kN,i.,;.4:,i,„..;::: ,Igl,'e •, . E. PAY'.."1-'-'1.•'.' Sti;7•:, ' •:1's,-:-';':''',,.1,;•.:4't,:i.,;:%1114.1r.rYv,IT:11.k94!e...i.' -Nov P . 1 •,ri..- -• .._ , ,,:... 1 !AMOUNT ,-,.. " • ..,-i• ..,,.",-.-t,, le,-2.,-.,4:4,, 74...v•. . ... ,ri ,,, . _!..,. j • , - • :.:• . ! .. ik et.., ... . •'. , ,'''' - ',.'' tVE Sill' . V.v • - '1‘, ..-S,--,i. ...,::-.,-,. _I:V.i;,f it p‘,.„,..,,•;,,., ,, TWO—HUNDREDtTlfIRTYS'l keTHOUt111\114, Nifl E',i4H UN II E 1 7FA4..,..i. 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'. al o 1 Et,I: U la ti� `1 � .1 tee:, 3r, 1114 5 40 9 .�� - �., fllAtt r.,„. i• • 1,6ffilig qv'''', •--* q f :., rFti }:.�,, :.,,{ r/ °:�� `sir ..•. k h'tP. _d , ', t�- OF ; Ea� � ° ► �° - •.- w. ��; ,,,MOUNT r 11 i, ' �f�f 4 •�•.,: • -,.,i'f T ,'• o f r Ti • �hfl S`tAtf l7 FL J$�1 t '1!,;-- �i fsi yeti!ro A t r P� O4F'f !,. , 01 re,,`D. ' 0 -1 .6om r'�All 1 k0,e0 {� I ` ,I ill . ", A �" 44'•, ,,�2<00;. 1 Df ltik _.,�,,},rlt , i. Q ,,.� 1 '%'� t- . ' , 'i J-Ltii iti 'SPi F'FE. l ,A_ .,� F r r ,:; :.. 1•"(t . tk y? .( t4t.; r ".�nr-.--st4:' .. c.'S ltb } 1L, F" 1 iViii �5 AI-2,.'0 -it441*Ati ° % pp.^ . 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(•'• 11 } 1 (r n ry.{s t'«e r r ,fir tllJ1 a- Y11 � �� Ir.• /. f' 1• 1� + ' ifs _ - �' j �4 .r .. ,OF MAN�2Q fOIj..1.-;, "• •• t',r:• O " A:.;;,4, ... • �'® ., ,_. ,11 'KEY 1N,E5c1.'`yFlr 04f0:may, r f ttJ i •.C1`�dl FL{S' y bq_1, ,�j {/r J jIlia)LLER}OF.FLORIDA .I 5 rt ., .l ,-Y:' '�;( 1.-- • d_-,}4. r • .�ri"r +WW��''•(((tt •'`I }j' e-t if.V,ASl. • v)d FL • L' Yr �F¢ 'j l RJ rk t�41r. 2 I . r 1ji 1 ( Y1.ire)r •'; 1fI �rq�, . }IW.�1'• • . 1 a [t r .1 ! li .,zl �i ,,F. �'(.2,ie��T tj(i4,ir . • r rl ,f-a• ig.''' .rl of i•t r i,' i• �f(A•f 1 t 9.Y{ T r "ii'i I..(]9.4 9 L!':: H(l 0II'.� .. •1 11,• n q�1 � ' . '. 'II.,' i 4ILII1; I�II1.t t� ..'i • '13 STATE OF FLORIDA . 4® 3 4 0 4 5 4 0 7 0 CE OF COMPTROLLER r • • REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DEVICE + I SAMAS ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT NO i_ 52-202339047-52600300-00-10992600 _ 520000 00 D1000317652 7300 - 11/20/00 • 0949437 PAYMENT AMOUNT $ 38,972.00 • DO NOT CASH I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I1 i 1 AGENCY DOCUMENT NO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS V005091 OF MONROE COUNTY 5100 COLLEGE RD KEY WEST FL 33040 -- PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (650) 486-B409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US NUMBERS AMOUNT • — 1 7 2OO{I 6 $ 38,972.00 Far I g.59 ` r A. - • dO C ' c® am P 99- arlP Gvg II, ®54 - o4. - 00I DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT • rr _ xx•• . ..wras.. :x ,r . •sa. • > . :ate_ . �..•¢.q. ti e p-.., t -M1 I jX S iC t`S H s= - l..w ,1 ,4 K,'' { SAMAS`gCCOUNTI CODE _' ry=+/}I _ DOJAEf17 NO , OBJECT DATE WARRANT NO 63-69 • rv. oQK.,4ff--0 i • 52-_202339O%l 52600300,004}1<b9926OH0`: liag _,3 176652 4 '7300?Y 'l11/20/00. 0949437° °3° • .}�'' ,1 }j`�# y ci-1i 4 ial i•' f4 l ,.,, a VOID"AFTER 12 MONTHS ,�v 1 . r d „1' i, _ '_sr ll �";'fl.' tf-.iir f r'1 +: t t .„ • �itr r {" =� 4 s /� fa � r( �,ry 4®:.34 45 . 407 T � # ° i}--4� ,, ak W. Tµ ., d ,• DA. �f i It(isa7r e ! ® t` It, ', OFFICE; O,. COM. ' AM OILER 1 �`� xl ) \' ' I iA. . _ �/IOIJNT - PAY' - ,'1 t ci. 1 syh �� 'It�lk F+ r�1.1� ax'b y pt v tfrn . d�, I <a. f�r }y(.Irt I IT.I.IrS' •I°(� `fer �Z'' �a ^t i,;.,d Y {. `THIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND NINE'>HUNDRtED',S V. N 1"' "t0oV•100 601,LARS�$�` �I,i.,z {4f '�* 6,972,00 f - y it ,4 "'Piirre #_. t r r :t.!. i ; ..lc r.v., . • s { i t `f r t l _p tf, y=- ISSP,,,,,i„,, f ,y �: 5-, °�l'cs'i •rt, ,- >a`ti!: .Ir 47, ,1N,• •htf . . ,I ;111 tt(..oel ri fr:Ir'ilh fh i P• .5�_4.;1t�. ,:iP 1X � i. f,i4;. Aa ! a A l y 7 t t r L Nit ? I ..(•,sue#" L4 4 ': SI4 !.,. _ ->< . ttli. t t4 Ir g tl SS,f ywr .-. . =vim.. _ 4. / ',z -. } 7' ' (tit s STA p.�Y�+�' yr.i , { t=�t b,S i r!S,t- - - S I i7- fl a 6t {' •Q.a .7 f.y��l'cy1 5+ t'1 t It Y !��il.� ... I• 'SA •.!'•. L,�(�,f:•�,�{j�'���`i�. yCF �'' q( ifr�'`y���� .+.+:....f.�c.-J{ rfi`7.1 i a�;i,. M1'f d72 {=x♦ip rdj ,, 7 . T' TM 0 C)Y Ci•?l At 1 I.c'tV R • E A+ �•• ti ( # !1 t Q F f • / P ! C i # q0 THE ciiy I ri)it-.rsc '9,H P ' i 1• ? _ e t?rfr ''''OR tJ k rd 4� � -" ORDER: -� Y !i., 1,,1r - , :•f. .r . r ,. al 40. GNU B.R.'° �t 4, i'; ' x•n t t 'r� - I F.* I. ..•S,.d :>; ,,, VE,te: 10,., ` - '_ OF:' >< is i i , ,e ( -It"{ r �I f*. .- a e� r� c, t 'Io r�I q # DA .;+ti- {Isti.d .,. 9 'a" (a Cr.( ,:41,11`` 5,-ytt .{rj.r;.Sf t.c•i'At ,,i _. { i.' p1 S11 ERAOFkF'•, .,- a, .1'i .r. � ,r {y�'ri;�gy ;?i� •1.��' � F?t i i!r 1 ry {1 A+t 1 .��a.0$f... I.,:x1!. � T 'i11 . . ,-a„{,v,y,lt'V.,: # 1,.,,t't y:; f i/ i ';. 'kii i 4 �... e I y:S�4 l' t - l:Acl y .:'.� gEE- - ' I I'� + #S ? r e a Ir^ C }` N la ' s�t �t xi .TALj;AH�13SEE II II II I 'IIII I I I1'I II[ 1,II rII'a,. 11i 4 4 ' .V ,{ 4,,-' , . . II IIe 1 IIII Ie oil! II ii AIII }1 II III I f ',t,ti." ( r. a. t •• rt !M;_ +. p,..�..ha• f114 n Vi ."' • nk" y�'Z'. ti • - BOARD 'OF COUNTY C•OMMISS�ONERS=1s, ,�G i,i %e 4 .V`•I3':, r OF .MONROE'::COUNTY : • ; * '-',--- ,I t `� it' yt n1 5100 COI-LEGETRD R �q �` I"n f't'' ,T, . kit .: c L 5,e4Virl V.!. �ti✓a . KEY WEST FL 3304Q I. { I , ,, J it I�f s t II J 5 ,1t!{ i s, �'la,� i �r}.�q►3 �1� =I C¢MP'tROLLER OF FLORIDA • { i i IV, !• r i' .t kr,V ���ti 7i •t • 1 F t , I i . Y rs..� �,.jars =}TgU C-s t yir#ti-I; I:{�t�t;••,:1 t �,1S i 71f1 i• iI'1 I;'vi'L SI ,i1ifP !'hii.041a 4t s . :. ( t I u■ L(A094943kr?a.Dili:... e®06"30.00: :9.4P <<4i�l'�; 1, SY11 I(.�:21I -_ : STD " E OF FLORIDA, 4- 3 4 5 0 7 0 8 :'., OF YV;'F OF COMPTROLLER . • REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DEVICE . FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT NO 52-202750001-52600300-00-10353500 520000 00 D1000452957 7300 01/24/01 _ 1360871 PAYMENT AMOUNT $ 151,990.00 DO NOT CASH IIIIIII IIIlleeell1IllllnI_11_11IIIII,IIIIIellleeelllleeellol iiP:4-/1^ AGENCY DOCUMENT NO 1 MONROE COUNTY V I`� //�, V007124 5100 COLLEGE RD FF� /Ye® STOCK ISLAND FL 33040 U pl//Q�' 2 BOO/ - `5/� •V ' LEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-6409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE • NUMBER AMOUNT #1 $ 151,990.00 RECEIVED sEp 5, t'Ie i I �,�i ;®1.1 1 7 Z001 L 5 'AGOI 95-0P- 2rl-11-54 -OI - Go3 DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPDSITING THE WARRANT Fiis FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE SWDN Iu t ` ADN OBJECT DATE WARRANT NO 63-69 fir,. 52-202750001-52600300-00-10353500 ' .D9000452957 V007.124 7300 01/24/01 1360871 B3a r - ;.-1.'., OLD 520000 SITE 00• CONTACT.(550_) .;488-6409�Fop'PAYMENT QUESTIONS TX AFTER 12 MONTHS ,' ' ;..°,;7 STATE OF £FLORIDA - 4- 3 4 5 0 7 0 8 3 PAY • OFFICE`..OF'.COMPTROLLER` :,;.: - AMOUNT ONE®HUNDRED-FIFTY-ONE-THOUSAND-NINE-HUNDRED-NINE`TY; &' 00/_10® DOLLARS $***151,990.00 -__ a , i TO THE • - • EXPENSE WARRANT ORDER t, Z:,..;;>, -.: OF: VENDOR ID NUMBER . "'` TO: TREASURER OF FLORIDA • — TALLAHASSEE IIIIIItSIIeIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIolosIllIIIIlIIIIIII!IIIlelleellel MONROE COUNTY t�` i 5 5100 COLLEGE RD "' , STOCK ISLAND FL 33040 • COMPTROLLER OF FLORIDA • III L4L36087L0411' ':0630006941: .." RRh.211® STATE OF FLORIDA 4-0 0 8 3 6 0 8 2 'FILE OF COMPTROLLER REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DEVICE ° FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT NO 52-202339047-52600300-00-10992400 520000 00 D1000777320 7300 06/18/01 2331704 PAYMENT AMOUNT $ 375.00 DO NOT CASH 111111111111111 I I l 111 l 1 e 1111111 i l l l l l l$l 1 l e l 111111111 1111 • AGENCY DOCUMENT NO MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM V012361 MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM ATTN: GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR 5100 COLLEGE RDI 'RM 211 KEY WEST FL 33040 �- PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-6409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE • NUMBER AMOUNT 22 $ 375.00 1 �5 3Ci'9001 99 �- c25-1- a.3 - I 1 - 5� - 01 - 04.0 DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE - SWDN ADN OBJECT DATE WARRANT NO 63-69 I �a1Ee 52-202339047-52600300-00-10992400 D1000777320 V012361 7300 06/18/01 2331T04 63o '3e_ OLO 520000 SITE 00 CONTACT (850) 488-6409 FOR PAYMENT QUESTIONS �;�� � VOID AFTER 12 MONTHS ° eo„ STATE OF FLORIDA 4-0 0 8 3 6 0 8 2 . I ��� �OF F4�C. PAY OFFICE OFF COMPTROLLER AMOUNT THREE—HUNDRED—SEVENTY—FIVE & 00/100 DOLLARS $*******375.00 TO THE .' - • EXPENSE WARRANT ORDER • VENDOR ID NUMBER OF: TO: TREASURER OF FLORIDA 1a TALLAHASSEE 11IIII1lIII11111111II11IIiIIII1III11111IIII18II111I1111111111 s MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM -4119-,ten MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM A�u'�J^'.1�y„' ATTN: GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR 5100 COLLEGE RD: RM 211 COMPTROLLER OF FLORIDA KEY WEST FL 33040 Ile its 233L7040710 ':063000691o: II't, 211' ----- STA' J OF FLORIDA 4-00 872 896 — OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER I REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS- IS NOT A PAYMENT DEVICE FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT NO 52-202750001-52600300-00-10992400 520000 00 D1000777281 7300 06/21/01 2367621 PAYMENT AMOUNT------- $ 2,321.94 DO NOT CASH j tlll 11IIII II It11 111 11 111 IIIIt1111I I AGENCY DOCUMENT NO MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM V012322 — MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM - ATTN: GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR 5100 COLLEGE RD: RM 211 . • KEY WEST FL 33040 PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-6409. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT 21 $ 2321.94 RPM/ 10-49 RECEIVED SEP 1 72004 i 05 360900 1 99 - P-rt m,23- 1 1- . 4- 01 - 04-® DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT •,,,v-.:i-...-sr i..74zl::WIN 7L C.;;i:r:.'...A.-TA�i C5..V-555,��F i.:3".:r:2 -,:•.L i.-Q,-.7,,,C3w:::Y'ii fr.4 YJ,;5.549 i�Y..7,7 ,v,,:VW- Q:S:AL'P.:o:Oi.0 Q:yFA^,Ills•..-..T•. ..-tr5Z.JO 411�.:.1C.:4:7:::.9i:F4.:-..--,,':7'.::."', • ,L aoiri ER. FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE ' `'' ' SWDN ADN OBJECT DATE WARRANT NO 63-69 ' 1 .' 62-202750001 '52600300-00-10992400 •D1000777281 V012322 7300 06/21/01 2367621 8-1 ) I s'<- s-P) OLO 520000 SITE 00 CONTACT (860)',488-6409 FOR PAYMENT QUESTIONS VOID AFTER 12 MONTHS �; h'` "�," .STATE:,OF FLORIDA 4-00 872 896 A in I:: PAYOFFICE OF,;COMPTROLLER AMOUNT �N , TWO—THOUSAND—THREE HUNDRED-TWENTY ONE & 94/100DOLLARS $*****2,321,94 I: �' I I t i EXPENSE'WARRANT ! TO THE _ � I; ORDER r VENDOR ID NUMBER OF: TO. TREASURER.OF. FLORIDAFLORIDAI'i TALLAHASSEE j IIIII a IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111 a I111111111ILt1I1 n 1to1Iel 11 MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM • j MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM Cy Usi (�tw. !, - ATTN: GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR ` 11 5100 COLLEGE RDI RM 211 COMPTROLLER OF FLORIDA KEY WEST FL 33040 II° L4 23676210 LII° 1:06300069to:,a'. 064 211• . S'1'A' E Ul{' . 1'LU1tIDA 4- 01 16 2 - 9 5 OG .E OF COMPTROLLER j• e i;E MITTANCE ADVICE as IS NOT A PAYMENT DEVIC • FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT N 52-202750001-52600300-00-10992400 520000 00 D2000050974 7300 08/01/01 0164957 PAYMENT AMOUNT $ 58,919.00 DO NOT CASH IeeIIeleIlelI III'I11IIIeeee�ee�eelleelelllllla1Iee1II II,, AGENCY DOCUMENT NO MONROE COUNTY ^ J V000764 PUBLIC SERVICE BLDG /1� F/// / 5100 COLLEGE t/� KEY WEST FL 3303040 6 1 PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-6409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT 2 $ 58,919.00 I o5 - 3L0 9o01 RECEIVED SEP 1 7 ZOO • 99 - Q.r1-o5- 1i - t54 -of - ac9 • DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING OR DEPOSITING THE WARRANT '.r`,-r '^'; FLAIRNCCOUNTS:CODE'L;P.P.11►,Y'�x.`�i�,j.gtf;SWDN i I ADN'-•'-, t .OBJECT, ;-. DATE WARRANT NO 63-69 • ' Q�egs, 52 202750001 52600300-00 ‘10992400 ,I$D2000050974II trrV000764 ` i 7300 t 108/01/01 ,-0164957 • 630- I• e ' , . ,�1 y' {,1 t r t' S. y Ol0 520000 b SITE 00 ;i? CONTACT��.85O 488 6409 FOR I'�1YMENT•QUESTIONS ''t' •• VOID`AFTER'12 MONTHS :1� 1 f 5 �!--�rl+ fxF�S; fl nr.r,�r ,.. 1�. '' 9n I lm,:t,:7;,: , +=1 ,`` a';; irt1 ''j , .7 tdr5`�•�IA' •yp•1f s.D FLORIDAi 4. O eL'�. ,16.2 9 5 5 •• fop 0. • • 11 { 7fr 1.4 y 1. t-f.S f•I5y ..4.^ ,,7"'!+ J t..{?-r. ,Ir•( tr{ 1< 1r f ,• t•- . . SAY'W Sri .4 ,7L 7;,t� a a f ,`• `i4!..�IO •FICE O COMPTROLLER#f4:1 + + , ,x. , • "� �jY- • {, r ! I,AMOUNT ,1, ;r Ir j.a• r ..t,,ic f 1. l:ti .?tiV4H -I , , .. yP A F 1 f c .,, •!. , , 1 t �{{ f r I.tr4..f I t F ? d 7 -�- I L., t liLf rl r r# r { f Y 1 t _ .. , � : -rI , ••,rl� u�/ 7• {��.�1.'�,tt. V ri.� )t'd. x _ s + i,+-t • FIFTY—EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED N 11ETEE ' 00/1100aIrDOLL:ARS' + , $****58,919 00 . !-,l)t ie 7' (( i.r IS7 11.14 1 t`4}'pi ,I 1:I' "Sr '!h,,w 1.t 7 t r 1 - r I...i i) f t i•1 11 C y , / '_ �• i :i ` t, 7 7 r v i x e x-x r 4 9, fr {�}� Ir 4�747 rtY R '} !i R{i;Z i t f ,,a • }_ 1 j :C•.1' 'I`e 7 1 r .. 7 x :•k r +It,,l' I;,/ r , , i - r -.. .x'. �' 7' 1 1. ' .f � � '^1 1,,,,1,� ) t�,i}�k- 4j- 'xtf A 1 ! t• i r t t F . 7�. , /. -.I, a .x `i )# I ,t•+ 1eij Jd,rrr I_r ti C�F7 }t 1 r ' x,Syr . J x r 1A,.t 1. �'f•f. it snt l i )r. r. �•+ r, E,�.of W- .i+ .4fii1 7� .1,p t1 {Ir�.,t'1. ( I f , .TO•THE'',`,r �,,1 e}1 `..a,-':1i-rl'"q{{11,-z't df•l f'r r rill, J.'• .•+fi r r • eft!• dJt�}s••-.'1 r !`',;;,''t.-• ;J EXPE;1'4 i 7WARRANTi-. ORDER i I t <t t �,7�,.�, �,++ �: +t ,�11 I - r 'six. ✓.• 1 t, -, , •� 1 r);.: ! t r rn'rttw-.�. r4g tl4j ,g(y+S',VENDOR iD.NUMBER s I ,.4, -•OF :a ,t 4S t -!:fr.,� ) f+ a'.1.! x n�J'rq ;i:1f'try , r I ` ',In'.f P3:7' r•j vi t�. '!.: '; '.lfe, 9 t,:'':4xg7i'I:`ii;.-4 l'c 1ef!—� +f.'.04.t 9 ;r34sr. r,. •1 l TO ',TREASURER OF,FLOR,D/ { 1,4 1. f. ' 17' f•''). I': J`-:•/; .I-j1, a :{ /,1 1 ; '• ; ,; r 11p Ii .2.r + 1 7h;•y; ({ 'f..7::•-�k At Y I -3 •• 4 ✓) r ,eF l,v, f•t4 ! I'!C ,ti j; _ , � - ;; `, '1'�'' � '�;. �r`4' �t� 71,, ( tf ; TALLAHASSEE I I,1lI111U1II111ll11III11i1111I1,III111III,I,IIIIIIII,111Illll• „4- ' 11ix,ffr ! , '• • I MONROE.+..;COUNTY FK r:— 0 f r a ' ' 4i ,f.yk(,'I re ,°-, ti tfi� +,f! �! f IS 1 ' r >A• r PUBL'I,C=:SEI2V I CE"!BLDG rr` i ra,,44 i 1-,f; "+1'`4 :1 ',,,61 ?i'�F11i 1 44t at i\ �4t++ • ' . 510• 0';COL'L'EG E RD' i "''` ( + + t'cr ` {i. , t t t:-FiVN:* i ° •• ' KEY WEST F.L. 33040 • (( •,I• f! f t t y 7 i I r COMPTROLLER OF FLORIDA • _� .i 1;,+ I Y 3 n�ia��f1,�'+rM 4f11G �i;+�rll•14x�4x•"ti�.gt11ft1 t+S '' i 7t ;:::1.:.‘ • , f ':� { `liiii{'�r{I f.atfG•JI+.I(fo ,llT.i�.�4 11-1,:4�alit 'l. _ t ) , I::.. ..h ■' fl t ,1:•� a e:tf a ','xr'b 'i . al< �:•f -+ .. •um 240 a,6495.70711' 1 :0,61.•0 0.6,94'1.=�1 p1..,1r ``1` :`r^ ,11®'4�2II, 1a • • 1.' 7l�, !�: 1 1 •4'I-{' f ilr IS t" Fr art•, ! r$ % i(L,/s{ I/ x 'i.....1'1 f) 1 t; ��,I.,a!e ,1 V::.,•rf�l?x.l d,e `` •G I�, d � € � 9 � �. , •, 1.. . STATE OF FLORIDA. 4- 01 221 9 2 `. /'I. OFFICE OF COMP11 'AI REMITTANCE ADvICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DEVI FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT 52-202339047-52600300-00-10208200 520000 00 D2000071981 7300 08 10 01 022287 PAYMENT AMOUNT $ 83,997.26 DO NOT CASH LeIIeeiIIIIIIIsillellIeeeeIIIIIIIluee,IIIIIeeIIeeell,IIIIIIII AGENCY DOCUMENT NO MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM - I V001067 MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM ATTN: GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR - 5100 COLLEGE RDA RM 211 KEY WEST FL 33040 PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-B4090 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR.DBF.STATE.FL.US INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT • 1 2 $ 83.997.28 I--C N l3®c,9 RECEIVED SEE 1 7 zoitut - lP5 ® 3C.o9001 OD- hr'1 — ‘nl* — II — 5di ® 01 - 11(3 DETACH CAREFULLY AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING JF) DEPOSITING THE WARRANT -FLAIR.ACCOUNT'.CODEiri..-'''' • e t •"F $Wp i ^�r$' '',e Digl OBJECT 1 DATE"' WARRANT NO 83-69 ' f�a`:__.'Ir. - 52m202339047752800300.�00-.10208200 D2000 7`198�1 �31�f001OO7i `` .7300, 08/10/01 0222870 630 l F • 8 r PP 7;0.8 r t r r, 1 ) • OLO 520000. -SITE '00;''.;3• CONTA•CT;(h850 I 88r8409..Fo }PAAi ENT QUESTIONS fi;l : V ID'AF E 1 MO TI of FLUQ t , !!�! Sl7C�'JI:A:J` d'!• , .L"J,o:Rm1 1 r '4-.0 '• ,.,.. • .r , F cl ,{ x i,, w. ,, al d. :!� Icat r+.a• i lit!I 1 I ,, •'.- ® err�1 ®FPtcg of co P o, i. 'r, ,:.� 1 f;i I'TAMOUNT � ,: 4._,�.J Y'V.,.• k. Yip-,t..l'..t.•..:.._ . N E I GHTY-THREE-THOUSAND-N I NE-HUNDRED NI NEV- S Wb�1.26/O &-DOLLARS r $ 33 "99,7.26 r ,�,��. t c.1+. flr� Mt { �t. �41.i lu+ ilY sj ,rl c ,,t ;i.`x (��h' • (+0 ari ( 1• •• ";`". • [1-t r?�7 r'l .• :'..°c,; lr � 1 .-1':'-'1.- r`, - "4,+�';1r=1..1•,, _'�;11.40�r .. -1',t!17.7 9•ki'�y+t n° • *c.;;3 i't•1� 'ter sv�-a: • •i,ati.. +; .,'�a.• , ..' 1 ¢ �jF rg r, 1 u 1 fit3 EXPENSE WARRAP(T TO THE l f ` 1 V l i `�Fa•�,. .C��*1'7n b••i�r ;r5.1: Y ti�� i t ORDER t ;•', atM r ;1 u!w 1 r OF. mf�' rl ;'4ti ,I ' ry '_� L�l'.<; VENDOR rID NUMBER {f`•' ti r�1��Sf Y'l'� ;+� • 'it .,..:VV•7-I r 4, ,�d`(,,ly.:� /.l'i ,i_..:. ':'•.a. ,.�� W. h '�•T0 TREI SURER OF ORIDA r. i`i:�.:ii ad.- n��b-1:'}! :d , lrf n•:'. r.. •�1r /�f I:,i,ai;7:v• •jf �•`p.l# .1C.. :,�.,.•,-1R ' 3 .. 31 1t - r 14 r�I T •l �5 r1 i _Ca t! re r a.. L:: leelliie llllliii111elllel6 eeleuIJIII,e eelli,i,i 1 i' , 1, ,I 4 • Y:: TALLAFIASSEE �; ,_ I III;Ln' r..11��l a '"�':�..'. � °$ MONR,OE ',CO�B OtiM., -1 I I f r MONROE::CQ:'BOARD''OF 'COMN" ��,, ;f' f ' i�' f''<. ®® - F2ANTS f . • x ! •.,zr , r ,� , y + tw+ ATTN t;.G .,A DM I.N)STUATOR ,.t,�. �A1 l.c ,,,. Ufa +1.:.1.6„�z(a ir,, (....:. �-• '.' .. 5100 "COLL'EG-E •RD*: RM'•211' ^'L 1 ,� ,t; I:7rrt'ti�r✓i �'+ • KEY WEST'FL 33040 • ''• •' l;pyf r; :,:, r a; .t ,; COMP:ROLLER OF FLORIDA III 2102 28 0 7II . '. .. : 30006A9 i ,v;; ri STATE OF FI;9R�`' �1 , y' OFFICE OF COMPT. �LLL.. 4� O 2 21 J nn 3 • . REMITTANCE ADVICE THIS IS NOT A PAYMENT DEVI FLAIR ACCOUNT CODE OLO SITE DOCUMENT NUMBER OBJECT DATE PAYMENT --' /2-202750001-52600300-00-10208200 520000 00 D2000071986 7300 08/10/01 022287. PAYMENT AMOUNT $ 518,423.06 _ DO NOT CASH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII nil AGENCY DOCUMENT NO • MONROE CO. BOARD OF COMM I V001072 - MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM ATTNI 'GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR 5100 COLLEGE RDI RM 211 KEY WEST FL 33040 • - PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: (850) 488-6409, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS VENDORS NOW CAN VIEW PAYMENT INFORMATION AT HTTP://FLAIR,DBF.STATE,FL.US • INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT 1 $ 518,423.06 F r-i, , 30cp Ig5 -5C0900 REC ;,� • St.P 1720Q'r coo- 2.r--I - w-ik II - 54-- 01 - e ► 9 DETACH CAREFULLY RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE CASHING O R DEPOSITING THE WARRANT D FL`AIR:ACCOUNTCODE:: ,. :; y5�VDN�i: , .,,`•, ADN -- 'OBJECT � . DATE WARRANT NO 83-69...,. . ,. ... 52-202750001' 60030000-'16208200;• :;D200007.1988`:_'. V001072 -.7300 08/10/01 0222878 830 1' OLO' S20000 SITE OD CONTACT,(.850)`,488-.6409`FOR PAYMENT QUESTIONSl_ I o�D A MOT `OFFI .�� Y�.. i.,, • PAY ' •'` CE' OFiCOMPTROLLE iftl.e�, �` °AMOUNT IVE®HUNDRED-EIGHTEEN-THOUSAND-FOUR.-HUNDRED=TWENTY.-THREE. & 06/100 DOLLARS • $*..**518,423.06 t . _ TO THE - S WARI ANT ORDER . ,' ;� ; ..�z••• EXPEN E . , OF: i', VENDOR ID NUMBER ,TO::.TREASURER OF FLORIDA IIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIiIIIIi,u,J,,lIIIluII�_�1,IIII�II_II�IILI I_I,iI��. • TALLAHASSEE MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM MONROE CO BOARD OF COMM ( �r1 E t—' ATTN: GRANTS•,.ADM I N I STRATOR aw � 5100 COLLEGE'RD: RM 211 .COMPTROLLER OF FLORIDA KEY WEST FL' 33040 • II' ,02228760LH' 1:06300 2i 06941: ne I, ThI' • Exhibit B Monroe County Administrative Instruction 1013.1 Cash Management Procedures I • • � ICI 1 n ram_. 11OAa..rtF COLN fY COMMISSIONERS • �° '• MAYOR Wilhelmina Harvey,District I • .r•1`; � •it i.: •• , ti• �t` Mayor Pro tern Shirley Freeman,District 3 • OUNTYLorMONROE al ! ��'�' George Neugent,District 2 KEY WESTLORIDA33040 [r (. r.i '\ Nora Williams,District 4 OM 294-4641 • ‘ars. it 47 a Mary Kay Reich,District 5 • rl ` I � • LE • OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR - Key West,Florida MONROE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION 1013.1 -- Date: August 9, 1999 Subject: Cash Management Procedures Reference: (A) Annual Audit Report— 1993 Enclosure: N/A Effective Date: Upon Receipt (1) Bacicground: An independent audit.was conducted on the general purpose financial statements of the ( Board of County Commissioners on Monroe County for the year ending September 30, 1993. A report was issued by the Auditors and specifically addressed a deficiency found in the County's cash management procedures. (2) Purpose: To establish a standardized cash management procedure that will eliminate the risk of loss or misappropriation of funds. (3) Cancellation: This instruction is to remain continuously in effect unless specifically revised or canceled. I . (4) Instruction: A. All Divisions/Departments will have in effect a policy for all cash funds received to be deposited as quickly as possible,but in any event, not later than three(3) business days from receipt. B. Advise appropriate employee(s) from your Division/Department who will be responsible for the cash deposits of the policy. Administrative P. 'ction 1P•' 1 • August 9. 1999 • Page 2 C. Periodically review the cash management procedure to ensure efficiency and compliance with the policy. (5) Action: All Divisions/Departments are to implement this policy immediately upon receipt and periodically review the efficiency of this system. James L. Roberts County Administrator Distribution: List III -- Originator: CAD Review: August, 2001 2 .„_ Exhibit C ;--, Sample Grant Application , tdwaR!F ie Memorial State and Li_ .i Law •orcement Assistance Formula Gra.. gram r This sedan to be completed by the Subprantee: ' This section to be can I__ - PJeted by BCA: Cargirxdion of PnNous subgrant7®Yes 0 No SFY 2001 DCA Contract Number K Yea,enter State Pcoject.ID!or Previous Subpra d 2001 CJ 1. I l - D8 11 54 ' 01 - 085 Unique ID PAS CFDA S 18.579 j A Names&Addresses 1. Sub:rant Redolent • Name of Chief Elected Official Shirley Freeman Title. Mayor, Monroe 'County Board of County Commissioners Address 530 Whitehead Street • City. State,Zip Code Key West FL w 33040 - • Area Code/Phone* 1 SUNCOM IA Area Code/Fax# • 305-292-3430 - 305-292-3577 2. Chief Financial Officer • Name of Chief Financial Officer Danny Kolhaee Title Monroe County Clerk of Court Address 500 Whitehead Street _ City.State,Zip Code Key We t. FL 33040 Area Code/Phone# • SUNCOM* Area Code/Fax# 305-292-3550 305-292-3660 _ 3. Implementing Aoency(Government Agency Responsible for Project) Name of Chief Executive Official James L. Roberts Monroe County. Administrator Address: Public Service Bldg. , 5100 College Road City, State,Zip Code Key West FL 33040 Area Code/Phone* I SUNCOM# Code/Fax 305-292-4441 lArea # 305-292-4544 - 4. Project Director and Contact Person, if different from Project Director 'Must be Employee(s)of Governmental Implementing Aoency) Name of Project Director Deanna S. Lloyd • Title Monroe County Grants Administrator E-Mail Address mcgrnts@mail ,stare. fl .us Address 5100 College Road • i - City, State,Zip Code Key West, FL 33040 • Area Code/Phone* 305-292-4474 SUNCOM# Area Code/Fax# • I 305-292-4515 Name and Title of Contact Person Larry Prescott Address Care Center for Mental H t�ieal E-Mail Address 1205 4tb Street , City, State,Zip Code: Key West, FL 33040 l- Area Code/Phone* 305-292-6843 SUNCOM# Area Code/Fax# 305-292-6723 Edward.By, Memorial State and Lor Iw Es cement Assistance Formula Grant r-._gram B. Administrative Data 1. Project Title(Not to exceed 84 characters, including spaces) JUVENILE COMMUNITY INTERVENTION PROGRAM IV • 2. For Period • . Period Month Day Year Beginning October • 1 • . 2000 Ending September 30 2001 • 3. Is the Subgrantee or the Implementing Agency a Member of a Local Criminal Justice Advisory Council or Substance Abuse Policy Advisory Board, Coalition, or Council? (See the Program Announcement for a-" description of board responsrw bes.) 0 Yes O No C. Fiscal Data 1. (If other than the Chief Financial Officer)Remit Warrant to: Deanna Lloyd • Public Service Building 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 Note: If the subgrantee is participating in the State of Florida Comptrollers Office electronic transfer ,program, reimbursement cannot be remitted to any other entity. 2. Method of Payment xaVonthly O Quarterly (tt Is mandatory that the method selected be consistent throughout the entire grant period.) 3. Vendor*(Enter Federal Employer Identification Number of Subgrantee): • • 59-6000749 • 4. SAMAS*(Enter if you are a state agency) . 5. WIlI the Project earn Project Generated Income(PGI)? 0 Yes Cl No (See Section H., Paragraph 13, for a definition of PGI.) • 6. Will the applicant be requesting an advance of federal funds? 0 Yes ® No (If Yes, a letter of request must be attached.) � I ,I I Exhibit D Growth Management Check I-_ I__ • ti' � Ir • RECEIVED,DEC 11 ` • a.......�..�.�..^:�MEMO.�'�1ND UM 2.t, 1 •ewi.Mr:If-a w►'N . .•WP ::(•.+Ipv.l ' •y:' 'P' • • • • • • • TO: i �:.;:. Laura DeIlart 4 . aril' ,��,:.,,,,rl,n:•� • I'..:�1,r��tf1at.ttl•ttl1•1'••i••1 1f III 1 �I• .!f :l�S°+` '.f, ... � ''sa�s�!'� e, e;�.�bryi; s,•r�;....• . t t�'t 'manceiDepartmenf + .. . . .'.'q:;rt:;'r•'' •<,s: at) ft1t ryr r Wtiar. ;fin • { • . t, FROM: f.., Mayra TezarYos Coordinator, Budget& Personnel Growth Management Division SUBJECT: . ,Check from DCA,;, DATE: December 10, 2001 . ; I-Ii Laura, This morning George Garrett found this check for$417,912.00. Apparently it was misplaced due to a series of mishaps. It was sent to the wrong address to Dixie Spehar and she Purolated it to George and so on and on. • Anyway, the good news is that it has been found! $242,012 is for the Water Quality Monitoring Little Venice and$175,000 for the Canal Master Plan. Should you have any questions please contact me at Ext. 2524. Thanks. CC: George Garrett, Director Marine Resources Department • • KULI-111(2E. CII:H1,. I. .1.11ANC PAUL Ill/11 J.zi.L.1.i z um u:I;Of ilTie-J:Libbli 76 3 . . ,....,440,Ql- ;TATE' OF FLORID 4L • 4- 01 465 870 • THIS 1S NOT A PAYMENT DEVIC CODE . OLO • SITE DOCUMENT I.Annul 0 BJEcT DATE PAYMENT NI /1)Fiirritez_NIR ACCOUNT . 4_ . : OFFICE R E mi 0 FA NC cOeM PATDRVOI LCLEE Ft' 52-202510080-52500100-00-05008000 520000. . 00 •• D200019 '621) • .7500 ,10/10[01 0589645 ...,--.••• - .• • •::'.f.....!•Y.,. .M::r. i.:.s..ii1V,C.'0E:i1.- ,..6 ..t.:4.r.01..". .11... A:-i:::' ••• . 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Exhibit E Monroe County Administrative Instruction 4301.4 Basic Procedures For Filing Grant Applications --`-- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS err— MAYOR Shirley Freeman.District 3 OUNTY pT MONROE � —f` I�•�1 Mayor Pro tem Jack London.District 2 KEY WEST FLORIDA33040 -.. .,;; -� ', Wilhelmina Harvey,District 1 (3051294anal :yi.;. j70`•,'""' Keith Douglass,District 4 Mary Kay Reich,District 5 lokla • triii, ;P 01.4/ • 7 •` .art, Office.of the County Administrator Key West,Florida MONROE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION INSTRUCTION 4301.4 -, Date: October 1, 1998 • Subject: Basic Procedure for Filing Grant Applications Reference: (A) Monroe County Purchasing Policy Procedures enclosure: . (1) Resolution authorizing grant application (2) Grant Summary Data Sheet (3) Proposed Budget . . (4) Resolution accepting grant award • (5) Project Control Sheet - • Effective Date: Upon Receipt . (1) Background: In order to insure standard procedures are followed in procuring grants, grant administration, and final grant close-out, the Office of Management and Budget(OMB) oversees and coordinates the development of grant proposals, grant administration,and final grant close-out. OMB also serves to coordinate between the various county departments, granting agencies,and Finance. (2) Purpose: The purpose of this instruction is to set forth the procedures that each department shall follow in submitting grant applications, in accounting for the use of federal and state funds, and in maintaining records for pre-audit and post-audit review. (3) Cancellation: This instruction hereby replaces M.C.A. 4301.3 and is to remain in effect until revised or , canceled. (4) Instructions: A. The feasibility of submitting a grant application on behalf of Monroe County shall be determined by the Department Head, OMB, the County Administrator, and the Monroe County Board of • M.C.A. Inst. 4301.4 October 1, 1998 Page 2 Commissioners. The relationship of project costs to benefits and any underlying or ongoing costs should k be considered in that determination. B. The first step in developing a grant proposal is to thoroughly research the law which governs the grant program. Consider: the grant period timelines,contract/agreement provisions, budget proposal requirements,project feasibility, and who will serve as project director. All grant projects require that the proposal identify the person who will serve as project director. This person shall be responsible for all aspects of project implementation which includes,but is not limited to, the following: grant proposal preparation, execution of grant agreement, creation of grant account, filing project reports and financial claims, and accompanying close-out'documentation>. In cases where the grant program crosses fiscal years,the project director shall insure that grant funds are rolled over into the following fiscal year. • C. The Board of County Commissioners shall review the grant application or a project narrative at a regularly scheduled meeting with a resolution authorizing the submission of the grant application (reference enclosure 1). The resolution shall specifically name the granting agency,the proposed use of funds, the amount of matching funds and their source,and the purpose of the proposed grant project. The resolution must be reviewed by the County Attorney for legal sufficiency. A grant summary sheet (reference enclosure#2) is to be incorporated into the agenda packet with signatures of the Department Head,Division Director, Project Director, and the Grants Manager. Submit the number of original grant applications required by the granting agency for execution to the County Attorney's office for processing. Be sure to allow enough time for the Board's execution. D. Once approval has been secured from the Board of County Commissioners,submit a properly executed grant application and resolution to the grantor. The grant rules governing grant programs vary widely among funding departments and agencies,and therefore cannot be detailed in this instruction. B. Upon notification that a grant award is to be made to Monroe County, the requesting department will receive a contract outlining the contract requirements and any special conditions attached thereto. The contract shall be reviewed by the County Attorney, Risk Management,the Office of Management and Budget, and the Division Director. F. A resolution(prepared by the project director, reference enclosure#4)) authorizing the • acceptance of the grant and the execution of the grant agreement shall be reviewed by the County Attorney, and then attached to the contract. The resolution and contract shall be scheduled on a -�- subsequent Board of County Commissioners agenda. G. Once a contract has been fully executed by both parties, a copy of the grant agreement is to be forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget for distribution to the Finance Department and the Clerk of Courts. Include a project control sheet(reference enclosure#5) with the packet for OMB to assign an account number and prepare a Resolution for Unanticipated Funds. If matching funds are involved, a transfer of those funds is reflected on a Transfer Resolution. Those departments that receive ongoing grant awards and are familiar with setting up their accounts, shall continue to do so including OMB in the process. I i • I I ._. .. ._ __� ._. ./ M.C.A. Inst. 4301.4 October 1, 1998 Page 3 H. As each funding agency has its own rules governing applications, each also has different standards governing expenditures. These standards will be outlined in the contract accompanying the grant. In general, grants are awarded on a reimbursement basis. If the grant money is advanced,different procedures are followed. Both methods require close coordination with OMB to insure the timely drawdown of funds and appropriate expenditure of government funds. If funds have to be deobligated, coordination with OMB is critical. '_ I I. Project implementation shall be the responsibility of the project manager. The project file shall be established and maintained in a clear and well organized manner,with records and supporting data in detail sufficient for pre-audit and post-audit review. Supporting data includes documentation of phone calls,meetings, and all correspondence relative to the grant program. The record of expenditures should be reconciled with the detailed distributiori list monthly. A record keeping and project monitoring system shall be established and maintained by OMB to insure that reports and reimbursement requests are completed and filed in a timely manner, in compliance with grant requirements. J. The project close-out shall be handled in the following manner: a final status report shall be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners, all grant invoices shall be reconciled with project expenditures and grant revenue, and all project reports and claims shall be filed with the granting agency. K. OMB will provide assistance in'each phase of grant proposal development and grant project administration. The Grants Manager will monitor all County grants for program compliance. Coordination and communication with the offices and departments as discussed in this document will { insure improvement in grant accountability. (5) Action: A. All affected Divisions/Departments shall comply with the above instructions by insuring timely placement of all resolutions,grant applications,and contracts on the proper Board of County Commissioners agenda in order to meet filing deadlines and to avoid the possible loss of grant funds. James L. Roberts County Administrator Distribution List: III Originator: DGT Review: 10/01/2000 i • 1 1 • OMB/Grants RESOLUTION NO.239- 1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT °. APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FY99 ANTI - DRUG ABUSE GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs has announced the FY98/99 funding cycle of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act Formula Grant Program; and WHEREAS, on April 8,1998, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners agreed to serve as the coordinating unit of government in the development of the grant proposals and in the distribution of funds allocated to Monroe County in the amount of$230,028 with a 25% cash match requirement; and • . WHEREAS, the Monroe County Substance Abuse Policy Advisory Board, with concern given to the County's current drug control efforts,has recommended certain programs receive funding to provide the community with activities focused on drug and alcohol education, prevention,rehabilitation,and treatment; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA, that: I. The Board of County Commissioners concurs with the Monroe County Substance Abuse Policy Advisory Board's recommendations; and that 2. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to sign and submit the application packet for • the FY99 grant funds to the Department of Community Affairs Anti-Drug Abuse Grant Program; and that 3. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Board of County Commissioners and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular niefing of said B oard•held on the 10th day of June,A.D. 1998.• Mayor Jack London yes i`d' ' Mayor Pro Tem Harvey yes - Commissioner Freeman ye s r,. Commissioner Douglass yes �..,� Commissioner Reich yes •MTTEST DANNYL C CLERK (Seal) ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Attest; oF_Punr t OF MONRO h UNTY, FLORIDA By: Ti ¶ � •APPROVE FO N1 AND • .:i i- .i9 C dilP"1.19 5/ A DATE GRANT SUMMARY DATA SHEET GRANT NAME: GRANT • PERIOD: FUNDING AGENCY: APPLICATION DEADLINE: AMOUNT REQUESTED: MATCH REQUIREMENTS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: I . • • Drug ( *o►ltrol and Sr te►,: Improvement Formula (era►tt l'ro,ranl • (Edward lit'rne .1femurial.State and Local.•ts‘tstanee Program; G. Project Budget Schedule • • The Project Budget Schedule includes six Bucket Categories (Salaries and Benefits, Contractual Services. F penses, Operating Capital Outlay (OCO), Data Processing Services,. and Indirect Costs.) and •Total Project Costs. Total Local Match must he a minimum of 25% i of the Total Budget. Type or Print Dollar Amounts Only in Applicable Categories and Leave Others Blank Budget Category Federal Match Total , • Salaries-And Benefits $42,575.25 $14 , 191 .75 $56,767.00 Contractual Services Expenses -6,843.75 2,281.25 9,125000 • Operating Capital Outlay Data Processing . Indirect Costs Totals 49 ,419. I6,473 65,892. Subgrant Application Package SFT 1997 Application .Section II- 7 � I c RESOLUTION NO. 570 -1992'92 �E� 14 :59 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTITY� 'BOARD OF•at• COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE EXEWMO ,0,1NT11 ip DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FY93 ANTI-DL ABUSE GRANT AGREEMENT FOR•PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 200-1992, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners authorized the submission of a grant application to the Department of Community Affairs to ; request funding for five agencies that provide anti-drug abuse programs in Monroe County; and • WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners authorized the execution of the Anti-Drug Abuse D.A.R.E. and Pretrial Grant Agreements at their last regularly scheduled meeting; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs has transmitted the Program Administration Grant Agreement for execution by Monroe County; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. The Mayor of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the FY93 Anti-Drug Abuse Program Administration Grant Agreement which will provide $9000.00 in funding to Monroe County with a 25% match requirement; and that 2. • This resolution shall become effective immediately • upon adoption by the Commission and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of November, A.D. , 1992 . • Mayor London Yes Mayor Protem Chea 1 Yes Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Freeman Yes Commissioner Reich Yes BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONR OUNT �- (Seal) ' / By® Attest Cm . Clerk ED TO Frr'.t AN AL FF(CENCY By • Attorney's O,'ico F/PROJ FCN: GRANT/PROJ: GRANT/PROJECT CONTROL STATUS GRANT/PROJ DESC GRANT/PROJECT NO: AGENCY: GRANT/PROJECT PERIOD: BEGIN: END: GRANT/PROJECT MANAGER: MAJOR CATEGORY: SUB CATEGORY: GRANT/PROJECT AMOUNT: $ ® , o SHARES: LOCAL STATE I _I FEDERAL ACTUAL COMPLETION DATE: 'I v Exhibit F Auditee Responses BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS --.1 ..., r�i ram— MAYOR Charles"Sonny"McCoy,District 3 o U N TY orM 0 N R0 E -- IF4} Mayor Pro tem Dixie Spehar,District 1 KEY WEST FLORIDA 33040 -, _- -•-deg•�`." Murray E.Nelson,District 5 (305)294-4641 " • r., 117.1 George Neugent,District 2 �r•-.I■s Nora Williams,District 4 PAVITi Monroe County • td; rgrii •14:; Office of Management&Budget 5100 College Road Key West FL 33040 ` ' ' , (305)292-4470 s' MEMORANDUM 1 To: Danny Kolhage Clerk of Court From: James L. Roberts County Administrator Subject: Cash Management—Grants Internal Audit—Letter of January 10, 2002 Date: July 15, 2002 The Administration has reviewed the comments by the.Internal Audit Department regarding internal controls of Grant Management. The following are our comments in reference to that report: Grant Management Late Deposits Findings A. On September 17,2001, Finance received 14 checks from the State of Florida dated from October 16, 2000 to August 10, 2001, from the Grants Manager. B. Four checks dated from April 11, 2001 to August 8, 2001, for the Edward Byrne State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program were not received by Finance within 3 business days of their receipt. Three of these checks were received by Finance on September 28, 2001, and the other check had been received by finance on May 2, 2001 (date received by Grants Management was April 18, 2001). L 1 County Administrator's Response: A. The Administrator agrees that $1,798,296.60 in checks were sent to Finance on the morning of September 17t1, 2001. The checks dated October 16 and 17, 2000 were received in October in the County Administrator's office. The checks dated November 20, 2000 were received in November in the Purchasing Office. The balance of the checks listed do not show a location or date received. The Administrator agrees that the provisions of Administrative Instruction 1013 were not followed. B. The Grants Manager was advised upon his return from vacation, that it was a serious violation of our administrative instructions to hold check longer than three business days and if there were any others that he was holding for any reason they should immediately be sent to Finance. The Grants Manager found 3 checks that were sent to finance and received by them on September 28, 2001. The Grant Administrator was sent to a course on Cash Management sponsored by FGFOA to increase his knowledge of cash management issues. Review of Recommendations: 1. The Administrator agrees to remind employees of Administrative Instruction 1013. This will take the form of an e-mail to all users. The Administrator will enhance this notice by requiring Division Directors to designate those individuals within their division with responsibility to process receipts of checks to acknowledge receipt of the Administrative Instruction and such acknowledgment placed in their personnel files. The Administrator accepts the recommendation that Finance notify the Director of Office of Management&Budget of any department not adhering to Administration Instruction 1013. 2. The problems uncovered by this audit would have been prevented had electronic funds transfer been the method of receiving money. The Administrator agrees that all funds should be transferred in this manner and when EFT is not available, the Chief Financial Officer — the Clerk of the Courts, should receive grant funds directly. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to incorporate this recommendation. 3. Pay Requests will be sent to Finance when prepared. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to incorporate this recommendation. 4. The Administrator will modify the Administrative Instruction to incorporate the provision for date stamping all checks that are received by county departments. 5. In reviewing the history of the issues involved in the audit, it is apparent that there needs to be, not only tighter controls, but also a better understanding on the part of the key individuals in the Administration who handle funds concerning the proper and timely handling of those funds. In reference to grants, as staff is presently structured, the Grants Administrator is the appropriate person to assist with the revisions in the policies and practices. For that reason, he has been assigned the responsibility of obtaining a full personal understanding of proper procedures and practices and preparing training for other key people within the County government. That training will be conducted and the Clerk's office will be informed when it is to occur. (Please see attached letter to the Grants Administrator). 6 Many years ago, the Administration attempted to have an additional position(s)to r assist with the grants accounting function. For whatever reason, the Board of County Commissioners determined that that additional position should not be funded; however, in the presentation of the Fiscal Year 2003 budget, a grants accounting position has been proposed. This position will be responsible for working on just the types of issues that have been determined in the audit. Should the position be approved, it is anticipated that the position will be filled in October 2002. Growth Management Missing Check Findings: A check for $417,912 was not located by Growth Management for two months after its issue date. Even when it was deposited, it could not be credited to the proper account because a resolution could not be prepared. Review of Recommendations: 1. Pay Requests will be sent to Finance when prepared. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to incorporate this recommendation. 2. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to incorporate recommendations of this Audit where possible. 3. The problems uncovered by this audit would have been prevented had electronic funds transfer been the method of receiving money. The Administrator agrees that all funds should be transferred in this manner and when EFT is not available, the Chief Financial Officer—the Clerk of the Courts, should receive grant funds directly. The Administrative Instruction will be modified to include this recommendation. Monitoring Procedures The BOCC did establish a separate Grants Department in 1992. This department was made up of three people. However, the BOCC reorganized Management Services in 1994 and the Grants Department downgraded from department status and was a section of the Office of Management &Budget. It was, at this time, comprised of only 1 staff position. Although Administrative Instruction 4301.4 states that "The record of expenditure should be reconciled with the detailed distribution list monthly.", it is not clear who should be doing that function. This quote is from paragraph I, beginning "Project implementation shall e the responsibility of the project manager". The Project Manager is not the same person as the Grant's Manager. Reference is also made to "a computerized Grants Monitoring System". The report that is attached appears to be from the AS400 system, which has been obsolete with the county since approximately 1995. Most grants require a quarterly reconciliation and that will be done unless the grant contract requires more frequent reconciliation. Review of Recommendations: -, z 1. With the staffing level at only one person, monitoring all grants on a monthly basis is impossible. The Grants Administrator will bring the listing of all county grants up to date and should be able to contact the grant monitor for each grant on a quarterly basis and again a month before the grant closes. The Grants Administrator should have a copy of all grant agreements approved by the board. All grants going to the Board for approval should be routed to the Grants Administrator prior to being put on the agenda. 2. The Office of Management and Budget will review the Administrative Instructions 4301 and 1013 for appropriate changes as outlined above. . MEMORANDUM To: Cc: Sheila Barker, Director of Administrative Services From: James L. Roberts, County Administrator Date: May 28, 2002 RE: Handling of Funds During 2001, it came to the County's attention that a series of checks issued to the County had not been deposited in a timely manner. Those checks totaled nearly 1.8 million dollars and were from the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the State of New Jersey to cover costs incurred with Hurricane Georges. A total of fourteen checks were held in a folder and not deposited in a timely manner by you. A review by the County Clerk's INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT detailed the findings and in fact noted that the checks were not deposited for substantial amounts of time. As a result, not only did the County lose interest that would have been paid on those funds, it had also undertaken attempts to resolve what appeared to be discrepancies with the request for funds and a receipt of such funds. Although there is no question concerning inappropriate use of the funds or any personal gain, the lack of compliance with the County's cash management procedures, especially the timely deposit policy, produced egregious results. Even for an employee with such a positive and successful record as yours, the issue cannot go officially unnoticed. As you know, there have been a number of discussions and documents in reference to this issue. You have participated in some of the discussions and the Director of Administrative Services has attempted to explain why the problems occurred. The simple fact is that the problem occurred not once but fourteen times over a period of approximately ten months. Although I am convinced that the problems, repetitious as they were, were merely oversights and not an intentional ignorance of your responsibilities, the seriousness of the issues requires formal response. I Rather than provide for formal discipline as provided under the Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures,which I do not believe is the appropriate way to proceed in this case, I have taken the time to consider how this situation in the future can be turned into a positive for Monroe County; therefore, rather than discipline I am instructing you to undertake the following activities r 1 • J • l under the supervision of the Director of Administrative Services. At the successful conclusion of these activities, the Director is to prepare a report for me so indicating and I shall be pleased to provide a statement of your successful completion as part of your personnel file. Your assignments are as follows: 1. Undertake training in reference to the proper handling of public funds. This might be through courses offered by the State of Florida, various colleges or universities, or the Government Finance Officers Association. Depending upon the availability and content of these courses, it could be required to take one,two or more. 2. You are to undertake a review of the State law, Monroe County Ordinances and Administrative Instructions in reference to the handling of public funds. In so doing, you are to prepare an outline of a program that you will provide to other County employees who handle funds and who are responsible for their timely deposit. Please do not limit yourself only to the timeliness of the issue but rather to any - aspect of the proper handling of funds. Once the outline is prepared the Administrator will be of assistance in requiring the appropriate individuals to attend the course that you will give. 3. As you know, the Administrator has hired _ is not to replace the work that you do but rather to reach . You are instructed to assist the new person with becoming acclimated to Monroe County rules, regulations and procedures, especially how we handle grants and accounting. As time passes I am sure that the two positions will complement and support each other and that the County will be the beneficiary of such cooperation. 4. The County Clerk identified a number of recommendations which should be followed • by the County to be sure such an issue does not arise again. Some of these are covered in the items above but will be repeated below. Please proceed to work with • the Director of Administrative Services to see that they are implemented. a. Training for appropriate accounting staff under Administrative Instruction 1013.10 should be held. b. The County should establish an electronic funds transfer through the State of Florida. Procedures should be established with the Clerk's office so that upon the electronic receipt of funds the Department of Administrative Services and appropriate operating departments are notified. c. There should be established a monitoring system for the request of funds and then the receipt of such funds so that the County is continually aware of the status of any grants. Although the items above will certainly place a burden on your work load,they are • • r, i•S�y • • ad:anr uo4o,J4s!utwpy A4unoD s4.uagoa •1 sawn • •suowmado s}i 6u!noadw! u! A4.unoD ay.. }sisso o4.puo aaAoidwa A.unoD pa.1.sn.q. puo pa padsaJ o so anion JnoA w.J!¢j.o3J 04. s! 4.uai.u! ipmano aq j •s314.i!igisuods2J .4344 .j.nogo 26paIMou)f -- 444m saaAojdwa A4unoD Jay4.0 6uipino.Jd u! 4.51sso o4. pup spun; ;o 6uiipuoq JadoJd a44. Jo 6uipuo4sJapun JnoA anoJdwi o4. papu34.u! Aa44. so yonw so 4.uaw4siund aq o4. papua4.u! 4.ou