Fiscal Year 1995 ire s K .( ,��1 � ➢�. },�_- y4`'J{�s 11Ss�i 72h1tiji£Sti{JgJss{1)lsl s � rl;i ,i Ssf s n'�" f� ,l iii r1� - i (ss "?"V, S - r - - �t}3 t All VON, r l� r - ��i { - it) I �fl, <fl N, 4t Q,,, s, 4rtst�, ,,�,}£ £,�,J,'4�1r ='Q�,�.��,�,r{r,�� f ,� ,.: � t• 77"'r 7 t t) - 4t�2S�s'Mg, sl,: s,l, ;,,� ,<` ,7,4 s 1 i c Y41� sf, 1 - It t M 1�a COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 1995 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA FINANCE-DIRECTOR THE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT-.FINANCE- DEPARTMENT ' over,photo courtesy of Bill Keogh, an-adventure travel photographer wh I ose homese is on Big , Pine Key, Florida. ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SHIRLEY FREEMAN, MAYOR': DISTRICT 3 WILHEI MINA HARVEY :JACK LONDON DISTRICT 1 DISTRICT"2' KEITH DOUGLASS MARY, KAY. RETCH DISTRICT 4 DISTRICT .5 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR JAMES ROBERTS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL. OFF,ICER DAN NY L. KO L.HAG E MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,1995 TAB LJE OF T-CON V RTS PAGE INTRODUCTORY-SECTION Transmittal Letter of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.... ...... a.................................. ..........I........ A-1 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial'Reporting.................................. ...............:........... A-1 7 Organizational Chart..... A-18 ........................................... .............................................. ........ ........ FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditors' Report.:. ..... ........ ................. ................. ................ ........................ B-1 independent Auditors' Report on the Internal Control Structure Based on.an Audit of the General Purpose Financial Statements.................:..,........ ........... ........................................ �B-3 ................ ............... Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance Based on the Audit of the General Purpose.Financial Statements.......... .............................. ........................................... ........... ....... ........... ...... B-5 COMBINED FINANCI kL STATEMENTS GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Combined Balance Sheet-All Fund Types and Account.Groups.... ............... ........................... ................ ..... C-1 Combined Statement of Revenues,.Expenditures and-Changes in Fund,BalanceSr- All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds...... ......... .. ...................................... C-5 Combined Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances- Budget and Actual-All Governmental Fund types and Expendable Trust Funds.....: .....: ........ C-7 Combin,ed,Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Equity - All Proprietary Fund Types....' ..................I........... . .... C-11...... .............. ............­�................. ........ ....... ,Combined Statement of Cash.Flows All-Proprietary Fund Types. ..........—........ ............ ............ ........ C-12 'Notes to Combined Financial Statements.... ...... ......... ........... ........... C-14 COMBINIING, INDIVII DUAL FUND AND ACCOUNT GROUP FINANCIAL TATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES: General Fund Schedule of,Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance- Budget and Actual.. ............. ....... D-1 Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet... ............... ....... .................. ......... .................... ...... E-1' Combining.Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund,Balance......................... .................. E-10 Statements and Schedules of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in_FundrBalance- Budget and Actual: CDBG Housing Rehabilitation.'., .............. ........ ............. ................ ........... .............. ............................. E-191 Fineand Forfeiture... ....... ... ........................................................... .............................. ........... .... E-20 Roadand Bridge.... ............ ......... ................... ................ ........... ........ ........... ........ ............... E-21 LawLibrary...........­............. ............................._........ ............. ............. ...... ...... ............. ....... E-22 Tourist Development, All Districts, Two Cent.....: E-23 .................. ........ ................................................. Tourist Development, Administrative and Promotional, Two Cent.... ...............I...... ....................... E-24 Tourist Development, District*One, Three Cent,. ......... ..... ..........I......................... ......... .......... E-25 Tourist Development, District#Two, Three Cent.. ....: ......... ............ ........ .............. E-26 Tourist Development, District#Three, Three Cent............................................ ......................... .......... E-27 (Continued) Ildl .; ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT` YEAR ENDED SEPTEMPER 30,1.995 TABLE OF CONTENTS't ONT U D PAGE Tourist Development, District#Four, Three Cent::.. ......... ........ .......:: .....::.. :::...: ....... . .. ......,....... E-28 Tourist Development; District#Five, Three Cent.:.. .......:: .. ....:. ..:::.:.. .......:.. ......... ......... ......... ...... E-29 Fire and Ambulance, District#1, Lower and Middle Keys.: ...... ......... .... .:. .......I. ........ ... .........::.: E-30 'Fire and Ambulance, District#5, Tavernier:. ... :. . .. ...::: ....:.:.:... .. :.. .....,............ :....:......: E-32 Fire and Ambulance,'District#6; Key Largo. ........ ......... ..I.....: ..:::.... ... .... ::: ... .... . ... ....:........ E-33 Translator System Service'District...: ........: ..:::.::: : :.:::..:. . :.:..:.. :.:.:.::. . ...: :. .... .:,. ............. E-34 Special Road District-Cross Key Waterway Estates .....: .:..... :: ..... :: .. ...... ....... ,:......: E-35 Unincorporated Area Service District' Planning, Building and.Zoning.::._... .....: ........: . ...... :........ E-36 Uninco�porated.Area Service District- Parks and Recreation..;::.. ......... . ........ ......... . ....::.: .::::......:... E-38 Impact Fees- Roadways. ................ .......:. ......... .......... ........ .. ........: ........ ............................. E-39' .. Impact Fees- Parks and Recreation. ....:.: .. ....::... ......:.. ......... ......... ..::...... ...... .:. ......... ...:... E-40 impact Fees-Libraries ......::: ..:....:: ...... ....... ..: E-41. Impact Fees-Solid Waste..: . ...:.;:.: E-42 Impact Fees-Police Facilities ......... ......: ....... . ......... ....::.: ......... ......... ......... ........ ................ E=43 Impact Fees Fire and EMS:'..... . .......I. . .. :. E44 911 Enhancement Fee..,......... ....:.:. :.:...:. ...... .._...... ......... ......... ... ...... .... .. ..I ........ ......... ...... E-45 Duck Key Security District.....: ........: ....t...: ......... .......:. .....,... ,...................... ......... ..... ... E-46 Local Housing Assistance....::.... :::.. ..... ........ ..... ... ......... ........ ....... ........ ..... ....... : ...... E4 Upper Keys Health Care Special Taxing District:.::. .....:::. .....`.;: ...... ..`..... .... .... ..... ...:..... .......`..... E-48 . Cudjoe Gardens Municipal Service Culvert District. .....:::. ......... .....: ......... .....: ........:........ E-49 Jolly Roger Estates.Municipal Service Culvert District.._: ... ....:. . ....:.: ........: ...... .. ... ...... .......:: ...... E-50' Comprehensive Plan Land Authority: ... ... ........... . ..:: ....... ... . ...........:... ....... ...... ....... E-51 Debt Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet . ......... ........: .c...::.: ........: .. .....' . . ....:.:. ......:,.' .... .:..:......: F-1 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances.................... .. ............... F-2 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances- >-Budget and Actual..:.. : ....::... .......:. ..... :.. : .::.:. :. :. ...:.. ......... ...... .......:. .. F-3 Capital Project Funds Combining Balance Sheet ......:.. ......... ........ ............... .... . ...... ............ ...... ..... .::..... ................ G71 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances .. ......... ....: ............... G-2 Combining Statement of Revenues,'Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances- Budget and Actual....... ...... ......... .....: . ........ ................. ......:.. ........................... G-3 PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES: Enterprise Funds Combining Balance Sheet .. .............. : . ............ ....: ......; .. : .... ........... ... H-1 Combining Statement of Revenues; Expenses and Changes in Fund Equity..., ....... ... :... . H-5, Combining Statement'of Cash Flows::........: . .. ........ ..... ... ....:::. .............................. ...... ...... ..... ` H-7 Schedule of Expenditures Budget and Actual Municipal Services District-Waste.. ......::: . . ..:..: ........ ................ ........ ........................I......... H-11 CardSound Bridge:....: ......... ...... . . . .... .... . . ..... ..................................................................................... H-12 Marathon Airport......... .. ..:.:. ....... ......::: .... .,. ..... ..: ............... . .: ....... : ......... .............. :: ....... H-13 Key West Airport........: .:.. . ....:::.. .....:.`: ,:.... .......:....: .... :.. ::.: . .....:................... H=14 Refunding Improvement Revenue Bonds-Series 1991 - Description .... ::...........` ....:... ........:..... . ... ....... H-15 RefundingImprovement Revenue Bonds-Series 1991 Debt Requirements,to Maturi ... ............. . H-16 P q ty.. ........ - (Continued) COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA COMPREHENSIV E ANNUAL FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,1995 _NTENT 1 ' ,PAGE Internal Service-Funds Combining Balance:Sheet.........: ..:..:... .::...... .;.....'. .. ....... ......... ............... H-17 Combining Statementof Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Equity......... ...'..:,. ......... H-19 Combining Statement of Cash Flows... ......... ..:......... . :.....: ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ............... H-21 Schedule of Expenditures- Budget and Actual: . Worker's.Compensation Fund......... ......... ........ .I.. ............ H-25 Group.Insurance Fund ._....... ......... . ....... :.................... ..............................................::........... H-26 Risk ana ement Fund..-...... :.....:.. ........: ......... ...::.... :: : .......: H-27 Fleet Management Fund.....':. .... ............ .. ......... ::........... H-23 FIDUCIARY C T Fiduciary Funds Combining Balance Sheet......... ....:.... `:..... ........ ......... ....:......:........ ..................: :........ I-1 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances- ll Expendable Trust Funds.. ..:..::.. ..,..... ....... . ...... ........: ..... ..... .... ... .._.. ............... 1-3 Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities-All Agency Funds.:.:. ............................. 1=5 Statements of Revenues;Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance- Budget and Actual Law Enforcement Trust.:.......... .....:. ::...:... ..:....:. .....:..:.:..:...... :. 1®3 Drug Abuse Trust.......... :. .......::........... ....: ............................ :....... . .............. I-9 Court Facility Fees.....:.:... .... ..... ...... ....... ......... ... ... ....... ......::. . ::...... 1-10 General Fixed Assets Account Groud Schedule"of General Fixed Assets by Source.. ... .::... ........:. . ... ... ........ ............... ........ ................ _J-1 Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity.. ........: ............ ......... ....... J-2 Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity..... ......... ..:....:. ......... ................. J-44 Long®Term Debt Account Group. Schedule of Changes in General Long-Term Debt..... .....::::.. ... ... ........: ....:,..:.... J-6 Refunding Improvement Revenue Bonds- Series 1993(6 )- Description: ........ . ...... ...... ..:....... J-7 Refunding Improvement Revenue Bonds :Series 1993`( 3)- Debt Requirements to Maturity..... ..........'.. J'6 Refunding Improvement RevenueBonds,®Series 1993 (63) - Description.. ....... ........: ................ J-9 Refunding ImprovementRevenue Bonds -Series'19 3 (33) wa tDebt Requirements to Maturity..... ................ J-10 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 -Description .......:. ........................... ...: ......... ::.... J-11 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 ® debt Requirements to Maturity...................... ....:: ` J-12 STATIST L ODOM General Fund at a General Government Expenditures by Function......... ......... .._.:.... .... ...:.::.............. ........:........ . ....:.`.: IC-1 General GovernmentRevenue by Source....:.. ..................:: : ......... ......... ... ................ .....:..: :................, ,K-3 Tax Related'Statistical Data Prope Tax Levies and Collections...............: ......... ...............:................................. .......: ....,....: K-5 Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property.... .............:..:... ........ ..............:..... K-6 . Property Value, Construction and Bank Deposits................... ......... .......... ..... ... ... ................. ......._......... K-7 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA'-=, COMPREHENSIVE.ANNUAL FINANCIAL,.REPORT YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS - CONTINUED I PAGE Property Tax Rates-Direct and Overlapping Governments.:.. . ....:;: :.:.. ....::: ................:: . K,8 Principal Taxpayers ... . ... .:. :. ......::, ....:,... ..... :: .......::. ......:: ......::. : K-9 Debt Related Statistical Data Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita.: ........ ................ K-10 Computation of Direct Underlying and Overlapping Debt.. ..:: ... ... ...... ......... .... .... .:. ..... ...... ..`...... K-11 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Government Expenditures:.,: :. . ...::..: .:.:...:: . .....::: K-12 Schedule of Revenue.Bond Coverage-Municipal Service District-Waste: . ..... .... ... .:.. .. ....... ............... K-13 General Statistical Data Schedule of Insurance Companies .. ...... ................. . ....... ........................ . ......... ............. K-14 Schedule of Insurance Agencies.........'..................I.................................. . .... ............ ...:....... . ........... K-15 Salaries and Surety,Bonds of Principal Officials ........ ....:::: .................... ........ ........ ....: :.. .. ........... K=16 Demographic Stat stical Data ... ...... .: ..... `... ...... ........ . .. ... ....... . .. .,:......... K-17 Miscellaneous Statistical Data,.:.... .::.::. .. :..:.:.. ............. ..... ::....... ........ K-18 S-INOL—E-AUDIT/CRANTS__CO IPLIANCE SCHEDULE Independent Auditors' Report on Supplemental Schedules of Federal and State Financial - Assistance.....':::... ::... ......:... :...;.:.. . :....: .....:. ........: .......:: ....... ........ ..... .:.... ..... ........... L-1 Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance..:.:.:. ..:..... :.:....: ......... ........: ......... ...... L-2 Schedule of State Financial Assistance... . ......... .... ..:. ... ..... ............... ... ......: . . :,..........: L-1'0 Notes to Schedules of.Federaland State Financial Assistance........: ......:: : ....... ... .... .......::........ 1-16 Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance:with the General Requirements Applicable to,Federal Financial Assistance Programs:. :::. : .....,:,.. . .:..:. ,..:........ L-18 Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance with Specific Requirements Applicable- to Major federal Financial Assistance Programs::. . ........ ........: .... .. ..... . ..... ..................... ..... L-19 Independent Auditors',Report on Compliance with Specific Requirements Applicable �. to NonMajor Federal Financial Assistance Program Transactions ......... ............. ...... ...... ................ L-21 Independent Auditors'.Report on Compliance with Requirements Applicable to State Grants and Aids Appropriations....::::.. ....... Independent Auditors'.'Report on the Internal Control Structure Used in Administering Federal Financial Assistance'Programs.....: ....... .......... .... .. .... ......... .... ........ ........... ....... ..:... L-23 Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs:: .......: ....... .. .. ...... ....... .. . ..... ................ L-26 - a9aC0utftY.,v® , 'BRANCH OFFICE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MONROE COUNTY 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON,FLORIDA 33050 500 WHITEHEAD STREET PLANTATION.KEY,FLORIDA 33670 TEL.(305)289-6027 KEY WEST,FLORIDA 33040 TEL.(305)852-7145 FAX,(305)289-1745 TEL. (305)292-3550 FAX(305)852-7146 FAX(305)`295-3660 March 2 , 199 'The Honorable Shirley Freeman . . Chairman, Board of County Commissioners. ,Monroe County, Florida Dear yor Freeman: It is our pleasure to present to you, the Board of County Commissioners, and the citizens of Monroe County, the Comprehensive, Annual Financial :Report of nroe ounty, Florida for the fiscal year ended e to ber 30, 1995. This report was pr "are by the.Finance Depart- ment of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. . The accompanying financial 'Statements and statisfical tables were prepared in conformance,with standards set forth y: 1. The Governm ent,Accounting Standards Board 2. The American Institute:of Certified Public Accountants and its Committee on Governmental Accounting,and Auditing , 3. The Mate Auditor; State of Florida 4. The Government Finance Officers Association of the Unitedtat s,anCanada Responsibilityfor both the accuracy of the presented data and the completeness and fairness `of the presentatiori,)0cluding all disclosure, rests with the Clerk of the Circuit Court as Chief -inancial Officer of Monroe County. VVe believe the data as presented is acnurat ;in all ate ri I aspects; that it is.presented in a manner designed to fairly, set forth the financial position and results of operations of the County- s measured by the financial activity of its various l disclosures necessary to enable the re taicor h nsive under-,fun ; standing,of the couny's financial activity have been included. The Comprehensive nnu l Financial Report (C F ) is designed to meet the needs of-a wide range of financi l statement users and is divided into four ain°sections: introductory, finan- cial,, statistical n .sin I audit. The-introductory section consists of this transmittal letter, the prior year's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial' e ortib , and Monroe ounty's organizational chart. This section is designed to give the reader of the financial re- port some basic background about the County and its fin nci l osiion. The financial section includes the general purpose, combining and individual fund andaccount, group ®1 financial statements and schedules, as well as the independent auditors' reports. .The statsti- cal section includes selected financial and demographic information, generally presented on a multi-year basis. The single audit portion of the CAFR is required under the provisions of the Single Audit Act,.of. 1984 and the U, .S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-128, " "Audits of State and Local Governments:" Information related to this single audit, including the schedule offederal financial assistance, findings,,recommendations, and applicable laws and regulations,"are included in the single audit section,of this report. The Single Audit Act has al- " lowed us to'use our existing independent accounting firm-to,audit all grants, thereby eliminat- ing the need to hire"auditors foreach separate grant. .THE REPORTING ENTITY " This report includes all,funds and account groups of Monroe County. 'Monroe County provides a full range of services and is`a non-charter county established under the Constitution and the laws of",the State of'Florida.",Legislative control is vested with a five-member Board of County Commissioners; each,of whom is elected to a four-year,term. The elections are staggered so, that no,more thanthree commissioners_are 'elected in any given year.' The day-to-day opera- tional direction of the County is the responsibility of the appointed County Administrator. The -operation of other"specific government functions resides with five Constitutional Officers. The specific functions are °indicated by their titles., The elected positions-are-Clerk of" f the Circuit Court, Property Appraiser,,Sheriff, Supervisor of Elections, and Tax Collector. Under the direction of the Clerk of the Circuit Court,',the Finance Department maintains the ac- counting system for the County's operations, including the Supervisor of Elections, which is in- cluded in the General Fund.' ,The Clerk of the Circuit Court, ,Property"Appraiser, Sheriff, Tax Collector, and Monroe.County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority, a component unit, main- tain their own accounting systems. However, for purposes of,this Comprehensive Annual Fi- nancial Report, ahe operations of. the County.-as,a, whole, including all of the Constitutional . Officers and the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan.Land Authority, have been presented., LOCAL ECONOMIC EVENTS Monroe County was constitutionally formed in 1823. It is comprised of a string of subtropical islands that stretch more than one hundred miles,into' the Atlantic Ocean. These islands are connected in chain-like fashion to the mainland by a series of forty-two bridges. The,,county seat, Key West, is approximately one hundred fifty miles southwest of Miami. Havana, Cuba liesa mere ninety miles to the south. Tourism remains a"dynamic industry for the Florida Keys, Monroe County. The industry seems to have rebounded from a flat year in fiscal year 1994. °This is evidenced by an 8.2% increase in tourist tax revenues. Tourist taxes are collected by. district. There are five such districts in Monroe- County: Key West; Lower Keys; Marathon, Islamorada,,and Key Largo. 'Hotels.and motels continu 'to occupy nine of top temtaxpayers in,the County. A-2 The population of Monroe County has remained ess n i Ily level for the past four years. In fact, t po ul tion increase rester in fiscal year 1988 than it has been in,the last four years combined. he rate of growth in 1988 was 3.2% compared to 0.7% in fiscal year 1995. Similarly the unemployment,rate for Monroe County has remained essentially level for the last three years at 3.9%, well below the statewide rate of 6.0% and the nationwide-rate of 5.4%. MAJOR INITIATIVES FOR THE YEAR; The Countycontinues its efforts to make significant changes in the manner in which-it approaches,its fiscal ,responsibilities.,, "As. identified in previous years, a pro ram as implemented replacing the private firm acting as Construction.Manager with an in-house staff with the expe rtise nd the ability o do,lthe samework: On an annual- sis, it :santici- pated that this ill'--save,approximately 7 0,0 0 f infrastructure sales funds, which funds n o e utilize for other`projects. In addition, a major attempt to return the group benefits program to sound footing s een `successful and it is anticipated. that in the coming fiscal year, there will need to be approximately $800,000 less in fundin for that program. jor portion of that savings ill be from ad valorem taxation. During the year, the new Sheriffs Adm inistr Lion Buildin s comp-leted on Stock Island within its budget of a roxi ely ,000,00 That facility ,is now occupied n the Lester Building, which was the,`previous Sheriffs, Headquarters, was being considered for renovation for other uses. Initial designs continued during the-year. During the year also, the County completed work and dedicatednew fire station on Big Cop- pitt Key ,and prepared for work on a number of other stations" including Conch Key and, Tavernier. Work Was l.accomplishe : on those facilities , s well as preliminary ork on the Crawl Key FireTraining Facility. Work also continued in reference to the overall fire station plan for the Keys and on a varilety,,of projects at various fire.facilities which weredesigned to make_im-provements to those facilities. ork wa's nearly completed n what became the $1,000,000 Volunteer Fire,Facility in'Key Largo, During the year, the o n y also undrt ok the c pisi ion o new ar in Ina ion ,ey to further the improvement of its Fleet MaintenanceProgram: nov ti ns were cco pl is1hed to the Key West garage area.- The County continued, its dedication to the v to nt and improvement of the parks and recreation facilities' ro ou the Keys- ork was done at the"Wilheiminb Harvey Park on Big Coppitt and as part of an interloc 1,agreement at the I nt tin Key Elementary School, oral''Shores,-High , cool, and also the y Largo I n cool. Work continued on he B-Ilue Heron basketball courts and also at Marathon 'High and the ill c of in, ra- t on. Major effort was corrilpleted at Bernstein Park on Stock Island. Nearly $1,000,000 worth of improvements r cco lishand a formal dedication was held duringthe'year. Minor improvements r Is co I t t Watson Field,on,Big Pine . - Much needed renovations were undertaken-at the, Public Service Building on,,Stock Island. These old buildings will receive between fiscal years 1995 and 1996 approximately $100,000 worth of I renovations. Plans were completed for the Truman School in Key West with the $4,000,000;project expected to go out to bid and to start construction during fiscal year 1996. Plans were completed for the Marathon HRS building which cost is being shared jointly by the State and Monroe County. .This $8003000 facility is needed to be,able to deliver services in a much cleaner and more efficient environment. The County,completed its new terminal at.the Marathon Airport. Not only has airline traffic in creased with a significant increase in thenumber of passengers utilizing the facility,-there has also been a number of`awards received for the design of'that facility. The nearly. $8,000,000 that was spent was primarily'from the Federal-Aviation Administration, the Florida Department- of Transportation and passenger facility charges. Only about 1'0% came from the County's in- frastructure sales tax. The awards received were from professional association and the state and also from 'a combination of the Federal Department of Transportation and, the National Endowment for the Arts: Big Pine Key Library was completed and opened during the,year. Located in a,shopping,cen= . ter, this facility-will'serve an area of the County where library services were clearly deficient. As part of its ongoing obligation, the County paid,$4.9 million of infrastructure sales tax funds to support the bonds utilized to build the nearly $30,000,000 Detention .Facility on Stock Is- land. This-effort is scheduled to continue through the year 2003. In addition; the'County, made;its last payment of $442,500 on'the purchase of,Crawl Xey. This also is from the infra- structure,sales tax. Many, other projects were addressed during the year in terms of their ini-, tial planning and those efforts will show up in projects for future years: FOR THE FUTURE: In fiscal year 1996, the;County continues its aggressive program of im proving the facilities for its citizens': Some of these have been identified.'above while others are just entering the planning stages. In reference"to,,general'government projects, the County will not only be under construction on many, but also involved in substantial planning. The Jackson_Square,project will,continue with about $400000'programmed 'forthe new, judicial°complex planning and engineering. , The Lester Building will undergo rehabilitation during the year. with a variety of County offices relo- cating to their much improved quarters. Additional work will be done on the Courthouse An- nex which will prepare it for its part,,in.the overall improvements. Improvements will also be made`to the Marathon: Government Annex ($100,000)`and the Plantation Key Courtrooms ($1001000).. Smaller projects will take place with both the Plantation and KeyWest garages. The County will also continue its commitment with parks and recreation projects.initiating ma- -jor, design activities on some and undertaking major, development activities on others. ` In terms of general improvement, approximately $830,000 will be appropriated from the infra structure sales taxes for the, purpose of maintaining and'improving especially the smaller -, A-4 facilities. This includes Wilhelm ina Harveyark on Bigo i t, Watson,Field tennis courts on Big Piney. Harry Harris Park in the Upper Keys, Bernstein Park on .Stock Island, the Big Pine Senior Center, the Bigo itt Key Park, Higgs Beach in Key West, and East and West cello Towers in Key West. Projects continuing during "the year include most of the work'to complete'Truman School. This will utilize nearly $2,000,000 of infrastructure sales funds. Also, preliminary investigations will begin on the Gato Building, otherwise known as the commissary, in Key West,in anticipa- tion of its being excessedby the Navy and, av ila I for the County-to utilize as 'administrative offices and-sharing th f cilities with the, State. Final touches will be put, on the y Largo Volunteer Fire,Facility as identified in.the last sec tion.: Additional,work,will continue n Conch Keyand Tavernier Volunteer Fire Department, im- provements to their . cilities and major work,will continue on the fire.training cili y`at Crawl 'Key. Work should completed during,the year"on the Marathon HIRS Buildingfor which the County is providing approximately 5 %® of the funds from its infrastructure sales t The Is I or Library is schedule for, face:Ii for,approximately Planning ill continue on the renovation' and additions to the terminal-f cilities at the Key West, In ternational,Airport. Wostof,tho' se funds are coming from fhe'Feder61 Aviation Administration Passenger Facility Char es and the Departmentof Transportation; however, the County i providing uri the fiscal year approximately ", 0 from infrastructure sales-tax to assist with the planning'and preparation for permitting anddevelopment by the end of the calendar year. 'Majorwork is anticipated on the Key Largo rk presently known as the rr property., About 1 i500,000 of infrastructure sales t funs ar4 Iloc t for that 'purpose ith . iional funds" o come from impact fees, , It is anticipated, that the final-design will s lect by the ounty Commission during the,upcoming fiscal year and that planning, r itin and,con- struction could in' place,by this n the year. Work` should also' ro r on tKey Largo rien si 's Park. s in past years,-the , ounty ' ill continue to utilize infrastructure sales,/tax funds in the amount for the, purposef retiring the debt service,on the Detention Facility on Stock, Island. With II of this work, the Countyalso continues with its ongoing, road maintenance, r in e, and bikeh projects throughoutKeys. It is anticipated that during the fiscal year 1 that approximately 3, of these roj cts will be completed, funded mostlyfrom the ounty's operating budget, impact fees, and gas.taxes-. Additional projects that arecontinuing andill provide greater service the County in the fu-, ture arethe Integrated Emer nc o uni tion System which willbe-assisted y the ounty's decision to turn ov. r the Translator Television Service andrelated civities to private enterprise. In addition, the County has improved its approach o r is information, -5 system and,a steady improvementto that system's completion and accuracy will :continue dur- ing"the year.`" Information will be.available.to.the general public at the earliest opportunity. Of the utmost importance, the County is continuing with its computer networking of County offices and its plan to eliminate„the need for the AS/400 centralized system as soon as possible, Li- - brary°automationwill continue,this year with funding coming from;impact fees.and community donations. DEPARTMENT FOCUS:: MONROE COUNTY.PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM The public libraries,have.been a service and information providing institution in our nation for over 100 years. Since 1959; when it was legally,established by state statute and county ordi- nance, the Monroe County Public Libra mry, the highest`quality infor mational - and "recreational service`to its borrowers and users. The Monroe County Public Library System currently consists of five library facilities stretching from Key West to Key Largo. The facilities include the,,Key,West, Headquarters Library, :the Big-Pine Com-m unity Li- brary, the Marathon Community Library, the Islamorada Community Libr and.the Key Largo Community Library. The Board of County Commissioners constitute-the governing body of the Monroe County library,system,,and they appoint a five member board to'serve in an advisory capacity to the County. Administrator, the Library . Director and the Board of County Commissioners., The general`collection of library, materials, spans all types of interests and;purposes. During the fiscal year, the library system circulated a total'of 314,418 book and non-book materials. Including the forty-one,percent (or 33,134 individuals) of Monroe .County .resident registered borrowers, we estimate that about,410,000 individuals are accessing the library on an annual basis. MISSION: The primary role of the library system is to provide high demand materials to the residents of Monroe County. Its secondary role is to acquire, process, store and disseminate information which library,users,require in order to pursue their educational;.business, financial and career goals and objectives. Therefore, the Monroe County Public Library System fea- tures current, high demand, high interest book,and non-book materials for persons of all,ages and supports:individuals,pursuing a sustained program of learning independent of an.educa- tional provider. The Monroe County libraries provide timely, accurate and useful information for its community"residents and visitors. SERVICES: ; Library,services are available to both residents and nonresidents of`Monroe County. The services provided include-Borrowing Privileges,'Reference,Services, Juvenile and Young Adult Services, Other Programming and Technical Services. Borrowing Privileges are made available through the use of a library card. Individuals who are,permanent and legal residents,of the County are issued a card upon request at no costa Cards may "be obtained from:the circulation desks located at each'"facility. " Nonresidents- are charged a no annual fee for borrowing privileges; ;however everyone is welcome to usexany of the five brary :facilities', materials on location at no A=G charge. it r n may apply for a library r as soon as they r bl o print their name. But children under,the age of fourteen are required to have a parent or legal guardian's consent by signing on the child's behalf. -There is a,manual system in place:for locating library t ri Is. Books are arranged o the shelves in an easily ccessi Iarrangement. The borrower identifies the . ook by author, title or subject. in the card catalog, finds the location on the shelf and,checks out the book at the circulation desk. A similar procedure is used to select filmstrips, films, audio ssettes andvideo tapes. • The Reference Serviceunit is staffed by individuals who are, specially trained in information resources and retrieval. The, specialized collection is extremely diverse in topical scope n : depth. It is most beneficial in areas of business, law, finance, grantwrit.ing, statistics. and other such literature. In addition, numerous, newspaper and- periodical titles are ,rhade available. Reference I inquiries,may be made ,ih person or by ei phon If'the information requested cannot be located 'within our library system there is a state and national network,avail ble known as the Interlibrary Lon r Information- which increases accessibility ten fold. With, these yst s in place it is an, extremely rare occasion in which the reference staff cannot fulfill information requests. t the end of this fiscal year " h library. system answered 2 reference questions with only 35 unanswered inquiries. During Ithe same period there r 1,711 successful -interlibrary loan transactions. T it includes i m e of. chit ren's' materials` n formats and collection of profe' sslion'ally trained 'individuals who.-can provide assistance n guidance to',these age groups. - An integral service of- this department is that of programm-ing. The range of,programming varies from story hours, to its and crafts, to special v n This past ye r 556 juvenile n young adult programs took place with an attendance of 12,190 children: Each library has `c m unity room which is used for Other Programming. r ra s must be conducted-during fifty-tWo.hour business week in which the libraries are open to the public. During the past fiscal year,there were 852 programs held with'a total, attendance of 23,32 .persons. •The invisible backbone o t MonroeCounty Library r Systemis the Technical ., by its staff.' The primaryfunction of,these services is to acquire,,processi and distribute all, library t ri Is. In r additionLthere is n ongoing ro ss of manually y updating n maintaining ri Is cc ss tools (i.e. the cardt to ; sh l lists, etc.). Last :year the Technical i s Department processed ,,57book and non-book , materials. Maintenance of the,1 1;0 ook collection was also performed. This Service Department is the library unit which brings all-library services together. Two groups of people holdspecial place in the ounty's public library organization. Friends' of the Library,support their community.libraries with donations and volunteers. And a separate group of individuals donate their ti year roundto el library staffit to tasks that wouldle undone u t lack of library staff time. Our thanks go out to these two groups which, contribute greatly in time n effort in pursuit of quality library services in Monroe County. With the onset of the technological age, it is the libraries' vision to improve on our past performance with�the introduction-of automated services. As.Monroe County's infor- mation source, it is our goal to bring information to people and people to information. INTERNAL CONTROL STRUCTURE f The internal control structure is designed to ensure that the assets of the-County are protected from Foss, theft or misuse and to ensure that adequate accounting data are compiled to allow for the preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The internal control structure'is designed to provide reasonable,L but not absolute, assurance;that these objectives are met for both internal and external reporting.purposes. Refining internal controls is an ongoing process which is necessary to provide such assurances': The Clerk of the Circuit:.Court maintains an Internal Audit Department. This Department per- forms-financial. and compliance audits for,the Clerk,of ,the Circuit Court,and the Board' of County Commissioners.' The main functions of the Internal Audit Division are to evaluate the internal,accounting controls, ensure compliance with existing laws and regulations within the County's accounting . counting- system., and make recommendations to management for improvement. This evaluation provides management with-the assurance that their financial resources are be- ing properly'recorded,and;adequately safeguarded. In order to qualify for.,various federal, .state and. local -financial assistance programs, the County must provide assurance that proper internal controls are inIplace to ensure compliance With applicable laws and regulations related to those grants programs. The system of internal controls is subject to periodic evaluation by. management and the internal audit staff of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. These internal controls are audited each year by independent Certi- fied Public Accountants and are reported in the Single Audit section of the CAFR: The results of Monroe County's single audit for the fiscal year ended September, 30, 1995 showed no in- stance of material .weaknesses in,internal control and no significant violations of applicable laws and-regulations. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Total general government revenues collected by Monroe County during the past year. amounted to $112.4 million. .This amount includes revenues of the General, Special Revenue; Debt Service,.-.Capita l'Project, and Fiduciary Fund Types but does not include collections from the Proprietary Funds. The graph°at the top of'the.facing page illustrates a ten-year history of Monroe County's general government revenues. Taxes of $6&9 million comprised the:targest general government revenue source. The second..largest revenue category'is intergovern- mental revenues which includes a variety of state and federal shared,grants and amounts to $21.7 million. Charges for services comprises the third largest revenue source which amounts .. to $8 1 million.' The remaining general government revenues are composed of $4.8 million for investment income, $42 million for miscellaneous revenues, $2.5 million:for fines and forfei- tures and $2.1 million for licenses and permits. For graphic purposes miscellaneous revenues A-8 are shown to include _ licenses an permits Monroe County, Florida and investment income. General Government ,Revenues Dollars i illi The chart belt pre- 120 sents a summary of eneral, . ,� Special 100 Revenue, Debt-Serv- 30 ice, Capital Projects, and ` Fiduciary Fund 60 U revenues for the fi - 40 cal years ended September 30, 195 20 and 1994, and the 0 eunt and percent- '66 '67 6 '69 ' 0 '91 '92 ' '94 '95 am ages of increases- 'Fiscal Year and decreases in rep latien� to purer e Taxes L Intergcvern Brit EL Miscellaneous ye a revenues. C7 Charges E Fine Percent bf Percentage Percentage 'Revenue Source `1995 1994 _ Increase. of Total of Total Dollars in thousands " (Decrease) 1995 -1994 Taxes $68,868 $64,395 ' 6.95 61.27 4.74 Lic n e Permits 2,125 2,018 530 1.89 2.03 Intergovernmental 21,711 19,691 10.26 19.3 Charges for Services 3,127 4, .03 7.23 4.92 Fines & Forfeitures 2; 5 (15. 7) _ .21 . 2: 7 Investment Income . 4,833 3,297, '46.59 4.3or 3.31 Miscellaneous 4,247 2,219 91.39 3.78 2.23 Total $112,397 $99,470 13e0 100.00 `1 00 00 The largest percent of increase is miscellaneous-revenue. The majority of that. increase is due to the Comprehensive Flan Land Authority Special Revenue Fund Sale of'Lands for over 2 million. The second largest percent of I increase i 'Charges for services. This increase Is mainly due to fees of over $1.5 million for the housing of ri bher `ire the new detention facility. Investment income increased over $1.5 million due to our ongoing e carts to maximize invest- ment earnings ,on idle County funds. In addition the rate on investment instruments among the 072 year range increased significantly. - -Revenues. collected by, all,fund; types,1 including Governmental - Funds previously listed as ,wella " Monroe County, Total Revenues for 1 9 as Proprietary Funds amounted 5 to' $143,319;048" which repre- sents ,an increase of appr`oxi- 5a% mately $1.1.9 million ors 9.06%.( ❑ faxes , over: the" previous fiscal year. M Licenses&Permits The largest Source" of revenue .. Intergovernmental this•year in the Proprietary Fund Eg Charges for Services' %❑ Fines&Foreitures , - 4% Types Was Char e5for,Services ❑ InVest. Income . amounting t0"a roxtmately $23 Miscellaneous amOU 16°� _ "; t" �,r .2%. pp .million`. The graph to the right 2s� illustrates the proportion Hof reve- nues attributable to the -various sources. The following schedule presents a summary of Generale Special Revenue, Debt "Service, Capital, Projects and Fiduciary,,Fund expenditures for the fiscal, year's ended September 30, 1995 and 1994,aril the percentage of change in relation to prior,year expenditures: Percent of Percentage, Percentage Expenditure Function " 1995 1994, Increase" 'of Total of;Total' Dollars in th ( ) ousands Decrease 1995 . 1994 General Government $291'390 $23;460 '25.28 25.91 23,06 Public Safety 41,240 38;321 7.62 36.35 37.67.. Physical Environment 1,160 1,305 (11.11), ; 1.02 1.28" " Transportation 6'.168 .4,264 : 44.65 5.44 4.19 EcortorriicEnvironrrient 9,616 7,996 2�0.26 8:48 7.86 . Human Services 5,57,4 9,788 (43.05),: 4.91 9.62 Culture Recreation 2,704 2,758 (1.96) 2:38 2.71,1 ��Debt service_ ' . 6 888 " , 4,628 48.83 `�� 6.07�_ 4.55 _' Capita[ Outlay 10,703 9,207 16.25' -. 9.43� 9.95 Total $113,443 $101;727 ;11.52 100.00 . 100.00 The largest increase:experience is in debt service. This, increase is mainly due;to a one day timing difference, The paying agents now require to'have the interest and principal payments to'them;one day prior to the date on which they make disbursement. ``Our largest bond issue has an interest,payment date of October 1 We were required to make our interest payments this fiscal year by 7September 30, our, closing fiscal year,date. The "percent of increase for A=10 transportation was a direct result of the Road andBridge and Impact as - cad a p i l Revenue Funds efforts in completing more projects and diligently following the Monroe County Seven Year Roadway/Bicycle Roadway/Bicycle Path Flan. The general government expenditure increase of million is attributedto the Comprehensive Plan Land Authority Special Revenue, Fund of rants and aid.for park and recreation properties. The decrease in human serviceexpendi- tures is s result of the elimination of the Mariner's o pit l Special Taxing i tricot, Expenditures for all fund Monroe ' Florida type, including-the Govern- Total Expenditures r 1995 imhtl Funds previously listed as well as the 'Pr-opri - Lary Funds amounted to 1% N General Government 142,997,547which r pr - - 29°/ D, Physical Environment D Public Safety nt an increase of $11, Ci111 Transportation lion or 8.37% over the Economic Environment previous fiscal year. The Cl Culture&recreation a Internal Service chart to the left°illustrates the 4l0 2% LZJ Debt service proportion of 'expenditures 4t - ° Capital Outlay 2�r� r ,, a attributable to the various a Ja C3 Human services 9 5% 7% ❑ Enterprise functions. The unreserved, urn i - -— rated fund balance of the - _ General Fund, at September 3 , 1995 was $9.4, million, Monroe County, Florida representing a decrease ® from the prier year of p- gnatied proximately $1.1 million. Fund Balance The graph belo reflects the General ` unreserved, Dollars(ire millions) un e ignated fund balance -- --.._.__.... --- ------- ------------------- - for the past ten fiscal years. .. _.__ This roller coaster image re- 12 ��(>�rr�{\'��t�;��=J�+� lects the fluctuations f non � rrS (j tt i.,lt¢tt(l;�tlt rtrfi jxt3\.tSt rtl�##vt(f ) f�tiZ#krb(t f{a+�,r6 } ,;„.� s r4ad valorem taxestogether 10 tr 1kk t)Sx4E S{ r fgf h!'«I Yr1' ) \fl+YI\tr }r 1Z{Er} st fi IeY iJ(J y Z czSr-lrxs t+ is 'it i)iJ a3{{1)4}d k al,rt 1}+ltrtYt\rStstrrvk yltry }}g ty trYs S{}t 3)rY};t jt > trr t v with the and f County ~^E F ticiion r 'actions in - :r1rF 17 lv}S ntt @:qtN ,iS 'jt, tY ,f i+.iS+�tiv#°f ts;�._.f r�:ijJ)!j}rtl{Y''} \`s 1t'tY y.F+Sy +t�Qi`,IfYtrl'Fr 4f+fl} r\fs}trS „ .4slit,{,t r{ ' rl,, f,r IuS . 4} 1Yt1 Ii;i , ti}'t tva,tt t\r,4rS+}5, ,{+}flit, ,} minimizing millage rate in- .creases while t the same !86 '87 188 89 190 191 '92 ' -'93 '94 '95 tee responding to public Fiscal Year pressures for services. -11 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds are'established o finance and account for the acquisition, operation and maintenance of facilities.and'services which are intended to be entirely or predominantly self-' supporting through the collection of-charges from users,, or for which the periodic determina- tion of revenues earned; expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital main- tenance, public policy 'or other purposes. The County maintains four enterprise funds as follows: MUNICIPAL'SERVICE DISTRICT, WASTE --This fund accounts for the sanitary waste dis- posal activities of the County. Operational revenues during the fiscal year decreased 9.2%. This was due, in part,,to the reduction of waste disposal-fees. . Net;income during the fiscal year decreased 81%. This decrease can be attributed to the 9.2% decrease in revenues and the 5% increase in personal service operational expenses. CARD SOUND BRIDGE - This.fund accounts for the operations of the County's;toll bridge. Operating revenues and expenditures generated` during' 'the fiscal year amounted to $1,028 260 and-$573,002 respectively: This fund has significantly stabilized this fiscal year with no major reportable events. MARATHON AIRPORT This fund accounts for the operations of the Marathon'Airport. Net Income,during.the fiscal year amounted to $1,032,360. Construction of a new terminal and several airport upgrades were completed this fiscal year. KEY V1/EST .INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - This fund accounts for the"operations of the Key West International Airport. Operating revenues and expenditures generated during the fiscal year amounted to $2;'007,980 and `$1,461,230 respectively. Planning on the renovation and additions to-the terminal facilities will continue: FIDUCIARY FUNDS` The County maintains five agency and five expendable trust funds. 'Fiduciary Funds are;es- tablished to account for.assets held by the County in atrustee capacity or as an,agent for indi viduals, private organizations, other government units, or other funds. The total assets of the Fiduciary Funds was $11,229,381. as of September 30, 1995.. The four largest of the funds„ are Sheriff General Agency, Clerk General Agency, Deferred Compensation Plan and Prop-' . erty Tax. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS The general fixed assets of the County are those fixed assets used in the performance of gen- eral governmental functions and they exclude the fixed assets of Proprietary ,Funds.; As of September 30' 1995, the general fixed,assets"of the County amounted to $122,999,974. This amount;represents the original cost of the assets and bears no I relationship to their present -12 value. .There was 9. 7% increase from the prier fiscal year. Depreciatio of general fixed assets is not recognized in the County' eeeunti system, in accordance.with Governmental Accounting Practices. DEBT ADMINISTRATION - The County's financial management teen has consistently demonstrated,its ability to respon- sibly ibly ride the fiscal affairs of the government, The nationally recognized 'ratings o County bonds have historically been Aaa and AAA from eddy's Investors,Service and Stan- dard & Poor! car oration, respectively. MANAGEMENT,CASH The Finance Department monitors the cash flew reeds of the County on a weekly basis. All operating funds in excess of weekly cash flp ,needs are deposited with the Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund under the, management of the Floridatat Bard of Administra- tion. This investment opportunity provides the County with extremely, liquid funds Which are retrievable from investment within,twentyrfour hours. The average daily balance invested with the State Board over the fiscal year was approximately,$48.2million. Our average participant rate of return on these funds was 5.5%. In addition, the County, through .its,investment advi- sors, has structured an investment portfolio of ecuri- Performance ti which had n average duration ofapproximately � thirteen months. Various security 'instruments were Fiscal Year 1994/95 utilized. They included U.S. Treasury Obligations, Average Yields Federal Agencies, Municipal Securities, Commercial- 8° Paper and Money Markets. The portfolio' average 7% — -- - -rate of return for the fiscal year was 5.45%. And,the s%averagey it balance invested in this portfolio was5%. approximately $33.5 million, %I Investment Option For comparative purposes the average yields on a - _-- -__ 3-mohth treasury bill was 5:66%7 a 1-year -r-bill was 0 Portfolio 0 SBA Pool E 3 Mo.T-Bill-I 0.21% and -year Treasury note was 5. 4%. The ❑1Yr -glll v�< -Note graphic representation above is for comparative pur- poses 'only. Duringthe fiscal year the County° invest- ment e rninamounted to 5,990,733. 13 RISK'MANAGEMENT The County's assets are protected through the risk management program developed and managed by the Risk Management'.Section of the Human Resources Department. They ad- minister insurance activities relating to fleet auto liability, general liability, and public official li-11 ability. The Risk`Managernent Section, through its, coordinated and continuous efforts in monitoring'potential risk exposures and implementing safety control programs, ;coupled with effective claims administration; is striving to meet the goal of minimizing injury claims which re= suit in economic repercussions to the County. Additionally, the County, managed by the Employee Benefit Section, maintains a Worker's Compensation and Group insurance Internal Service Funds. Under these programs, all . County ,employees, as well as the employees of the Constitutional Officers are provided a comprehensive health care plan and term life insurance coverage as well as worker's com- perisation program: Funding for these programs is generated by charges to the operating departments based on management's annual estimates of claim loss and operating costs. BUDGETARY CONTROL Budgets for the Property Appraiser and the Tax Collector are approved by the Florida Depart- ment of Revenue and are adopted as part of the General Fund by the Board.of County Corn- mission6rs. The"Sheriff, Supervisor of` Elections, and Clerk of the u Circit Court prepare budgets for their General Funds which are submitted to and approved by the Board: Formal budgetary integration is employed as_,a management control device during the year for all fund types except as noted in the Notes to the General Purpose Financial Statements. Monroe County follows the laws of Florida regarding the control,.adoption, and amendment of thebudget during each fiscal year; in addition; the County'Commission increases the`level of budgetary control because they approve all,cost center, budgetary changes by resolution. As an additional control, the County employs an encumbrance system which reduces avail- able appropriations in governmental funds upon the issuance of purchase orders, contracts, or other forms or legal commitments. :Encumbrances at year end do not-constitute expenditures or liabilities. They are accounted for as a reservation of fund balance in the year the commit- ment`is made. While appropriationslapse at the end of the fiscal year, the succeeding year's , budget resolution°provides for the reappropriation,of year-end encumbrances. _.INDEPENDENT.AUDIT Chapter 11.45 of the Florida Statutes requires an independent certified public accountant's fi- nancial audit of counties in the State. This requirement has been met for the fiscal year end- ng on September.30, 1995 and the opinion of the auditors has been included in this report. A-14 In addition to meeting4he requirements set forth in State Statutes, the audit also was designed to meet t requirements of the Federal Single AuditAct of 1984 andrelated OMB Circular A-128. , The aud ior's,report on the general purpose, financial statements'and combining nd individual fund statements,and schedules is included in, the financial section of this report. The auditor's reports related p cific ll tote single, audit are included in the Single Audit Section. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT The Government Finance icers Association of the United t s and Canada ( ) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to Monroe County for its o prehensive' nnual Financial, Report for the fiscal'-year ended September 30, 1994. The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national,award,recognizing confor ance with the highest stand r s'for preparation of state and local'government financial reports. In, order tobe awarded a Certificate 'of Achievement, a government must publish an,�easily_. readable n efficiently, organized o reh nsive Annual Financial Report, whose-contents conform to program standards. Such Comprehensive.Anhual Financial ort.,mist;satisfy both generally accepts "accounting rinci l s and applicable legal requirements. Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year r only. Monroe County has,re- ceived ertific o Achievement for the last seven consecutive ye r& `We believe our cur® rent report continu s'to conform o the Certificateof Achievement'program requirements, and re submitting, it to-the ACKNOWLEDGMENT This report results from the u u l-cooperation and dedication of the entire Finance epart- nt for their invaluable assistance under the direction of the Clerk of.the Circuit Court of Monroe County s u itor and Chiefin nci I Officer to the Board` of Countyo isioner . Special recognition fort .Ion "urs and the collaboration of team spirit needs to be ex- jended to Stephanieri i s, Scott Adams, and Lisa.Albury. Without their votion this report Would not have been a reality. ur sincerest appreciation, is extended to them for all they have co li . Although h in c en is responsible for t1he'preparation of this report, the County's i I ndependent auditors, Kemp n r , n, PA, have contributed-substantially to-the quality of this presentation. We thank their s special thank you is addressed to MarvaGreen, CPA for-sharing,her knowledge,, professionalism, n p ri nce. alsowish to express our thanks to the Monroe County Constitutional Officers, Sheriff Rich- ardRoth, Tax Collector Harry-Knight,, ro erty Appraiser, Ervin Higgs and Supervisor of Elec- tions Harry Sawyer. Particular recognition is due the County Administrator, James Roberts, r his contribution of the major initiative section of this transmittal letter and the Public Library System for contributing the departmental focus. .We would also like to express our apprecia- tion to all'County employees who have made contributions to this report. In closing-,,the, preparers of this report especially,thank the County Commissioners for their in-, terest and support throughout the'year in matters pertaining'to the financial operations of the County. ,We thank'you and the citizens of Monroe County for the vital role you have played.in enabling Monroe County t6 achieve 'and maintain a -high degree; of fiscal responsibility. Thanks to Mayor;,Shirley Freeman, Commissioner Keith Douglass, Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey, Commissioner Jack London, and Commissioner Mary Kay Reich: We believe#hat this report reflects the'strong financial health of Monroe County and we submit its to you with pride; Sincerely, nny Ihage Sandra Carlile- Clerk of the Circuit Court Finance Director and Chief Financia Officer A-16 E; s i C e r tif ic a t e" o f Achievement for Excellence ' in Financiai , , ,Reporting i fPresented to Monroe County fi Florida fi or'its Comprehensive,Annual Fiina cial e ort for the Fiscal Year Ede eptlember 3 ; 19 ,94 A certificate of Achievement for Exeellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of.the United States and Canada to government units,and public.employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. 0�x,��9 F F � Uo Sraco s y x President oxar�x ®9 r CHICA6a - Ei. �> Executive Directors A-17 8 G-d C O Wg . � d I WZW y U W �0) or � Q cn � � o ° z oo >O c� .n� px � �o �'I g U ¢ y E I' j. a , o _ iII I. _�yONO�UW NymE Z ,I woI 1,0 Nd cNyo0 Q.oNeecm_ YNod W�yoc0aUwi ycc wCM2CLU W Qc0 m W W M 0 a Ey IxUc, mo= 0 O m ¢ I 0oi (D 2 w cq CwzyZ yLmeoS c°c, L�xmII m�C 7U - -E.Uac� Um oT mOyCT -1 on W a) 1 ' y mc o Wo a)ZU y Z.p f Z ow tm Z / N wQ ZO ..Cc W Q LLJ c Q UoE 1 Z w 0�pz Wi UO p CO W¢ Q � J ' N U lO W � mO Q _E s o l Z °� d o ggo u Z,v u m OuyO (L) prm w0cad p =O m c+ I oQc ¢z0Y I Irac ° WLij C Z d W¢ goU z Z O O to o 6Z 0 y <2 p- � mm w LU � E ° �z �W W W W 0 Jo �= WQdUW7U0 Z W uj imo 0 Iwo a) � w �y OE p Wa aZ Q ' LU a) _- LL�y _ +- . . x .Ic P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. O. BOX 129 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE WW 0.-KEMP, C.P, . (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A.. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida We have audited- e accompanying general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida (the-"County'®) as of_ an for the year ended September 30, 1995 as listed in the table of contents. These general purpose financial statements are the responsibility of the `County's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on tese.geerl purpose financial statements based on our audit; e conducted our, au it in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards,, Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General" of-the United` States, and the provisions of Office of Management and Budget Circular' -1B, "Audits of State and Local Governments. " Those standards and OMB Circular A-128 require that we plan and' perfor'm the audit to, obtain reasonable assurance about ; whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on,a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the general purpose , financial statements n audit l so, include assessin the. accounting' principles used an significant estimates -made-by management, as well as valua i the overall general purpose financial statement presentation. We believe that bur audit provides, a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements -referred to _above present fairly, in' all material resecs, ' the financial' position of the County as of September 30, 195, and the results ,of' ats operations- and the cash flows of its proprietary fund types for the year then ended "in conformity with generally accepted accounting -principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The combining and individual fund and account group financial statements and schedules listed. in the foregoing table of' contents, which are 'also' the responsibility of the management of the County; are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of; the general purpose financial statements of the County. Such additional information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects when "considered in relation to -the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. -1 In accordance with'Government- Auditing Standards, we have alsolissued,a report dated March 4, 1996-on our consideration, of the System's internal control , structure and, a report dated,', 1996 on it's compliance with laws and regulations Kemp &;Green, P.A. Certified Public Accountants March ,_ 199$ B-2 GREEN, P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. O. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 3304 1-1 529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE WM. O. KEMP, .C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA- INSTITUTE OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305)`294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS -INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON THE INTERNAL CONTROL STRUCTURE-BASED ON AN AUDIT OF THE GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Board of-Coup y Commissioners Monroe County, Florida e have audited the general ` purpose financial statements of Monroe 'County, Florida (the "County') for the year ended September 30, 1995, and have issued our report thereon dated March 4, 1996. e conducted our audit in, accordance with generally acce :audiing standards, Government uditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller 'General of the United States, and the provisions of Office of Management an Budget CircularA-128, "'Audits of State and Local Governments. " Those standards and OMB Circular -1 .require that we-'plan and perform"the audit to obtain reasonable assurance` bout whether the general purpose, financial statements are free of material misstatement. - The management of the, County: is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure. In ulfi,lling his responsibility, estimates and judgements bymanagement-are required aired o assess the ex eced`bnefits and related costs of internal control structure policies and procedures. The`oectives of . an internal control structure are to provide management with reasonable, bu .not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded a ain , loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded' properly o' permit the preparation of general purpose finan statements in accordance with 'generally accepted accounting principles. Because of inherent, Iimitations in any internal control structure; errors or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projection iof any evaluation of the structure to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become` inadequate because of changes i conditions or that the effectiveness of the designand-operation of policies and procedures ay deteriorate'. In planning and performing our audit of,the general purpose financial -statements of the County for the year ended Spte ber.30, 1995, we obtained an understanding of the internal control structure, With respect to the internal control structure, we obtain an understanding of the design of relevant policies and procedures and whether hey have been placed in operation, and ,we assessed control risk in order o determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the general purpose financial statements and not to provide an opinion on e...internal` control structure. ' Accordingly, we do not express such an ,opinion. Our consideration of the internal control structure woul d not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control structure that might be reportable conditions and, accordingly, would not necessarily disclose all reportable conditions that are also considered to be material weaknesses. A material 5-3 weakness is a, reportable condition in which the design or operation of one or more of,the specific internal _control ,structure -elements does not reduce to a relatively low. level, the. ri sk that errors . and i rregul ari ties in amounts that would be material in relation to the general purpose financial statements being audited,-,may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned' functions: _ e noted no matters involving the `inter.nal control structure and`its operations that we consider. to be inateri-al weaknesses as defi ned' above. We also noted other matters involving the internal control structure and its operation that we have reported to the management of the County -'in a- separate letter :dated March 4, 1996. We also issued .a report to the management of Monroe County dated March 4, ,1996 on'the internal control structure and its,operati'ons, used to administer federal financial assistance programs. Thi s' report i s i ntended.for the information of the Board of"County Commissioners,, management and others within the County; and officials of appli,cable, federal and state agencies:- However, this 'report, is 'a matter of public record and its distribution ts not limited. Kemp &. Green P.A Certified Public 'Accountants March , 1996 - B-4 Certified Public Accountants 1435 KENNEDY DRIVE P. O. BOX 1529 KEY VEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER E ICAN INSTITUTE W . 0; KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-25 1 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX #,(305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, INDEPENDENT U ITO S' REPOT ON COMPLIANCE BASED ON THE AUDIT OF -THE GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Board of County Commissioners Monroe County,- Florida We- have audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County; Florida (the "County") as of and for the year ended September 30 1995, and have issued our report thereon dated March 4, 1996. We conducted our audit .in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, Government uditi Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and the provisions of Office of Management and Budget Circular -12 , "Audits of State and Local Governments. Those standards and OMB Circular A-12 requirepurpose 'reasonable assurance about whether` that generlan ur so financial statements are free of material misstatement. . Co pl i ace with Paws, regulations contracts, and grants applicable to the County`' is the responsibility of the County's management. As part of 'oaning reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements are free 'o material misstatement, we performed tests of the County's compliance with certain provisions f laws, regulations, contracts, and grants. However, the objective `of, our- audit of the general purpose financial statements was not to provide a opinion on overall compliance with such provisiqns Accordingly, we do .not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no- instances of noncom li'ance that are required, to be reported herein under Government Auditing Standards. e also reported on compliance with Iaws and regulations relate to federal financial assistance, which we. reorte o, the County- an e ent in. our report' dated arch ' , 1996 .on -general requirements "and on specific requirements 'for,- major programs. This report is managementandd others f within the County, and the information of the'Board of applicable® y Commeral 1 ssi don rs state agencies. o ever, this re or is a matter o ublic record and its distribution is not limited. Kemp & Green P.A. Certified Public Accountants March 4, 19 B- THIS.PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEfT BLANK it GENERAL FUND The General Fund is the general'operating fund of the County. It is used to,account for all financial resources except for those required to be accounted for in-'another fund. The General Fund has a greater number and variety of revenue sources than any other fund and its resources finance a wider range of activities. The resources of the General Fund are ordinarily largely,expended and replenished on an annual basis: SPECIAL The Special Revenue Funds are used to'account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted by law or administrative action for specific purposes. =The Debt Service Funds are used to account for the payment of principal, interest and expenditures on long-term debt other than debt payable from the operations'of Enterprise Funds. CAPITAL PROJECTS EUNCS The Capital projects Funds are used to account for financial resources segregated for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by enterprise operations. II ,. i Enter r The se Funds are u p., used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises`where the intent is that the costs (expenses, including depre- oiation)of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user charges or where periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred,,and/or ! net income is appropriate for capital maintenance,-public policy, management control, accountability,:or other purposes. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS The Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or.agency to other departments or agencies of the County, or to,other governments, on a cost-reimbursement.basis. HIDUCUARY IF The Trust and Agency Funds are used to account for the assets held by,the County as trustee or agent for individuals, private;organizations, and other governments. . GE L I -r The General Fixed Assets Account Group is used to account for those assets used in,the per- formance of general governmental functions and excludes the fixed assets of Proprietary Funds. GENE L�IV��TI`RM 1 �13T The General Long-Term Debt Account Group is used to account for the County°s liability for special revenue bonds and other general long-term obligations, which are not obligations of the Enterprise Funds. COMBINED ACCOUNTALLIFUND TYPES AND GROUPS SEPTEMBER 19,95 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Special t Capital - General RRevenue Service Projects ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents 4,b48,843 $ 34,46 ,630 $ . ®® $ 10,982,295 Cash with Fiscal Agent - -- - Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost 11,055,667 13,975,529 7,565,565 Accounts Receivable: Delinquent Waste Collection Fees Allowance for Uncollectible Waste Collection Fees Other 361,845 1,311,372 ®® ®® Allowance for Other Uncollectible (182, 49)' (976, 84) Mortgage oteReceivable - 1,398,90 Allowance for Mortgage Receivable (2148,153) -- _ Inventory 14,560 Inventory of Land for Resale, 6,796,692 - Due from Other Funds 649,709, " 147,885' _ 76,400 Due from Other Governmental Units 3,32 ,623 3,618,803 933,650 Interest Receivable 80,861 243,529 95,500 Restricted Assets. Cash and Cash Equivalents - -- 2,49 , 65 -- Investments'at Cost or Amortized Cost Interest Receivable 66,755 -® , Prope , ( et, Where Applicable of Accumulated ) De reciation p Deferred Charges (Net) Other Debits:" Amount Available for Debt Service _a - Amount to be Provided for Retirement of General Long-Term Debt �- Total Assets and Other Debits $_19,34, 9 $ 60,731,505 7,584,80 $ 1.9,653,410 C-1 FIDUCIARY ,PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FUND TYPESC !J T GROUPS TOTAL General General ----- Internal, "Trust Flx6d Long-Term a or Enterprise Service &Agency Assets Debt Only' $ 7,040,1 4 1,185,826 + 5T,278,862' _- $ -® $ 62,999,580 7,871 -- - -- 7,871 6,972,330 2,004,013 2,450;990� -- -- 44,024,094- 1,032,641' 77 -- __ 1032,641 (945,645) -_ ®- -- (945,645) 7,431 425;495 66,25 -- _- 2,622;397 (53,914) ®- _- -- (1,213,447) 1,398,902 21,074 35,634 _ - ®_ , 6,796,692 725,213 1,556,454 3,360, 80 _W 6,516,241 581,719 20,701 72,695 -- =® 8,55 ,191 , 116,551 33,50.0 - -- 569,941 2294,195 2,1167,347 _ 7,186,887 66,755 21,752,463 2,175,694 -- 122,999,974 -- 146,928,131 268,717 - -- ®- 268,717, 7,583,473 7, 83,473 3 , 2 ,704 36;623,704' 2,417, 43 7,422,757 11,229,381 $ 122,999,974 $_ 4,207,177 $ 335, 00,366` The notes to the financial'steternents are an integral pert of these statements. C-2 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET ; ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS-CONTINUED SEPTEMBER,30,,1995 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES S-pecial Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects LIABILITIES, FUND EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 1,316,708 $ _1,455:882 $ -- $ ' 1,576,774 Tax Anticipation Note - 164,000 -- Accrued Wages and Benefits Payable 1;971,538 ''406654 -- 9,111 . Accrued Compensated Absences-Payable 301,565 60,952 -- 3,690 Due to Others 80 _- Claims and Judgements Payable -- -- Due to Other Funds 31467,570 1,910,482 -- 735,117 Due to Other Governmental Units 2,722,238 122629 -- 874,874 Matured Bonds Payable -_ Matured Premium Payable Deposits in Escrow 16,996 6,375 Deferred Revenues 153,838. 811,016 -- 7,355,974 Capital Leases Payable -_ Payable from Restricted Assets:, Accounts Payable' 1,387 Accrue d,lnterest,Payable Revenue Bonds Payable'-Current - -- -- Landfill Closure Costs -- Other Current Liabilities 1,340 45. Long-Term Debt - _ - Total Liabilities 9,951,793 4,939,015 1,387 - 10555,540 " - Fund Equity and Other Credits: Investment'in General Fixed Assets Contributed Capital Retained Earnings: , Reserved for Revenue Bond Retirement Unreserved Fund Balances:, - Reserved for Encumbrances 16,728 87,777 -- 5,512 Reserved for Trust Fund Purposes -- -- -- Reserved for Land Acquisition - 2,346,315= -- -- Reserved for Inventory -- 6,796,692 -- -_ Reserved for Mortgage.Loans - 338,831 Reserved for Debt Service -- 7,583,473 -- Unreserved, Designated for,Beaches 356 183- �- Unreserved, Undesignated 9,385;738 45,866;692 =- 9,092,358- Total fund Equity and Other;Credits 9,402,466 55,792,490 7-583,473 9,097;870 Total Liabilities,.Fund Equity and Other Credits $ 19 354,259 ' $ 60,731,505 $ 7,584,860 $ 19,653,410 C-3 FIDUCIARY PROPRIETARY FUND FUND TYPEST GROUPS,, TOTAL General Generaf Internal Tr us Fixed Long-Term a r nd Enterprise Service &Agency Assets Debt Only $ 1,721,860 307,453 $ 4,067 -- 6,382,744 _6 _ -- -- 164,000 96,947 39,211 2,523,461 27,114 23,241 ®_ 416,562 -- 3,996,952 ®® ®® 3,997,032 256,514 3;015,493 __ - - 3,272,007 245,518 157,554, -' _ -- 6,516,241 3,814 2,227 6,691,754 -m 10,417,536 5,000 ®® ®® ®_ - 5,000 2,871 2,871 57,975 81,346 8,321,728 137;941 -- -- , _® ®- 137,941 -- -- -- -- 1,387 287;058 ®a _ - 287,058' 315,000 _ -_ 315,000 331,100 r -- - 331,100 -- 3067 4,452 10,717,231 69,aa7 __ __ 44,207,177 54,993,415 14,205;943_ 3,617,253 10,692 773 _ 44,207,177 98,170 881 122,999,974 ®v 122,999,974 1a;i364,808 21,149,251 2,482,383 ®_ 2,482,383 14,863,909, 1,656,253 -- -- -- 16,520,162 110,017' -- ®� 536,608 - _ 536,608 -- -- -_ -- -- 2,346,315 6,796,692 338,831 -- __ - 7,583,473 -- - - 356,183 -_ - -- _- - 64,344,788 28,211,100 3,80 ,504 536,608 122;999,974 -® 237,429,485 $ _42,417,04 71422,_ 57 $ 11,229s381 $- 122,999,974 44 207 177 $ 335,600,366 The notes to the financial statements are an Integral part of these statements. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND: CHANGES'IN FUND BALANCES ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES-AND EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER'30, 1995 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects >- _. _ Revenues: Taxes $ 11,715,847 $ 46,405,922, $ -- $ 10,746,262 Licenses& Permits 428,397 1,696,598 Intergovernmental 10,940,242 8,452,987 863,250 1,454,649 Charges for Services" 3,7301458 4,315,050 - -- 40,086 Fines& Forfeitures , 81,843 2,261,703 -- -- Investment Income 786,000 2,760,870 449,960. 814,566 Miscellaneous 640,266 3,531,901 Total Revenues 28,323,053 69,425,031 1,313,210 13,056,944 Expenditures: Current: General Government 19,836,761 9,553,492 -- -- Public Safety 27,885,727 13,115,206' - -- Physical Environment 334,977 825,057 -_ Transportation 89,359 6,078,983' =- Economic`Environment 652,780 81963,624 -- -- Human Services 5i069,809 503,818 = Culture'and Recreation 1,714,055 . 989'449 - - Debt Service 142,303 10,578 6,735,189 -- 'Capital'Outlay Total Expenditures 55,725,771 40,040,207 6,735,189 10,702,556 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (27,402,718) 29,384,824 (5,421,979)' 2,354,388 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers from Other Funds_ 27,595,819 - 4,879,821 53,593 Transfers to Other Funds (1,248,356) (26,347,463) -- (6,588;979) Total Other.Financing,Sources/(Uses) �26,347,463 _ (26,347,463) 4,879,821, (6,535,386) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under)Expenditures&Other Uses (1,055,255) 3,037,361 (542,158) (4,180,998) Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 10,475,923 52,736,927 8,125,631 '13,278,868 Residual Equity Transfer In - 970,337 Residual Equity Transfer Out ` (18,202) (952;135) -- -- - "Fund Balance, September 30,-1995 $ 9,402,466 $ 55,792,490 $ 7,583,473 $ 9,097,870 C-5 FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES. TOTAL Expendable a o-ra u Trust my $. 68,868,031 - 2124,995 21,71112 0,823 8,126,417 142,814 2,486,360 1,429 4,832,825 73,283 4,246;831 278,349 112,396,587 _® 2 ,390,23 239,386 41,240,319 1,160034 ®- 6,168,342 -® 9,616,404 -- 5,573,627 ®® 2,703;504 6,88 , 70r -- 10,702, 56 239'386 113, 43,109 38,963 (1',046,522) -- 32,529,23 -- (34,184,798) -- (1,655,565) 38,963 (2,702,087) 497,65 85,114,994 -® 970,337 _n (97 ,337) 536,608 82;41 ,907 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. -6 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA - COMBINED SCFI L REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CFI E I U A S- T D CTUAL' ..ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND P X TRUST FUNDS FOR THE FISCALYEAR ENDED,SEPTEMBER3 , 1995 GENERALFUND Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: — - - Taxes $ 1 ,01 ,748' $ 11;715,847 $ (299,901) Licenses& Permits 220,000 428,397 208,397 Intergovernmental 11,657,322 10,940,242 (717,080) - Charges for Services 3,428,579 3,751,331 322,752 Fines&Forfeitures 18,500, 81,843 63,343 Investment Income 433,4713 786,000 352,522 Miscellaneous 177,993 640,266 462,273 Total Revenues 27,951,620 28,343,926 392,306 Expenditures: Current: General Government 21,045,918 19,857,381 1,1'88;537 Public Safety 28,318;969 27,885,727 433,242 Physical Environment 730,578 334,977 395,601 Transportation. 91,520 89,359 2,161 Economic Environment 874,60 652,780 221,825 Human Services " 6,657,117 5,069,869 1,587,308 Culture and Recreation 1;970;419 1,714,055 256,364 Debt Service 82 576 142,303 (59,727) Capital Outlay, Total Expenditures 59,771,702 55,746,391 , 4,025,311 Excess of Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures (31,820,082) , (27,402,465) 4,417,617 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (175, 59) -- 175,459 Transfers from Other Funds 29,371,422 27,595,819 (1,775,603), Transfers to Other Funds - (1,267,018) (1,248,356) 18,662 Proceeds from Tax Anticipation (Vote Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 27,928,945 26,347,463 (1;581,482) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses-Budgetary Basis (3,891,137) (1,0 5,002) 2,836,135 Total Adjustments ®- (253) (253) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses-'GAAP Basis (3,891,137) (.1,055,255) 2,835;882 Fund Balance, October,l,`1994 10,475,923 10,475,923 - Residual Equity Transfer in ®® Residual.Equity Transfer Out -® (18,202) (18,202) Fund Balance, September 30, 1995` $ 6,584,786 $ 9,402,466 $ 2,817,680 C-7 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Variance Variance Favorable - Favorable 'Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unf vorable) 46,591,769 $ 46,405,922 (185,847} __ -- '1,005,000 1,696,598 6911598 71290,753 6,333,379 (957,374) 893,250 863,250 (30,000) 2,056,800` 4,203,221 2,14.6,421 - 1,695,000 1,920,848 225,848 2,113,047 2,759,790 646,743 188,000 449,960'- 261,960 3,508;660 4,042,781 534,121 ®- - 64,261,029 67,362,539. M01,510 1,081,250 1,313,210 231,960 13,453,431 8,881,711 -4,571,720 -- -- 12,389,158 10,541,946 1,847-212 _ 1,364,938 825,057 539,881 - _- 20,800,891 6,078,983 14,721,908' 12;365,643' 8,963,624 3;402,019 - 2:918,210 503,818 2,414,392 ®- 1;969,094 989,449 979,645' - 320,850 320,578 272 7,014,535 6,735,189 279,346` 65,582, 15 37,105,166 28,477,049 7,014,535 6,735,189 279,346 (11321,186) 30,257,373 31,578,559 (5,933,285) (5,421,979) 511,306 (1,178,140) 1,178,140 '(859,215) -- 859,215 327,749 - (327,749) 4,900,000 4,879,821 (20,179) (28;053,385) (26,347,463) 1',705,922 34;000 34,000 a_ (28,869,776) (26,313,463) 2,556,313 41040,785 4,879,821 839,036 (30,190,962) 3,943,910 34,134,872 (1,892,500) (542,158)' 1,350,342 5,206,180 (906,549) (6,112,729) - -- (24,984,782) 31037,361 28,022,143 (1,892,500) (542,158) 1,350,342 52,736,927 52,736,927 8,125,631 8,125,631 -- __ 970,337 970,337 -- (952;135) (952,135) - ®- -- $ 27,752,145 $ 55,792,490 $ ----_ 23040,345 $ --6,233,131 $ 7,583, 73 1,350,342 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. C-8 (Continued) ,MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES AND.EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS`-CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues:. — `Taxes - $ 10,000,000 $ 10,746,262 $ 746,262 Licenses&Permits Intergovernmental 3,990,250 1,454,649 (2,535,601) Charges for Services 40,086 40,086 Fines&Forfeitures -_ Investment Income 356,000 814,566 458,566 Miscellaneous. 3,940,487 1,381 (31939,106) Total Revenues 18,286,737 13,056,944 '(5,229,793) Expenditures: Current: 'General Government -- Public Safety - Physical Environment Transportation- Economic Environment - -- - Human Services - - -Culture and Recreation -- Debt Service77 CapitalOutlay' 24,868,938 10,702,556 14;166,382 Total Expenditures 24,868,938, 10,702,556 14,166,382 Excess of Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures (6,582,201) 2,354,388 8,9361589 Other Financing'Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (823,267) -- 823,267 Transfers from Other Funds >570,000 53,593 (516,407) Transfers to Other Funds (6,67.1,732) (6,588,979) 82,753 Proceeds from Tax Anticipation Note -- -- -- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (6;924,999) . ,(6,535,386) 389613 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources-Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other,Uses Budgetary Basis;, (13,507,200) (4,180,998) 0'326,202 Total Adjustments -- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources.Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses-'G'AAP Basis {13,507,200) (4;180,998) 9,326,202 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 _ 13,278,868 13,278868 -- Residual Equity,Transfer In Residual Equity Transfer Out -- Fund Balance, September:30, 1995 $ _ (228,332) $ 9,097,870 $ 9,326,202 C-9 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS -.-TOTAL tJ L Variant Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ; Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $` - $ -- $ -- 68,607,517 68,868,031_ 260,514 2,124,995 899,995 ®- -- -- 23,831,575 19,591,520 (4,240,055) 35,000 40,823, 5,823 5,520,379 8,03 ,461 2,515,082 68,796 142,8114 74,018 1,782,296 2,145,505 363,209 6;500 21,428 14,928 3,097,025 4,831,744 1,734,719 - 23 23% 7,627,140 4,684,451 (2-942,689) 110,296 205,088 94,792 111,690,932 110,281,707 (1,409,225) 187,600,` - 187,600 34,686,949 28,739,092 5,947,857 242,642 ' 190,593 52,049 40,950,769 38,618.,266 2,332,503 - ®® 2,095,516 1,160,034 935,482 ®® m® 20,892,411 6,168,342 14,724,069 - - A3,240,248 9,616,404 31623,844 25,020 - 25,020' 9,600;347 5,573,627 " 4,026,720 3,939,513 2,703,504 1,236;009 ® 7,417,961 7,198,070 219,891 24,86 ,938 10,702,556 14,166,382 455,262 190,593 264,669 157,692,652 110,479,895 .47,212,757 (3441966) 14,495 -, 359,461 (46,001,720) (198,188) 45,803,532 (29,580) -- 29,580 (3,065,661) _ 3,065,661 35,169,171 32,529,233 (2639,938) -- (35,9 2,135) (34,184,79 ) 1,807,337 - - 34,000 34,000 (29,580) -- 29,580 ` '(318 4,625) (11621,565) 2,233,060 (374, 4 ) 1 ,495 389,041 (49,856,345) (1,819,753), 48,036,592 24,468 24, 68 -- 5,206,180 (882,334) (6_,088,514), (3714, 46) 38,963 1 413,509 (44,650,16 ) (2,702,087) 41,948,078 497,645 497,645 ®- 85,114,994 8 ,114,994 -- _® -- 970,337 970,337 _- -- -- -- (970,337) (970,337) $ 123,099 536 608 $, _-__413,509 $ --40 464,829 $ - 82,412,907 $ 41,948,078 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. C-10 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY. ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Internal` Total Enterprise Service (Memorandum Funds, Funds Only) Operating Revenues: Tolls $ 1,008,260 $. -= $ 1,008,260 Charges for Services 12,482,377 10,725,104 23,207,481 Franchise Fees 2,959,859 -- 2,959,859 " Fines and Forfeitures 846 -- 846 Miscellaneous : 521,983 1,397,434 1,919,417 Total.Operating,Revenues 16,973,325, 12,122,538 29,095,863 ` Operating Expenses: Personal Services 2931,893 1,230;529 4,162,422 Operations ;, 12,020,735, 2,882,997 14,903,732 Landfill Post Closure 225,286 , --; 225;286 Depreciation and Amortization 1;247,529 289,469 `1;536998 Asserted and Paid Claims =- 7,855,569 7,855,569 Total Operating Expenses 16,4251443 12,258,564 28,684,007 .Operating, ncome (Loss) 547,882 (136,026) 411;856 Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses): . Operating Grants 668,690 -- 668,690 Investment Income - 1;002,556 155,352 1,157,908 Interest Expense and Fiscal Charges (7031859)- -- (703,859) ,' Loss on Disposition of Assets {126,169) (40,403) (166,572) Total Non-Operating Revenues(Expenses); 841,218 114',949 956,167 Income (Loss) Before`Operating Transfers 1,389;100 (21 077) - 1,368,023 Operating Transfers: Transfers;from.Other Funds 3,198,276 3,198,276 Transfers to Other Funds (1,542,711) -- (1,542711) Total Operating Transfers - 1,655,565 -- 1,655,565, Net Income(Loss) 3 044,665 (21;077) ; 8,023,588 Fund Equity-October 1,`1994. 24387,401 3,748,903 28,136,304 Contributed Capital . 779,034 : 77,678 856,712 ------------- Fund Equity-September,30,:1995 $ - 28,211,100 $; 3 805504 $ 32,016;604 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements: COUNTY,MONROE I COMBINEDT T OF CASH FLOWS ALL PROPRIETARY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER , (DECREASE) I CASH AND CASH,EQUIVALENTS Internal Total Enterprise Service (Memorandum Funds' Funs nl ), Cash flows from.operatin activities: Cash received for services 16,744;040 9,132,262 25,876,302 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and serviced (14,977,025) (10,333,987) (25,31.1,012} Cash payments to employees for services (2,911,899) (1,211,253) (4,1.23,152) , Other operating revenue 522,829 1,397,434, 1,920,263 Net cash used by operating activities (622,055) ----(1,015,544) (1,637,599) Cash flows from noncapital financing activities: Operating grants received 1,531,886 -- 1,531,886 Operating transfers from other funds 2,663,43 -® 2,663, 38 Operating transfers to other funds (1;542,711) - (1,542,711) Net cash provided by,noncpital financing activities 2,652,613 ®- 2,652,613 Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Proceeds from capital grants 28 ,31 -- 288,315 Acquisition'and construction of capital assets (1,769,131) (244,838) (2,013,969) Principal paid on,capital debt (872,51) -® - (872,551); Interest;paid on capital debt (712,279) _T --- (712.279) Net cash used by capital and related financing activities (3,065,646} (244,83 ) ( ,310,484) Cash flows from investing activities; Purchase of investment securities (8,072,219) (2,23 ,812) (10,307,031) Proceeds from sale and maturities of investment securities 6,1 3,430 2,51 ,521 8643,951 Investment Income 958,823 151,860 1,110,683 Net cash provided (used) by investing activities (979,966)� 427,569 (552,397) Net (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (2,015,054) (832,813) (2,847,867) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 11,357,244 2,018,639 13,375,883 Cash and cash equivalents'at end of year _9,342,190 _1,185,826 $ 10 528 016 C-1 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES .FOR THE FISCAL YEARENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 . RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Internal Total Enterprise Service ",(Memorandum Funds Funds" On1 ) = - Operating income,(loss) $ 547,882 $ (136026) $ 411,856 Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 1,247,529 289,469° 1,536,998 Abandoned construction project 41,940 -- 41,940 Change in assets and liabilities:,` Decrease/(Increase) in: Accounts receivable 131,910 (102,217) 29,693 Inventory -- ' (2;972) (2,972) Due from other funds (1,081) (1,476,517) (1,477,598) Due from other governmental units 192,208 . , (14,108) 178,100 (Decrease)/Increase'in: Accounts payable (2;154;533) 242,794 (11911,739) Accrued wages and benefits payable (7,120) (1;310), (8143b) Accrued compensated absences 27,114 20,586. 47;700 Claims and judgements payable (4455) 108,536 104;081 Due to other funds (277:158) 52,624 (224,534). Due to other governmental units 830 2227 3,057 Deposits in escrow, (30,009) -- (30,009) _' Landfill closure' (337,112) (337;112) Other current liabilities -- 1,370 1,370 Total adjustments. , (1,169,937) (879,518) (2,049,455) Net cash used by operating activities $ (622 05 $ 544) (1 637,599)015, $ SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE OF NON-CASH.FINANCING CAPITAL AND INVESTING ACTIVITIES Contributed fixed assets $ 490,719 $ 77,678 $ 568,397 Loss on disposition of fixed assets $ 126,169 $ 40,403 $ 166,572 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. C-13, MONROE COUNTY, FLRID NOTES T.O COMBINED- FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT CCOUTING POLICIES The accounting policies -and the presentation of the financial report of Monroe County, Florida have been designed o conform , o generally accepted accounting ` principles as applicable to governmental units, . in accordance 'with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASP) . GASB embodies the official pronouncements - previously issued by the National Council on Governmental Accounting (NC GA) The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies. Rortino Entity Monroe County is a Non-Charter County established under the Constitution and the laws-of the State of Florida. There are si x offices elected County®wide, which are as follows: ` Board of C County Commissioners', Sheriff,s', composed of five members; Clerk o Circuit Court Property iffSupervisor of Elect-ions and Tax ,Col 1 ector: The Board of County Commissioners is the legislative body of Monroe County and: as such budgets and provides funding used by the separate Constitutional Offices with the exception o fees collected y the Clerk o Circuit Court and' tho Tax Collector. Under the direction of the Clerk of Circuit Court, the onro County Finance Department-mai'htains the accounting system for the County's operations ' including those of the Supervisor of Elections and the Clerk of Circuit Court, which are included in the General; Fund_, but excluding those , of the Property ppraiser,, Sheriff and Tax Collector, each of which Maintai ns its 'own, ccoun in system The operations of :the County as a whole, however, including all of the Constitutional Offices have been combined in these financial statements. Services provided by the County and accounted for within . these financial statements include police services for unincorporated areas of the County, health and social services, emergency. medical . services, cultural and recreational programs, , solid waste services and other governmental ,services. The Monroe County, lorida Comprehensive Plan :Land Authority - (MC LA) is co pon ent unit hose; governing board is compose :_entirely of the Monroe County, Board of County Commissioners serving ex offi ci o. The unit was created by Monroe County, Florida Ordinance 03 -19 6 pursuant to, Florida Statutes. 380 and 1s considered' legally separate. As MC 's financial and operational policies may e significantly influenced by the Monroe County oar o County Commissioners., MCL is considered art of the primary government and is presented as a blended component unit. Complete, financial -statements for C can- b obtained from MCL 's. administraive officeat 3706 N. Roosevelt Boulevard, Key West. Basis of Presentation - The accounts of the County are oranize 'on the basis o lf funds . and account groups, each of which- is considered a separate accounting entity. Fund structures, where applicable, have been desied 'to comply with all requirements of the bond resolutions and regulatory provisions or administrative action. The operations of each fund are: ccounted for with a, set of separate C-1 - MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA NOTES TO,COMBINED'.FINANCIAL: STATEMENTS. SEPTEMBER 30 1995 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) self-balancing accounts, comprised,of its.assets, Tiabi1ities; equities, revenues and. expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. The various funds are grouped by type in the financial statements. The following fund types and. account groups;: are used ,by the County:' Governmental Funds: General Fund - The General--Fund is the, general `operating fund of the County. Al l general tax :revenues and other- 'receipts that are not required either legally or by generally accepted accounting principles to be accounted for in other funds are accounted for in the General Fund. General operating funds of the Property Appraiser, Sheriff;, and Tax,Col lector represent `subfunds:of the County's General Fund that are held and accounted for i ndi vidual 1 y,, but presented herei n with the bal anc,e of. the. Board of County Commissioner's operating". funds. ) Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue funds .are used toaccount for the proceeds. of specific revenue sources (other, than those associated with ex e trusts or major' capital `projects) requi ri ng separate accounti ng because of legal or _regulatory provisions or "administrative action Debt.Service Funds Debt- Service Funds are used .to account for the payment of principal interest, and other expenditures related to long-term debt, ,other than bonds and loans payable from the operations of Proprietary Funds. ,vital Protect Funds Capital Project Funds are used to account for financial resources .segregated for the` acquisition or-construction .of major capital faci-lities other than those financed by proprietary operations. Proprietary Funds Enterprise Funds Enterprise Funds are used to account for, operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar, to. private business enterprises, where the stated intent is that the cost (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods-or services to the general public on a continuing 'basis "be financed primarily through user charges or where periodic 'determination of: revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income,is deemed appropriate for capital maintenance public policy, management control, accountability or, other purposes. Internal Service"Funds - Internal Service Funds are used to .account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department to other departments of the. County or to other governmental units on a cost reimbursement basis. c-15 OE COUNTY FLORID NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, SPTEMER 30, 199 NOTE 1 '- SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) ' Fiduciary Funds: Expendable Trust Funds - Expendable Trust Funds are gene'rally, used in instances where legally mandated or where a formal legal trustee relationship exists. Both principal and income may be expended in the cours ,of their designated operations: Agency Funds -' Agency Funds are'custoil in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of' operations. Agency Funds are merely clearing accounts for assets held ,by a government as an agent for individuals,' private organizations, other governments, or other funds; Account Grouse General Fixed Assets Account Group - This account is established to account for all fixed assets of the• County, other than those accounted` for in, the Enterprise and Internal Service. Fun s. General Long-Term ebt' ccount Group - This account group is established to account for the- long-term debt of the County financed fro .Governmental Funds. Basis of Accounting - The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied. to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. All Governmental Funds and Expendable Trust Funds are accounted .for using a current financial .resources- measurement focus. With this measurement focus, only current assets and current liabilities generally are included on the balance sheet. Operating, staements of these funds present increases (i .e. , revenues and:oter financing sources) and decreases (i .e. , expenditures and other .financing uses) in net current assets, All Proprietary . Funds area accounted for on ; a flow of-- economic resources' measurement focus ith this measurement focus, all assets and all ' liailities associated with" he operation of these funds.are included- on the lance ,sheet,' Fund equity (i .e. , net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital, ,and retained earnings components. Proprietary fund- ype`oerating statements present. increases Ce. ;. , revenue) and decreases (e.g. , expenses) in net total assets. Basis of accounting refers to1when revenues and expenditures or ,expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis_of accounting 'relates to the timing of, the measurements 'made regardless , of the measurement focus applied. The modified accrual basis of accounting is followed in the Governmental Funds, Agency Funds, and Expendable Trust Funds. Under the modified accrual basis o accounting, revenues are recognized in-the accounting period in which they become susceptible to accrual. - that is, when they become both measurable and available o finance expenditures of the current period. Available means collectible C-16 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA NOTES �TO`COMBINED FINANCIAL_STATEMENTS. ,; SEPTEMBER 30 1995' NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) .- within the current peri od or soon enough:thereafter to be used'to pay liabilities of the current period. Primary revenues, which include taxes, intergovernmental revenues, charges for services, rents and interest` are.treated"as susceptible to accrual,under the,modified accrual basis. 'Receivables related to these revenues are not recognized unless they are collectible within 60 days after the fiscal year end. Expenditures and .transfer's out are recorded when the related fund ' liability is incurred. . Exceptions to this general rule include: (1) accumulated sink, pay_, vacation pay, and compensatory time, which are not ' recorded.. as' expenditures; (2)' prepaid items, which are reported .only.on the Balance 'Sheet and do not affect expenditures; and (3) principal and interest on long-term debt, which are recognized:when due. Budgets for Governmental Funds are also prepared on the modified accrual' basis, with certain exceptions described under budgets " and`budgetary,data: . Insapplying the susceptibility-to-accrual concept to intergovernmental revenues, the legal and .contractual requirements ,of the numerous ,indiv'idual programs are,, used as guidance. There are,­however,- essentially-two .types of these ..revenues. In one monies must be expended on the' specific purpose or project bef' any amounts will be paid t6 the County; therefore, revenues are recognized,based on the expenditures -recorded. In the other, monies are virtually unrestricted as to purpose of expenditure and substantially,irrevocabl`e i .e revocable only-for fai 1 ure to comply with prescribed, compliance requirements, such as equal employment opportunity. These resources are' reflected, as revenues at the time of'receipt or earl er, i f they meet the availability criterion. Licenses and permits, chargers fore servi ces, and miscellaneous revenues (except. investment earnings) are recorded as revenues when received in cash, because they are generally not'measurable until actually received. Investment earnings and most fines and forfeitures are recorded as earned -since they, are measurable, and available. . Proprietary Funds use the accrual 'basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized in the period in which.they 'are earned and expenses are recognized in the period incurred: Budgets and,BudoetaryData - ;The following are the statutory procedures fol l owed by the ;Board 'of County Commissioners in establishing the budget for Monroe County. �1) On ,or 'before May` 1 of each year the, Sheriff; the Clerk of Circuit Court, the Tax Collector, and the Supervisor of Elections shall each submit to the Board of County Commissioners, a tentative budget for their respective offices` for the'ensuing: fiscal year. 2) Within fifteen days after certification of the ad valorem tax roll by the Proerty Appraiser, the Co p pp County :'Budget Officer, submits to`the Board a C-17 MO ROE. COU TYFLORIDA NOTES TO"COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 1995 OTE ,1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTIN POLICIES (Continued)` proposed budget for the fiscal year commencing the ,folI owing-October 1. The budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them 3) By ,Board resolution, a tentative budget is submitted to the public. Public hearings are held to obtain° taxpayer comments: ) Fifteen days .after adoption of the tentative" budget, a ;final budget is, submitted for review and adoption at a final public hearing. 5) 'Prior to, or on 'Septemer, 30;. e County's budget is legally, enacted through passage of a resolution, Accordingly, all fund types have an adopted budget as required by Florida Statute 129, , 1 All, funds have legally adopted budgets except as escribed in Note 17; 6)" During the year, the Office of Management and Budget acts on intradepartmental budget changes that do not alter the total revenue or expenditures budgeted to '-a cost center. A cost center represents a ' particular area of County operations or a department, ` "All other budget and expenditures i n- a fund). are approved, the `Board changes (whether they are transfers between cost centers or alterations of _ 'total revenuesp y Supl `ental appropriations were necessary and the budgetary data presented herein was amended by he. Board during the year in a legally permissible manner. 7) Florida Statute 129, Section 7 as amended in 1978, provides that onl y expenditures in excess 'o total fund budgets are unlawful However, because the Board acts on all budget changes between cost centers, this becomes the level of control . - ) Budgeted to, ctuaI Expenditure reports are , employed ,as a management control device during the year for all fund types, ) Budgets for all 'funds, with the ,exception of the Property. Appraiser's General Fund, are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted, accounting principles ( ) for that fund type,, except for revenues an expendi tures .rel atine to tax anticipation notes and , I an purchased for resale for governmental funds an revenues and expenditures _relative to debt and cpital _outly for proprietary funds. The Property'Appraiser's General Fund `is budgeted on ,the cash 'basis. Budgetary versus P differences are described in afollowing note. 1 ) All appropriations lapse at year end. Inventor--y - Inventory in the Comprehensive: Plan Land Authority._ (Special Revenue) consists of land purchased for", resale and is valued at cost: The cost is "recorded as an expenditure when items are purchased for budgetary purposes., For GAAP purposes; the land cost is recorded as an as Cost ;records are maintained which specifically identify the unit of inventory and related cost: The'purchase met o ''of accounting is used; accordingly, reported inventories are equally offset by fund balance reserve- which indicates that they do, not' constitute "available s nd 1e> resources. "® Inventory, in the General Fund and Internal Service Fund_ Fleet Management consists 'cerin supplies which are stated at cost using the moving average C 18 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED-FINANCIAL'STATEMENTS a , SEPTEMBER.30 1995 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) cost.,method.. The inventory is determined 'by, a, monthly physical count No reserve has been"established within the General "Fund balance as the consumption method -is used to account for this inventory. Investments Investments, "'with the exception of those held by' deferred compensation .plans are stated at cost, which approximates market. In held" by the deferred compensation plans are stated at ,market value. , The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners pools cash and investments of the County; excluding . those funds- held and accounted for by;'the' ;,separate Constitutional Officers and those requiring or benefiting by separate investment. This gives the County, the :ability to maximize its yield on the -short-term investment of cash, increasing its income accordingly., Interest earned. on' pooled investments is' al.located to "the participating funds, based' on their, average 'daily balance. Individual fund deficits are ignored in the allocation of: interest: General Fixed Assets = General Fixed Assets are recorded as `expenditures inithe General -Fund -Special Revenue`:Funds, Capital Project Funds'and other Governmental Fund types at the. time of purchase and are capitalized at cost in the General ' Fixed Assets` Account Group. Fixed assets consisting of..certai.n, improvements including roads, bridges, curbs -and gutters, streets and si'dewalks,: drainage systems and lighting systems have not been capitalized Gifts"or-contributions are recorded in' General Fixed.Assets at estimated fair "market value at the time received. There ,is no._depreciation expense recorded'on General. Fixed Assets. Enterise and, Internal Service Fund Fixed Assets - Additions to Enterprise and Internal Service fund Fixed; Assets are stated at cost,: Depreciation has _been . provided using the straight-line 'method. The estimated useful lives of the various classes of depreciable fixed assets are as follows: Life .- Years Buildings and Other Improvements . 7-40 Machinery and Equipment 3=10 Improvements other than Buildings 50' Depreciation of Contributed Assets'- Depreciation recognizedon assets acquired or constructed through. grants externally restricted for capital acquisitions is recorded as an operating"expense in .the related proprietary funds. Capital Lease Obligations - Capital lease obligations. for non-Enterprise Funds C_=19 MONROE COUNTY,_FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMER 30,, 1995 NOTE 1 - 'SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) are accounted for in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group The capitalized lease obligations are stated at the original fair market value of leased assets capitalized, less payments since the,inception of the lease discounted at the implicit rate of interest in the lease Also, in the year 'an asset is 'acquired , by- capital, lease, the expenditure for the asset and the offsetting,amount of the financing source are reflected in t e .Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances. 'Assets acquired,under capital leases in non-Enterprise Funds are 'accounted for in the General Fixed Asset Account Group. Capital lease obligations of Enterprise Funds and the cast of assets so acquired are reflected in the accounts of those funds. ,Unamortized Debt Expense Unamortized debt expense of the Enterprise Funds is amortized by using the straight-line method over the: life of the debt. Encumbrances - Encumbrance accounting-. under which purchase orders are recorded to reserve that portion of, the applicable appropriation, is ,employed in the Governmental and Expendable Trust Fund types. Encumbrances are not the equivalent of expenditures, therefore, the encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balances at year end and reappropried the following year. Property Taxes - Property taxes, based on assessed vat ues 'at January 1,, are - levied and become due and payable on November 1st of each year. A four percent discount is allowed if the taxes, are ,paid in November,, with' the discount declining by.one percent each month thereafter. Taxes become delinquent on April 1st of each year, and tax certific tes' for -the full , a ount of any unpaid taxes ' an 'assessments must be sold not later than June 1st .of each year. No accrual for the property tax levy becoming due in November of ,1995, is included in the accompanying financial statements, since such taxes are-, collected to finance expenditures of the `subsequent period. Compensated Absences County policy grants employees annual leave and sick leave inamounts. Upon ter inati on of employmen t, employees with six months -or more of credited service can receive payment for accumulated annual leave. In general ; sick leave payments are granted upon termination of emplo ent- to employees with five years or more of credited service. The maximum payment 'is suject' .to percentage' and maximum our limitations as determine by each constitutional officer. Accumulated annual leave, sick leave and, related benefits are accrued in Governmental Fund Types to the extent that such amounts would,normally be liquidated with expendable available financial resources. The ,remaining' liability is reflected in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. The accumulated leave, in Proprietary Fund Types is reflected in the -Fun 's. financial statements on the accrual basis. C-20 MO ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS " SEPTEMBER 30., 1995 " NOTE 1 SUMMARY, SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES , (ContinUe'd) Cash and Cash Equivalents For, purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Proprietary Fund Types consider "al 1 highly 'liquid investments (including restricted assets)' with a marityy of three months or less when purchased,to be cash equivalents. Total. Columns on Combined -Statements _ Overview Total columns on the Combined Statements Overview (General Purpose Financial State ents) are captioned "Memorandum Only to indicate ,that they are ' presented , only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of 'operations or cash flows- i n con or i with general1y, accepted accounting principles, and such data is not 'comparable to a consolidation Interfund eliminations' have not been made in the aggregation of' his`dta NOTE 2, -,-CASH, CASH EQUIVALENtS,' A 'INVESTMENTS Cash, cash equivalents and investments consist of the following at September 30, 1995: Restricted Cash, Cash, Cash Equiv.& Cash quiv Cash with Investments Investments Fiscal Agent Total Board of_County Co missioners 'Amount 'Investe in County's Poole Cash Program— 42,848,179 - ,34 ,179 Demand Deposits, 7' ,6 2 41 9 ,76 7,871 12,487,313 Investments 36;,426,,342 7,136 37 43.613 229 6,9 1,203 11,97 ,647 7,871, 98,948321 Other Constitutional Officers and-Deoehdent District mount' Invested in Count 's Poole Cash :Program, ,3467 - - 6,394 ,697 Demand Deposits 6,070,022 - , 7 ,02 Investments 7,597,75 72 97.7 2 2 ,06 ,471 - 20, 6 ,471 107. 23, 7 11,979,647 7.871 119,011,192 C-21 MONOE COUNTY, FLORID NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1995, NOTE 2 CASH, S EQUIVALENTS, AND I V ST ENT ` (Contin ) - Florida Statute 15. 1 authorizes the County to invest surplus funds in the following: a), the Local GovernmentAdministration,.Fupds Trust Fund under the management of the State,b) the Florida Counties Investment Trust Fund un er the, spopsorship of the `Florida ssociation of Counties and the Florida Association of,.Court Clerks Comptrollers c) negotiable direct obligations of, or obligations of which the principal an interest are unconditionally guaranteed by, the U.S. Government d) interest bearing time deposits or. savings accounts in-banks and say.i n s and loans 'organized under state .Laws or doing` business and situated i n the state,- provided collateral re wire eats are Met e) obligations of the Federal Home Loan . ort a e Corporation ) obligations of the Federal National Mortgage ssaci'ation g) commercial -paper of U.S. cor oration l.h aving a, rating of . t least two of the following three ratings: , A-1, P-1 and F-1, as .'rated by, Standard Poors, Moody's,; n Fitch` Invesors Service rating services ) Bankers' acceptances that are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve ,,'Banksand- have a letter of credit rating of ,AA or -better 'i) Tax-exempt obl.i a ions of the State of Florida and its various local governments, incl in onroe County. ,Tax exempt obligati ons with a rating of A or, less, must, be an insured issue through I _ or an equivalent company. Issues 'rated + or higher may or may not carry an -insurance backing. e osis - Demand and time deposits are fully insured by Federal Depository Insurance and the multiple, financial initution `collteral pool required by,. Sections 280.07 and 280.0 , Florida Statutes Investments The U.S. Govern ent Securities are held byte ounty's agent in the County's name. The repurchase agreement, is uninsured and unregistered with securities held by, the bank in .t 'e banks name. Investments at year end are shon` as follows. C-2 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30 1995 NOTE 2 = CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS, AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Carrying Market Board of County Commissioners Amount Value' U.S. Government Securities $ 42,541,562 " $ 42352,886 local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund ` 42,848,179 42,848,179 Deferred Compensation`Plans 1;071;667 1,071,667 86,461,408 86.272,732 Other Constitutional Officers and-Dependent District Local Government Surplus ,Trust Funds 6,394,697 6,394,697 Repurchase Agreement' 6,218,429 r 6,218,429 Deferred Compensation Plans 1,379,323 1,379,323 13,992,449 13,992,449 $ ,16 900,453:857 5100.265,.181 NOTE 3 MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE Mortgages receivable at September 30, 1995 consist of the followings Community Development Block Grant: Second Mortgages Receivable from individuals collateralized by land and,buildings, payable - in monthly installments of $3,622 including interest at 3%, final payment due March 1, 2004' $ 397,553 Second Mortgages'Receivable-from individuals, collateralized by personal residences. The entire amount,of the loan will be-forgiven over a ten year,period at a rate of one fifth per year,, beginning on the'7th anniversary of'the completion of the construction of. the improvements funded,by`the mortgage, provided that the mortgagor complies with .the Mortgage covenants 262,500 Local Housing Assistance:' Second Mortgages-Receivable from-individuals collateralized b PersonaL.residences. . .. commencingY .in year sixteen of,the mortgage, principal" and accrued interest at'3Y wiLL,be forgiven`at the' rate;of 6.66%'annually., The entire principal balance and accrued interest wiLL be forgiven at the end of year thirty. if the residence is sold before the initiation of the forgiveness period, the full amount-of the mortgage and'accrued interest is due at closing 249,023 Second Mortgages Receivable from individuals,':collateralized by personal residences. Principal payments shall be deferred for the term of the first mortgage loan, or'untiL the date the Last payment is due on the first mortgage. Interest'.is not charged on the mortgages unless the mortgagor is in default, in which case the,interest'rate is 12% per annum from the date when payment.of the second mortgage is due. In the event the home is sold, transferred, rented, refinanced or the:first mortgage loan is satisfied,;the entire" mortgage balanceis due 255,0 71 ;- Second Mortgages_Receivable from individuals, collateralized by personal residences. The entire balance of the mortgagee will be forgiven:over, a ten year period at the ,rate of ten percent per year upon the anniversary 'of the'mortgage, provided that the'-mortgagor complies with the Mortgage covenants. The mortgages are interest free 45,323 Monroe County CoMrehensive Plan Land Authority (MCLA) - Mortgage Receivable from-a not-for-profit corporation, collateralized by, Land,' payable in semi-annual installments of $35,000 plus interest at the rate earned by MCLA.on deposits with the State Board.of Administration, 175,000 Mortgage due from not-for-profit corporation, collateralized by Land, principal and interest at 9.5%payable in full at May 13,, 2000.. 14,432 Total_ Mortgages Receivable $ 1,398.902 C-23 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL-STATEMENTS SEPTEBE 3Q 95 NOTE- 3 MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE (Continued) Except for,the, mortgages .secured;by�persona I residences, the'mortgages receivable ,,�, are equally offset by a fund balance reserve which indicates that they do not constitute, "available spendable resources" even though they are a component"of, total assets. The local housing 'ass istance.mortgages are offset by, a related deferred revenue accounts NOTE 4 INTERIFUND BALAINCES Individual fundJnt.erfund receivable and payable balances at eptember ,30, 1995 are as follows: Inerfund Interund Fund - Receivable . Pa'yale General Fund 1 649,709 3: 7 570- SpecialRevenue- Funds: Fine and Forfeiture 612,031 Road and Bridge 16,838 03,671 Law Library - 2 Tourist Development, All Districts 2 Cent 1 ®239 1'12 3 Tourist Development Administrative and Promotional 2 Cent 21,218 5,652 Tourist Development District #One 3 Cent ,518 3,149 Tourist Development District T o, 3 Cent 2 ' 1, 78 Tourist Development District Three, 3 Cent 67 73 Tourist evelopment is rict our, 3 Gent 61,975 81 Tourist, Development DistrIct Five, 3 Cent' 2 108 Fire and Ambulance District #1 11,776 16;832 Fire and A bul nce District #5 78,317 Fire and Ambulance District #6 57,24 2,110 Planning, Building a Zoning 239:801 Parks and Recreation', 2 ,95 Upper Keys Health Care. _ 61,519 Impact Fees Parks and Recreation 70,00 Local Housing Assistance 14,000 u joe Gardens Culvert _ 176 Sheriff Federal Grant 504,870, Sheriff Off-Duty 10 475 147,885 1,910 48 Capital Project Funs One Cent Infrastructure Surtax 76, 00 735,117 C-24 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA . NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30 1995 -NOTE 4 'INTERFUND BALANCES .('Conti nued) Enterprise Funds: Municipal Service District - ,Waste 145,080 Card Sound Bridge 1,0 81 30;237 Marathon Airport 388,273 10,280 Key West Airport 335;859 59.921 725,213 245.518 Internal Service Funds Worker's Compensation 292,:042 78,847 Group Insurance 1,078,'029 6;045" Risk Management 10,057 Fleet Management 186,383 62,605 1,556,454 157,554 Trust and Agency Funds Sheriff - 3.360,580 - 6,5162241 $ 65162241 NOTE .5 RESTRICTED ASSETS Restricted Assets J nclude"those provided for,by resolutions adopted by the County Commission for the issuance of the Municipal" Service 'District - Waste- Revenue Bonds' Refunding .Improvement;Revenue Bonds, Series"1993/83,- Refunding improvement Revenue Bonds; Series 1993/88, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Seri.es,1991, and Airport- Passenger Facility Charges. Total restricted assets as of September, 30, 1995`are as follows: Cash, Cash Equiv.& Enterprise Fund'- - Municipal Service District. - Waste Investments Renewal and Replacement -Fund $" 2;167,347 Sinking Funds 602,095 2,769,442 Enter rise Fund Marathon Airport Passenger. Facility Charge 'Funds 182,687 Enterpri"se Fund KevWestAirport Passenger -Facility Charge Funds` 1,509,413 C,-25 MO ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TES TO COMBINED-FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30 1995 NOTE 5 RESTRICTED ASSETS (Continued) -Refunding Improvement Revenue Bonds,; Series 199 /8 Debt-Service Fund Sinking Fund 291894 Refunding Improvement Revenue, Bonds, Series 19 /88 Debt Service Fund Sinking Fund 421;86 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Series 191' Debt Service Fund Debt Service Reserve Fund 5,061,568 Sinking Fund 1,809,537 6,871,105 12,046,402 NOTE RESERVE FOR RESTRICTEDIASSETS AND DESIGNATIONS OF FUNDIBALANCE Reserves representing-the excess of a ounts'provided for certain restricted asset accounts over the liabilities payable therefrom are established, by a reduction.' -of retained, earnings -or '` and balance. The following schedule reflects the reserve account balances at September 30, 199 : Enterprise Funds . Municipal Service' District - Waste: Reserved for, Debt Service 035 Reserved for Renewal and Replacement 2,167, 48 2;;482,383 Debt Service' Funds Refunding Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 199 / 3 Reserved for Debt Service 291,8 194 Refunding -Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1993/8 Reserved for Debt Service 421,861 Sales. Ta , evenue Bonds, Series 1991 Reserved for ebt 'Service 6,86 ,718 ,5 3;`473 $ 10,065,856 C- 6 MONROE COUNTY 'FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' SEPTEMBER 30' 1995 NOTE 6' - RESERVES FOR RESTRICTED ASSETS AND" DESIGNATIONS OF FUND' BALANCE (Continued) Retained earnings and fund balances are reserved to the extent of .the_excess of restricted assets over liabilities payable from restricted' assets as follows: Total "_restrictedassets $ 12,046�,402 Less: Restricted assets for which retained earnings are not required'to'bereserved " 1,692,101 Liabilities payable from;;restricted assets 288;445 $ 10,065,856 A portion 'of 'the Unreserved fund balance in Special Revenue Fund, Tourist . Development Distr•.ict #One, Three Cent has been designated for various beach nourishment projects. NOTE, 7 = PROPERTY The following is a:summary of changes in General Fixed'Assets for,the year ended September 30 1995 1994 Additions. Deductions' 1995 Land $ 14,504,507 $ 3,1331970 $ $ 17,638,477 Buildings, 58,593,301 4,427,586 166,846 62,854,041 Equipment: 35,293,656 3,226,962 3,285,642 35,234,976 Construction in Progress:, Sheriff Offices 755,324 3,625,502 4,380,826 Truman Offices 438,955' 417,855 856:810 Other Construction 2,584,649 2,362,001 2,911,806 2,034,844' $112,170,392 $17,193,876 $-6;3b4,294 $122,999,974 An additional. $2,_628,379 wi I be required to complete construction projects under present contractual agreements. It is the County's policy to not capitalize interest on construction projects financed with debt-proceeds. Proprietary funds property,- plant and equipment consist of the following at September, 30,-_ 1995: bnternal Enterprise Service Funds Funds Land $ 6,024,716 $ - Buildings and,Improvements 12 777,256 1;399,196 Equipment 141989,178 '` 1,290,903 Construction in Progress: Airport Improvements 289,735 - Other 150,934 Total (Property .34,231,819'` 2,690,099,_. Less Accumulated Depreciation 12,779,356` 514,405 Net Property $ 21,752,463 $ 2,175,694 C-27 MO ROE COUNTY FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEM TS SEPTEBER 30, 1995 =NOTE 8 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES Tax anticipation notes payable at September 30, 195 are as follows: Cud.ioe Gardens Municipal Service Culvert District - Amount due to bank on March 15, 1996 with interest at, 6.7%, payment to be "funded by the first proceeds of taxes levied from the 1 9 -19 6 fiscal year, proceeds of the note to be used for the installation of culverts in the Cu3e Gardens subdivision 22,000 Winston',Waterway Municioal Service Taxing District Amount due-to' bank on October 30 1996 with interest a 6.08% payment to, belfunded by the first proceeds of taxes levied R for the 199 -1996 fiscal year, proceeds of the note to be used ,for the improvement .of certain roadways located in the 'Winston Waterway subdivision 10,000 Jolly Roger Estates Municipal Service, Culvert District Amount due to bank ,on March 15, 1996 with interest_at 6.7%; payment to be funded by,the first proceeds of taxes levied for' he 5-1996 fiscal year, proceeds of the noe -to be . used for the installation of culverts ;in the Jolly Roger .,Estates su i,v-is16n 12,000 1:64-,000 NOTE 9 '- LONG-TERM DEBT The following is 'a summary of changes in _long-term debt for the year ended September 30 -1995: Debt Debt 1994 Issued Retired 1995 General Long-Term Debt GrouR Revenue Bonds $ 44,050,000 $ $ 3,315,000 -$ 40,735,000 Accrued Compensated Absences 2,899,632 379,102 6,342 3,272,392 CapitaLized Lease Obligations 228,634 60,073 168,561: InstaLLment-Loan 106.542 75,318 31,224 Subtotal 47,284,808 379,102 3,456,733, 44,207,177 Proprietary Funds Revenue Bonds 9,105,000 300,000 8,805,000 Accrued Compensated Absences 278,271 72,383 - 350,654 Capitalized Lease, Obligation 2,2131-451 - 129,926 2,083,525 Due-to'Other Governments 444,639 - 444,639 Subtotal - 12,041,361 72,383 874,565 11,239,179 Total $ 59.326.169 $ 451,485 ' $ 4,331,298 $ 55',446,356 Cat MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA . NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS` SEPTEMBER 30 1995 NOTE 9 LONG-TERM DEBT� (Continued) Bonds payable at"September'30, 1995 from Proprietary Funds are composed of the following issues. Enter-prise Revenue.Bonds - _$9,570,040 1991`Municipal Service, District Refunding Improvement Bonds due 'in annual install - ments of $315,000 to $735,000 on October 1 1995, to October 1, '2011; interest at 5.8% to 6.75% $ `8,805`,000 Bonds payable at September, 30 1995 from Governmental Funds are composed of the fol l owing issues Revenue. Bonds $42,°415,000 1991 Sales .Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 due in annual installments:of $2,940,000 to $4,595`,000`on April 1 1996 through:Agri " 1;.;2004; interest' at'5.30% to 6.20%- $ 33,280,000 Revenue Bonds - $1,185,000 1993 Refunding'' Improvement Revenue Bonds, "Series 1993 due in annual- 'installments of $175,000 to $200,000',on Jul 1, 1996 to July ,l, 1999; interest at ,4.1% to 4.75% 745,000 Revenue Bonds - $7,230,"000 1993 Refunding Revenue Bonds Series 1993 due` i n installments of $360,000 to $640,000 on December 1, 1995: to December 1; 2008; interest at 3.6% to" 5.OY 6.710>,000 $ 40,735 000 Other long-term liabilities payable at September 30, 1995 from Governmental Funds are composed of the fol-lowing: Installment notes payable in monthly`installments of $6,511 from October, 11 1995 to maturity dates at various times through the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996; the average ".interest rate is 6.55% $ 31,224 Debt Service Fundinq Requirements,= The total annual debt service funding requirements for all bonds outstanding (net of✓.sinking fund balances) at September,30, 1995, consisting of interest payments of $17;562,923 and principal payments o,f,$48,896,224 'are 'as follows: C-29 MONROE COUNTY-, FLORID N TES.TO COMBINED FINANCIAL -STATEMENTS ' SPTEBER 30 1995 NOTE ` - LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued) Revenue Bonds Year Ended Proprietary Funds Governmental September 30 Amount . , Interest Rate Amount Interest Rate 196 891,12 5.80% 6,75% ,682,075 3.60% 6,20% 1997 891,732 5.90% 6.75% 5,67 ,240 4,00% :- 6.20% 1998 890,788 6.00% 6:75% 5,668,290 4.10% 6.20% 199 88,288 6 1 % 6',7 % 5,63,455 4.30% 6.2 % 2000, 893,380 6.30% 6.75% 5,446,720 40 0% 6.'20% 2001- 005 4,4 ,175 `6:40% - 6.75% 22,355 945 4.7 % 6.20% 2006®2010 4,'249,687 35% 2,-016,000 5.00% 2011 747,250 6.75% Total 13,92 , 62 52,505,725 Notes Payable Year Ended Governmental September 30 Amount Interest Rate Total 1 6" 31,960 6.0 % 7.3% 6,605,197 1997 6,564,972 1998 6,559,078 -199 6j561,743 200 - 6,34 ,100 - 20 1-2005 26,815,1 0 2006-2010 6'265;687 2011 - 747,250 Total 1,96 , 66,459,147 ' The amount available in he'Debt `Service Funds to service the 1991, 19 /83 and 1993/88 revenue bonds is $7,583, 73®. _ Restrictive Covenants "and Collateral Requirements - The 1993/83 Refunding Improvement Revenue. ands are payable from :and' collaeralized by,a lien on and pledge- of the racetrack funds received by Monroe County from the State of Florida, The 19 3/ 8 Refunding. Improvement Revenue, Bonds are payable from and collateralized by a first lien upon and pledge of the Guaranteed Entitlement portion of the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for Counties and the Second Guaranteed Entitlement for Counties paid ,by the, State of Florida, , The 1991 unici al Service District .Refunding Improvement bonds are payable sol el y from and col 1 ater l i zed by a pri or 1 i en upon and pl edge of (i ) charges for service levied annually, against residential property within the Monroe County C- 0 MONROE COUNTY :FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30 1995 - NOTE 9, -. -LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued) Municipal Service. District (the "District") , Monroe County, Florida for the availability and 'furnishing of certain solid waste, disposal services, (ii) payments received; from franchisee . solid waste collectors with respect to commercial -property within the District; " (iii) all other non ad, valorem funds received by the' District with respect to furni s:h ng services of`the 'solid waste facilities to the residents of the District excluding any state or federal funds . - received- from time to time by -the District Nand (iv) certain, investmentincome - received by the District. Under the terms of the enterprise revenue bonds issue, the Muhicipal Service District is required; among other things, to establish rates. and to collect fees, and charges which Wi 111, be sufficient"at all times to pay, 110% of the Maximum Debt Service Requirement;on the Seri es '1991 Bonds and on all outstanding Parity . Bonds, plus 100% of all. reserve or other ',payments i ncl uding the cost of Operation:.and Mai ntenance and;, deposi is for Renewal and Repl acements of the Faci l i ties. The Muni ci pal Servi ce Di strict was i n compl i ance with those covenants for the year ended .September 30, 1995, The Bonds. and the interest payable thereon wj 11 not constitute a general ' obligation of the District,. Monroe County, or the State of Florida,. or a pledge of-the faith and credit of the District, Monroe- County, the State of, Florida or any: political . subdivision' thereof. Neither the Bonds, nor any interest, or premium thereon, shall be payable from the ad'val orem tax revenues of the District, Monroe County; or ,the State of ,Florida: .The .1991, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds are payable from and :col Iateralized by a lien and pledge of' the "portion .of the proceeds of the one cent local government infrastructure isales surtax` on .deposit in, the trust fund established for the County in the' Florida State Treasury, allocated for and distributed monthly- to the County. NOTE lO;, - DEFEASANCE OF DEBT The following schedule reflects the outstanding principal on refunded bonds, by issue, as of September`-30, '1995': '$8,000,000,'Municipal Service District Improvement' Revenue Bonds, Series 1980: defeased on December: 6, 1985 using ,proceeds from the $9,211,774 Municipal Service District- Refunding Improvement Bonds, Series 1985 $ 6,915,000 $9,211,774 Municipal Service District Refunding Improve- ment; Bonds, Series 1985; defease' d on April 1,` 1991 using` proceeds from the Municipal Service District Refunding Improvement Bonds, Series 1991 Total Municipal- Service District Bonds $ 13,295,486 C-31 ` MONOE COUNTY,. FLORID MOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SPTEBER `30 1995 "NOTE 10 D {FEASANCE OF DEBT (Continued) 14 58 ;000 Card Sound Road and Bridge Improvement Revenue Bonds, , Series 1993; defeased on March 8, 1994 using available cash 4,25,000 $2,155,000 Refunding. Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1983; defeased on January 1, 199 using proceeds from the Refunding Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 199.3/83 1,750,000 $ ,0 0,000 Improvement Revenue-Bonds;" Seri.es' 1988; defeased on May 1, 1993- using proceeds ..from the Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1993/8 5_;000,000, $2,265,000- I prove ent evenue Bonds, Series 1988; defeased on May 1, 1993 usin ' proceeds from the Refunding Revenue Bonds,. Series 1993188 975`;000 Total General evenue,Bonds $ 7,7 ,000 NOTE 11 a LEASE OBLIGATIONS Capitalized lease obligations consist of equipment lease purchases accounted for in the General. Long-,Term ,Debt Account Group and General Fixed Assets .Account Group, and the Municipal Service District, Enterprise Fund. The future minimum payments under capitalized leases consist of the following at September 0 1995 General "Long- ,Proprietary Fiscal year ending September 30; Term Debt, Funds 16 '66,594 259,200,, 1997 64,812 29,200 1998 64,218 259,200 1999 259, 00 2000 259,200 Thereafter 1, 5 ,17 -Total minimum payments 195,624 2,851,197 Amounts representing interest 27,063 767,672 Present <value 'of net minimum Tease payments $ 168,561 $ ` ,0 3,525 Leased equipment W ich has been capitalized as of September 30, 1995 is as follows: General Fixed Assets General Government5,890 General Fixed Assets '-' Public Safety $ 350100 Proprietary Funds $ 2,3 ,80 C-32 -MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA NOTES TO COM INE . FINANCI L STATEMENTS, SEPTE BER 30 199 NOTE 11 LE SE 'O LI TI S (Continued) Rental expense under cancelable operating leases for the current year amounted o $88,700. NOTE 12 - LAND AUTHORITY LEASES The City of Key West leases two lots -from the County which cost $1,01,306 and which are used to :provide access,'and parking for the Co muni'ty Pool . The terms of the lease provide for rental of l per year for 30 years, expiringlin the year 2022. NOTE 13 - CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL Contributed capital consists of the foll,lowing at September 30, 995: 1994 Additions Refund 1995, Enterprise Funds Contributions from Other Funds: Municipal' Service District $ 2,813,849 490;719 $ 3,304,568 Card Sound Bridge 2,474,443' 40,298 - `2,514,741 Marathon Airport - 3;429,092 242,622 3,671,714 Key West Airport 1,368,390 7,778' 2,383 1,373,785 Workers' Compensation - 621" 621 , Fleet Management 2,070,952 77,678 2,148,630 -$ 12,157,347 $ 859.095 $ 2.383 $" 13,014,054 NOTE 14 FU DEFICITS : The following funds had retained deficits a .Sdptember 30, 1995:. Cud °oe Gardens Municipal Service Culvert District - The fund deficit o $8 0 is the result o expenditures for the culvert project in advance of the collection of taxes to fund the project. The taxes have been levied for, the following fiscal year. JollyRoger Estate Muni6ip6l Service Culvert District The fund deficit of $56 is the result of expenditures for the culvert project in advance of the collection of�ta es to, fund the project, The taxes have --been levied for the following`fiscal year. TE 5 - EXPENDITURES IN EXCESS OF APPROPRIATIONS The following cost center expenditures in excess of appropriations at September 30 1995; General Fun ®` Debt Service - The Sheriff budgeted certain,-capital lease -paymeInts as capital outlay rather than debt service, However, the Sheriff was in budgetary compliance at the legal levelof control , Expenditures exceeded appropriations by" $59,727 C-3 - MO OE COUNTY FLOID NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEM ER 30 1995 NOTE 1 SEGMENTS OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES. Municipal Service District operating revenues are generated primarily by billings '_ for mandatory garbage collection. Card :Sound Bridge operating revenues` are generated through tolls for the' use of the Bridge, Revenues in the Key West and Marathon Airports are generated by rents and user fees'. The key 'financial data for the year ended September 30; 1995 for the above services. re as follows: Municipal- Card Service Sound Marathon Key West District Bridge' ' Airport Airport Total Operating,Revenues $-13,356,515 $ 1.028,260 $ . 580,570 $, 2,007,980 $ 16;973;325 Operating Expenses 12,452,817 495,257 809,714 1,420,126 15,177,914 Depreciation and Amortization 1,038,183 77,745 90,497 41,104 1 247,529' Totat Operating Expenses -13,491,000 573,002 , 900,211 1,461,230 `16,4 55,443 Operating,Income (Loss) (134,485) 455,258 (319,641) 546,750 547,882 Operating-Grants 245,014 266,949 156,727 668®690 Investment Income 709,149 168,404 '16,947 108,056 1,002:556 Interest Expense and Other Debt Service Costs (703,859) - (703,859) Loss on Disposition'of. Assets (126,169) (126,169) Operating Transfers In 1,931,618- 1,090,106 176,552 3,198,276 Operating Transfers Out (1,489,118) _(22,001) (31,592) (1,542,711) Net Income 432,150 623,662 11032,360 956,493 3,044,665 Fund Equity, 1994 8,806,030 7,706,584, 4,8871936 2®986,851 24,387,401 Contributed Capitat 4W 719" 40,298 242,622 5,395 779,,034 Fund Equity, 1995 $ 9,728,899 $. 8;370,544 $ b.162,918 $ 3,948;739 $ 28,211,100 Assets $ 23,279,887 $ 8,468,542 $ 6,421,889 $ 4,246;725 $ 42,417,043 Long-Term Debt g- $ 10,600 04,091 $ 20,933 $ 10,9 85,303 $ 10,717,231,Acquisition and Construction of Property- „$ 586,71,7 516814 $ 602,099 $ _ _ .63,501 $ 1 769,131 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash FLows $ (1,616,078} $__{1,028 411) $ (244,266} .$_ 873,701 $`(2,015,054) NOTE 17- BUDGETARY GAAP REPORTING RECONCILIATION The accompanying Combined Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances . Budget and`Actual General , Special Revenue; Debt Service, Capital Project and Expendable Trust Funds for the year ended September 30, 195 presents comparisons of the legally-adopted budget with actual data on a- ud etary basis Because certain accounting principles applied for purposes of developing data on . a budgetary basis differ from those used to present., financial statements in` conformity wi th GAAP, a reconciliation of resultant basis, timing,and perspective differences in the Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over Expenditures and Other Uses for.the year ended September 3 , 1995 is presented as follows: C-3 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA . NOTES TO COMBINED, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30 1995 NOTE 17 'BUDGETARY,.-- GAAP REPORTING RECONCILIATION` (Continued) Special `_ Debt Capital, Expendable General`- ' Revenue 'Service Pro Ex pendable,1-rust Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses - budgetary basis j(1,D55,002) $'3,943,910 ".$ (542,158) S (4,180.998) $ 14,495 Adjustments: To adjust revenues for mortgage repayments recorded as a . reduction of>assets - (512,500) To adjust revenues for accruals (20,873) -To adjust revenues for tax anticipation notes : - (34,0010)To adjust expenditures for accruals 20,620 - - To, adjust expenditures for repayment of'.tax`anticipation note 310,000;_' Tb`adjust'for mortgages`'receivable : (548,894) To`adjust.for mortgage'loans-made - ' 548,894 To adjust expenditures for purchases of land'recorded as.inventory 1,483;534 To adjust:expenditure,s ,for, cost of land sold (2,155,315) To record excess of revenues over (under) expenditures -for"unbudgeted funds: - BOCC, Winston,Waterway Municipal Service District _ 112 . Sheriff,.Safety Seat 1,620 - Sheriff Federal Grant -Sheriff,, Inmate Welfare - - 24,468 Sheriff, Forfeiture Sheriff, Off Duty _ Total Adjustments (253) (906,549) - 24,,468 Excess of:revenuesand.other sources over_(under) expenditures and other uses GAAf? basis $<1055.255) $ 3,037,361 S (54Z,158) 1=jjj=8=0,998) $ `38963 NOTE 18 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Operating Transfers during the year ended September 30, 1995 consisted of the following: Operating Operating. Fund Transfers In Transfers Out General Fund U7,595,8191 1;248356 Special Revenue Funds: Fine and Forfeiture 26,347,463 Debt Service: 1991 Sales Tax 'Revenue Bonds 4,879;821 - Capital Project: One Cent Infrastructure Surtax' 53,593 6,588,979 C-35 MONROE' COUNTY, FLORID NOTES TO'COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEEER 30 15 NOTE 18 - I TE FUND TRANSFERS (Continued) Enterprise Fund: Municipal Service. District 1,91 613 1; 39, 10 Marathon Airport 1,090,106 22,001 Key West Airport 176,552 31,592 3,198,276 , 1,542,711 35,727,509 35,727,509 Residual Equity Transfers during the year ended September 30 199 consisted of . the following: Equity Equity . Fund Transfers In Transfers Out General Fund 13 202 Special Revenue Funds® Community Development 1 ,202 Tourist Development District " ne, 2 Cent , 456,560 Tourist De'velopmen District Two, 2 Cent 147,473 Tourist Development District . Three, 2 Cent 10 ;65 Tourist Development District Four, 2 Cent 901177'' Tourist Develop ment �Development, stict , 2 Cent - 152,63 DisrictsCen 4 ,51 Fire and Ambulance .District A, Key Large; 2,594 'Special Road District, Cross Key aterway ' staes 2,594 70,337 952,135 97 ,37 1 970,337 NOTE 19 - RETIRE ET `P N Substantially all full -time County employees are participants in the Florida Retirement System, "The , System", a multiple-employer, cost-sharing public retirement system. ' The System, which is controlled by the State Legislature and administered by the State of:Flori a, Department of Administration, Division of Retirement, covers approximately 573, 00 full -tie employees of various governmental units-within the State of Florida. The System provides for vesting of benefits after 10 years of creditable service, C-36 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA � NOTES TO COMBINED, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30 1995 NOTE 19 RET3REMENT PLAN (Continued) Normal retirement benefits are available to employees who retire at or after age , 62 with 10 or` more years of service. Early retirement is available after" 10- years of service with:.a 5% reduction of benefits for each year prior' to the normal retirement age. Retirement benefits are based upon age, average compensation and years-of-service'"credit where"average compensation is computed as" the average of an individual 's five highest years of earnings. The County has ,no responsibility to the System other than to make the periodic " payments required by state statutes. Ten-year historical` trend information showing the, System's progress in accumulating sufficient assets 'to pay benefits when due is presented in ithe System's , 'June 30, 1995 Comprehensive Annual , Financial Report. The amount reported below as "pension. 'benefit obligation" is a standardized disclosure measure of the present value of pension benefits, adjusted for, the effects of projected salary: increases estimated to be payable in the future as, a" result of employee service to date. The measure,` is the actuarial present value - of credited projected benefits and. is intended to assist users "in.assessing the plan`.s funding. status ' on "a going-concern basis, assess progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay:,benefits when due; 'and,make comparisons among government-" pension:" plans and employers. The System does not_ .conduct separate, measurementsof assets and pension benefit obligations for individual employers. The pension benefits obligation at June' 30, 1995 for the System as a whole, determi ned-through an actuari al'"valuation performed_ as of that date, was $47.3 billion. The System's" "net assets available " for benefits on,, that date (valued at amortized cost) were $41.6 billion, resulting in an unfunded pension , benefit obligation,of $5:7 bi 11ion., Participating employer contributions are"based upon state-wide rates established Iby the-State of, Florida. " These rates- are applied to employee salaries as follows: regular, employees, 16.91% special risk employees, 26.83%, and"elected officials, 27.48%. There are no" employee contributions to- the plan. The County"s contributions, of approximately $7,609,000 made during the year .ended September 30 1995;were made in accordance with contribution requirements. "These contributions represented approximately .26%, of total contributions required of all participating employers during the -fiscal year of the System'.ended June 30, 1995. Total: payroll for County employees during the fiscal. year ended September 30, 1995 was approximately -$37,321,000, with the portion attributed to employees covered by the System being, $36,951,000. The contribution to the System 'for the year was approximately 20.6% 'of"total covered payroll . There were no changes in actuarial assumptions, benefit provisions,, actuarial - . funding ;methods 'or any other significant factors " that affected .the 'County's contribution during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1995. C-37 MOROE COUNTY FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30 1995 NOTE 20 m POST RETIREMENT BENEFITS OTHER THAN PENSION In addition to the retirement plan described in Note '19, the.County provides post retirement health care benefits in accordance with state statutes _ to all employees who retire from the County on or after attaining age 62 with at least 10. years of 'service, and who are enrolled in the Coun y's group health plan. Currently 13 retirees are eligible for this post employment benefit. Expenditures for post retirement` health care benefits are recognized a the pre iums , are paid. During -the year ended September 30, 1 95, expenditures of. 66,022 were recognized for post retirement health care. NOTE ,21 - DEFERRED COMPE S TION' PL N <. The County offers its employees' a deferred, compensation plan' ,created in, .accordance with Internal' Revenue. Code Section '457. The plan', available to, all employees, permits them to, deer a portion of their salary until fixture years. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement, death, or unforeseeable emergency. All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property, and rights purchased with those amounts, and all income attributable to those amounts, property, or rights are (until 'paid or made available o the employee or other" beneficiary) solely ; the property, and rights of . the County . (without being re'stri ctled, to the provisions of benefits. under the pl°anY, subject, only o the claims of''the `County',s general creditors Participants-' 'rights 'under the plan are equal to those of general creditors of the County in an amount equal to the fair market value of the deferred account for each participant: The County has no liability for losses under the plan but does have the duty of due care that would be required of an ordinary prudent investor. The County believes that it is unlikely .that it wil.1 use the assets to sat ify ,te claims of generalcreditors, in the future: NOTE 22 RECOGNITION OF 'CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURECOST' , State and federal laws require final` cover and closure as, well as post closure care of the County's landfills.' Recognition of the lility. for closure and ostclosure costs; is based on the landfill capacity used to date. The landfill capacity of the County's landfills is 100% used and has no remaining landfill l i fe. Cl osUre of the l andfi l l s was substanti al)y compl eted-duri ng the year ended September 30, 1994. Accordinl , no future closure cost liability exists except for post closure costs estimated to be, incurred in the 'coming year. The Florida Department of Environmental` Protection approved post closure ope.r.ai`ng plan which permits the County o fund post closure `costs` as an operating expense using annual appropriations, Accordingly, no assets have been C-38 MONROE COUNTY .FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL.STATEMENTS'` SEPTEMBER 30 1995 NOTE 22 RECOGNITION OF CLOSURE AND POST. CLOSURE COST (Continued) restricted for payment of post closure care costs. - Any additional costs due to inflation or deflation, , changes in technology or. additional post, closure care requirements will be covered by additional charges to service users. - . NOTE 23-- LITIGATION f. The County is.a defendant in various lawsuits and is involved in other;;disputes wherein substantial amounts are claimed.. In the opinion of -the County, ',these suits and sh claims ' oul'd not result in judgements or ,settlements which; in aggregate,. would have a material adverse effect, on the, County's financial condition. NOTE 24 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES' Grant Programs The County participates in :a number of federally assisted grant programs. These programs are subject to financial and compliance audits by the grantors or their representatives. 'As of"March 4, 1996 there were no material questioned" or disallowed costs as a result of grant audits in ' process or completed. Arbitrage Rebate - - In accordance with the Tax Reform Act of 1986 'any interest earnings on,-borrowed construction funds ` in ' excess of the interest` costs are ' required to be rebated to the federal government. 'The County has estimated-that, there will be no significant liability for arbitrage rebate; Impact Fee Refunds Unexpended or unencumbered funds arising from`the collection of impact fees may be refunded within one year .following the end of the sixth year from the date,on which the impact fee was paid or within.,three,months of. the noncommencement of construction. - Industrial Devel omentBonds - By resolution 'adopted February 21, 1995 the.Board authorized the issuance of $3,4001000 of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for the North Key Largo Utility Corporation Project. The bonds were subsequently issued March 9, 1995 and are secured by a mortgage on "certain real estate owned by The North Key .Largo Utility Corporation. , These bonds do not, constitute an- obl;igation of 'the County. Sale of Land Inventory - The : Board of Trustees of the Florida Internal Improvement Trust Fund has a $386,525,option to_ purchase land with a,basis of, $760,700. The option will be exercised in November, >1995. NOTE 25 RISK MANAGEMENT The'County i s exposed to various risks of loss rel ated,to tort; theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions;- injuries to employees`; and natural. disasters During the fiscal years ended 1976, 1984 and 1988,: the County C-39 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30' 1995 NOTE' 25 RISK'MANAEMT (Continued) established the -Worker's Compensation, Group Insurance, and Risk Management Funds, respectively, as internal service funds to account for and finance its Uninsured risks' of loss. , Under these Iprograms, the Worker's Compensation provides $450,000 coverage per claim for regular e ployees: and'$500,000 coverage per claim for police and firemen. The Group Insurance Fund provides coverage up to $75,000 for each medical claim. Risk management provides $100,,000, for each general 1 i abi 1 i ty cl aim and $25;'000 for most property .damage claims. Windstorm, Flood.. and Property Damage `insurance excess coverage varies by individual; property; I The County purchases` commercial insurance for claims in excess of coverage proyide y the funds and for all other 'risks of loss;. Settled claims have not exceeded this commercial coverae'_in. any of the past three years. All funds of-the County participate in< the programs and make payments to the Worker's Compensation; Group Insurance and Risk Management _ Funds -based on estimates of the amounts needed to pay prior and current year claims. The claims liabilities reported at September 30, 1995 are based on the re uirements of Governmental ccountin Standards Board Statement No. 10, which requires that a liability for claims be reported if inormation -prior . o the issuace of the financial statements indicates that it "is probable that liability F�as been. incurred at the date of the financial statements and the_amount of the loss can, be reasonably estimated. Changes in 'the claims liability amounts in fiscal year 1994 and 1995 were; Worker's Group Risk Compensation Insurance Management Total Balance at September 30, 1993 250,000 1,251,4717 1,348,325 2,849,802 Current year c[aims and changes in estimates _ 392,370 5,020,281 90,906 5,503,557 ,CCaim payments (392,370) {4,824,781) (229,251} t5,446;402) Balance at September.30,. 1994 250,000 1„446,977 1,209,980 2;906,957 Current year claims'and changes in estimates` - 496,975 7,353,488 5,106 7,855,569 Claim payments (496,975) (6,769,589}' (480,469} (7;747,033) Balance at September 30, 1995 S 250;000 $ -2,030,876 $' 734;617 3,015,493 G-40 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK I I' GENERALFUND The General Fund is the general operating fund of the County: It is used to account for all financial,resources except for those required to be accounted for in another fund. The General Fund'has a'greater number and variety of revenue sources than any other fund, and its resources i finance a wider range of activities. The resources of the General Fund are ordinarily largely -ex ended and replenished on an annud( basis. it if if i i i i ,i i MONROE'COUNTY,FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL FUND . FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDEDSEPTEMBER30,-1995 Variance _ Favorable , Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: - - - Taxes_ _ $ � 12;015,748 $ 11,`715,847 $ (299,901) licenses and Permits 220,000 4H,397 208,397 Intergovernmental 11,657,322 _10,940,242 (717,0, Charges for,Ser vices 3,428,579 317511331 322,752 Fines and Forfeitur es . � 18,500- 81;843 63,343' Investment Income 433,478 786,000 352,522 Miscellaneous 177,993 640,266 462,273 Total Revenues 27,951,620 28,343,926 392;306 Expenditures: Current: <_- . ,General Government: Board of County-Commissioners 1,050,473 992,626 , 57,847 Insurances-Clerk Circuit Court,, 365,390 362,954 2,436 Insurances-Clerk to the Board 128,532 128,532 Insurances-Microfilm 30,792 30,792 Clerk to the Board 7.50,940. 746,847 4,093 Clerk of the Circuit Court 1,250,295 1,195,690 54,605 Public Records Trust Fund" 275,000 53,058 221,942 Clerk of.the.Circuit Court-Microfilm 171,698 165,075 6,623 Clerk of the County;Court 867,757 839,392 28,365 Clerk-Data Processing 333,666 292,789, 40,877 Clerk- Domestic Relations 57,234 57,188. 46 Criminal Systems 87,265 87,198 67 Internal Audit 121,899 102,827 19,072 TDC Audit Function 134,974 97,831 37143 County Attorney 887,460 887,460 -- Property Appraiser 2,383,548 2,255,300 128,248 - Tax Collector 2,381,898 2,286,727 95,171 Sheriff 648,461 646,462 1,999 Circuit Court 385,828 360661 25;167' Guardian Ad Litem, 122;888 107,861 15,027% Court Reporter 59,781 56,965 2,816 County Court 95,630' 81,574 _ ,14;056 Pretrial Services 384,148 367,195 16,953 State Attorney`' 131,541' 67677 63,864 Public'Defender 167,540 162,497 5,043 Guardianship of Monroe County 57,904 57,283 621 Involuntary Civil Commitment Appointment 65,000 41,845, 23,155 Supervisor of Election_s _ 578,900' 512,627 - 66,273' `Elections 220,664 192,284 28380 County Administrator 298,766 285,730 13,036 InfiormationSystems 1,217,593' 1,217,593 -= D-1 (Continued)' COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA SCHEDULEIT CHANGES IN F -BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL F CONTINUED , , FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPT"EMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Office of Management& Budget 233,310 211,946 21,364 Grants Management 82,099 70,620, 11,479 Purchasing 292,918 249,973 42,945 Public,Information Office 74,204 61, 78 12,326 Personnel\Safety 318,782 311,764 7,018 Public Works` ana9ement 1 ,862 135,649 213 Public Works Facilities Maintenance 3,554,747 3,4613,751 85,996 Advertising 5,000 4,901 99 Public Safety Managemelnt 145,793 143,866 1,927 Community Services'Management 115,977 111601 376 Anti Drug Abuse Pretrial - 90;910 85,126' 5,784 Quasi,External Services 282,851 256,766 26,085 . Total General Government 21,045, 18 19,857,381 1,18 ,537 Public Safety: Cuban Immigration 87,128 87,128 -- Medical Examiner 329,59,,, 325,304 4,255 Emergency Management 18 ,493 - 185,027 ` 1,466 Marathon EOC 55, 0 -47, 31 8,009 Key West EOC 12,26 11, 10 756 Radiological EmergencyPreparedness Grant 112;734 9 , 2Z 22,312 Emergency Management Trust,Fund 71,068 70,793 275 Emergency Medical Services Coordinator 135,236 124,127 11,109 Emergency Medical Services Award Grant 163,1280 ®- 163,280 Medical/Rescue Equipment Project 171,646 163,732 7,914 Systems Evaluation/Quality Assurance 55,124 25,145 29,979 Emergency Medical Communications' 9,262 21,689' 7,573 Emergency Medical Air Transportation 50,0100 49,228 772 Communications 367,399 345,893 21,506 Red Cross Lower Keys 10,000 10,000 Red Crass Upper Keys 10,000 ' 10,000 -- Sheriff 26,471,934 26,317,898 - 154,036 Total Public Safety 28,318,969 27,885,727 433,242 Physical Environment. ndley Key Channel Marker' 13 1,325 1,325 -- DNR BoatingImprovement Funds 160,600 -- 160,a00 Sugarloaf Sound Channel Markers 20,00 . 9,17 10,803 Waterway Program 66,460 2,370 6 ,090 Indian Key Channel Markers 10,680 - 10,680 Alien Vessel Removal 23,677 15,313 8,364 C Removal 091626 1,470 1,470 -- D-2' (Continued) MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA _ DA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND; CHANGES'IN FUND BALANCE.-BUDGET AND ACTUAL ' GENERAL`FUND -CONTINUED FOR,THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) DV Removal 091715 1,512- 1,512 -- Bertha Street Boat Ramp 45,000 -- 45;000 Channel Marker#16 DV Removal 091420,22,2325,1661 ' 6,960 6,960 -- DV Removal 091779 3,280 1,680 1;600 Derelict Vessel;Removal 66,000 46,408 19,592 No-Wake Signage"Garrison Bight 2,000 Key West Anchorage Mooring Buoy 4,300 -- 4,300 DV Removal 091772 687 687 -- Channel Marker.#2 Tamarac Park 778 778 -- DV Removal 091728 798 ; 798 Channel Marker#18 Kemp Channel 1,800 1,800 Emergency Channel Marker Repairs 4,350;; 4,350 - DV Removal 091653 ; 1,600 _ 1,600 Sugarloaf,Sound Channel Marking Project 30,000 29,203 - 797 ; DV Removal 091843 600 600 Kemp Channel&-Coco Plum#1 = 19,198 19,198 -- DV Removal 091855 1,560 1,560 -- Tavernier Creek#15 1,920 1,920. -- Emergency Repair Cow Key Channel#2 11800 1,800 -- DV Removal 091864, 091.865 1,749 1,749 -- Emergency Repair Channel Markers 8,748 8',748 -- D'erelict.Vessel Removal 64,639 30,403 ° 34,236 Signage Indian Key 1,043 1 043 DV Removal 091860 1,100 1,100 Boating;Restricted Area 20;000 --, 20,000 Key West Power Squadron 540 540 Emergency Derelict Vessel 1,093 1,093 -- Extension Service 151,494 139,772 ` 11`,722 Total Physical Environment 730,578 334,977 395,601 Transportation: County Engineer 91,520 89,359 2,161 Economic Environment. BRAC Grant 167,938 134,814 ; 33;124 Housing Authority\HUD 701 25 876 Veteran's Affairs 338,997 317483 21,514 SFETC-,JTPA Liaison- 95,760 34,406 61,354 SFETC Intake 173,199 129,942 43,257 - SummerYouth'Employment&Training ` 98,010 - 36,110 61,1900 Total Economic Environment 874,605 652,780 221,825 , D-3 (Continued) ' COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA , SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND T AND ACTUAL GENERALCONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED-SEPTEMBER 30, 1996, Variance Favorable Budget ct6 1 ( of vora le) Human Services: HRS Substance Abuse Grant 146,568 78,31 68,177 Public Works Animal Shelter 671,188 626,020 45,16 Middle Keys Guidance Clinic 501,266 501,225 . 41 Upper Keys Guidance Clinic 87,859 87,859 -- 'Care Center for Mental Health 214,629 206,849 7,780 .The Heron 26,000 25,000 - Monroe County Association for Retarded Citizens 30,695 30,695 _® . Grace Jones Daycare Center 3,091 3,091 _® Welfare Administration 571,883 568,756 3,127 Welfare Services 799,500 550,829 248,671 Healt ,Care Responsibility Act 311,384 23,106 28 ,278, ayshore Manor` 355,44 334;877 20,568 Senior Community Service Project-! -39,165 200,424 138,741 .,Senior Community Service Project-11 36,067 34,658 1,409 Nutrition C-1 256,969 200,640 56,329" Nutrition C-11 237,176 181,121 56,055' CCE In Home Services 1,165,92 ' 702,343 463,586 CCDA Homemakers 230,22 134,165 96,0"7 Homemaker III-19 42,782 27,483 15,299 Referral 3- .Information 312,190 286,589 22,601 ADIP' 47,335 24,975 22,360i Nutrition I I I F 13,637 10,888 1 ,049 Lower KeysAARP 1,500 392' 1,108 Middle Keys AARP 1,500 1,309 191 Upper Keys AARP 1; 00 745 755 Sig Pine Key AARP 1, 0. 1,08 472 Older Americans Volunteer Program 4,000 2,508 1,492 Legal Aid 21,000 12;967 8,033 He1 ,Line 18,0 1 ,000 Domestic Abuse Shelter 23,010 23,010 ®_ Hospice-of the Florida Keys 60,00 50, 00 - Big Brothem\Big Sisters" 20,000 20,000 -- Handicapped Job Placement 12,000 12,000 - Florida Keys Children Shelter 26,65 10,955 15;740 Wesley House 2 ;000 25,000 - Literacy of America 5,000 5,00b -- Anti Drug Abuse DARE - - 46,13 4 , 11 2,221 Total Human Services 6,657,;117 5,069,809 1;587,308 Culture and Recreation: Florida Keys Youth Club 30,000 30000 -_ Florida Keys Outreach Coalition 5,000 5:000 -- Upper Keys Youth Club 33,600 33,600 -® (Continued) °MONROE,COUNTY,FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--"BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL FUND -'CONTINUED _ FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, '1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable Heart of the Keys Recreation 18,000 18,000 -- Big,Pine Athletic Association 18,000 17,829 " 171 Fine Arts Council 18,742 13,675 5,067 Higgs Beach 71,635` 71,330 305 Summer School Recreation Program 42,750 42,184 566 Historic Fla. Keys Preservation Board 8,550 81550 -- Monroe County Museums 26,216 22,07$ 4,138 Lower Matecumbe Beach 1,241 . 1;241 - Sombrero Beach Restrooms,` 32,750 -- 32,750 Library Admin Support 367,252 349,266 17,986 Library Key West 430,233 392,563 37,670 Library Bookmobile 45,287 45,053 234 Library.;Marathon " 198,292 176,813 21,479 Library:,lslamorada 173,130, 165,591 7;539 Library Key Largo 2181361 209,357 9,0.04 Library_Big Pine Key 192,856 75,554 17,302 Library:Donations 138,524 36,371 102;153 j- and Recreation 1,970,4191,714,055,Total Cultural 256,364 Debt Service: Principal Retirement -76,374 " 133,345" (56,971) interest and,Fiscal Charges 6,202 8,958 (2,756) Total Debt Service 82,576 142,303 (59;727) Total Expenditures 59,771,702 55,746,391 4,025,311 Excess of Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures (31,820,082) . (27,402,465) 4,417,617 Other Financing,Sources/(Uses): Reserve for-Contingencies _ (175,459) -- " - 175,459 Transfers from Other Funds 29,371,422 27;595,819 (1,775,603) Transfers to Other Funds (1,267,018) (1,248,356) 18,662 Total Other FinancingSources Uses 27,928,945 26,347,463 1,581_,482) ( ) ( - Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and OtherUses- , Budgetary Basis (3,891,137) (1055,002) 2,836,135 Total Adjustments -_: (253) (253) D-5 (Continued) COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA REVENUES,SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES ACTUALCHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND _ GENERALCONTINUED FOR THE FISCALYEAR � T 30, 1995 Variance vor Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses® GBasis (3,391,17) (1;0 ;255) 2,835,882, Fund"Balance, October 1, 1994 10, 75,923 Residual Equity Transfer Out - (18,202) (18,202) Fund Balance, eptember.30, 1995 6,584,786 9,402,466 2,817,630 D-6 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SPECIAL GDBG HOfJSI�G REHABILI`ATIQNTUIJD To account for revenues and expenditures of various low income housing grants.' i FINE IT To account for revenues received.from fines and forfeitures imposed from the commission of statutory offenses, and ad valorem,taxes that are transferred to the Sheriff's Department and to account for operations of the County's court support system. Fl, _ itROAD AND_BRIDGE jl To account for all revenues,operating expenditures and capital improvements for the ` County's,Road Department. LAWLJBRARY To account for all revenues and expenditures for the County's Law Library. .-TOURIST DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS To account for the local option three cent bed tax in five, istrict funds and an Administrative and Promotional Fund for the expenditures of advertising,promotions, and special events of the County Tourist Development Council: FIREAND AMBULANCEIST I T To account for all revenues and expenditures'in three district funds for county fire and ambulance services. T _- ._T YSTE _SERVICE _DISTRICTTo,account for all,revehues and expenditures for the county's.television translator system. SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICTS . To account for all revenues and expenditures for Cross"Key Waterway-,Estates. UNINCORPORATED AREA SVIC -DISTRICT To account for all revenues and expenditures for planning, building and zoning, and parks and recreation_ j. IM—PACT-FEES To account for special assessment revenues,in five funds of the unincorporated area from impact fees for roadways, parks and recreation, libraries, solid waste, police facilities, and Fire and EMS. Continued} 911 ENHANCEMENT FEES To account for fees levied on each telephone access line in Monroe County for the enhancement of the 911 Emergency Telephone System. DUCK KEY SECURITY DISTRICT To account for the revenues and expenditures in providing security services for,the Duck I. Key District.: LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE To account for the revenues and expenditures for the administration and implementation of the Local Housing Assistance Program. UPP ,H KEY$ HEALTH CARE SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT To account for all transportation and hospitalization"costs of Monroe County trauma patients in'Dade County. Ji NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS To account for the non-ad valorem assessment revenues and expenditures for street and road improvements for Winston Waterways'and for water circulation improvements through the installation of culverts.in the Jolly Roger Estates and Cudjoe Gardens: The Winston Waterway Municipal Service Taxing District does not have a'legally adopted budget. 4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY . Designated to purchase unbuildable property in the Florida Keys and re"package,the property into appropriate'lot sizes to meet the new Density and Land Use Plan requirements.' Property is also. purchased for recreational and conservation.purposes. II SHERIFFFEDERAL GRANTS"PROGRAM To account for all revenues and expenditures for the Sheriff Department's federal grant program. This fund does not have a legally adopted budget. i SHERIFF SAFETY SEAT PROGRAM To account for all revenues and expenditures for the safety.seat program of the Sheriffs Department. This fund does not have a legally adopted budget. SHERIFF'S FORFEITURE To account for the Sheriff Department's revenues,produced from forfeitures and expenditures i in the prevention, investigation, detection, and identification_"of crime. This fund does not have a legally adopted budget." SHERIFF'S OFF-DUTY To account for the Sheriff Department's revenues and expenditures for the purpose of,providing private security services` This fund does not have a legally adopted budget. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBININGT L SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Community Development Fine Road BlockL Grant- Forfeiture rl a Library ASSETS --- -- Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 117,115 5,018,723 $ 6,516,885 $ 23,406 Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost 2,161, 31 5,367,905 -® AccountsReceivable: -- Other 5 5 20 -- Allowance for Other Uncollectible -- -- -- -- Mortgage Note Receivable 66 ,053 -- -- Allowance for Mortgage Receivable (28,1.53) -- Inventory of Land for Resale -- -- Due fromOther Funds -- 16,838 - Due from Other Governmental Units 120,032 1,744,553 621,398 1,680 Interest Receivable - 36,129 89,732_ - Total Assets $ -- _649,052- $ 8,9601791 $- 12,612,77_8 25,086 LIABILITIES AND'FUND EQUITY ' i Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 69,794' $ 116,538 $ 131,101' $ 425 `Tax Anticipation dote Accrued Wages and Benefits Payable _ 15,919 68,717 - Accrued Compensated Absences Payable. ®- 7,835 8,760 -_ Due to Others Due to Other Funds 612,031 203,671 2 Due to Other'Govern mental,Units 5,634 _ 580 1,782 _- Deposits in Escrow -_ 375 - Deferred Revenues 262,50 -- -- -- Other Current Liabilities 5- Total Liabilities 337,928 752,948 414,406 427 Fund Equity: Fund Balances: Reserved for Encumbrances -- 6 10,355 - Reserved for Land Acquisition _- Reserved for Inventory ®- Reserved for Mortgage Loans' 149,399 -- Unreserved, Designated for Reaches -- Unreserved, Undesignated 161,725,, 81207;837 12;188,017 24,659. Total FundEquity 311,124 8,207,83 12,198,372 24,659 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $_ 649,05 $ --- 8,960,791 $ 12;612,778 $ _ 25;0 6 E-1 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Tourist Tourist Tourist Tourist Development, Development, Development, Development, District' District District District #One #Two #Three ' #Four 2 Cent 2 Cent , 2 Cent 2 Cent ASSETS _.._ Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents $. $ -- $ $.. Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost Accounts,Receivable: Other Allowance for Other Uncollectible - -- --Mortgage Note Receivable Allowance for Mortgage Receivable - -- -- _= Inventory of Land for Resale Due from Other Funds Due from Other Governmental Units - - Interest Receivable __ -- -- Total Assets $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY liabilities: Accounts Payable $ y $ __ $ Tax Anticipation Note _- Accrued Wages and Benefits Payable -- -- -- -= Accrued Compensated Absences Payable -- : -- -- Due to Others -- Due to Other Funds Due to Other Governmental Units -- Deposits in Escrow -_ __ Deferred Revenues - -- Other Current Liabilities -- -- __ Total Liabilities Fund Equity: Fund Balances: Reserved for Encumbrances_ - Reserved for Land Acquisition Reserved for Inventory -- -- __ Reserved for Mortgage Loans =- -- .-- -- Unreserved, Designated for Beaches -- Unreserved, Undesignated - -- -- -- Total Fund Equity -- -- -- Total Liabilities and Fund Equity , $ __ $ E-2 Tourist Tourist Development, Tourist 'Tourist Tourist Development, Tourist Administrative Development, Development, Development, District Development,, and District District District ive ll Districts Promotional #One #Two #Three 2 Cent 2 Cent 2 Cent 3 Cent 3 Gera 3 Gera e® $ 1,405,8 3 $- 11865,520 $ 1,257,920 $ 175,987 275,496 -- -- 55 -- -® �- - 10,239 21,218 9,518 28 67 18,219 37,753 141870 1,174 2,328 $_ - -._.:-. l 434,341'< $ ---1,924 546 $`-- 1�282, 00 177,189 $=----2771891 151,727 $ 186,289 $ 170,366 $ 62,768 $ 86,805 -- 578 1,386 752 35 37 232 Y- -- 1,283 ,652 3,149 1,378 73 -- 16 528 v -- "- 153,836 196,855 174,267 64,581 86,915 -- -- 356,183 1;280,505 1,727,027 751,858 112,608 190,976 -- 1,280,505 1,727,691 1,108,04;1, 112,608 190,976 $---- __-__ $_-_:-_ 1_,434,341 $ - 1,924,546 $-- 1,282308 $ 177,189 $ 277 91 E-3 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE,SHEET ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 -Tourist Tourist Fire And . Development, Development, Ambulance Fire And District District District#1 Ambulance #Four #Five Lower and District#5 3 Cent 3'Cent Middle Keys Tavernier ASSETS --- Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents $ ` 249,176 $ 249,249 $ 1,171,733 $ 426,443 Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost -- -- 109'538 Accounts Receivable: ' Other -- -- 1,144364 80,456 _ Allowance for Other Uncollectible -- - (940,487) (36,197) , Mortgage Note Receivable -- -- =- -- Allowance for Mortgage Receivable -- -- -- �- Inventory of Land for Resale Due'from Other Funds - 6,975 2 - 11,776 _- Due from Other Governmental Units 7073 2,540 58548 7,452 Interest Receivable -_ -- 1,831 -- Total Assets $ 263,224 $ 251,791 $ _1,557;303 $ 478,124 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY ' Liabilities: Accounts Payable . $ 56,649 , $ 47,299 $ 1,13 013 $ 16,723 Tax Anticipation Note -- Accrued Wages and Benefits Payable 42 55- 66,805 9,850 Accrued Compensated Absences.Payable --- -- 14,576 12,437 Due to Others Due to.Other Funds 81 `108 146,832 _ 78,317 Due to Other Governmental Units _- __ 4,804 -- Deposits,in Escrow -- - -- -- Deferred Revenues - -- -- Other Current Liabilities -- - - -- Total Liabilities 56,772 47,462 346,030 117,327 Fund Equity: Fund Balances: Reserved for Encumbrances -= -- 495 Reserved;for Land Acquisition -- Reserved for Inventory Reserved for Mortgage Loans - -- -- =- Unreserved,Designated for Beaches Unreserved, Undesignated 266,452 204,329` 1,210,778 360,797 Total Fund Equity 206,452 2041329 1,211,273 " 360,797 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $_ 263,224 $. 251,791 $ 1,557,303 $ 478 124 E-4 N Unincorporated Special Area Service 'Unincorporated Fire And Translator Road District District re Service Ambulance to Cross y la, in 9 District District Service Waterway Buildingn r s and Impact act Fees y Largo istrict Estates Zoriln§ Recreationoa a s 512,487 174,359 660,275 $ 400,032 4,821,469 ®® 11643,068 1,407,550 212 ®_ 2 2 105 57,22 11,186 3,727 59,532 8,310 27,466 _ 23,529 -581,109 178,086 -- 2,39Q,893 408,344 $- 6 252,643 _ 41,757 15;321 ®_ 127,396 2 ,621 906 115,915 3,199 _- 523 11,337 5;212: 2,110 - 239,801, 2 ,954 ®_ -- ,281 30,392 6,000 45,586 15,321 -- 498,730 -103,378 906 75,339 _ . -_ -- 714 204 460,184 162,765 -_. 1,891,449 304,762 6,251,737 535,523 162,765 - 1,892,163 304,966 6;251,737 --551 109 - 178,086 2,390,893 408,344 _...-._6,252; 43. -5 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS`-CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Impact Fees Impact Fees Parks and Impact Fees Impact Fees Police Recreation Libraries Solid Waste Facilities ASSETS Assets: 71 Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 809,379 $ 468,569 , $ 101,503 $ 627,829 Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost Accounts Receivable: Other -- -- -_ Allowance for Other Uncollectible' Mortgage Note Receivable . Allowance for Mortgage Receivable -- -- -- _ Inventory of Land for Resale -- -- -- Due from Other Funds -= -- -- Due from Other Governmental Units -- Interest Receivable -- -- ' -- -Total Assets $ 809,379 $ 468,569 $ 101,503 $ 627,829 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 340 $' 243 $ 64 $ 150 Tax'Anticipation Note -- Accrued Wages and I Benefits Payable -_ -- -- _- Accrued Compensated Absences Payable -- -- --- -- Due to Others -- -- __ Due to Other Funds -- Due to Other Governmental Units -- -- -- Deposits in Escrow -- _ -- _- Deferred Revenues Other Current Liabilities =_ -- Total Liabilities 70,340 243 ' 64 150 Fund Equity: Fund Balances: " Reserved for Encumbrances -- -- __ Reserved for Land Acquisition -- Reserved for Inventory -- Reserved for Mortgage Loans -- -- Unreserved, Designated,for Beaches -- -- Unreserved, Undesignated 739,039 468,326 101,439 '627,679 Total Fund Equity: 739,039' 468,326 101,439 • 627,679 Total,Liabilities and Fund Equity_ $ 809,379 . $ 468,569 $ __101,503 $ 627,829 E-6. Upper Keys Cu )oe Health re Gardens Impact Fees 911 Duck Key Local Special Municipal Fire and Enhancement Security HousingTaxing a ice EMS Fees DistrictAssistance District Culvert District $` 162,065 $ 238,089 $ 47,679 76,714 $ 448,819 $ 21,309 -- -- -- -- 3,286,137 -- -- 30,023 - 2,253 -- -- 54 ,417 - -_ _- -- 14,000 ®® -- _® 3 ,9;910 , 5., 4,932 t62,P65 $ 268,112 $ 47,682. $ 697,899 $ 3,789,888 21,309 $, 105 $ .13,266 $ 4,209 $ 7,377 $ 2,630 -- ®® s 22,000 -- ®® -- -- 2,930 13 ® 40 6,519, 176 ®- - -® 49,416' � 105 13,266 - 4,209 556,793. 12,119 22,189 161,960 254,846 43;473 141,106 3,777,769 (380) 161,960. 254,846 43,473 - 141,106 3,777,1769 (880) $_- 962,065 $ 268,112 $ - 47,682 $ - 697,899 $ 3,789,888 $ ----21,309 -7 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA .COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 30,,1995 . Jolly Roger Winston Estates Waterway. Comprehensive Municipal Municipal Plan Sheriff Service Service Land Federal Culvert District Taxing District Authority Grants ASSETS ---- ------ - _ Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 11,431 $ 130,112 $ 5,902,205 $ -- Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost _- -- -- -- Accounts Receivable` Other 52;800 470 Allowance for Other Uncollectible Mortgage Note Receivable -- -- 189,432 Allowance for Mortgage Receivable -- -- -- =- Inventory of Land for Resale -- -- 6;796,692 -= Due from Other Funds -- -- Due from Other Governmental'Units - -- 234,595 618,225 Interest Receivable Total Assets $ 11,431 $ 130,112 $ 13,175,724 $ 618,695 " LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ -= $ Tax Anticipation Note 12,000 Accrued Wages and Benefits:Payable -- -_ 113825 Accrued Compensated Absences Payable -- -- _ Due to Others _- Due to Other Funds -_ -_ 504,870 Due to Other Governmental Units Deposits in:Escrow Deferred Revenues -- Other Current Liabilities Total Liabilities 1-2,000 130,000 --- 618,695 Fund Equity: Fund Balances: Reserved for Encumbrances Reserved for Land Acquisition -- 2,346,315 Reserved,for.lnventory __ __. 6,796,692 -- Reserved for Mortgage Loans - __ 189,432 - Unreserved, Designated.for Beaches -- -- -- -- Unreserved Undesignated (569) 112 3,843,285 -- Total Fund Equity (569) 112 13,175,724 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $_ 11431 $ 130,112 $ 13,175;724 $ 618,695 - E-8 Sheriff Safety Seat Sheriffs Sheriff Program Forfeiture Off-Duty Total 10,722 74,612 10,475 34,463,630 ®_ -- 13,975,529 ®_ 1,311, 72 (976,684) 1,38,902 6,796,692 147,885, ®® __ 3,618,803 WW ®_ 243,529 $ 10,722 . $ _74,612 10,475 60,731,505 $ _ $ ®_ 1,455,882 ®® -_ a- 164,000 -- -- 406,654 60,952 80 80 �W 10,475 1,910,482 -® 74, 12 -® 122,629 ®- 6,375 811,91 -= 45 80 74,612 10,475 4,939,015 -- -_ 87,777 - -- -- 2i346,315 -- -® -- 6,796,692 338,831 -- -- -- 356,183 10,642 -- -- 45,8 6,692 10,642 -® 55,792,490 $ _ _10,722' $_ 74,612 $ - 10,475_ $__ 60;731,50 _ 7-9 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES,IN FUND BALANCE ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Community Development? Fine Road Block., & & Law Grant, Forfeiture Bridge Library Revenues: Taxes $ -- $ 28,325,738 $ 1,868,934 $ __ Licenses& Permits -- -- -- Intergovernmental 935,373 246,995 3,088,726 ,1 -- Charges for Services 2,727 1,598,666 1,012,146 -- Fines& Forfeitures -- 1,752;548 -_ 20,730 Investment Income 91868 585,780 539,645 1,098 Miscellaneous 9,927 30,693 80,159 Total Revenues - 957,895 � 32 540,4206,589,690 `21,828 Expenditures:' Current: General Government -- 829,037 __ 20,982 Public Safety _ 3,799,166 -- Physical Environment _ Transportation Economic Environment 962,086 -- Human Services -- -- Culture and Recreation:.. ®ebt Service Total Expenditures 962,086 4,628,203, 5,000,416 20;982 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (4,191_) 27,912,217 1;589,194 846 ` Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers to Other Funds -- (26,347,463) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses 1 (4191) 1,564,754 1,589,194 -846 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 297,113 6,643,089 10,609,178 23,813 Residual Equity Transfer In -- Residual Equity Transfer Out , -- Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ '31.11,,124 $ 8;207,843 $ 12,198,372 $ 24 659 E-10 Tourist Tourist Tourist ri Tourist Development, Development, Development, Development, Development, Tourist District District DistrictDistrictDistrict e�i i t ' ne .T o Thr� tsar Five li� istricts Cent nt 2 Cent 2 Cent 2 Cent 2 Cent 1,731,709 20,711 -- -- - -- 59,435 -- -- -- -- -- 1,811,855 , -- -- 1,480,891 -- -- -- -- -- 330,964 -- -- - -- -- 330,964 456,560 - 147,473 102,65 90,177 152,66 -- 949,541 (456,560) (147,473) (102,645) (90,177) (152,686) -- -11 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES; EXPENDITURES AND, CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-CONTINUED - FOR THE FISCAL-YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER30, 1995: Tourist Development,, . Tourist- Touriste Tourist Administrative Development, Development, Development, and District District District Promotional #One #Two #Three - 2 Cent 3 Cent 3 Cent 3 Cent Revenues: - - Taxes $ 3,588,441 $ 1,437,593 $ 145,023 $ 326,769 Licenses& Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services 42,918, -16,977 1,180 2,345 Fines &Forfeitures -- - -- -- Investment Income 65840 72,927 7;806 8,612 Miscellaneous 73,976 Total Revenues 3;771,175 11,527;497 154,009 337,726 Expenditures: Current: General Government Public Safety -- ° -- -- Physical Environment Transportation -- -- Economic Environment 3,197,837 1,911,119 197,063 273,991 Human Services Culture and Recreation Debt Service Total Expenditures 3,197,837 1,911,11gr 1971,063 273,991 Excess of Revenues Over/ - (Under) Expenditures., 573,338 (383,622) (43,054) 63,735 Other Financing.Sources/(Uses): Transfers to Other Funds' - -� -- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under),Expenditures and Other Uses 573,338 (383,622) (43,054) 63,735 Fund Balance, October1, 1994 1,154;353 1,491,663 155,662 127,241 Residual Equity Transfer In Residual Equity Transfer Out Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 1,727,691 $ . _1,108,041 $ 112,608 $ 190-1976 E-12 Tourist, Tourist ire and Development, Development, Ambulance Fire and ire and Translator District District District#1 Ambulance Ambulance System Maur Wive Lower and District#6 District#6 Service. Cent 3 Cent. Middle Keys Tavernier Key Largo istrict $ 333;3 4 $ 417,335 $ 4,103,088 $ 470,642 $ 825,566 $ 231',188 ®_ ®_ 11,861 8,772 2, 40 609;843 75,073 11,17 3,712 7,317 7,587 93,300 2 ,055 28,148 12,044 - 61015 16,796 168 349,443 427,462 4182 ,107 586,566 ' 865;019 246,944 189,184 21,640, 35;764 ®® ®- 3,475,192 366,949 481,265- ®® 23 ,086 319,815, -- -- - - 334,845 - -- 10,57 238,086 319,815 3,674,954 388,589 517,029, 334,845 111,357 107,647 1,149 153 197,977 347,990 (87,901) 111,357 107,647 1,149,153 197,977 347,990 (87,901) 95,095 6;682 621-120 162,820 184,939 250,666 -- -- - ®® 2,594 $ 206,452 204,329 $ 1,21 1 273 $ 360,797 $__ 535,523 1 162,765 -13 (Continudd) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF.REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS -CONTINUED" FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Unincorporated Special Area Service Unincorporated Road District - District Area Service Cross Key Planning, District Waterway Building and Parks and Impact Fees Estates Zoning Recreation Roadways' Revenues: - Taxes $ $ 2,004,792 $ 593;098 $ -- Licenses& Permits - 1,696,598 e_ Intergovernmental 103,464 679 Charges for Services -- 365,373 41,152 -- Fines&forfeitures 147,570 -- -- Investment Income 177 142,106 22,387 358,981 Miscellaneous -- " 6,344 11,173 490,260 Total Revenues 177 4,466,247 668,489 849,24,1 Expenditures: Current: General Government 2,053,741 -- -- Public Safety - 2,186,098 -- -- Physical Environment - 333,461 -- -- Transportation 3,935 76,638 -- 997,994 Economic.Environment _- -- Human Services -- Culture and Recreation - - 510,352 Debt Service Total Expenditures 3,935 4,649;938 510,352 997,994 " Excess of Revenues Over/, (Under)Expenditures (3,758) (183,691) 158,137 '(148,753) Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers to Other Funds Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (3,758) (183,691) 158,137 (148,753)' Fund Balance,October 1, 1994" 6,352 2,075,854 146,829 6,400,490 Residual Equity Transfer In -- -- -- o_ Residual Equity Transfer Out (2;594) Fund Balance, September 30 1995 $ -= $ 1,892,163 $ 304,966 $ 6,251,737 E-14 Impact Fees Impact Fees, Impact Fees 11 Parksen Impact Fees Impact Fees ' Policeit an eh Recreation Libraries Solid Waste Facilities EMS: Fees 37,579 ,671 16;603 30,150 5,764 5,492 133,666 136 916 38,574 "' 61,620 56,606 =® 171;2 5 153 467 7,377 111,770 62,370 36 ,441 ®_ 40 315, 176,159, -- -- 489,911 ®_ 71,020 71,020 73,232 489,911 1 450 315 176,159 100,225 .35,25 (432,53 ) 111,320 62,055.: 190,282 100,225,. 65,255 (432,534)> 111,320 62,055 190,282 638,814 333,071 533,973 516,359 99,905 64,56 $ - 739,039 463;326 --101,439 $_ 27,679 161,960 5- _ 254,846 F-15` 1 (Continued). MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL SPECIAL.REVENUE FUNDS -CONTINUED - FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,1995 Upper Keys Cudjoe Health Care Gardens. Duck Key Local; Special Municipal Security .,Housing Taxing Service District Assistance District Culvert District Revenues: -- -- Taxes 2,652 $ Licenses& Permits Intergovernmental 271,169 Charges for Services Fines& Forfeitures - -- -- Investment Income 2,637 16,046 204,006 153 Miscellaneous 66,956 37,094 - 156 -= Total Revenues 69,593 324,309 206,814 153 Expenditures: Current: General Government 1,978 =- 6 Public Safety 56,352 Physical Environment __ __ 1,033 Transportation Economic Environment -- 382,736 -- =- Human Services -- _- 503818 =- Culture and Recreation -- -_ Debt Service Total Expenditures 58,330 382,7W, 503,824 1,033 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under)Expenditures 11,263 (58,427) (297,010) (880) Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers to,Other Funds Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and.Other Uses 11,263 (58,427) (297,010) (880) Fund Balance,' October 1, 1994 32,210 1991533, 4,074,779 -- -Residual Equity Transfer In -_ -- -- =- Residual Equity Transfer Out Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ _ 43,473 $ 141,106, $ 3,777 769 $ 880) E-16 Jolly Roger Winston ttes Waterway ComprehensiveSheri Municipal 'Municipal Flan Sheriff Safety Service Service Land e er 1 Seat Sheriffs Culvert District Taxing District uthcri Grants Program Forfeiture -- 1,6175,112 2,119,608 - -- -- -- 27,000 -- - ®- -- - 340,855 83- 112 369,393 -- ®® <968 -® 21254,182 -= 1,620 ®- 83 112 4,325,687 2119,6 8 1,620 341,823 _ -- 6,401,160 -- - __ __ 2,119,608 -- 341,823 652 -- -- -- -- -- 652 6,401,160 2,119,608 -- 341,823 (569) 112 (2,075,473) -- 1,62 -- (569), 112 (2,075,473) -- 1,620 - 15,251,197 -- 9,022 --. - —( 59). - 112 $_ 13,175 724 1_ - -- =-- =-- 10,642- --- -17 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,1995 Sherifrs Off-Duty Total Revenues: Taxes $ -- $ 46,405,922 Licenses &Permits 1,696,598 Intergovernmental_ -- 8,452,987 Charges for Services 111,829 4,315,050; Fines& Forfeitures -- 2,261,703 Investment Income -- 2,760,870 Miscellaneous -_ 3,531,901 Total Revenues 111;829 '69,425,031 Expenditures: Current: General Government =- 91553,492 Public'Safety 111,829- 13,115,206 Physical Environment -- $25,057 Transportation _- 6,078,983 Economic Environment -- 8,963,624 Human Services 503,818 Culture and Recreation -- <' 989,449 Debt'Sery ce __ 10,578 Total Expenditures 111,829 40,040,207 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures -- '29,384,824 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers to Other Funds -- (26,347,463) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses -- 3,037,361 - Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 -- 52,736,927 Residual Equity Transfer In -- 970,337 Residual Equity Transfer Out - (952,135) Fund Balance, September 30, '1995 $ -- $ 55 792,490 " E-18 COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND 1 T AND ACTUAL CDBG 1 REHABILITATION I , L REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL Y30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget c I (Unfavorable) Revenues.- Intergovernmental $ 2,214,744 $ 935,373 (1,279,371} Charges for Services ®® 2,727 2,727 Investment Income 5,800 .91-868 4,068 Miscellaneous _® 9, 27 9,927 Total Revenues 2,220,544 957,895 (11262,649) Expenditures; Current: Economic Environment: .Administration 91282 4, 05 4,677 Elderly Homeowner Rehabilitation- 222,045 221,927 118 Community Development Block Grant 515,174, 221,693 29 ,481 Emergency Home Disaster Relief 531000 -_ 53,000 Home Investment Partnership,Pro ram 1,499,750 513,861 985,889 ;Total Expenditures 2,299,21 962;086 1,337,165 Excess of Revenues Over/, (Under) x enditures (78,707) ( ,191) 74,516 Other,Financin Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (7,900)' Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other, Uses- Budgetary Basis (86,607) (4,191) 82,416 Adjustment forMortgege,Receivables -- (262,500) (262,500) Adjustment for Mortgage Loans ade -- 262,500 262,500 Total Adjustments -- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses-GAAP Basis (86,607) (4,191), 82,416 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 297,113 297,113 Residual Equity Transfer In __ 18,202 18,202 Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $-- — ,210,506 $ 31,1,12 -- 100 618 E-19 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES,AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET AND ACTUAL FINE AND FORFEITURE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE,FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes $ 29,172,715 $ �28,325,738 - $ (846,977) Intergovernmental 222,000 :246,995 24,995 Charges for,Services 985,000 1,598,666- 613,666 Fines and Forfeitures 1,625,000 1,752,548 127,548 'Investment Income 600,000' 585,780,' (14,220) Miscellaneous s 1,500 , 30,693 29,193 Total Revenues 32,606,215 32,540,420 (65,795) Expenditures: ' Current: General Government: Witness Fees 953,000 829,037 123,963 Public Safety: Sheriffs Other 2,716,438 2,651,596 64,842 LEEA Funds, 75,000 75,000 -- Jail Operations 215;766 147,519 68,247, Public Works Correction Facilities 1,214,480 925,051 289,429 Total Public Safety 4,221,684 3,799,166 422,518 ,Human'Services: Handicap Parking Fines 81710 - 8,710 Total Expenditures 5,183,394 4,628,203 555,191 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 27,422,821 27,912,217 489,396 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies ` (64,676) -- 64,676 Transfers to Other Funds _(27,303,784) (26,347,463) 956,321 Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (27,368,460) (26,347,463) 1,020,997 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses 54,361 1,5,64,754 1,510,393 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 6,643,089 6,643,089 Fund Balance, September30, 1995 $ 6;697 450 $ 8,207,843 $ 1,510,393 E-20 COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA STATEMENTVEXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGETL BRIDGEROAD AND 1 L REVENUEFUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER , 1 Variance aor 1 Budget Actual ref v r le) . Revenues:. Taxes $ 1,700,000 1,868,934 168,934 Intergovernmental 2,477,000 3,088,726 11,726 Charges for Services 11,000 1,012,146 1,001,146 Investment Income 700,000 ,6 5 (160,355) Miscellaneous 49,593 80,159 30,566 Total Revenues 4,937,593 6,589,610 1,652,017 Expenditures: Current: Transportation: `Road Department 2,302,429 2,022,208 280,221 Boot Key Bridge 121,226 ' 84,774 36,452 Transportation 531-717 565,039 88,678 County Engineer 569,810 548,963 20,847 Local Option Gas Tax:_ Street Lighting 264,321 2541821 9,500 Local Option Gas'Tax Projects 1,86 ,498 , 447'456 1; 18,042 80% G s'Tax 8,096,570 930,978 7,165,592 In-House Projects 250,000 146,177 103,823 Total Expenditures 14,123,571 ;000,416 9,123,155 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (9,18 ,97 ) 1,589,194 10,775,172 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): " Reserve for Contingencies (55,057) m- 55,057 Transfers from Other Funds 18, 62 -- (18;662) Transfers to Other Funds (152,020) - - 152,020 Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (188,415) - 188,415 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (9,374,393) 1,589,194 10,963;587 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 10,809,178 10,609,178 -- Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 1,234,785 $ 12,198,372 $ 10,963,587 E-21 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ' STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET AND ACTUAL LAW LIBRARY SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: -- --- ---- --- - Finesland Forfeitures -$ 20,000 $ 20,730 "$' 730 ` Investment Income 500 1,098 598 Total Revenues 20,500, 21,828 1,328 Expenditures: Current:. General Government: - Operations 31,875 20,982 10,893 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (11,375) 846 12,221 Other.Financing Sources/(Uses)' Reserve for Contingencies (1,600) -- 1,600 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under)Expenditures and Other Uses (12,975) 846 13,821 Fund Balance, October1, 1994 23,813 23,813 -- Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 10,838 $ 24,659 $ 13,821 E-22 MONROE COUNTY, FL I STATEMENT7 EXPENDITURES CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE . T AND ACTUAL- TOURIST DEVELOPMENT,ALL DISTRICTS, SPECIALTWO'CENT REVENUE FUND FISCALFOR THE T30, 1995 riane Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues taxes 1,5 ;40 1,71,709 169,309 Charges for Services -- 20;71.1 20,711 Investment Income ®- 59,435 59,435 Total Revenues 1, 62,40 1,811,855 249,455 Expenditures: Current: Economic Environment: Administration 1,153,32 770,156 383,667 Cultural Umbrella 347,000 258,689 63;311 Fishing Umbrella 40 ,000 32, 63 53,637 Diving Umbrella 100,000, 99,633 317 Total Expenditures 2 006,8 3 1,480,891 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (444,423) 330,964 775,387 .Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (162,70) ®- 162;750 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other,Uses, ( 07,173)` 330,964 933,137 FundBalance, October 1, 1994 Residual Equity transfer In 949,541, 949,541 Fund Balance, September 30, 199 $ (607,173� 1,260,505 = - 1,887t678 E-23 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-,BUDGET AND ACTUAL r _ TOURIST DEVELOPMENT,ADMINISTRATIVE AND PROMOTIONAL,TWO CENT SPECIAL:REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 301995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: — Taxes $ 3,237,600 $ 3,588,441 $.. 350,841 - Charges for Services _ 42,918 42,918 Investment Income -- 65,840 65,840 Miscellaneous -- 73,976 73,976 Total Revenues: 3,237,600 3,771,175 533,575, Expenditures: Current: . Economic,Environment: Advertising and Promotion 3,252,159 2,926;846 325,313 Administrative Services 378,293 270,991 107,302 Total Expenditures` 3,630,452 31197;837 432,615_ Excess of Revenues Over/ (,Under) Expenditures (392,852) 573,338 966,190' x Other Financing Sources/(Uses):_ Reserve for Contingencies (337,250) - 337250 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (730,102)J, 573,338 1,303440 Fund Balance, October 1,'1994 1,154,353 1;154,353 Fund Balance, September30, 1995 $ 424,251 $ 1,727,691 $ 1,303,440 ': E-24 COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA STATEMENT F REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCEACTUAL ' TOURIST DEVELOPMENT, DISTRICT ,THREE CENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCALY T30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget `ctual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes $ 1,320,000' $ 1,437,593 $ 117,593 Charges.for Services -_ 16;977 16,977. Investment Income -- 72,927 72,927 Total Revenues 1,320,000 1, 27,497 207,497 Expenditures: Current: Economic Environment: Third Cent Program 19,942 __ 19,942 T C Administrative 42,016 28,801 13,217 Tourist Information Services 205,000 200,670 4,330 Bricks and Mortar 225,641 160,799 64,842 Special Events 291,61 197,03 94,572 Promotion and Advertising 686,433 54 ,666` 141,767 Beeches 1,128,72 779,140' 349,583 "Total-Expenditures 2,599,372 1,911,119 -688,253 Excess of RevenuesOver/ (Under) Expenditures (1,279,372) (383, 22) 695,750 Other Financing Sources/(Uses):. Reserve for Contingencies (146,291) -- >146,291 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (1,425,663) (383;622) 1,042,041 Fund Balance, October 1; 1994 1,491,663 1,491,663 -- FundBalance,: September 30, 1995 $ 66,000 $ 1,108,041 1,042 041 E-25 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND.BALANCE -BUDGET AND ACTUAL TOURIST DEVELOPMENT,DISTRICT-#TWO,THREE CENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR'ENDED SEPTEMBER 30' 1995 Variance Favorable- _ Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes $ : 1,44,000 $ 145,023 $ 1;023 : Charges for Services -- 1,180 1,180 Investment Income -- 7,806 7806 Total Revenues - 144,000 154,009 10,009 Expenditures: Current: Economic Environment: - TDC Administrative_ 7,907 4,743 3,164 Tourist Information Services 47,000 47,000 ,Bricks and Mortar. 41,382 17,153 24,229 Special Events 8,990 , 3,406 5,584 Promotion and Advertising 162,276 124,761 37,515 Total Expenditures : 267,555 197,063 70,492 Excess of.Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (123,555) (43,054) 80;501 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (24,907) -- 24,907 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under)Expenditures and Other Uses (148,462) (43,054) ' 105,408 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 155,662 155,662 -- Fund Balance, September30, 1995 $ 7 200 $ 112 608 $ 105,408 E-26 MONROE FLORIDA STATEMENT , EXPENDITURES CHANGES I ACTUAL TOURIST LOPMENT, DISTRICT#THREE,THREE CENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND;' FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget, Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes 26 , 00 326,769 , $ 62,76 Charges"fer Services 2,345 2,345 Investment Income,' 6,612 8,612 "total Revenues 264,00037,726 '73,726 Expenditures: . -Current: Economic Environment: Third'Cent Prograrn 14,000 14,000 T C Administrative 1 , 77 ; 3311-` 3,644, Tourist Information Services 70,000 ��70,000 - - 'Bricks'and NI®rtar 51,330 20,365' 30,965' Special Events 10,126 -- 10,126 Promotion and Advertising186,1830 176,993 9,837 Total Expenditures 342;565 273,91 63,57 Excess,of Revenues ver/ (Under).Expend itures (78,565) 63,735 142,300 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (35;47 ) 35,476 Excess of Revenues and Other,'Sources Over/ (Under)Expenditures and,Other Uses (114,041) 63,735 177,776 Fund Balance, October 1 -1994 127,241 127,241, Fund Balance, September 0, ,1995 13;2 0 190,576 $ 177,776 E® 7 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN-FUND BALANCE-BUDGET AND ACTUAL TOURIST DEVELOPMENT, DISTRICT#FOUR,THREE CENT,SPECIAL.REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance ' Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable)' Revenues: Taxes $ 288,000 $ 333,354- $ 45,354 Charges for Services -- 8,772 8,772 Investment Income - 7,317 7,317 Total Revenues 288,000 349,443 61,443 Expenditures: Current: Economic Environment: TDC Administrative '91957 6,522 3,435 Tourist Information Services 84,000 70,750 13,250 Bricks and Mortar, 33,619 9,424 24,195 Special Events %425 9,425 Promotion and:Advertising. 194,886 151,390 43,496: Total Expenditures 331,887 238,086 93,801 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under)Expenditures _ (43,887) 111,357 155,244 Other Financing Sources/(Uses)- Reserve for Contingencies (361808) -- 36,808 Excess of Revenues-and Other Sources Over/ (Under)Expenditures and Other Uses (80,695) 111,357 192,052 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 95,095 95,095 -- Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 14,400 $ 206,452 $ 192,052' E-28 MONROE,COUNTYj FLORIDA STATEMENT EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCET AND ACTUAL TOURIST L , DISTRICT WIVE,1 T SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCALY T30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable)- Revenues: -- Taxes 38 ,000 417,335. 33,335 Charges for Services -- 2, 40 2,540 Investment Income -- 7,587 7,587 Total Revenues 384,000 427,462, 43,462 Expenditures: Current. Economic Environment: T®C Administrative 12,466 8,883 3,583 Tourist Information Services 93,000 74,136 18;864 Bricks and Mortar 51,542 22,535 29,007 Promotion and Advertising 258,480 214,261 44,219 Total Expenditures 415,488 319,815 95,673 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under),Expenditures. (31,488) 107,647 139,135 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Cantingencies (45,994) -- 45,994 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under);Expenditures and Other Uses ` (77,482) 107,647` 185,129 . `,Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 96,682 96,682 -® Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 19,200 $ .204,329 $ 185,129 E-29 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN,FUND BALANCE-BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT#1 -LOWER AND MIDDLE KEYS SPECIAL-REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1996, Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: - Taxes $ -4,255,200 $ 4,103,088 $ (152,112) Intergovernmental 10,000 11,861 11861 Charges for Services 500,000 609,843- 109,843 Investment Income: 40,000 ; 93,300 53,300 Miscellaneous __ 6015 6,015. Total.Revenues 4,805,200 4,824,107. 18,907 Expenditures: Current: General Government: Commissions and Fees 201,252 189,184 12,068 Public Safety: Fire Rescue-Stock Island 92,614 56,122` 36,492 Fire Rescue- Big Coppitt: 127,806 106,318 21,488 Fire Rescue-Sugarloaf 1A3,091 76,363 26,728 ; Fire Rescue.- Big Pine ; 220,849 ` 175,293 45,556 Fire Rescue-Marathon 3671008 ` 330,848 36,160 Fire Rescue-Conch`Key 142,680 127,325 15,355 Fire Rescue-Layton 76,735 59,088 17,647 Fire Rescue- Islamorada 144,215 112,520 31,695 Lower&Middle Keys Ambulance District 2 555,283 2,4311315 123,968 Total Public Safety 3,830,281 3,475192 355,089 Debt Service: Principal ; 310,000 310,000 Interest 10,850 10,578 272 Total Debt Service 320,850 320,578 272 Total Expenditures 4;352,383 3984,954 367,429 Excess of Revenues'Over/ (Under) Expenditures 452,817 839,153 386,336 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserves for Contingencies (33,137) 33,137 Transfers to Other Funds (304,420) -- 304,420 Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (337,557) - 337,557 E-30 (Continued) COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA SCHEDULEI`f CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND ACTUAL ' FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT#1 - LOWER MIDDLE Y SPECIAL REVENUE F TI FOR TFISCALY „ T 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual - (unfavorable) Excess of-Revenues and Other Sources Ovor/( nder)' xpenditures and.Other UsesBudgetary Basis 115,260 '839153 723,893 Adjustment for Repayment of Tax Anticipation mote 310,000 310,00 -- Excess for Revenues and Other Sources. Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses-GAAP Basis 425,260 1,1 9,153 723,393 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 62,120 62,120 -® Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 487,380 $ 1,211,273 $ 723,893 -31 MONROE'COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND, CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND ACTUAL" FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT.#5.-TAVERNIER SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED'SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance' Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes $ 486,948 $ 470,642 $ (16,306) Charges for Services -- 75,073 75,073. Investment Income 10,000 24,055 14,055 ,' Miscellaneous 16,217 16,796 579 Total Revenues 513,165 586,566 73,401 Expenditures: Current:- General Government: Commissions and Fees 23;500 21,640 1,860 Public Safety: Tavernier Volunteer Ambulance 252;135 238,685 13,450 Tavernier Volunteer Fire Dept. 180,316 128,264 52,052 Total Public Safetyr 432,451` 366,949 65,502 Total Expenditures 455,951 388,589 67,362 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 57,214 197,977 140,763 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers to Other Funds (27,367)- - 27,367 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses 29,847 " 197,977 168,130 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 162,820 162,820 -- Fund Balance, September.30, 1995 $ 192�667 $__ 360,797 $ 168,130 E-32 MONROE COUNTY; FLORIDA STATEMENT U s EXPENDITURES ACTUALCHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND FIRE AND,AMBULANCE DISTRICT Y I LREVENUE FUND F T FISCALY T ,1 Variance Favorable Budget Actual, (Unfavorable) Revenues:. --- -------- _ Taxes, 852,078 825,566 (26,512) Charges for Services 11,137 11,137 Investment Income _ 9961 28,148 18,187 Miscellaneous 168 168 Total Revenues ,8 2,039 865,019 2,980 Expenditures: Current: General Government: Commissions and.Fees 46,000 35,764 10,236 Fublip Safety: Key Largo Volunteer_Ambulance 456,103 . , 298,441 157,662 Key Largo Volunteer Fire Dept. 223,993 182,824 41,1169 Key Largo Volunteer Fire Dept.--Cross Kay 2,594 __ 2,594 Total Public Safety 682,690 481,265 201,425 Total Expenditures 728,690 ;517,029 211,661 Excess of revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 133,349 347,990 214,641. Other FinancingSources/(Uses): , Reserve for Contingencies (27,406) -- 27,406 Transfers to Other Funds (57,841) -_ . 7,81' Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (85,247) _® 85,247 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses 48,102 347,990 299,888 Fund Balance, October 1 1994 184, 39 184;939 -- Residual Equity Transfer In -- 2, 94 2,594 Fund Balance; September 30, 1995 -- -233,041 ----535,523 1 302,482 E-33 MONR_ OE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET AND ACTUAL TRANSLATOR SYSTEM SERVICE DISTRICT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL.YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance , - Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: -Taxes 239,239 $ 231,188 $.� . (8051) Charges for Services -- 3,712 3,712 Investment Income 9,000 12,044 3,044 Total. Revenues 248,239 246,944' (1,295) Expenditures: Current: Culture'and Recreation: Translator'Operations 345,284 334,845 10,439 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (97,045) (87,901) 9,144 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers to Other Funds (5,543) -- 5,543 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses ` (102,588) (87,901) 14,687 Fund Balance,.October 1, 1904 250,666 250,666 - Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 1,48,078 $ 162,765 $ 14,687 E-34 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IT CHANGES IN F T AND ACTUAL SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT WATERWAY ESTATES SPECIAL REVENUE FUND, FOR 1` FISCAL SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 'Variance Favorable Budget Actual' (Unfavorable) Revenues: Investment Income 100 177 77 Expenditures: Current: Transportation:, Cross Key District Refunds 6,795 2,860 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (6,695) (3,758) „2,937 Fund Balance, October 1,,.1994 6,352 6,352 -®. Residual Equity Transfer Out (;594) (2,594) Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ (343j 343 E=35 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND ACTUAL UNINCORPORATED AREA SERVICE DISTRICT PLANNING,BUILDING AND ZONING SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable' Budget - Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: - Taxes $ 2,074,767 $" 2,004,792 $ (69,975) Licenses and Permits 1,005,000 1,696,598 691,598 Intergovernmental 722,509 103,464 (619,045) Charges for Services 254,800, 365,373 110,573 Fines,and Forfeitures 50,000 147,570 97,570 Investment Income 100,000 142,106 42,106 Miscellaneous 5,000 6,344 1,344, Total Revenues _ 4,212,076 4,466,247 254,171 Expenditures: . Current: General Government: Commissions and Fees _ 135,000 - 121,965 13,035 Planning and Zoning 1,524,441 1,408,722 115,719 Planning Commission 52,597 46,308 6,289' Growth Management 354402, 352,875 1,527 IGIS Group Fund 156:171' 109,336 46,835' Planning and Building Refunds 60,000 _ 14,535 45,465 Total General Government 2,282,611, 2,053,741' 228,870 Public Safety: Building Department 1,297,641, 1,285,254 12,387 Code Enforcement 607,119 576,484 30,635 Fire Marshall 328,037 320,106 7,931 Hazardous Material Plan 6,518 4,254 2,264 Total Public Safety 2,239,315 2,186,098 53,217 Physical Environment: Environmental Resources 215,294 211,175 41119 ADID Project(Florida Keys) 10,730 426. 10,304 South Florida Water Management 4,285 1,643 21642 Marine Resources 108,129 105,967 2,162 Wastewater Management Plan 314,000 - 314,000 Tree Canopy Survey 35,750 14,250, 21,500 Hazard Tree Removal 100,000 -- 100,000 Total Physical Environment 788,188 333,461 454,727 E-36 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF R1/ EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND C e BUDGET AND ACTUAL UNINCORPORATED ICE DISTRICT'-PLANNING, BUILDING ZONINGlCONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED'SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Transportation: — 1994 Travel Time Study 89;2 5 76,638 12,587 Bike and Pedestrian FDOT Plan 0y000 e_ 50,000 Transportation Study Plan Update 100,000 _- 100,000 Total Transportation 239,2 76,630 162,587 Total Expenditures 5,549, 39 4,649,938 899,401 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (1,337,263) (183,691) 1,153,572 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (50,000) -- 50,000 Transfers from Other Funds 309,087 (309,087) Transfers to Other Funds (146,745) - 146,745 Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 112,342 - (112,342) Excess of Revenues nd'Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (1,224, 21) (18 ;691} - 1,041,230 Fund Balance, October 1,, ,1994 2,075,854 2,075,854 a Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 '50, 33 1,892,163 __ 1,041,,230 E-37 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES 1N FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND ACTUAL UNINCORPORATED AREA SERVICE DISTRICT.-PARKS AND RECREATION, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes $ '6101822 $ 593;098 $ (17,724) Intergovernmental 2,500 679 (1,821). Charges for Services 20,000 41,152 21,152 investment Income 12,000 22,387 10,387 Miscellaneous 9,200 111173 1,973 Total Revenues 654,522 668,489 13,967 Expenditures; Curre nt: Culture and Recreation: Summer School Recreation Program 55,000 52,265 2,736 Parks&Beaches Unincorporated 481,800 458,087 23,713 Total Expenditures 536,800 510,352 26,448 - Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 1"17,722 158,137 40,415 'Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers to Other Funds (45,456) -- 45,456 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses 72,266 158,137 85,871 Fund Balance, October-1, 1994 146,829 14.6,829 $-- 85' Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 219,095 $ 304,966 _,871 E-38 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT F IT IN FUND BALANCE - T L IMPACTSPECIAL . I L REVENUE>_ F UND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER10, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget' of I (Unfavorable) - _....... -- - -- —-- Revenues: -- Investment Income $ 146,000 $ 358,981 $ 212,981 Miscellaneous 308,000- 490,260 182,260, Total Revenues 454,000, 89,21 395,241 Expenditures: Current: Transportation: Fair Share lmprovement County Wide 4,170, 00 -- 4,170,000 , Fair Share Improvement Dist 1 814,391 570,157 24 ,234 Fair Share Improvement Dist 2` 27;880 196,988 230,892 Fair Share Improvement Dist 3 890;129 230,89 659,280 Fair Share Improvement Key Colony Beach 128,900 -® 128,900 Total Expenditures ` ;431,300 997,994 5,433,306 Excess'of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (5,977 300) (14873) 5, 28,547 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 6,400,490 6,400,490 Fund Balance,_September 3-0, 1995 423;190 $ _ 6,251,737' $ 5z828,547 E-39 i MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND ACTUAL IMPACT FEES -SOLID WASTE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,1995 Variance - Favorable' Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Investment Income $ 15,000 Miscellaneous 30,000 38,574 8,574 Total Revenues 45,000 57,377 '12,377. Expenditures: Current:, Physical Environment: Fair Share Improvement Projects 542;750 489,991 52,839 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (497,750) (432,534) 65,216 Fund Balance,October 1, 1994 533.,973 533,973 -- Fund Balance, September,30, 1995 $ 36,223 $_ _ 101,439 $ 65,216 E-42 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT F REVENUES, CHANGES IN FUND BALANCET AND ACTUAL , IMPACT LICE FACILITIES l L- V FOR THE FISCAL YEAR FACE® SEPT'EMBER 30, 1995- ; Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: -- Investment income 15,000 30,150 15,150 Miscellaneous 60,000 31,620 21,620 Total Revenues 75,000 111,770 36,770 Expenditures: Currdnt: Public Safety: Fair Share Improvement County Wide 546,250 450 545,800 Total Expenditures 546,250 450 545,800 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (471,250) � 111,320 582,570 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 � V 516,359 516,359 Fund.Belance, September,30, 1995 $ 45,109 $ 627,679 $ 582 570. E-43 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND ACTUAL IMPACT FEES -FIRE AND EMS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED'SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance' Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable)' Revenues: Investment Income $ 1,305 $ 5,764 $ 4,459 Miscellaneous 45,250 56,606 11,356 Total Revenues 46,555 62,370 . 15,815 , Expenditures: Current:` Public Safety: Fair Share Improvement Dist 1 51,769 210 51,559 Fair Share Improvement Dist 2 14,001: 105 13,896 Fair Share Improvement Dist 8 52,668 -- 52,668 Fair Share Improvement Key Colony Beach" 789 - 789 Total Expenditures _ - 119,227 315 118,9-12 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (72,672) 62,055 134,727 Fund Balance, October 1„1994 99,905 99,905 -- Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 27,233 $ 161,960 $ 134,727 E-44 , FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES ACTUALCHANGES INIFUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND 11 ENHANCEMENT FEES SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCALYEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable - Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Charges for Services 86, 00 360,949 $ $74,949 Investment Income 400 , 2' S,02 Total Revenues 286,400 366,441, 80,041 xpnditures: Current: <. Public Safe 911 Emergency System 259,860 176,159 83,701 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Udder) Expenditures 26,540 190;282 163,742 Other Financing Sources/(uses). Reserve for Contingencies (41,388) Transfers to Other Funds (7,209) -- 7,209 Total Other FinncingScurces!(Uses) ( 8,597} - _ 48,597 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources ver! (Under),Expenditure's and Other Uses (22, 7) 190, 82 212,339 FundBalance; October 1, 1994 64,564 64,564 -m .Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 _ 42,507 $ 254,846 $ ' '212,339 45 MONROE'CO.UNTY, FLORIDA. STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES_ IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET AND ACTUAL " DUCK KEY SECURITY DISTRICT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE,FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues; Investment Income $ 1,000 $ 21637 ' $ _ 1;637 Miscellaneous 64,000 66,956 2,956 Total Revenues 65,000 69,593 4,593 Expenditures: Current: General Government: Commissions.and Fees 2,500. 1,978 522 Public Safety: Island Security 571400 56,352 1,048 Total Expenditures 59,900 58,330 1,570 Excess of Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures 5,100 11,263 6,163 Other Financing.Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (8,000) -- 8,000. Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under)'Expenditures and Other Uses (2,900) 11,263 14,163 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 32,210 32,210 -- Fund Balance, September30, 1995 -$ 29,310 $__ 43,473 $ 14,163 E-46 COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA SCHEDULEF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCESPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable, --Budget Actual (Unfavorablei Revenues: Intergovernmental 250,000 271,169 1 21,169 Investment Income 5,000. 16,046 11,046 Miscellaneous 37,094 371094 Total'Revenues :255,000 324,309 69;309 Expenditures: Current: Economic Environment: .H.I. . Program 472,250 382,736 89,514 Excess of Revenues Over/(Under) ExpendituresBudgetary Basis (217,250) (58,427) 158,823 Adjustment for Mortgage ,Receivables (286,394) (286,394) Adjustment for Mortgage Loans Made - 286,394 . 286;394 Total Adjustments ®� Excess of Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures -GAAP Basis (217,250), (58,427) 158,823 Fund,Balance, October 1, 1994 199,533 199,533 ®- Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 (17,7,17) 141,106 - 158 823 _�. a m� r MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -`BUDGET AND ACTUAL UPPER KEYS HEALTH CARE SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 199 ` Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes $ -- $ 2,652 $ 2,652 nvestment,Income 150,000- '204,006 54,006 Miscellaneous - 156 156 .Total Revenues 150,000 206,814 56,814 Expenditures, Current:: General Government: j Commissions and Fees 500 6 494 Human Services: Trauma Care Administration _ 189,964 135,241, 54,723 Transportation and Treatment" 2,264,531 159,11.3 21105,418' Pre-Transportation Hospital & Physical Care, 150,000 7,629 142,371 Upgrading Facilities`&Staff Services '305,005 201,835 103,170 Total Human Services 2,909,500 503,818 2,`405,682 Total Expenditures 2,910,000 503,824 2,406,176 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under)'Expenditures" (2,760,000) (297,010) 2,462,990 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (99,500) - 99,500 Transfers to Other Funds (3,000) -- 3;000 Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (102,500) -- 102,500 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (2,862,500) (297,010) 2,565,490 Fund Balance, October 1, .1994 ; 4,074,779 4,074,779 Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 e $ 1,212 279 $ 3;777 769 $ 2,565 490 E-48 ,MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULEf EXPENDITURES CHANGES I T AND ACTUAL CUDJOE GARDENS MUNICIPALVI LVERT DISTRICT FOR'THE FISCALY30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budgetctual (Unfavorable) Revenues:. Investment Income $. 153 $ 153 Expenditures: Current: Physical Environment: Cudjoe Gardens,Culverts 22,000 1,033 20,967 Excess of Revenues Overt (Under) Expenditures (22,000). (380) 21,120 Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Proceeds from Tax Anticipation Note 22,000 22,000 - Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses - Budgetary Basis - 21,120 21,120 Adjustment for Receipt of Tax Anticipation Note (22,000) (22,000) - Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses - asis (22,000) ( 80) (21,120) Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 �- __ Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ --__L22,000) $_ __Lq0) $ (21,1.2 F-49 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE-BUDGET AND ACTUAL JOLLY ROGER ESTATES MUNICIPAL SERVICE CULVERT DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: — Investment Income $ __ $ 834 83 Expenditures: - Current: Physical Environment: Jolly Roger Estates Culverts 12;000 652 11,348 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures -(12,000) _ _ (569) 11,431 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Proceeds from Tax Anticipation Note 12,000 12,000 -- Excess of Revenues and Other.Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses',- Budgetary Basis -- 11,431 11,431 Adjustment for Receipt of Tax Anticipation Note (12,000)_ (12,000) -- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses GAAP Basis (12,000) (569) (1,11431) Fund Balance, October 1, 1994, -= -- -- Fund Balance,September,30,1995 $ (12,000) $ (569) $ 11,431 E-50 MONROE A FLORIDA SCHEDULEU A EXPENDITURES CHANGES I -BUDGET AND ACTUAL . COMPREHENSIVEL LAND AUTHORITYSPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL Y TEMBER 30, 1995, Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: -- Intergovernmental $ 1,3921000 1,675,1:12 $ 283,112 Charges for'Se rvices - 27.000 27,000 Investment Income 262,681 369:393 106712 Miscellaneous . 2,673,400 2,766,682 93,282 Total-Revenues 4,328,081 4,838,187 510,106 Expenditures: Current: General Government: Administrative 296,345 2 2,014 74,331 Land and Land Rights Acquisition 5,442;680 1,505,700 3,936,980 Grant's and�Aid 4,173,168 4,001,665 171,503 Total Expenditures 9,912,193 5,729,379 4,182,814 Excess of Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures- Budgetary Basis (5,584,112) (891,192) 4,692,920 , Adjustment.to Report,Expenditures for Land as an Asset 5,442,680 1,483,534 (3,95 ,146) Adjustment,to;Report Cost of Land Sold as an Expenditure ®_ (2,155,315) (2,155,315) Adjustment to Report Mortgage,Repayments as a Reduction in Assets (512,500) Total Adjustments 4,930,180 (1,184,281) (6,114,461) Excess of Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures- GAAP Basis (653,932) (2;075,473} (1,421,541) Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 15,251,197 15,251,197 Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 14,597,265 $ 13,175,724 $ (1 421,54`1} E-51 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK i ,DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1993 REFUNDING-IMPRQVEMENT-.BOMS-1283 o account for accumulation of resources for and payment of interest and principal"on the long-term debt incurred in the refunding of the 193 Refunding Improvement Bonds. 1993 REFURDING I TBON-DS-198-8 To account for accumulation of resources for and payment of interest and principal on the ,refunding fth 1 A Improvement Bonds. !on ®term debt incurred-in the o e 9 l .11 SALES T To account for accumulation of resources for and payment of interest and principal on the long-term debt incurred in the building of the new Monroe County,Detention Facility: a Y II I L. 'I I i MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE-SHEET ALL DEBT,,SERVICE FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 1993: 1993 -1991. Refunding Refunding Sales Tax Improvement Improvement Revenue Bonds-1983 Bonds-1988 Bonds Total ASSETS Assets: Restricted Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 26T167 $ 421,861 $ 1,,809,537, $ 2,498 565 Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost 24,727 -- 4,994,813 5,019,540 Interest Receivable -- -- 66,755 66,755 Total Assets $ 291,894 $ 421,861 $ 6 8711105 $ 7,584,860 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ -- - $ 1,387 $ 1,387 Fund Equity: Reserved for Debt Service 291,894 421,861 61869,718 7,583,473 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ 291,894 ' $ ---421,861 $ 6,871,105 $ 7,584,860 . F-1 COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA COMBINING T T T OF REVENUES,,EXPENDITURES CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ALL DEBT SERVICE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER30, 1995 1993 1993 1991 Refunding Retin In ales Tax Improvement- Improvement vend on s-1 3 Bonds-1988 Bonds Tat Revenues: -- ----- --- - --.- ' Intergovernmental M,250 640,000 -- 863,250 Investment Income 18,178 13,347 418,435 4491960 Total'Revenues 241,428 653,347 418,435 .1,313,210 Expenditures: Debt Service 210,412 664,825 5,859, 52 6,735,189 Excess of Revenues Over/ (!Under) Expenditures 31,016 (11, 78) (5,441,51.7) (5,421,979) Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers from Other Funds -- 4;879,821 4,879,821 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses 31,016 (11,478) (561,696) (542,158) Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 260,878 433,339 7,431, 14 8,125,631 Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 291,894 $ -- 421,861 $ 6,8 9,718 $ 7,583,473 F-2 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES 1N FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL ALL DEBT SERVICE'FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,1995 1993 Refunding Improvement Bonds - 1983 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 223,250 $: 223,250 $ -- Investment Income 7,000 18,178 11,178 Total-Revenues 230,250 241,428 11,:178 Expenditures: Debt Service: Principal Retirement 170,000 170,000 -- Interest 39,255` 39,255" Fiscal Charges 122,365 .1,157 121,208 Total Expenditures 331,620 210,412 121,208 Excess of Revenues Over% (Under) Expenditures (101,370) 31,016 132,386. Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (47,370) -- 47,370 Transfers from Other Funds -- =- - Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (47,370) -- 47,370 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under)Expenditures and Other Uses (148,740) 31,016 179,756 Fund Balance, October 1,1994 260,878 260,878 --" Fund Balance, September 30 1995 $-- 112,138 $ 291,894 $ 179,756' ' F-3 1993 Refunding Improvement s -1988 1 aleS.Ta' x Revenue Bonds Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget c u I.` (Unfavorable) Budget Actual 670,000 640,000 (30,000) 6,000 13',347 7,347 175,000, 418,435 243,435, 676,000 653,347 (22,653) 175,000 418,435 243,435, 350,000 350,000 -- 2,795,060 2,795,000 -- 313800 313,800 3,084,990 3,054,815 30175 72,740 1,02 71,715 66,385 10,137 56,248 736,540 664,825 71,715 5,945,375. 5,859,952 ,86,423 (60,540) (11,478). 49,062 (5,771,375) (5, 41,517) 32 ,858 (105,220) - 105,220 (706,625).. - 706,625 4,900,000 4,879,821 (20,179) (105,220) -- 105,220 4;193,375 ,879,821 686,446 (165,7160) (11,478) 154,28 (1,578,000) (561,696) 1,016,304 433,339 433,339 7,431,414'` 71431;414 - $ 267,579 6 421,861 $ 154,282 5,853,414 6,869,718 1,016,304 F-4, (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL ALL DEBT,SERVICE FUNDS -CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30;1995 Total: , ;Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: - - — --- Intergovernmental $ 893,250 $ 868,250 $ (30,000) Investment Income 188,000 449,960 261,960 Total Revenues 1,081,250 1,313,210 , 231,960' Expenditures: Debt Service, Principal Retirement 3,315,000, 3,315;000 Interest 3,438,045 3;407,870 30,175 -Fiscal Charges 261,490 12,319 249,171 Total Expenditures 7,014,535 6,735,189 279,346 Excess of Revenues Over/ Weider) Expenditures (51933,285) . (5421,979) 511,306 Other,Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies '(859,215) -- = 859,215 Transfers from Other Funds 4,900,000 4,879,821 (20,179); Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 41040,785 ` 4,879,821 839,036 Excess ofRevenues and Other Sources Over/ -(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses_ '(1,892,500) '(542,158) 1,350,342 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 8,125,631 8.,125,631 -- Fund Balance, September 30,'1995 $ 6,233,131 $ 7,583,473 $ 1,350,342 F-5 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS COMPREHENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS To account for all major capital projects of Monroe County. TI F T TSURTAX . To account for capital improvements allocated from the One Cent Infrastructure Tax._ i SALESTAX BOND CAPITAL I T To account for capital improvements allocated from the Sales Tax Bond. �I i II ii MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING. BALANCE SHEET ALL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Sales Tax Compre One Cent Bond hensive Infrastructure Capital Improvements Surtax Improvements Total ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents $ -- $ 10,458,717 $ 523,578 ,$ 10,982,295 Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost; -- 5,712,992 1,852,573 '7,565,565 Due from Other Funds -- 76,400 -- 76,400 Due from Other Governmental Units -- 933,650 , - 933,650 Interest Receivable 95,500 -- 95,500. Total Assets $ - -- $- 17,277,259 $ 2,376,151 $ 19,6 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ -- $ 667,757 $ 909,017 $ 1,576,774 Accrued Wages and Benefits Payable 9,111 Accrued Compensated Absences Payable - 3,690 -- 3,690 Due to Other Funds -- 735,117 - 735117 _ Due to`Other Governmental Units -- 874,874 - 874,874 Deferred Revenues -- 7,355,974 -- 7,355,974 =Total Liabilities -= 9,646523 909,01710,555;540 Fund Equity: Fund Balances: Reserved for Encumbrances -- 5;512 ' " 5,512 Unreserved -- 7,625,224 '1,467,134 9;092,358 Total fund Equity ,- 7,630,736, 1,467,134 9,097;870 Total'�Liabilities and Fund Equity $' -- $ 17;277,259 $ 2,376,151 $ 19,653410 G-1 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING T OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURESAND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES, ALL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Sales Tax Compre- One, Gera Bond hehsive Infrastructure Capital Improvements x 1 roue es Total Revenues: - Taxes $ 10,746,262 ®- 10,746,262 Intergovernmental ®® 1,454,649 ®- 1,454,649 Charges for Services 40,086, ` 40,086 Investment Income 2,760 682,041 129,765 814,566 Miscellaneous ®_ 1,381 -® 1,381. ^ Total Revenues 2,760 12,924,419 129,765. 13,056,944_ Expenditures` Capital Outlay: General Government 1,180,667 - 1,180,667 Public Safety 122,371 5,279,179 6 ,843 5,471,393 Culture and Recreation -- 4,050,46 ®® 4,050,496 Total Expenditures 122,371 10,510,342 9,843. 10,702,556 Excess of Revenues Over/, (Under) Expenditures (119,611) 2,41 ,077; 59,922 2,354,388 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers from Other Funds - 53,593 53,593 Transfers to Other Funds - (6,588,979) -- (6,588;979) Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) --' (6,535,386) — -- (6,535,386) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (1.19,611)'' (4,121,309) 5 ,922- (4,180,998) Fund Balance, October 1', 1994 119,611 11,7 2,045 1,407,212' 13,278,868 Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 __ 7,630,736 1,467,134 $ — 9,097,870 -2 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL-ALL"CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS FOR THE`FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 CapitalProjects, , Comprehensive Improvements _— � -- Variance Favorable,, Budget Actual (Unfavorable)" Revenues: — Taxes $ -= $ -- $ -- -Intergovernmental - -- -- Charges for Services - -- -- Investment Income 1,000 2,760, 1;760 Miscellaneous -- =- -- Total Revenues 1,000 2,760 1,760 Expenditures: . -CapitalOutlay: General Government: County,Engineer, General"Governmental Facilities' -- Miscellaneous General Governmental Facilities,, - --Miscellaneous Governmental Facilities-. = -- -- Other Governmental Facilities Public Safety Fire Control Facilities: -- Hazardous Mitigation. -- -- :' Detention/Correction,Facilities -- -- Ambulance Facilities 90,000 81,651 8,349 Fire Control Vehicles 112,100 40,720 : 71,380 Culture and Recreatio Parks and Recreational Facilities - -- -- Additional Parks and Recreational Facilities -- = Bernstein Park -- -- _ Friendship,Park, ' " - -- -- -- Florida Communities Trust ROGO - -- -- -- -Florida Communities Trust'LOS,,, _ -- -- - Florida Communities'Trust Coco Plum - -- Monroe County Libraries Total Expenditures 202,100 122,371 79,729;11 Excess"of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures ' '(201,100) (119,611) 81,489 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (23,850) -- 23,850 Transfers from Other Funds Transfers to Other,Funds° -- - -- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (23,8.50) 23,850 G-3 Capital Projects, Capital Projects, . One Ce.nt Infrastructure Surtax Sales 'fax Bond Improvements Variance -Capital-- ---_ __ Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) u eActual (Unfavorable) 10,000,000 $ 10,746,262 $ 746,262 _® $ -- 3,990,250 1,454,649 (2,535,601) - -- 40,086 40,086 350,000 682,041 332,041 5,000 129,765 124,765 3,940,487 1,381 -(3;939,106) ®® 18,280,737 12,924,419 (5,356,318) 5,000 129,765' 124,765 100,00 -- 100,000 1,588,709 609,459 079,250 -- -® ®- 325;0Q0 83,570 241-430 -- -® 139,850 126,739 13,111 -- -- 762,150 360,899 1,256,90 1,149,628 107,276 8,622 6,388 2,234 4,263;000 4,123,163 139,837 . 804,750 69,843 734,907 22,000 22,o00 -_ 2,556,780 722,568 1,834,21 -- - 12,000 12,000 797,46 71,551 45,912 -- - 117,132 23,085 7,355,974 -`18,000 7,337,97 _- 3,968,74 2,219,006 1,749,748 -- 50,00 . 192,78 257,292 -- -- 137,750 111,578 26,172 23, 62,088 10,5101342 132351;746 804,750 69,843 734,907 (5,581,3 1)` 2,414,077 7,995,428 (799,750) 59,922 .859,672 (799,417) ®- 799,417 - -- -- 570,000 53,593 (516,407) - -- -- (6,671,732) (6,588,979) 82,753 - -- -- (6;901,149) (6,535,386) 365,763 G-4 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES` BUDGET AND,ACTUAL .ALL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS-CONTINUED - ' FOR THE.FISCAL YEAR ENDED'SEPTEMBER`30, 1995 - 'Capital Projects, Comprehensive Improvements Variance Favorable Budget, Actual (Unfavorable) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over) (Under) ExpendituresM1and Other Uses (224,950) `(119,611) 105,339 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 119,611 119,6.11 - Fund Balance, Septernber 30, 1995' $ (105,339 $ -- $ 105,339 G-5 Capital Projects,, Capital Projects, One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Sales Tax Bond Capital Improvements Variance Variance Favorable aVora le Budget ctu I (Unfavorable) Budget, c u 1. (Unfavorable) (12,482,500) (4,121,309) 8,361,191 (799,750) 59,922 859,672 11,752,045 11,7152,045 -- 1;407,212- 1,407,212 - 730,45 7,630,736 $ 8,361,191 $ 607, 62, 11,467;134 $ M5 672 -6, (Continued) MONROE.COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND'BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL ALL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS -CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,`1995 Total V a ariance` Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes $ 10,000,000 $ 10,746,262 $ 746,262 Intergovernmental 31990,250 11454,649 (2,535,601) Charges for Services - 40,086 40,086 Investment Income 356,000 8114,566 458,566 Miscellaneous 3,940,487: 1,381_ (3,939,106) Total Revenues 18,286,737: 13,056,944 (5,229,793) Expenditures: .Capital,Outlay: General Government: County-Engineer _100,000 __ 100,000 General Govern mental'Faci I ities, 1 588,709 609,459 979,250 Miscellaneous'General Governmental Facilities 325,000 '83,570 241,430 Miscellaneous`Governmental Facilities 139;850 126,739 13,111 Other Governmental Facilities 762,150 360899 401,251 Public Safety: Fire Control Facilities ; 1,256,904 1;149,628 107,276 Hazardous Mitigation 8,622 6,388 2,234 Detention/Correction Facilities 5067,750` 4,193,006 874;744 Ambulance,Facilities 112,000 81,651 30;349 Fire Control Vehicles 112,100, 40,720 711380 Culture and Recreation: Parks and Recreational Facilities 21556,780 722,568 1,834,212 Additional Parks and Recreational Facilities 12,000 12,000 Bernstein Park 797,463 751,551 45,912 Fr iendship Park 117,132 23,085 94047 Florida Communities Trust ROGO 7,355,974 18,000 7,337,974 Florida Communities Trust LOS 3,968,754` 2,219,006 1,749,748 Florida Communities'Trust Coco Plum 1450,000 11 192,708 257;292 Monroe County Libraries 137,750 111,578, 26,172 Total Expenditures 24,868,938' 10,702,556 - 14,166,382 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (6,582,201) 2,354388 8,936,589 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): " - Reserve for Contingencies (823,267) -- 823267 Transfers from Other Funds 570,000 '53,593 (516,407) 'Transfers to Other,Funds (6,671,732) (6,588,979) 82753 Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (6,924,999) (6,535;386) 389,613 _ G-7 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 'COMBINING T 1 T OF , EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUALALL CAPITAL PROJECTCONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER , 1 Total _ Variance Favorable_ Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ — (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (13,507,200) (4,180,998}' 9,32 ,202 Fund Balance, October 1, 199413,278,868 13,278,868 Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ -- _AM,332) - .9,097,870 Y 9,326,202 G-8 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ENTERPRISE FUNDS M-U ICIPAIL-SERVICE DI TRi�i, o4 T� it To account for the operations.of Monroe County's Solid Waste Services. GARD SOUND i BRIDGE To account for the operations of Monroe County's Card Sound Toll Bridge. I MARATHON AIRPORT To account for-the operations of onroe.County's Marathon Airport. Y WEST . I T To account for the operations of Monroe County's Key West International Airport. i l I� i i II ; I it-- - -- _- -- - - COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET L ENTERPRISE FUNDS SEPTEMBER 3,011995 Municipal Svc Card District ou rath n Waste , Bridge Airport ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents 4,087,742 $ 1,7 7,086 254,234 Cash with.Fiscal Agent 7,871 Investments at Cost or - Amortized Cost 5,384,927 1,587,403 - Accounts Receivable: Delinquent,Waste Collection Fees 1,032,641 - -- Allowance for Uncollectible Waste Collection fees (945,645) Other, 346,376 ®- 17,040 Allowance for Other Uncollectible (53,914),Due from Other Funds 1,081 388,273 Due from Other Governmental Units 194,1351, 40,783 223,089 Interest Receivable 90,016 26,535 Total Current Assets 10,136,278 3,410,759 882,636 restricted Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents 602,05 - 182,687 Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost 2,167,347 Total Restricted,assets 2,769, 42 ®- 182,687 Property, Plant and Equipment ([het of Accumulated-Depreciation) 10,105,450 5,057;783 5,356,566 Other Assets: Deferred Charges (Net) 268717 _ Total Assets 23,279,887 8,468,542 6,4211889 H-1 Key West Airport Total $ 95.1,062 : $ 7,040,124 7,871 -- 6,972,330 - 1,032,61 -- (945,645) 94,015 457,431 (53,914) 3351:859 725,213 123,712 581,719 _® 116,551 1,504,648 15,934,321 1,509,413 2,294,195 ®® 2,167,347 1,509,413 4,4 1,542 1,232,664 21,752,463 -- 268,717 4,246,725 $ 421417,043 H-2 (Continued) - FLORIDAMONROE COUNTY, COMBINING BALANCE SHEET CONTINUED ALLT ENTERPRISE 30, 1995, Municipal Svc Card District Sound " Waste BridgeAirport to LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY „ Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 1,379;502 23;52 $ 222,443 Accrued Wages and Benefits Payable 5 ,540` 13,337 5,08 Accrued Compensated Absences 1,531 873 3,728 Claims and Judgements Payable 256,514' 4- -- Due to Other Funds 15,080 30,237 10,280 Due to Other Governmental Units 2,22 1,205 224 Matured Bonds Payable -r 5,000 Matured Premium Payable -r. -2,871 Deposits in Escrow 39,402' �- 6,306 .Capital Leases Payable 137,941 -- Total Current Liabilities: 2,017,739 77,065 248,067, Current Liabilities Payable from Restricted'Assets: Accrued`Interest Payable 287,05 -® ra Revenue Bonds Payable 315,000 Landfill Closure Costs 331,100 -® Total Current Liabilities Payable from Restricted Assets 933,158 Long-Term.Liabilities: ficcrued"Compensated Absences 164,507 20,933 10,904 Capital Leases Payable 1,94 ,584 - Revenue onds'Payable 8,490,006 ®® ®® Total Long-Term Liabilities 10,600,091 20,933 10,904 Total Liabilities 1 ,550,988 97,998 258,971 Fund Equity: Contributed Capital 3,304,568 2,514,741 3, 71 714 Retained Earnings: Reserved for Revenue Bond Retirement 2,482,383. unreserved, 3,9 1,948 5,855;803 2,491,204 Total Retained Earnings 6,424,331 5,855,803 2,491,204 Total Fund Equity 8,370, 44 6,162,918 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $_ 23,279 87 $ 8, 68 542 $ ---6, 21;889 H-3 Key West zr -Total 96,373 $ 1,721,860 22,984 96,947 20,982 27,1.14' ® 256,514 . 59,921 245,518 -156 3,614 d_ 5,000 12;267 57,975 -® 137,941 212,683 2,555,554 ®- 287,058 315,000, ® 331,100 ®® 93 ,153 5, 03 261, 47 -- 1,945,584 ®tl 6,490,000 35,303' 10,717,231 297,986 14,205,943 1,373,785 10,364,30 ®® 2,482,383 2,574,954 14,863,90 2,574,954 17,346,292 3,943,739 28,211,100 $ 4 246,725 42,417,043 H-4 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENSES AND _CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY ALL ENTERPRISE FUNDS` FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Municipal Svc Card District Sound Marathon Waste - Bridge Airport Operating Revenues: - - Tolls $ - $ 1,008,260 $ Charges for Services _9,915,977 -- 570,615 Franchise Fees 21959,859 Fines and Forfeitures -- -- Miscellaneous 480,679 20,000 9,955 Total Operating.Revenues 13356,515 1,028,260 580,570 Operating Expenses: Personal Services 1,669,226 392,160 150,684 Operations 10,558,305' 103,097 659,030 Landfill.Closure and Post Closure 225,286 -- - Depreciation and Amortization, 1,038,1831. 77,745 90,497 Total Operating Expenses : 13,491,000 573,002 900,211 Operating Income (Loss) (134,485) 455,258 (319,641) Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses): Operating-Grants > 245,014 -- 266,949 Investment Income 709,149 168,404 16947 Interest Expenses and Fiscal Charges (703,859) =- -- Loss on Disposition of Assets (126,169) -- - Total Non-Operating Revenues(Expenses) 124,135' -168,404 283,896 Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers {1Q,350) 623,662 (35,745) Operating Transfers: Transfers from Other Funds 1,931,618 -- 1,090;106 Transfers-to Other Funds (1,489,118) - (22,Q01) Total Operating Transfers 442;500` -- 1,068,105 Net Income 432,150 623,662 1;032,360 Fund Equity -October 1,,1994 81806,030 7,706,584 4,887,936 Contributed Capital 490,719 40298 242622 Fund Equity -September 30, 1995 $ :9,728,899 $ 8,370,544 $_ ___6,1625918 H-5 Key West Airport. Total -- 1,008,260 1,995,785 12,482, 77 -- 2,9591,859 846 846 11,349 521,983 2,007,980 16,973,325 71 ,33 2,931,893 700,303 1 ;020,73 225,286 41,104 1,2 7,529 1,461,230 16,4251443, 546,750547,882 156,727 668,690 108,056 1, 02,56 (70 ,859) (12 ,16 ) 264,783 841,218 811,533 1,389,100 176,552 3,1 8,276 (31,592) (1,5 2,711) 144,960 1,6 ,565 956,493 3,044,665 2,986,851 24,387,401 5,395 779,034 3,948,7 9' 28, 11,100 H-6 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA 'COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ALL ENTERPRISE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEARENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Municipal Svc' Card District Sound Marathon Waste Bridge Airport Cash-flows from operating activities: Cash received for services $ 13,038,486 $ 1,197,474 $ 549,209 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services (11,893,779) (374,847) (2,049,965) Cash payments to employees for services (1,677,614) (392,225) (146,362) Other operating revenue 480,679 20,000 91955 Net cash provided by operating activities (52,228) 450;402 (1,637,163) Cash flows from-noncapital financing activities Operating grants received 267,869 -- 1,055,595 Operating transfers from other-funds, 1,931,618 701,833` Operating transfers to other funds (1,489,118) -- (22,001) Net cash provided by noncapital financing activities 710,369 -- 11735,427 Cash flows from:capital and related financing activities: Proceeds'from capital grants -- 40,298 242,622 Acquisition and construction of capital assets .(586,717) (516,814) (602,099) Principal paid on capital debt (872,426) (125) - Interest paid on,capital debt (712,260) Net cash used by capital and related financing activities (2,171,403) (476,660) (359,477) Cashflows`from investing activities: Purchase of investment securities (5,684,412) (2,387,807) -- Proceeds from sale and maturities of investment securities 4,895,406 1,238,024 -- Investment income 686,190 147,630 16,947 Net cash provided (used) by investing activities " (102,816) (1,002,153) 16,947 Net increase(decrease)in cash and cash equivalents (1,616,078) (1,028,411) (244`,266) Cash and cash equivalents at,beginning of year 6,305,915 2,783,368 681,187 Cash and'cash equivalents at end of year $ 41689,837 $ 1,754,957 $ 436,921 H-7 Key West Airport Total' 1,958,871 $ 16,744,040 (658,434) (14;977,025) (695,698) (2;911,899) 12,195 522829 616,934 (622,055) 208,422 1,531,886 29,987 2,6 ,438 (3115 2) (1,5 2,711) 206,817 2,652,613 5,395 288,315 ( 3,501} (1,76 ,131) ®_ (8�2,551) -- (71 12719) (58,106) (3,065,646) (8,072,219) - -- _ 6,133,430' 108,056 958,823 108,056, (979,966),. 873,701 (2,015,054) 1,586,774 11,357,244 $ 2,460,475 $ 9,342,190 !-l-8 (Continued) COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA , COMBINING STATEMENT ALL ENTERPRISE -CONTINUED FORTHE FISCALY T30, 1995 RECONCILIATION OFOPERATING I (LOSS)T T CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Municipal Svc Card District o ar thou Waste Bridge Airport Operating income (loss) $ (134,485) $ _.._.__ 455,258 _ (319,641) Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 1,03 ,183 77,745 90,497 Abandoned construction project Change in assets and liabilities: Decrease/(Increase)in Accounts receivable 161,052 25 (10,335) Due from other funds (1,081) _- Due from other governmental units 2,298 _ 1 ,910 (Decrease)/increase in: Accounts payable - (90 ,834) (301,777) (892,643) Accrued wages and benefits payable (9;91` } (938} 594 Accrued compensated absences 1,531 873 3,728 Claims and judgements payable ( ,45 ) Due to other funds 138,123 30,027 (498,516) Due to other governmental units 0 360 224 Deposits in escrow (700) Landfill closure costs (337,112) -- -- Total adjustments 82,257 ( ,856) (11317,522) Net cash provided (used)-by operating activities $ (52,228) $ 450,402 (1;637,163) SUPPLEMENTAL L I I , CAPITAL AND INVESTING TI ITI Contributed fixed assets $ 490,719 ®_ $` - Loss on disposition of fixed assets $ 126,169 -_ _- H-9 Key West Airport -Total 546,750 547,882 41�,104 1,247,529 " 41,940 41,940 (18,832) 131,910 (1,031) _- 192,206, (53,279) (2,154;533) 3,143 (7,120) 20,982 27,114 (4,455) 53,2018' 1 (27711,58) 156 330 (18,238) (30,009) (337,112) 70,134 (1,169,937) 616, 34 '$ (622,0.55. $ -- 490,71 126,169 H-10 MONROE-COUNTY,_FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES-'BUDGET AND ACTUAL MUNICIPAL SERVICES DISTRICT-WASTE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Operating Expenditures: Administration $ 403,624 $ 353,988 $ 49,636 Hazardous Waste 220,250 180,437 39,813 Recycling 425,308 394,469 30,839 Franchise Operators 4,245,952 4,244,364 1,588 Cudjoe.Key Transfer Station 1,562,690 1,556,910 5,780 Cudjoe,Key Landfill 224,951 216,013 8;938 Cudjoe Key Landfill Closure 14,694 14,293 401 Cudjoe Key Post Closure 122,012 44,693 77,319 'Long,Key Transfer Station 1,894,216 1,857,965 36,251 Long Key Landfill_ 254,021 223,014 31,007, ri , g Key .Post Ke .Post Closure- 135,912 100,388 35,524 Key Largo Transfer Station 1,873,531 1,762,216, 111,315 Key,Largo Landfill 189,823 139,926 49;897 'Key Largo Landfill Closure431,38$ 431,372 16 Key.Largo Post Closure' -129,211 " 44,540 84;671. Pollution Control 366,747 289,002 77,745 Recycling 1,134,772 853,584 281,188 Renewal and Replacement 253,159 253,159 Total Operating Expenditures 13,882,261 12,707,174 1,175,087 Non-Operating Expenditures: "Operating Grants: Recycling Grant " 54;451 54,451 DER Recycling Grant 89,470 89470 - Litter& Marine Debris Prevention.Grant 20,909 20,909 -- Debt Service: Principal Retirement 1,187,427 872;427 315,000 Interest Expenses and`Fiscal`Charges 1,007,523 703,859 303,664 Capital Outlay, 950,887 594,411 356,476 Loss on Disposition of Assets 134,908 126,169 8;739 Total Non-Operating Expenditures 3,445,575 2,461,696 983,879 Operating Transfers and Reserves: Reserve for Contingencies 631,439 =- 631,439 Transfers to Other Funds 2,214,500 1,489,1.17 725,383 .Total Operating Transfers and Reserves 2,845,939 1,489,117 1 356,822_ Total Expenditures: $ 20,173,775` $ 16,657,987 _ $ 3,515,788 H-11 COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA SCHEDULEIT T AND ACTUAL' BRIDGECARD SOUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER1995 Variance Favorable Budget c 1 p (Unfavorable) Operating Expenditures: ------- Card Sound Road &Toll Bridge $ 541,115 $ '427,239 $ 113,876 County Engineer 74,126 68,018 6,108 Total Operating Expenditures 615,241 -- 495,257' 119,984 Non-Operating Expenditures: Capital Outlay 553,195 516, 15 36,380 Operating Transfers and Reserves: Reserve for Contingencies 1,722,69 -- 1,722,609 ,Transfers to Other Funds 61,467 -- 61,467 Total Operating Transfers and Reserves 1,784,076 1,784,076 Total Expenditures 2195, 21512 $ 1,01.2, 72 $ 1,940,440 -12 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE`OF EXPENDITURES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL MARATHON AIRPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Operating Expenditures: - — — - Operation & Maintenance $ 514,117 $ 468,090 $ 46,027 Non-Operating Expenditures: Operating_Grants: Sewage Treatment Plant 461 461 Airport Planning Studies 141,214 27,098 114;116 Safety and Maintenance Equipment = 43,504 = 43,504 ARFF Vehicles 96,800 14,265 - 82,535 Capital Outlay 2,502,361 901,899 1,600,462 Total Non-Operating Expenditures 2,784,340 943,723 1,840,617 Operating Transfers and Reserves: Reserve for Contingencies 9,331 -- 9,331 r Transfers to Other Funds -158,575 22,001 136,574 Total Operating Transfers and Reserves 167,906 22,001 145,905 Total Expenditures. $ 3,466,363 $ 1,433,814 $ 2,032 549 - H-13 FLORIDA SCHEDULE . ITACTUAL Y T AIRPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED T 30, 1995 Variance Favorable. Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Operating Expenditures: Operation aintenance 1,072,451 1,070,687 1,764 Non-Operating Expenditures: Operating Grants: Airport' lanning Studies 175,712 56,764 118,948 Airport Clear Zone 49,569 41,893' 7,676 Capital Outlay 2,144, 19 272,343 1;872,276 Total on-Operating Expenditures 2,369,900 371,000 1,99 ,900 Operating Transfers and Reserves: Reserve for Contingencies 16,205 -- 16,20 Transfers to Other Funds 500,745 31,592 469,153 Total Operating Transfers and Reserves 516,950 485,358 Total Expenditures $ 3,959,301 1,473,279 $ 2,486,022 -14 MONROE REFUNDING IMPROVEMENT SERIES1 DESCRIPTION SEPTEMBER q1996, - .... Refunding Bonds Series 1991 Original authorization $11,000,000 Unissued 1,430, 00 Issued, 9;570,000 Retirements through September 30, 1995 765,000 Balance outstanding September 30, 1995 $8,805,000 Date of issue April 1,1991 Maturity range 1992-2011 Principal payment date October 1 Interest payment dates April-October- Denominations $5,000 Interest rates: 5.20% Maturities 1992 6:15% Maturities`1999 5.40% Maturities 1993 6.30%Maturities nob 5.60% Maturities 1994 6. 0% Maturities 2001 5.70% Maturities 1995 6.50% Maturities 2002 5. 0% Maturities 1996 6.60% Maturities 2003 5.90%Maturities 1997 6 75% Maturities 2011 6.00°/® Maturities 1998 Average interest cost rate 6.44°/® Call feature 19 102 2000 101 2001- 11 100 Paying agent Citizens and Southern Trust Co. N.A. t. Lauderdale, Florida H-15 COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA REFUNDINGIMPROVEMENT SERIES 1991 DEBT REQUIREMENTS TO MATURITY SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 $9,570,000' -Refunding Improvement ont s- eries 1991 Bond Year- Ending ri i I Total October 1 _ Principal Interest � Debt Service 1991 $ -� $ 307;834 307;834 1992 180,000 615,668 795,66 190. 285,000 606,307 891,307 1994 _ 300,000 „ 590,918 890,918 1995 315000 574,117 889,117 1996' 335,000 556,162 891,162 1997 355,000 536,732 891,732 1998 37 ,00 515,788, 890;788 1999 405,000 493,28 898,288 2000 425,000 468,380 893,380 2001 455,000 41,605 896,605 2002 - '480;000 412,485. 892,485 ., 2003 510,000 M1,285 891,285 2004 540,000 347,625 887,625 2005 580,000 311,175 891075 2006 615,000 272,025 887,025 2007 650,000 230,512 880,512. 2008 690,000 16,638 876,638 2009 735,000 140,062 875,062 2010 60,000 90,450 730,450 2011 700,000. 47,250 747,250 $ 9,570,000 $ 8126,306 $ 17,696,306 H-16 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK WORKER'SINTERNAL,SERVICE FUNDS _ To account for departmental and agency revenues used for,the purpose of financing,Monroe County'sWorker's Compensation Program: GROUP INSURANCE To account for departmental and agency revenues used for the purpose of financing Monroe County's Group Insurance Program. RISK MANAGE MENT -- To account for Monroe County's safety and,loss control program, risk management i admihistration and uninsured'losses. FLEET MANAGEMENT To account for .°onroe County's vehicle fleet and maintenance program. I I I it MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING ALL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 orker®s Group Risk Compensation Insurance Management Fund ASSETS --- . - Fun Fund Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents '10,139 785,316 345,737 Investments at Coat or Amortized Cost 657,227 251,407 1,095,379 Accounts Receivable 5,512 413,780 5,364 Inventory ®a ®- Due from Other Funds 292,042 1,078,029 -® Due from Other Governmental Units: - 18,989 Interest Receivable 10,986 4,203 18,311 Total Current Assets ' 975,906 2,551,724 1,464,791 Property, Plant and Equipment (Net, Where Applicable; of Accumulated Depreciation)l 3,902 2,031 12,918 Total Assets $ _ 979,808 _2L553,755 1,,477,709 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY ' Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 57,275 $ 189,371 ' $ 30,579 Accrued gages and Benefits Payable 6,3304,069 3,910 Accrued Compensated Absences 1 ,777 9" -- Claims and Judgements Payable 250,000 2,030, 76 734,617 Due to Other Funds 78,847, 6;0 5 10,G57 Due to Other Governmental Units 240 131 - 1,406 Other Current Liabilities 3,067, Total Current Liabilities 47,469 2,233568 780,569 Long-Term Liabilities: Accrued Compensated Absences 14,154 14,52 3;181 Total Liabilities, 421,623, 2,248,097 783,750 Fund Equity: Contributed Capital 61 -- -_ Retained,Earnings, Unreserved 557,564 35,68 69 ,959 , Total Fund Equity 558,185 305,658 i 693,959 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity -__ 979,808 -- 2,553,755 1,477,709 H-17 Heat Management Fund- Total $ 44,634 $ 1,185,826 r_ 2,004,013 839 425,495 21,074 21,074 186,383 1,556,454 1,712 20,701 -� 33,500 254,642 5,247,063 2,156,843 2,175,694 $ - 2,411,485 $ 7,422,757 $ 30,228, 307,453 24,902 39,211 8,455 23,241 3,01 ,493 62,605 17;554 450 2,227 -- 3,067 126,640 3,548,246 37,143 69,007 163,783 3,617,253 2,1 8,630 2,149,251, 99,072 1,656,253 2,247,702 3,805,504 $ 2,411,485 $ 7,42 ,757 H-18 MONROECOUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT-OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND"EQUITY ALL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Worker's Group Risk Compensation Insurance Management - Fund Fund Fund Operating Revenues: Charges for Services $ 278,215 $ 7,594,112 ' _$ 1,351,666 Miscellaneous 182,895 1,165,410 33,698 Total Operating Revenues 461,110 81759,522 1,385-364 Operating Expenses: Personal Services 1916,107 132,559 133,662 Operations 535,347 1,090,600 839,210 Depreciation 11468 506 - 5,383 Asserted and Paid Claims 496,975 7,353;488 51106` Total Operating Expenses 1;229,897 8,577,153 983,361 > Operating Income(Loss) (768,787) 182,369, 402,003 Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses): investment Income 51,415 34,596 67,625 Loss on Disposition of Assets (3,262) -- (3,262) Total Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) 48,153 34,596 64`1363 - Net Income(Loss) (720,634) -21.6,965 466,366 Fund Equity -October 1, 1994 11278;819 88,693 227,593 Contributed Capital _� -- --- Fund Equity -September 30, 1995 $ 558,185 $__ 3o5,658 $ 693,959 H-19 Fleet Management un d Total - 1,501,111 10,725,104 15,431 1,397,434 1,516,542. 12,122,538 768,201 1,230,529 417,840 2,882,997 282,112 289,46 ®® 7,855,569 1,468,153 12,258, 64 48,389 (136,026) .1,716 55,352 (33,879) (40, 03) (32,16 ) 114,949 16,226 (21,077), 2,153,798 3,748,90 77,678 77,678 2,247,702 $ 3,805,504 H-20 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ALL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER,30,,1995. INCREASE(DECREASE) IN CASH AND-CASH EQUIVALENTS Worker's Group, Risk Compensation Insurance Management Fund Fund Fund Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received for services $ 15,168 $:. - " 6,376,796 $ 1,348,521 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services; (931,608) (7;664,096) (1,289,169),• Cash payments to employees for services (180,071) (134;233),. (136,654) Other operating revenue 182,895 , 1;165,410 '33,698 Net cash provided(used) by operating activities (913,616) (256,123) (43,604) Cash flows frorri capital and related financing activities: Acquistion of fixed assets (1,291) (1,082) (4,210) Cash flows from investing activities., Purchase of investment securities (632,966) (546,902) (1,054;944) Proceeds from sale and maturities of investment securities 597,481 917238 995802 Investment income 48,613 381577 ; 62,954 Net cash provided by investing activities- - 13,128 408,913 3,812' Net increase(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (901,779) 151,708 (44,002) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 911,918 633,608 389;739 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $ 10,139 $ 785,316 $ 345,737 H-21 It Management Fund Total = 1,391,777 $ 9,132,262 (449114) (10,333;987) (760,295) (1,2111253) 15,431 1,397,434 197,799 (1,015,5444) (238,255) (24 ,838) ®® (2,2341612) -- 2,510,521 1,716 151,860 -1,716 427,569 , (38,740), (832,813) 83,374 2,018,639 " $ 44,634 1,185,826 H-22 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ALL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS-CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME(LOSS)TO NET CASH PROVIDED(USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Worker's Group 'Risk Compensation Insurance Management Fund Fund " Fund Operating income (loss) $_, '(768,787) $ 182,369, $ 402,0R , Adjustments to reconcile'operating income to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Depreciation 1,468 506 5,383 Change in assets and liabilities: Decrease/(Increase)in: Accounts receivable 28,995 (125,069) (5,304)- Inventory -- Due from other funds (292,042) -0,0781029) 2,159 Due from other governmental units -- (14,218) -- (Decrease)/Increase in: Accounts payable 21,717 189,371 19,190 Accrued wages and benefits payable 1,259 (1,684) (336) Accrued compensated absences 14,777 10 (2,656), Claims and judgements payable -- 583,899 (475,363) Due to other funds 78,757 5,221 9,914 ` Due to other governmental units 240 131 1,406 Other current liabilities -- 1,370 Total adjustments (144,829) (438,492) (445,607) Net cash provided(used) by operating activities $ (913,610) $ (256,123) $ (43,604) SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE OF NON-CASH'FINANCING CAPITAL AND INVESTING ACTIVITIES Contributed fixed assets $ -- $ -- $ -- Loss on disposition of fixed assets $ 3,262 $ =- $ 3,262 H-23 Fleet Management Fund Total $ 48,389 $ (136,026) 282,112 289,469 (839) (102,217) (2,972) (2,972) (108,605) (1,476,517) 110 (14,108) 12, 16 242,794, (54 ) (11310) 81455 20,58 ®- 108,536 (41,268) -52,624' 40- 2,227 1,370` 149,410 (879,518) 197,799 $ _t1,015,544) 771678 77, 78 $ 33,879 $ 40,403 H-24 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES- BUDGET AND ACTUAL WORKER'S COMPENSATION FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Operating Expenditures: Administrative "$ 173,377 171,671 $ 1,,706 Operations and Claims 1,141322 1,008,982 132,340 Safety,& Loss Control 49,078 47;776 1,302 Asserted Claims 250,000 -- 250,000 Total Operating Expenditures 1;613,777 1,228,429 385,348 Non-Operating Expenditures: Capital Outlay 1;296 1,291 5, Loss on Disposition of Assets 3,400 3,262 138 Total Non-Operating Expenditures 4,696 4,553 143 Operating Transfers and Reserves:. Reserve for,Contingencies _ 93;386 -- 93,386 Transfers to Other Funds 6,450 - 6,450 Total Operating Reserves 991836' 99,836 .. Total Expenditures $ 9-,718,309 $ 1,232,982 $ 485,327 . H-25 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULEIT T AND ACTUAL -,GROUP INSURANCE:FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER , 1995 Variance' 'Favorable Budgeto u I (Unfavor� le) Operating Expenditures: — Administration 161,766 158,876 2,890 Group-'Insurance Claims 8,033, 36 7,833,871: 1991565 Asserted Claims' 741,478 583,900 157,578 Total Operating Expenditures 8,936,680 8,576,647 360,033 Non-Operating Expenditures: Capital Outlay 1-084 1,083 1 Operating Transfers and Reserves: Reserve for Contingencies 602,633 -® 602,633 Transfers to Other Funds 4,950 4,950 Total Operating Reserves" ' 07,583 -- 607,583 Total Expenditures _ 9,545,347 8,577,730 -- - 967,617 H-26 MONROE COUNTY; FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES=BUDGET AND ACTUAL RISK MANAGEMENT FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER.30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable)' Operating Expenditures: — _— _ Administration' 145,743 $ , 131,912 $ 13,831 Risk Management Claims, 1,451-029 799,618 651,411 Safety and Loss Control 50,030 46,448 3,582 °Asserted Claims 769,500- -- 769,500 Total Operating Expenditures 2,416,302 977,978 1,438,324 Non-Operating Expenditures: - Capital Outlay 6,500' 4,209 2,291 Loss on Disposition of Assets 3,262 3,262 -- Total,Operating Expenditures 9,762 71471 2 291 Operating Transfers and Reserves: Reserve for Contingencies 240,278 -- 240,278 Transfers to Other Funds 4,,500 -- 4,500 Total Operating Reserves 244,778 = 244,778 Total Expenditures $ 2670,842-" $ ;`_= 985,449 , $ 1;6393 H-27 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULEITU T AND ACTUA FLEET MANAGEMENT FOR T T . , Variance' Favorable Budget -Actual (Unfavorable) Operating Expenditures: -- Public Works Garage 915,075 882,703 $ 321372 Operations 473,523 303,338 170,185 Total Operating Expenditures 1,38,598 1,186,041 202,557` Non-Operating Expenditures: Capital Outlay 246,357 238,256 8,101 Loss on Disposition of Assets 34,000 33,879 121 Total Non-Operating Expenditures 280,357 272,135 8,222 Operating Transfers'and Reserves: Transfers to Other Funds 30,000- 30,000, Total Expenditures $ 1,698,955 $ 11458,176 240,779 H-28 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY.LEFT BLANK FIDUCIARY FUNDS INMATE WELFARE To account for funds of the inmates incarcerated in the Monroe County Jail. This fund does not have a legally adopted budget. LAW ENFORCEMENTT To account far the funds used for the purpose of training olice officers and`su artin ,. p p 9 police pp G; personnel in the prevention, investigation, detection and identification of crime. _ DRUG ABU ET"RUST !� To account for assessments collected for drug abuse programs and to disburse assistance grants on an annual basis for drug abuse treatment and/or educational programs which meet the I standards for qualification of such programs by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. lCOURT:FACILITY To account-for revenues collected upon the institution of any civil action, suitor j proceeding-to be used exclusively in providing and maintaining existing and future facilities for the use of the Circuit and County Court system: TI N PLAN To account for assets held for employees in accordance with the provisions of Internal - evenue Code Section 457. CLERKL AGENCY To account for'revenues'collected for recording fees, circuit and civil filing fees, criminal and traffic fines, and other miscellaneous fees. 5HLKIFF To account for the.personal services, operating expenses and capital outlay within the law enforcement,3corrections and court services of the Sheriff s Offices T L9 ' T account for revenues collected from the issuance of vehicle and boat registrations, oa c applications and transfers of title, occupational licenses and other miscellaneous licenses. PROPERT.Yi T fo account for the collection and distribution of ad valorem and tangible personal property.taxes: I� MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL FIDUCIARY,FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30,1995 EXPENDABLE.TRUST FUNDS Law Drug Court Inmate Enforcement Abuse Facility Welfare Trust Trust Fees ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 98,005 $ 79,425 $ 30,919 $ 288,098 Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost Accounts Receivable 7,893 -- -- - Due from Other Funds -- Due from Other Governmental Units - - 64,612 201 3;336 Total Assets $ 105 898' $ 144,037 $ 31,120 $ 291;434 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 4,067 $ -= $ Due to Others _20,085 Due to Other Governmental Units -- 11,729 - Total Liabilities 24,152 11,729 Fund Balance: Reserved for Trust Fund Purposes 81,746 132,308 31,120 291,434 Total Fund Balance 81,746 132,308 '31,120 291,434 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 105,898 $ 144,037 '$ 31,120 $ 291,434 I-1 ,t AGENCYFUNDS Deferred Clerk Sheriff Compensation General ner I Tag andProperty Plans Agency Agency License Tax Total ®- 2,094,263 512,501 217,158 1,958,493 5,278,862:. 2,450,990 2,450,990 - 29,927 n _� 2,119 26,315; 661254 3,360,580, 3,360,580 4,546 -- _ 72,695 2;450,990 2,128,736 _3,873,081 219,277 1,984,808 11,229,381 4,067 2,450,990' 1,01 ,751 506,652 2,568 1,906 3,996,952. 1,113,985 3,3 ,429 216,709 1,982,902 6,691,754 2,450,990 2,128,736 3,873,081 219,277 1,984,808 10,692,773 -- -- ®_ 536,608 536,608 2, 50,990 2,128,736 3,873,081 219,277 1,984,808 11,229,381 1-2 MONROE COUNTY;FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ALL EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Law Drug Inmate Enforcement Abuse Welfare Trust Trust, Revenues' Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures -- 140,430 2,384 Investment Income -- 6,052 1,453 Miscellaneous' '73260 23 =- Total Revenues 73,260 .146,505 31837 Expenditures: Current: Public Safety ,48,792 190,594,; -- Excessof Revenues Over/ (Under)Expenditures - 24,468 (44,089) ' ' 3,837 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 57,278 176,397 27,283 Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 81,746 $ 132,308 $ 31,120 1-3 Court Facility Fees Total $ 40,823 40,823 ®- 142,81 13,924 21,429 re 73,283 54,747 278,349 - 239,386 54,747 '38,96 236,687 497,645 , 291,434 $ 536,608 1-4 MONROE,COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ALL AGENCY FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Balance Balance October 1, September 30,. - 1994 Additions Deductions 1995 DEFERRED COMPEN SATION PLANS: ---- -- ASSETS Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost $ _ 1,857;673 $ 682,768 $ 89,451 $ 2,450,990 LIABILITIES Due to Others $ 1,857,673 $ �682,768 $ 89,451 $ 2,450,990 CLERK GENERAL AGENCY: ASSETS = Cash and Cash Equivalents` $ 3,052,887 $ 20,014,9913 $ 20,973,617 $ 2,094,263 Accounts Receivable 30,297 35,307 35,677 29,927 Due from Other Governmental Units 4,750 11,147 ' 11,351 4,546` Total Assets $ 3,087,934 $ 20,061,447 $ 21,020,645 $ 2,128,736 LIABILITIES Due•toOthers $ 2;0�18,149 $�, 7,076,573 $ 8,079,971 . 1,014,751 Due to Other Governmental Units 1,069,785 12,984,874 12,940,674 1,113,985 Total Liabilities $ 3,087,934 $ 20,061,447 $ 21,020,645 $ : 2,128 736 1-5 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING T T T OF CHANGES ASSETSIN LIABILITIES ALLCONTINUED FOR FISCAL'YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 'Balance Balancb 06tober 19 pte er.3 , 1994 Additionsnotions: 199,5 AGENCY:SHERIFF GENERAL -- ASSETS Cash and CashEquivalents $, 501,968' 1,655,239 1,644,706 512,501 Due from Other,Funds -- 5,352,524 1,991,944 3;360,580 Total Assets 501,968 - 7,007,763 3,636,650 $ 3,873,081 LIABILITIES Due to Others 496,052 $ 1,565,454 $ 1,554,854 $ 506,652 Due to Other:_Governmental Units 5,916 '5;442130 2,0 1,796 3,366,429 Total Liabilities $ 501,968 7,007,763 $ 3,636,650 $ 3,873,081 .ASSETS 'Cash and.Cash Equivalents. $ 217,593 $ 6,52 ,86 6,525,281 $ 217,158� Accounts Receivable 3,954 -- 1,835 2,119 Total Assets $ 221,547 $ 6,524, 46. $ 6,527,116 $ 219,277 LIABILITIES Due to Others $ 6,900 $ 9,165 $ 13,497 $ 2,568 Due to Other Governmental Units 214,647 6,515,681 6,613,619 216,709 Total Liabilities $ 221,547 $ 61524,84 ` $ 6,527,116 $ 219;277 I-6 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY,'FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES, IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ALL AGENCY FUNDS-CONTINUED FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Balance Balance October 1,; September 30, 1994 Additions Deductions_ 1995 PROPERTY TAX; - ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents' - $ 2,029,979 $ 130,785,478 $ 130,856,964 $ 1,958,493 Accounts Receivable 30,003 52,801 , 56;489 26,315 Total Assets $ 2,059,982 $ 130,838,279 $ 130,913,453 $ 1,984,808 LIABILITIES Due to Others $ 4,015 $ 5,417,084 $ 5,419,193 $, 1,906 Due to Other Governmental Units 2,055,967 125,421,195 125,494,260 1,982,902 Total Liabilities $ 2,059,982 $ 130,838,279 $ 1_30 913,453 $ 1,984,808 TOTAL ALL AGENCY FUNDS: ASSETS Cash and Cash;Equivalents $ 5,802,427 $ 158,980,556- $ 160,000,568 $ 4,782,415 Investments at Cost or Amortized Cost 1,857,673 682,768 89,451 2,450,990 Accounts Receivable 64,254 88,108 94,001 58,361 Due from Other Funds , -- 5,352,524 1,991944 3,360,580 Due from Other Governmental Units. 4,750. 11,147 11,351 4,546 Total Assets $ ' . 7,729 104 $ 165,115,103 $ 162,187,315 $ 10,656 892 LIABILITIES Due to Others $ 4,382,789 $ 14,751,044 $ 15;156,966 $ 3,976,867 Due to Other Governmental Units 3,346,315 150,364,059 147,030,349' 6,680,025 Total Liabilities $ ` 7,729,, 04 $ 165,115,103,__$ 162,181,315 $ 10,656,892 1-7 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN F T AND ACTUAL ENFORCEMENTLAW TRUST EXPENDABLETRUST FOR THE FI L, YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER30, 1996, Variance Favorable' Budget - Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Fines and Forfeitures $ 65,296, 140430 $ 75,134 Investment Income 1,000 6;051 5,051 Miscellaneous. -® 23 23 `Total Revenues 66;296 146,504 80,208 Expenditures: Current: Public Safety 242,64 190,593 52,049 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (1.76,346): (44,089) 132;257 Fund Balance, October 1,-1994 176,397 176,397 -- Fund Balance, September 30, 199 $_ 51 132,308 132,257 I-8 MONROE COUNTY,.FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND ACTUAL DRUG ABUSE TRUST, EXPENDABLE TRUST `FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues:- - - -- Fines and Forfeitures $ 3,500 $ 2;384 $ (1 116) Investment Income 500 1,453 953 Total,Revenues 4,000 3,837 (163) Expenditures: Current: Human Services 25,020 25,020 Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under)Expenditures (21,020) 3,837 24,857 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (2,780) -- 2,780 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under)Expenditures and Other Uses (23,800) 3,837 -27;637 Fund Balance, October 1,.1994 27,283 27,283 - Fund Balance, September 30, 1995 $ 3,483 $ 31,120 $ 27,637 1-9 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT 9 EXPENDITURES CHANGES I T AND ACTUAL 'COURT FACILITY FEES, EXPENDABLETRUST FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER , 1 ariance Favorable Budgetct l (Unfavorable) Revenues: -- -- --- —Charges for Services $ 35,000 40,823 5,823 Investment Income 5,000 13,924 8,924 Total Revenues 40,000 '54,747 14,747 Expenditures; Current: (general Government` Court Facility 1,87,600 - 187,600, Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under} Expenditures (147,600) . 54,747 202347 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Reserve for Contingencies - -- (26,800)i - � 26,800 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/ (Under),Expenditures and OtherUses. (17 ,400) 54,747 229,147 Fund Balance, October 1, 1994 '23 ,687 236,687 -® Fund Balance, September 30, 199 $ 62,287 291,434 $ 229,17 I®10 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ACCOUNT GROUPS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS To account for all fixed assets of Monroe County, other than those accounted for in the . Enterprise Funds and Internal Service Funds. G-ENEi L-LONG-TERM --_ T6 account for long-term debt supported by general revenue sources of the Monroe County, Governmental Unit. �I j I THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS SOURCE- SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Tenet GENERAL FIXED,ASSETS` Land 17,63 ,477 uildings 62,.854,041 Equipment 35,234,976= Construction In Progress 7,272,480 Total General Fixed Assets 122,999 974 INVESTMENTS IN FIXED ASSETS:, General Fund Revenues: County Funding $ 2 ,685,465 1988 Improvement Revenue Bonds 62;098 Federal Grants and Shared Revenues 901,551 State Grants and Shared Revenues `982;050 Donations 186,467 General Obligation Bonds 2,469,017 Special Revenue Fund Revenues 15,379,565 Donations 2,910,834 Capital Project Fund: . Special Revenue Bonds 1,210,451 19 Improvement, Revenue Bonds 2,194,322 1991,Sales Tax Revenue Bonds 31,607,602 Federal Grants and Shared Revenues 11609,0716 State Grants and Shared Revenues 2,605,624 County Funding 36,175,797 Donations 20,055 Total Investment in General Fixed Assets $ 122,999,974 -J-1 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BYFUNCTION AND ACTIVITY SEPTEMBER 30, 1995,: Construction Land Buildings Equipment in Progress Total General Government: Legislative $ -- $ __ $ 97,902 $ --. $ 97,902 Executive' -- - 37,423 -- 37,423 Financial and Administrative 439,179 3,475,439 2,526,903 -- 6,441,521` Legal Counsel -- - 47,091 =- 47,091 ; Comprehensive Planning 23,223 28,580 295,816. -- 347,619 Judicial -- 157,614 1`,354,667 __ 1,512,281 ' Other General Government 4,545,358 11,148,3W- 2,649,372 -- 18,343,066 ;Total General Government - 5,007,760 14,809,969 ,- -.7,009,174 -- 26,826,903 Public Safety: Law Enforcement 359,962 1,231,998 9,899,550 -- 11,491,510 Fire Control 519,135 1,899,708 7,580,249 -- 9,999,092' Detention/Correction 4,858,904 39,592,090 644,108 -- 45,095,102. Protective Inspections -- 14,808 88,456 -- 1013,264 Emergency,and Disaster Relief Services -- 51,874 522,702 -- 574,576 Ambulance and Rescue Service -- 13,215 2,364,591 -- 2,377,806 Medical Examiner -- 35,125 =- 35125 Other Public Safety -- -- 9,750 -- 9,750 Total Public Safety 5,738,001 42,803,693 21,144,531 - 69,686,225 Physical Environment: Conservation & Resource Mgmt =- -- 81;043 -- 81,043 Other Physical Environment -- --` 3,511 -- 3,51.1 Total Physical Environment -- - 84,554 - -- 84,554 Transportation: Road and Street Facilities -- 21,147 2,827,774 -- 2,848,921 Airports 130,700 - -- -- . 130,700` Parking Facilities 799,963- -- -- --� � 799,963: Total Transportation 930,663 21,147 21827,774 - 3,779,584 Economic Environment:; Employment Development -- 14,363 14;363, Industry Development 369,000 -- -- -- 369,000 Veteran's Services -- 25,306 -- 25,306, Other Economic.Development -- -- 182,524 =- 162,524' Total Economic Environment 369,000 - 222,193 -- 591,193 J-2 (Continued) FLORIDAMONROE COUNTY, SCHEDULEL FIXED,ASSETS Y FUNCTION TlitlCONTINUED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995, , r Construction ` Land Buildings_ Equipment in Progress Total Human Services-' — H itals __ 34,510 163,152 7, 197,662' Health 10,500 3 0,285 1,567,79 -- 1;968;581 Welfare 8,500 448,338 787,339" __ 1,244,177 Total Human Services 19,000 673,133 2,518,287 -- .3;410,420 Culture and,Recreation: Libraries 121,947. 3,281,841 34,799 -- 3;728,587 Parks and Recreation 5,443,806 1,057,994 170,791 - 6,67 ,591- ther Culture and Recreation 8,300 6,264 932,873 -® 947,437 Total Culture and Recreation 5,574,053 4,346,099 1,428,463 11;348,61 ' Construction in Progress -= -_ ®A 7,272,480' 7,27 ,480 Total -- 17,638,477 62;854,041 5234,976 7,272, 80 122,999,974 J- MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND.ACTIVITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 October 1, Transfers September 30, 1994 Additions Deductions In Out 1995 General Government: Legislative" $ 91,534 $ 6,368 $„ - $ -- $ -_ $ 97,902 Executive 39,458 -- 2,035 -- . -- 37;423 Financial &Administration 6,788,250 201,466 550,225 14,060 12,030 6,441,521 Legal Counsel 711227 1,887 26,023 -- - '47,091 Comprehensive Planning 394,124, 13,823 58,767 - 1'1561 347,619 Judicial ' 1,448,942 68,773 51519 85 -- 1,512;281 Other General Government 18,026,957 507,073 197,176 7;576 1,364 18,343,066 Total General Government 26,860,492 "799,390 839,745 21,721 14,955 26,826,903 Public Safety: Law Enforcement 10,887,680 1,121,118 517,288 -- 11,491,510 Fire Control 8,079,368 2,023,556 66,765 318,721 355,788 9,999,092 Detention/Correction 44,210,130 2,633,669 1,748,697 -- -- 45,095,102 Protective Inspections 98,160 8,024 2,920 -- -- 103,264 Emergency & Disaster Relief 570,361 13,397 7,823 -- 1,359 574,576 Ambulance&Rescue Service ' 1,980-1531 411,689 14,414 720 720 2,377,806,. Medical Examiner 35,125 -- -- -- -- 35,125 . Other Public'Safety 9,750 -- _- -- 9,750 Total Public Safety 65,871,105 6,211,453 2,357,907 . 319,441 357,867 69,686,225- Physical Environment: Conservation&Resource Mgmt 72,677 8,366 ,- -- -- 81,043 Other Physical Environment 3,511 __ _- __ 3,511 Total Physical Environment 76,188 81366 -- -- - 84,554 Transportation: Road and Street Facilities 2,742,671 273,770 180,663 30,868 17,725 2,848,921 Airports 130,700 -- - -- - -- 130,700 Parking Facilities 799,963 --' - -- -- 799,963 Total Transportation: 3,673,334 273,770 180,663 30,868 17,725 3,779,584 Economic Environment: Employment Development =- 14,363 - -- -- 14,363 Industry Development' 369,000 -- -- -- 369,000 Veteran's Services 20,578 4,728 -- -- -- 25,306 Other Economic.Development . 154,474 31,045 2,995 - - 182,524 Total Economic Environment, 544,052 50,136 2,995 -- -- 591,193 J-4 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY; FLORIDA SCHEDULEOF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY-CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER ; 1 c ober,1, Transfers a to '. er 30, 1994 Additions Deductions In Out 1 _Human Services: Hospitals 197,662 -- -- - 197,662 Health 1,697,389 306,78 35,556 1,968,581 Welfare 1,181,873 100,080 21,261 895 17,410 1,244,177 Total Human Services 3,076,924 406, 28' 56;817 895 17,410 3,410,420 Culture and ecreation: Libraries 3,673,572 67,360 12,903 2,161 2,103 3,728,587 Parka and Recreation 3,735,460 2;903,615 1,458 34,974 -- 6,672,591 Other Culture and Recreation 880,337 67,100 -- - -- 947,437 Total Culture and Recreation 8,289,369, 3,038,575 - 14,361 37,135 2,103 11,34 ,615 Construction in Progress 3,778,928 6,405,358 2,911,806 -® -® 7,272,480 Total $ 112,170;392_$ 17,193,876_$ 6,364,294 $ 410;00 410,060 122,999,974 J-5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE CHANGES IN L LONG-TERM T FORT FORTHE FISCAL Y 30, 1996 . Balance Balance, October 1, to er , 1994 Additions Retirements General Long-Term Debt Payable: - -- Revenue Bonds Payable: Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 36,075,000 -- $ 2,795,000 $ 33,280,000 Refund Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1993 (83) 915,000 -- 170,000` 74 ,000 Refund Improvement-Revenue Bonds, Series 1993 ( 8) 7,060,000 - 350,000 < 6,710,000 Total Revenue Bonds,Payable 44,050,000 3,315,000 40,735,000 Installment Loans 106,542 -- 75,31 31,22 Capital,Lease Obiigations Board of County Commissioners 3,384 -- 1,633 1,751 Sheriff 225,250 -- -- 58,440 166,810 Total Capital Lease Obligations 228,634 60,073 168,561 Accrued Compensated Absences Board of County Commissioners 1,333,229 ' 135;07 =_ 1,468,305 Tax Collector , 5 ,795 , _ 6,342 48,453 1 Property Appraiser 100,470 26, 44 ®® 127,014 'Sheriff' 1'411,138 217,482 ®® 1,628,620 -_- ---- --- - - -- _ Total Accrued Compensated Absences 2,899,632 379,102 6,342 3,272,392 Total,General Long-Term Debt Payable $ 47,284,808 $ 379,102 $. --3,456,733 $ 44,207,177 J-6 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA REFUNDING IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS -SERIES 1993 (83) DESCRIPTION SEPTEMBER 30,.1995 Refunding Bonds Series 1993 (83) Original authorization $2,500,000 Unissued 1,315,000 Issued 1,185,000 Retirements through September 30, 1995 440000 Balance outstanding September 30, 1995. $745,000 Date of.issue January 1, 1993 Maturity range 1993�1999 Principal;payment date, July 1 Interest payment dates January,-July. Denominations $5,000 Interest rates: - 2.40% Maturities 1993 4.30%'Maturities 1997 110% Maturities 1994 4.50%;Maturities 1998 . 3.70%b Maturities 1995 4.75% Maturities 1999 4.10%o Maturities 1996 Average interest cost rate 3.95%° Paying agent, Barnett Banks Trust Company, N.A. Jacksonville, Florida J-7 COUNTY, FLORIDA REFUNDING IMPROVEMENT VENUE BON)DS -SERIES 1993 ( ) DEBT,REQUIREMENTS TO MATURITY SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 $11185,000 Improvement on s- eries 1 ( )Bond Year Ending Original Total July 1 Principal Interest Debt Service 1993 $ 105,000 $ 23,445 128,445 1994 15,000 44,370 209,370 1995 170,000 39,255 209,255 199 '- 175,000 32,965 207,965 1997 180,000 25,700 205,790, 1998 190,000 181050 208,050 1999 200;000 9,500 209,500 1,15,000 $ 193,375 $ 1,378,375 J-8 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA REFUNDING IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS-SERIES 1993 (88) DESCRIPTION SEPTEMBER 30,",1995 Refunding Bonds Series 1993 (88) Original authorization $7,500,000 Unissued 270,000 Issued 7,230,000 Retirements through September 30, 1995 520,000 Balance outstanding September 30, 1995 _$6,710,000 Date of issue May 1, 1993 Maturity range 1993-2008 Principal payment date December 1 Interest payment dates June- December Denominations $5,000 Interest rates: 2.60% Maturities 1993 4.70% Maturities 2001 2.60%Maturities 1994 4.80% Maturities 2002 3.30% Maturities 1995 5.00% Maturities 2003 3.60%Maturities 1996 5.00% Maturities2004 4.00%Maturities 1997 5.00%Maturities 2005 4.10% Maturities 1998 5.00%o Maturities2006 4.30% Maturities 1999 5.00% Maturities 2007 4.50% Maturities 2000 5.00% Maturities 2008 Average interest cost rate 4.47% Call feature 12/01/01 11/30/02 102 12/01/02- 11/30/03- 101 12/01/03 - Maturity 100 Paying agent Nations Bank of Florida, N.A. J-9 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA REFUNDINGIMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS 7-SERIES 1993 ( ) DEBT REQUIREMENTS TO MATURITY SEPTEMBEK3011995 7,23 -, improvement Bonds-Series 1993 (88) Bond Year Ending ri inal Total December 1 Principal interest Debt Service 1993, $ 170,000' 18,282 358,282 1994 350,000 . 318,350 668,350 1995 360,000 309,250 669,250, 1996' 375,000 297,370 672,370 _ 1997 3851000 283,870 668,870 1998 4.00,000, 268,470 668,470 1999 420,000 252,070 672,070 2000 435,000 234,010 669,010'' 2001 45 ,000 214; 35 669,435 2002 475,000 19 ,050 668,050' 2003 500,000 170,250 670,250 2004 525,000 145,250 , 670,250. 2005 550,000 119;000 < 669,000 2006 580,000 91,500 671;500 2007 610,000 62,500 672,500 2008 640,000 32;000 672,000, $` 7,230,000 $ 3,179,657 $ 10,409,657 J-10 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA SALES TAX REVENUE BONDS -.SERIES 1991 DESCRIPTION SEPTEMBER 30,1995. Revenue Bonds Series 1991 Original authorization $43,500,000" Unissued 1,085,000 Issued, 42,415,000, Retirements through . September 30, 1999 9,135,000 Balance outstanding September 30, 1995 $33 280,000 Date of issue October 1,,1991 Maturity range - 1992-2004 Principal payment date April 1 Interest payment date April-October Denominations $5,000 Interest rates: 4.50% Maturities 1992 5 70% Maturities 1999" 4.75% Maturities 1993 5.80% Maturities 2000 5.00% Maturities 1994 5.90% Maturities 2001 5.20% Maturities 1995 6.00% Maturities 2002 5.30%:Maturities 1996 6.10% Maturities 2003 5.54% Maturities:1997 6.20% Maturities 2004 5.60% Maturities 1998 Average interest cost rate 5:92% Call feature 1998-1999 102.0 - 1999-2000 101.0 2000-Maturity 100.0 Paying agent First Florida Bank,.N.A: Tampa, Florida J-11 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SALESTAX REVENUE BONDS -SERIES 1991 DEBT REQUIREMENTS TO MATURITY SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 $42,415,000 Series 1991 Bonds Fiscal Original Total Year Principal Interest Debt Service 1992 1,135,000 1,194,983 2,329,983 1993 2,540,000 2,338,890 4,878,890 194 2,665,000 2,218,20 4,883,240 1995 2,795,000 2,084,990 4,879,990 _196 2,940,000 1,939,650 4,879, 50 1997 , 3,1.00,000 1,783,830 4,883,830 1998 3,270,000 1,613,330 4,883,330 1999 3,450,000 1,430, 10 4, 80;210 2000 3,650,000 1,233,560 4,883,560 2001 . 3,860,000 1,021,860 4,881,860 2002 4,085,000 794,120 ` 4,87 ,120 003 4,330,000 549,020 A,879,020 2004 ` 4,695,000 284,890 4,8791,890 $ 42,415,000 -- 18,48757 —60,902,573 J-12 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK STATISTICAL Statistical information is different from the information presented in the financial section in that it usually covers more tha fiscal year and may present non-accounting information: The tables present social and economic information, financial trends and the fiscal capacity of the government necessary for the complete disclosure of the County's financial activity. The information presented in-the following tables is not required for fair presentation in conformity with generally ccepte accounting principals and is, therefore, not covered by the auditor's opinion. Sources of Data: * Monroe County Clerk of the Circuit Court-Finance Department (Page K-1 K-19 whore a source is not indicated) * Monroe'County Tx`Collector *,Monroe County Property Appraiser Monroe County School Board Monroe County Supervisor of Elections * Monroe County Sheriffs Department * Bureau of the Census * FloridaBanker's Association Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Park Planning Agency for Health Cre`Administration ' The Constitution of the State of Florida, Florida Statute 200.181 and'Monroe County set no'legal debt limit. MONROE COUNTY; FLORIDA - GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN YEARS FISCAL GENERAL PUBLIC PHYSICAL TRANS ECONOMIC YEAR GOVERNMENT SAFETY ENVIRONMENT PORTATION ENVIRONMENT 1986 $ 9,842,404' $ 13,586,790 $ 413,756 $ 3,893;227. $ 2,275,026 1987 10,940,172 14,177,570 210,678 3,503,429 2,906,704 1988 14,238,914,- 19,171,479 174,732' 3,946,380 3,841,530 1989' 15,767,785 22,356,972 240,970 6,426,753 5,066,351 1990 17,935,158' 25,588,253 497,51`0 5,370,915 7,332,545 1991 20,040,936 29,320,771' 531,593 6,078,545 6,906,952 1992- 20,956,430 31,649,193 668,315 5,923,595 7,851,857, 1993 20,908,679 34,331,564_ 741,354 41175,462 7,811,825 1994' =23,460,049 38;321,175 1`,305,061 4,263,681 7,996,073 , 1995 29,390,253 41,240,319, 1,160,034 6,168,342 9,616,404 *Includes expenditures in General,Special Revenue, Debt Service and Expendable Trust Fund Types. **Capital Outlay expenditures were reported separately,for fiscal year 1987. K-1 LT T IT SERVICES RECREATION I OUTLAY" TOTAL* 3,427,255 2,466,602 21.1,159 $ 36,116,219 3,552,902 1,537,639 209,377 2,940,223 40,026,749 ,479;122 2,096, 37 659,727 -® 48,608,721 4,733,359 2,342,27 705,704 - 57690,641 4,862,131 2,364,354 1;096,596 65,069,462 ,136;27 2,366,70 1;270,761 ., 72,222,511 4,657,447 �79,937,426 5,309;346 2;971,243` ,71 4 2,345;014 7,037,236 83,070,774 9,767;623 2,757,703 4,627;336 -- 92,519,401 5, 73,67 2,703,504 6,366,070 - 102,74d,553 K-2 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL GOVERNMENT REVENUE BY SOURCE LAST TEN YEARS LICENSES INTER CHARGES FISCAL AND GOVERN- FOR YEAR TAXES PERMITS MENTAL SERVICES 1986 $ 23',092462 $ 2,436,048; ,$ 9,918,697 $ 2,584,504 1987 25,639,643 1,516,661 9,501,798 2,649,131 1988 321419,904 1,919,763 11,495,816 3,438,650 19819 37,938,385 2,052,940 18,570,790 < 3,365,050 1990 41,991,855" 21189,049' ` 17,054,599 4,007,404 1991 46,675,252 4724,190 14,563,582- . 4,373,229 1992 48,195,057 21284,836 16,678,180- 4,757,019 1993 53,908,727 2,422,039 18,163,244 4224,315 1994 54,441,515 2,018,078 19,514,402 4,895,466 1995 58,121769 2,124�,995 20,2561479 8,086,331 *Includes revenues in General, Special,Revenue, Debt Service and Expendable Trust Fund types. K-3 FINES AND INVESTMENT MISCEL- FORFEITURES INCOME ASSESSMENTSLANEOUS TOTAL* 1,129,491 1,558,360 - 419,433 1,138,995 1,386,196, 1,623, 51 866,653. 334,133 4.3,517,666 1,70 ,128 2,249,943 - 2,164,854 55,394,058 1,906;987 3,616,155 -- 2,131,269 69,581,576 2,153,152 3,935,207 -- 1,501,256 72,832,522 2,099,284 3,805,048 - 2,300,V5 76,540,860' 2,218,317 3,093,779, - 2,026,446 79,253,634 2,214,505 2,314,117 -- 1, 23,814 85,070,761 2,9 5,435 21558,970 2,200,160 -88,584,026 2,48 , 60 4,018,259' _- 4,245, 50 99,339,643 -4 11J1.ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN"FISCAL YEARS FISCAL` TAX TAX PERCENT OF YEAR LEVY COLLECTION LEVY COLLECTED 1986 $ 20,697,309 $ 19,948,482 96.4 1987 . 22,633,498 21,732,106 96.0; 1088 34,251,268 32,863,650 '95:9 1989 31,055;120 29,950,942 96.4 '1990 34,489,127 33;259,628 96;4 1991 39,598,532 38,360,079 96.9 1992 40,610,035 39,072,069 96.2 1993 42,637,o49 41,350,979 " 97.0 1994 `43,472,080 42,014,616 96.6 1995 48,129,060 46,502,205 Property tax levies; based on assessed values as of January 1st,,become due and payable on November lst of each year. A four percent discount is allowed if the taxes are paid in November,with the discount declining by one percent each month thereafter. Accordingly,taxes collected will never be one hundred percent of the tax levy. Taxes become delinquent on April 1st of each year and tax certificates for the full amount of any unpaid taxes and assessments must be sold not later than June 1st of each year. Source: Monroe County Tax Collector K-5 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ASSESSEDIAND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE LAST REAL PROPERTY PERSONAL PROPERTY TOTAL YEAR 'ASSESSED VALUE ASSESSED VALUEL 1986 3,114,511,330 209,495,424 3,324,Qd ,754` ,. 1987 3,425,21 2,146 212,232, 27 3,637,484,573 1988 3,7 4,724,2210 221,643,508 3,976,367,728 1989 ,20 ,231,293, 21,996,249' 4, 70,227,52 1990 5,129,539,812 284,929,021 5,414,468,833 191 ,616,223,591 299; 65, 76 5,915,79,167 1992 6,135,745,413 305062,159 6,44 ,807,572 193 6,205,863,228 310,418,65 6;51 ;281,682 1994 6140,029,454 318,280,985 6,458,310,439 1995 6,601,604,418. 33 56,30 6,940,460,727 Assessed values used are net taxable values after deducting allowable statutory exemption& Property is assessed as of January-1st and taxes based on those assessments are levied and become due on the following November 1 st: Estimated actual value for each tax year is equal to the assessed value. The,ratio of total-assessed to the total estimated actual value is'100% for each tax year. Source: Monroe County Property Appraiser 1<-6 'MONROE COUNTY,-FLORIDA PROPERTY VALUE, CONSTRUCTION AND BANK DEPOSITS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS FISCAL PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION BANK YEAR VALUE* . (1 &2)" DEPOSITS" 1986 $ 2,410892,344 $ 64,743,341 $ 465,596,000 1987 2,617,260,573 73,832,930 570,342,000 1988 2,830,297,181 74,847,145 648,426000 1989- 2,974,503,658 110,925,817 892,242,000 1990 3,667,553,207 156,6371,545 928,728,000 1991 4,049,901,005 122,937,849 918,016,045. 1992 4,375;917,282, 120,323,709 888,072,000 1993 4,447,309,657 91,934,986 923,935,000, 1994_ 4,390,6941004 66,414,893 952,120,000 1995 4,791,995,498 88,598,075 947,751,000 Taxable property value and construction does not.include the municipal areas of the County. - Construction amounts include new taxable construction minus deletions from the Tax Roll. Source: Monroe,County Property Appraiser * Florida Banker's Association K-7 COUNTY, FLORIDA PROPERTY TAX RATES -DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS LASTT TAX RATES ( IL ) SCHOOL BOARD COUNTY* TAX YEAR OPERATING T SERVICE -OPERATINGI OTHER" TOTAL 1986 5.9330 -® 6.2262 - 1.2180 13.3772 1987 6.0650 -- 6.8639 1..1630 14.0919 1988 6.2720 ®- 6.9222 - 1`.2250 14.4192 1989 6.4570 - 6.3713 -- 1.1650 13.9933 190 5:8570 6.6803 1.1570 13.6943, 1991 5.7190 -- 6.2992 1.1964 13.2146 . 192 5.7070 ®- 6.861 - 1.1945 13.7076 1 93 6:091 -_ 5.590 --. 1.4065 13.0878. 1994 6.2050 -® 51142 1.1851 13.1043 199 6.4330 - 6,0983 13.8164 Property is assessed as of January`1st and the taxes based on those'assessments are levied according to the tax rate in effect during that tax year and.becom due on November 1st. County millage consists of the General Revenue Fund, the Fine and Forfeiture Fund, and the Health Clinic. * Consists of the following districts: onroe County Mosquito Control, South,Florida Water Management, Okeechobe Basin Fund and Big Cypress Fund. Source: Monroe County 'Tax Collector K-8 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS 1995 FISCAL PERCENTAGE ASSESSED YEAR TAXES OF TOTAL TAXPAYER" VALUE" COLLECTED" COLLECTED" 1. Southern Bell '. $ 62,993,010 $ 921806 0.0088 2. 'Casa Marina , 48,670,282 841,609 0.0081 3. Pier House 24,810,240 414,880 0;0040 -4. Cheeca Lodge 22,855,270 334,377 0.0032 5. ' Southernmost-Beach LP 20,534663 283,354 0.0027, 6. Hyatt Key West 17,722,421 299-444 0.0029 7. The Reach 17,399,244 293,591, 0.0027 8. Holiday Inn Key West 16,990,981 284,126 0.0027 9. Sheraton Key Largo 15,676,342 227,622 0.0022 10. Hawks Cay, 15,104,696 218,672 0.0021' $ 262,757,149 $ 4,119,481., 0.0394 Source: " Monroe County Property Appraiser ** Monroe County Tax Collector K-9 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Ti OF NET-GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA LAST T YEARS GROSS T-- ASSESSED BONDED _ SERVICE . YEAR POPULATION* VALUE" DEBT** FUNDS" 1986 71,378 $ 3,324,00 ,754 ®_ 1987. 73,137 3,637,484,573 _ _- 1988 75,462 3,976,367,72 1989 76,780 A470,2271542 -- -- 1990 78,024 5,414,468,833 -- - -1991 79,536 5,915,789,167 -- -- 1992 80,968 6,440,807,572 - -- 1993 81,766 6,516,281,88 -- -- 199 81,796 6,458,310,439 -- -- 1995 81,850 6,9 0,460,727 _ _® Prop e Taiable ValueAssessments are as of January 1 st of each year. source: -" Bureau of the Census Monroe County Property Appraiser IC-10 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. COMPUTATION OF DIRECT UNDERLYING AND OVERLAPPING DEBT SEPTEMBER 301E 1995 PERCENTAGE APPLICABLE TO THIS 'OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTAL UNIT- GROSS DEBT GOVERNMENTAL UNIT NET DEBT Monroe County, Florida $ 7 $ School Bonds' 210,950 100 % 210,950 Monroe County,does not have any outstanding general obligation debt funded by ad valorem taxes. The School-Board's fiscal year ends June 30, 1995: Source: *Monroe County School Board K-11 MONROEICOUNTY, FLORIDA RATIO T SERVICE EXPENDITURESL BONDED DEBTT TOTAL L GOVERNMENT.EXPENDITURES LASTT I YEARS RATIO T . SERVICET OTHER T L L GENERAL FISCAL T T GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST I I * EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES 1986 $ 136;500 $ 24,054 $ 180 $ 160,734 36,116,219 0.45 1987 140,40 11,225 151,665 40,02 ,749 0.38 1988 '57,560 4,205 -- 6,1,765 4 ,60 ,721` 0.13 199 405,.728 29,438 435;166 57,690 61 0.75 1990 -- -_ -_ --. 65,069,462 -® 1991 350,000 29,925 - 379,925 72,222,511 0.53 1992 360,000 24,030 384,030 79,987,426 0.4 1993 300,000 13,212 313,212 83,070,774 0.38 1994 395,000 14,948 409,948 92,519,401 0.'44 1995 310,000 10,578 -- 320,578 102,740,553 0.31 *Debt Service includes principal and interest on general obligation bonds, bond anticipation notes, and other loan and notes payable. K-1 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF,REVENUE BOND COVERAGE' MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT-WASTE LASTTEN::FISCAL YEARS NET REVENUE DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL GROSS AVAILABLE FOR -- -d TIMES YEAR REVENUE* EXPENSES** DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL COVERAGE 1986 $ 6,488,177''$ 5,400,183 $ 1087,994 1 -= $ 531,702 $ 531,702 2.05 1987 7;956,812 5,136,726 2,820,006 430,000 626,755 1,056,755 2.67 , 1988 8,236,280 6,644,830 1,591,450 280,000 607,418 887,418 1.79 198.9 9,571,847 6,770,541 2,801,306 300,000 589,993 889,993 3.15 1990 11,295,582 81772,546 2,523,036 ,315,000 569,986 884,986 2.85-' . 1991 13,344,013 10,896,916 '2,447,097 335,000 547,630 882,630. 2.77 T992 14,458,040 - 11 394,2912 3,063,748 180,000 615,668: 7951,668 3.85 1993 16,094,726 13,640,389 2,454,337 285,0010 606,307 891,307 2.75 1994 15,619,182 1.1,673,498 3,945,684 300,000 ; 590,918 890,918 4.43 1995 14,310,678 12,452,817 1,857;861 315,000 5714,117 889,117 2.09 *"Gross Revenue"shall mean all rates, fees,charges, assessments or other income received by the County,or accrued to the County.or any agency thereof in control of the management and operation ofsaid Municipal Service District. - Excluded from"Gross_ Revenue"is interest earned on-funds held in escrow for the retirement of the refunded 1980 bonds: ** "Expenses"exclude depreciation of fixed assets and,amortization of deferred charges which are reflected as ex- penses in the financial statements: K-13 MONROE COUNTY, lm I A SCHEDULE INSURANCE COMPANIES SEPTEMBER 30,.1995 INSURANCE COMPA °l POLICY PERIOD Clarendon National Insurance 10/01/94-95 Insurance Company of North America 03115/95-96, 04/01/95-96, 07/01/95-96 07/26/95-96, 10/01/94-95 John Alden Life Insurance Company 10/01/94-95, 10/01/94-95 Bankers Insurance Company 04/03/95-96, 05/30/95-96, 11/13/94-95 06/24/95-96, 05/16/95-96, 01/29/95-96 01/22/95-96, 11/27/95-96 , 08/05/95-96 09/24/95-96, 07/19/95-96, 07/11/95-96 Florida Municipal Insurance Trust 10/01/94-95, 10/01/94-95 Western World 03/15/95-96 `Scottsdale Insurance Company 03115/95-96 Essex Insurance Company. 05/01/95-96 Hartford Life&Accident 10/01/94-95 Lexington Insurance Company 03/13/95-96 Associated Aviation Underwriters 07/27/95-96 Hartford Life&Accident 10/01/94-95 Lexington Insurance Company 03/13/95-96 Associated Aviation Underwriters 07/27/95-96 International Surplus tines Insurance Company 12/20/94-95 Bankers Standard Insurance Company 10/01/9 -95 Insurance Company of North America (Bonds) 11/03/92-96, 11/22/92-96, 01/01/93-97 01/03/95-96 Ohio Casualty Company 11/30/92-96 Surety,&Security Bond Associates 11/21/94-98 Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association 04/11/95-96' Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection&Insurance Company 03/15/95-96, 04/01/95-96 Commerce& Industry Company 02114/95-96, 03/13/95-96 United State Fidelity&'Cuaeantee 02!15/95-96 Omaha Property&Casualty ®2120/95-96, 08/24/95-96 American International Specialty Lines Insurance Company 07/10/95-96 Royal Surplus Lines Insurance Company 06/01/95-96 Florida Sheriff's Self-insurance Fund 10/01/94-9 Fidelity&Casualty Company of Maryland (Bond) 11/20/94-96' K-14 MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE AGENCIES SEPTEMBER 30,1995 EXPIRATION ` ANNUAL AGENCY DATE PREMIUM Arthur). Gallagher 09/30/95 $ 456,788; -03/13/96 37,500 Porter Allerr Insurance Company 11/13/95 651 1:1/27/95 4,184 01/03/96 450 01/22/96 276 01/29/96 822 03/15/96 30,186_ 04/01/96- 624 04/03/96 18,691 05/30/96 1,338 06/24/96 312 " 07/11/96 1,314 07/19/96 2,603 08/05/96 1212 09/24/96 1`1/03%96 355 11/221,96 355 01/01/97 . 100_ The Johnson's Insurance Agency 02/15/96 625 02/20/96 783 04/11/96 160,536 08/24/96 1,409 Florida League of Cities 09/30/95 12/20/98 10,113 02/14/96, 1,990 03/13/96 1,698 03/15/96 6,212 04/01/96 6,177.. 05/01/96 2,086 The,CIMA Companies, Inc._ 07/01/96 1,203 John Alden Life Insurance 09/30/95 . 835,262 'Lance Toland Associates 07/27/96 42,464 Burke, Bogart&Brownell,Inc. 09/30/95 73,214 The Regan Insurance Agency . 11/30/96 179 Hunt Insurance Group, Inc., 09/30/95 25,174 The Plastridge Agency, Inc. 07/01/96 16,100 Sedgwick James of Fla.,,Inc 08101/96- 196,71;1 The Victoria Agency 11/21/98 100 Key West Insurance, 11/20/198 355 K-15 ' MONROE COUNTY., FLORIDA SALARIESI I L OFFICIALS SEPTEMBER 30,1995 ANNUAL AMOUNT OF NAME AND TITLE OFFICIAL Y.. SURETY BOND Shirley Freeman -Chairman, Board of County Commissioners 29,310 $ 5,000 Keith Douglass - ember, Board of County Commissioners 29,310 2,000 Jack London - Member, Board of County Commissioners 29,310 2,000 ilhelmina Harvey Member, Board of County Commissioners. ` 29,310 2,000 Mary KayReich'-Member, Board of County Commissioners 29,31,0 2,000 Danny. L. Kolhage-Clerk of Circuit Court and Chief Financial Officer 72,955 25,000 Richard C. Roth'®Sheriff 81,792 15,000 Harry L. Sawyer, Jr. "Su ervisorof Elections 59,486 5,000 Ervin A:'Higgs- Property Appraiser 72,955 10,000 Harry F'.,Knig t- Tax Collector 72,955 50,000 James Roberts-County Administrator 99, 97 ®- K-16 MONROE COUNTY,_FLORIDA DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICAL DATA LAST TEN YEARS. SCHOOL UNEMPLOYMENT PER CAPITA MEDIAN - ENROLLMENT RATE YEAR 'POPULATION (1) INCOME(1) AGE (2) (3) PERCENTAGE(4) -1986 71,378 $ 14,956 31.3 7;T38 3.0 1987 73,137 16,130 NA 7,515 2.8 1988 75,462 17,130 NA 7,575 2.6 1989 761780 19,003 NA 8,198 2.5 1990 78,024 20,155 NA 8,490 3.1 1991 79,536 20,206 , NA 8,3138 4.8 1992 80,968 NA NA 8,862 8.5 1993 81,766 NA NA $,789' 3.6 1994 81,796 NA NA 9,140 3.9 1995 81,850, NA NA 9,328 3.9 NA- Data Not Currently Available Sources: (1) Bureau of the Census (2)' Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Research (3) Monroe County School Board (4) Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security K-17 COUNTY, FLORIDA MISCELLANEOUS T TI TI L DATA SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 Government Structure Governing y: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Number-of Seats: 5 Length of Term: 4,years Chairman: Chosen annually by fellow commissioners Chief Administrative Position: County Administrator Gate originally establishedEDUCATION: constitutionally' July 3, 1823 Number of schools; High Schools 3 Cate of present constitution Middle Schools 1 establishment: May 13,,1887 Elementary Schools 5 idle/Elementary.Schools 3 Form of government: Constitutional County Special Ed Schools 1 .Present'area: 1,875.54 square miles Number of Administrators 29 Number of Teachers 576, Source: 'Monroe County School'Board POPULATION: Date Residents Increase% EMPLOYEES: 1986 71,378 Property-. Appraiser 41 1987 73,137' Tax Collector, 50 1988 75,462 -3.1 % Board of.County Commissioners 668 1989 76,780 1.75®/a Clerk of Circuit.Court 102 1990 78,024 1.62% Supervisor of Elections ,9 1991 79,536 1.94% Sheriff 536 1992 80,968 1.80% Land Authority 3 1993 81,766 0.99°/® 1994,. ` 81,796 0:04% 1995 81,860 0.07%. AMBULANCE SERVICE: Number of vehicles 15 Number of employees 52 Source: Bureau of the Census -POLICE PROTECTION: PARKS AND RECREATION: Number of stations 4 Number of parks & recreation facilities 21 Number of employees: Acreage 108.5 Certified Lew Enforcement 194 Support Personnel 198 Correction Facility Personnel 144 Source: Department of Natura.1 Resources, Bureau o Park Planning Source: Monroe County Sheriffs Department K-18 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL DATA-'CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 30,1995 ELECTIONS: Primary Election, October 4, 1994 Number of Registered Voters: Number of registered voters 38,322 Democrats 21,459 Numberof,voters- 3,572 Republicans 19055 Percentage of voter turnout 9:32% No Party Affiliation 5,830 Libertarians . 78 , General Election,"November 8 1994 Independants 804 Number of.registered voters 39;407 Other 115 Number of voters 23,575 - Percentage of voter turnout 59.82%' Total 47,341 Source: Monroe County Supervisor of Elections PUBLIC LIBRARIES: Library Facilities 5 HEALTH CARE: Library`Holdings 161,090 Medical Facilities Number of Beds Book Mobile'Lower Keys Keys Health'Systems- _ Florida Keys Memorial Hospital- DePoo Hospital 49 Fisherman's Hospital 58_ Mariner's Hospital 42 ROAD:MILEAGE: ,Paved streets: 356.7 Source: Agency for Health Care Administration Unpaved streets: 99.5 Office of Health Facility Regulation FIRE PROTECTION: Num bar"af stations 10 ' Number of volunteers K-19 KEMP GREEN, P.A. Certified Public Accountwnts 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. O. BOX 1524 KEY WEST, FLORIDA3,30 1-1524,. MEMBER OF AMERICANINSTITUTE WM. ®. KEMP, C.P.A. (305) ,244-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA E, GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENTAUDITORS' REPOT ON SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES OF FEDERAL AND STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida, We have, audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County', Florida (the "County"Y as of and for the year ended September 30,, 1995, and have issued our report thereon dated March 4, 19 . These general purpose financial statements are the res onsi biIity of the Coun y`s management. . Our responsibility is„ to express an opinion on these general purpose financial statements based on . our audit e conducted our audit in accordance with,generally accepted auditing standards, Government uditing'Standa�rds, issued by the Comptroller General of, the United States, and 'the provisions of Office of Management and Budget Circular A-128, Audits of'State and Local Governments. " Those standards and'OD Circular A-12 require that we' plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements are free o material` misstate` ent An audit includ s `examinin on a test oasis, evidence supporting the amounts'and disclosures i . the general purpose' financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by nageImen , a's 'well as evaluating' the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our ,oinion. Our auditwas made for the purpose of forming an opinion on e'general purpose financial statements of the County taken .as a whale. The accompanying Schedules o Federal and State; Financial Assistance are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements. The information in those schedules has been. subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the, 'audit .of, the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented i all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. Kemp & Grseen, P.A. Certified. Public Accountants, March 4, 1996 L1 FEDERALMONROECPUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 . . . . Federal Federal Grantor CFDA Grant Balances. " Program Title r ID Number October 1, 1994 ,Depadm-e-n-tofAvri-culture Passed through State Department of Elderly Affairs and Alliance for Aging: USDA 1995 1M70 US51 USDA 1994 13.635 US51 - Passed through the State Division of Forestry: Forest Canopy 10.664 Total Department Department o erg Direct Program: - Economic Strategy Adjustment Plan 11.307 04-59-03950 58,010 Cesspool Identification& Elimination Project 11.419 9 -OS-72-11-54-01-015 84,818 Total Department 142,828 Department of Health andu lan services Passed through State Department,of Health-and Rehabilitative Services : and Dade & Monroe Counties Alliance for Aging: Information & Referral 111-B 1994 13.633 KG451 12,055 utrition 111-F 13. 35 KG451 872 Nutrition'C-i 1994 13.635 KG451 4,883 , Nutrition -11 1994 13.635 KG451 71826 Homemakers ilID 1994 13.641 KG451 1,764 Substance Abuse Treatment 93.063, K 383 243,196 Homeless Mentally Ili 93.003 KH441 92,118 Title`II1-F Preventive Health 93.043 KG551 Title III B,Support Services 93..044 KIG551;' ®- Title II1C-1 Congregate Meals 93.04 KG51 Title IIiC-2 Home Delivered Meals 1995 9 4 K 5 1 - Title ill-D In-Home Services 93.046 , KG551 Child Support Enforcement 93.563 LZ023 - -- Passed through State Department of Community Affairs: Community Services lock Grant Grace Jones 93.031 9 5 -4 1-54-01-060 -0 Total Department 362,714 *Includes State Grantsand Aids Appropriation Monies L-2 Matching Contributions an Cash iscella ous Balances Receipts evenueExpendituresRefunds September 30, 1995 17,664 -- - 11,282 11,282 -- 14,250 -- 14,250 28,946 43,196 -- 14,250 58,010 -- --84,818 142,828 _- -- -- -- 87,064 9,337 84,3463,821 272 3,221 48,43 11,587 55;107 --46,010 ,157 47,341 -- -® 8,459 732 7,427 -31 ,.142 -- 74,946 -- -- 92,118 _ ®_ 7,269 720 7,667 -_ (322) 191,394 2 ,914 205,24 - (12;065) 95,586 44, 82 145,533 -- 4,965 92,649 39,655 133,781_ -- 1,477 - 12,838 1,702 20,056 -- 5,516- 1,596 884 2,480 -� -- 2,774 773 3,864 -® 317' 1,008,123 145,715 791,012 -- (112) The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule. L-3 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA FEDERALSCHEDULE OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE-CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED.SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 , Federal Federal Grantor/Pa`s-Through Grantor CFDA Grant Balances Program Title u er ID Number October 1,1994 a"artinen-t f i an DeVelop e_n Direct Program; Housing Authority - HUD Grant 14.174 R0-HG-12-0236 .(701) Community Development Block Grant 14.219 94D -19-11- 4-01- 05 (44,280) Homeownership Investment Partnership 14.239 95-HF-2 -54-11-00®L01 -® Total Department (44,981) Department of the Interior Direct Program:. Traffic Enforcernent,in Natural Key Deer Refuge 15.611 1 16000490912 -- Department f the Justice Direct Program: High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) HJCXK034 139,999 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) - 93HJ 3K039 64,785 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) -® 94HJ1 KO01 94,791 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) 93HJCXK001 34,948 High Intensity.Drug Trafficking Area(HIDTA) -- 94HJ14KO17 (37,665) High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) 9 J101 26,419 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) -- 9HJ1K009 -_ High Intensity rug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) -- 95HJ1501 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) -- 95HJ15KO3 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) 95HJ1K5 Passed through State Department of Community Affairs, Anti-Drug Diversion&Treatment- 1994 16. 79 94-CJ-1Z-11-5 -01-132 13,776 Anti-Drug Abuse D.A.R.E City of Key West 1994 16,579 94- J-1Z-11-54-01-131 10,336 Anti-Drug Abuse D.A.R.E. 194 16.579 94-CJ-1Z-11- 4-01-11 11,618 Anti-Drug Abuse Administration - 194' 16.579 4-CJ-1 Z-1 1-54-01-123 6,114 Anti-Drug Abuse Drug Recovery - 19 16.57 94-CJ-1Z-11- -01:A22 1,306 Anti-Drug Abuse D.A.R.E. City of Key West- 1995 16.579 95-CJ-2D-11- 4-01-184 - Anti-Drug Abuse Pretrial 16.57 9 -DJ-2P-11- 4-01-043 Anti-Drug Abuse D.A.RE. - 1995 16.579 95- J-1 -11- 4- 1-161 Total Department 366,427 Department_ of Labor _ Passed through National Council on the Aging, Inc:: Senior Community Service Project 1994 17.235 4547=4-00-81.55-12 40,031, Senior Community Service Project 1995 17. 35 D- 09 - -0 -81-5 -12 L-4 Matching Contributions Cash Miscellaneous Balances Receipts, Revenues Expenditures Refunds September 30 5 -- -- 25 (676) 121,960 - 221,693 55,453 449,281 - 513,861 571,21 - 735,579` -- 119,357 40,000 -- 40,000 -- -- 105;397 -- (34,602); 41 ,588 -- 373,878 -- 24,075 29 ,227 __ 230,758 -- 30,322 227,843 208,653 -® 15,758 127,848 -- 245,482 , 79,969 333,075 -- 353,746 ®- 47,090 219,600 370,023 _ -- 150,423 89;315 -- 230,483 - 141,168 4,419 125,000 -- 125,000 3,776 17,711 . 2, 58 9,83 11, 18 -_ ®- ®_ 6,114 1,306 9,744, 12,179 48,715 6,792 6,167 23,273 85,126 15,686 68,36 25,162 100, 48 7,150 2,019,433 63,072 2,36 ,930 __ 647,852 186,258 28,041 174,268 - 21,379 7,240 60,814 -- 32,1.95' The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule: L-5 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE-CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,,1995 Federal Federal Grantor/Pass-Through Grantor CFDA Grant` Balances' Program Title Number ID Number October 1, 1994 Passed through South Florida Employment&Training Consortium: JTPA Intake Title I)A 1993 ' 17.250 2A-PY`93-33-00 11,415 JTPA Intake Title IIA 1994 17.250 2A-PY'94-47-03 13,254 JTPA Title IIC 1994 17.250 2C-PY'94-02-00 7,619 JTPA Liasion 1992 17.250 _ 2-PY'92-35-00 938 JTPA.Liasion,1993 17.250 2-PY'93-34-00 3,069 JTPA Liasion 1994 17.250 2-PY'94-30-00 6,812 JTPA Liasion 1995. 17.250 2A-PY'95-30-01 -- JTPA Title 1113 1994 17.250 213-94-24-00 25,198 JTPA Title IIC 1993 17.250, 2C-PY'93-24-00 7,629 JTPA Title IIA, I IC, 111 1995 17.250 2A-PY'95702-01 -- JTPA Title IIB 1995 17.250 213-95-24-01 -- Total Department 115,965. Department of Transportation Direct Program:' Key_West AIP-07 20.106 3-12=0037-07 19,147 Key West AIP-08 20.106 3-12-0037-08 96,473. Marathon AIP-09 20.106 3-12-0044.09 253,756 Marathon AIP-10 20.106 3-12-0044-10 149,468 Marathon AIP-11 20.106 3-12-0044-11 190,387 Total Department 709,231 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Passed through the Division of:Forestry: SBA Tree Planting Program-Bernstein Park' 59.045 SBA-44 -- U S Environmental Protection Agency Direct Program: ADID Program 66:461 CD004958-91-0 _- Federal Emergency Management Agency Passed through State Department of Community Affairs: Radiological Emergency Preparedness 1994 83.505 94-EP-1 C-1 1-54-10-002 (24,310) Radiological Emergency Preparedness 1995 83.505 95-EP-5N-11-54-10-002 -- L-6 Matching Contributions an Cash Miscellaneous Balances Receipts Revenues Expenditures Refunds September 30, 1995 11,415 _- 78,613 1,623 113, 1 -- 46,969 7,619 -- -_ _® ®r _- 938 _ 3,069 -- 31,571 -- 26,207 -- 1,448 1,190 8,199 -- 7,009 25,198 7,629 -_ -- - -_ -- __ 15,991 --+ 15,991 9,162 - 36,11 Q 383,103 36,904 435,540 -- 131,49 19,147 77,66 1,572 -- 17,235 150,482 ,` 39,149 140,006 9,462 220,029 3, 61 35,605 - 2,402 588,183 53,744 35,605 -- 102,909 -_ 19,515 39,030 =- 19,515 - m- 426 -- 426 24,810 - 112,13 -® 89,841 - (22,312) The accompanying notes are an integral part of-this schedule. L-7 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE-'CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Federal Federal Grantor/Pass-Through Grantor CFDA Grant Balances Program Title Number ID Number October 1,.1994 Hurricane Andrew Recovery 83.516 93-EO-1 R-1 1-54-01-091 -- Hazardous Mitigation 83.516 95-DP-2M-11-54-01-003' -- Total Department (24,810) Total"Federal Financial Assistance $ 1,627,374 L-8 Matching -Contributionsan Cash Miscellaneous Balances Receipts nu s Expenditures Refunds September 30, 1996 65,040 _a 65,040 29,527 31,049; 63,972 __ 3,396 141,680 31,049 218,853 24,810 46,124 $ 4,923,537 $ 349,999 $ 4,703,171 $ 24,810 $ 1,0811819 :. The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule. L®9 MONROE COUNTY,�FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - FOR,THE;YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Grant Balances Program Title ID Number October 1, 1994 Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Direct Program: Community Care for Disabled,Adults 1995 KG-191* $ 23,344 , Community Care for Disabled Adults',1996 KG-007' EMS County Award 1993 C9244 (34,518) EMS County Award 1994 C9344 (54,434) EMS County Award 1995 C9444 , EMS Matching Grant 1993 M2591 (125,82.0) EMS Matching Grant 1994 M3313 (41,343) Passed through Dade&Monroe Counties Alliance for Aging. Alzheimees Disease,Initiative 1995 KG497 304 Alzheim6es Disease Initiative- 1996 KG597 Community Care:for Elderly 1994 KG351E `_ (16) Community Care for Elderly 1995, KG451 E 35,395 , Community Care for-Elderly 1996 KG551 E - Total Department (197,088) Flo ride_I_ ar rnebt of Community Affairs Direct,Program: Emergency Management Assistance 94EM-3W-11-54-10-043 28,615 Emergency,Management Assistance 95EM-5S-11-54.10-043 - Emergency Management Base Grant 94-EO-4M-11-54-01-044 67,587 Emergency Management Base Grant 95-EO-3G-11-54-01-044 -- Recreational L.O.S. Standards 94-CT-73=93-3A-M1-002 (1,984,377). Florida.Communities Trust-ROGO ': 94-CT772-92-2A7M1-001 -- Florida Communities Trust-Coco Plum 93-CT-19-91-1A-Al-041 -- Hurricane,Andrew Recovery&Rebuilding 940S-89-11-54-017029 - Hazardous Material Emergency Plan 95EP-3V-11-54-22-025 -- Elderly Homeowner Rehabilitation Program 94HA-37-11-54-01-003 32,681 Total.Department (1,855,494) . Florida Department of Environmental Protection Direct Program:, ; Sombrero Beach/Switlik Park C8368 13,447 Summerland Key-No Wake Signs, _ . B9413 9,200 Tavernier Creek#6, 7, 8, 14 C8420 3,675 : Indian Key Channel Marking C8455 7,820 Special Waterway Projects Program, LE-008 Derelict Vessel Removal 091442 B9414 2,345, Derelict Vessel Removal 091457 B94023 3,200 *Includes State Grants and Aids Appropriation Monies -10 Matching Contributions and Cash iec Ilan eous Balance Receipts evenuea Expenditures Refundsa te er 30,,1995 $ 115,168 11,907 $ 103,731 a-7,305 2,369 30,434 -- 20,760 -- _ -- -- (34,518) __ -- -- (54,434)' 51,637 -_ ®- -- (51,637) - 39,92 159847 5,935 _ ®_ 6,286 25,145 -- (22,484) 18,924 200 18,716 104 -- 6,446 -- ,260 __ (.18 ) 1 12,714 :133,107, 510,426 - 126,849 46,860 191,916 18,207 739,045 240,691 1,046,491 6,039 (124,294) 28,615 22,177 _m 29,569 gy_ 7,392 . 63,943 3,644 35,027 67,149 -- 32,122 -- 1,109,503 2,219,006 -- (874,874) 3,677,987 3,677,987 -- -- (7,355,974) 192,708 268,42 461,150 -- - _ -® 40,298 _ 40,298 1,304 -_ 6, 18. - 5,214. 232,500 -- 199,819 4,264,261 5,059,57 ,023,50 ®_ (8,145,822) 13,447, 8,900 -- -- -- 300 3, 7 -- ®- ®- -- 7,820 7, 20 2,345 3,200 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule. L-11 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE -CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Grant Balances Program Title ID Number October 1, 1994 Derelict Vessel Removal 091521 B94030 11,900 Alien Vessel Removal B9546 11,323 Cooperative Waterway Projects LE-010 2,500 Derelict Vessel Removal Phase II C8173 260,662 Derelict Vessel'Removal C8338 68,241 Derelict Vessel Removal V94-05 - Windley Key Channel#13 - 139609 -- Sugarloaf Sound Channel Marking LE-009 -- Sugarloaf Sound Channel Marking B9506 DV`Removal 091626 B9505, -- DV Removal 091715 B9505 -- DV Removal 091420,091422,091423,091425,091661 B9505 -- DV Removal 091779 B9505 - DV Removal 1995 B9530 DV Removal 091792 B95016 -- Tamarac Park Channel#2 B9512 DV Removal 091728 B951.7 Kemp Channel#18 B9542 -- Windley;Key, Pass Channel'Markers B9514 - DV Removal 091653 B9444 _ DV Removal'091843 B9527 -- Kemp Channel&Coco Plum#1 B9526 -- DV Removal 091855 B9529 Tavernier Creek#15 B95050 Channel Marker#20 B9528 DV Removal 091864 &091865 B9544, e_ Channel Markers Iin Lake Passage B9537 - - Indian-Key Signage 1391608 DV Removal 091860 B9536 , - Key West Power Squadron B9610 -- DV 091891 89545 - FRDAP-Bernstein Park C8435 -- Total Department Florida Department of State Direct Program: State Aid to Libraries 95-ST724 -- Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Direct Program: Litter& Marine Debris Grant LM94-44 9,58 Litter&Marine Debris Grant LM95-41 -- Solid Waste Recycling & Education 1994 RE94-42 155,544 Solid Waste Recycling,'& Education 1995 RE95.42 -- L-12 Matching Contributions and Cash isc ll n u glances Receipts, v Expenditures Refundsa to er30, 1995 11,900 -- 1,5,313 26,636 4,870 2,370 25 ,720 -_ -- -- 3,942 68,241 _- ®® 1;325 --- 1,325 9,197 9,197 _ ®. 29,203 -- 29,2(}3 1,260 1,470 - 210 -® -- 1,512 -- 1,512 6,960 -- 6,960 -- -- 1,680 -® 1,680- -- -- 46,408 -- 46,408 687 _- 687 -- -- -- 778 -- 778 z 798 1,800 -- 1.8ao ®- - 4,350 4,350 600 600 19,198 1,560, - 1,560 ®- -- 1,920 ®® 1,920' - -- 1,800 _ 1,800 1,7419 8,748 ®® 8,748 - ®� -- _- 1,043 ®_ - 1,043 1,100 - 1,100 . ®® 540 -- 1;093 1-093'. 33,3 133,333 ®_ 100,000 425;801 33,333 ': 328538 -- 271537 123,899 123, 99 -- -- 91582 12,781 -® 20,909 - 8,12 . 155,544 -- -- 32, 12 161,996 129,784 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this 6hedule., L-13 (Continued) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE-CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 Grant Balances Program Title ID Number October1, 1994 , Waste Tire '1994 WT94-42 42,583 Waste Tire 1995 WT95-42 Total Department 207,709 Florida Department of Transportation Direct Program: Traver Time Study : 6596618 5,775 .Card Sound Road Reconstruction 6126749 223,505 Key West Airport 6826642 5,697 Key West Airport 6826630, 11,932 Key West Airport 6826662 'Key West Airport 6866697 216 Key West&Marathon Airport: 6826762 11,646 Key West& Marathon Airport 6826682 28,607 Marathon Airport 6826700 212,856 Marathon Airport 6826717 4,856 Marathon'Airport 6826747 265,579 Marathon Airport 6826631 80,072' Marathon Airport 6826706 227 Marathon Airport 6826756 _ MarathonAirport 6826757 -- Marathon Airport 6826770 3,865 Total Department „: _ 854,833 Florida Department of Commerce Direct Program: - Base Realignment&Control Grant -- - g --= Office of the State Courts Administrator Direct Program: Court Reporter Grant-In-Aid - -- South FL Water Management District Direct Program: Stormwater Management Ordinance . C90-1414 1,314 Total State Financial Assistance $ 86,593� L-14 Matching Contributions and Cash Miscellaneousel nc s Receipts Revenues Expenditures Refunds September 30, 1995 42,583 -- 15,171 -62,109 46,938, 267,873 245,014 -- 184,850 70,858 76,637 11,554 223,505 ®� _- 66;099, 104,421 208,82 - 44,019 ®- 11,932 ®® 10,235 34,735 69,470 _- 24,500 21,143 20,947 41,893 -- 19 11,893 162 542 - 133 39,116 41,931 83,862 -® 31,422 1 ,788 69,647 (579) 6,365 1,510 3,019 ®® 171,324 6,167 -- _r 88,088 514,'273 78,56 957,123 44,360 ®® 345 689 571 1 ,059 24,266 48511 8,196 1,539 1,538 3,077 <1,300,062 796,153 '1,493,665 -- 252,283 90,000 . 73,220 1 146,440 -- 8,513 -_ 8,513 1,643 1,314 1,643 ®® 7,211,097_ $ 6,204,287 6;417712 ,0 -- 7� ,578,229 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule. L-15 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA NOTES TO SCHEDULES OF FEDERAL AND STATE FINANCIAL -ASSISTANCE _SEPTEMBER 30 1995 - NOTE 7. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting-policies and the presentation of the Single Audit Report of Monroe County, Florida (the -County") have been designed to conform to generally accepted accounting,principles as applicable to governmental units, including the reporting and compliance requirements-of the, Single Audit Act of'1984 and Office ` of-Management and Budget Circular A-128, "Audits of State and Local Governments" (A-128) . : Resorting Entity The Single Audit Act of 1984 and Circular A-128 set forth the audit and reporting requirements for federal financial assistance. The County has included schedules of both federal and state financial assistance i n, the Single Audit section. Fi nanci al assi stance received directly from the State of Florida is included to satisfy the audit requirements 'of the State of Florida grantor agencies. Basis of Accounting Basis, of accounting : refers to, when revenues :and expenditures or expenses are 'recognized`.in the 'accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. The modified accrual basis of accounting is followed in the 'Schedules of Federal and -State'-Financial Assistance. , Under the modified accrual basis of.: accounting; `revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become both measurable, and available to finance expenditures of the current period': Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be 'used to pay liabilities of the current period. Expenditures are recorded when the related liability is incurred. : In, 'applying. the susceptible-to-accrual 'concept to intergovernmental revenues, the legal and contractual ' requirements of the numerous individual programs, are used as guidance. There are, however, essentially two types of these revenues. I-n one, monies must 7be expended on the specific purpose or project before -any amounts will be .paid to the,.County, therefore, revenues are recognized based upon the :expenditures recorded. 'In the other, monies are virtually unrestricted as to purpose of expenditure and substantially irrevocable; i,:e. , revocable only for failure to comply with prescribed ' compliance requirements, such as with equal employment opportunity. These resources are reflected as revenues at the time ; of receipt or: earlier if they meet the availability . criteria. NOTE 2 - CONTINGENCIES Grant monies received and disbursed by the County are ,for specific purposes and are 'subject to review by ,the grantor agencies. 1, Such audits may result in requests for reimbursement due to disallowed expenditures.: Based upon prior experience, the County-does not ,believe that such disallowances, if any, would have -a material effect, on the financial position of the County. : As of March 4, 1996 there were no material questioned or disallowed costs .as a result of grant audits in process orbcompleted. L-16 O ROE COUNTY—FLORIDA NOTES T ' SCEDULES OF FEDERAL AND STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SEPTEMBER 30 1995 NOTE 3- MAJOR GRANTS These -programs represent Major Grants of the County for the fiscal year ended ' September 30n 1995 as definedby OMB Circular: -1 The percentage of federal - expenditures for major"grants is computed as follows® Total Expenditures 4,703,171 Less; 'Matching Portions 349,999 Total Federal Expenditures 4, 3,172 Federal Expenditures f, a or Programs: - Metropolitan High;Intensity rug Trafficking Area, no,C ,119,603 omeownersip. Invesent Partnership, CFDA 1 .239 513, 61 , 49 Percentage of Major to Total Federal Expenditures 60.5% L-17 KEMP F-4 GREEN, P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. O. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 3304 1-1 529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE WM. O. KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE` OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' "REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO 'FEDERAL -FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida We have audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida, as of and for the year ended September 30, 1995, and have issued our report thereon dated March 4, 1996 We have, applied procedures to 'test'Monroe County, Florida's compliance with'the following requirements applicable to each of its federal financial assistance programs, which are identified in. the Schedule of Federal .Financial Assistance, for the year ended September 30 1995: Political Activity: Davis=Bacon Act Civil Rights Cash Management FederalFinancial �Reports - Allowable Costs/Cost Principles • Drug-free Work Place Act Administrative Requirements Our procedures were limited to the applicable procedures described in the Office of Management and Budget's Compliance Supplement for-Single Audits of State and Local Governments. Our procedures. were. substantially less in scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion on the County's compl-iance with,the requirements listed in the preceding paragraph`. Accordingly, we-do not express, such an opinion. With respect to the items tested; the results of those procedures disclosed no material instances of noncompliance with the''requirements listed .in the second paragraph of this report. With respect.to items not -tested, nothing ,came to _our attention that caused, us to believe ,that the County had not complied,` in all material respects, , with those requirements`. However— the results of our procedures disclosed immaterial , instances of noncompliance with those requirements, which are described in the accompanying Schedule of Findings :and Questioned Costs. This report is intended for the information of the Board of County Commissioners, management and others within the County, and officials,of applicable, federal and state agencies. However; this report' is a matter of public, record , and its di `tribution 1_ not ,limited. Kemp & Green, ,P.A Certified Public Accountants - March 4, 1996 L-18 Certified Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. O. BOX 12 19 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE WAR. O. KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA. E. GREEN, 'C.P.A. FAX :# (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIC RE IE E TS°APPLICABLE TO MAJOR FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Florida We have audited the general purpose financial statements of_Monroe County, Florida, as of and for the year ended September 30, 1995, and have issued our report thereon dated March , 1996. We have also audited Monroe County, Florida's compliance with te "requireens governing types of services allowed or nllowed eligibility;. matching, level of effort, or earmarking; reporting; claims for _advances and- reimbursements; amounts, cl a i me or used for matching; cost allocation; monitoring, sgbrecipi" nts; and special requi"re ents that are applicable to each of its major federal financial assistance programs, which _are.,,iden ifie in the accompanyin 'Schedule of Federal Financial ssistance, for the year ended ep ember , 1995. The management of the County is responsible for the C 3ounty's co plince -with those require ets. Our responsibility is , o express an opinion on compliance with those requirements based on our audit e"conducted our audit of."compliance with those require nts in accordance with rally, ccepte auditing standards, Government Auditinq Standards; issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, nd, Circular -12 , "Audits of State. and Local Governments," Those standards' and OMB Circular A-125:require that we plan and perform the audit to 'obtain reasonable assurance about whether material 'noncompliance with the requirements referred to above occurred. An audit includes examining, on-a-test basis, evidence' about the County's compliance with those -requirements. We believe that our au it provi es' a reasonable basis for our opinion. The results of our audit procedures -disclosed immaterial instances of noncompliance with the requirements referred to above, which are described in the accompanying Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs,. We considered these instances of noncompliance in forming our opinion on compliance, which is expressed in the `followin paragraph. In our opinion, the County complied, in all material respects, with ,the require es governing types of services allowed or unlowe ; eligibility; matching, level of effort or earmarking; reporting; claims for advances and reimbursements; amounts clime or used . .;for. matching; cost allocation; monitoring subrecipients; and special requirements that are applicable to each of, its major federal financial assistance programs for the year ended September 3 , 1995. L-1 This report is.intended for'the information of the Board of County Commissioners, management and others within the County, and officials of applicable federal'and state agencies However, this report is' a matter, of public record 'and its distribution is not limited: Kemp & Green, P.'A Certified Public Accountants March 4; 1996 L-20 P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. 0. BOX 1 29 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE AVM. 0. KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-25 1 AND FLORIDA i TITUTE F MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A.- FAX :# (305) 29 -4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE IH SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO NONMAJOR FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM- TRANSACTIONS Board of County Commissioners , Monroe County; Florida e have audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Flarida, as' of:`and for the year ended September 30, 1995, and have issued our report' thereon dated March 4, 1996. In 'connection with the audit of the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida, and with our consideration of Monroe County; Florida's control structure used to administer federal financial assistance programs, as require ,by.Offi,ce of Management and Budget Circul r. ®12 ,. ""Audits -of State and Local Governments, we selected certain, 1,transacti.ons applicable to certain nonmajor federal fi�nancial � assistance programs for the year ,ehded September 30,- 1995, As required by OMB-Circular -13, we have performed auditing "procedures, to test compliance with the requirements governing types, of services allowed or unllowod eligibility; claims for advances and reimbursements®. amounts' claimed, or . ,used for matching; cost all and special requirements that are applicable to those transactions. Our procedures were substantially less in scope than an audit, - he _objecive of which, is the expression of an opinion on Monroe County,. Fl ori a`s compliance with these requirements. Accordingly, we do not express such ,an, oinionm it , respec . to the items tested, the results of those procedures disclosed no material instances of noncompliance with the requirements listed i n the preceding paragraph; With 'respect to items not tested; nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that Monroe County, Florida had not complied, in all material respects, with those requirements: This report is intended for the information-Of the Board of County Commissioners, management and others within the County, and officials of p licable federal and state agencies. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not li ited. 47 Kemp Green, P.A. Certified Public Accountants March 4, 196 L-21 f ' KEMP !& GREEN, P.A. Certi f ie'd Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. O. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE-: WM:-O. KEMP, C.P.A. (305) ;294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A.. fAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTiF1ED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO STATE GRANTS AND. AIDS APPROPRIATIONS Board of County Commissioners. Monroe County; Florida We have audited the financial statements of Monroe County, Florida (the County) as of 'and for the year ended:.September 30; 1995', and have issued our report thereon dated March 4, 1996. We'conducted, our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and 'Government Auditing Standards; :issued by the Comptroller- General ' of, the United States. - Those standards require that we plan and-perform the, audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement Compliance with laws, regulations,contracts and grants applicable to the County is the responsibility,- of the County's management. 'As part ;Iof obtaining. reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of `material. misstatement, we . performed :tests of the '`County's compliance with certain. provisions of`Iaws,-regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to state grants and aids appropriations identified in the Schedule of State Financial Assistance, pursuant to' Section 216'..349, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 10.600, Rules of the Auditor.General . However, the objective of our audit of the.financial. statements was' not` to provide an opinion on, overall compliance with, such provisions. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.. The results of our tests indicate that, 'with respect to items tested, the County complied, in all material respects with the provisions referred to in the preceding' paragraph. With respect. to items not tested, nothing came to our attention that caused us, to :believe that the County had not complied in all material ,respects, with those provisions. This report is intended for the information of the Board of CountyCommissioners, management, and officials of applicable state and federal agencies. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution of this report, which,is a matter ,of public'record. PA Kemp & Green, `P.A. Certified Public Accountants March 4-1 1996 L 22 P.A. Certified-Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRiVE P. O. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 3,3@ 1-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN iNSTITUTE WM. O. KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON THE INTERNAL CONTROL STRUCTURE USED I ADMINISTERING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ' Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida e have audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida (the "County" ) as of and for the year ended September 0, 199 and have issued our report thereon dated.. March 4,, 1996. e have also ' audited the compliance of Monroe County with requirements applicable to major federal financial assistance programs and have issued our report thereon dated March, 4, 99 We conducted our audits in accordance with"generally`accepted auditing standards; _ Government Auiinq Standards, issued by the Comptroller'General of the .United . ' States, and Office of Management and Budget Circular -128, "'Audits of State and Local Governments. " 'Those standards and OMB Circular -1 require, at we plan and perform the. auit to obtain reasonable assurance. ou 'weher the eneral purpose financial statements are' free of material misstatement and about whether , the County complied with laws and regulations, noncompliance with which would be material to ,a major federal financial -assistance program. In planning and'perorming our, audits for the` year ended September 3 , 1995, we considered the County's internal control structure in order to ,determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the general purpose financial statements of the County and on the compliance of,the County with requirements applicable to major programs and to report on the internal control structure in `accordance with OM Circular -12 . This report addresses our control structure policies and.procedures relevant- to compliance with requirements applicable to federal ' financial ' assistance programs. ' e have addressed internal control structure policies and procedures relevant_to our audit of the general purpose financial statements in a separate report dated March 4,, 1996. The management o the County is responsible for esa lishing and maintainingn internal control structure. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and: judgments by management are required to as the expected,benefits an el to costs of internal control structure policies and procedures. ' The objectives o an internal control structure are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded a a.inst loss from unauthorized use or' disposition, that transactions are executed in accordance with management's. authorization and recorded properly ,to' permit the 'preparation of general purpose financial statements in accordance wi th , general,Iy accepted accounting principles, and that federal financial assistance programs are managed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations Because of inherent limitations in an internal control structure, errors, irregularities, , or instances of noncompliance may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projecion,of any evaluation of the structure to future periods is subject to the L-23 risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes i:n 'conditions, .or that the effectiveness of,the,design and.operation of policies and procedures may deteriorate: For .the purpose of this report we have classified the significant internal control structure policies and procedures used in administering federal financial . assistance programs in the following categories: Cycles of the Entity's Activity Revenues/Receipts • Purchases/Disbursements • External Financial Reporting • Payroll/Personnel Controls Used in Administer.ing Individual Federal Financial Assistance Prodrams General�Reguireme.nts i Political Activity Davis-Bacon Act • Civil, Rights Cash Management • , Federal Financial ;Reports Allowable Costs/Cost Principles; Drug free °Work Place Act " • Administrative Requirements Monitoring Subrecipients Sr)ecific Reouirements. • Types of'Services Eligibility • Matching, Level of Effort or Earmarking • Reporting -,Cost Allocation . * , ' Monitoring Subrecipients • C1 aims 'for Advances or Reimbursements • Amounts Glaimed'or Used: for Matching Special Requirements if_any For all of the internal control structure categories listed above, we obtained an understanding of,the design of relevant policies and procedures and determined Whether they have been placed in operation; and we assessed control risk. During the year ended September 30. 1995; The County expended 61%' of its total federal financial assistance under' major;;federal financial assi stance programs. We, performed tests of controls as required by OMB Circular, -12S, to evaluate the effectiveness of the design and operation of internal control structure policies and procedures that we considered,rele'vant to, preventin'a or detecting material noncompliance with specific requirements,' general, requirements, and requirements governing claims for'advances;and reimbursements'.and amounts claimed or used.for ':matching -that are applicable to ,each',of the County's .major' federai' L 24 financial. assistance programs, which are identified in the accompanyin Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance. Our procedures.were less in scope thn. would be .necessary to.'ren er an opinion on these internal control structure policies and procedures. Accordingly, we do 'no express such an opinion. material weakness is a reportable condition in which the. design or..,operation of one or more of.the internal control structure elements does not reduce to relatively low' level the risk that noncompliance With:laws and regulations that , would be material to a federal financial assistance program may occur and' not b detested within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assine ;funcions . i Our consideration of the internal control sructur 'policies and procedures used in administering federal financial assistance would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control structure that might be reportable conditions and, accordingly, would not necessarily disclose all reportable condi ti ons=that are also considered to be material weaknesses -as defined above. However, we noted no matters involving the internal control structure and its operation that we consider to be material weaknesses as defined above. e also noted other matters involving, the internal control structure and its operation that we have reported to the management of the County in a separate: letter dated:, arch 4, 1996. This report is intended for the Information of the Board of County Commissioners, management, and officials of' appliale federal and state agencies: However, this report is a matter of 'pu ll}ic record and its` distribution is not:li"ited. Kemp & Green, P.A. Certified Public Accountants March 4, 1996 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS FOR-THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 1995 Questioned Program Findinq/Non Compliance Costs All prior year, findings and questioned costs were resolved with the exception of the following: Board of County Commissioners Airport Improvement Program Federal 1. Grant NOS. 3-12-0044 09 No major contracts selectedbetween 3-12-003747 the County and, its Vendors contained provisions requiring co mplian Clean Water Act or Environmental' Protection Agency regulations, aS 'required`'for, contracts over $100,000`. We reviewed four , contracts selected from' the prior year sample and noted 'no .amendments for the above provisions. It should be noted that; two 'contracts entered into during the current fiscal year contained the q ` p re wired rovisions Current Year Findings Sheriff High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area - Federal 2. Grant Nos 93-HJ-H3-K039 Procedures to identify and monitor — 94;HJ=14-K017 subrecipients are still in the process 94-HJ-14-K016 of development. Accordingly,' subrecipients` 95,-HJ715-K009 were 'not monitored for compliance with Circular A-128-nor were subrecipient audits reviewed for such compliance.' L-26