Fiscal Year 1988 MONROE COUNTY, L RID. COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT . .......... '724 i � O I R 9� 0111y YEAR ENDED S ER 30 F West,Monroe County Key Florida Comprehensive i Financial Report Fiscal to , 1988 Prepared by: Taryn _ Medina e Finance Department Finance Director FloridaMonroe County, Key West, County Of f icials Eugene R- Lytton, Sr- Chairman William Jr- Commissioner CommissionerJohn Stormont Michael H. Puto i i Thomas W- Brown Danny L- Kolhage County Administrator Clerk of Circuit Court and Chief Financial Officer ElectionNote: At a General , 1988 Doug Jones and Wilhemina Harvey were electedCommissioners, cWilliam Freeman Jr- Michaeland Jerry Hernandez, i i r 22, MONROE COUNTY, F']...,ORIDA V 0=TE.RSS TAX =SjT T ICAZD a 'TuTk 1� »OR COINI CCT TS nT TIFF C ] , MIr CNNT CCT TCT kf C.0mW T wTT, TWT re a ADMINISTRATOR APPOINIIS � an n1aa s aN Assis tant C narannsCµnfor Aaannrna Administrator Aavaanist f.na Administrator ar and Nr Rescue nf�a�ra::aaxu"n,ennf. �&Road n�NTu�aan� e Fire Tfanair andandCodeCodeanawn� Sound Dfmu¢NT, i Eimergency °aanaamau Airportaa➢aila 'aabaia u Medical WanN Sex-vicesTfanaVailaaa la i ntennaa,ance i ResourcesServices Civil Social Central =an Defense Review Cu a ant fice � , of TaaCTTTre aa TaaffiffHEE HI1,an�ka amu.aaH.�'_, uaar 4 aaa�ane nq es and fnnfo aa°a arra LI k a°aa°nslaator T Tn a a Parks Engineering Systems awaaf att eaa Rand ananl.ua an MANAGEMENT S'ERVI E,, PUBUC S :^ W COMMUNITY SERVICES, GROWTH MANAGEM 1,47` Pf.JBWC WORKS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED SEPTEMER 30, 19B8 TABLE OF CONTENT'S Int2qLc�tor Section PAGE Transmi ttal Letter eft Clerk of the Circuit Court..................... I-XII Financial Section Auditor's Reports........................................................ 1- ICJ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: General Purpose Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups............... 5-8 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable TrustFunds............................................................. 9-10 Combined Statemmt of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Project Funds.................................. 11-14 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types................................... 15 Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position All ProprietaryFund Types.................................................. 16 Notes to the Financial Statements........................................ 17-39 COMBINING STATEMENTS - SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES: General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual............................................. 40-44 §22Lial Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet.................................................. 45-47 Combining Statenxnt of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes inFund Balances........................................................ 48-50 �� 3 i� �v�� �� �����.��x���+V� s-l=TJnued)' Statements of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actualz Community Development Block Grant~.~..~...,~......,~~,....~.~.~~~...~.. 51 Fineand Forfeiture.................................................... 52 Roadand Bridoe...~..~.....~.~,.......~.~.~~~.,.~,,,.,,~~~,~....,~~.... 53 Law [jbnarI............................................................ 54 Tourist Development, District 0ne.........^~.......,~.................. 55 Tourist Development, District Tw}...................................... 56 Tourist Development, District Three.................................... 57 Tourist Development, District Four................~..~.....~........... 58 Tourist Development, District Five...........................~........~ 59 Fire and Ambulance #ID - Big Comm tt Kev..~~...~.~~.~~~^,...~~.~~~...~~ 60 Fire and Ambulance #2 - hIarathmn..........~...............~........... 61 Fire and Ambulance #3 - Conch Kev,........~....~~~............~.~~.... 62 Fire and Ambulance #4 - ISJamQrada..~................................. 63 Fire and Ambulance #5 - Plantation Kew-............................... 64 Fire and Ambulance #0 - South Key Laro0............................... 65 Fire and Ambulance #7 - Ocean Rgef.................................... 66 Fine and Ambulance #IC - Sugarloaf.,,,,,~~,,,,^,~~,,,,,~,,,,,,^,~,~,,,~ 67 Fire and Ambulance #1 - Dig Fine...................................... 08 Fire and Ambulance MA - Long Kev..~.~.....~~~~.....~.~...~.~~~......~~ 69 Fire and Ambulance #IA - Stock Islard.................................. 70 Translator System Service [istrict.......................~.......~.~... 71 Special Road District - Cross Key Watervay Estate3..................... 72 Special Road District - Gulf Drive..................................... 73 Special Road District - Venetian Driwe..........,^.....,~.......~~..... 74 hIarinerS Hospital [hstrict......~~~~..........................,........ 75 Unincorporated Area Service District - Planning, Building andZoning~~......~~~. ......................~......~,~......~~...... 76~77 Unincorporated Area Service [hstrict - Parks and Recreation............ 78 ImpactFees - Roadvays................................................. 79 ImpactFees - Parks~~~.....~~......................................... 00 Impact Fees - Libraries..~.~..~~...~,~~,~,,,~~,~~~,,~,,~,,,,,,,,,,~,,,~ 81 Impact Fees - Solid WaSte.......................~.......~~~~.....~~~^^~ 82 Impact Fees - Police Facihties.....~.................................. 83 Sheriff Safety Seat ~~..~......~~~~..~^.~..............~....... 84 ComprehensiveLand Use Fqao............................................ 85 Debt Service Funds CbmtiningBalance Sheet.................................................. 86 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes inFund Balances....~......~.~....~~~.~~......~~~~~~~~.~.~~~~~,~,~~..~,, 87 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes TAPI r7 nr rf)Krmkrm �Cr VTINUED) PAGES Ca. Funds I I-Vj��t CombingBalance Sheet.................................................... 90 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes inFund Balances........................................................ 91 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual..................................... 92-05 PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES: fn�rise Funds Combining Balance Sheet.................................................. 96-97 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes inRetained Earnings.................................................... T- Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position..................... 99 Municipal Service District - Waste: Revenue Bond Issue - Description........................................ 100 Schedule of Debt Service Re nts................................... 101 Internal Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet.................................................. 102 Combining Statenent of Revenues, Expenses and Changes inRetained Earnings ................................................... 103 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position..................... 104 FIDUCIARY FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS: Trust and,AqTcy Funds Combining Balance Sheet.................................................. 1055-106 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Expendable Trust Funds............................... 107 Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities- AgencyFunds............................................................ 108-109 Account Groups Schedules Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Source............................... 110 Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity................ 111-112 Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets by Function andActivity............................................................ 113-116 Combining Statement of General Long-term Debt and Changes inGeneral Long-Term Debt............................................... 117 Refunding Imp rovaTient Revenue Bonds - Series 1983 Revenue BondIssues - Description............................................... 118 Refunding Improvement Revenue Bonds - Series 1983 Schedule of Debt Service Requirements............................................ 119 Statistical Section PAGES General Government Expenditures by Function.............................. 120-121 General Government Revenues by Source.................................... 122-123 Property Tax Levies and Collections...................................... 124 Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property.................. 125 Property Tax Rates - All Overlapping Governments......................... 126 Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita.................................................. 127 Computation of Direct and Overlapping Debt............................... 122, Computation of Legal Debt Margin......................................... 129 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Debt to Total General Government Expenditure................................. 130 Schedule of Revenue Bond Coverage: Municipal Service District - Waste...................................... 131 Schedule of Insurance in Force........................................... 132-138 Scheduleof Insurance Company............................................ 139 Schedule of Insurance Agency............................................. 140 Salaries and Surety Bonds of Principal Officials......................... 141 Demographic Statistics................................................... 142 Miscellaneous Statistical Data........................................... 143 TenLargest Taxpayers.................................................... 144 Property Value, Construction and Bank Deposits........................... 145 112111 Audit/hrants Coglialce Schedules Mbnrue County Board of County Commissioners Report on Schedule of Federal and State Financial Assistance............ 14-6 Report on Compliance with Laws and Regulations- Federal and State Financial Assistance Program......................... 147-148 Report on Internal Controls - Federal and State Financial Assistance Programs.......................................... 149-151 Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance................................ 152-157 Schedule of State Financial Assistany.................................. 158-161 Notes to Schedule of Federal and State Financial Assistance............. 162-163 Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs............................... 164 ��S� roupvrp �u • fc UNTY ;Dannp 1. Ralbage BRANCH OFFICE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MON E COUNTY P.O. BOX 379 MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 500 WHITEHEAD STREET PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 743-9036 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305)852-9253 TEL. (305►294-4641 Honorable Michael H. Puto Chain-nan, Board of County Coffmissioners Monroe County, Florida April 26, 1989 Dear Mr. Puto: We are pleased to present to you, the Board of County Commissioners, and the citizens of Monroe County, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of Monroe County, Florida for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1988. This report wes prepared by the Finance Department oft Clerk oft Circuit Court. The accompanying financial statements and statistical tables vere prepared in conformance with standards set forth by: 1. The Government Accounting Standards Board 2. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and its Committee on Governmental Accounting and Auditing 3. The State AWitor; State of Florida 4. The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada Responsibility for both the accuracy of the presented data and the completeness and fai mess of the presentation, including all disclosure, rests with the Clerk of the Circuit Court as Chief Financial Officer of Monroe County. We believe the data aspre- sented is accurate in all material aspects; that it is presented in a manner designed to fairly set forth the financial position and results of operations aft County as measured by the financial activity of its various funds; and that all disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain a comprehensive understanding of the County's financial activity have been included. The purpose of this letter is to narratively point out the highlights of the County's financial operations for the past fiscal year. The report contains four in sections: introductory, financial, statistical and single audit. The introductory section wfiich consists of this transmittal letter, the County's organizational chart and list of prin- cipal officials is designed to give the reader of the financial report some basic I background about the County and its financial position. The financial section includes the opinion letter from the auditors, the general purpose financial statements, the notes to the financial statements and the combining statements by fund type. The statistical secti on refl ects soci al, economi c and fi nanci al data on a mul tiyear basi s. The single audit portion oft CAFR is required under the provisions oft Single Audit Act of 1984 and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-128, Audits of State and Local Governments. The Single it Act has all us to use our existing accounting firm to audit all grants, thereby eliminating the need to hire auditors for each separate grant. THE REPORTING ENTITY Monroe County is a Non-Charter County established under the Constitution and the lawss, of the State of Florida. This Comprehensive Annual Report is a County-wide report which discloses the results of operations fort following entities: The Board of County Commissioners, which also encompasses the Monroe County Municipal Services Waste Department and the Monroe County Tourist Development Council, and the following Constitutional Officers: 1. The Clerk oft Circuit Court 2. The Property Appraiser 3. The Sheriff 4. The Supervisor of Elections 5. The Tax Collector This report includes all funds and account groups of governmental operations that are controlled by or dependent upon the County, as deterTnined on the basis of budgetary over- sight, taxing authority, or the County's obligation to fund any deficits that way occur. The Board of County Commissioners is the legislative body for Monroe County, and as such, budgets and provides all the funding used by the various County departments and the separate Constitutional Officers with the exception of fees collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Tax Collector. Under the direction oft Clerk oft Circuit Court, the Finance Department maintains the accounting system fort County's operations including the Supervisor of Elections, and the General Operating Fund of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, wfiich is included in the General Fund. The Clerk oft Ci rcuit Court (Agency Fund), the Property Appraiser, the Sheriff and the Tax Collector maintain their own accounting systems. However, for purposes of this Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the operations of the County as a wfiole, including all oft Constitutional Officers, have been presented. I D AC AL COUNTING AN"' BUDGETARY OONTROLc'IN rp, A U In maintaining and improving the County's accounting system, consideration is given to the adequacy of internal accounting controls. Internal accounting controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding: 1) the safeguard of assets against loss from unauthorized use of disposition; and 2) the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: 1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and 2) the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by manage- ment. All internal control evaluations occur within the above framemrk. We believe that the County's internal accounting controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. Formal budgetary integration is employed as a management control device during the year for all fund types. Budget for all funds are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Monroe County foll ows the laws of Florida regarding the control, adoption and amending of the budget during each fiscal year, however, the County Commission increases the level of budgetary control because they approve all cost center budgetary changes by resolution. CASH ,MANAGEMENT The Finance Department monitors the cash needs oft County on a weekly basis. All operating funds in excess of weekly cash fl ow needs are deposited with the Local Governments Surplus Funds Trust Fund under the management of the Florida Departnent, State Board of Administration. Prior to July 1987, excess operating funds were invested in Certificates of Deposit and U.S. Treasury Bills. III ett During this past fiscal year the monthly average yield ranged Van a high of 7.97% in Sep bomber, 198B to a low of 7.00% in Ppril, 1988. As the fbIlowring graph illustrKes, the investment program State Bodrd of Administration provides has a yield rate of return that is competitive aod higher than U.S. Treasury Bills. MONROE (COUNTY, FLORIDA CADH MANAGEMENT/R&TE COMPARESON 77777" 12 - 4! OCT NOV 93C ZkR FEB MAR APR WAY JMN JUL A116 S3PT MONTHS OF THR YEAR 3 BIB® OF ADMIN l 3 Mo, 7 'BaL 3 O® T-Bul At September 30, 19FBO the County' investnrnts are as fbIlows: Carryi ng Market kncurt Val ue Local Gov ernamt Surplus Funds Trust Furd .55,665,887 $35065,887 U.S. Government Securities 3301,777 3,700,171 Ropurrhase Pgrvearnt 5r�? (XX) 59Q 000 $39,966,664 $39,965,058 During the fiscal yedr the County's interest earnings amounted to 2.997 million dollars, %hich is about a 73) thousanI dollar ircrease when comparY to fiscal year 1987. "I'he following chart presmts a historical perspective of the Ca untwy's investmnt earnings over the past 10 3K.mrs: mRm T RUNBD `D 1®�S 14 1.9 a. _... , _. • M M2 cu 1979 133D 1931 193P 1983 19M 1905 1905 1337 1950 IART THN FISCAL MRS GMRNMONTAL + PROPRIBTAM 0 AIL FUNDS C.aENEI .. GOVERN ':. ToW general ggoverriuu t revenues collerted by Monroe County during the post r amounted to approximately 56m3 imillion dollars. This wwrit includes revenues of the Gpneral Fund amp the SpErial Revenue, D03t Service, Capital Project and Fiduciary rund Types but does not include collections from time Prupriet .ray Funds. Taxes of abut 22.4 million dol l ars q)r o sr the 'largest general goverrynent revenue source with ad valorem taxes accounting for about y , locally iffposed tourist dvvelopurnt W °fix accounting for .4 and art r 2.81, for tie locally imposed gas taxes. The secorO 'largest revenue cate- gory is Intergoverimtal revenues itch includes a variety of state and federal shared grants-in-aid and anounts to about I2.3 million d harem Uorges for services aim°i r"p.se the th i rah largest revenue sourre Aich amounts W over 3.4 imi'l l i l l ars. 'nie charges irclude feescollected by the Tax Collector and the Clark of the Ci It C rt and a variety of W r user charqps. The remaining general government revenues are c asey] o about 2.4 umi M i e n dollars for interest income and 1.7 million dollars for fi ros and for- ei to s. Licenses and pmnits, assessnr tints, and miscellaneous revenues affwnt to ap roxi.- nma.tel ay 4.1 million dnl l ars. V Total general govFrnment expenditures amounted to approximately ®F million dollars less capital project expenditures. The largest category wes public safety at 19.2 million dollars Poll owed ty general government at 14.2 nillion dollars; Approximately 4.5 million dollars were expended U human services, 3.9 million for transportation, 3.8 million for economic environ- ment, 2.1 mdllion for culture and recreation, ®7 million for debt service and .2 million for physical environment. The following graph illustrates a nine-ymr hisix)ry of Itnroe County's general goverrmt revenues: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA GUHWI GUMMMUT RINHWUHR 6D ......... .............................. 50 4D 30 2D - 10 . 7 0 19BO 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 19B7 1988 VMS loll wam a PIP I= CHARGER IVC OMIT NZWKWBOUB Total revenues collected by all fund types including the Sovernmental funds previously, listed above, as well as, the Proprietary Funds (Municipal Service District Waste, Card Sound Bridge) and the Internal Service Funds amounted to $69,242,524 which represents an increase of approximately 13.8 million dollars over the previous fiscal r® The largest source of revenue this year in-the Proprietary Fund Types was c�erges for services amounting to apDroximetely 11.1 million dollars® Total County expenditures for the past year were $62,075,172. The largest funrtional category of expense was public safety at a dap roximatel y 19.2 mi 11 i on dol 1 ars. General Giovernuent amounts to over 17.6 mi 11 i on dollars and Physical Environment exceeded 7.8 million dollars. VI The charts bel.,ow show the proportion of toter., revenues and expenditures attributable to the vari..ous sources and functions: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TOTAL RMKUH FOR 1 Miscellaneous (4«4 ) u i Charges for Services (BA ) Tax se ( . ) Interest ( ) Pines & Forfeitures ( ) intergovernmental (1D ) c nsee it Permits ( .SX) MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TOTAL RiF 'CRRR FOR 1 Physical Rnvtresnznent General Government ( 9x) soonomic Rnviaron ent (6. ) Capital Outlay (2.1 ) Human Services (V. ) Internet Service (5 ) v Transportation (7 ') 4 Debt Service ( ) Culture & Recreation ( ) Public eafety (304 ) V:u:I " 'ue fund balance in the er°al Fund showed significant growth between the years 1984 and 1986. A small decrease occurred in 1 7, however, in 1988 the Fund Balance returned its gmwth pattern as it 1 custra in the fl 1 wi ng graft COUNTY,MONROE FLORIDA GENERAL FUND FUND BALANCE TRENDS 11 1 9 �a D ' 5 4 3 � 1979 13D 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 19W 19B7 1988 LAST TER FISCAL YEARS SPECIAL KW."HIF FUNDS ..,vial Revenue Funds are uscd to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified ses.. Two new Special RE venue Funds were creatcxf i n the I93-7/R8 fiscal year as follows: CDBG sin R abil itation Rug - State of Florida Depa . . t of Qxmnity Affair's Grant fog rehabilitation of 32 units of low incrim., housing at "The Rock" in Marathon. The CDBG Grant was used to leverage private investment for the construction of 10 new units of low inc cm. housing. �E�ens�jve Plan Land AL thorj - Designed to purchase unbuildable property in the _ keys and repackage the property into appropriate lot sizes to meet the new Density and Land Use Plan requireffmts. Property is also purchased for recreational and conser- vational purposes. The combined fund balance ofthese funds amount to $21,147,684 and the following represents an analysis of sources and uses of the Special Revenue Funds for 1-088: Revenues Expenditures Change in and and Fund Fund Transfers In Transfers Out Balances CD BG Housing Rehab Fund $ 932,984 $ 408,484 $ 524,500 Fine & Forfeiture 15,530,719 14,631,504 899,215 Road & Bridge 3,972,633 3,220,263 752,370 Law Library 18,913 -26,923 8,010) Tourist Development Districts 4,312,516 2,9.8,232 1,354,284 Fire and Ambulance Districts 2,970,017 3,339,465 (369,448) Translator System Service District 605,433 570,077 35,356 Special Road Districts 79,826 5,419 74,407 Mariners Hospital District 601,805 419,096 182,700, Uni mor ated Area Service Districts 3,639,301 3,706,147 ( 66,846) Impact Fees 1,854,854 48,795 1,806,059 Sheriff Safety Seat Program 3,225 1,954 1,271 Comprehensive Plan Land Puthority 1,042,361 149,689 892,672 TT,564,587 $ 29,486,048 $6,078,539 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS The general fixed assets oft County are those fixed assets used in the performance of general governmental functions and they exclude the fixed assets of Proprietary Funds. As of September 30, 1988, the general fixed assets oft County amounted to $44,384,700. This amount represents the original cost oft assets and bears no relationship to their present value. Depreciation of general fixed assets is not recognized in the County's accounting system, in accordance with Governmental kcounting Practices. GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT ACCOUNT GROUP The General Long-Term Debt kcount Group is used to account for the unmatured long-term indebtedness of the County excluding the unmatured long-term indebtedness pro- perly recorded in the Proprietary Fund Types. At September 30, 1988, the general long- term debt oft County totalled $3,704,317. IX ENTERPRISE FUNDS These funds were established for County operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprise. The cost (expenses, including depre- ciation) of providing the services tot general public is recovered in whole or in part through user charges. The County accounts for its Municipal Service District Waste System and Card Sound Toll Bridge as enterprise operations. c-- is al vice District Waste - A pending class action lawsuit concerning a fee per residence charge for garbage service was settled on January 20, 1989 in favor of the Member of a class. The judgeyent relative to this settlement has been included in the expenditures and balance sheet and has resulted in net loss of $134,693 for the year ended September 30, 1988. Card Sound B�d - The operations oft County's toll bridge are accounted for in the Card Sound Bridge Fund. Operating revenues generated during the fiscal year amounted to $835,301. Net income before operating transfers totaled $520,262 or an increase of 86% over the prior year. Extensive repairs were made on the Card Sound Road and Toll Bridge during the 1986/87 fiscal year thus accounted fort significant increase in fiscal year 1987/88. T C7 U rl B ADMI NI STRATION During the past fiscal year, the County did not have any general obligation debt. Monroe County has maintained AAA Bond Rating as indicated by the two current revenue bond issues as follows: Bond Issue Ratipq Monroe County Municipal Service District, Refunding Revenue Moody's Imp roveTient Bonds, and Series 1985 Standard & Poor's AAA Monroe County Refunding Improvement Revenue Standard & Poor's AAA Bonds, Series 1983 RISK.MANAGEMENT The County's assets are protected through the risk management program developed and managed by the Risk Management Division oft Personnel Deparb-nent. Under this program wrker's compensation is self-insured and the fund is maintained well within sound financing levels and an adequate reserve has been established. Fleet liability, General liability and other liability program are issued through the private sector. The Risk %nags Division also manages the County's Self-Insurance Program. Under this prognam all County employees a well as the employees oft Constitutional Officers are provided a comprehensive health care plan and to life insurance coverage. The self- insurance program has aided the County's affectiveness in controlling health care costs. LOCAL ECONOMIC. EVENTS During the past fiscal year the County's unempto rate fell to 2.6% as of September 30, 19B8. This is the lowest ranked oft 67 counties in the State of Florida and is significantly I mr than the State rate of 4.W,, and the National rate of 5.5%. Other significant economic events wfiich transpired during the past year include: * The amount of two cent bed tax revenue generated county-wide from the Hotel/MDtel industry in the fiscal year 19M amounted to a 7.4% increase over the previous fiscal year. * County population increased by 2,480 over the previous year and the total civilian labor force increased by 8.4%. * The Value of Building PenrIts in the unincorporated areas of MDnr,oe County reached an all-time high of $130,431,753. * The number of Occupational License Pe isissued over the past year totaled 8,059 which represents a 9.7% overt previous year. FUTURE PROSPECTS Tourism continues to be one oft leading sources of income fort County. This fact is directly related to the unique chain of islands that form the Florida Keys, the beautiful tropical climate and a relaxed vacation environment. The number of persons writing or calling the Florida Keys Visitors Bureau in the 1987 fiscal year vas 117,666 compared to 168,300 in the 1988 fiscal year. XI INDEPENDENT A!1DIT Chapter 11.45 of the Florida Statutes requires an i e dent certified public accoun- tant's financial audit of counties in the State. This re i t has been met for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1TR and the opinion of the auditors has been included in this report. In addition to meeting the re i is set forth in State Statutes, the audit also vas designed to meet the re i is of the Federal Single Audit Act of 1984 and related Ci lar A-128. The auditor's report on the general purpose financial statements and combining and individual fund stataTents and schedules is included in the financial section of this report. The auditor's reports related specifically to the single audit are included in the Single Audit Section. ACMOWLEDGEMENT The preparation of this report could not be accomplished without the efficient and dedicated services of Eva Limbert and the entire staff of the Finance Department. We uld like to express our sincere appreciation to Charles Mansen for his outstanding contribution in preparation of this report. We muld also like to express our appreciation and thanks to Kemp & Green, CPA's who helpedus with their comments and advice. We muld also like to thank Stacy Williams and Diana Gene Collins and the Board of County Commissioners for their interest and support in planning and conducting the financial operations of the County in a reasonable and progressive manner. Sincerely, • 9 a nny L. lhage Tar L. i C.P.A. Clerk rcuit Court Finance Director and Chief Financial Officer XII KEMP GREEN, P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. 0. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE WM. 0, KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Board of County Cominissioners Monroe County, Florida We have audited the general purpose financial statements of Mon me County, Florida and the com- bining, individual fund and account group financial statements and schedules oft County as of September 30, 1988, and fort year then ended, as listed in the table of contents® These financial statements are the responsibility of the County's managEment. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit® We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those stan- dards re ire that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation® We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Monroe County, Florida as of September 30, 19B8, and the results of its operations and its changes in financial position for the year then ended in con- formity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a wfiole and on the combining, individual fund and account group financial statements and schedules® The introductory and statistical sections oft comprehensive annual financial report are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida. Such information has not been subjected tot auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose, combining, individual fund and account group financial statements, and, accor- dingly, vE express no opinion on them. Kemp & Green, P.A. Certified Public Accountants March 27, 19B9 KEMP 1& GREEN, P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. 0. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE 1. 0° KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF ,RVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Board of County Cmrfissioners Monroe County, Florida We have audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida, for the year ended September 30, 1988 and have issued our report thereon dated March 27, 19® Our audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the Standards for A.,rii+ n-F r�un__nl I I V. �v��F NN-9 I U Organizations, D2gra , Activities, arxi Functions, issued by the U.S. General Accounting -_ Office and accordingly included such tests oft accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The manageTient of Monroe County, Florida is responsible fort County's compliance with lam and regulations. In connection with our audit referred to above, w selected and tested tran- sactions and records to determine the County's compliance with lam and regulations non- compliance with is could have a material effect on the general purpose financial statenents oft County® The results of our tests indicate that fort it tested, nroe County, Florida, complied with those provisions of laws and regulations noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the general purpose financial statements. Nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that fort item not tested, Monroe County, Florida was not in compliance with laws and regulations noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the County's general purpose financial statenents. Kemp & Green, P.A. Certified Public Accountants March 27, 1989 2 KEMP ZI GREEN, P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. 0. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE Walt. 0. KELP, C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF LARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Board of County Cartnissioners Monroe County, Florida We have audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida fort year ended September 30, 1988, and have issued our report thereon dated March 27, 1989. As part of our audit, we conducted a study and evaluation of the system of internal accounting control of Monroe County, Florida, to the extent we considered necessary to evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the U.S. General Accounting Office Standards for it of Governmental Org3nizations rams, Activities, and Functions. For the purpose of this report, we have classified the significant internal accounting controls in the following cate- gories: kcounting C�cles Revenues/receipts; Expenditures/disbursements Our study included all oft control categories listed above. The purpose of our study and evaluation was to deterirdne the naturn, timing, and extent of the auditing procedures necessary for expressing an opinion on the entity's financial statements. Our study and evaluation was more limi ted than would be necessary to express an opinion on the system of internal accounting control taken as a whole or on any of the categories of controls identified above. The managaTmt of Monroe County, Florida, is responsible for esta!lishing and maintaining a system of internal accounting control'. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of control procedures. The objectives of a system are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements; in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Because of inherent limitations in any system of internal accounting control, errors or irregularities my nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation oft system to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or that the degree 3 of compliance with the procedures my deteriorate® Our study and evaluation made for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph would net necessarily disclose all material weaknesses in the system. kcordingly, we do not express an opinion an the system of internal accounting control of Monroe County, Florida, taken as a whole or on any of the categories of controls identified in the first paragraph® Ilovever, our study and evaluation disclosed no condition that we believe to be a material weakness. This report is intended solely for the use of management and the cognizant audit agency and should not be used for any other purpose. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution of this report which, upon acceptance by Monroe County, Florida, is a matter of public record. Kemp & Green, P.A. Certified Public Accountants March 27, 19B9 GENERAL RUM The general fi is the general operating fund eft County® It is used to account for all financial resources except for those required to be accounted for in another fund. The general fiA has a greater number and variety of revenue sources than any other fund, and its resources finance a wider range of activites. The resources of the general fund are ordinarily largely expended and replenished on a annual basis. SPECIAL REVENGE RJNDS The special revenue funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted by law or administrative action for specific purposes. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS The debt service funds are used to account for the payr;ent of principal , interest and expenditures on long-terTn debts, other than debt payable from the operations of enterprise s® CAPITAL PROJECTS RJNDS The capital project funds are used to account for financial resources segregated for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by enterprise operations. ENTERPRISE FUNDS The enterprise funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user charges, or where periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, managEment control, accountability or other purposes. INTERNPL SERVICE FUNDS The internal service funds are used to account fort financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the County, or to other governments, on a cost®reimburseTent basis. FIIXJCIARY FUNDS The Trust and Agency funds are used to account for the assets held by the County as Trustee or agent for individuals, private organizations and other governments. GE ASSETSNEPA IFI Tvcn AL-U The general fixed assets account group is used to account for those assets used in performance of general governmental functions and exclude the fixed assets of proprietary funds. GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT The general long-term debt account group is used to account for the County's liability for special revenue bonds and other general long-term obligations, which are not obli- gations of the enterprise funds. MORROB COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES ---------------------------------------------------------- Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- ASSETS Cash and Invest eats $ 11,133,467 $ 21,279,237 $ -- S 1,819,992 Cash with Fiscal Agent -- -- 5,656 -- Accounts Receivable: Delinquent Taxes 1,578 3,368 -- -- Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes (79) (168) -- -- Delinquent Waste Collection Fees -- -- - -- Allowance for Uncollectible Waste Collection Fees -- -- -- -- Other 100,759 326 -- -- Allowance for Other Uncollectible -- -- - -- Mortgage Note Receivable -- 524,500 -- -- Due frot Other Funds 812,686 211,223 -- -- Due froa Other Govern ental Units 1,749,444 1,114,142 -- -- Inventory of Land for Resale -- 36,994 -- -- Restricted Assets; Cash -- -- 21,483 -- Invest eats at Cost or ortized Cost - -- 792,337 -- Accrued Interest Receivable -- -- -- -- Property, Net of Accu ulated Depreciation -- -- - -- oust Available for Debt Service -- -- -- -- ount to be Provided for Retire tent of General Long-Ter& Debt -- - -- -- Deferred Charges - -- -- -- -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Total Assets S 13,797,855 $ 23,169,622 $ 819,476 $ 1,819,992 5 FIDUCIARY PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FUND TYPE ACCOUNT GROUPS TOTAL ____________________________ _____________ ______________ _____________ _______________ General General Internal Trust Fixed Long-Term Ne arandu Enterprise Service & Agency Assets Debt Only ______________ _____________ _____________ ______________ _____________ _______________ $ 4,071,450 $ 1,782,723 $ 4,125,308 $ - $ -- $ 44,212,177 18,265 __ __ _- 23,921 4,946 (241) 1,275,883 -- - -® -- 1,275,883 (781,675) -- -- -- -- (781,675) 237,342 135,743 24,462 -- -- 498,632 (45,132) -- -- -® - (45,132) 524,500 -- 41,539 -® -- -- 1,065,448 189,852 -® -- -- -- 3,053,438 ®- -® -- -® -- 36,994 251,230 - -- -- -- 272,713 4,300,777 -- -- -- - 5,093,114 8,230 -® -- -- -- 8,230 8,084,682 16,459 - 44,384,700 -- 52,485,841 813,820 813,820 ® -- -- - 2,890,497 2,890,497 373,365 -- -® -- -- 373,365 ______________ ________®____ ------------- _____________ _______________ $ 17,984,269 $ 1,976,464 $ 4,149,770 $ 44,384,700 $ 3,704,317 $ 111,806,465 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements® 6 MOROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - CONTINUED ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES ___®®®____----®®__®®®®___®®_______________________________ Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects ______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY --------------------------- Liabilities: Accounts Payable S 1,492,334 $ 550,706 $ $ 12,000 Contracts Payable 119,638 101,558 - 289,031 Claims Payable Due to Others ®- Due to Customer Attorneys Accrued Liabilities 360,056 221,162 -- ®- Deposits in Escrow 130,821 13,018 675 Payable from Restricted Assets; Contracts Payable _- Accrued Interest Revenue Bonds -- Due to Other Funds 34,240 746,003 Due to Other Governments 1,152,181 571 ®® ®- Deferred Revenues 15,429 63,294 ®® ®® Matured Bonds Payable Matured Interest Payable -® -® 5,656 -- Matured Premium Payable Tax Anticipation Notes 125,000 280,128 -- -- Due to Customers Long-Teri Debt Other Liabilities 38,118 4,909 ®®-------------- _______________ _____________ _____________ Total Liabilities 3,469,082 2,021,338 5,656 301,706 ______________ ___________®___ ------------- _____________ Fund Equity: Contributed Capital Investment in General Fixed Assets ®- Retained Earnings: Reserved for Revenue Bond Retirement ®® ®® ®® ®® Unreserved ®® ®® ®® Fund Balances: Reserved for Encumbrances 102,365 485,452 -- ®- Reserved for Library, Children's Root 12,905 ®® ®® - Reserved for Inventory ®- 36,994 -- -- Reserved for Land Acquisition ®® 1,164,414 Reserved for Mortgage Loans ®- 524,500 -- -- Unreserved 10,213,603 18,936,324 813,820 1,518,286 ______________ _______________ ------------- __--_________ Total Fund Equity 10,328,113 21,147,684 813,820 1,518,286 ______________ --------------- ________®____ _________--__ Total Liabilities and Fund Equity S 13,797,855 $ 23,169,622 $ 819,476 $ 1,819,992 7 FIDUCIARY PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FDBU TYPE ACCOUNT GROUPS TOTAL ---------------------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- --------------- General General Internal Trust Fixed Loog-Term Humoraudum Enterprise Service & Agency &aoeta Debt Only -------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ________ � 240,259 31,871 2,367.170 139,169 248 - - - 649,644 - 1,179,066 - - - 1.179,066 - - 2,091,614 - - 2,091,614 190,243 - - - - 190,243 202,436 17,011 - - - 800,665 50 - - - - 144,564 72,276 - - - - 72'276 298,046 - - - - 298,046 8,895,167 - - - - 8,895.167 285,149 56 - - - 1,065.448 - - 2,044,323 - - 3,197,681 - - - - - 78.712 15,000 - - - - 15,000 144 - - - - 5,800 3,121 - - - - 3,121 - - - - - 405,728 380,487 - - - - 380,487 - - - - 3,704,317 3,704,317 358 3,455 - - - 47,499 -------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ________ 10,721,905 1,231,707 4,135,937 - 3,704/317 25,592,248 -------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ________ 2,808,40 - - - - 2,808,410 - - - 44,384,700 - 44,384,700 4,189,915 - - - - 4,189,915 264,039 744,757 - - - 1,008,796 - - - - - 587,817 - - - - - 12,805 - - - - - 36,994 - - - - - 1,164,414 - - - - - 524,500 - - 13,833 - - 31,495,866 -------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ________ 7,262,364 744,757 13,833 44,384,700 - 86,214,217 -------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ________ S 17,984,269 S 1,976,464 4,149,770 44,384.700 S 3,704,317 111,806.465 ======= ======~ ======= ======== ======= ======== The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. 8 ORROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHARGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES AND EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEBER 30, 1988 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES ----------------------------------------------------------- Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects --------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Revenues: Taxes $ 8,405,561 $ 24,014,343 -- Licenses & Permits 264,597 1,655,166 -- -- Intergovernmental Revenues 7,37 ,211 3,898,355 223,250 773,407 Charges for Services 3,117,995 268,781 -- -- Fines & Forfeitures 67,306 1,637,822 -- -- Interest Income 769,431 1,424,993 55,519 120,835 iscellaneous Revenues 213,157 1,947,155 -- 21,000 --------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Total Revenues 20,212,258 34,846,615 278,769 915,242 --------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Expenditures: Current., General Government 12,261,762 1,977,152 -- -- Public Safety 13,882,223 5,238,135 -- -- Physical Environment 174,732 -- -- -- Transportation 745,060 3,201,320 --Economic Environment 474,814 3,366,116 --Human Services 4,060,026 419,096 -- -- Culture and Recreation 1,265,074 831,763 -- -- Debt Service 442,313 4,205 213,209 488 Capital Outlay -- -- -- 1,321,506 --------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Total Expenditures 33,306,004 15,038,387 213,209 1,321,994 --------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (13,093,746) 19,808,228 65,560 l406,752► --------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers fro& Other Funds 14,646,012 193,472 -- 244,822 Transfers to Other Funds (675,184) (14,447,661) -- -- Capital Lease Acquisition 686,754 -- -- -- Proceeds fro& Mortgage Loans -- 524,500 -- -- --------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 14,657,582 (13,729,689) -- 244,822 --------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses 1,563,836 6,078,539 65,560 (161,930) Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 8,764,937 15,069,145 748,260 1,680,216 --------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 10,328,773 $ 21,147,684 $ 813,820 $ 1,518,286 9 FIDUCIARY FUND TYPE TOTAL ------------- --------------- Expendable Mezorandut Trust Only ------------- --------------- $ -- $ 32,419,904 -- I,919,763 - 12,269,223 51,574 3,438,650 - I,705,128 - 2,370,778 4,542 2,195,554 ------------- --------------- 56,416 56,309,300 ------------- --------------- -_ 14,238,914 51,121 19,171,479 ®- 174,732 -- 3,946,380 -- 3,841,530 -- 4,479,122 -- 2,096,537 -- 660,215 -- 1,321,506 ------------- --------------- 51,121 49,930,715 _____________ _______________ 5,295 6,378,585 ------------- --------------- -® 15,084,306 -- (15,122,845) ®® 656,754 -m 524,500 ------------- --------------- -- 1,172,715 ------------- --------------- 5,295 7,551,300 6,539 26,271,096 ------------- --------------- $ 13,633 $ 33,822,396 The motes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements® 10 MOROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL, SPECIAL REVENUE, DEBT SERVICE AND CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 GENERAL FUND TYPES ----------------------------------------------- Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes $ 8,428,358 $ 8,405,561 $ (22,797) Licenses & Permits 164,357 264,597 100,240 Intergovernmental Revenues 8,235,070 7,374,211 (860,859) Charges for Services 2,358,899 -3,117,995 759,096 Fines & Forfeitures 27,350 67,306 39,956 Interest Income 328,600 769,431 40,831 Miscellaneous Revenues 174,773 213,157 38,384 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 19,717,407 20,212,258 494,851 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current; General Government 12,953,994 12,261,762 692,232 Public Safety 14,319,725 13,882,223 437,502 Physical Environment 240,060 174,732 65,328 Transportation 1,004,117 75,060 259,057 Economic Environment 1,08 ,411 474,814 609,597 Human Services 5,049,486 4,060,026 989,460 Culture and Recreation 1,342,128 1,265,074 77,054 Debt Service 105,681 442,313 (336,632) Capital Outlay -- -- -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 36,099,602 33,306,004 2,793,598 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (16,382,195) (13,093,746) 3,288,449 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses); Reserve for Contingencies (106,662) -- 106,662 Transfers from Other Funds 14,798,876 14,646,012 (152,864} Transfers to Other Funds (1,105,595) (675,18 ) 430,411 Capital Lease Acquisition 470,456 686,754 216,298 Proceeds from Mortgage Loans -- -- -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 14,057,075 14,657,582 600,507 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (2,325,120) 1,563,836 3,888,956 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 8,764,937 8,764,937 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 6,439,817 $ 10,328,773 $ 3,888,956 11 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TYPES DEBT SERVICE FUND TYPES ----------------------------------------------- _______________________________________-_ Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) _______________ _______________ _____®____®____ ------------- _____________ -__,____®____ $ 24,456,111 S 24,014,343 S (441,768)$ 866,000 1,655,166 789,166 -- -- - 5,053,543 3,898,355 (1,155,188} 223,250 223,250 - 146,100 268,781 122,681 -- -- -- 1,076,646 1,637,822 561,176 - -- -- 315,860 1,424,993 1,109,133 - 55,519 55,519 31,165 1,947,155 1,915,990 -_ __ __ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 31,945,425 34,846,615 2,901,190 223,250 278,769 55,519 _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 4,020,001 1,977,152 2,042,849 - -- -® 6,552,438 5,238,135 1,314,303 7,097,247 3,201,320 3,895,927 - -- -m 6,443,433 3,366,716 3,076,717 - 562,353 419,096 143,257 -- -- - 1,156,670 831,763 324,907 -_ -- -- 4,755 4,205 550 216,000 213,209 2,791 _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 25,836,897 15,038,387 10,798,510 216,000 213,209 2,791 _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 6,108,528 19,808,228 13,699,700 7,250 65,560 58,310 ____®__________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ __®___-____-_ (1,254,800) -- 1,254,800 (731,418) -- 731,418 193,472 193,472 -- -- - -- (14,674,459) (14,447,661) 226,798 (7,5931 ®- 7,593 -- 524,500 524,500 -_ ----------------- _______________ _______________ _____®_______ _____________ _____-_____-_ (15,735,787) (13,729,689) 2,006,098 (739,011) -- 739,011 _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ _____________ (9,627,259) 6,078,539 15,705,798 1731,761) 65,560 797,321 15,069,145 15,069,145 -- 748,260 748,260 -- --------------- _______________ _______________ __®__________ ------------- _____________ $ 5,441,886 $ 21,147,684 $ 15,705,798 $ 16,499 $ 813,820 $ 797,321 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. 12 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL, SPECIAL REVENUE, DEBT SERVICE AND CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND TYPES ----------------------------------------------- Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable( _______________ _____________®_ -__________-___ Revenues; Taxes $ __ S __ $ ®_ Licenses & PermitsIntergovernmental Revenues 1,023,407 113,407 (250,000) Charges for Services Fines 6 Forfeitures -- _- -- Interest Income -- 120,835 120,835 Miscellaneous Revenues 21,000 21,000 -- --------------- --------------- _______________ Total Revenues 1,044,407 915,242 (129,165) _______________ _____________®_ -________--____ Expenditures; Current: General Government -- -- ®- Public Safety Physical Environment -- ®- ®- Transportation -® -- ®- Econo is Environment -- --Human Services -- -- ®® Culture and Recreation -- __ ®® Debt Service 488 488 _- Capital Outlay 3,358,996 1,321,506 2,037,490 _______________ _______________ _______________ Total Expenditures 3,359,484 1,321,994 2,037,490 _______________ _______-_______ Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (2,315,011) (401,752) 1,908,325 _______________ _______________ _______________ Other Financing Sources (Usespa Reserve for Contingencies (81,552) ®- 81,552 Transfers from Other Funds 755,083 244,822 (510,261) Transfers to Other Funds Capital Lease Acquisition -- -® -® Proceeds from Mortgage Loans _______________ _______________ _______________ Total Other Financing Sourcest(Uses) 673,531 244,822 (428,709) _______________ _______________ _______________ Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures 6 Other Uses (1,641,5461 {161,930) 1,479,616 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 1,680,216 1,680,216 __ _______________ _______________ _______________ Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 S 38,670 S 1,518,286 $ 1,479,616 13 TOTAL - RBMORADUM ONLY -------_---_®®®___-----___®®_-__-__®®_--®_-_-_- Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) _____________d_ --------------- ___--a___®_--__ $ 32,884,469 $ 32,419,904 $ (464,565) 1,030,357 1,919,763 889,406 14,535,270 12,269,223 (2,266,047) 2,504,999 3,386,776 881,777 1,103,996 1,705,128 601,132 644,460 2,370,778 1,726,318 226,938 2,181,312 1,954,374 --------------- --------------- _e__®__-_--®_-- 52,930,489 56,252,884 3,322,395 --------------- ---------d__6®- ____--_----__®_ 16,973,995 14,238,914 2,735,081 20,872,163 19,120,358 1,751,805 240,060 174,732 65,328 8,101,364 3,96,380 4,154,984 7,527,844 3,81,530 3,686,314 5,611,839 4,479,122 1,132,717 2,498,798 2,096,837 401,961 326,924 660,215 (333,291) 3,358,996 1,321,506 2,037,490 --------------- --------------- _----m_®-_--®__ 65,511,983 49,879,594 15,632,389 --------------- --------------- ------------®__ (12,581, 94) 6,373,290 18,954,784 --------------- -------------®_ ---_--_®_-_---- (2,17 ,432) A_ 2,17 ,432 15,747, 31 15,084,306 (663,125) (15,787,647) (15,122,845) 664,802 470,456 686,754 216,298 __ 524,500 524,50a --------------- _-_------_-®— —------------- (1,744,192) 1,172,715 2,916,907 --------------- --------------- -_-_----_____-- (14,325,686) 7,56,005 21,871,691 26,262,558 26,262,558 -- --------------- --------------- ----_--a_---___ $ 11,936,872 S 33,808,563 $ 21,871,691 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. 14 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Internal Total Enterprise Service (Memoranda Funds Funds Only) ------------- ------------- ------------- Operating Revenues: Tolls $ 835,301 $ -- S 835,301 Cbarges for Services 6,538,224 3,754,430 10,292,654 Property Taxes and Franchise Fees 832,609 -- 832,609 Miscellaneous Revenue 15,670 2,309 17,979 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Operating Revenue 8,221,104 3,756,739 11,978,543 --------------- --------------- --------------- Operating Expenses: Personal Services 2,298,497 172,589 2,471,086 Professional Services 2,834,293 109,562 2,943,855 Depreciation Expense 993,212 2,71 995,953 Repairs and Maintenance 606,603 4, 16 611,019 Asserted and Paid Claims -- 3,085,255 3,085,255 Otber Operating Expenses 1,229,704 24,557 1,254,261 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Operating Expense 7,962,309 3,399,120 11,361,429 --------------- --------------- --------------- Operating Income (Loss) 259, 95 357,619 617,11 --------------- --------------- --------------- Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses): Taxes 8,815 -® 8,815 Operating Grants 319,810 -- 319,810 Interest Income 580,477 45,579 626,056 Interest Expenses and Fiscal Charges (783,028) -- (783,028) --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) 126,074 45,579 171,653 --------------- --------------- --------------- Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers 385,569 403,198 788,767 --------------- --------------- --------------- Operating Transfers; Transfers from Other Funds - 41,539 41,539 Transfers to Other Funds (31000) -- (3,000) --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Operating Transfers (3,000) 41,539 38,539 --------------- --------------- --------------- Net Income (Loss) 382,569 444,737 827,306 Retained Earnings - October 1, 1987 6,879,795 300,020 7,179,815 --------------- --------------- --------------- Retained Earnings - September 30, 1988 S 7,262,364 S 744,757 $ 8,007,121 'rhe notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. 15 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHARGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION ALL PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Internal Total Enterprise Service (Memorandum Funds Funds Only) --------------- --------------- _______________ Sources of Working Capital: Operations Net Income (Loss) S 382,569 444,737 827,306 Items Not Requiring (Providing) Working Capital: Depreciation and Depletion 993,212 2,741 995,953 Amortization of Deterred Charges 26,765 26,765 Amortization of Capital Appreciation on 1985 Refunding Improvement Bonds 153,619 153,619 Increase (Decrease) in Accrued Compensated Absences 20,64 5 5,6 40 26,285 --------------- --------------- --------------- Working Capital Provided (Used) by Operations 1,576,810 4 5 3,118 2,029,928 Increase in Due to Customers 380,487 380,487 --------------- --------------- --------_______ Total Sources (Uses) of Working Capital 1,957,297 453,118 2,410,415 --------------- --------------- _______________ Uses of Working Capital: Additions to Property, Plant and Equipment 1,033,540 3,448 1,036,988 Net Increase in Restricted Assets 2,017,817 2,017,817 Net Decrease in Current Liabilities Payable from Restricted Assets 121,487 121,487 Retirement of Long-Teri Debt and Portions Becoming Current 280,000 280,000 --------------- --------------- _______________ Total Uses of Working Capital 3,452,844 3,448 3,456,292 --------------- --------------- --------------- Met Increase/(Decrease) in Working Capital S (1,4 9 5,547 449,670 $ I,045,877 Components of Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital; Cash & Investments S (11519,168)$ 927,280 $ (591,888) Accounts Receivable 75,603 (239,360) 063,757) Due from Other Government 38,464 41,539 80,003 Interest Receivable (2,747) (2,747) Accounts Payable 396,019 (749) 395,270 Contracts Payable (60,252) (60,252) Claims & Judgments Payable (190,243) (280,815) (471,058) Due to Other Funds (210,405) 8,619 (201,786) Accrued Wages Payable (18,274) (5,075) (23,3491 Accrued Taxes and Retirement Payable (4,212) (926) (5,138) Other Current Liabilities (3 32) (843) (1,17 5) --------------- --------------- --------------- Wet Increase/(Decrease) in Working Capital (1,495,547)$ 449,670 $ (1,045,877) The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. 16 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENT'S SEPT-EMBER 30 1988 NOTE I - SLIMY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies and the presentation of the financial report of Monroe County, Florida have been designed to CQnfhnn to generally accepted accounting principles as appli- cable to governmental units" in accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (EQSG). GPS8 embodies the official pronouncements previously issued by the National Council on Governmental Accounting (NCGA). The following is d summary of the significant accounting policies. R� rtf E tf - Monroe County is a Non-Charter County established under the Constitution and the laws of the State of Florida. There are Six offices elected County-wide, which are as follows: Board nf County Commissioners, composed of five members, [Jerk nf Circuit Court, Property Appraiser, Sheriff, Supervisor of Elections and Tax Collector. The Board of County C=rissiOnerS is the legislative body for Monroe County and as such budgets and provides all the funding used by the separate Constitutional Offices with the exception of fees collected by the Clerk of Circuit Court and the Tax Collector. Under the direction Of the Clerk Of Circuit Court, the Monroe County Finance Department maintains the accounting system for the County's operations, including those of the Supervisor of Elections and Clerk Of Circuit Court, which are included in the General Fund, but excluding those of the Property Appraiser, Sheriff and Tax Collector, each Of which main- tains its own accounting System. The operations of the County as a whole, however, including all the Constitutional Offices, have been combined in these financial statements. For financial reporting purposes, the County includes all funds and account groups Of governmental operations that are controlled by or dependent upon the County, as detemhned On the basis Of budgetary oversight, taxing authority, the O]unty's obligation to fund any deficits that may occur or Other generally accepted manifestations of oversight. Sufficient Oversight responsibility by the County Commission has been determined for the Comprehensive Plan Land Authority of Monroe County and, as a result, it has been included in the Cuunty/s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended September 30, 1988. Services provided by the County and accounted for within these financial statements include police services for unincorporated areas of the County, health and social services, emergency medical services, cultural and recreational programs, solid MSte services and Other governmental services. Basis Of Presentation - The accounts Of the County are Organized On the basis Of funds and account grouFso each ofwhich is considered a separate accounting entity. Fund structures, vfiere applicable, have been designed to comply with all pequirunents of the bond resolu- tions. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a Set of separate self-balancing 17 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 NOTE I ® SLFMY OF SIC44IFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) accounts comprised of its assets, liabilities, equities, revenues and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. The various funds are grouped by type in the financial state- ments. The following fund types and account groups are used by the County: Governmental Fund Types: General Fund - The General fund is the general operating fund of the County. All general ,E;x—revenues and other receipts that are not required either legally or by generally accepted accounting principles to be accounted for in other funds are accounted for in the General Fund. General operating funds oft Property Appraiser, Sheriff and Tax Collector represent sub funds of the County's General Fund that are held and accounted for individually, but presented herein with the balance of the Board of County Commissioners' operating funds. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than those associated with expendable trusts or major capital projects) requiring separate accounting because of legal or regulatory provisions or administrative action. Debt Service Funds ® Debt Service Funds are used to account for the paynent of principal , interest and other expenditures related to long-ten-n debt, other than bonds and loans payable from the operations of Enterprise Funds. Capital Project Funds - Capital Project Funds are used to account for financial resources segregated fort —acquisition or construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by enterprise operations. Proprietary Fund Types: Enterprise ® Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the stated intent is that the cost (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user charges or where periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is deemed appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability or other purposes. 18 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO rrMTKIFn FINANCIAL STATEMEWS, SE ER 30, 1W NOTE 1 ® SURMY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Internal Service Funds ® Internal Service Funds are used to account fort fi nancing of goods or services provided by one department to other departments oft County or to other government units on a cost reimbursemnt basis. Fiduciary Fund Types: Lp22dable T st Fu s - Expendable Trust Funds are generally used in instances where legally mandated or where a formal legal trustee relationship exists. Both principal and income may be expended in the course oftheir designated operations. Funds ® Agency Funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. Agency Funds am merely clearing accounts for assets held by a government as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments or other funds. Account ups® General Fixed Assets Account CThis account is established to account for all fixed assets of the County, other than those accounted for in the Enterprise and Internal Service Funds. .general Lon Te bt count u - This account group is established to account for the long-term debt oft County financed from governmental funds. Basis of kcounting ® Basis of accounting refers; to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made regardless of the measurement focus applied. The modified accrual basis of accounting is followed in the Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust and Agency Fund. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities oft current period. Expenditures are recorded wfien the related fund liability is incurred. Exceptions to this general rule include. (1) accumulated sick pay and accumulated vacation pay, wbich are not recorded as expenditures; (2) prepaid it , which are reported only on the Balance Sheet and do not affect expenditures; and (3) principal and interest on general long-term debt, which are recognized Wen due. Budgets for GoverTwntal Funds are also prepared on the modified accrual sis® 19 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA N O STATEMEM TES To SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 NOTE 1 ® SLMMRY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Inapplying the susceptibility-to-accrual concept to inter goverTmntal revenues, thee legal and contractual requirements of the numerous individual programs are used as guidance. There are, however, essentially bAu types ofthese revenues. In one, monies must be expended on the specific purpose or project before any amounts will be paid to the County; therefore, revenues are recognized based upon the expenditures recorded. In the other, monies are virtually unrestricted as to purpose of expenditure and substantially irrevo- cable; i.e., revocable only for failure to comply with prescribed compliance requirements, such as with equal employnent opportunity. These resources are reflected as revenues at the time of receipt or earlier if they meet the availability criterion. Licenses and its, charges for services, and miscellaneous revenues (except investment earnings) are recorded as revenues when received in cash, use they are generally not measurable until actually received. Investment earnings and most fines and forfeitures are recorded as earned since they are measurable and available. Proprietary Funds use the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized in the period in is they are earned and expenses are recognized in the period incurred. The following are the statutory procedures followed by the Board of County Commissioners in establishing the budget for Monroe County. 1) On or before May I of each year, the Sheriff; the Clerk of Circuit Court; the Tax Collector, and the Supervisor of Elections shall each submit to the Board of County Commissioners a tentative budget for their respective offices for the ensuing fiscal year. 2) Within fifteen days after certification oft ad valorem tax roll by the Property Appraiser, the County Budget officer submits to the Board a proposed budget for the fiscal year commencing the following October 1. The budget includes proposed expen- ditures and the means of financing them. 3) By Board resolution, a tentative budget is submitted to the public. Public hearings are held to obtain taxpayer comments. 4) Fifteen days after adoption oft tentative budget, a final budget is sutmitted for review and adoption at a final public 4-eacing. 20 "ROE COUM, FLnDTnA NOTES To CrMT111M r NANCIAL STAMENTS �"�1�1 VL_U I I SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 NOTE I - SUVARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) 5) Prior to, or on September 30, the County's budget is legally enacted through passage of a resolution. Accordingly all fund types have an adopted budget as required by Florida Statute 129.03. 6) During the year, the County Administrator acts on intradepartmental budget changes that do not alter the total revenue or expenditures budgeted to a cost center. All other budget changes (whether they are transfers between departments or alterations of total revenues or expenditures in a fund) are approved by the Board. The budgetary data pre- sented herein was amended by the and during the year in a legally perTnissible manner. 7) Florida Statute 129, Section 7, as amended in 1978, provides that only expenditures in excess of total fund budgets are unlawful. However, because the Board acts on all budget changes between cost centers, this becomes the level of control. 8) Budgeted to Actual Expenditure reports are employed as a management control device during the year for all fund types. 9) Budgets for governmental funds are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), except for revenues and expenditures relative to tax anticipation notes. 10) All appropriations lapse at year end. Inv - Inventory is valued at the lower of cost or market. Inventory in the Comprehensive Plan Land Authority (Special Revenue) consists of land purchased for resale. The cost is recorded as an expenditure when items are purchased. Cost records are main- tained wfiich specifically identify the unit of inventory and related cost. Reported inven- tories are equally offset by a fund balance reserve which indicates that they do not constitute "available spendable resources." Investments ® Investments, with the exception ofthose held by the deferred compensations plans, —arestated at cost, which approximates market. Investments held by the deferred compensation plans are stated at market value. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners is cash and investments oft County, excluding those held and accounted for by the separate Constitutional Officers and those requiring or benefi ting by separate investment. This gives the County the ability to maxi- mize its yield on the short-term investment of cash, increasing its interest income accor- dingly. 21 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 198B NOTE 1 - SLtWY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Interest earned on pooled investments is allocated to the participating funds based on their average daily balance. Individual fund deficits are ignored in the allocation of interest® General Fixed Assets - General Fixed Assets are recorded as expenditures in the General Fund, Capital Project Funds and other Governmental Fund types at the time of purchase and are capitalized at cost in the General Fixed Asset Account u ® Fixed assets consisting of certain improvaTents including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewlks, drainage systems and lighting systems have not been capitalized. Gifts or contributions are recorded in General Fixed Assets at fair market value at the time eived® There is no depreciation expense recorded on General Fixed sets® Enterprise and Internal Service Fund Fixed Assets - Additions to Enterprise and Internal Service Fund Fixed Assets are stated at cost. Depreciation has been provided using the straight-line method. The estimated useful lives of various classes of depreciable fixed assets are as follow: Life ® Years Buildings and other improvements 10 ® 20 Machinery and equipment 3 ® 10 Sanitary landfill sites I - 10 Imp roveTmts other than buildings 50 Capital Lease Obli2tions ® Capital lease obligations for non-Enterprise Funds are accounted for in t4e- General Long-Term Debt Account Group® The capitalized lease obliga- tions are stated at the original fair market value of leased assets capitalized, less payTffts since the inception aft lease discounted at the implicit rate of interest in the lease. Also, in the year art asset is acquired by capital lease, the expenditure for the asset and the offsetting amount of the financing source are reflected in the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances. Assets acquired under capital leases in non-Enterprise Funds are accounted for in the General Fixed Asset Account Gaup® Capital lease obligations of Enterprise Funds and the cost of assets so acquired are reflected in the accounts afthose funds. Unamortized Debt E ® Unamortized debt expense is amortized by using the straight-line method avert life aft debt in Enterprise Funds. 22 "por mi iK7 M OPT nA �f-1�Iln NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 NOTE I ® SLNIARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Encumbrances ® Encumbrance accounting, under wiiich pirchase orders are recorded to reserve TFa7t-Portion oft applicable appropriation, is employed in the Governmental fund types. Encumbrances are not the equivalent of expenditures; therefore, the erg umbrances are reported as reservations of fund balances at year end® E2pLrt Taxes ® Property taxes, based on assessed values at January 1, become due and payable on November 1st of each r® A four percent discount is allowed if the taxes are paid in November, with the discount declining by one percent each month thereafter. Taxes become delinquent on April 1st of each year; and tax certificates fort full amount of any unpaid taxes and assessments must be sold not later than June 1st of each r® No accrual for the property tax levy becoming due in November of 1988 is included in the accompanying financial statements, since such taxes are collected to finance expenditures oft subsequent period. Total Columns on Combined Statements - Overview - Total columns on the combined Statements ® Overview (General Purpose Financial Statements) are captioned "MemorandLin Only' to indi- cate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis® Data in these col Mrs do not present financial position, results of operations or changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, and such data is not com- parable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. NOTE 2 ® CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash and investments consist oft following at September 30, 19P8: Cash and Restricted Cash Investments and Investments Total Amount invested in County's pooled cash program $34,873,550 $ 792,337 $35,665,887 Other cash and investments 9,338,627 4,573,490 13,912,117 Total $44,212,177 $ 5,365,827 $49,578,004 23 MONROE CUM7, FLORI DA NOTES TO COMINED FINMCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMERR 30, 1.988 NOTE 2 - CASH MD IN ES (Cmitinued). n- orida Statutp 1.25.31 auflurizes t County to "invest sur�Aus funds in the followng: a) the Local Cmerment SurlAus Funds Trust FUnd under tp e. mamgmmt of tfe State Board of AdlliTlistraflon b) negotiable direct o6lic.pticw,u�s of, or ol.fligatims of vtrich tJv, principal aryl int"West are uncmd-itionally quaranteW 1.)y the N'J.,S. Goverrmit c) interest txmrirag time defmits or savings accounts in banks arum savings and "loans orqanized under state laws or doing business 'in and situatz] 'in tle state, PmVided collateral requirunmts are met d) obligations of the Fbderal Hme Loan Wrtgage Cbrporation e) obliTtions of the FMeral National Wrtgage Association Na posits - At year Erin, the Board of Courty Ccrm�ssi ane.rs had dunand. &.1usilms of $8,013,727. Dm3M and tinip d'eposits are fully insured in accordance with Florida Statutp. 280; which establ ished tLe multiple financial institution collateral pool. Investnmts - 11L., Board's investomts at year erd are show below. The Cbvernarnt securi- Z�� ties are held by a third party custodian in the Courity's nme. Tbe rerurthase ag"irnt is collateralized pursuiant to norida StatAitp- 1.255.31. The collateral is held by a third party custodian in -the County's name. Carrying Market Amunt Value Local Covemymt Surplus Funds Trust Fund $ 35,669, 87 $ 355,Tk_5,b8-I U.S. GDvemymt Securities 3,701,777 3,700,171, Repurd,ase Agrr*vmt 5999,000 599,(XX) $ 39,%C),664. $ 39,065,058 Other Constibiti(xial Officers - rkmind &posits of ttLe Constituflortal Officers at September ,f,_1 nted to $1,597,613. These deposits a fully insured in accordance with Florida Statute 280; which established the multip�le firencial institution collateral pool. 24 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENT SEFMER 30, 1988 NOTE 3 - INTERFUND BALANCES Individual fund interfund receivable and payable balances at September 30, 1988 are: Interfund Interfund Fund Receivable — Payable General Fund $ 812,686 $ 34,240 Special Revenue Funds: Coffmunity Develd Block Grant - 90,583 Fine and Forfeiture - 4,881 Road and Bridge 73,373 13,060 Law Library - 671 Tourist Develd District I - 58,181 Tourist Develd District 2 58,898 - Tourist Develd District 3 58,792 Tourist Develd District 4 19,506 - Tourist Develd District 5 - 701,015 Fire and Ambulance District 1B - 1,314 Fire and Ambulance District 2 - 5,890 Fire and Ambulance District 3 20 181 Fire and Ambulance District 4B - 5,983 Fire and Ambulance District 5 - 2,078 Fire and Ambulance District 6 - 3,722 Fire and Ambulance District 7 - - Fire and Ambulance District 1C - 601 Fire and Ambulance District I - 1,595 Fire and Amglance District 4A - 307 Fire and Ambulance District IA - 271 Translator - 34,449 Planning, Building and Zoning 532 443,212 Parks and Beaches 102 - 211,2?3 746,003 Enterprise Funds: Municipal Service District 283,611 Card Sound Bridge 1,538 1AQ Internal Service Funds: Workmen's Compensation 28 Group Insurance 28, Risk ManageTmt Fund 41,539 41,539 56 $1,065,448 $1,065,448 25 MONROE COWY, FIORI DA �M TO (MIND) FINUIAL STATEMENTS SEFrM[R 30, 1988 NOTE 4 - RESTRIM ASSETS Restricted Assets, include those provided. 1br by resolution adopted �y the County Cannission for the issuance oft Municipal Service District Revenue Bonds and Refunding ImproveTent Revenue BaWs. Total restricted assets as of Septeiter 30, 19M are as full ov&- Cash and Accrued Investnents Interest Total Debt Swvice Reserve Fund $ -%6,869 $ - $ %6,S69 Renewal and Replace"t Fund 2,021,217 8,109 2,029,326 Sinking Fund 1,543,921 121 1,544,042 4,552,OG7 8,230 4,560,237 RefundiMIM2Lent Revenue Bonds Debt Service Fund Debt Service Reserve Fund 433,191 433,191 Sinking Fund 380,629 380,629 813,820 - 813,82-0 $ 5,365,82.7 $ 8,230 $ 5,374,057 NOTE 5 - RESERVES FOR RESTRICTED ASSETS Reserves representing the excess of amounts provided for certain restricted asset accounts over the liabilities payable therefrom are established by a reduction of retained earnings or I'Und la e. The following schedule reflects the reserve account balances at September 30, IM 25f-rprise Funds ® Municipal Service District: Reserved for debt service - reserve account $ 986,869 Reserved for debt service - interest account 1,245,996 Reserved for renewal and re.pl acement account -1,957,050 Total Reserves $ 4,189,915 26 MONROE CO UM, FLORIDA NM TO COMI14ED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SE ER 30, 1988 NOTE 5 - RESERVES FOR RESTRIC7ED ASSETS (Continued) Retained earninTs are reserved -to the ex of the excess of restrictc<1 assets over liabi-, lities payable fmm restricted assets as follows: Total re strict p-d assets $ 4,560,237 Liabilities payable from re.stricted assets 370,3222 Reserved retained earnings $ 4,181,915 NOTE 6 - PROPERTY, PLMT AND UPIMENT A smm.ry of ft,ic,y,?s in General Fixed Assets follows: tar at Balance at 1,0/1/87 Additions DeKkx ti urns 9130/88 Land $_6,_767,605' $ _5471-40 $ ____ $_T,_ F,7_40' Buildinqs 18,ff)8,590 112,579 1,954 18,769,215 Equipnent 14,397,292 3,542,115 780,712. 17,158,695 Gonstnr,tion in Progress 151,775 1,343,275 - 1,4T),050 $39,975,257 $ 5,192,109 $ 782,666 $ 44084,700 Err erprise fund proWfty, plant and equipnent consisted of the fbIlowing at Se.ptmtvr 30, 1988: P1unicipal Card Service Sound District 21d Bri Total _ .2e Land 21-4,105 $ - $ 214,105 Buildings 16,837 4,153 2.0,990 Improvements 145,736 2,512,679 2,658,415 Equipnent 11,289,173 28,293, 11,317,466 Construction in Progress 224,994 - 224,9904 Total ProWrty Plant and Equipnent 1.1,890,845 2,545,125 14,435,970 Less Accumulated Depreciation 5,275,718 1,075,20 6,351,288 Net Property Plant and Equiprient $ 6,615,127 $ 1,469,555 $8,OB4,682 27 MONROE MJNTY FIORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STPAJTEMEMNT SEPTEMBER 30 198M NOTE 6 - PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (Continued) Internal service fund property, plant and equipment consisted of the follchving at September 191: WbrWms' Group Risk Aompy;2112a Insurance Ana rut Total Equi pinent $ 15,721 $ 3,611 $ 400 19,7132 Less PccumulatWe Depreciation 2,591 675 7 3 .273 Net Equipment $ 13,130 $ -2,936 $ 393 $ 16,459 NOTE 7 - LWx-TERM DEBT The following is a summary of changes in long-tenm debt for the 3ear ended Septanber 30, 1938. Pccrued Capri talized Enterprise Revenue Compensated Lease Revenue Bonds Absmces- .2bjj2;jiors Bonds Total %able at October 1, 19B7 $2,(B5,000 $ 818,824 $ 325,457 $9,021,548 $12,220,829 Debt issued 235,034 664,183 153,619* 1,052,836 Debt retired 30 cco - 364 181 ?80 000 Payable at Septemlrr 30, 1W $2,025,000 $1,053,858 $ 625,459--$B,895,167 $12,599,484 Increased value accretion an Municipal Service District RefUnding Improvement, Series 1985 Capital Appreciation Bords. Bonds payable at Sertember 30, 193B are composed of the following issues: En'tRrLrise Revenue Bonds - $9,211,774 1985 Municipal Service District Refunding Inns s e in annual installnEnts of $300,000 to $805,000 on October 1, 1W to OctoLer 1, 2011; interest at 6.25% to 9®1 (including Capital Pfpreciation Wnd accreted interest of $393,394) $3,05,167 28 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES To rnMO SIN ED F.TMAKrIAL STATfy. ENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 NOTE 7 - LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued) Revenue Bonds - $2,155,000 1983 Refunding Improvenent Revenue Bonds, Series 1983 due in annual installments of $30,000 to $190,000 through July 1, 2011; interest at 7.40% to 9.25% $2,025,000 Debt Service��Fundin gRe i�rements ® The total annual debt service ftWing requirements for all bonds outstanding at Se 30, 1988, consisting of interest paynents of $14,883,777 and principal payments of $10,526,774 are as follows: Enterprise Year Ended Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds �enbe� 30 Amount Interest Rate Amount Interest Rate Total I V I-ILI 1989 $ 8,05,618 6.75%-9.30% $ 210,059 7.40%-10.25% $ 1,105,677 19090 894,355 7.009,01.30% 207,839 7.4M,9.25% 1,102,194 1991 890,905 7.209,9.3". 210,619 7.609,9.25% 1,101,524 1992 895,345 7.40Y,9.30% 212,959 7.80%9.25% 1,108,304 10,93 896,855 8.0%9.30% 214,839 8.OT,9.25% 1,111,694 1994-1998 4,484,275 8.00�,9.30% 1,064,643 8.2Z-9.25% 5,548,918 199-9-2003 4,494,275 8.907,9.30% 1,058,943 8.70%-9.225% 5,553,218 ® 4,449,440 9.00�,9.10% 1,T7,977 9.107,9.25% 5,507,417 Thereafter 2,641,325 9.00'/,9.10% 630,280 9.207,,9.25% 3,271,605 TOTAL $20,542,393 $4,,W 158 $25,410,551 The amount available in the Debt Service Fund to service the revenue bonds is $813,819. Restrictive Covenants and Collateral e i nts ® The 1983 Refunding Improvement Revenue Bonds are payable from and secured by a lien on and pledge oft racetrack funds received by Monroe County from the State of Florida. 29 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Kwl=c TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SE ER 30, I. NOTE 7 - LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued) The 1985 Municipal Service District Refunding Improvement Bonds are payable solely from and secured by a prior lien upon and pledge of (i) charges for service levied annually against residential property within the Monroe County Municipal Service District (the "District"), Monroe County, Florida fort availability and furnishing of certain solid waste disposal services, (ii) payments received frDm franchisee solid waste collectors with respect to commercial property within the District, (iii) all other non ad valorem funds received by the District with respect to furnishing services of the solid waste faci- lities to the residents oft District excluding any state or federal funds received from time to time by the District and (iv) certain investment income received by the District. Under the terms oft enterprise revenue bonds issue, the Municipal Service District is required, among other things, to establish rates and to collect fees and charges is will be sufficient at all times to pay the cost of maintenance and opera- tions, principal and interest requirements oft outstanding revenue bonds and to create and maintain specified reserves for such purposes. The Municipal Service District was in compliance with those covenants for the year ended September 30, 1988. The Bonds and the interest payable thereon will not constitute a general obligation oft District, Monroe County or the State of Florida, or a pledge oft faith and credit oft District, Monroe County, the State of Florida or any political subdivision thereof. Neither the Bonds, nor any interest or premium thereon, shall be payable from the ad valorem tax reve- nues oft District, Monroe County or the State of Florida. NOTE 8 - PRIOR YEAR DEFEASANCE OF DEBT On December 6, 1985 the County defeased Municipal Service District Imp enent Bonds, Series 1980 by placing the proceeds of the new bonds in an irrevocable trust to provide for all future debt service payrents on the old bonds. Accordingly, the trust account assets and the liability fort defeased bonds are not included in the County's financial statements. At September 30, Ic-68, $7,675,000 of bonds outstanding relative to the Series 19B0 issue are considered defeased. NOTE 9 - LEASE OBLIGATIONS Capitalized lease obligations consist of equipTent lease-purchases accounted for in the General Long-term Debt Account Group and General Fixed Assets Account Group. 30 ,'ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPT.DEER 30, 19P8 NOTE 9 ® I-EASE OBLIGATIONS (Continued) The future minimum pay-nents under capitalized leases consist oft following at September 30, 19B8: General Longs Fiscal year ending September 30: Term Debt 1989 $ 252,801 19-QO 209,530 1991 159, 7 1992 82,959 Total minimum paynents 704,377 Amounts representing interest 78,918_ Present value of net minimLin lease paynents $ 625,459 General Fixed Assets include the following for leased equip'nent which has been capitalized as of September 30, 1988: General Government $ 870,M3 Public Safety . 914,264 $1,785,147 Rental expense under operating leases for the current year amounted to $380,994. NOTE 10 ® CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL Contributed capital consists oft following at September 30, 1968: Enterprise Funds ® Contributions from Wer Funds: Municipal Service District 2,805 649 Card Sound Bridge 2,761 $ 2,808,410 31 MONROE MUM, FLORI DA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1CM NOTE 11 - FUND DEFICITS Special Revenue Funds ® Fund and Ambulance District 6 ® The unreserved fund balance deficit in this fund is $4,771 which represents funding for fire equipment financed by tax reve- rues. Tne defi cit will be eliminated as taxes are collected. Enterprise Funds - The accumulated deficit of $2,385,501 repre- sents the accumulated operating losses since the District's inception. It is attributable to depreciation expense recorded on contributed assets and additional funding of restricted assets. The deficit will be eliminated by continuing to collect charges and fees as increased in the prior year. NOTE 12 - SEGFENTS OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES Municipal Service District operating revenues are generated primarily by billings for man- datory garbage collection. Card Sound Bridge operating revenues are generated through tolls fort use oft Bridge® The key financial data for the year ended September 30, 19B8 fort above services are as follows: Municipal Card Service Sound District Bri e.L d Totals Operating Revenues $ 7,386,503 $ 835,301 $ 8,221,804 Operating Expenses 6,644,830 324,267 6,969,097 Depreciation 943,448 49,764 993,212 Total Operating Expenses 7,588,278 374,031 7,962,309 Operating Income (Loss) (201,775) 461,270 259,495 Taxes 8,815 - 8,815 Operating Grants 319,810 - 319,810 Interest Income 521,151 59,326 580,477 Interest Expense and Other Debt Service Costs (782,695) (333) (783,028) Operating transfers out (3,000) (3,000) Net Income (Loss) $ (134,694) $ 517,263 $ 382,569 32 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 19 TE 12 ® SEGMENTS OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES (Continued) Municipal Card Service Sound District rid e Totals Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital (2, 7, 2) 551,755 $(1, ,57) Assets $159271,827 $ 2,712,442 $17,984,269 Bonds Payable $ 8,895,167 $ $ 8,8 ,167 Contributed Capital 2,805,649 2,761 - 2,808,410 Fund Equity $ 4,610,056 $ 2,652,308 $ 7,262,364 Acquisition of Property, Plant and Equi pment $ 1,017,725 $ 15,815 1,033,540 NOTE 13 ® RETIREMENT PLAN Substantially allfull-time county employees are participants in the Florida Retirement System (The System), a defined benefit, multiple-employer public retirement system, which is controlled by the State Legislature and administered by the State of Florida, Department of Administration, Division for Retirement. The plan covers a total of approximately 2 , full-time to s of various governmental units thin the State of Florida. The System provides for vesting of benefits after 10 years of creditable service® Normal retirementei available to Employees who retireat or after age 62 with 10 or more years of service. Early retirement is available after 10 years of service with a 5% reduction of benefitsfor each year prior to the normal retirement a . Retirement bene- fits are based upon age, average compensation and years-of-service credit re average compensation is computed as the average of an individual °s five highest years of earnings. 33 K)NROE COUN1Y, FLORI DA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SE ER 30, 1988 NOTE 13 - RETIRDENT PLAN (Continued) Participating employer contributions are based upon state-wide rates established by the State of Florida. These rates are applied to employee salaries as follows: regular employees - 13.38%, special risk employees ® 15.35%, and elected officials - 17.43%. Total payroll fort County Employees covered by the System wes approximately $19,964,000 for the year ended September 30, 1988. The County's total payroll wes approximately $20,181,000 fort same period. The County's contribution to the plan for the year ended September 30, 1988 was approxima- tely $2,799,000 and was paid by the due date for the contribution. This represents 14.0% oft County's covered payroll . The pension benefit obligation fort System as a whole determined through an actuarial valuation wes $24®6 billion at July 1, IS-67, the date of the most recent actuarial report. The report also reflects assets of approximately $14 billion and unfunded prior service cost of $10®6 billion at that e® The actuarial report does not reflect present value of plan efits® The pension benefit obligation is a standardized disclosure measure of the present value of plan benefits, adjusted for the effect of projected salary increases and step-rate benefits estimated to be payable in the future as a result of Employee service to date® The measure is intended to help users assess the System's funding status on a going concern basis, assess progress rode in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due and make comparisons amng retirement systems and among employers. As a result oft latest actuarial valuation oft System, it was noted that the schedule of contributions developed in prior years wes not adequate to meet the normal costs of the System as they accrue and amrite the unfunded actuarial accrued liability within the sta- tutory periods. This was largely due to economic actuarial assumptions in the past which underestimated future funding requirements. Accordingly, in the July 1,1987 valuation, a revised set of economic actuarial assumptions wes adopted and will be applied to determine a future schedule of contribution rates sufficient to cover future normal costs and required amortization of the unfunded liability® The County has no responsibility to the Retirement System other than to make the periodic payments required by state statutes. Ten-year historical trend information showing the System's progress in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits wfien due is presented in the System's July 1, 1987 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. NOTE 14 - MMPENSATED ABSENCES County policy grants employees annual leave and sick leave in varying amounts. Upon ter- mination of Employment, employees with six months or more of credited service can n--ceive paywnt for accumulated annual leave® In general, sick leave payments are 34 ............... VES TO COMINED FIMCIAL STAI"BUM SEMIMM 30, lff- , NOTE 14 - WENSATED ABSENCES (Conti rmed) granted upon temdnation of miplqynent. ter emplayms wit1h five years or more of credited service. The max-inun pa is subject to percentiges and mxiinrru hour lieitaBoras as detemdned by each constitutia,el officer. NME 15 - 11"TERFUND 1TWWE Operating transfers during the year ended SqAmbpr 30, 192B, consisted of the following: Fund Operating Operating Transf&s In Transfers Out .............- General Fund $ 14,64,6,012 $ 675,184, Special Revenues Fine and Forfeiture 13,341,146 Road and Bridge 22,500 Fi re and Anbulance District 1B 152,69A 19,179 Fi re and Poftla e District 2 15,75A 49,534 Fire and Anhul ance District 3 - 77,746 Fi re and AnLul ance District Q 25,020 ",E,526 Fire and Aftlance District 5 - 47,678 Fire and AnWl ance District 6 - 43,039 Fi re and N- ftlance District 7 - 1,536 Fire and Aftlance District 1C - 44,09q Firs ard Ambulance Distrr°ict 1 - 35,023 Fire and Atulance District 4A - 32,086 Fir and Anbul ance District 1A - 175,849 Translator - 1.6,638 Planning, Building and 76n i ng - 509,610 Parks and Beaclrs 822 193,472 14,447,Fk1 Capital Pmjccts Fund General Pmgets 2' 4182? Enterprise Fund Card Sound BridW. - 3*000 Intemal Revenue Fund - Risk Mamgmmt 4-1,539 $ 15,125,845 $ 15,12.5,845 35 MONROE ODLN7, FLORI DA NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SE ER 30, ICM NOTE 16 - DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN The Sheriff, Tax Collector and Property Appraiser offer their Employees a deferred compen- sation plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to all the Officers' Employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until future rs® The deferred compensation is not available to employees until ter- mination, retirement, death, or unforeseeable emergency. All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased with those amounts, and all income attributable tothose amounts, property, or rights are (until paid or made available to the employee or other beneficiary) solely the property and rights oft Officers (without being restricted tot provisions of benefits under the plan), subject only to the claims oft Officers' general creditors. Participants' rights under the plan are equal tothose of general creditors of the Officers in an amount equal to the fair market value oft deferred account for each participant. The Officers have no liability for losses under the plan but do have the duty of due care that would be required of an ordinary prudent investor. The Officers believe that it is unlikely that they will use the assets to satisfy the claims of general creditors in the future. NOTE 17 - LITIGATION The County is a defendant in various law suits and is involved in other disputes wherein substantial amounts are claimed. In the opinion oft County these suits and claims should not result in judgemmts or settlements wilich, in aggregate would have a material adverse effect on the County's finan- cial condition. NOTE 18 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Self Insu rx e P�rora County is self-insured for losses in the areas mentioned below. Claims are paid from the Group Insurance, Work-aen's Compensation and Risk Management Internal Service funds which are funded by contributions from other funds and in the case of Group Insurance, employees. The contributions are deto ned by projected losses based on historical claims experience. Estimated liabilities for claims and judgements are accrued as liabilities of the funds. As of September 30, 1988, the are no material long-terTn liabilities for claims and judge- ments. 36 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FTILIAILIrIPL STATEMENTS SEPTOtSEIND 30, 1 m,"O NOTE 18 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (Continued) The following schedule reflects the amounts of self insurance and outside coverage as of September 30, 1988: Deductible Amount Limits of Outside Area Covered (Sel f-I nsu red) Liability yere Workers' Compensation $ 200,000 $ 500,000 each occurrence Group Medical $ 25,000 $1,000,000 each occurrence General Liability, Public Official 's Liability, $100,000/Person, $2,000,000 each occurence Automobile Liability, $200,000/Bodily injury, $100,000/Property Damage; Subject to a $300,000 maximum per occurence Grant DTgrams - The County participates in a number of federally assisted grant programs. These program are subject to financial and compliance audits by the grantors or their representatives. As of March 27, 1989 there were no material questioned or disallowed costs as a result of grant audits in process or completed. Purchase Commitments - During SeptEmber, 1988, the Comprehensive Plan Land Authority committed approximately $760,000 in land acquisition funds for the purchase of various properties. NOTE 19 - NOTES PAYABLE Notes payable at September 30, 19ffl are composed oft following: Tax anticipation notes: Note payable to bank, secured by tax anticipation warrant, payable on September 30, 1989 from special funds, bearing interest at 7.0% $ 125,000 to payable to bank, secured by tax anticipation warrant, payable from the first proceeds of special district taxes when received, bearing interest at 7.00% 179,OP4 to payable to bank, secrued by tax anticipation warrant, payable from the first proceeds of special district taxes when received, bearing interest at 7.0%. 101,E44 $ 4,05.728 37 MONROE COUNrrY, FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINIANC."."' STATEMEWIS SE FrBTB,ER 1098P NOTE 20 ® MORTGAGE RECEIVABLE Mortgages receivable consist of grant funds loaned to participants in the County's Community Development Block Grant® Mortgages receivable at September 30, 1%_ 8 are composed oft following: Second Mortgage receivable from individual, secured by land and buildings, payable in monthly installments of $1,647 including interest at 3%, final payment due March 1, 2004 $ 238,500 Second Mortgage receivable from individual, secured by land and buildings, payable in monthly installments of $1,975 including interest at 3%, final paynent due March 2004 286,000 $ 524,500 Mortgagors under this program must keep the related property available as "Affordable Housing", follow all Federal, State and County regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants, and keep rents at levels approved by the Affordable Housing Section of the Land Development Regulations. If the property is removed from this program, the balance of the mortgage becomes due and gable® NOTE 21 - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS On December 1, 1.0-M, $5,ODO,ODO of Improvement Revenue Bonds Series 198BA and $2,265,000 Improvement Revenue Bonds Series 19B8B were issued pursuant to an authorizing resolution passed by the Board on November 22, 19B8. The proceeds afthese bonds are to be used to acquire, construct, improve and equip certain capital projects in the County, to purchase a bond insurance policy to fund a reserve account with respect to the bonds and to pay cer- tain costs associated with the issuance of the bonds. As of September 30, 1988, the County had a pending lawsuit brought as a class action con- cerning a fee per residence charge for garbage service of the Municipal Service District® On January 20, 1989, the lawsuit was settled in favor of the Member of a class® Therefore, the armunt oft judgement relative to this settlement has been included in the expen- ditures and balance sheet of the Municipal Service District as of September 30, 1988. This amounted to approximately $614,ODO in future refunds and attorney costs, which amount wes net of approximately $355,000 in refunds previously recorded. 38 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTES TO COMBINED FINM- CIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBnEB in, I9M NOTE 21 - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (Continued) On March 7, 1989, the County executed Q Consent Order between the Monroe County Municipal Service District and the State of Florida Department of- EnvironmentalRegulation Which Ordered the payment Of approximately $I07,000 in settlement of various violations. Monroe County may submft a prDpn5al to offset part or all Of these penal ties by the performance Of certain in-kind services. The Comprehensive Plan Land Authority /MCLA\ obtained e conservation easement December, I988 On the Crane Point HOmmmk Project which is owned by not-for-profit corporation. The easement was purchased for $700°000. The corporation intends to repurchase the easement and has e $700v000nortgage to MCLAwhf[h is secured by the Crane Point Hanmmk property. 39 ° GENERAL FUND The General Fund is the General Operating Fund oft County. It is used to account for all financial resources except for those required to be accounted for in another fund. The General Fund has a greater number and variety of revenue sources than any other fund, and its resources finance a wider range of activities. The resources of the General Fund are ordinarily largely expended and replenished on an annual basis. N�NROE CHNTY, KCRIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EBPENDITURES AND CEANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes S 8,428,358 S 8,405,561 S (22,7971 Licenses and Permits 164,357 264,597 100,240 Intergovernmental Revenues 8,235,070 7,374,211 (860,859) Charges for Services 2,358,899 3,117,995 759,096 Fines and Forfeitures 27,350 67,306 39,956 Interest Income 328,600 769,431 440,831 Miscellaneous Revenues 174,773 213,157 38,384 --------------- --------- ----- --------------- Total Revenues 19,717,407 20,212,258 494,851 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: General Government: Board of County Commissioners 1,117,991 1,086,720 31,271 Special Grand Jury Fund 10,000 7,834 2,166 Clerk to the Board 527,691 524,154 3,537 Clerk of the Circuit Court 842,821 835,673 7,18 Clerk of the Circuit Court-Kicrofilz 128,865 113,308 15,557 Clerk of the County Court 439,984 433,786 6,198 Clerk - Data Processing 569,319 540,317 29,002 Clerk - Electronic Recording 66,643 62,696 3,947 Clerk - Domestic Relations 49,516 44,193 5,323 Clerk Information Systems I 11,996 133,15 8, 11 Clerk Information Systems II 166,500 54,788 111,712 CJIS State Court Grant 2,700 2,572 12 Clerk's Public Records Trust Fund 56,655 27,635 29,020 County Attorney 602,230 56 ,205 3 ,025 Property Appraiser 1,619,917 1,528,511 91,406 Tax Collector 1,573,221 1,485,625 87,596 Sheriff 158,288 164,281 (5,993) Circuit Court 206,177 203,303 2,87 County Court 42,742 40,347 2,395 Jail Overcrowding Project 75,868 47,249 28,619 State Attorney 117,775 92,795 24,980 Public Defender 137,960 132,462 5,498 Guardianship of Monroe County 5,000 4,930 70 Supervisor of Elections 325,864 325,111 753 Elections 222,014 220,966 1,04 Special Election 5,000 4,746 254 County Administrator 202,252 187,712 14,540 County Administrator - Data Processing 770,762 760,672 10,090 County Administrator - Fiscal Management 117,667 107,658 10,009 4 HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL REVENUE FUND - CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variaace Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- General Govern ent: Personnel\Safety 181,075 169,551 11,524 Garage - Key West 190,363 164,274 26,089 Courthouse and Annexes 852,352 827,510 2 ,842 Other Administrative Buildings 1,239,722 1,211,338 28,38 Garage - Middle Keys 83,077 65,370 17,707 Garage - Upper Keys 77,924 61,728 16,196 Growth Management Plan - Phase II 21,063 21, 63 -® Advertising 5,000 3,494 1,506 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total General Govern ent 12,953,994 12,261,762 692,232 --------------- --------------- --------------- Public Safety: Medical Examiner 129,130 125, 3 4,127 Disaster Preparedness 254,99 29, 37 5,512 Radiological Emergency Preparedness Grant 96,868 89,210 7,658 Emergency Medical Services Coordinator 221,925 219,167 2,758 Emergency Medical Services Hatching Grant 16,15 -- 146,15 Emergency Medical Services County Award Grant 36,725 36,724 1 Emergency Medical Cotaunicatious 34,424 31,527 2,897 911 E ergency System 35, 1 4,071 31,370 E911 Upper Keys 117,713 48,58 69,165 E911 Middle Keys 75,168 50,245 2 ,923 Emergency Medical Air Transportation 3 ,912 3 ,912 Trauma Care 5,000 5,000 -- cIntyre Lawsuit 56,688 56,638 50 Sheriff 13,078,637 12,935,71 12,896 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Public Safety 1 ,319,725 13,882,223 437,502 --------------- --------------- --------------- Pbgsical Enviroa eat: Cow Key and Lakes Channel Marker Repairs 6, 03 6, 03 -- Key Largo Bibb and Duane Artificial Reef 20,000 20,000 Simonton Street Pier Project 100,000 50,000 50,000 Big Pine Shoal Modular Artificial Reef 20, 00 18,173 1,827 Extension Service 93,657 80,156 13,501 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Pbysical Environment 240,060 174,732 65,328 --------------- --------------- --------------- 41 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CRANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL REVENUE FUND - CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Transportation: Marathon Airport 165,371 81,122 84,249 Marathon Airport Noise Study 98,286 58,087 40,199 Marathon Airport Master Plan Update 3,884 -- 3,884 Key West Airport 547,060 480,522 66,538 Key West AIP-02 1,575 -- 1,575 Key West AIP-03 Noise Study 93,346 61,795 31,551 Key West AIP-04 Apron Expansion 77,388 48,311 29,077 Key West AIP-05 5,124 4,480 644 Key West AIP-05 Terminal Restroa s 12,083 10,743 1,340 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Transportation 1,004,117 745,060 259,057 --------------- --------------- --------------- Scona is Environ ent: Housing Autbority\HUD 604,600 154,789 449,811 Veteran's Affairs 247,707 242,745 4,962 JTPA - Liaison 97,704 57,065 40,639 Monroe County Job Place ent 94,400 12,524 81,876 JTPA Intake Est. 40,000 7,691 32,309 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Scono is Snvironuent 1,084,411 474,814 609,597 --------------- --------------- --------------- Hu an Services: Ani al Shelter - Key West 170,881 158,626 12,255 Ani al Shelter - Marathon 101,485 96,721 4,764 Ani al Shelter - Upper Keys 77,186 73,481 3,705 Ani al Shelter - Big Pine Key 72,100 13,120 58,980 Tram Care 625,000 615,546 9,454 Baker Act Services 103,565 100,027 3,538 MARC House 6,865 6,483 382 Mental Health 253,975 253,975 -- Monroe County Association for Retarded Citizens 20,300 20,300 -- Baker Act Transportation 88,105 75,699 12,406 Welfare Ad inistration 337,639 333,596 4,043 Welfare Services 406,000 397,851 8,149 Welfare Services - Donations 1,352 1,352 -- Lend A Hand Donations - Perez 1,200 1,200 -- Lend A Hand Donations - Nesbit 1,500 1,500 -- County Hate 366,301 334,640 31,661 USDA - State Rei bursement for Food Distribution 8,696 4,365 4,331 Senior Co unity Service Project - Federal 307,753 174,231 133,522 Senior Ca unity Service Project - Local 37,548 21,634 15,914 42 ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL REVENUE FUND - CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Hn an Services: Transportation Title III-B 182,857 13,270 39,587 Transportation 135,018 13 ,750 268 Transportation - State Rei burse ent - 30,000 19,792 10,208 Nutrition C-I 235,442 166,906 68,536 Nutrition C-II 92,659 73,311 19,348 CCE - In Home Services 873,303 464,958 408,345 CCDA Hotesakers 198,771 81,031 117,740 CCDA Meals 11,113 11,112 1 Senior Co unity Service Project - Local 1,063 - 1,063 Nutrition C-I 87,877 77,580 10,297 Nutrition C-II 30,923 30,918 5 Transportation Title III-B, Federal 66,485 65,660 825 Transportation Title III-B, Local 3,000 2,984 16 Lover Keys HARP 1,500 1,026 474 fiddle Keys AARF 1,500 892 608 Upper Keys AARF 1,500 1,496 4 Big Fine Key AARF 1,565 1, 15 150 Older A ericaus Volunteer Prograt 4,000 3,022 978 Legal Aid 12,350 8,344 4,006 Help Line 10,000 10,000 -- Hospice of the Florida Keys 50,000 50,000 -- Do estic Abuse Shelter 6,109 6,109 -- Aids Help, Inc. 20,000 20,000 -- Big Brothers\Big Sisters 5,000 1,103 3,897 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Hunan Services 5,049, 86 4,060,026 989,460 --------------- --------------- - ------------- Culture and Recreation: Fine Arts Council 50,000 50,000 - Parks and Beaches 284,613 273,073 11,540 Sutter School Recreation Prograt 33,075 31,086 1,989 Historic Fla, Keys Preservation Board 10,000 10,000 -- East Kartello Art Gallery and Historical Museut 11, 23 11,104 319 Key West Garden Club - West Kartello 21,817 17,796 4,021 Key West Lighthouse Kuseut 15,002 7,912 7,090 Senior Major Baseball League 1,000 1,000 -- Library Operations 17,130 7,337 9,793 Library Adzinistrative Support 191,679 186,695 4,984 Library - Key e'st 341,015 316,349 24,666 Library Book obile 28,387 26,099 2,288 Library - Marathon 127,889 121,818 6,071 Library - Isla orada 93,227 92,021 11206 Library - Key Largo 95,871 93,479 2,392 43 KONROZ COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL REVENUE FUND - CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEFTEKBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (UafavorablO --------------- ------- ------- --------------- Culture and Recreation: CONCAT Grant 15,000 15,000 Literacy Grant 5,000 4,305 695 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Cultural and Recreation 1,342,128 1,265,014 77,054 --------------- --------------- --------------- Debt Service® Principal Retireaent 73,455 347,368 27 3,9 13 Interest and Fiscal Charges 32,226 34,945 (6 2,7 19 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Debt Service 105,691 442,313 (336,632) --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 36,099,602 33,306,004 2,793,598 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures ('16,382,195) (13,093,746) 3,288,449 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses); Reserve for Contingencies (106,662) -- 106,662 Transfers fro& Other Funds 14,798,976 14,646,012 (152,864) Transfers to Other Funds (1,105,595) (675,1841 430,411 Capital Lease Acquisition 470,456 686,754 216,298 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 14,057,075 14,657,582 600,507 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (2,325,120) 1,563,836 3,888,956 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 8,764,937 8,164,937 -- --------------- --------------- -------------®_ Fund Balance, Septeiber 30, 1988 6,439,817 10,328,773 3,888,956 44 SPECIAL. REVENLE FUNDS CDBG HousjM Rehabilitation Fund - State of Florida Department of Comiunity Affairs Grant for r;habilitaticn of 3? units of low incme housing at "The Rock" in Marathon. The CDBG Grant Yes used to leverage private investment; for the construction of 10 new units of low -1 ncon-e housi ng. Fine and Forfeiture - To account for revenues received from fines and forfeitures imposed, Fro-m TW—cowission of statutory offenses, and ad valorem taxes that are transferred to the sheriff's departinent, and to account for operations of the county's court support system. Road and EnLdM - To account for all revenues, operating expenditures and capital improve- t__j�r_ the county's road departinent. Law Library - To account for all revenues and operating exenditures for county's law libra ry® Tourist t Districts - To account fort local option three cent bed tax in five district sub-funds r the operating expenditures of advertising, tions and special events, of the County Tourist Development Council. Fire and Pnftlance Distr icts - To account for all revenues and operating expenditures in elev sub-funds for—county fire and wkbulance services. Translator§pt�em Services District - To account for all revenues and operating expen- ditures for the county's television translator systern. �ial Road Districts - To account for all revenues, operating expenditures and tranfers to the county's mad departuent for special roads in the sub-fund for Cross Key Waterway Estates and the sub-Rind of if Drive d® Mariners i��ital District - To account for the operating expenditures used by the private for—profit Karine��A�spital for debt retiraTent and capital outlay. ±Uhli2nSc2n222 Services District - To account for all revenues and operating expen- diturrs in the sub-fund for Planning, Building and Zoning, and the sub-fund for Parks and Recreation. ,jgmSt Fees - To account for special assessment revenues in five sub-funds of the unincor- porai—a Fa from impacts fees for roadvays, parks libraries, solid vaste, and police facilities® Sheriff S�Pt Seat fT�ram - To account for all revenue and expenditures for the safety Tea_t gran of the sheriff's departnient. jAnpensive Plan !2nd, thorit - Desi gnated to purchase unbui 1 dabl e property in the keys and repackage the property into appropriate lot sizes to meet the new Density and Land Use Plan requirements. Property is also purchased for recreational and conser- vational purposes. MORROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Ca unity Develop eat Fine Road Block & & Law Grants Forfeiture Bridge Library ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ ASSETS Cash and Invest ents $ 158,948 S 3,464,934 $ 4,944,656 $ 10,489 Accounts Receivable: Delinquent Taxes -- 2,497 -- -- Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes - (125) -- -- Other -- - 216 -- Mortgage Note Receivable 524,500 Due froi Other Funds -- -- 73,373 -- Due froi Other Govern ental Units -- 412,033 194,323 1,215 Inventory of Land for Resale -- -- -- -- ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ Total Assets S 683,448 $ 3,879,339 S 5,212,568 S 11,704 - - - -- - - - ---- -- -- LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY --------------------------- Liabilities: Accounts Payable S 1,421 $ 42,386 $ 21,170 $ 519 Contracts Payable 42,701 2,670 -- Accrued Liabilities 1,953 1,304 54,697 -- Deposits in Escrow -- -- 9,198 -- Due to Other Funds 90,583 4,882 13,069 671 Due to Other Governents -- -- -- Deferred Revenues 22,290 -- -- -- Tax Anticipation Notes -- -- -- -- Other Liabilities -- 3,821 1,087 -- ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ Total Liabilities 158,948 55,063 99,221 1,190 ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ Fund Equity: Fund Balances: Reserved for Encu brances -- 125 1,886 -- Reserved for Inventory -- -- -- -- Reserved for Land Acquisition -- -- -- -- Reserved for Mortgage Loans 524,500 -- -- -- Unreserved -- 3,824,151 5,I I I,4 61 10,514 ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ Total Fund Equity 524,500 3,824,276 5,113,347 10,514 ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ 683,448 $ 3,879,339 S 5,212,568 S 11,704 ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ 45 Fire Translator Unincorporated Tourist And Systelk Special Mariners Area Developikent A bulance Service Road Hospital Services 11kpact Districts Districts District Districts District District Fees ______________ _____®________ ------------ _______®____ ------------- __________®___ -------------- S 2,942,453 $ 2,0 5,289 $ 775,371 $ 47,699 $ 176,060 $ 3,003, 57 2,654,983 -- 343 139 -- 150 239 __ (7) ®® (7) (12) 137,196 20 __ -- -- 634 -® 279,180 28,954 6,507 929 6,506 16,722 -® ______________ ______________ ____________ ____________ _____________ ______________ -------------- $ 3,358,829 $ 2,074,589 $ 782,010 $ 48,628 $ 182,709 $ 3,021,150 $ 2,654,983 :::__:::::®::: a...a===...a a®:®a:::a®:: :s::z®sa::::® a®as::::s::s:a 259,734 160,687 21,625 $ __ $ -® $ 82, 22 -- 11,263 __ __ __ -® 44,924 ®- -- 46,251 296 -- ®® 116,661 -- _- __ __ -® _® 1,750 -- 137,196 21,941 34,49 443,212 -® ep 571 __ __ __ -_ 40,994 ®_ 280,728 __ __ ®_ __ ______________ ______________ __________®_ _______®®___ _____________ -------------- ____________-_ 408,193 510,178 56,370 ®_ ®® 729,963-------------- __________®___ ____________ ------------ ------------- -------------- ______________ 4,269 354,770 9, 99 ®® 32,890 82,013 ®- 2,946,367 1,209,641 716,141 48,628 149,819 2,209,174 2,654,983 ______________ _®____________ ________®___ ____________ _____________ ______________ 2,950,636 1,564,411 725,640 48,628 182,709 2,291,187 2,654,983 _______®______ ______________ ____________ __®_______®_ _®____®______ ______________ ___®__________ $ 3,358,829 $ 2,074,589 $ 782,010 S 48,628 $ 182,709 S 3,021,150 $ 2,654,983 46 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS _ CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Sheriff Ca prehensive Safety Plan Seat land Prograi Authority Total ASSETS Cash and Invest ents $ 9,483 $ 1,045,415 $ 21,279,237 Accounts Receivable; Delinquent Taxes ®_ _® 3,368 Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes ®® -n (168) Other 326 Mortgage Nate Receivable ®® s® 524,500 Due froa Other Funds W6 -- 211,223 Due froa Other Govern ental Units -- 167,773 1,114,142 Inventory of Land for Resale -® 36,994 36,994 Total Assets $ 9,483 $ 1,250,182 $ 23,169,622 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY ®_®_®_a_®a_®a____®_____®®® Liabilities; Accounts Payable $ ®® $ 742 S 590,706 Contracts Payable -® ®® 101,558 Accrued Liabilities ®_ ®® 221,162 Deposits in Escrow 2,070 ®® 13,018 Due to Other Funds _s e- 746,003 Due to Other Govern ents ®® -® 571 Deferred Revenues - -6 63,284 Tax Anticipation Notes -- ®® 280,728 Other Liabilities ®® ®® 4,908 Total Liabilities 2,070 742 2,021,938 _®®_®__®___m -------------- ®_a_m_®____®_- Fund Equity: Fund Balances; Reserved for Encu trances ®® ®® 485,452 Reserved for Inventory 36,994 36,994 Reserved for Land Acquisition ®® 1,164,414 1,164,414 Reserved for Mortgage Loans __ ®- 524,500 Unreserved 7,413 48,032 18,936,324 _______m___® a__®__e__®____ ®____®__®®®__® Total Fund Equity 7,413 1,249,440 21,147,684 ___®____®___ ®_®_________®® _____®o_____®_ Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ 9,483 $ 1,250,182 S 23,169,622 47 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Community Development Fine Road Block & & Law Grant Forfeiture Bridge Library ______________ _______________ ___________®_ _____________ Revenues: Taxes $ -- $ 13,227,237 S 1,571,418 S -- Licenses & Permits ®® -_ -- Intergovernmental Revenues 408,484 189,566 2,016,324 - Charges for Services -- 125,415 -- - Fines & Forfeitures -- 1,596,375 -- 17,986 Interest Income - 376,026 298,197 927 Miscellaneous Revenues ®- 16,100 86,694 -- -------------- _______________ _____________ __®_____-____ Total Revenues 408,484 15,530,719 3,972,633 18,913 ______________ ___________m_®_ ------------- ____-_®__-__- Expenditures; Current; General Government -- 443,659 -a 26,923 Public Safety - 846,699 -- -- Transportation -- -- 3,197,763 Economic Environment 408,484 -- -- Human Services -- Culture and Recreation -- -- -® -- DebtService -------------- _______________ ------------- _____________ Total Expenditures 408,484 1,290,358 3,197,763 26,923 -------------- ____________®__ ------------- ___-_-®®_®_-- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures -- 14,240,361 774,870 (8,010) ______________ ______a__®_____ ------------- -®_------_®®_ Other Financing Sources (Uses); Transfers from Other Funds -- -- -- -- Transfers to Other Funds -- (13,341,146) (22,500) ®® Proceeds from ortgage Loans 524,500 -- -- ®® ______________ _______________ ------------- ®______-___-_ Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 524,500 (13,341,146) (22,500) ®a ______________ --------------- ------------- ®_®__________ Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses 524,500 899,215 752,370 (8,010) Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 -- 2,925,061 4,360,977 18,524 ______________ --------------- ------------- ------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 S 524,500 S 3,824,276 S 5,113,347 $ 10,514 48 fire Translator Unincorporated Tourist And system Special Mariners Area Development Ambulance Service Road Hospital Services Impact Districts Districts District Districts District District fees _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ $ 4,172,857 S 2,467,214 $ 537,882 $ 11,129 $ - 587,948 $ 1,372,658 $ -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,655,166 -- -- 7,429 -- -- -- 303,213 -- -- 92,808 6,500 928 6,501 33,404 -- -- __ __ __ ®_ 23,461 137,047 206,260 44,413 1,769 7,356 233,790 87,180 2,612 2,834 16,638 -- ®- 17,609 1,767,67 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ,312,516 2,776,545 605,433 79,826 601,805 3,639,301 1,854,85 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -- 99,789 -- -- ®- 1,257,092 -- -m 2,72 ,388 -- -- -- 1,623,839 41,255 -- -- -- 3,557 -- -- -- 2,958,232 ®- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 419,096 -- -- ®d -- 553, 39 - -- 270,784 7,540 -- 2,33 -- 1,862 -- __ _® ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 2,958,232 2,826,520 553,439 5,419 419,096 3,151,715 48,795 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 1,35 ,28 (49,975) 51,994 74,407 182,709 487,586 1,806,059 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -- 193, 72 -- -- -- -- -- -- (512,95) (16,638) -- -- (55 , 32) -® ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -- (319, 73) (16,638) -- -- (554,432) -- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 1,35 ,28 (369,448) 35,356 74,407 182,709 (66,846) 1,806,059 1,596,352 1,933,859 690,284 (25,119) -- 2,358,033 848,92 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- $ 2,950,636 $ 1,56 ,411 $ 725,640 S 48,628 S 182,709 $ 2,291,187 $ 2,654,983 __r®_____®=®_ 49 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES I FUND BALANCE - ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Sheriff Comprehensive Safety Plan Seat Land Program Authority Total ______________ _______________ _____________ Revenues; Tares S - $ -- $ 24,014,343 Licenses & Permits __ __ 1,655,166 Intergovernmental Revenues - 973,339 3,898,355 Charges for Services 3,225 -_ 268,181 Fines & Forfeitures __ _- 1,637,822 Interest Income -- 32,028 1,424,993 Miscellaneous Revenues 36,994 1,947,155 ______________ _______________ _____________ Total Revenues 3,225 1,042,361 34,846,615 ______________ _________a_____ _____________ xpenditures® Currenta General Government -- 149,689 1,977,152 Public Safety 1,954 -- 5,238, 135 Transportation - - 3,201,320 Economic Environment -- -- 3,366,716 Human Services - -- 419,096 Culture and Recreation - a31,763 Debt Service - -- 4,205 ______________ ®___________®__ _____________ Total Expenditures 1,954 149,689 15,O38,387 xcess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 1,271 892,672 19,808,228 _______®______ _______________ ____®______-- Other Financing Sources (Uses); Transfers from Other Funds - - 193,472 Transfers to Other Funds -- - (14,447,661) Proceeds from Mortgage loans - 524,500 Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) -- - (13,729,689) ______________ --------------- ________-____ Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses 1,271 892,672 6,078,539 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 6,142 356,768 15,069,145 ______________ _______________ _____________ Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 7,413 $ 1,249,440 $ 21,147,684 50 NONROE COUNTY, FLORID STATENB T OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL CONNU ITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPT EMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Intergovernmental Revenues $ 650,000 408,484 (21,516) --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 650,000 408,484 (21,516) --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: Economic Environment: Neighborhood Facilities 50,000 11,697 38,303 Fire Protection 10,000 -- 10,000 Rehabilitation 525,000 353,296 171,70 Administration 65,000 43,491 21,509 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 650,000 408,484 21,516 --------------- --------------- --------------- ce of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures -- -- -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from ortae Loans -- 52 ,500 52 ,500 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) -- 524,500 524,500 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Overl(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses -- 52 ,500 52 ,500 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 -- -- -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ -- $ 52 ,500 S 52 ,500 51 MOROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ® BUDGET AND ACTUAL FINE AND FORFEITURE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable} --------------- --------------- _®m__-__d®_4_-_ Revenues; Taxes $ 13,522,502 $ 13,227,237 $ (295,265) Intergovernmental Revenues 212,867 189,566 (23,301) Charges for Services 131,100 125,415 (5,685) Fines & Forfeitures 1,055,146 1,596,375 541,229 Interest Income 170,270 376,026 205,756 Miscellaneous Revenues 13,500 16,100 2,600 __®®®__®__®®®_a --------------- __®®®®®_--®maa_ Total Revenues 15,105,385 15,530,719 425,334 ___®®®_®_____®® --------------- ®__®__®_®__®--m Expenditures: Current: General Government: Witness Fees 444,396 443,659 737 Public Safety: Sheriff 756,459 754,069 2,390 Other Law Enforcement Officers 49,646 42,700 6,946 LEEA Funds 50,000 49,930 10 _m4__®®__®_®_®_ --------------- -®_®_®®_®®®®®_- Total Expenditures 1,300,501 1,290,358 10,13 --------------- --------------- ®_®®_s®_®®®_®-® Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 13,804,88 14,240,361 435,477 --------------- --------------- ®®a®__a®®®®®4®_ Other Financing Sources (Uses) : Transfers to Other Funds (13, 36,925) (13,341,146) 95,119 --------------- --------------- m_®®e®®-s®__®_s Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (13,436,925) (13,3 1,146) 95,119 --------------- _®_a4_______®__ ®_®-__----®_--- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses 367,959 899,215 531,256 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 2,925,061 2,925,061 ®® -®_®_4®®_®m_®_® ®®®®_4_®w®®_4®® --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 3,293,020 $ 3,824,276 $ 531,256 52 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes $ 1,400,000. S 1,571,418 S 171,418 Intergovernmental Revenues 1,786,395 2,016,324 229,929 Interest Income 100,000 298,197 198,197 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 86,694 86,694 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 3,286,395 3,972,633 686,238 _______________ _______________ _______________ Expenditures: Current: Transportation: Road Department 1,085,939 875,096 210,83 Boot Rey Bridge 100,584 97,441 3,143 County Engineer 195,250 179,328 15,922 Local Option Gas Tax: Road Department, Operating 601,332 355, 52 25,880 Right of Way Clean-Up 250,000 -- 250,000 Street Lighting 205,000 188,435 16,565 Local Option Gas Tax Projects 2,773,646 446,281 2,327,365 801 Gas Tax, 5th & 6tb Cent Projects 1,839,712 1,055,730 783,982 _______________ _______________ _______________ Total Expenditures 7,051,463 3,197,763 3,853,700 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (3,765,068) 774,870 4,539,938 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (33,329) -- 33,329 Transfers to Other Funds (40,000) (22,500) 17,500 _______________ _______________ _______________ Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (73,329) (22,500) 50,829 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (3,838,397) 752,370 4,590,767 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 4,360,977 4,360,977 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 S 522,580 S 5,113,347 S 4,590,767 __ ®___r2®_=a_®_®__ _ _ __ 53 8OBRUQ COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND 8&L&N[Q ' BUDGET &8D ACTUAL 6&W 6I88&0 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR Q0OQD SEPTQMDED 0, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- ________ Qemuueo^ Fines & Forfeitures 16,00 17,986 S 1,486 Interest Income 3,000 927 (2,073) --------------- --------------- ________ foLal Revenues 19,00 18/913 (587) --------------- --------------- ________ Qugeudituzom Current: General Government' Public Defender 31,000 26,923 4,077 --------------- --------------- ________ fotul Expenditures 31,000 26,923 4,077 --------------- --------------- ________ Qzceoo of Kereuoeo Over/ (Under) Expenditures (11,500) (8,010) 3,490 --------------- --------------- ________ 8tbez financing Goozoem (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (15.000) — 15,000 --------------- --------------- ________ Total Other financing Sources/(Uses) (15.000) — 1E,000 -------- -------- -------- Qzoeoo of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures 6 Other Uses (26,00) (81010) 18,490 Fund Dulauoe' October 1/ 1987 18,E24 18,524 — --------------- --------------- ________ 2uud Duluuoe, September 0/ 1988 (7,976)S 10,E14 18,490 ======== ======== ======== ' 54 KONROE COUNTY, FLORID& STATEKE T OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL TOURIST DEVELOP E T, DISTRICT ONE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEKBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes $ 2,29,100 $ 2,236,59 S (12,506) Interest Income 6,236 70,955 64,719 Kiscellneous Revenues -- 2, 35 2, 35 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 2,255,336 2,309,984 5 ,68 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: Economic Environments Advertising and Promotion 1,055,261 892,086 163,175 Events 523,810 474,551 49,259 Administrative Services 99,710 85,839 13,871 3rd Cent: Administrative Expense 19,082 -- 19,082 Tourist Information Services 129,569 21,236 108,333 Bricks and Kortor 1,043,857 53,587 990,270 Special Events 41,804 1,000 40,804 Promotion and Advertising 89,464 6,686 82,118 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 3,002,557 1,534,985 1,467,572 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (747,221) 774,999 1,522,220 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 859,676 859,676 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 112,455 1,63 ,675 $ 1,522,220 55 ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL TOURIST DEVELOPMENT, DISTRICT TWO SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- -------------®_ --------------- Revenues; Taxes $ 396,900 $ 262,262 $ (13 ,638) Interest Inca a -- 8,331 8,331 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 33 33 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 396,900 270,626 (126,274) --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: Economic Environment: Advertising and Promotion 199,331 101,848 97,483 Events 131,326 59,740 71,586 Administrative Services 17,596 9,538 8,058 3rd Cent: Administrative Expense 3,111 -- 3,111 Tourist Information Services 75,511 6,138 69,439 Special Events 31,363 ®- 31,363 Promotion and Advertising 31,225 -- 31,225 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 490,189 177,264 312,925 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (93,289) 93,362 186,651 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 113,144 113,144 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 19,855 $ 206,506 $ 186,651 56 MO ROB COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL TOURIST DEVELOPMENT, DISTRICT THREE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- ---- ---------- Revenues: Taxes 661,500 518,416 (143,08 ) Interest Inco a -- y 11,889 11,889 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 54 5 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 661,500 530,359 (131,11) --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: Econa is nviron eat: Advertising and Pra otion 322,691 215,475 107,216 Events 177,185 120,531 56,654 Adainistrative Services 29,327 19,075 10,152 3rd Cent: 3rd Cent Progras 24,378 -- 24,378 Tourist Infor ation Services 73,134 73,13 Bricks and Kortor 30,473 -- 30,473 Special Events 48,756 -- 48,756 Pro otion and Advertising 67,039 -- 67,039 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 772,983 355,081 417,902 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (111,483) 175,278 286,761 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 144,557 144,557 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 $ 33,074 $ 319,835 286,761 _______=__=__=_ _______________ 57 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL TOURIST DEVELOPMENT, DISTRICT FOUR SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTE BER 30, 1988 Variance favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues; Taxes $ 441,000 $ 368,678 $ (72,322) Interest Income -- 22,359 22,359 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 36 36 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 441,000 391,073 (49,927) --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures; Current; Economic Environment: Advertising and Promotion 27 ,266 180,581 93,685 Events 180,580 74,520 106,060 Administrative Services 19,550 14,306 5,24 3rd Cent; 3rd Cent Program 16,982 - 16,982 Administrative Expense 4,190 4,190 Tourist Information Services 72,735 9,167 63,568 Bricks and Kortor 34,284 3 ,28 Special Events 18,103 -a 18,103 Promotion and Advertising 18,103 -® 18,103 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 638,793 278,574 360,219 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (197,793) 112,499 310,292 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 219,843 219,843 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Sete ber 30, 1988 $ 22,050 $ 332,32 $ 310,292 5 ONROS COUNTY, FLORIDA STATSKEIT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL TOURIST DEVELOPMENT, DISTRICT FIVE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes S 661,500 $ 786,907 $ 125,407 Interest Income 1,354 23,513 22,159 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 54 5 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 662,854 810,474 147,620 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: Economic Environ eat: Advertising and Promotion 320,552 308,023 12,529 Events 304,946 254,270 50,676 Administrative Services 30,681 30,203 478 3rd Cent: 3rd Cent Program 3 ,910 -- 3 ,910 Tourist Information Services 69, 20 19,225 50,595 Bricks and Kortor 46,546 46,546 Special Events 46,546 46,546 Promotion and Advertising 34,910 607 34,303 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 888,911 612,328 276,583 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (226,057) 198,16 424,203 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 259,132 259,132 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 33,075 457,278 424,203 C2YCC229zzzMz=Y assuzaC=CYCCCCC C9CCC3zzmazzC®C 5 KONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEKENT OF REVENUES, EKPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AKBULANCE DISTRICT 11B - BIG COPPITT KEY, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEKBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues; Taxes $ 110,993 $ 107,830 $ (3,163) Intergovernmental Revenues 105 -- (105) Charges for Services -- 2,120 2,120 Interest Income ®® 3,710 3,710 Kiscellaneous Revenues ®- 12 12 --------------- --------------- --m_-_-___----_ Total Revenues 111,098 113,672 2,57 --------------- --------------- -_-®_-__-----__ Expenditures: Current; General Govern eat; Commissions and Fees 4,440 3,795 645 Public Safety: Big Cappitt Volunteer Ambulance 218,133 214,176 3,957 Big Cappitt Volunteer Fire Department 63,171 40,090 23,091 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 285,744 258,O61 27,683 --------------- --------------- _----___--_____ Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (174,646) (14 ,389) 30,257 --------------- --------------- _-_--_-_------_ Other Financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (309► -- 309 Transfers from Other Funds 152,698 152,698 -- Transfers to Other Funds (19,179) (19,179) ®® ®-------------- --------------® _-_--------_--- Total Other Financing Sourcest(Uses) 133,210 133,519 309 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Overt(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses ( 1,436) (10,910) 30,566 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 73,424 73,424 -® --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1998 S 31,989 $ 62,554 $ 30,566 60 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHARGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT t2 - MARATHON, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes S 312,439 S 303,701 S (8,738) Intergovern ental Revenues 1,831` 740 (1,091) Charges for Services -- 36,951 36,951 Interest Incoe -- 30,544 30,54 Miscellaneous Revenues 623 1,982 1,359 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 314,893 373,918 59,025 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: General Governent: Coissions and Fees 13,000 11,665 1,335 Public Safety: Fisher en's Hospital/Marathon A bulance 318,263 298,539 19,72 Marathon Volunteer Fire Depart ent 274,454 118,682 155,772 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 605,717 428,886 176,831 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (290,824) (5 ,968) 235,856 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (17,808) -- 17,808 Transfers fro® Other Funds 15,754 15,754 -- Transfers to Other Funds (49,743) (49,534) 209 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sourcesl(Uses) (51,797) (33,780) 18,017 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Overl(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (342,621) (88,748) 253,873 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 241,214 241,214 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septeiaber 30, 1988 $ (101,407)$ 152,466 $ 253,873 61 OROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT 13 - CONCH KEY, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues; Taxes $ 110,423 $ 108,959 $ (1,464) Iatergovern ental Revenues 229 -- (229) Charges for Services -- 4,148 4,148 Iaterest Inco e - 11,467 11,467 Miscellaneous Revenues 181 181 - --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 110,833 124,755 13,922 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: General Govern eat: Ca issions and Fees 4,500 4,309 191 Public Safety: Conch Key Volunteer A balance 691 691 -- Conch Key Volunteer Fire Depart ent 313,610 37,990 275,620 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 318,801 42,990 275,811 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (207,968) 81,765 289,733 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (6,770) - 6,770 Transfers to Other Funds (27,791) (27,746) 45 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (34,561) (27,746) 6,815 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (242,529) 54,019 296,548 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 104,287 104,287 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 $ (138,242)$ 158,306 $ 296,548 62 M0RR0E COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEKKIT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AID ABULARCE DISTRICT 14B - ISLAORADA, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes $ 319,774 $ 330,079 $ 10,305 Intergovernmental Revenues 555 -- (555) Charges for Services -- 10,866 10,866 Interest Income -- 26,154 26,15 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 166 166 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 320,329 367,265 16,936 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current; General Government; Commissions and Fees 18,016 18,012 Public Safety; Isla orada Volunteer Ambulance 223,159 219,989 3,170 Isla orada Volunteer Fire Department 256,398 72,236 184,162 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 497,573 310,237 187,336 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (177,2 ) 57,028 234,272 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses); Reserve for Contingencies (5,981) -- 5,981 Transfers from Other Funds 25,020 25,020 -- Transfers to Other Funds (36,526) (36,526) -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (17, 87) (11,506) 5,981 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures i Other Uses (194,731) 45,522 240,253 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 280,023 280,023 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 85,292 $ 325,55 $ 20,253 63 MONROK COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ® BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT 15 - PLANTATION KEY, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) _®®an®®_®®_®®m® ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®s®®®®®®®-®®-d Revenues; Taxes $ 262,651 S 280,818 $ 18,167 Intergovernmental Revenues 797 a® (797) Charges for Services ®® 2,786 2,786 Interest Income m® 52,588 52,588 ®®®®a®®®®®®_®A® ®®®®d®®®m-d®--- ®®a®®®®d®®a®®®® Total Revenues 263, 8 336,192 72,74 --------------- --------------- d®®®a®®®®®®®®a® Expenditures; Current; General Government: Commissions and Fees 16,000 14,1103 1,797 Public Safetge Tavernier Volunteer Ambulance 79,215 76,296 2,919 Tavernier Volunteer Fire Department 744,148 703,830 40,318 ®®-®®a®-d®d®®® ®®®_®®®®®®®®®®_ ®®s®®®®®®®®®_®® Total Expenditures 839,363 794,329 45,034 ®w®®aw®_®®®a®d_ --------------- ®d--®d_®®®d®-®d Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (575,915) (458,137) 117,778 ®a-®®®®®-a®ds®® --------------- ®__®_®®®_A_®w_s Other Financing Sources (Uses); Reserve for Contingencies (19,986) ve 19,986 Transfers to Other Funds (47,678) (4 7,678) ®® Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (67,66 ) ( 7,678) 19,986 ®®®®®®®®®®®®4a --------------- d®®®-®an®d®®®ad Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Otber Uses (643,579) (505,815) 137,76 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 729,791 729,791 -® ®®_®®®_®®®®_®dd --------------- ®®mad-®®®®®®®®® Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 86,212 $ 223,976 $ 137,76 64 KONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EPKDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND ABULANCK DISTRICT #6 - SOUTH KEY LARGO, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPT KB R 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes 432,006 416,394 (15,612) Intergovernmental Revenues 1,136- -- (1,136) Charges for Services -- 4,643 4,643 Interest Inco a -- 28,66 28,66 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 270 270 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 433,142 449,953 16,811 --------------- --------------- --------------- xpendituress Currents General Govera ents Cottissions and Fees 14,440 12,972 1,468 Public Safety: Key Largo Volunteer Aibulance 182,608 143,880 38,728 Key Largo Volunteer Fire Departikent 490,667 111,656 379,011 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 687,715 268,508 419,207 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (25 ,573) 181,445 436,018 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (23 ,200) -- 23 ,200 Transfers to Other Funds ( 3,689) ( 3,689) -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (211, 89) ( 3,689) 23 ,200 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Uses (532, 62) 137,756 670,218 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 209,471 209,471 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Se to ber 30, 1988 S (322,991)$ 347,227 3 670,218 5 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EIPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT i7 - OCEAN REEF FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues; Taxes S 1,290 S 1,225 $ (65) Intergovera ental Revenues 729 (729) Interest Inco e -- 257 257 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 2,019 1,482 (537) --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Curreat: General Govern eat: Cozzissions and Fees 600 401 199 Public Safety; Ocean Reef A bulance 903 903 ®® --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 1,503 1,304 199 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 516 178 (338) --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (747) -- 747 Transfers to Other Funds (1,536) (1,536) -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sourcesl(Uses) (2,283) (1,536) 747 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Overl(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (1,767) (1,358) 409 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 5,250 5,250 ®® --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 $ 3,483 $ 3,892 S 409 66 MONROE COUNTY, FLORID STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT 11C - SUGARLOAF FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes $ 367,262 $ 357,351 S (91911) Intergovern ent l Revenues 287 -- (281{ Charges for Services -- 11130 7,730 Interest Inco a -- 13,474 13,474 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 367,549 378,555 11,006 --------------- --------------- --------------- xpenitures: Currents General Govern eat: Co rissions and Fees 1 ,11 13,185 956 Public Safety: Sugarloaf Key Volunteer Aa ul nce 216,268 213,511 2,757 Sugarloaf Key Volunteer Fire Depart ent 72,499 41,074 31,425 Debt Services Interest and Fiscal Charges 2,33 2,33 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 305,251 270,113 35,138 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under{ Expenditures 62,298 108, 2 46,144 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses{: Reserve for Contingencies (253{ -- 253 Transfers to Other Funds (44,099) (44,099) -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sourcesf(Uses{ (44,352) (44,099) 253 --------------- --------------- --------------- xcess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under{ Expenditures is Other Uses 17,946 64,343 46,397 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 30,118 30,118 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Se to ber 30, 1988 48,724 $ 95,121 46,397 67 KONROS COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGST AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT 11 - BIG PINE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ®®_®®w®®®®®®d®® --------------- ®®®®®®®_.®®-®®_ Revenues; Taxes $ 312,680 $ 298,153 $ (14,527) Intergovern ental Revenues 586 5,418 4,832 Charges for Services ®w 14,687 14,687 Interest Inca a ®d 18,456 18,456 Kiscellaneous Revenues 158 158 ®a Total Revenues 313,424 336,872 23,448 ®-4®®®®®®®®®-®® --------------- ®d®®®_®®a®®-d®- Expenditures® Current; General Govern enta Co issions and Fees 12,193 11,776 417 Public Safety; Big Pine A balance Service 208,485 190,451 18,034 Fisber en's/Karatboa A 6ulance 71,385 70,011 1,374 Big Pine Volunteer Fire Depart ent 103,845 80,530 23,315 --------------- --------------- ®®®®®®®s®®-®_®® Total Expenditures 395,908 352,768 43,140 --------------- --------------- ®®®®®®®_®®®a®®® Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (82,484) (15,896) 66,588 --------------- a®w®_®®®®®®®®®® as®d®®®da_®®®®® Other Financing Sources (Uses) ; Reserve for Contingencies (14,600) ®® 14,600 Transfers to Other Funds (35,023) (35,023) sd ®-®®®-®®®d®d®®® --------------- and®®-4®®®_®d®_- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (49,623) (35,023) 14,600 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (132,107) (50,919) 81,188 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 100,419 100,419 ®d®®_®_®®®d®m6® --------------- ®®®®®®®4-®a®®®® Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 $ (31,688)$ 49,500 $ 81,188 68 O ROB COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EPENDITUR S AID CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT 14A - LONG KEY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR SIDED S PTEMER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes $ 60,663 $ 55,661 S (5,002) Intergoveru ental Revenues 75 ' -- (75) Charges for Services -- 2,760 2,760 Interest Inco a -- 5,383 5,383 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 60,738 63,804 3,066 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures® Current: General Govern eat: Cozzissions and Fees 1,200 2,636 1,564 Public Safety: Layton Volunteer A bul nce 372 372 -- Layton Volunteer Fire Depart ent 53, 66 29,536 23, 30 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 58,038 32,54 25,494 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 2,700 31,260 28,560 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses); Reserve for Contingencies (3,778) -- 3,778 Transfers to Other Funds (33,508) (32,086) 1, 22 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (37,286) (32,086) 5,200 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (3 ,586) (826) 33,760 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 51,231 51,231 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septesber 30, 1988 16,645 50,405 $ 33,760 69 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMERT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIRE AND AMBULARCE DISTRICT IIA - STOCK ISLAND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes $ 214,548 $ 207,043 $ (7,505) Intergovernmental Revenues 1,504 1,211 (233) Charges for Services -- 6,111 6,117 Interest Income -- 15,581 15,581 Miscellaneous Revenues 65 65 - --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 216,117 230,011 13,960 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: General Govern ent: Commissions and Fees 8,060 6,835 1,225 Public Safety: Stock Island Volunteer Ambulance 845 845 -- Stock Island Volunteer Fire Department 93,019 59,100 33,979 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 101,981 66,180 35,204 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 114,133 163,297 49,164 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (3,495) -- 3,495 Transfers to Other Funds (175,849) (175,849) -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (179,344) (175,849) 3,195 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Overl(Under) Expenditures 5 Other Uses (65,211) (12,552) 52,659 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 107,971 107,971 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 42,760 $ 95,419 $ 52,659 70 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EIPENDITUES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL TRANSLATOR SYSTEM SERVICE DISTRICT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Taxes $ 544,246 $ 537,882 S (6,364) Charges for Services -- 6,500 6,500 Interest Incosie 15,000 44,413 29, 13 Miscellaneous Revenges 16,638 16,638 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 575,884 605,433 29,549 --------------- --------------- --------------- Exenditurea: Current: Translator Systes 834,935 553, 39 21, 96 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 834,935 553,439 281,496 --------------- --------------- --------------- xcess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (259,051) 51,994 311,05 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (13,291) -- 13,291 Transfers to Other Funds (16,63 ) (16,63 ) -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (159,929) (16,63 ) 13,291 --------------- --------------- --------------- xcess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses ( 1 ,90) 35,356 454,336 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 690,284 690,28 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, a to ber 30, 1988 $ 271,30 S 725,640 $ 454,336 71 MONROE COUNTY, FLORID STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT - CROSS REY WATERWAY ESTATES SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTE BER 30, 1999 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- -------------®_ Revenues: Taxes $ 34,743 $ 33,153 $ (1,590) Interest Income ®- 42 42 --------------- --------------- -------®_--__-- Total Revenues 34,743 33,195 (1,54 ) --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current; Transportation: Cross Rep Waterway Estates 3,034 2,049 986 Debt Service: Interest and Fiscal Charges 2,412 1,962 550 --------------- --------------- -----®__-®_---- Total Expenditures 5,446 3,910 1,536 --------------- ------------- - --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 29,297 29,285 (12) Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 (26,283) (26,283) -- --------------- --------------- --------------- fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 3,014 $ 3,002 $ (12) 72 KONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEKENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES 11 FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AID ACTUAL SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT - GULF DRIVE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEKER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues; Taxes 460 460 Interest Income -- - Miscellaneous Revenues -- - -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 464 464 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 504 504 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 S 504 968 S 464 ............... ............... ............... 73 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT VENETIAN DRIVE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED S PEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues; Taxes $ 45,000 $ 43,516 $ {I,484' Cbarges for Services 928 928 Interest Inca a -- 1,723 1,723 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 45,000 46,167 1,167 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures; Currenti Transportation Venetian Drive 42,750 1,509 41,241 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 42,750 1,509 41,241 --------------- --------------- --------------- zcess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 2,250 44,65E 42,408 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 - a- -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Sete ber 30, 198E $ 2,250 $ 44,658 $ 42,408 74 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL MARINERS HOSPITAL DISTRICT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Tares $ 591,951 $ 587,948 $ (4,003) Cbares for Services -- 6,501 6,501 Interest Income -- 7,356 7,356 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 591,951 601,805 9,85 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures, Current: Human Services, Mariners Hospital 562,353 419,096 143,257 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 562,353 419,096 143,257 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures 29,598 182,709 153,111 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 -- -- -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 19 $ 29,598 S 182,709 153,111 7 5 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL UNINCORPORATED AREA SERVICE DISTRICT - PLANNING, BUILDING AND ZONING SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1966 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- _______________ _______________ Revenues; Taxes $ 984,757 $ 963,496 S (21,261) Licenses & Permits 866,000 1,655,166 789,166 Intergovernmental Revenues 684,447 301,76 (382,683) Charges for Services -- 11,733 11,733 Fines & Forfeitures 5,000 23,461 18, 61 Interest Income 20,000 211,164 191,16 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 5, 95 5, 95 _______________ --------------- __-_____----___ Total Revenues 2,560,204 3,172,269 612,065 --------------- --------------- ____--__-______ Expenditures Current: General Govern ent; Planning and Zoning 901,187 838,287 62,900 Planning Commission 51,380 41,843 9,537 Land Use Plan I ple entation® Administrative Expense 29,109 16,874 12,235 Staff Development 110,095 79,674 30,421 Overtime 39,958 39,858 Development 229,000 141,453 87,547 Legal Assistance 40,004 -- 40,004 Property Appraiser 50,000 -- 50,000 Hearing Officer 25,000 19,344 5,656 Special Counsel 161,382 -- 161,382 Planning, Building and Code Enforce ent Fees 86,000 79,759 6,241 Public Safety; Building Department 1,152,364 1,126,990 25,374 Code Enforcement 400,448 399, 5 11,003 Fire Marshal 116,602 107,404 9,199 _®_____________ __®®__®________ __-_--a____®___ Total Expenditures 3,392, 29 2,880,931 511,498 _______ _____________®_ -___-_---_®____ Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (832,225) 291,338 1,123,563 _______________ _______________ _________®____- 76 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL UNINCORPORATED AREA SERVICE DISTRICT - PLANNING, BUILDING AND ZONING SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies (23,0201 -- 23,020 Transfers to Other Funds (621,453) (509,610) 111,83 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing SouIceBf(Uses) (644,473) (509,610) 134,863 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (1, 76,698) (218,272) 1,258, 26 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 2,206,363 2,206,363 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 S 729,665 1,988,091 1,258, 26 77 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL UNINCORPORATED AREA SERVICE DISTRICT - PARRS AND RECREATION SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- -------------®_ ------_-------- Revenues; Taxes $ 418,183 S 409,162 S 19,0211 Intergovern ental Revenues -- 1,449 1,449 Charges for Services 15,000 21,671 6,671 Interest Inca a ®® 22,626 22,626 Miscellaneous Revenues ®- 12,124 12,124 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 433,183 467,032 33,849 --------------- --------------- -------------®_ Expendituresa Current; Culture and Recreation; Sumter School Recreation Prograt 40,425 40,425 ®® Unincorporated Parks and Beaches 215,131 176,231 38,903 Pigeon Rey 58,636 54,128 4,508 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 314,195 270,784 43,411 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under` Expenditures 118,988 196,248 77,260 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses) : Reserve for Contingencies (16,689) -® 16,689 Transfers to Other Funds (44,822) ( 4,822) -® --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (61,511) (44,822! 16,689 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) a Expenditures & Other Uses 57, 77 151, 26 93,949 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 151,670 151,670 -® --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 S 209,147 $ 303,096 S 93,949 78 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EIPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL IMPACT FEES - ROADWAYS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Interest Inca e S -- $ 6 ,615 S 6 ,615 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 1,313,269 1,313,269 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues -- 1,377,884 1,377,88 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses); Reserve for Contingencies (580, 26) -- 580, 26 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (580,426) -- 580, 26 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (580, 26) 1,377,884 1,958,310 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 645,504 65,504 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 S 65,078 S 2,023,388 S 1,958,310 7 ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL IMPACT FEES - PARKS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues; Interest Income S -- S 5,233 S 5,233 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 98,223 98,223 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues -- 103,456 103,456 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: Culture and Recreation: District III - Parks 7,540 7,540 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 7,540 7,540 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (7,540) 95,916 103,456 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses) ; Reserve for Contingencies (39,468) -- 39,468 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (39,468) -- 39,468 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (47,008) 95,916 142,924 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 51,627 51,627 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 4,619 $ 147,543 $ 142,924 ®___®__z2czz=_r _r_d;®_a®®_®r_® 80 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL IMPACT FEES - LIBRARIES SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenuest Interest Income S -- $ 7,104 $ 7,104 Miscellaneous Revenues -- _ 133,760 133,760 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues -- 140,864 10,86 --------------- --------------- --------------- 0tber Financing Sources (Uses)® Reserve for Contingencies (69,621) -- 69,621 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total 0tber Financing Sources/(Uses) (69,621) -- 69,621 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and 0tber Sources 0ver((Under) Expenditures & 0tber Uses (69,621) 140,864 210,485 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 76,460 76,460 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 6,839 $ 217,32 $ 210, 85 aaaaaaaaaaaaaxs ®aaa9a::a®aa®®a raaaasaa®ease®® 1 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL IMPACT PEES - SOLID WASTE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Interest Inco e S -- S 5,552 S 5,552 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 111,838 111,838 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues -- 117,390 117,390 --------------- --------------- --------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses); Reserve for Contingencies (26,029) -- 26,029 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (26,029) -- 26,029 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (26,029) 117,390 143,419 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 29,532 29,532 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 S 3,503 $ 146,922 $ 143,419 2 ORROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEKERT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL IMPACT FEES - POLICE FACILITIES SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEKBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Interest Inco e $ -- S 4,676 S 4,676 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 110,584 110,584 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues -- 115,260 115,260 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current: Public Safety; Sheriff 41,255 41,255 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 41,255 41,255 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (41,255) 74,005 115,260 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 45,801 45,801 -- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 $ 4,56 S 119,806 S 115,260 83 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SHERIFF SAFETY SEAT PROGRAM SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Charges for Services $ ®® $ 3,225 $ 3,225 --------------- --------m------ --_------------ Total Revenues -a 3,225 3,225 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditures: Current; Public Safety: Sheriff Safety Seat Program ®- 1,954 (1,954) --------------- --------------- -----®_-------- Total Expenditures ®® 1,954 (1,954) --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures -- 1,271 1,271 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 6,142 6,142 ®® --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 S 6,142 $ 7,413 $ 1,271 cz=mm=®®da®®=a® -®-®®--®®®®m®-- 84 ONROE COUNTY, FLORID& STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) --------------- --------------- --------------- Revenues: Intergovernmental Revenues $ 1,712,000 $ 973,339 $ 1738,661) Interest Income -- - 32,028 32,028 Miscellaneous Revenues -- 36,994 36,99 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 1,712,000 1,02,361 (669,639) --------------- --------------- --- ----------- Expenditures: Current: General Government: Administrative 273,383 149,689 123,69 Land Acquisition 1, 38,617 -- 1, 38,617 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Expenditures 1,712,000 19,689 1,562,311 --------------- --------------- --------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures -- 892,672 892,672 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 356,768 356,768 - --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 356,768 $ 1,29, 0 $ 892,672 85 DEBT SERVICE RM 1965 Building Certificates - To account for accumulation of resources for and paynent of interest and principal on the long-term debt incurred in the building an admi- nistrative office at 610 Fleming Street, Key West, and improvements to the Key West Courthouse. 19B3 �injT2njvement Bonds - To account for accumulation of resources for and paynent of interest and pri ipal on the long-term debt incurred in the building of the Marathon, Islamorada and Key Largo Libraries, improvements to Harry Harris Park and impruvements to the Key West Administration Building located on Stock Island. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 1983 1965 Refunding Building Iaproveent Certificates Bonds Total ------------- ------------- ------------- ASSETS Cash with Fiscal Agent S -- S 5,656 S 5,656 Restricted Assets; Cash ®® 21,483 21,483 Investteats at Cost or A ortized Cost - 792,337 792,337 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Assets $ S 819,476 $ 819,476 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY --------------------------- Liabilities: Matured Interest Payable S ®- S 5,656 S 5,656 _____________ _____________ _____________ Total Liabilities -® 5,656 5,656 ------------- ------------- _®___---_-_-_ Fund Equity; Fund Balances; Unreserved 813,820 813,820 _____________ _____________ _____________ Total Fund Equity -- 813,820 813,820 _____________ _____________ _____________ Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ -- $ 819,476 $ 819,476 86 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 1983 1965 Refunding Buildinq Improvement Certificates Bands Total ®add--------- ------------- _------------ Revenues; Intergovernmental Revenues $ ®® $ 223,250 S 223,250 Interest Income ®® 55,519 55,519 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Revenues -® 278,769 278,769 ------------- ------------- ------------- Expenditures; Debt Service -® 213,209 213,209 m------------ ------------- ------------- Total Expenditures ®® 213,209 213,209 ------------- ------------- ------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures ®® 65,560 65,560 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 ®® 718,260 748,260 ------------- ------------- ------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ -® $ 813,820 S 813,820 7 KONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COKBINING STATEKENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL - ALL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEKBER 30, 1988 1965 Building Certificates -------------------------------------------- Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) -------------- -------------- -------------- Revenues; Intergovernmental Revenues $ -- S ®® S - Interest Income -- -- - ------------®- -------------- --------m__-__ Total Revenues - - -------------- -------------- a®__---------- Expenditures; Debt Service; Principal Retirement -- -- -- Interest and Fiscal Charges -- -- -------------m -------------- -------------- Total Expenditures -- -m-------------- -------------- -------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures -- -® -- -------------- -------------- ----®--------- Other Financing Sources (Uses): Reserve for Contingencies -® -- -® Transfers to Other Funds (1,593) 7,593 -------------® -------------- -------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (1,593) ®® 7,593 -------------- -------------- -------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (1,593) -® 7,593 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 -------------- -------------- -------------- fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ (1,593)$ -® $ 7,593 1983 Refunding I prove ent Bonds Total ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- $ 223,250 S 223,250 S -- S 223,250 S 223,250 $ ®® -a 55,519 55,519 ®® 55,519 55,519 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 223,250 278,769 55,519 223,250 278,769 55,519 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 30,000 30,000 -® 30,000 30,000 ®- 196,000 183,209 2,791 186,000 183,209 2,791 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 216,000 213,209 2,791 216,000 213,209 2,791 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 7,250 65,560 59,310 7,250 65,560 59,310 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- (731, 18) -® 731,418 (731, 16) ®- 731,418 -- ®® -- (7,593) ®® 7,593 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- (731, 18) ®- 731,418 (739,011) -® 739,011 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- (72 ,169) 65,560 789,728 (731,761) 65,560 797,321 748,260 748,260 -- 748,260 748,260 -- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- $ 2 ,092 813,820 $ 789,728 S 16,499 $ 813,820 S 797,321 as®aaaxax.a.. a C a a a a®adaaas xaaaa.ax..a as 9.saxxa a...ax .aa®.x22aaa ad axsaaax.a®..x 9 CAPITAL PROJECT R)NDS � p eensive lHpn2y is - To account for all major capital projects of Pbnroe County. West Animl Shelter - To account for imp rovenents to the County's Key West Animl Shel r® MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS SEPTEBER 30, 1988 Key Nest Comprehensive Animal Improvements Shelter Total _______________ _____________ _______________ ASSETS Cash and Investments $ 1,815,369 $ 4,623 $ 1,819,992 _______________ _____________ _______________ Total Assets $ 1,815,369 S 4,623 $ 1,819,992 LIABILITIES AID FUND EQUITY --------------------------- Liabilities; Accounts Payable $ 12,000 $ - $ 12,000 Contracts Payable 289,031 -- 289,031 Deposits in Escrow 675 -- 675 --------------- ------------- --------------- Total Liabilities 301,706 -- 301,706 --------------- ------------- --------------- Fund Equity: Fund Balances: Unreserved 1,513,663 4,623 1,518,286 --------------- ------------- --------------- fatal Fund Equity 1,513,663 4,623 1,518,286 _______________ _____________ _______________ Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ 1,815,369 $ 4,623 $ 1,819,992 90 AOROE COUNTY, FLORID COMBINING STATEAENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTENBER 30, 1988 Key West Comprehensive Animal Improvements Shelter Total ------------- ------------- ------------- Revenues: Intergovernmental Revenues S 113,407 $ -- $ 113,407 Interest Income 120,671 164 120,835 iscellaneous Revenues 21,000 -- 21,000 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Revenues 915,078 164 915,242 ------------- ------------- ------------- Expeadituress Debt Service 488 -- 488 Capital Outlays General Government 397,368 -- 397,368 Public Safety 713,501 -- 713,501 Culture and Recreation 210,637 -- 210,637 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Expenditures 1,321,994 -- 1,321,994 ------------- ------------- ------------- xcess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (406,916) 16 (406,752) ------------- ------------- ------------- Other Financing Sources (Uses)s Transfers from Other Funds 244,822 -- 244,822 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 2 ,822 -- 24,822 ------------- ------------- ------------- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Overt(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses (162,094) 16 (161,930) Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 1,675,757 4,459 1,680,216 ------------- ------------- ------------- Fund Balance, September 30, 1988 $ 1,513,663 $ ,623 1,518,286 ...®......... ............. ............. 1 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL - ALL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Capital Projects, Comprehensive Improvements -------------------------------------------- Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) -------------- -------------- -------------- Revenues; Intergovernmental Revenues $ 1,023,407 $ 113,407 S (250,000) Interest Income -- 120,671 120,671 Miscellaneous Revenues 21,000 21,000 -- -------------- -------------- -------------- Total Revenues 1,044,407 915,078 (129,329) -------------- -------------- -------------- Expenditures; Debt Service: Interest 488 488 -- Capital Outlay; General Government: Key Kest Courthouse Parking Lot 20,000 15,890 4,110 Clerk's Space and Courtroom 340,088 143,420 196,668 Clerk's Fireproof Storage 370,000 3,700 366,300 Supervisor of Elections, Key Kest 311,517 2,000 375,517 Plantation Key; Tax Collector/Property Appraiser 20,000 9,350 10,650 Government Centert2nd Floor 151 151 -- Waste Treatment Plant 193,907 192,510 1,397 Stack Island King II Office 79,850 30,347 49,503 Public Safety; Key West Jail, 3rd Floor 624,724 620,318 4,406 Jackson Square Criminal Justice Project 43,663 43,325 338 Sheriff Substation - Cudjoe Key 275,850 49,858 225,992 Transportation; West Martello Parking Study 20,000 -- 20,000 Human Services: Big Pine Key Animal Shelter, PAS 76,039 -- 76,039 Key West Animal Shelter __ -_ -- Culture and Recreation: Higgs Beach 234,304 60,995 173,309 Higgs Beach Pier Construction 330,052 17,500 312,552 White Street Pier 1,404 1,40 -- Harry Harris Park 157,433 130,738 26,695 Library Project(1981 Bond Proceeds 54,555 -- 54,555 Big Pine Key Recreation Center 80,000 -- 80,000 Other Parks and Recreation Improvements 55,000 -- 55,000 -------------- -------------- -------------- Total Expenditures 3,355,025 1,321,994 2,033,031 -------------- -------------- -------------- Excess of Revenues Over/ (Under) Expenditures (2,310,618) (406,916) 1,903,702 -------------- -------------- -------------- 2 Capital Projects, Key West Animal Shelter Total ----------------------------------------- -------------_---------------------------- Variance Variance Favorable favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ®------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- -_--_-------- $ S 1,023,407 $ 773,407 S (250,000) ®® 164 164 -- 120,835 120,835 -- ®® -- 21,000 21,000 -- --®_®-------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- -- 164 164 1,044,407 915,242 (129,165) ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- -® 88 488 -- __ 20,000 15,890 4,110 340,088 143,420 196,668 370,000 3,700 366,300 377,517 2,000 375,517 20,000 9,350 10,650 151 151 _® 193,907 192,510 1,397 79,850 30,347 49,503 624,724 620,318 4,406 43,663 43,325 338 275,850 49,858 225,992 20,000 ®® 20,000 76,039 -® 76,039 4,459 -- 4,459 4,459 -- 4,459 234,304 60,995 173,309 330,052 17,500 312,552 1,404 1,404 -- __ 157,433 130,738 26,695 54,555 -- 54,555 80,000 ®® 80,000 55,000 -- 55,000 ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- 4,459 ®® 4,459 3,359,484 1,321,994 2,037,490 ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- (4,459) 164 4,623 (2,315,077) (406,752) 1,908,325 ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- 93 OBOE COUNTY, FLORIDA COBIING STATEKENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL ® ALL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS ® CONTINUED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEBER 30, 198E Capital Projects, Coprehensive Iproveaents -------------------------------------------- Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ®-®®®®®®s®e®®s ®®®®®®_®®_®_®® _®-®®_®®®a®®®® Other Financing Sources (Uses); Reserve for Contingencies (81,5521 as 81,552 Transfers fro® Other Funds 755,083 244,822 (510,261) ®®®®®®®®®®®_®® -------------- ______®®®®____ Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 673,531 244,822 (428,7091 ®®®®®®®®_®_®®® -------------- ®®®4w®®®®®®®-- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over/(Under) Expenditures & Other Uses 11,637,081) (162,094) 1,474,993 Fund Balance, October 1, 1987 1,675,757 1,675,757 -- -------------- as®®®®®®®®®®®n -------------- Fund Balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 $ 38,670 $ 1,513,663 S 1,474,993 94 Capital Projects, Key Nest Ani al Shelter Total ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- -_ _- -- (81,552) -- 81,552 755,083 244,822 (510,261) ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ®- -® -- 673,531 244,822 (428,709) _____________ _____________ _____________ -------------- ------------- _______-_____ (4,459) 164 4,623 (1,641,546) (161,930) 1,479,616 4,459 4,459 -- 1,680,216 1,680,216 -- ------------- _____________ _____________ ______________ _____________ _____________ $ 0 $ 4,623 S 4,623 S 38,670 $ 1,518,286 $ 1,479,616 5 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Service District, Waste - To account for the operations oft County's Solid Waste Services. Card Sound Bridge - To account fort operations of the County's Card Sound Toll 'Er—id j. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CORDI ING BALANCE SHEET ALL ENTERPRISE FUNDS SEPTERBER 30, 1988 Municipal Svc Card District Sound Waste Bridge Total ASSETS Cash and Invest e®ts $ 2,850,257 $ 1,221,193 S 4,071,450 Cash With Fiscal Agent -- 18,265 18,265 Accounts Receivable: Delinquent Waste Collection Fees 1,275,883 -- 1,275,883 Allowance for U®collectible Waste Collection Fees (781,675) Oe (781,675) Other 237,342 ®® 237,342 Allowance for Other Uncollectible (45,132) ®d (45,132) Due fro& Other Govern ental Units 186,421 3,431 189,852 Restricted Assets: Cash 251,230 ®tl 251,230 Invest eats at Cast or ortized Cast 4,300,777 4,300,777 Accrued Interest Receivable 8,230 -- 8,230 Property, Net of Accu ulated Depreciation 6,615,128 1,469,554 8,084,682 Deferred Charges 373,365 -- 373,365 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Assets $ 15,271,826 $ 2,712,443 $ 17,584,269 ...OEM �8388S8S4 S��i 96 MONROE COUNTY, FLORID COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL ENTERPRISE FUNDS - CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Municipal Svc Card District Sound Waste Bridge Total --------------- --------------- --------------- LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY --------------------------- Liabilitiesa Accounts Payable $ 239,225 $ 1,031 20,259 Contracts Payable 116,114 23,055 139,169 Due to Custo er Attorneys 190,23 -- 190,23 Accrued Liabilities 186,257 16,179 202,436 Deposits in Escrow -- 50 50 Payable froa Restricted Assets; Contracts Payable 72,276 -- 72,276 Accrued Interest 298,06 -- 298,06 Revenue Bonds 8,895,167 -- 8,895,167 Due to Other Funds 283,611 1,538 285,19 Matured Bonds Payable -- 15,000 15,000 Matured Interest Payable -- 144 144 Matured Preaiui Payable -- 3,121 3,121 Due to Custo ers 380, 87 -- 380,487 Other Liabilities 344 14 358 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Liabilities 10,661,770 60,135 10,721,905 --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Equity: Contributed Capital 2,805,6 9 2,761 2,808, 10 Retained Earnings; Reserved for Revenue Bond Retire eat 4,iag,m -- 4,189,915 Unreserved (2,385,508) 2,649,517 264,039 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Fund Equity 4,610,056 2,652,308 7,262,364 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ 15,271,826 $ 2,712,443 $ 17,98 ,269 97 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EIPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS ALL ENTERPRISE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Municipal Svc Card District Sound waste Bridge Total ------------- ------------- ------------- Operating Revenues: Tolls $ - $ 835,301 $ 835,301 Charges for Services 6,538,224 -- 6,538,22 Property Taxes and Franchise Fees 832,609 -- 832,609 Miscellaneous Revenue 15,670 -- 15,670 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Operating Revenue 7,386,503 835,301 8,221,80 --------------- --------------- --------------- Operating Expenses: Personal Services 2,102,887 195,610 2,298,497 Professional Services 2,818,624 15,669 2,834,293 Depreciation Expense 943,448 49,764 993,212 Repairs and Maintenance 560,193 46, 10 606,603 Other Operating Expenses 1,163,126 66,578 1,229,70 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Operating Expense 7,588,278 374,031 7,962,309 --------------- --------------- --------------- Operating Income (Lass) (201,115) 461,270 259,495 --------------- --------------- --------------- on-Operating Revenues (Expenses)® Taxes 8,815 -- 8,815 Operating Grants 319,810 -- 319,810 Interest Income 521,152 59,325 580, 11 Interest Expenses and Fiscal Charges (782,695) (333) (783,028) --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Nan-Operating Revenues (Expenses) 67,082 58,992 126,07 --------------- --------------- --------------- Incose (Loss) Before Operating Transfers (13 ,693) 520,262 385,569 --------------- --------------- --------------- Operating Transfers: Transfers to Other Funds -- (3,000) (3,000) --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Operating Transfers -- (3,000) (3,000) --------------- --------------- --------------- Net Income (Loss) (134,693) 517,262 382,569 Retained Earnings - October 1, 1987 4,744,749 2,135,046 6,879,795 --------------- --------------- ------- ------- Retained Earnings - September 30, 1988 4,610,056 $ 2,652,308 $ 7,262,364 9 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHARGES 11 FINANCIAL POSITION ALL ENTERPRISE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Municipal Svc Card District Sound Waste Bridge Total --------------- --------------- --------------- Sources of Working Capital; Operations: Net Income (Loss) $ (134,693)$ 517,262 $ 382,569 Items Not Requiring (Providing) Working Capital; Depreciation and Depletion 943,448 49,764 993,212 Amortization of Deferred Charges 26,765 -- 26,765 Amortization of Capital Appreciation on 1985 Refunding Improvement Bonds 153,619 -- 153,619 Increase (Decrease) in Accrued Compensated Absence 20,102 543 20,645 --------------- --------------- --------------- Working Capital Provided (Used) by Operations 1,009,241 567,569 1,576,810 Increase in Due to Customers 380, 87 -- 380,487 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Sources (Uses) of Working Capital 1,389,728 567,569 1,957,297 --------------- --------------- --------------- Uses of Working Capital® Additions to Property, Plant and Equipment 1,017,725 15,815 1,033,50 Net Increase in Restricted Assets 2,017,817 -- 2,017,817 Net Decrease in Current Liabilities Payable from Restricted Assets 121,487 -- 121,487 Retirement of Long-Term Debt and Portions Becoming Current 280,000 -- 280,000 --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Uses of Working Capital 3,437,029 15,815 3, 52,844 --------------- --------------- --------------- Net Iacrease/(Decrease) in Working Capital $ (2,0 7,301)$ 551,75 $ (1,495,547) Components of Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital: Cash & Investments $ (2,091,962►$ 572,794 $ (1,519,168) Accounts Receivable 75,612 (9) 75,603 Due from Other Government 38, 64 -- 38,464 Interest Receivable -- (2,77) (2,747) Accounts Payable 392,011 4,008 396,019 Contracts Payable (39,5031 (20,749) (60,252) Claims & Judgments Payable (190,243) -- (190,243) Due to Other Funds (211,983) 1,578 (210,405) Accrued Wages Payable (15,681) (2,593) (18,274) Accrued Tares and Retirement Payable (3,68 ) (528) ( ,212) Other Current Liabilities (3321 -- (3321 --------------- --------------- --------------- Net Increasel(Decrease) in Working Capital $ (2,0 7,301)$ 551,75 $ (1,495,547) 99 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT - WASTE REVENUE BOND ISSUES - DESCRIPTION SEPTEBER 30, 1988 Refunding Improvement Bonds Totals Series 1985 ------------- ------------------------------------------------ Current Capital Interest Appreciation Bonds Bonds ----------------------- ----------------------- Original authorization $10,000,000 $8,498,226 $1,501,771 Unissued 788,226 788,226 -- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Issued 9,211,774 7,710,000 1,501,771 Capital appreciation tbrougb Sept 30, 1988 393,393 -- 393,393 Retirements tbrougb September 30, 1988 710,000 710,000 -- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Balance outstanding September 30, 1988 $8,895,167 $7,000,000 $1,895,167 ____ .......__________....__ ___===®=a=:====____®... Date of issue December 30, 1985 December 30, 1985 Maturity range 1986-2011 1986-2011 Principal payment date October 1 October 1 Interest payment dates April-October April-October Denominations 5,000 5,000 Interest rates 5.251 Maturities-1986 8.001 Maturities-1993 5.151 Maturities-1987 8.201 Maturities-1994 6.251 Maturities-1988 8.401 Maturities-1995 6.151 Maturities-1989 8.601Maturities-1996 1.001 Maturities-1990 8.801 aturities-1997 7.201 Maturities-1991 8.901 Maturities-1998 1.401 Maturities-1992 9.001 aturities-1999 9.001 aturities-2005 9.101 Maturities-2000 9.101 aturities-2011 9.201 Maturities-2001 Average interest cost rate 8.311 Rik N1A Call feature 1993-1994 102 1995-1996 105 1994-1995 101.5 1996-1997 104 1995-1996 101 1997-1998 103 1996-1997 100.5 1998-1999 102 1997-Maturity 100 1999-2000 101 2000-Maturity 100 Paying agent Barnett Banks Trust Co., Barnett Banks Trust Co. , M,A. N.A. Jacksonville, Florida Jacksonville, Florida 100 MOROE COUNTY, FLORID MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT - WASTE SCHEDULE OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 $9,211,77 Refunding I prove ent Bonds - Series 1985 Year -------------------------------------------- Ending Original Capital Total Sept, 30 Principal Appreciation Interest Debt Service -------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---- ---------- 1986 $-- $-- $212,681 $212,681 1987 430,000 -- 626,755 1,056,755 1988 280,000 -- 607, 18 887, 18 1989 300,000 -- 589,993 889,993 1990 315,000 -- 569,986 88 ,986 1991 335,000 -- 547,630 882,630 1992 355,000 -- 523,125 878,125 1993 385,000 -- 496,100 881,100 1994 225,909 189,091 481,855 896,855 1995 205,379 209,621 481,855 896,855 1996 186,003 228,997 481,855 896,855 1997 167,814 27,186 481,855 896,855 1998 150,828 26 ,172 481,855 896,855 1999 136,701 278,299 481,855 896,855 2000 125,152 29 ,88 481,855 901,855 2001 111,652 303,348 481,855 896,855 2002 101,833 318,167 481,855 901,855 2003 90,503 32 , 97 481,855 896,855 2004 415,000 -- 463,180 878,180 2005 450,000 424,255 874,255 2006 490,000 -- 381,955 871,955 2007 530,000 -- 335,790 865,790 2008 575,000 -- 285,513 860,513 2009 625,000 -- 230,913 855,913 2010 680,000 -- 171,535 851,535 2011 740,000 -- 106,925 846,925 2012 805,000 -- 36,628 81,628 -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- $9,211,11 $2,658,226 $11,428,932 $23,298,932 11 INTERN& SERVICE RNDS Workmen's �nsa�tion - To account for departmental and agency revenues used for the purpose of financing Monroe County's Workmen's Compensation Program. u Insurance - To account for departmental and agency revenues used for the purpose of fi n-cing Monroe County's Group insurance Program. Risk nna ti t - To account for ftroe County's safety and loss control program, risk management administration and uninsured losses. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS SEPTEBER 30, 1988 Xorken`s Group Risk Copensatiou Insurance Kanagetent Fund Fund Fund Total --------- --------- --------- --------------- ASSETS Cash and Invest Buts $ 749,331 S 743,623 $ 289,769 $ 1,782,723 Accounts Receivable: Other -- 135,743 -- 135,743 Due froa Other Funds -- -- 41,539 41,539 Property, Met of Accuulated Depreciation 13,130 2,936 393 16,459 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Assets $ 762,461 $ 882,302 $ 331,701 $ 1,976,464 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY --------------------------- Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 29,175 S (1,150)$ 3,846 $ 31,871 Contracts Payable -- -- 28 248 Claus Payable 526,07 503,019 150,000 1,179,066 Accrued Liabilities 7,141 6,594 3,276 17,011 Due to Other Funds 28 28 -- 56 Other Liabilities 68 3,387 -- 3,455 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Liabilities 562,459 511,878 157,370 1,231,707 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Equity; Retained Earnings: Unreserved 200,002 370,424 174,331 744,757 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Fund Equity 200,002 370,424 174,331 744,757 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ 762,461 $ 882,302 $ 331,701 $ 1,976,46 102 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS ALL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 ork en's Group Risk Co pensation Insurance Management Fund Fund Fund Total ------------- d_®__________ ------------- ____®®®®_____ Operating Revenues: Charges for Services $ 765,937 $ 2,532,146 456,347 $ 3,754,430 Miscellaneous Revenues ®- 191 2,118 2,309 __®®®_®_®®®__®_ --------------- --------------- __®__®________- Total Operating Revenue 765,937 2,532,337 458,465 3,756,739 --------------- --------------- --------------- d_____--____®__ Operating Expenses: Personal Services 89,071 57,828 25,690 172,589 Professional Services 28,179 81,383 ®_ 109,562 Depreciation Expense 2,187 547 7 2,7 1 Repairs and Maintenance 2,136 2,157 123 4,416 Asserted and Paid Claims 643,747 2,1 2,648 298,860 3,085,255 Other Operating Expenses 15,627 6,034 2,896 24,557 --------------- --------------- --------------- _-®___®®____®-- Total Operating Expense 780,947 2,290,597 327,576 3,399,120 --------------- ___®®dd________ _®_®_®____®__®_ __®________®___ Operating Inco a (Loss) (15,010) 21,740 130,889 357,619 --------------- _______________ ___®___®_®_____ _®_®®__d__®_®._ Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses): Interest Income 33,183 10, 93 1,903 45,579 __®®_®___®®®___ ®_®a®__®_®_____ --------------- ®®__®_®__®_®___ Total Ron-Operating Revenues (Expenses) 33,183 10,493 1,903 45,579 __®_®®___®®____ --------------- ___®__®________ --------------- Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers 18,173 252,233 132,792 403,198 Operating Transfers; Transfers from Other Funds _® 41,539 41,539 --------------- --------------- ®_®_®____®®_®_d ____®_®®_®_____ Total Operating Transfers ®® ®® 41,539 41,539 --------------- --------------- ®_____®®®a__®__ __-_a__®_______ Net Income (Loss) 18,173 252,233 174,331 444,737 Retained Earnings - October 1, 1987 181,829 118,191 ®® 300,020 --------------- __®e®_______®__ ®_____®®®______ ®_-®________--- Retained Earnings - September 30, 1988 S 200,002 $ 370,424 S 174,331 S 744,757 103 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION ALL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTE BIR 30, 1988 Workmen's Group Risk Compensation Insurance Management Fund Fund Fund Total -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Sources of Working Capital: Operations: Net Income (Loss) $ 18,173 $ 252,233 $ 174,331 $ 441,737 Items Not Requiring (Providing) Working Capital: Depreciation and Depletion 2,187 547 7 2,741 Increase (Decrease) in Accrued Compensated Absences 2,235 2,038 1,367 5,640 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Working Capital Provided (Used) by Operations 22,595 254,818 175,705 453,118 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Uses of Working Capital: Additions to Property, Plant and Equipment 2,490 558 400 3,448 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Total Uses of Working Capital 2,490 558 400 3,448 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Net Increasel(Decrease) in Working Capital $ 20,105 $ 254,260 S 175,305 $ 449,670 Components of let Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital: Cash & Investments S 241,671 $ 395,837 $ 289,769 $ 927,280 Accounts Receivable (158,662) (80,698) -- (239,360) Due from Other Government -- -- 41,539 41,539 Accounts Payable 2,192 1,153 (4,094) (7 9) Claims & Judgments Payable (71,352) (59,463) (150,000) (280,8151 Due to Other Funds 7,994 625 -- 8,619 Accrued Wages Payable (1,438) (1,922) (1,715) (51075) Accrued Taxes and Retirement Payable (235) (497) (194) (926) Other Current Liabilities (68) (775) -- (843) -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- et Increasel(D,ecrease) in Working Capital $ 20,105 $ 251,260 $ 175,305 $ 40,670 104 FIDUCIARY RINDS Inmate Welfare - To account for funds of the inmates incarcerated in the Monroe County Jail. Deferred �9�nsat�ion Man - To account for assets held for employees in accordance with the provisions of Iniem_al Revenue Code Section 457. Clerk General n - To account for revenues collected for recording fees, circuit and V_K__L civil filing fees, criminal and traffic fines, and other miscellaneous fees. Sheriff -­ �Feral 1 A =11-L - To account for the personal services, operating expenses and capital outlay within the law enforcement, corrections and court services oft Sheriff's Office. La2.and License - To account for revenues collected from the issuance of vehicle and boat registrJ_ions, applications and transfers of title, occupational licenses and other miscellaneous licenses. PropertZ Tax - To account fort collection and distribution of ad valorem and tangible personal property taxes. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ALL FIDUCIARY FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, I M EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS AGENCY FUNDS Deferred Clerk Sheriff I® ate Co pensation General General Welfare Plans Agency Agency -------------- -------------® --------- --------- ASSETS Cash and Invest eats ` S 23,166 $ 176,990 $ 1,917,714 $ 492,932 Account Receivable 700 -- 23,762 -- Total Assets $ 23,866 $ 176,990 $ 1,941,476 $ 492,932 LIABILITIES AND FOND BALANCES ..._®_®®.____®®®_®_-®_®_®__.. Liabilities; Due to Others $ 10,033 $ 176,990 $ 1,413,576 $ 478,438 Due to Other Govern eats -- -- 527,900 14,494 Total Liabilities 10,033 176,990 1,941,476 492,932 Fund Balances: Reserved for Trust Fund Purposes 13,833 Total Fund Equity 13,833 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity S 23,866 $ 176,990 $ 1,941,476 $ 92,932 15 ------------------------------ Tag and Property License Tar Total --------- --------- -------------- $ 135,781 $ 1,378,725 $ 4,125,308 -- -- 2 , 62 -------------- -------------- -------------- $ 135,781 S 1,378,725 S 4,1 9,TT0 S 2,332 $ 10,25 $ 2,091,614 133,449 1,368, 80 2,0 ,323 -------------- -------------- -------------- 135,781 1,378,725 4,135,937 -------------- -------------- -------------- -- -- 13,833 ______________ ______________ ______________ -- -- 13,833 -------------- -------------- -------------- $ 135,781 S 1,378,725 4,H9,770 16 MONROE COUNTY, FLORID& COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Ia ate Welfare ------------- Revenues: Charges for Services Coitissary Sales $ 51,874 Miscellaneous Revenues: Miscellaneous Collissions 4,538 Donations 4 ------------- Total Revenues 56,416 ------------- Expenditures: Current: Public Safety: Correction and/or Detention 51,121 ------------- Total expenditures 51,121 ------------- Excess of revenues over/ (under) expenditures 5,295 Fund balance, October 1, 1987 8,538 ------------- Fund balance, Septe ber 30, 1988 $ 13,833 107 HORROR COUNTY, FLORIDA COKBINING STATEKENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ALL AGENCY FUNDS SEPTEKBER 30, 1988 Balance Balance October 1, September 30, 1987 Additions Deductions 1988 ------------- ------------- ----- ------- ------------- DEFERRED COPENSATION PLAN; ASSETS Cash and Investments S 89,448 $ 108,831 S 21,289 $ 176,990 LIABILITIES Due to Others S 89,448 $ 108,831 S 21,289 S 176,990 _____________ ____________= CLERK GENERAL AGENCY, ASSETS Cash and Investments $ 1,097,474 $ 13,578,029 S 12,757,789 $ 1,917,714 Accounts Receivable 18,556 49,931 44,725 23,762 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Assets $ 1,116,030 $ 13,627,960 $ 12,802,514 S 1,941,476 LIABILITIES Due to Others S 775,520 $ 3,839,868 S 3,201,812 $ 1,413,576 Due to Other Governments 340,510 9,788,092 9,600,702 527,900 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Liabilities $ 1,116,030 $ 13,627,960 $ 12,802,511 S 1,941,476 SHERIFF GE ERAL AGENCY; ASSETS Cash and Investments $ 458,897 S 1,311,472 S 1,280,437 S 492,932 LIABILITIES Due to Others S 418,807 S 1,234,676 S 1,175,045 S 478,438 Due to Other Governments 40,090 79,796 105,392 14,494 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Liabilities S 458,897 S 1,314,472 S 1,280, 37 $ 492,932 __=====a===== =c=====c===c= _____________ ______=====s= 108 KONROS COUNTY, FLORIDA COKBINING STATEKENT OF CHARGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ALL AGENCY FUNDS SEPTEKBER 30, 1988 Balance Balance October 1, September 30, 1987 Additions Deductions 1988 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- TAG AND LICENSES; ASSETS Cash and Investments $ 135,687 $ 3,411,297 S 3,411,203 $ 135,781 LIABILITIES Due to Others $ 3,191 $ 173 $ 1,032 $ 2,332 Due to Other Governments 132, 96 3,411,124 3, 10,171 133,49 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Liabilities $ 135,687 $ 3, 11,297 $ 3, 11,203 $ 135,781 PROPERTY TA ; ASSETS Cash and Investments $ 903,418 $ 69,35 ,961 $ G8,879,G54 S 1,378,725 LIABILITIES Due to Others $ 5,140 $ 4,039,78 $ 4,034,679 $ 10,245 Due to Other Governments 898,278 65,315,177 6 ,8 ,975 1,368,480 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Liabilities S 903,418 S 69,354,961 $ 68,879,65 S 1,378,725 TOTAL ALL AGENCY FUNDS; ASSETS Cash and Investments $ 2,684,924 S 87,767,590 S 86,350,372 4,102,12 Accounts Receivable 18,556 49,931 44,725 23,762 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- TOTAL ASSETS $ 2,703, 80 $ 87,817,521 $ 86,395,097 $ ,125,90 LIABILITIES Due to Others S 1,292,106 $ 9,223,332 S 8, 33,857 $ 2,081,581 Due to Other Governments 1,411,374 78,59 ,189 77,961,20 2,0 ,323 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Liabilities $ 2,703,480 $ 87,817,521 $ 86,395,097 $ 4,125,90 19 ACCOUNT GROUPS General Fixed Assets - To account for all fixed assets oft county, other than those accounted for in the enterprise funds and internal service funds. General LT.27term Debt - To account for bonded debt and other form of long-term debt supported by rl v uesources of the Monroe County Govemriental Unit. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY SOURCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS® Land S 6,961,74O --------------- Buildings 18,769,215 --------------- Equip ent; Board Of County Cozzissioners 11,976,32O Sheriff 5,175,378 Land Authority 6,997 --------------- Total Equip tent 17,158,695 --------------- Construction In Progress 1,495,050 --------------- Total General Fixed Assets 44,384,700 INVESTMENTS 11 FIXED ASSETS FROM: General Fund Revenues S 23,961,852 General Obligation Bonds 2,469,017 Special Revenue Fund Revenues 6,252, 02 Donations 2,517,392 Capital Project Fund; Special Revenue Bonds 1,210, 51 Federal Grants And Shared Revenues 1,250,000 State Grants And Shared Revenues 110,023 County Funding 6,602,655 Donations 10,908 --------------- Total Invest eat In General Fixed Assets S 44,384,700 11 KORROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY SEPTEKBER 30, 1988 Construction Land Buildings Equipment in Progress Total ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- General Government: Legislative S -- $ -- S 61,095 S -- S 61,095 Executive -- -- 76,933 - 76,933 Financial and Administrative 122,320 1,474,855 1,585,745 -- 3,182,920 Legal Counsel -- -- 68,131 -- 68,131 Ca prebensive Planning -- 26,385 265,007 -- 291,392 Judicial -- 59,054 760,011 -- 819,065 Other General Government 6,766,669 4,935,631 920,756 -- 12,623,056 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Total General Government 6,888,989 6,495,925 3,737,678 -- 17,122,592 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Public Safety: Lav Enforcement 64,241 28,669 5,216,633 -- 5,309,543 Fire Control 10 177,078 3,199,530 -- 3,376,618 Detention and/or Correction -- 4,649,145 -- -- 4,649,145 Protective Inspections -- 14,808 83,088 -- 97,896 Emergency and Disaster Relief Services -- 1,903 391,541 -- 393,444 Ambulance and Rescue Services -- 6,415 1,130,960 -- 1,137,375 Medical Examiner -- -- 13,048 -- 13,048 Other Public Safety -- -- 9,750 -- 9,750 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Total Public Safety 64,251 4,878,018 10,044,550 -- 14,986,819 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Physical Environment: Conservation and Resource Manage eat -- 70,538 18,903 -- 89,441 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Total Physical Environment -- 70,538 18,903 - 89,441 __________ ___________ ___________ __________ ----------- Transportation: Road and Street Facilities -- 17,362 1,693,232 -- 1,710,594 Airports -- 4,344,484 275,585 -- 4,620,069 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Total Transportation -- 4,361,86 1,968,817 -- 6,330,663 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- III NONROS COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OI GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY - CONTINUED SEPTERBER 30, 1988 Construction Land Buildings Equipment in Progress Total ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Econo is Environ eat; Employment Opportunity and Development -- -- 1,082 -- 1,082 Veteran's Services -- -- 49,750 -- 49,750 Other Economic Development -- -- 12,278 -- 12,278 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Total Economic Environment -- -- 63,110 -- 63,110 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Human Services: Hospitals -- -- 58,395 -- 58,395 Health -- 222,167 455,497 -- 677,664 Welfare 8,500 391,408 431,976 -- 831,884 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Total Human Servoces 8,500 613,575 945,868 -- 1,567,943 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Culture and Recreation: Libraries -- 1,410,668 250,927 -- 1,661,595 Parks and Recreation -- 938,645 128,842 -- 1,067,487 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Total Culture and Recreation -- 2,349,313 379,769 -- 2,729,082 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Construction in Progress -- -- -- 1,495,050 1,495,050 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Total Construction in Progress -- -- -- 1,495,050 1,495,050 ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- Total $6,961,740 $18,769,215 $17,158,695 $1,495,050 $44,384,700 112 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIIED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 October 1, 1987 Additions Deductions -------------- ------------- ------------ General Government; Legislative $ 59,633 S 3,320 S 961 Executive 76,443 751 261 Financial and Ad inistrative 2,475,620 795,906 83,794 Legal Counsel 63,747 5,816 1,432 Co prehensive Planning 249,186 46,024 4,083 Judicial 699,610 159,318 38,730 Other General Govern ent 12,327,996 345,295 117,253 -------------- ----------n®_ ------®_---- Tota1 General Govern eat 15,952,235 1,356, 30 26,514 -------------- ------------- ------------ Public Safety: Law Enforce eat 4,683,859 893,584 267,900 Fire Control 2,639,547 720,944 4,694 Detention and/or Correction 4,605,819 43,326 -- Protective Inspections 98,695 28,126 28,925 E ergency and Disaster Relief Services 410,129 15,721 25,387 A bulance and Rescue Services 905,487 248,497 3,609 Medical Era iaer 12,521 887 360 Other Public Safety 9,750 -------------- -----®------- ------------ Total Public Safety 13,365,807 1,951,085 330,875 -------------- ------------- --®_-------- Physical Environ eat: Conservation and Resource Manage ent 88,664 777 ®- -------------- -------mama-- ------------ Total Physical Environment 88,664 777 ®® -------------- ------------- ------------ Transportation: Road and Street Facilities 1,794,128 109,419 192,688 Airports 4,381,756 238,773 460 -------------- ------------- ------------ Total Transportation: 6,175,881 348,192 193,148 113 Interdepart ental Transfers ------------ ------------ Septe ber 30, 1n Out 1988 ------------ ------------ -------------- $ _® $ 89T $ 61,095 -_ -- 76,933 563 5,375 3,182,920 -- -® 68,131 265 -- 291,392 -- 1,133 819,065 67,472 454 12,623,056 ------------ ------------ -------------- 68,300 7,859 17,122,592 ------------ ------------ -------------- -- -- 5,309,53 20,821 -- 3,376,618 -- 4,649,145 -- -- 97,896 980 7,999 393,444 - 13,000 1,137,375 __ -- 13,08 -- -- 9,750 ------------ ------------ -------------- 21,801 20,999 14,986,819 ------------ ------------ -------------- _- -_ 89,441 ------------ ------------ -------------- -- -- 89, 1 ------------ ------------ -------------- -® 265 1,710,594 -- -- 4,620,069 ------------ ------------ -------------- -- 265 6,330,663 ------------ ------------ -------------- 114 KONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIEND ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY _ CONTINUED SEPTEK9ER 30, 1988 October 1, 1987 Additions Deductions _d__d___®®___n __®______®___ ------------ Economic Environment: Employment Opportunity and Development 595 __ -- Veteran's Services 17,827 34,971 2,688 Other Economic Development 10,219 2,059 -e _a____________ _____________ ________®_a_ Total Economic Environment 28,641 37,030 2,688 Hu an Services; Hospitals __ 58,395 -- Health 655,231 30,964 8,531 Welfare 791,748 41,800 2,118 Total Human Services 1,446,979 131,159 10,649 ______________ d®_____m_____ ____________ Culture and Recreation: Libraries 1,651,191 11,007 603 Parks and Recreation 1,11 ,081 40,704 25,739 ______________ a___a_d®_®®__ __________n_ Total Culture and Recreation 2,765,272 51,711 26,342 ®da__d___®®®_ ------------- ------------ Construction in Progress 151,115 1,3 3,275 _____®____®d_® __®_d_d®_®___ ____________ Total Construction in Progress 151,115 1,343,275 ®® ®®_____d____a __®_ad®®®____ ___®________ Total S 39,975,257 $ 5,219,659 S 810,216 115 Interdeart ental Transfers ------------ ------------ Septe ber 30, In Out 1988 ------------ ------------ -------------- 87 -- 1,082 -- 360 49,750 -- -- 12,278 ------------ ------------ -------------- 87 360 63,110 ------------ ------------ -------------- -- -- 58,395 -- -- 677,66 454 831,88 ------------ ------------ -------------- 454 -- 1,567,943 ------------ ------------ -------------- -- -- 1,661,595 -- 61,559 1,067, 87 ------------ ------------ -------------- -- 61,559 2,729,082 ------------ ------------ -------------- - -- 1, 95,050 ------------ ------------ -------------- I,4 9 5,0 5 0 ------------ ------------ -------------- $ 91,0 2 $ 91,042 S 44,384,700 116 MOROE COUNTY, FLORID& STATEMENT OF GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT AND CHANGES IA GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT FOR YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Balance Balance October 1, September 30, 1987 Additions Retirements 1988 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- A ount Available and to be Provided For the Payment of Long-Ter Debt ----------------------------------- Capitalized Lease Obligations: Board of County Commissioners $ 3,713 $ 447,885 $ 76,882 S 374,716 Property Appraiser 86,879 -- 32,096 54,783 Sheriff 231,865 216,298 255,203 195,960 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Capitalized Lease Obligations 325,457 664,183 364,181 625,459 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Accrued Annual Leave and Compensatory Ti met Annual Leave; Board of County Commissioners 107,773 101,334 - 509,107 Property Appraiser 69,027 3,024 - 72,051 Sheriff 333,056 122,283 -- 455,339 Compensatory Ti e; Board of County Coiaissioners 8,968 8,393 -- 17,361 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Accrued Annual Leave and Compensatory Time 818,821 235,031 - 1,053,858 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Other Long-Term Debt: 1983 Refunding Improvement Revenue Bonds Payable 2,055,000 -- 30,000 2,025,000 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Amount Available and to be Provided for the Payment of Long-Term Debt S 3,199,281 $ 899,217 $ 394,181 $ 3,704,317 General Long-Teri Debt Payable: ------------------------------- Amount Provided $ 748,260 S 65,559 $ -- $ 813,819 Amount to be Provided 2,451,021 833,658 394,181 2,890,498 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total. Geueral Long-Ter Debt $ 3,199,281 S 899,217 S 394,181 $ 3,704,317 117 0 ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA REFUNDING IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BO D - SERIES 1983 REVENUE O D ISSUES - DESCRIPIO EPTE BER 30, 1988 Refunding Bonds ------------------------------ Series 1983 ------------------------------ Oriinal authorization $2,150,000 Unissued 595,000 ----=------------------------- Issued 2,155,000 Retire eats through epte ber 30, 1988 130,000 ------------------------------ alance outstanding ete ber 30, 1988 $2,025,000 Date of issue June 1, 1983 Maturity range 198 -2011 Principal pay sent date July 1 Interest pay sent dates January - July Deno inations $5,000 Interest rates 7.401 Maturities 198 -1990 8.801 Maturities 2000 7,601 Maturities 1991 8.90Maturities 2001 7.80% Maturities 1992 9.001 Maturities 2002 8.00% Maturities 1993 9.05Maturities 2003 8.201 Maturities 1994 9.101 Maturities 200 8.30% Maturities 1995 9.1251 Maturities 2005 8. 0 Maturities 1996 9.15% Maturities 2006-2007 8.50% Maturities 1997 9.201 Maturities 2008-2009 .601 Maturities 1998 9.252 Maturities 2010-2011 8.10 Maturities 1999 Average interest cost rate 8.80 Call feature 1993-199 102.5 1995-1996 102 1997-1998 101.5 1999-2000 101 2001- aturity 100.5 Paying agent Florida National Bank of Mia i Mia i, Florida 11 MOROE COUNTY, FLORIDA REFUNDING IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS - SERIFS 1983 SCHEDULE OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 $2,155,000 Series 1983 Bands Year ----------------------------- Ending Original Interest Total Sept. 30 Principal Debt Service -------- -------------- -------------- --------------- 194 $25,000 $205,485 $230,485 1985 25,000 187,829 212,829 1986 25,000 185,979 210,979 1987 25,000 14,129 209,129 1988 30,000 182,279 212,279 1989 30,000 180,059 210,059 1990 30,000 177,839 207,839 1991 35,000 175,619 210,619 1992 40,000 172,959 212,959 1993 45,000 169,839 214,839 1994 45,000 166,239 211,239 1995 50,000 162,549 212,549 1996 55,000 158,399 213,399 1997 60,000 153,779 213,779 1998 65,000 18,679 213,679 1999 70,000 143,089 213,089 2000 75,000 136,999 211,999 2001 80,000 130,399 210,399 2002 90,000 123,278 213,278 2003 95,000 115,178 210,178 2004 105,000 106,581 211,581 2005 115,000 97,026 212,026 2006 125,000 86,532 211,532 2007 135,000 75,095 210,095 2008 150,000 62,742 212,742 2009 165,000 48,942 213,942 2010 175,000 33,762 208,762 2011 190,000 17,575 207,575 -------------- -------------- --------------- $2,155,000 $3,788,859 $5,93,859 ...®�®.®...r.. .............® .�..®.®a.®..... 119 STATISTICAL SECTION Statistical information is different from the infamation presented in the financial sec- tion in that it usually covers more than one fiscal year and my present non-accounting information. The tables present social and economic information, financial trends and the fiscal capacity of the government necessary fort complete disclosure oft County's financial activity. The information presented in the following tables is not required for fair presentation in conformity with generally accepted accounting principals and is, therefore, not covered by the auditor's opinion. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN YEARS Fiscal General Public Physical Year Govemlient Safety Enviromental Trans ponation 1979 4,020,688 3,910,825 1,606,672 1,970,161 1980 4,304,068 4,322,228 51,048 2,394,612 1981 5,210,558 5,897,627 135,736 2,232,650 1982 6,3037,702 7,398,866 284,482 2,930,397 1983 7,116,903 8,659,200 680,819 4,587,694 19B4 8-5546,621 9,489,904 759,191 3,353,831 1985 8,731,043 12,189,855 467,548 4,056,687 1986 9,P42,404 13,586,790 413,756 3,893,227 19B7 10,940,172 14,177,570 210,678 3,503,429 1988 14,238,914 19,171,479 174,732 3,946,380 Includes expenditures in General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Expendable Trust fund types. Capital outlay expenditures vere reported separately for fiscal year 1987. 120 Econod c Hunan Culture and DebtCapital Environment Services Recreation Service Outlay Total* 1,502,928 1,047,58B 758,164 - 7 , 93 - - 14;895,919 , 10 1,455,Y70 850,339 74,925 14,378,600 73 , 73 1,809,27B 1,101,464 78,325 - - 17, ,511 19,9 1,927,339 1,957,121 296,098 - - 21,361,943 184,964 2,1 ,710 1,748,455 456,561 25,621,306 175,431 2,511,116 1,228,a4O 522,925 269587,859 211,424 2,662,800 2,883,067 986,217 32,189,541 2,275,026 3,427,255 2,466,602 211,159 36,116,219 2,906,704 3,552,902 1,587,689 209,377 2,940,228 8,749 3,841,530 , 79,122 2, r ,837 659,727 48,608,721 121 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA GOVERNMENTGENERAL C LAST TEN YEARS Fiscal Licenses and Charges for Year Taxes is Inter ve _nal Services 1979 7,512,509 5. ,523 5,774,227 545,869 1980 6,841,362 542,764 69025,755 629,896 1981 7,362,145 797,559 5,645,057 619,229 1982 9,011,166 935,450 5,595,405 1,5 1983 12,7 7,535 1,562,069 8,776,845 1,179,417 19B4 17,691,586 1,332, 76 8,638,160 1,955,486 1985 20,353,90B1,660,046 10,159,182 13939,203 1986 23,790,7 2,436,048 9,918,695 2,790,751 1987 25,639,643 1,516, -1 9,501,798 23,649,131 1988 32319, 13,919,763 12,269,223 3,438,650 * Includes venues in General, Special Revenue, Capital Projects and Expendable Trust Fund Types. 122 Fines and Interest Forfeitures Income Assess is Miscellaneous Total* 6,00,339 585,141 1,035,026 193,153 16,935,787 692,880 679,061 0 247, 27 15,659,545 674,790 995,047 0 343,107 16,436,934 1,055,756 1,273,353 0 293,856 19, ,571 3,292 842,634 0 336,947 26,288,739 973,063 1,2 ,372 0 0,807 32,157,950 1,1 ,512 1,578,689 0 397,785 37,249,325 1,155,180 1,889,846 0 460,341 42,450,601 1,386,196 1,79,432 866,653 640,028 43,0969,542 1,7 ,128 2,370,778 0 2,185,854 56,309,300 123 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Fiscal Tax Tax Percent of Year Levy Collection Lev, Collected 1979 7,932,290 7,6095,683 96.9% 1980 7,529,657 7,295,356 96.9r/,, 1981 9,433,547 8,980,468 95.2% 1gB2 10,708,434 10,108,39B .094.4% 1983 11,904,007 11,471,341 0-66.4% 1984 16,09B,628 15,367,153 -95.5% 1985 -15,814,489 15,351,860 97.1% 19B6 20,697,309 19,968,482 96.4% 19B7 22,633,498 21,732,106 96.0% 1988 34,251,268 32,863,650 -95.9% Property tax levies, based on assessed values as of January 1st, become due and payable on November 1st of each year. A 4 percent discount is all if the taxes are paid in November, with the discount declining by I percent each month thereafter. Accordingly, taxes collected will never be 100 percent of the tax levy. Taxes become delinquent on April 1st of each year and tax certificates for the full amount of any unpaid taxes and assessments must be sold not later than June 1st of each year. Property taxes receivable and a corresponding reserve for uncollectible property taxes are included in the financial statements. 124 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ASSESSED D ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY LAST TEN YEARS Ratio of Total Rea 1 rty Pe onal y Total Assessed Tax Assessed Estimated Assessed Estimated sess Estimated Total Estimated Year Value Actual Value Value Actual Value Value Actual Value Actual Value 1979 1,059,815,469 1,059,815,469 ,1 r,71 96,189,781 1,156,005,250 1,156, ,250 100 1980 1,411,027,844 1,411-5027,844 107,983,463 107,983,463 1,519,011,307 1,15 ,011,307 100 1981 1,926,529,462 1,926,529,462 137,800,260 137,800,260 2,064,329,722 2,064,329,722 100 1982 2,173,603,050 2,173,603,060 160,697,982 160,697,982 2,334,301,042 29-3 ,301, 2 100 19B3 2,622,121,321 2,6 ,121,321 169,044,868 169,044,868 2,791,166,189 2,791J66,189 100 1 _ , 1 9-747,7 2,818,747,746 179,994,814 179,994,814 2,998,742,560 2,998,742,560 100 19B5 3,114,511,330 3,114,511,330 209,495,424 209,495,424 3,324,006,754 3,324,006,754 100 19B6 3,425,252,146 3,425,252,146 212, 3 , 27 212,232, 27 3,637, ,573 3,637, ,573 100 1987 3,754,724,220 3,754,724,220 221,643,508 221,643,5083,976, ,7 3,976,367,728 100 1988 4,208,231,293 ,231, 93 1, 0 , n 261,9 ,29 , 70, 27,52 , 70,227,52 100 Assessed values used are net taxable values after deducting allowable statutory exemptions. Property is assessed as of January 1st and taxes based on those assessments are levied and become due on the followingNovember 1st. 125 MONORE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROPERTY TAX RATES - ALL OVERLAPPING GOVERMENTS LAST TEN YEARS TAX RATES (MILL AGE) School Board Cou nt .. Tax Year- 2p tin b Service 0p_raj jn b Service Other Total 1979 6.2000 6.4549 .0906 1.6230 14.3685 1980 5.9720 7.8649 .0917 1.324.0 15.2526 19B1 5.7900 5.W6 .0512 1.3020 12.2278 1982 4.9440 4.9930 .0451 1.3200 11.3021 1983 5.52® 5.7268 .0382 1.2630 12.5570 1984 5.7600 5.4748 .0351 1.2320 12.5019 19B5 5.8580 6.1906 1.1380 13.1866 1986 5.9330 6.2262 1.2180 13.3772 1987 6.0650 6.8639 1.1630 14.0919 19B8 6.2720 6.9222 1.2250 14.4192 Property is assessed as of January 1st and the taxes based on those assessments are levied according to the tax rate in effect during that tax year and become due on November Is . 126 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RATIO OF NET GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA LAST TEN YEARS Ratio of Net Gross Bonded Debt Net Assessed b Service Net Bonded To Assessed Bonded Debt Year lai Value Debt Funds Debt Value Per Ca i 1979 56,509 1,156,005,250 915,000 650,6446 0.0229 4.68 1980 63,198 1,159,011,307 880,075 737, 26 142,649 0.0123 2.2 1981 64,168 2,064,329,722 785,000 737,426 47,5740.0023 0.74 1982 65,7482,334,301,042 740,ODO 737,126 2,574 0.0001 0.04 1983 66,605 2,791,166,189 69O,OD0 690,ODO - - - - - - 1984 68,752 2,998,742,560 - - - - - - - - - - 1965 70,729 3,324,ID05,754 - - - - - - - - - - 1986 72, 71 3,637, ,573 - - - - - - - - - - 1987 7 , 23 3,9769 7,7 - - - - - - - - - - 1988 77,003 , 70, 7, 2 - - - - - - - - - - Source: University of Florida, Division of Population Studies. Property Value Assessments are as of January 1st of each year. 127 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMPUTATION OF DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT SE ER 30, 19M Percentage Applicable to This Overlapping Governmental Unit Net Debt Goverrumtal Unit Net Debt Monroe County, Florida $ $ - - School Bonds 1,820,000 100 % 1,820,000 City of Key West 240,000 100 % 240,000 Total Direct and Overlapping Debt $ 2,060,000 Note: Monroe County does not have any outstanding general obligation debt. 128 MDNROE COUM, FLORIDA 04PUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 The Constitution oft State of Florida, Florida Statute 200.181 and Monroe County set no legal debt lid t. 129 "ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TIO OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO TOTAL GENERAL GDVERWENTEXPENDITURES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Ratio of Debt Other Total General Service to Fiscal Debt Debtve neral Government Year Principal Interest Service Service* Ex itures ! i ires 1979 40,000 37,550 1,343 78,893 1 ,8 ,919 0.53 1980 40,000 34,925 74,925 14,378,600 0.52 19BI 45,000 33,325 ® ® 78,325 17,2 ,511 0.46 1982 55,ODO 241,098 296,098 21,361,943 1.39 1983 55,000 394,649 6,912 456,561 25,621,306 1.78 19B4 148,185 373,5c-C 1,142 522,925 26,587,P,59 1.97 1985 1,135,000 251,110 20,107 1,406,217 32,189,541 4.37 1986 133,000 209,9185 180 346,165 36,116,219 0.95 19B7 564,440 211,783 250 776,463 43,373,112 1.79 19BB 434,9282, ® m 717,774 50,153,635 1® 3 Debt service includes principal and interest eral obligation bonds, revenue bonds, bond anticipation notes, and other loan and notes payable. 130 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT WASTE - SCHEDULE OF REVENUECOVERAGE LAST TEN FISCALYEARS Net Revenue Debt Service Requirements Fiscal Gross Available for ------------------------------------ Y r Revenue** Expenses* Debt Service Principal Interest Total verage 1979 2,586,679 1,563,505 1,03,174 - - - - - - /A 1980 1,867,212 1,690,591 17 , 21 - - - - - - / igel ;3,950,895 2,069,990 11880,905 - - 2, 0 442,060 4. 5 1982 4,476,788 3,055,789 1, 20,9 ,000 8B4,120 924,1201.5 1983 - 4,336,483 3,768,057 5 , 6 45,000 879,620924,620 0.61 19B4 5,794,0137 4,603,748 1,191,19 50,000 874,5582 ,5 1. 9 1965 6,235,5044,312,485 1,923,019 55,000 868,933 923,933 2.08 1M6 6,488,177 5,400,183 1,087,994 - - 531,702 531,7 1987 7,956,812 5,136,726 2,820,00630, 26,755 111-056,755 2.67 19W 8,236,2806,644,830 1,591, 0 280,ODO 607,4187, 1 1.79 * "Expenses exclude depreciation of fixed assets and amortizationof deferredcharges wfiich are reflected as expenses in the financial statements. "Gross Revenue" shall mean all rates, fees, charges, assessments or other income received by the County or accrued the County or any agency thereof in control of the management and operation of said Municipal Service District. Excluded "Gross Revenue" is interest earned on funds held in escrow for the retin3wnt of the refunded 1980 bonds. 131 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE SEPTEMBER 30, IW Ty of Policy and Type of Covera2e Details ofCoverage Property Insurance A. Insurers 83 County Buildings totaling $31,098,484 B. Insurers $4,769,000 in contents 1. Special Property Form All risks of direct physical loss except: a. The enforcement of any ordinance or law b. Earth Movement c. Governmental Action d. Nuclear Hazard e. Power Failure f. War & Military Action g. Water (Flood) 2. Full Windstorm coverage - All locations a & b - Deductible $5,000 per location - $10,000 annual $500 Windstorm Deductible - 90% Co-insurance, Replacement cost value - 30 days extension for newly acquired y• C. Insures $938,551 in County omed Computer Equipymt and $498,941 in leased computer equipment. 1. $500 deductible-Replacement cost value 100% Co-insurance. 2. Excludes flood, software coverage and extra expense coverage to replace lost data and files. D. Insures $523,000 in contractor's (heavy) Equipment. 1. Deducti bl e 1% of value but not less than $300 2. Excludes flood 3. Actual Cash Value - 80% Co-insurance E. Insures $171,970 in Emergency Communications Towers and transmitting equipTent. 1. Named perils - excludes flood, wind, and lightning. 2. Deductible $500 - Actual Cash Value 100% Co-insurance. F. Insures $40,000 in voting machines $100 deductible - excludes fl ood G. Insurers $24,000 in contents o bile - 1 deductible - excludes flood. 132 COUNTY,MONROE I DA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1r T ?icy aau T e of ;vera e tails of Coverage (CONTINUED) General Liability Provides $2,000,000 excess protection over Self-Insured Auto Liability Rentention of $100,000 per person/$200,000 per occurrence Public Officials for bodily injury and $100,000 for property damage for Liability these three liability risks. Excess protection for Federal claims or claims bills passed by the Legislature. Comprehensive Crime Policy (BCC) Faithful Performance Blanket Bond Coverage $100,000 for BCC Employees, $1,000 de- ductible. Covers loss to the BCC through the failure any Employee acting alone or in collusion others. Leased Vehicle Provides $1,000,000 CombinedSingle Limit for 14 lease vehicles. Includes ical damage coverage $1,000 deductible for comprehensive/collision coverage. (This separate licy required because lease agreements waive the C 's soverign immunity). General Liability Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability $1,000,000 1315 Whitehead Street eachc nce/ . 250 deductible. Separate Leased Property policyi cover contractual liability assumed under lease agreement. Professional Liability Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability including ManorBayshore Professional Liability to cover rendering of medical services at Bayshore Manor. $1,000,000 each occurrence/ aggregate. Volunteer Insurance Specialized Insurance Programprovides County Volunteers the County Volunteers 1) kcidental Death Coverage $2,500 2) Medical Coverage for injuries during Volunteer assi - Dental injuries 5 - Eyeglasses $100. 3) Excess Auto Liability $500,000 over limits Volunteer's personal auto insurance. ) Personal Liability protection $1,000,000coverage for bodily injury/ e caused by negligence of Volunteer. Volunteer Insurance Volunteer program as described above specifically Older Pmerican for OAVP Program at various mrksites. Volunteer Program 133 MONROE COUNTY, FLORI DA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE SEPTEMBER 30, IT9 .0 Details of g2yfra e (CONTINUED) Airport Liability-KEY WEST AIRPORT $10,000,000 Combined Single Limit for Airport -MARATHON Operation includes coverage for Products /Completed Operations, Construction & Demolition, Contractual, Personal Injury NO LIQUOR LIABILITY. ABSOLUTE LIQUOR EXCLUSION. Flood Insurance Flood Insurance-Islamorada Library $200,000 on the Bldg., $162,800 on the contents $500 deductible. Flood Insurance-Jerry Ellis Building $200,000 on the Bldg., $75,000 on the contents $500 deductible. Flood Insurance-Marathon Sub-Cthse $200,000 on the Bldg., $71,400 on the contents. $500 deductible. Flood Insurance Public Service Building $200,ODO on the Bldg. $200,000 on the contents $500 deductible Flood Insurance-Plantation Key Government Center $200,000 on the Bldg., $75,000 on the contents $500 deductible. Windstorm Policy Insures Volume Reduction Plant Bldgs., Scale Houses and Contents of Scale Houses, and Tanks for loss due to windstorm. Does not cover refractories or scales. $500 deductible. Contractor's Equiprent Policy Covers risks of direct physical loss to contractor's equiprent totaling $898,144 at the three locations. Includes loss from windstorm and flood. Deductible 1%, $300 minimum, $1,000 maximum, 80% coinsurance. Actual Cash Value of equipment. 134 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE SEPTEMBER 30, 19M Details of C�ra e (CONTINUED) Property Insurance General Liability Property Damage on three Volume Reduction Plant Bldgs. Refractories, Scale use Bldgs., Contents of Scale Houses, Water Tanks, Propane Tanks, Diesel Tanks, Scales, and Ash Renoval Systems. Cudjoe Key - $1,947,200 Long Key - 2,892,800 Key Largo - 2,768,800 Contents PSB - 61,600 Coinsurance 90%, $5,000 deductible, Replacement Cost Value, Excludes Windstorm and Flood. ------------------------------------------------ General Liability lid ts $500,000 Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury, Personal Injury, Property Damage. ABSOLUTE POLLUTION EXCLUSION!! Electronic Data Processing Equipnent Covers Replacement Cost Value of MSD's Computer Policy Equip'nent at the Volume Reduction Plants, and in the Public Service Bldg., totaling $133,715. All risk coverage, excludes windstorm and fl ood. No coverage for software. � coinsurance, $5,000 deductible. Comprehensive Crime Policy Faithful Performance Blanket Bond $100,000 for MSD Employees. $1,000 deductible. Loss inside Collection Office, Wing II, Public Service Bldg., due to robbery­$10,000 limit. Higher loss limits for January, February, March to $250,000. Flood Insurance Flood Insurance-Volume Reduction Plant-Long Key $200,000 on the Bldg., $200,000 on the contents $500 deductible each. 135 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1c68 Type of licy and yp2 of Coy�ejaLe Details of Coverage (CONTINUED) Flood Insurance Flood Insurance-Volume Reduction Plant-Cudjoe Key $150,000 on the Bldg., $200,000 on the contents. $500 deductible. Flood Insurance Flood Insurance-Scale House-Cudjoe Key $40,ODO on the Bldg., $10,ODO on the contents $500 deductible. Flood Insurance Flood Insurance-Scale House-Key Largo $40,000 on the Bldg., $10,000 on the contents $500 deductible. Flood Insurance Flood Insurance-Scale House-Long Key $3,600 on the Bldg., $1,900 on the contents $500 deductible. Flood Insurance Flood Insurance-Volume Reduction Plant-Key Largo $150,ODO on the Bldg., $300,000 on the contents $500 deductible. Business Auto Policy Emergency Services Insures 55 Emergency Service Vehicle (firetrucks, ambulances, including fire truck at Key West Airport and Civil Defense Director's Bronco). Comprehensive deductible $50.00. Collision deduc- tible $500.00. Limits of Liability $300,OOD. Combined Single Limit for bodily injury and/or property damage frum one occurrence. Reimburses volunteer's deductible on their private vehicle up to $200,000 if damage results from accident on the way to fi re station after receiving call to report. Provides volunteers with excess liability coverage, over their basic limi ts on private policies. General Liability Onergency Services Covers all County owned and District owned Fi re Stations (13) for General Liability , $30D,ODO. Combined Single Limit for bodily injury and property damage. Includes: Premises Operations, Volunteer Firemen, Independent Contractors, Products/completed Operations, Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability, including Host Liquor, Incidental Medical Malpractice (good Samaritan Endorsement Fellow Member Liability). 136 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE SE R 30, 19BB Tge o licy and e o verage tails of g2Ktrage (CONTINUED) Specific Excess Health Fund Excess coverage for any Group Health claim that Conversion Policy exceeds $25,000. Sun Life will then pay up to a maximum of $1,000,000. Conversion policy all employees to continue health/life insurance after terminati-on of Employnent with the County or at the end of COBRA coverage. Coverage is then carried with Sun Life of Canada. Life Insurance Insurance full time employees and retirees under Accidental Death & Dismemberment the age of 70 for $10,000 in life benefits; Insurance $6,700 for active Employees between ages 70 to 74 and $5,000 over the age 75; $5,000 for retirees overt age of 70. Accidental Death & Dismemberment insures and added $10,000 benefit if death was accidental or there was loss of sight or limb. AD&D cancels at age 65. Aggregate Excess Health Insurance Excess coverage to prevent group health fund frm being depleted in one plan year. Begins paying at 120% of expected claim cost or $1,350,000 whichever is greater. Pays to $1,000,000. Excess Coverage for any one workers compensation Employer's Liability claim over $200,000. This policy will then pay to $1,000,00 protects self® workers compensation from being de eted in one Year from claim. Employer's Liability coverage per claim—Iimit $500,000 per occurrence, $200,000 per occurrencer, $200,000 LIS Longshoremen & Harbor Workers Act, $200,000 Jones Act. Sheriff's Dept. uses boats and skin divers and the County uses a small boat. 137 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE SE ER 30, 1988 Details of Coverage (CONTINUED) Excess Worker's .0 nsation Excess coverage for 2 or more unrelated Workers' Employer's Liability Compensation claims, with the fund minimum expenditure $511,100 in tw year period, or 80% of loss . Limit to $1,000,000. 138 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE COMPANY SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Insurance n 22jiLcl Period Aetna Fire Underwriters Insurance Co. 01/10/88-89 Cigna/Ina 03/15/88-89 04/01/88-89 Employees Reinsurance Corporation 10/01/87-88 Fla. Wirdstorm Underwriting Assoc. 07/06/88-89 Insurance Company of North Anerica 01/10/88-89 04/01/88-89 07/01/88-89 07/26/88-89 07/27/88-89 Lloyds of London 10/01/87-88 National Flood Ins. Pro. 07/05/8B-89 07/13/88-89 08/27/88-89 -09/19/88-89 11/03/88-89 Sun Life of Canada 10/01/87-09/30/88 United States Fidelity & Clarant ee Company 03/15/BB-89 Florida Municipal Liability Self-Insurers Program 06/16/88-89 Western World 03/15/88-89 139 MDMRDE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE AGENCY 5EPTBMBER 30» I9M Expiration Annual Date Premi Lyn Arthur J. Gallagher 04/19/89 $27»445.00 09/30/80 I60"[0O.00 I0/01/80 64»540.20 Burke, Bogart & Brownell, Inc. 0I/I0/89 75"496.00 Key West Insurance 07/06/89 2"I15.00 03/I5/89 I7»I05.00 Porter Allen Insurance 04/0I/89 6I°863.00 07/05/89 4»894.00 07/26/89 2»636.00 07/27/89 5r,734.00 08/27/89 6»490.00 09/I9/89 548.00 II/03/89 2°255.00 The Johnson's Insurance Agency 08/I5/89 260»990~00 Florida Municipal Liability SIP 03KI5/89 5"I40.00 05/I6/89 4»070.00 09/30/89 I08»000.00 The CIMA Companies, Inc. 07/0I/89 379.00 07/0I/89 286.05 140 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SALARIES AND SURETY BONDS OF PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Annual Amunt of Name and Title of Official S�ar Su --nd Eugene R. Lytton - Chairman, Board of County Commissioners $21,141 $ 2,000 Michael H. Puto - Vice-Chainnan, Board of County Commissioners 21,141 2,000 Jerry Hernandez, Jr. - MEmber, Board of County Commissioners 21,141 2,000 William "Billy' Freeman - MErnber, Board of County Commissioners 21,141 2,000 John Stormont - MEmber, Board of County Commissioners 21,141 2,000 Danny L. Kolhage - Clerk of Circuit Court and Chief Financial Officer 52,741 5,000 William A. Freeman, Jr. - Sheriff . 52,741 15,000 Peter Ilchuck - Supervisor of Elections 44,OBO 5,000 Ervin Higgs - Property Appraiser 52,741 10,000 Harry F. Knight - Tax Collector 52,741 25,000 Tom Brown - County Administrator 57,500 100,000 141 M0NRDE COUNTY, FLORIDA DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS LAST TEN YEARS Per Capita Median School Un0molC0xnent ' _Year. _ __ TT Rate 1979 56,509 7,044 27.3 R367 6.3 I90O 63"I88 8,184 36.0 7611 5.5 I90I 64"I68 9°I50 36.0 7637 7.4 1982 65,748 9,7g5 36.3 7492 7.9 1903 66,605 10,409 36.6 7348 6.9 I9B4 08,752 II°300 36.7 7231 4.1 1985 70»729 12,9E9 36.9 60,13 3.5 1986 72,471 14,021 37.3 7138 3.0 I5B7 74°523 NA NA 7515 2.8 19B8 77°003 0A 0A 7575 2.6 NA - Data Not Currently Available Sources: I. University DfFlorida, Division of Population Studies 2. Department of Commerce, Bureau of GcQn0nic Research. 3. Monroe County School Board ~ 4. Florida Department of Labor and Bno7C0mnent Security 142 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL DATA SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Date originally established EDUCATION: constitutionally July 3, 1823 Date of present constitution Number of schools establ ishment May 13, 1887 High Schools 3 Form of government Constitutional County Middle Schools 4 Present area 1034 square miles El ementary Schools 10 Vocational Techincal 0 POPULATION: Special Ed Schools 1 Number of administrators 32 Date Residents Increase% Number of teachers 521 1978 55,793 la,79 56,509 1.28 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS: 1980 63,188 11.82 19B1 64,168 1.55 Permits issued 5,935 19B2 65,748 2.46 Estimated construction cost 130,431,753 19B3 66,605 1.30 19B4 68,752 3.22 1965 70,729 2.88 AMBULANCE SERVICE: 19B6 72,471 2.46 1987 74,523 2.83 Number of vehicles 15 1988 77,003 3.33 Number of Employees 35 EMPLOYEES: 1,089 POLICE PROTECTION: Number of stations 4 ELECTIONS: Numbers of employees Certified Law Enforcement 226 Nov Ember 8, 19BB, General Election: Administrative & Clerical 95 Number of Registered Voters 40,317 Number of Voters 27,954 FIRE PROTECTION: Percentage of Voter Turnout 69.3% Number of stations 12 October 4, 1988, Second Primary: Number of employees No paid employees Number of Registered Voters 38,364 Number of volunteers 259 Number of Voters 8,08B Percentage of Voter Turnout 20.9% September 6, 1988, First Primary: Number of Registered Voters 38,364 Number of Voters 12,804 Percentage of Voter Turnout 33.4% 143 MONROE COU NTY, FLORIDA TEN LARGEST TAXPAYERS 1988 Fiscal Percentage Assessed Year Taxes of Total Tax r Value** Collected* Collected* 1. Casa Marina $ 29,462,024 613,694 0.010%. 2. The Reach 15,255,374 331,009 0.53% 3. Pier House 15,251,258 397,554 0.63% 4. Hawks Cay 14,984,580 213,588 0.34% 5. Sheraton Key Largo 14,314,134 0 0 6. Southernmost Affiliates 7,927,239 171,004 0.27% 7, Holiday Isle & Assoc 10,476,307 168,109 0.271 8. can Reef Club, Inc. 11,509,790 153,404 0.241 9. Holiday Inn K.W. 6,840,ODO 173,353 0.27% 10. Plantation Yacht Harbor 8,270,444 119,781 0.19% $134,291,150 $ 2,341,49-6 3.76% Source: Tax Collector of Monroe County Property Appraiser 144 MONROE PROPERTY VALUE, CONSTRUCTION AND BANK DEPOSITS LAST TEN FISCAL Fiscal Pro perty * Bank Year Value Construction (I & 2) sits ( ) 1979 815,2 3,532 16,540,140 IT7,418,000 1980 1,078,126,089 31,256,681 210,544,000 1981 1,509,997,982 46,760,998 223,446,000 19B2 1,713,643,602 49,283,013 236,997,000 1983 2,079,413,342 63,730,906 287,256,000 1984 2,230,308,056 47,455,279 328,300,000 1985 2,410,892,-W 64,743,341 30-0,889,000 1986 2,617,260,573 73,832,930 465,596,000 1987 2,830,297,181 7 ,87,15 570,342,000 1968 2,974,503,658 110, ,817 648,426,000 Source: * Office of the Property Appraiser FloridaBanker's Association Notes• 1. Property value and construction es not i l e the municipal areas of the County. 2, Construction amountsi 1 e new construction s deletions from tVie Tax Roll. 145 KEMP & GREEN, P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KEN DRIVE P. 0. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE WM. 0. KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Board of County ioners Monroe County, Florida We have audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida, as of September 30, 19BB, and for the year ended, and have issued our report thereon dated Farch 27, 1989. Our examination of such general purpose financial statements was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the Standards for Audit of Governmental OrTnjLai s, , tiviis, a . Functions, isst by the U.S. General Accounting Office and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as ve considered necessary in the ci rcumstances. Our examination vas made for the purpose of fonTdng an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The accompanying Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance and Schedule of State Financial Assistance are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the examination of the general purpose finan- cial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. Kemp & Green, P.A. Certified Public Accountants March 27, 1989 146 KEMP F_� GREEN, P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KEN NEDY DRIVE P. O. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE WM. O. KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Board of County Cannissioners Monroe County, Florida We have audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida, as of Se 30, 19B8, and for the year then ended, and have issued our report thereon dated March 27, 19B9. Our examination was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing stan- dards; the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the Standards for it of Governmental OrTnizations, 13mgrams, Activities, and Functions, issued by the U.S. General Accounting Office; the Single Audit Act of 1984; and the provisions of OMB Cirr-ular A-128, AWits of State and Local Governments and, accordingly, included such tests oft accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the cirumtances. The management of Monroe County, Florida is responsible fort County's compliance with lam and regulations. In connection with the audit ireferred to above, we selected and tested tran- sactions and records from the major federal assistance program, certain nonmajor federal finan- cial assistance programs, and certain state financial assistance programs. The purpose of our testing of transactions and records from those federal and state financial assistance programs was to obtain reasonable assurance that Monroe County, Florida, had, in all material respects, administered the major program, and executed the tested state and nonmajor federal program transactions, in compliance with lam and' regulations, including those pertaining to financial reports and claims for advances and reimbursements, noncompliance with which we believe could have a material effect on the allowability of program expenditures. Our testing of transactions and records selected from the major federal financial assistance progr-am disclosed instances of noncompliance with those laws and regulations. All instances of noncompliance that we found and the program to which they relate are identified in the accom- panying schedule of findings and questioned costs. These instances of noncompliance are not deemed to have a material effect on the allovability of expenditures for this program. In our opinion, for the year ended September 30, 1988, Monroe County, Florida, administered its major federal financial assistance program in compliance, in all material respects, with laws and regulations, including those pertaining to fi nancial reports and claims for advances and reimbursements, noncompliance with which we believe could have a material effect on the allova- bility of program expenditures. The results of our testing of transactions and records selected from state and nonmajor federal financial assistance programs indicate that for the transactions and records tested, Monroe County, Florida, complied with the laws and regulations referred to in the second paragraph of our report. Our testing was more limited than muld be necessary to express an opinion on 147 whether Monroe County, Florida, administered those programs in compliance in all material respectsh those laws and regulations noncompliarrce with which we believe could have material effect on the allowability of prograrn expenditures; however, with respect to the tran- sactions and records that were not testedy us, nothing came to our attention to indicate County,Monroe Florida, had not compliedh those laws and regulations referred to above. �_ Kemp & Green, P.A. Cerii ed Public Accountants March27, 1 148 KEMP F_� GREEN, P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1438 KENNEDY DRIVE P. O. BOX 1529 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1529 MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE WM. O. KEMP, C.P.A. (305) 294-2581 AND FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF MARVA E. GREEN, C.P.A. FAX # (305) 294-4778 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Board of County Comissioners Monroe County, Florida We have audited the general purpose financial statements of Monroe County, Florida, as of September 30, 1T8, and for the year then ended, and have issued our report thereon dated March 27, 1989. As part of our audit w made a study and evaluation oft internal control system, including applicable internal administrative controls, used in administering federal and state financial assistance progranis to the extent w considered necessary to evaluate the systems as required by generally accepted auditing standards, the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the Standards for it of Governmental Or Activities, and Functions, issued by the U.S. General Accounting Office, the Single Audit Act of 19B4, and the provisions of OMB Circular A-128, its of State and Local Governments. For the purpose of this report, w have classified the significant internal accounting and admi- nistrative controls used in administering financial assistance program in the following cate- gories: co tin C les - Revenues/receipts ® Expenditures/disbursements Controls Used in AdministerinLE era? �� General Requirements: ® Political activity ® Davis-Bacon Act ® Civil Rights ® Federal financial reports ® Cash management Specific RequireITIents: - Types of services (costs) ® Eligibility ® Matching level of effort ® Reporting - Special requirements, if any The management of Monroe County, Florida is responsible for establishing and maintaining inter- nal control system used in administering federal and state financial assistance program. In fulfilling that responsibility, estimates and judgEments byma nag ement are required to assess 149 the expected is and relatedcosts of control procedures. The objectives of internal control system used in administering federal and state financial assistance programs am to pruvide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that, with respect to federal and state financial assistance programs, resource use is consistent with laws, regulations, and policies; resources are safeguarded against waste, loss, and misuse; and reliable data are obtained, i ai , and fairly disclosed in reports. Because of inherent limitations in any system of internal accounting and ackninistrative controls used in administering federal and state financial assistance programs, errors or irre- gularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation o the systems to future periods is subject risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. Our study included all the applicablecontrol categories listed above. During the year ended September 3 , 19B8, Monroe County, Florida expended 52% of its total federal financial assistanice under a major federal financial assistance program and the followingjor federal financial assistance p for Community Service Project, Special Programs for the Aging - Nutrition, and Special Programs for the Aging - Transportation. With respect internal control systems usedin administering these major and nonmajor federal financial assistance programs, our study and evaluationincluded considering the types of errors and irregularities l cur, determining internal control procedures that should pre- vent or detect such errors and irregularities, determining r the necessary procedures are prescribed i oll satisfactorily, and evaluating any weaknesses. With respect to the internal control system used lly in administering the state and other non major federal financial assistance programs of Monroe County Florida, our study and eva- luation s limited a preliminary review of the systems to obtain an understanding of the control environment and the flow of transactions through the accounting system. Our study and evaluation of the internal control systems s lely in administering both the state a - or federal financial assistance programs of Monroe County, Florida, did not extend beyond this preliminary review phase. r study and evaluations mom limited than would be necessary to express an opinion internal control system usedin administering the federal and state financial assistance programs of Monroe County, Florida. Accordingly, we do not expess an opinion on the internal control system usedin administering the federal and state financial assistance program Monroe County, Florida. Further, we do not express an opinion internal control systems used in administering the major federal financial assistance program of Monroe County, Florida. Also our examination, made in accordance with the standards mentioned above, would necessarily disclose material weaknesses in the internal control systems, for which our study and evaluations limited to a preliminary review of the systems, as discussed in the fifth paragnaph of this report. However, our study and evaluationand our audit disclosed con- dition lieve to be a material weakness in relationa federal or state finamial assistance program of MonroeCounty, Florida. 150 This report is intended solely fort use of management of Monroe County, Florida and the cognizant audit agency and should not be used for any other purpose. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution of this report, which, upon acceptance by Monroe County, Florida is a matter of public record. KEmp & Green, P.A. Certified Public Accountants March 27, 1989 151 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Federal Grantor/Pass-Through Grantor Federal Program Title CFDA Number Grant ID Number Department of Agriculture ------------------------- Passed through State Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services: Food Distribution 1987 10,568 LD-865 Food Distribution 1988 10,568 LB-760 Division of Forestry Grant 10.664 87-88-00 1 Total Department Department of Health and Human Services --------------------------------------- Passed through State Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and Dade & Monroe Counties Area Agency on Aging: Transportation for Elderly 1987 13,633 87-1-887 Transportation III - Area Agency Funds -- 87-1-887 Transportation III-B 1988 13,633 88-1-887 Nutrition C-I 1987 13.635 87-2-878 Nutrition C-I 1988 13,635 88-2-878 Nutrition C-II 1987 13,635 87-3-878 Nutrition C-II 1988 13,635 88-3-878 Passed through State Department of Community Affairs: Community Services Block Grant/Hospice 13.793 87SB-98-11-54-01-068 Community Services Trust Fund/MARC House 13,795 88SB-79-11-54-01-070 Total Department Department of Housing and Urban Development ------------------------------------------- Housing Authority HUD Grant 13.793 R85-HG-12-0236 Housing Authority HUD Grant 13,793 R86-HG-12-0236 Passed through State Department of Community Affairs: Community Development Block Grant 14,219 88DB-12-11-54-01-HI0 Total Department Department of Justice --------------------- Passed through State Department of Community Affairs: Clerk Information Systems 16.574 87CJ-7B-11-54-01-301 Clerk Information Systems CJIS-11 16.574 88CJ-3E-11-54-01-303 Monroe County Jail Overcrowding 16,560 88CJ-39-11-54-01-205 Total Department 152 Matching Contributions and Balances Cash Miscellaneous Balances October 1, 1987 Receipts Revenues Expenditures Refunds September 30, 1988 $ 2,707 S 2,707 ®® 57 1,244 4,365 -- 3,06 2,011 ®® 2,011 ------------------ -------------- ----------------® -------------- ------------ ---__------------- 2,707 2,764 1,244 6,376 eO 5,075 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ 6,622 62,925 9,357 65,660 ®_ -- 2,984 2,984 _ ®® Oe 125,095 1 ,953 143,177 -- 3,129 (9,591) 48,490 19,522 77,580 ®® (23) -® 108,332 50,653 166,906 ®® 7,921 1,070 19,299 12,689 30,918 -- ®- me 9,020 16,159 73,312 - 8,133 3,357 3,357 a® -- ®- 3,22 -® 6,483 a® 3,241 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -®® ---------- ------------ ------------------ 1,45E 419,760 126,317 567,020 -- 22,401 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------_----- ®- 122,681 ®® 144,475 -® 21,794 ®® 10,314 10,31 -® ®® ®® 30,773 408,484 ®- (22,289) ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ -----_------------ ®- 563,768 -® 563,273 ®® (495) ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ _----------------- 24,683 88,562 65, 22 133,185 -® 3,884 ®® -- 54,511 54,78E ®® 277 ®® 16,269 47,249 -® 30,980 ®_®-----®__®__®--- ---------------------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ 24,683 104,831 119,933 235,222 35,141 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ _-----_----------- The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements® 153 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Federal Grantor/'Pass-Tbrougb Grantor Federal Program Title CFDA Number Grant ID Number Department of Labor ------------------- Passed through National Council on the Aging, Inc.: Senior Community Service Project 1988 17,235 99-7-0483-11-206-02-12 Senior Community Service Project 1989 17.235 99-8-0483-11-072-02-12 Passed through South Florida Employment and Training Consortium: JTPA Intake EST 1989 17.246 2-PY'88-69-00 Job Training Partnership Act 1987 17.246 2-PY'86-6-00 Job Training Partnership Act 1988 17,246 2-PY'87-6-00 Job Training Partnersbip Act 1989 17.246 2-PY'88-6-00 Monroe County Job Placement 1988 17.246 2-PY'87-54-00 Monroe County Job Placement 1989 17®246 2-PY'88-54-00 Total Department Department of Transportation --------------------------- Direct Program: Marathon AIP-06 20,101 3-12-0044-06 Marathon AIP-05 20,101 3-12-044-05 Marathon AIP-04 20,101 3-12-044-05 Key West AIP-03 20,101 3-12-0037-03 Key West AIP-02 20. 101 3-12-044-05 Key West AIP-04 Apron Expansion 20,101 BTFA-06-88-A-80211 Key West AIP-05 20.101 Key West AIP-05 Restroots 20,101 Total Department Federal Emergency Management Agency ----------------------------------- Passed tbroagh State Department of Community Affairs: Civil Defense Emergency Management 83.503 87-SH-76-11-54-10-037 Radiological Emergency Preparedness 1987 83,505 87-SK-93-11-54-10-002 Radiological Emergency Preparedness 1988 83,505 87-SH-93-11-54-10-002 Total Department 154 Matching Contributions and Balances Cash Miscellaneous Balances October 1, 1987 Receipts Revenues Expenditures Refunds Septe ber 30, 1988 41,047 165,048 16,545 149,449 -- 8,903 -- 19,271 5,089 46,417 -- 22,057 _- ®® 7,691 -- 7,691 4,613 4,613 -- -- -- -- 12,296 51,473 -- 39,245 -- 68 -- -- -- 17,820 -- 17,820 -- 10,093 -- 12,339 -- 2,246 -- -- -- 185 -- 185 ------------------ -------------- ------- --------- -------------- ----------- ---- ------------- 57,956 250,498 21,634 273,146 -- 58,970 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ -- -- 2,904 58,087 -- 55,183 56,365 56,365 -- -- -- -- 7,644 7,644 - -- -- -- -- -- 6,180 61,795 -- 55,615 19,001 -- -- -- -- 19,001 -- -- 48,311 48,311 -- -- -- -- 4,479 4,479 -- -- -- -- 10,743 10,743 -- -- ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ 83,010 64,009 72,617 183,415 -- 129,799 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ -- 20,421 -- 20,421 -- (16,638) -- -® -- 16,638 -- - 97,615 -- 89,210 -- (8,405) ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ (16,638) 118,036 -- 109,631 16,638 (8,405) ------------------ -------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. 155 KORROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTERBER 30, 1988 Federal Grantor/Pas s-Through Grantor Federal Program Title CFDA Number Grant ID Number Department of Education ----------------------- Passed through State Department of State: Library/Literacy 1988 84.034 Library/COKCAT Grant 1988 84,034 DLS-86-111-1-13 Total Department Department of Treasury ----------------------- Direct Program: Federal Revenue Sharing: Entitlement #17 21,300 10-1-044-044 Total Department Total Federal Financial Assistance 156 Matching Contributions and Balances Cash Miscellaneous Balances October 1, 1981 Receipts Revenues Expenditures Refunds Septeiaber 30, 1998 ®® __ 4,304 -® 4,304 ®- 15,000 ®- 15,000 _® ____®____®__®_____ ___®_®_®______ ----------------- -------------- _____®s_____ _____®__®_-®_®_--_ ®® 15,000 ®® 19,304 4,30 ------------------ -------------- ____®____________ -------------- ------------ -------®__®__-®___ (185, 24` ®® 13,617 108,571 -® !90, 101 _d_____®__________ ____________®_ ®__________®__®__ -------------- ------------ __---_____s__s_®__ (185,424) ®® 13,617 108,571 ®® (90, 701 ®___s®®__®____®___ _as________®__ _________________ __®®_____®_®__ ------------ ____®___---_______ $ (32,2 8)$ 1,538,666 $ 355,362 $ 2,065,958 $ 16,635 $ 156,320 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of those statements. 157 8OHROD COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SD9TRKBRR 30. 1988 federal Grautor/9aoo-Tbmugb Grantor Program Title Grant ID Number Florida Department of Health and -------------------------------- Rehabilitative Sezriono ----------------------- Direct Program' Community Care for Disabled Adults 1987 KC-707 Community Caro for Disabled Adults 1988 KG-707 Community Care for Disabled Adults 1989 KC-70 Community Care for Disabled Adults, Meals 1987 KG-624 Community Care for Disabled Adultu, Meals 1988 Q&-706 Emergency Medical Service Trust lC-855 ENS County Award 1988 lC0DJ Pass through Dade 6 Monroe Counties Area Agency on Aging: Community Care for Elderly 1988 88-5E-878 Community Care for Elderly 1989 DG-852, 89-55-878 Total Department Florida Department of lam Enforcement ------------------------------------- Direct Program' Local Criminal Justice Trust Fund 1988 - State Crime lab - Medical Examiner 1988 - Total Department Florida Department of Community Affairs --------------------------------------- Direct program' Domestic Abuse Shelter - Community Services Trust 88ST'17-11-54-01-870 Solid Vamte Study 878K-40-11'54'01-016 Local Government Comprebnumivo Planning Assistance Program 86lP-81-11-54-0-067 Land Use Plan Implementation 87SK-40-11-54-01-083 Habitat Conservation Plan-North Key Largo B0045 Clerk of Circuit Court-CJIS Maintenance - Clerk Information Systems CJIS-II 88CJ-3E-l1-54-01-03 Clerk Information System 87CJ-7B-11-54-01-301 State Court Grant In Aid - Land Aquiutiou Program 87SR-40-11-54-01-017 Land kquimtiou Program 88SY-36-11-54-20-002 Total Department 158 Matching Contributions and Balances Cash Miscellaneous Balances October 1, 1967 Receipts Revenues Expenditures Refunds Septe ber 30, 1996 $ 7,675 $ 7,675 $ ®® $ tie® $ a® $ ®® (1,035) 48,201 6,521 55,790 -- 23 -® ®® 2,476 25,250 ®® 22,774 2,619 2,619 -® -- ®- ®- 1,545 11,516 1,111 11,112 -- 30 (5,822) ®- 571 5,922 m® (571) _ 36,295 1,174 36,724 ®® (735) 20,713 318,624 27,909 355,286 -- 29,566 -- 108,769 16,203 109,672 ®® (15,300) ----------------a- --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ 25,695 533,689 55,665 599,646 -- 35,787 -----------®------ --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ ®® 75,230 -6 75,230 ®® ®- ®- 72,525 93,203 165,728 -® -- ® 9,576 -- 9,576 ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ----------------®® -- 157,331 93,203 250,534 ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ p- 6,109 ®® 6,109 ®® ®® 137,115 264,255 ®® 312,135 ®® 184,995 (14,071) -- ®® 14,071 (259,447) 19,751 a- 297,203 _d (40,995` ®_ 21,063 ®® 21,063 a_ m- 1,260 -® 1,260 ®® a® -_ 54,511 ®® 54,511 ®_ 53,076 -® 53,076 ®® ®a -- 2,700 - 2,572 -- (128) (12,484) 331,471 ®® 93,955 - (250,000) m- 14,994 ®a 14,994 ------------------ 4-------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ (149,997) 928,190 ®® 870,949 1106,128) ------®----------- --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements. 159 ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEBER 30, 1988 Federal Grantor/Pass-Tbrough Grantor Prograi Title Grant ID Nu ber Department of Natural Resources ------------------------------- Direct Progra : Dodge Lake Boat Rasp C083 Key Largo Marine Sanctuary Daybeacons C4328 Cov Key & Lakes Channel Marker Repairs C5203 Key Largo Bibb & Duane Artificial Reef C5085 Si onton Street Boaters Park C5072 Big Pine Shoal Modular Artificial Reef C4112 Total Depart sent Florida Depart sent of State --------------------------- Direct Progra : State Aid to Libraries - Total Depart sent Florida Depart sent of Environ ental Regulation ---------------------------------------------- Direct Progra : Rearshore WaterEffluent/ Water Quality Monitoring AIP# 3-12-044-05 Total Depart eat Florida Depart sent of Traosporation ---------------------------------------------- Direct Progra : Key West AIP-03 3-12-0037-03 Total Depart sent Total State Financial Assistance 16 Matcbing Contributions and Balances Casb Miscellaneous Balances October 1, 1987 Receipts Revenues Rrpeaditures Refunds Septa ber 30, 1988 -- 26,440 -- 26,440 ®- 37,726 -- 37,726 -- -- _a 6,402 -- 6,402 20,000 -- 20,000 -- ®_ -- 50,000 ®- 50,000 18,173 -- 18,173 __________________ _______________ ----------------- -------------- ------------ ---__------------- -- 64,166 -- 158,741 -- 94,575 ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ____--__®_--__---- ®- 68,948 _® 68,948 ®® ------------------ ®-------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ®_-____-___--_-__- ®- 68,948 -- 68,948------------------ --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ -®_-__-__--____-_- 8,468 8,468 ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ---®®__-__®__®____ 8,468 8,468 ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ -- -® 3,090 6,180 3,090 ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ __-_-®__-----_---- ®® ®® 3,090 6,180 - 3,090 ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ $ (114,724)$ 1,660,792 $ 152,158 $ 1,954,998 $ S 27,324 The nags to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements® 161 MONROE COUM, FLORIDA NOTES TO SCHEDULES OF FEDERAL. AND STATE FIWCIAL ASSISTANCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 NOTE 1 SWRY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies and the presentation of the Single Audit report of Monroe County, Florida have been designed to conform to generally accepted accounting prin- ciples as applicable to governmental units, including the reporting and compliance requirements oft Single it Act of IT- 4 and Office of Management and Budget Cirr-ular A-128, Audits of State and Local Governments (A-128). Bfp!-�jD2_jntity ® The Single Audit Act of 19B4 and A-128 set forth the audit and reporting requirements for federal financial assistance. The County has included schedules of both federal and state financial assistance in the Single Audit section. Financial assistance received directly from the State of Florida is included to satisfy the audit requirements oft State of Florida grantor agencies. Basis of AcS2!Lntin - Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measure- ment focus applied. The modified accrual basis of accounting is followed in the Schedules of Federal and State Financial sistance® Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in wfiich they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. Expenditures are recorded when the related liability is incurred. Inapplying the susceptible-to-accrual concept to intergovernmental revenues, the legal and contractual requirements of the numerous individual programs are used as idance® There are, however, essentially tw types ofthese revenues® In one, monies must be expended on the specific purpose or project before any amounts will be paid to the County; therefore, revenues are recognized based upon the expenditures recorded. In the other, monies are irrevocable; i.e., revocable only for failure to comply with prescribed compliance requirements, such as with equal employ-nent opportunity. These resources are refl ected as revenues at the time of receipt or earlier if they meet the availability criteria. 162 C MUM, LI ()DT nA NOTES TO SCHEDULES OF FEDERAL AND STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SEMEMER 30, 1988 NOTE 2 - OONTINGENCIES Grant monies received and disbursed by the County are for specific purposes and are subject to review by the grantor agencies. -Such audits my result in requests for reinftrsenent the to disallowed expenditures. Based upon prior experience, the County does not believe that such disallowances, if any, would have a mterial effect on the financial position oft County. As o rch 27,1989 there were no rnaterial questioned or disallovied costs as a result of grant audits in process or cornpleted. 163 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS IIIG FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPT,OMB ER In 902 _DT Fi in pliance Costs Community Develop- 1® We noted two deposits to the con® $ ment Block Grant/ struction escrow account wfiich Passed through were not fully expended for 90, State Department days and 168 days® A deposit to of Community a construction escrow account Affairs should not be made if it results in an amount in excess of CDBG Grant number disbursment reeds for more than 8BDB-12-11-54-01-HI0 two months from the date of the execution oft construction contract. The effect of the finding is that CDBG funds are requested in excess of immediate needs. This program was designed for smaller projects with one contractor wfiich could be completed within two months. This project involves the renova- tion of a multi unit complex with a nwber of subcontractors and a construction period of more than two months. The timing of draw requests are based on contractor estimates wfiich may not be accurate as to completion dates for various reasons® A written exception to this compliance re rerrent should be obtained® 2®- Excess administrative costs were $ 2,044 incurred and paid before the environmental review report was obtained. The grant contract stipulated that only $5,000 could be expended for administrative costs in this preliminary se® The environnental review repDrt ves not obtained within the esti- mated time, thereby causing the prelimi nary administrative costs to exceed the prescribed limit. 164