Item F3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 17, 2002 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes No~ Department: Engineering/Construction Mgmt AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Report on use of space in the Old Mariner's Hospital for a dental lab for Rural Health. ITEM BACKGROUND: See attached. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: On 6/19/02, the BOCC approved the conversion of departed Commissioner Williams office in the Old Mariner's Hospital into a dental lab for Rural Health, subject to a report and approval from the Rural Health Board. CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: NI A TOTAL COST N/A BUDGETED: Yes No X COST TO COUNTY: b: Stephanie L. Coffe , Construction Manager AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included ~ To Follow Not Required_ DISPosmON: AGENDA ITEM #~~ Revised 2/27/01 BOCC AGENDA JULY 17, 2002 ITEM BACKGROUND ATTACHMENT ITEM BACKGROUND: The original estimated cost, including AlE fees, was approximately $90,000.00, which included approximately $40,000 of additional millwork. Rural Health has indicated that they will purchase and install the required cabinetry and all equipment, therefore the new estimated cost is $50,000.00. This cost includes a separate Ale system as recommended by the architect, to alleviate any potential air quality problems. Also, included in this are provisions for installation of necessary dental equipment and the revised space layout. ~ July 1, 2002 Bender & Associates ~\ !l.;> (\ "t' .:1 TI Vir'liP '('U'~ vr (1 .:. ;j. J.\ ~...' '., J ~ .f~ ._.... .: \j p.t1, Ms. Stephanie Coffer, Dir. of Planning & Constr. Monroe County Construction Management The Historic Gato Cigar Factory 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 MONROE COUNTY CON6TRUCTlON MANAGEMENT JU liME: RECfIWB~ RE: Mariner's Dental Office Modification Dear Stephanie, As discussed, we are proceeding with the modifications to convert the Commissioner Office space to a dental clinic for Rural Health Network. In our professional opinion, this space requires a separate air conditioning system to ensure proper indoor air quality. Therefore, our design includes a separate system. My April 16, 2002 memorandum to you stated: Henry Suarez of HNGS, has advised us that while using a separate Ale system for a dental office may not be a code requirement, it is definitely good design practice. Dental offices have odors that could be transmitted throughout other spaces of the building if it does not have its own system, as well as other indoor air quality problems becoming an issue during the system's life expectancy. Henry felt strongly, and I concur, that not using a separate system was the wrong approach, but he would comply if he received a written directive from the Owner. lfyou choose not to use a separate system, please transmit your written directive through my office, as HNGS is my consultant, and I would like to have documentation in my file. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, A~ \ Bert L. Bender, Architect BLB/ddk cc: Henry Suarez Dave Koppel Dent Pierce Don Miner Jim Roberts 410AngelaStreel KeyWest, Florida33040 Telephone(30S) 296-1347 Facsimile (305) 296-2727 FloridlllicenseAA C002 02 2 sC- MEMORANDUM DATE: July 3, 2002 ~ONROE COUNTY VC1l0N MANAGEME/{f JUL . 2002 11'" " ~~ TO: Stephanie Coffer Construction Manager Rob Wolfe cA1J Chief Assistant County A ttornq(J\ FROM: RE: Dual AC system at Mariners hhh~hhhhhhhhhh~hh rf it is the architecfs professional opinion that Q dual AC system is needed for health rea$ons, it is this Office's opinion that the recommendation should bi followed even though the Standard Building Code does not require a dual system. The initial up front cost will be a minor expense if Mariners, sans a dual AC ~stem, turned out to be a sick building. ~NW/jeh 03 MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF DEP AR'Th1ENT - Discussion on a surcharge on parking tickets to fund school crossing guards. The Board concurred with Sheriff Roth's recommendation which will be brought forward to the Board. P 1 MAYOR MCCOY - Approval of Resolution seeking support and passage of House Bill 3878 and its counterpart in the U.S. Senate bulk approved. P2 MAYOR MCCOY - Approval of Resolution supporting an amendment to the State Constitution to repeal the required development and operation of a statewide high speed rail system bulk approved. P3 MAYOR MCCOY - Approval of Resolution committing our full support to the Jewish community and their efforts to restore their place of worship and learning bulk approved. P4 MAYOR MCCOY - Approval of Mayor's appointment of Nancy J. Klingener, The Ocean Conservancy, to serve as District I representative, Monroe County Tourist Development Council deleted. P5 COMMISSIONER NEUGENT - Discussion regarding the S~eriff's Shared Asset Fines and Forfeiture Fund, Byrne Grant, and Human SerVice Advisory Board. Commissioner Spehar will send to the BOCC a justification sheet on the recommendations from the Human Service Advisory Board. No action taken. GB.6 . COMMISSIONER NEUGENTIPUBLIC WORKS - Discussion of proposed '\ , conversion of departed Commissioner Williams' office into a dental office 5-0 . ~ motion to approve the designation of departed Commissioner Williams' Upper . Keys office' space for specific use of Rural Health dental lab, subject to a ~ and aQproval frQm the Rural Health Board: P7 COMMISSIONER NEUGENT - Approval to petition the Florida Division of Forestry to utilize the Hawkins Act whereas notices would be included in the tax bill communicating the States interest in managing those lands to reduce fire hazard bulk approved. P8 COMMISSIONER NEUGENT/STAFF - Approval to appoint Bob Mock to the Monroe County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board bulk approved. Send appointment letter. P9 COMMISSIONER SPEHAR - Approval to prohibit ceIlphone use by the members of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners while the Commission meeting is in progress with the exception of any announced breaks bulk approved. 9 Ul.- Vo.- .....-.J.. ,.&.~ . ......... .J... I.J.. =>...., <.::I......J........ j I ..JU...J L'-J.J I-.J(,J r-'. .l r;n-.MONROECO~ v'lU'I(UCTlON MANAGEMENT JUL 02 02 RURAL HEALTH NETWORK OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, INC. PO BOX 4966 lIME: KEY WE 5 T, F LOR I D A 33041 - 4966 JIlECEWmB% FAX: (305) 293-7573 PHONE: (305) 293-7570 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: STEPHANIE COFFER FROM: MARK L. SZUREK, PH.D COMPANY: DIRECTOR; CONSTRUCTION/MC FAX NUMBER: 305-295-4321 TOTAL NO. OF PAGES: 6 PHONE NUMBER: RE: DRAFT - RHNMC EXEC. COMMIITTEE MTG MINUTES URGENT 0 FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT OPLEASE REPLY o PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS: Stephanie. . . Please refer to page 2 of d1c minutc~, "IV, Old Business, part B". Many thanks! l'vLS ......... '-- ...... -- ....,....... .... j- .._.to..... ,..... ~ 1...,1 '\...l......... .........1 --JU..J L-..JJ (.....(....Jo ("'.L Rural Health ~I-" ':' ~~;v~~~". '.'11 '" .'A.: .,. .co. .'..... '..r ;,~ . .. . ~~\1\" . . ./ .'; I . ~ .,' I Rural Health Network of Monroe County, Florida, Inc. P.O. Box 4966, Key West. Florida 33041-4966 RURAL HEALTH NETWORK OF MONROE COUNTY, FL, INC. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RETREAT CHEECA LODGE, J5LAMORADA, FL Thursda y, June 27, 2002 MONROE COUNTY CONGTRUCTlON MANAGEMENT Minutes 1E JU1 ~~ Officers in Attendance: Mr. Robert Luse, Chair ( CEO, Mariner's Hospital); Dr. Robert C. "Jake" . -j Rutherford, Vice Chair (Director, Monroe Co. Health Deparbnent); Commissioner Dixie Spehar, Secretary (rYf{,nroe Co. District 1); Ms. Debbie Premaza, Treasurer (Vice President, Lifelines Home Health); Dr. Dave Rice, Officer-at-Large (CEO, Guidance Clinic of the Middle Keys). Staff Members in Attendance: Dr. Mark Szurek, executive director; Ms. Sandy Higgs, community outreach director; Mr. Rowland "Bud" Welch, finance director; Ms. Mary Dijkstra, office manager. Staff Members Excused: Mr. John Pascucci, Jr, health services director; Mr. Keith Douglass, KidCare director, Guests: None I. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Luse. All elected officers of the corporation were present, constituting a quorum. II. In a motion made by Dr. Rutherford and seconded by Comm. Spehar, the agenda was moved for approval. Discussion: Dr. Szurek asked that the following items be included for consideration: Under N. Old Business, D. Authorizations, part 2, add "Consideration of the FY 02-03 Work Plan"; under N. Old Business, D. Authorizations, add "#6. Approval for the executive director to sign a contract with the state Attomey General's Office for a nutrition grant in the amount of $30,000."; under V. New Business, add item "1. Report: Health Insurance Task Force" and item "J. Procedure for reporting the aclions of the executive committee to the Board for ratification." The group unanimously approved the agenda with the recommended additions. III. Mid Calendar Year/Fiscal Year End Reports. A. Health services. In the absence of Mr. Pascucci, Dr.Szurek subnmitted a report. This past year, health services has performed over 21,000 services to 3,434 unduplicated patients and experienced over 4,500 patient visits. When compared to the last fiscal year, there were OVer three times as many services rendered to 300 more patients and approximately 200 fewer visits. St. Clare's Clinic in Key West, targeting the homeless, opened on June 1, 2002. Over $200,000 (retail) worth of medications were provided to indigent patients this past year, coordinated by program efforts and provided by pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Rutherford informed staff that new internet lines will soon be available through the health department for use; this improvement may expedite these indigent pharmaceutical services. Administration, Community Outreach Director, Finance Director, or Health Services Director 1 vorCE 305-293-7570; FAX 305-293-7573 Referrals 1I8B8-381-SnO; Medi-Van 305-797-4104; Rural Health at Ruth Ivins Clinic 305-289-3748 Healthy Kids/KidCare Director-VOICE 305-517-9002; FAX 305-517-9004 www.ruralhealth-floridakeys.org .)Ul U~ UC: U.:1;-tlP HOrnlnlstra1:.10n ;:jU::'-~~:::l-/::"/:::l p.::! Rll. r. aJ Health 1 .... '.Network 'll-I Rural Health Network ot Monroe County, Florida, Inc. P.O. Box 4966, Key West, Florida 33041-4966 ..<>U: ')" ../ IV. (7;;'" .-7 (~) c. D. B. Community outreach report: (Please see written report, attachment) C. .", KidCare report: In the absence of Mr. Douglass, Dr. Szurek reported that a goal of 7% (,...::growth per year was set in 2000. The number of enrollees in 2000 was 4,300. Mr. - Douglass, and community partners, have exceeded their goal projections for '. ",,' enrollment and now over 4,900 children are enrolled out of a potential 6,000 children. Monroe County's achievement in this regard is perhaps one of the best in the state. Finance report: Mr. Welch reported an error in accounting in his last report. A deficit does not exist in the profit/loss for the Network due to a misallocation of income. Mr. Welch reported a balance of $39K in the accounts, with all bills and liabilities paid for fiscal year end. Old Business. A Minutes,3/21/02. In a motion made by Corom. Spehar and seconded by Dr. Rice, the minutes of the meeting held on March 21,2002 were approved as written. Oral Health Project Update. Dr. Szurek presented the final draft of the Oral Health Care Project (OHCP) Plan for committee review. Dr. Szurekalso described the presentation before the BOCC on June 19,2002 wherein a discussion was held about space allocation and build-out costs at "old" Mariner's for a dental clinic for the Upper Keys, as suggested in the plan. Dr. Szurek thanked Conun. Spehar for her leadership in bringing the question before the Commission. In a motion made by Ms. Premaza and seconded by Comm. Spehar, the plan (and petition for space at "old" Mariner's) was accepted and approved by the committee. HUD Grant (FL14B0-4001) Update. Dr. Szurek reported that in lieu of placing a porhon of HUD grant FL14Boo-4001 out for an RFP to the community (for those programs not currently not benefiting from HUD grant funds), he had elected to withdraw $8,000 per year from FKOC and USFF, as allowed by HUD guidelines. This total amount ($16,000) constitutes less than 10% of the yearly (HUD grant) budget. Thi<; withdrawal will fund phannaceuticaI assistance for homeless clients served; current budgeted amounts are inadequate to address demand. In addition, the impact of this withdrawal is minimized as clients from FKOC and USFF are directed to RHNMC primary care services at St. Clare's in Key West. Authorizations. In a motion made by Dr. Rice and seconded by Dr. Rutherford, the following authorizations were approved for appropriate execution by the executive director: 1. To sign a contract with FKCC for nursing students in the next academic year. 2. To renew a contract "vith FL DOH:ORH (COR83, renewed) in the next fiscal year and approval of the presented Work Plan for that period. To renew a contract with MCHD for the next fiscal year for KidCare outreach. To sign a contract for any Challenge Grant award through the DCF in the next fiscal year. To allow closure of RHNMC facilities on July 17,2002 to allow for a staff retreat. 3. 4. 5. Administration, Community Outreach Director, Finance Director, or Health Services Director 2 VOICE 305-293-7570; FAX 305-293-7573 Referrals 1/888-381-8770; Medi-Van 305-797-4104; Rural Health at Ruth Ivins Clinic 305-289-3748 Healthy Kids/KidCare Director-VOrCE 305-517-9002; FAX 305-517-9004 www.rurarhealth-floridakeys.org rlam 1 n 1 stra't.l on ;jU~-2~;j-'/~'I;j p.4 .JUl UC: UC: u.,j:-tC:P " Rural Healthl ,-,", ?\I~'~~"'I' 11'''''''''.'. .',.,0...", .. .~~\ ...~ . -~_.. bci.n . ' ..' .Il' ."-'; ,:" . Rural Health Network of Momoe County, Florida, Inc. P.O. Box 4966, Key West, Florida 33041-4966 6. To sign a contract with the FL Attorney General's Office for a nutrition grant of $30,000 in the next fiscal year. V. New Business. A. Policy & Procedures Revisions: In a motion made by Ms. Premaza and seconded by Comm. Spehar, the revised policies and procedures were moved for approval. Discussion: Conun. Spehar asked that the following changes be made to the document: on pp. 17-19 (and throughout the document), reference to '"marital status", be changed to "familial status"; that throughout the document, "handicap" be changed to" disabled"; that throughout the document, "... or sexual preference..." foIIow the words" sexual orientation"; on p. 28, (Employee Courtesy), that the words "... and will not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, natural origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or sexual preference..." be added at the conclusion of the policy statement; on p. 36, in paragraph 3 of the policy, add" social security number" after "grievance records" in sentence 2 of that paragraph; on p. 36, part 1. tl:J.at the sentence "Reprimands may not be viewed by a third party..." be added; p. 37, part r, add the phrase "...and outside of the presence of the supervisor..." at the end of the last sentence; at the end of the paragraph pertaining to medical records on p. 37, add the sentence "No release of medical records may occur without the written consent of the employee or through court order." Dr. Rice suggested that employee medical records be filed separately and in a section not associated with employee files. Dr. Szurek agreed to execute that suggestion. Dr. Szurek also asked that on p. 37, part v be added, allowing for a termination evaluation of a departing employee, to include documentation of suitability for re-hire, election of COBRA coverage and final comments by the supervisor. The group unanimously approved all of the recommended changes. B. Strategic Plan 2003-2005. In a motion made by Comm. Spehar and seconded by Dr. Rice, the revised strategic plan as presented was unanimously approved by the committee. C. Budget: In a motion made by Dr. Rice and seconded by Comm. Spehar, the proposed budget was moved for approval. Dr. Szurek highlighted the increase in funds projected through fund-raising. The committee unanimously approved the proposed budget for FY 02-03. D. Management Information System: Dr. Szurek reported that Mr. Welch and Mr. Pascucci have been asked to develop a MIS proposal lor presentation to the group at the next meeting in September, E. Future Funding Issues. 1. Rural Health Oinic. Dr. Szurek described the requirements of a "Rural Health Clinic" under federal guidelines and suggested that it was "time" for RHNMC to establish this designation for its service sites. 2, Medicare, Medicaid, KidCare, private insurance, Health Flex. Dr. Szurek further stated that RHNMC was currently unable to obtain reimbursement for costs associated for visits for patients who were currently enrolled under these Administration, Community Outreach Director, Finance Director, or Health Services Director 3 VOICE 305-293-7570; FAX 305-293-7573 Referrals 1/888-381-8770: Medi-Van 305-797-4104; Rural Health at Ruth Ivins Clinic 305-289-3748 Healthy Kids/KidCare Director-VOICE 305-517-9002; FAX 305-517-9004 www.ruralhealth-floridakeys.org ........~ V"- ........". . -1- .. ......... ~'I ~ ~ \"1 <LJ..... ~.......I I .,JU.,J ,-;.J...J 1.;..)1..:1 p.::> aural Health ,.. "Networlt \- ~"..u ':.' ,. ."."j ~.'.""""'. ., i~' . ~.i:1n . .(1,'- j Rural Health Network of Monroe County, Florida, Inc. P.O. Box 4966, Key West, Florida 33041-4966 programs. In addition, RHNMC has a successful track record of referring, not "stealing" patients, from the private sector. 3. HCH. Dr. Szurek described what was entailed in becoming a "Health Center for the Homeless [HCH]) under federal guidelines and suggested that this might be an attractive choice for future funding at St. Clare's, with the cooperation of Catholic Charities and GCMK. 4. BOCC Line Items. Dr. Szurek reported that Mr. Douglass will be approaching the BOCC for $150K in the next fiscal year for primary care. 5. HSAB. Dr. Szurek reported that RHNMC has been successful in securing $100K from the HSAB. However, the HSAB Board had also made a unanimous recorrunendation that RHNMC funding should become a direct line item under the BOCC budget, since RHNMC performs essential services. Dr. Szurek suggested that $50K of the $100K be given to the OHCP and the other $50K returned to the HSAB, provided that BOCC will fund $150K as a recurring line item for primary care. Discussion: Ms. Premaza expressed her fears that RHNMC may be too competitive for the private practice market and feared further reductions in medical staff inventory in the community. Dr. Rice stated that RHNMC has made its presence known and has taken only those patient,> who most other MD's will not see. Mr. Luse agreed with Dr. Szurek, that RHNMC's "track record to date" allows for an open forum to discuss patient referrals and RHNMC has honored its pledge to refrain from aggressive competition. Dr. Rutherford also concurred with Mr. Luse. Comm. Spehar agreed that the county must not be the only source of sustaining funds for RHNMC projects. The group unanimously agreed to allow staff to pursue these funding streams with the provision that routine reports of progress and implications be given to the committee. F. Reports to/from the HCSF. Ms. Premaza agreed to report to the RHNMC Board on a regular basis, and to report to the HCSF Board, the activities of the RHNMC Board. Dr. Szurek stated that Ms. Premaza will be regularly added to the RHNMC Board agenda. G. Change of DCF sub-District. After some discussion, the group stated that no recommendations for a possible change in DCF sub-district status would be entertained by the RHNMC H. Employee Leasing. Dr. Szurek asked that he pursue employee leasing, its costs and potential for positive impact for RHNMC over the next six months. In a motion made by Comm. Spehar and seconded by Ms. Premaza, the executive director was approved to investigate the advantages of employee leasing and report back to the group. 1. Health lnsmance Task Force. Dr. Szurek reported on the work of the ad hoc committee under the direction of Comm. Spehar, and the support of Dr. Rutherford and Mr. Luse. Dr. Szurek reported on the first meeting held on May 30, with a second planned for July2. There is conflicting information about the proposed "Health Flex" program approved by the legislature and its applicability to Monroe County. Administration, Community Outreach Director, Finance Director, or Health Services Director 4 VOICE 305-293-7570; FAX 305-293-7573 Referrals 1/888-381-8770; Medi-Van 305-797-4104; Rural Health at Ruth Ivins Clinic 305-289-3748 Healthy Kids/KidCare Director-VOICE 305-517-9002; FAX 305-517-9004 www.ruralhealth-floridakeys.org ............. ........- ~ . ......,-' .1_....J. 0'.:;;;;;' """ ~.......J......I I ~U...J--L..;:)..:)~ ,;:.) I":> p.b ltuNal Health.1 .. etwork ~ii'.~:- .. .'j .!t~... I Rural Health Network of Monroe County, Florida, Inc. P.O. Box 4966, Key West, Florida 33041-4966 However, Deputy Commissioner Kenney Shipley of the Dept of Insurance a has agreed to appear and report to the task force about "Health Flex" on 7/2, thanks to intervention of Rep. Sorensen. Dr. Szurek thanked Comm. Spehar for her leadership, and to Mr. Luse and Dr. Rutherford for their time and support as members of this ad hoc committee. J. Reporting the Activities of the Executive Committee to the Board for Ratification. Dr. Szurek suggested that minutes of the executive committee be mailed to the Board and that additional draft copies of the minutes be made available to members prior to Board meeting times. This might alleviate the concern of some Board members that "too much detail" is presented in Board meetings, willie still providing to other Board members sufficient detail for those requiring it, before ratification of this committee's activities. The group agreed to the procedure suggested. VI. Conununity Input. Ms. Higgs announced a series of meetings that will occur on July 17th to speak with various pediatricians about MCH's outreach for indigent children. MCH would like to Ie-introduce their mobile van to the community to address serious illness among children currently not addressed. VII. Announcements. A. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2002, at 9:00 a.m., at the Marathon County Govenunent Center. B. ll1e next meeting of the executive committee is scheduled for Thursday, September 26, 2002, at Mariner' 5 Hospital at 1:30 p.m. Members may be accommodated by conference call-in. VIII. There being no further business before the committee. the committee meeting was adjourned by acclamation. . Respectfully recorded, Mark L.Szurek, Ph.D. Executive Director Administration. Community Outreach Director. Finance Director. or Health Services Director 5 VOICE 305-293-7570; FAX 305-293-7573 Referrals 1/888-381-8770; Medi-Van 305-797-4104: Rural Health at Ruth Ivins Clinic 305-289-3748 Healthy Kids!KidCare Director-VOrCE 305-517-9002; FAX 305-517-9004 www.ruralhealth-floridakeys.org .