Resolution 334-2006 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 334 - 2006 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING TIlE FINAL RESI- DENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, DISPOSAL AND RECYCL- ING RATES FOR TIlE FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FWRIDA, as follows: Section 1. The Board hereby adopts the foDowlng final rates for CoDection of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For eaeh single famDy home - $117.00 per annum; 2. For eaeh mobOe home - $117.00 per annum; 3. For each mulll-famOy unit - $117.00 per annum. Section 2. The Board hereby adopts the foDowIng final rates for Disposal of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For eaeh singte famOy home - $134.00 per annum; 2. For each mobUe home - $134.00 per annum; 3. For each mulli-famOy unit - $134.00 per annum. Section 3. The Board hereby adopts the foDowlng final rates for RecycUng of Residential SoDd Waste: 1. For each single famDy home - $41.00 per annum; 2. For eaeh mobUe home - $41.00 per annum; 3. For each mulll-famOy unit - $41.00 per annum. Section 4. The total final rates for FY 2006/2007 are: 1. For each single famOy home - $292.00 per annum; 2. For eaeh mobOe home - $292.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-famUy unit - $292.00 per annum PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of sald Board held on the sixth day of September A.D. 2006. :J: 0 ~ l> ;un;:;; or-- r-1,.-,,--<". (""):"'r- C)n' c::==::;': '~''''~c.- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOl'ij~s:: OF MONROE CO Y, FWRIDA :,; ;C- o C") r 1"" :t> Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Spehar Commissioner Neugent Commissioner DiGennaro Commissioner Patton Yes Yes Yes Yes YP-~ By: an po.> c:::> -I] c:::> CO" ;::= c rn c,-") ;::) ..... .." CD <::) ;0 ".. ::;J :x rn - n - 0 .. :;0 +- CJ N MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY tPPROV AS ORM: SUSAN M. MSLEY ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOANEY Oat. fl'--m -"oE: