Resolution 381-2006 RESOLUTION NO. 381 - 2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING THE MONROE COUNTY PRIORITY LIST FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT FUNDS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE FLORIDA KEYS (DOT-TACK) AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation created the Florida Department of Transportation-Technical Advisory Committee for the Florida Keys (DOT- TACK) to provide guidance and recommendations through coordination of issues and proj ects to provide a safe transportation system that ensures the mobility of and accessibility to people and goods, enhances economic prosperity and preserves the quality of our environment and communities; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners makes the following findings of facts: 1. The membership of DOT-TACK is a regional team made up of all jurisdictions within the Florida Keys. 2. One of the functions of the DOT-TACK is to review, rank and prioritize projects eligible for Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds. 3. The DOT-TACK completed procedures and ranking criteria for projects submitted for Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds. 4. Monroe County and all municipalities passed individual resolutions, expressing their support for the procedures and ranking criteria. 5. The DOT-TACK met on July 14, 2006 and reviewed twelve applications. Two were withdrawn, seven were identified as eligible for other funding sources, two were determined to be supplemental agreements of existing projects, leaving one as eligible for recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. 6. The DOT-TACK therefore, ranked the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail- Tavernier Safety Improvement (MM 92-96) as the priority and only project for transportation enhancement funding. 7. In areas that do not have a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) such as Monroe County, the Florida Department of Transportation procedure requires the Board of County Commissioners to review and rank projects eligible for Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds. W:\GROWTH MANAGEMEN1\BOCC\Resolutions\Federal Enhancement 2006-BOCC Resolution.doc Page 1 of2 8. The priority project will be forwarded to the FDOT District 6 office for inclusion into the District 5-Year Work Program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT Section 1. The Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds priority project as submitted by the DOT-TACK is APPROVED. Section 2. A copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Florida Department of Transportation District 6 office. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of September, 2006. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Commissioner Glenn Patton Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent ",' '~;;'<:~'!~~V::"" "i.":'~'" :'/ '.\\. .f"l.. .,.'""'''. ~ "';<:,:;; i;} ,,','.1J '#',,>' "" "\ '.' ~\\ .~:~\\ ,\ (fIIIia~' \, \ '''-. ~.:. iii, '?,I ~, f... ~,<-"","f ~. :11". ';~:~~~' ;.~JKOLHAGE, CLERK . . . '.~~?i,.~. _if .", "",\-F"~";' -:::.~'r.1' ..c .~".}f;>~:;;if"/ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:a..~~~V~ eputy Clerk By: ~ Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy 3: ..... Cl <=> ...., 0 <=> z ;l> "" ,- 0 ;:o("')~ ("") r-rt 01-- -t 0 r'QA--:: -" n. O(J~ co 0 r---,-. :C1J ~:;:?=l;:- . -0 ::-;:J ;~~:~--.-- :::iI:: l'r1 C) -q ,. - 0 ,. C) .. :::0 J;> r;--, ... 0 \D W:\GROWTH MANAGEMEN1\BOCC\Resolutions\Federal Enhancement 2006-BOCC Resolution.doc Page 2 of2 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION-TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE FLORIDA KEYS RESOLUTION NO. 01 - 2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA nON-TECHNICAl. ADVISORY COMMllTEE FOR THE FLORIDA KEYS (DOT-TACK) RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE 2006 FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS PRIORITY LIST. WHEREAS, this committee's Mission Statement states that DOT-TACK will provide guidance and recommendations through coordination of issues ancI projects to provide a safe transportation system that ensures the mobility of and accessibility to people and goods, enhances eoonomic prosperity and preserves the qualily of our environment and communities; and WHEREAS. the Florida Department of Transportation-Technical AdvisOlY Committee for the Florida Keys (OOT-TACK) makes the fOHowing findings of faels: 1. The membership of DOT-TACK is a regional team made up of an jurisdictions within the Florida Keys. . 2. One of the functions of the DOT-TACK is 10 review, rank and prioritize proj&cls eligible for Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds. 3. The DOT-TACK completedproceduras and ranking criteria for projects submitted for Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds. 4. Monroe County and alJ municipalities passed individual resolutions, expressing their support for the procedures and ranking criteria. 5. The DOT.TACK met on July 14, 2006 and raviawed twelve applications. Two were withdrawn, seven V.I9r& Identified as eligible for other funding sources, two were det&rmined to be SUpplemental agreements of existing projects, leaving one as eligible for recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. 6. The DOT-TACK therefore ranked the Florida Keys Overseas Her~ Trail- Tavemler Safety Improvement (MM 92-96) as the top priority for transportation enhancement funding. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOl.VED BY THE DQi-T ACK, TIlAT: Section 1: The Committee recommends that the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approve the priority list as submitted. Section 2: The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners forward the priority list to the Florida Department of Transportation for placement of this new project into the Department's Five Year Transportation Plan. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Florida Department oj Transportation-Technical Advisory Committee for the Florida Keys (DOT-TACK) at a regular meeting on the 14~ day of Juty, 2006. Attest: Signed by: f~ /1 , . /i ~~pa a ~