Resolution 498-2006 OMB Schedule Item Number 77 Resolution No. . 498 _ 20M A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATEO FI1NOS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to increase items to account for unanticipated funds in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2007 now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, Ihal the following accounl, of the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2007 be and the same is hereby increased by the amount hereinafter set forth: Fund #12S - Governmental Fund Type Grants Cost Center # 6153806 - Community Care for the Elderly OffcllOl,,1I 1016 Function 5600 Activity 5640 Revenue: 125-61 53806-3346900H- Slote Grants 1 25-6153806-36900ISH- Progrom Ineome I 2S-6153806-381001GT-Trnsffm Gen Fund 5325,412.87 26,799,00 45,983.70 Total Revenue 5 398,195.57 Appropriations: 125-6153806-510120-Solori.. 125-6153806-510210-Fiea 125-61 S3806-51022o..Retlrement 125-6153806-51023o-Group Insuronce 12S-61S3806-S1024o-Worker"s Compensation 125-6153806-530310-Professional Services 125-6153806-530400- Tra".1 125-6153806-53041 O-Communications & Postage 12S-61S3806-S304S1-Risk Management 125-6153806-53047D-Printing 12S-61S3806-530460-Repairs & Maintenance 125-61 53806-530440-Rentol 125-6153806-530498-Ad.ertising 125-6153806-53851D-omce Supplies 125-6153806-530S2D-Operoling Supplies 5 244,692.42 20,171.90 14,916.90 75,495.00 12,003.64 21.00 10,019.88 1,977,16 12,000,00 17.00 1,000.00 1,918.88 98.48 1,979.20 1,884,11 Total Appropriations: $ 398,195,57 BE IT FURTHER RESOL.VED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds., is hereby aUlhmized and directed lo place funds in said item.., a<; ~t forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meetin~saiHo1d onJlij 18th day of Oclober AD 2006 ~c 2: en ;:= ;J~,('")":~_ 0 "')1 Mayor McCoy YES r~ r~ ~ ~ 0 Mayor Pro Tem Spehar 'YES ,.. ~ ?~;_ N -11 Commissioner Neugent YEg '~~: .c=~ . en !;5 Commissioner Di Gennaro Vli"c:. " Commissioner Patton -0 ~l' YES :-<. X. . n ~ CJ o :.'" CO Cl /" BOARD OF COUNTY f.q~MISSIONERS OF MONROEtUU~TY, FLORIDA ,j i , MaYOr/Chairm~ -~" ,- c> ;::> j'i (Seal) Attest By: unant cce 6153806 rollover rollover Page] MONRO!:: COUNTY ATTORN- _ PPROVED P.S~<yO~~ NATILEENE W. CP,SSEL ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY ala /0 - :J c _ /, "--______