FY2002 10/18/2001 FUNDING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, (hereinafter referred to as the "County") and Womenfest, Inc,. (Hereinafter referred to as "Event Sponsor"); WHEREAS, the umbrella organization under contract to the County has recommended to the Monroe County Tourist Development Council (hereinafter "TDC"), which has endorsed the recommendation, that certain monies be allocated for promotion of an event; THEREFORE; in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. County shall pay a sum not to exceed $23,500 (Twenty Three Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars) for promotion and related expenditures, as described in the event budget, attached hereto as Exhibit A, for production of Womenfest on September 5-12, 2002. Payment will be made only after Event Sponsor submits invoices and support documentation acceptable to the County's Finance Department. The advertising and promotion budget for County funding may be altered as to the individual line items, or components, within 10% of the amount stated for that item or component, without increasing the total dollar amount and without requiring a written amendment to this agreement. The general non-allocated section of an Umbrella event budget may be utilized for unforeseen permissible expenditures and for those budget lines that may require additional funds, Monroe County's performance and obligation to pay under this agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the County. 2. Event Sponsor shall provide promotion and related services as described in the Sponsor's application for funding, Exhibit B, attached hereto. All advertising and public relations services or supervision of advertising and public relations will be provided through the contracted agencies of the TDC and County. The agencies of record, shall receive payment of work in progress upon submission of documented invoices associated with said event. Event sponsor fully understands that funding is obtained from tourist development taxes for which the fiscal year ends September 30, 2002. Event sponsor also understands that the funding process through which this contract was made available by County requires event sponsors to submit their payment requests as quickly as possible and to finalize all such requests before the end of the fiscal year, if at all possible. In order for the tourist development taxes to be utilized most effectively for the purpose for which they were authorized, attracting and promoting tourism, the budgeting process of the County requires the event's funding to be concluded in a timely manner. In recognition that the timeliness of payment requests is of extreme importance to the funding of future advertising and promotion for the stability of the tourist-based economy, Event Sponsor agrees to submit by September 30, 2002, all invoices and support documentation as required by the County's Finance Department rules and policies. Event Sponsor shall not be reimbursed nor will Event Sponsor's vendors be paid directly for any invoices received by the County after September 30, 2002, except that for events with promotional expenditures incurred between July 1 and Womenfest Cultural Umbrella Funding FY 2002 1 September 30, 2002, invoices must be submitted within ninety (90) days of the conclusion of the event. 3. Event Sponsor shall reimburse County for any amount of funds expended by County in connection with an event which does not occur as a result of any act or omission by Event Sponsor. 4. Event Sponsor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Monroe County Board of County Commissioners from any and all claims for bodily injury (including death), personal injury, and property damage (including property owned by Monroe County) and any other losses, damages, and expenses (including attorney's fees) which arise out of, in connection with, or by reason of the services provided, event sponsored, or other activities and funding associated with this agreement. Should event involve the serving or distribution of alcoholic beverages, Event Sponsor shall obtain prior to the event a Liquor Liability insurance policy naming Monroe County as a co-insured. 5. Event Sponsor shall maintain records pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles for three (3) years after the event and shall permit County and its agents and employees access to said records at reasonable times. 6. County may terminate this agreement without cause upon providing written notice to Event Sponsor no less than sixty (60) days prior to the event and may terminate for breach upon providing to Event Sponsor notice at least seven (7) days prior to the effective date of the termination. 7. Event sponsor is an independent contractor and shall disclose any potential conflicts of interest as defined by Florida Statutes, Chapter 112 and Monroe County Code, Article XXI. 8. Event Sponsor warrants that he/she/it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on his/her/its behalf any former County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 or Ordinance No. 10-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10-1990. For breach or violation of the provision the County may, at its discretion terminate this contract without liability and may also, at its discretion, deduct from the contract or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid to the former or present County officer or employee. 9. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Womenfest Cultural Umbrella Funding FY 2002 2 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 10. LOQo: All promotional literature and advertising must display the "The Florida Keys & Key West, Monroe County Tourist Development Council, Come as You Are", logo/trade mark adopted by the TDC and County on November, 2000 (as per attached). No reimbursement or direct payment will be considered unless this logo/trade mark is utilized. =-~~ , '- ~WHEREOF, each paras caused this Agreement to be executed by its p ntative, the I day of t!JC r .2001. ~\ \ ! = i ~J' . '/~"...",,~// ~,-, Board of County Commissioners ~~f~roe~ ~~ O_C"~Q/f?~ Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairman (CORPORATE SEAL) Womenfest,lnc, Attest: By. Secretary By 1f6J{Je ;)~ Pre lent OR Witness nATE Womenfest Cultural Umbrella Funding FY 2002 3 THf flORIDA KfYS & KfY WfST MONROf COUNIY TOURIST OffiLOPMfNT COUNCil CflJrle a<? '/flu al"e.~ THf nORIDA KfYS & KfY WfST MONROf COUNTY TOURIST OfVnOPMfNT COUNCil CflJrle a<? '/flu al"e.~ THf [lORIDA KfYS & KfY WfST MONROf COUNTYTOURIST OffiLOPMfNT COUNCil CflJrle a<? '/flu al"e.~ THf nORIDA KfYS & KfY WfST MONROf COUNTYTOURIST OfVnOPMfNT COUNCil CflJrle a<? '/flu al"e.~ THf nORIDA KfYS & KfY WfST MONROf COUNTY TOURIST OfVnOPMfNT COUNCil CflJrle a<? '/flu al"e.~ THf [lORIDA KfYS & KH WfST MONROf COUNTYTOURIST OfV[lOPMfNT COUNCIl CflJrle a<? '/flu al"e.~ THE [LORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONROf COUNTY TOURIST DfV[lOPMfNT COUNCIl CliMe at? YIIU are.@ THE [LORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONROf COUNTYTOURIST DfVfWPMfNT COUNCIL CliMe at? YIIu are.@ THE [LORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONROf COUNTY TOURIST DfVfWPMfNT COUNCIL CliMe at? YIIu are.@ THE [LORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONROf COUNTYTOURIST DfVfWPMfNT COUNCIl CliMe at? YIIU are.@ THE [LORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONROf COUNTY TOURIST DfVfWPMfNT COUNCIL CliMe at? YIIu are.@ THE [LORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONROf COUNTY TOURIST DfVfWPMfNT COUNCIl CliMe at? YIIu are.@ Tur [LORIDA Km & KH wrST TUr [LORIDA Km & KH wrST TUr [LORIDA Km & KH wrST MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CfJltfB (}'i? '/fJu (}rB.@ CfJltfB (}'i? '/fJu (}rB.@ CfJltfB (}'i? '/fJu (}rB.@ fUr [LORIDA Km & K H wrST fUr [LORIDA Km & Kry wrST fUr [LORIDA Km & KH wrST MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CfJltfB (}'i? '/fJu (}rB.@ CfJltfB (}'i? '/fJu (}rB.@ CfJltfB (}'i? '/fJu (}rB.@ THE [lORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONRO[ COUNTY TOURIST D[VROPM[NT COUNCIL CliMe a'i? '/flu aTe,@ THE [LORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONRO[ COUNTY TOURIST D[V[LOPM[NT COUNCIL CliMe a'i? '/flu aTe,@ THE [LORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONRO[ COUNTY TOURIST D[VROPM[NT COUNCIL CliMe a'i? '/flu aTe,@ THE nORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST MONRO[ COUNTY TOURIST D[VROPM[NT COUNCIL CliMe a'i? '/flu aTe,@ MCTG-9864 Logo Slick L01 EXHIBIT A TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CULTURAL UMBRELLA APPROVED BUDGET BREAKDOWN FISCAL YEAR 2001/2002 EVENT NAME: WOMENFEST 2002 DIRECT MAIL & POSTAGE $ 300 BROCHURES, POSTERS, PROGRAMS $ 2,000 PUBLIC RELATIONS $ 2,500 PHOTO PROGRAM $ 300 MEDIA ADVERTISING $ 17,700 T-SHIRTS, CAPS, JACKETS $ 300 *GENERAL - NON-ALLOCATED $ 400 TOTAL: $ 23,500 *GENERAL NON-ALLOCATED IS NOT TO EXCEED 15% OF THE AMOUNT A WARDED BY THE MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FOR THIS SPECIFIC EVENT. *MAXIMUM REQUEST CAP = $25,000.00 EXHIBIT B Womenfest 2002 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Sept. 5th Womenrest Hospitality Suite opens dolly l00m.5pm, at the Atlanftc Shores Resort, fre. programs and daIlY .chedules. Event tkkets and Womenfest T-shirts foli.ale. Stop by for the latest information or just to chat. Venus Charhtq and Captain Karen with daly snorkellrips to the reef, Q~ snorkel gear, soda and wahlr included, $45. 9 am IiH noon and 1 pm liB 4 pm. CaD 7,t4-8241. Wornenfest Welcome Receptton 7prn 111110 p.m. at the Attantle Shores 1'001 Bar and Grill. Meet festival participants, organlzers~ and spontOn. Cocktails and hon d'oeuvres. Sept. 6th Womenfest Hospitality Suite opens dally 10am-5pm, at the Atlantic Sheres Resort. free programs and dally schedules. nckets for events and Womenfest T -shii". Stop by for the latest Information or Just to chat. Venus Charters and Coptaln Kenn with daUy snorkel trips to the reef, $15. nekets far sale In the WomlHlfest HospHallty Suite at the Atlantic Shores Resart. 9 ~m till noon or 1 pm. tal 4 pm. Pool VolleybGH Toumament 1 pm at the AtlantIe Shore. Resort Pool Bar. Sun your buns, Join In the competlllon or Just sip a Rum Runner In the shade. KIck ~I( and enjoy the sights at the pool as the 'glrls battle ~ out over a friendly game of voUeybal1l The Rainbow House Welcome Cocktan party 5pm-7pm. A Womenfest tradltton you won't want to min. Cocktails and hOQ d'oeuvres pool side at the Dnly exclusive lesbian guesthoUle In Key West. Womenfest Champagne SaN aboard the Sebago Catamarans, boat boards at 6 pm and returns to dock at 8:30 pm $35 Includes free champagne. beer, Wine and soft drtnks. Share an enchanted Key West sunset with someone speclall TIckets available at the Womentest Hospitality Suite. Sept. 7th Womenfest Hospitality Suite opens dally lOam-5pm, at the Atlantic Shores Resort, free programs and dally schedules. Event tickets and Womenfest T-shirts. StDP by for the latest Information or Just to chat. Sebaao Catamarans with dally snorkel trips to the reef, all female crew and captain. Snorkel gear provided. Free soda, water, and beer. Boat boards at 200' Williams St., 12:30 and returns to the dock at 4:30. TIckets are $40 and available at the Hospitality Suite. Venus Charfets and Captain Karen with dally snotlcel trips to the reet, $~. lIckets for sale In the Womenf.st Hospitality Suite at the Atlantic Shores Resort. 9 elm tlU noon or 1 pm. tIU 4 pm. Womenre.t Wave runner Tour at 12:30 pm. Meet at the Reach beach shac:k. Toke a guided tour around the Islandl Make your reservations at the Wome~st Hospitality Suite at the Atlantic Shores Resort. $75 per person. Reservations required. Book on line nowl Girlie Girl Olymglcs at the Atlanllc Shores Resort at 2pml Pair up 401nd compete In the two am~ hand culed swim, the straight relay, pass the fruit and tnuch more. loti 01 laughs and the winning team wins $100, lunch tor two and two Worn.nfest T-shllts. Womenfest Champagne SaD aboard the Sebago Catamarans. boat ~rds at 6 pm and retums to dock at 8:30 pm $35 includes free champagne, beer, wine and soft drinks. Share an enchanted Key West sunset with someone speclall TMkels available at the Womenfest HospItaIt.y Sule. Womenfest Casino NIght Enjoy an evening on the water as you try your hand at Lady Luck. Bullet and live music. loat boards at 6:30 pm and retums of I 1:30pm. Tic:kel$ are 525 aad wDJ be told at the Women Hospitality Sultet Umlfecf seating. Cinema Shores FIm festival" 'pm. $4 admission. plzmavaUable by the slice, free popcorn, cocktal service, and a ratIIe. E*y a Rim under the stars at 11M! Southernmost QlI.Id~ movie theater. It unique ley West eXperience.- Sept. 8th Womenfest Hospikdfty Suite opens dally lOam to Spm. at the Anantlc Shores Resort, free programs and daDy schedules. Tit:kell for events and Womenfest T-shirts. Stop by for the fatest Information or Just to chat. Sebago Catamarans with doRy morkel trips to the reef. an female ere,., and captain. Snorkel gear provfded. Free soda, waf..., and beer. loaf boards at 200 WIlIams St.. 12:30 and returns to the dock at 4:30. nekets are $40 and available at the Hospitality Suite. Venus Charters and Captain Karen with dally snorkel trips 10 the reef, $a. nekets for sale In the Womenfed Hospitality Suite at the Attantlc Shores Resort. 9 cJm tlU noon or 1 pm. till 4 pm. ' Wornentesf Wave Runner Tour. Meet at Reach beach shack, 12:30 an~ retum at 2:30, Take a guided tour around the rslandl Make your reservations at the WQmenfest HOlpltaHty Suite at the Atlantie Shores Resort or book on line nowl $75 .,... person. Reservations required. BEACH BLANKET BAlES. hosted by Old Towne ResOlll. basketball competition. bikini contest. lots of games and give ClWQYJ~ always a fun event not to be "'ssedl Noon til 4 pm at the Southernmost Hotel Pool. Sunset Strip, back by pOpular demand. 6:30pm-8:30pm $35 Includes firee beer, Wine and soft drinks. Sunset wIU never be the same as the lovely ladles of K(ty We. bare It alII nckets at the Womenfest Hospitality Suite. Womenfelt Champagne SaH aboard the Sebago Catamarans, boat boards at 6 pm and retums to dock at 8:30 pm $35 Includes free champagne, beer~ WIne and soft drinks. Share an enchanted ley West sunset with someone speciall T~keb available at the Womenfest Haspltallty Suite. Sept. 9th Womenfest Hospitality Suite opens dallylOam to 5pm~ at the Allantlc Shores Resort. free programs and daly schedules. nckets for events and Womentest T .shlftts. Stop by for the latest InformaHon or Just to chat. Sebago Catamarans with daDy snorkel trips to the reef. aU female crew and captain. Snorkel gear provided. Fr.. soda, water, and beer. Boat baards at 200 WilUams St., 12:30 and returns to the dOCk at 4:30. Dckels' are $40 and available at the Hospitality Suite. VenuI Charters and Coptc:lln Koren with dally snorkellrlps to the reef~ $145. nckets 'or sale In the Womenfest Hospitality SuRe at the Atlantic Shores lesort. 9 ~Im tIII.noon or 1 pm. flU 4 pm. Sunset Strip. back by popular demand. 6:30pm-8:30pm $35 Includes ,-ree beer. wine and soft drinks. Sunset will never be the lame as the lovely ladles of KeY West bare It aUI nckets at the Womenresf HOlpltaOly .Sulte. Wornenlest Wave Runner.Tour. Meet.onfhe Reoc;h beQc;h s_c;k. 12:3C).and.retum at 2:30. Take a.gulded tour-around-the qlQndl Make YOUH8S81YG1ions atJthe.Womenfest HQlpltaltty Suh at the Allantlc ShQfel ~.or book on Ilne.lIQ.wl $15 ~ person. Reservations required. Annual- Womenfest, Wet. I-shirt Contest at the AlIodc Shores Resort PooI'lar 2pm. S500 c~sh prlzeUtude Ciirl; Molly Blue and. Audrey, Me. one of the most popular eventst Enter your IIlr1f1end or J~st'come and WATCH the beautiful contestants. Womemen Champagne .SaU aboard the Sebago Catamarans, boat bGards at 6 pm and retunq to dock af8:3Q'pm'$35lnc:ludes'freechampagne:..beer..w,ne-and.loff. drinks. Share-an .enchanted Key .West sunset WIth someone..peelolI.~kefs. avaHable at the Womenfest'HOIplfalll" .Sulte. Sept. 10th Sunday Wonhlp Service.. 9:30am and 11 am at the Metropollton Cornm"nlty Church, 1215 Petronia Street. WomenfeSl Hot Buns Contest 2pm at Atlantic Shores Resent Pool Bar. I you liked the wet I-shirt you willlova the bunsll sf place. buns win $500 W....",..l T.. .J1. tl.- S.. 7p.....Up... at tbe Atlaatie Sbores Resort. Dallee the "icht away under the stlln, cool cocktails, tinworks, a Key West traditiOD! No Cover Charge. DaDeiDI to the hottest dj'lspi.DUlI the tuUes.