SFY2000 09/08/1999 HOME ANn COMMUNITY nASED WAIVER REFERRAL AGREEMENT This Referr~1 Agreement, made this 20 day of July, 1999, shall be in effect for the period of July 30, 1999 to June 30, 2000 between Alliance for Aging, the Area Agency on Aging for PI~nning amt Service Area 11; Monroe County In Home Services, the case management agency; andCuwdlan fY\ec@;CCt\ tYlO1I~ni lf1J(Trv, the Service Provider Agency. The purpose of this agreement is to promote the development of a coordinated service delivery system to meet the needs of the aged or disabled adults who are at risk of premature institutionalization. J. Objectives I. To maintain ~ climate of cooperation and consultation with and between agencies, in order to achieve max.imum efficiency and effectiveness. 2. To participate together by means of shared information in the development and expansion of services. 3. To promote programs and activities designed to prevent the premature institutionalization of elders and disabled adults. 4. The parties of this Agreement will provide technical assistance and consultation to each other on matters pertaining to actual service delivery and share appropriate assessment information and care plans so duplication may not occur. II. Under this Agreement, the Service Provider Agency ngrees to the following: 1. To accept referrals for the 1915c Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) Medicaid Waiver from only the above designated case management agency. 2. To provide quality service(s) specified in Section V to the waiver participant. Provision of service(s) is subject to quality monitoring and/or observation by the case management agency and/or the Area Agency on Aging. 3. To provide only those services specifically outlined in the Plan of Care or service authorization suhmitted hy the above designated case management agency. 4. To attach documentation regarding provider qualifications to this agreement; and to provide, as requested, any information regarding Medicaid Waiver billing, payment, or waiver participant information, to the Case Management Agency or Area Agency on Aging. Provider rate increases/decreases must be forwarded to the Case Management Agency and Area Agency on Aging along with justification for any increase. If additional services are to he added to this agreement, a written request to do so must he received hy the Area Agency on Aging and an amendment must he prepared by the Area Agency on Aging listing the added service(s). The necessary documentation regarding provider qualifications for the additional services will he signed, attached to the agreement and forwarded to the A rea Agency on Aging. ...."':~ 'AINnO:J 30~NOW '~:J '};I13 ')fl:J 3fl'tH10}t '1 ANN'rJO 90:1. Wd 91 AON66 Q~033H ~O.:J 0311.:1 5. To maintain the waiver participant's confidentiality according to 42 CFR 431.301. 6. To immediately report any changes in the waiver participant's condition to the designated Case Management Agency. 7. To maintain enrolled provider status by renewing applicable licensure, certification, contract, and/or referral agreements. 8. Include its name, unit rate, and other appropriate information on a list of all enrolled providers which will be shown to recipient during development of an individualized plan of care understanding that the recipient reserves the right at all times to a choice of enrolled providers. 9. To immediately notify the Case Management Agency of staffing shortfalls which will negatively impact provision of service to Medicaid Waiver recipients. 10. To suhmit claim data for hilling to the Medicaid fiscal agent within 60 days after services have heen provided or document reasons for delayed submission of claims. Such documentation shall he available for review by the area agency on agency or hy the Department of Elder Affairs, upon request. II. To suhmit claims for hilling to the Medicaid fiscal agent at the agency's usual and customary rate. It is a violation of federal regulation to bill Medicaid more than the agency's usual and customary rate. 12. The service provider n~cncy herehy agrees that it will develop and implement a policy to ensure that its employees, board members, and management, will avoid any connict of interest or the appearance of a connict of interest when disbursing or using the funds described in this agreement or when contracting with another entity which will be paid by the funds described in this agreement. A connict of interest includes, but is not limited to, receiving, or agreeing to receive, a direct or indirect benefit, or anything of value from a service provider, client, vendor, or any person wishing to benefit from the use or disbursement of funds. To avoid a connict of interest, the service provider agency must ensure that all individuals make a disclosure to the Area Agency on Aging of any relationship which may be a connict of interest, within thirty (30) days of an individual's original appointment or placement on a board, or if the individual is serving as an incumbent, within thirty (30) days of the commencement of the contract. III. Under this Agreement, the Area Agency on Aging agrees to the following: I. To facilitate the enrollment of providers with the Medicaid Fiscal Agent. 2. To provide technical assistance and training to Service Providers. 3. To determine that the case management agency is conducting monitoring of its service providers. 4. To regularly monitor the Service Providers in accordance with requirem~nts specified hy the Department of Elder Affairs. IV. Under this ARreement, the Cnse Mnnngement Agency nRrees to the following: I. The case management agency shall suhmit written referral to service provider agency with at least 24 hours notice. The case management agency may refer recipients to any qualified service provider agency. The referral will contain, at a minimum: a. Name b. Address (with directions if not easily accessible) c. Pertinent information regarding recipient's health or disabilities and living situation. d. Detailed service authorization including frequency, duration, and specific tasks to be performed. 2. Maintain case records in accordance with the Aged and Disabled Adult Medicaid Waiver Coverage and Limitations Handbook. 3. Evaluate quality of services and service documentation as provided by service provider agency. 4. Accept financial responsibility for service claims found out of compliance if they are the result of a failure by the Case Management Agency to update, renew, or terminate the service authorization. 5. To monitor service provider agencies billings to ensure spending is within allocated spending limits. 6. To monitor service provider agencies for adherence to authorized case plans and with in authorized rates. 7. The case management agency hereby agrees that it will develop and implement a policy to ensure that its employees, board members, and management, will avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest when disbursing or using the funds descrihed in this agreement or when contracting with another entity which will be p"id by the funds described in this agreement. A conflict of interest includes, but is not limited to, receiving, or agreeing to receive, a direct or indirect henefit, or anything of value from a service provider, client, vendor, or "ny person wishing to benefit from the use or disbursement of funds. To avoid " conflict of interest, the case management agency must ensure that all individuals make a disclosure to the Area Agency on Aging of any relationship which may be a conflict of interest. within thirty (30) days of an individual's original appointment or placement on a board, or if the individual is serving as an incumbent, within thirty (30) days of the commencement of the contract. V. Under this 3~reement, the following services will he delivered by the Service Provider ^~ency in 3ccordmlce with the plan of C3re or service authorization: Service Unit Rate County IRegion Served I. __G:":~;';:"la\ .~!_I~,.J_~~~.r lCcY .hJ?~:4?:~~-~-~~ "~v:.-5J..~.:~?:>- 2. ~:>;>:c.~_ cl\laJ C\ lc-:;;i , t:J1l:.lf c Ll~3n 3. 4. 5. VI. Termhmtiol1 In the event this agreement is terminated. the case management agency and the service provider agency agree to submit. at the time notice of intent to terminate is delivered, a plan which identities procedures to ensure services to clients will not be interrupted or suspended by the termination. I. Termination at Will This agreement may he terminated by any party upon no les!! thAn thirty (30) calendar days notice, withont cause, unless a lesser time is mutually agreed upon by both parties. in writing. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. 2. Termination Because of Lack of Funds In the event funds to finance this agreement become unavailable, the area agency may terminate this agreement upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice in writing to the other party. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. The area agency shall be . the final authority as to the availability of funds. 3. Termination for Breach Unless a breach is waived by the area agency in writing, or the parties fail to cure the breach within the time specified by the area agency, the area agency may, by written ttotice to the parties, terminate the agreement upon no less than twenty- four (24) hours notice. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. VII. In witness whereof, the l)flr'ties Imve cnnsNI this five pn~e ~~reement to he executed by their ul1(lersi~ned ornci~ls ~s duly authorized. -.iJ!f1:lfl1TC' //tt,s;r i'e j!f-li(~!!tl 'i~t!;;.e (\'/1" ..... ' , I.!...uJ{t.}.Ufj I I { . it fJ h:' iUU Case Management A~ency '~~~.. _...~..----- .- .. _, ,. ~/U.<1"" -__"'_'_'r;,,~..'1f.:}"'J...,.""~',' ." -,-,' ., -'. ','- ~ \, --~--~~_.----~-_._--_._---------- _.ill i (6.~J~.!. n_~_.__({~~vty , print n;,ll1c print n:lll1C ~.,ene-fl.vl.. ~ (Ylo..l1at}(,r lille _,._____,__....?/zJ}jTl dalc '. (SEAL) AITES-r. ,DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK fJf~JC.~ OEPUTYCLER.< Area Agency on A~ing ~00lT\~C\ ~S\>o~\m~ Signature l2Q.mDrO.. ~(r:chmo..n Print _Ji_~\c\p\.\- Title ._._D~rg <1 Dale GUARDIAN MEDICAL MONITORING 1 ROOO \V. Ei~ht Mile nom), Sotlthfield, MI 4R075 . I-RRR-349-2400 1-88&-349-2400 BIn PRICING Sp~~illUntrocl ug(1.IlQ[J~r ~;JLAJ!nl1\N_I_mm . Plug & Piny two wny voice tmnsl11itter thnt hooks up to your phone . Necklnce or Bronch . 24 hr. hnck up hnttery. Plllg nnd Piny . I ,ow hnttery signal . Ilnnds flee Iwo wny speaker 1'01' ensy cOl11ll1unicntion nner signnl is received $20,00 - Rentnl/lnstnllntion (Now free until Octnher I, 1999) $2),00 I'vlonthly Monitoring Fee (alA HI) 11\.1'Lt~!!!! . Telephone IInit . Plug nnd PIny simplicity . Ilnnds free two wny spenker 1'01' ensy commtlllicntion nHer signnl is received . Necklnce or Brnnch . Temperntme sensor . Waterproof . Ileming nid compatihle . Telephone fmswered hy neck lace or hroneh . 4 hI'. hnck up hnttery. rlllg nnd Play . I,ow hattery signal $}O.OO $25,00 Renlnl/lnstallntion (Now f,'ee until Octoher I, 1999) Monthly Monitoring Fee This oriel' expires Oclohcr I. 1999. lIealth Care for the New Millenniunl ---_..--------_._..~~.._-----_._----_.._---_. - .~."- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANC~JM,~6 OA~E~7~o;';;19 - ---------- TillS CEHTIrICMEIS ISSUED AS A MAnER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND COt-WERS NO RIGHTS urON TilE CERTIFICATE 1I0LDER. TillS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. ACORD. ",U)'11Wrn Knrntkin Insuranc~ Group POBox -131 ~n"t-_hfi..ld HI -1803'7-0-111 Fhone:2-18-352-51-10 Fax:248-352-0305 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE lflr:-llrFf't ItlSUflEfl A: INSUflEfl B: united National Insurance Co G'6ardian Medical Monitoring C 0 Guardian Alarm Co. 2 800 Southfield Rd. South field HI 480'75 __ _ _.L C()VEHAGES In ItlSllfll'Re: INSUflICR 0: 1"~lJflrn f. 1111" !'<lLlCIES or Ifl<;UIlN1CE USIED f1HOW IIAVl" Illel'N ISSUED 10 IIII' 1f1f,l1llED NAMED AIlOVE Eafl IIII' rOllCY I'EHlODltJlJICAIED_ NOrWIIIISrAf!n1Nn Mh '1EQUII1E'AENT, TEI1M OR CONDlflON nE ANY CONrnACT OR 0111Efl DOCUMEtH Willi flEsr'Er.r 10 WIlICII "115 CEflflElCAIE MAY BE ISSUED Ofl I,'A( rEI1T 1Ilfl, TIlE 'NSIII1ANeE AErORDEO BY 1111' rallelES DEsr.fllBED IIEREll11S SIJI'JFr.T TO IIlL Till" Il"flMS, FXCUJSIONS AND CONOlTlotlS OF SIICII 'OIICIES, AGGrlEGA IE LIMITS SIlOWl1 MA'( IIAVE BEEf! 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E~/FXCI II~lmlS AlJ[lrn A'I FrlnOI1~FMFNlISPECI^L rI10VI<;10N~ CHHIrICME HOLDER IN 1 ADlJITIO"^L ItlSUI1ED; INSUflER LEITER: CANCELLATION ~..._._._- , HONROE ~HOIII n AllY OE IHI' A!101/I: OI'SCI1II1I'O POlICIES 111' CANCHeED BEFORE THE EXI'II1ATIOfl nA 11' TlIFPF.nE, TIll' 1<;~UlIlG ItlSUflF.11 Will ENDEIIVOR TO !Mll Monroe Couty In Home Servic~s 30 DAY~ WflITlHI NOTICE 10 THE CEflTlElCAlF' HOlDER flAMED TO T"E Dee Simpson --.--- 5100 College Rd PSB, Wing III I EET. ""I E^,lUflF 10 on ~o SIIAIL IMPO~F. NO nA1IGATION Ofl UAIlIUTY OF Key West Fl. 330-10 _-^NY_ KItID.IJPON THE ItlSUI1ER. ITS AGEN'.AW.d?J,J -- I Glenn n Warsh -------+_._- '--"~- (III 'I'D 7<; S (7/97) ACORD CORPORATION 1988