07/26/2000 Match Commitment . t' c K"S ORiG!Nj~,L IV ,B, MATCH COMMITMENT OF CASH DONATION Agency Name: MONROE COUNTY IN HOME SERVICES Donor Identification: Name: Street: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 5100 COLLEGE ROAD City: State: Zip: Phone: KEY WEST FL 33040 305-292-3430 Authorized Representative: SHIRLEY FREEMAN, MAYOR, BOCC lotal Amount $ 5,330,00 ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE INITIATIVE ! Payments \.mount/Payment $ :ontribution Period 7/1/00-6/30/01 :pecial Conditions: lonor Certification: hereby certify intent to make the cash donation set forth above for use in the specified program during Ie program's upcoming funding period. This cash is not included as match for any other State or ederally assisted program or contract and is not borne by the federal government directly under any :deral grant or contract. Date: 7/z.~/oo March 1999 IV .B, MATCH CuMMITMENT OF CASH DONATION C' !::"i":"/'''' OR . "..', ,~.;:, " 'IGINt\!... .,. . . I A.gency Name: MONROE COUNTY IN HOME SERVICES Donor Identification: Name: Street: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 5100 COLLEGE ROAD City: State: Zip: Phone: KEY WEST FL 33040 305-292-3430 Authorized Representative: total Amount $ 559.00 HOME CARE FOR THE 'ELDERLY r Payments \mount/Payment $ ::ontribution Period 7/1/00 - 6/30/01 ;pecial Conditions: )onor Certification: hereby certify intent to make the cash donation set forth above for use in the specified program during 1e program I s upcoming funding period. This cash is not included as match for any other State or 'ederally assisted program or contract and is not borne by the federal government directly under any ~deral grant or contract. Date: 7/z..,-Jo 0 !-larch 1999 . .. ... I' C. .. i-, c:' :::~: !NA:_ IV ,B, MATCH LOMMITMENT OF CASH DONA TI0N Agency Name: MONROE COUNTY IN HOME SERVICES Donor Identification: Name: Street: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 5100 COLLEGE ROAD City: State: Zip: Phone: KEY WEST FL 33040 305-292-3430 Authorized Representative: SHIRLEY FREEMAN, MAYOR, BOCC Total Amount $ 126,000,00 COMMUNITY CARE ~OR THE ELDERLY if Payments Amount/Payment $ :::::ontribution Period 7/1/00-6/30/01 Special Conditions: )onor Certification: hereby certify intent to make the cash donation set forth above for use in the specified program during he program's upcoming funding period. This cash is not included as match for any other State or ;ederally assisted program or contract and is not borne by the federal government directly under any ederal grant or contract. :-F~ Date: 7/2.(./00 -70- APPROVED AS TO FOR AND ~l SUFFICIEN BY March 1999