Resolution 609-2006 RESOLUTION NO.609_2006 A RESOLUTION BY TIlE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF FOR DEAN PARKINSON ON TIlE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS BLOCK 10 LOTS I & 2, BOWENS ADDmON RIVIERA VILLAGE, KEY LARGO, RE #00512580-000000 & 00512580-000100. WHEREAS, Dean Parkinson (hereinafter "Applicant") submitted an application for administrative relief under Sec. 9.5-122.2(f) of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations, and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners makes the following findings of fact and conclusions oflaw; and 1. Applicant's application for administrative relief is for Block 10, Lots I & 2, Bowens Addition Riviera Village, Key Largo, RE#00512580-00000 & 00512580-000100 l[hereinafter "subject property"). 2. Applicant applied for a building permit on July 08, 2002 and a Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) allocation on October 09, 2002 for the subject properties. 3. Section 9.5-122.2(f) of the Monroe County Code provides a mechanism whereby an applicant who has not received an allocation award in ROGO may apply to the Board of County Commissioners for administrative relief. 4. The applicant applied for administrative relief on January 09, 2006. 5. Applicant's ROGO allocation application has been in the ROGO system for three (3) of the last four (4) annual allocation periods and therefore qualifies for administrative relief lmder Section 9.5-122(f)(I)c of the Monroe County Code. 6. Applicant's ROGO allocation application has been in the ROGO system for at least four (4) consecutive years and therefore qualifies for administrative relief under Policy 101.6.1 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. 7. 'The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has the authority to grant administrative relief under Section 9.5-122.2(f)(6) of the Monroe County Code to qualified applicants :md may grant the applicant a ROGO allocation, offer to purchase the property at fair market value, or provide such other relief as may be necessary and appropriate. 8. Policy 101.6,6 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan calls for the Board to base the acquisition decision for administrative relief applications on the property's ,:nvironmental sensitivity per Policy 101.6,5, 9. 'The acquisition criteria in Policy 101.6.5 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan include the environmental sensitivity of the vegetative habitat on the subject property. ADMINIS'I'IL\TIVE RELIEF RESOLUTION BASSIL, RE#OOSOO930.000000 P8&e 1 of3 10. 'The subject property consists of low elevation low quality tropical hardwood hammock. Based on this classification, the subject property received negative two (-2) limvironmental points for an environmental total of negative two (-2) points in the ROGO :system evaluation criteria. The subject property is also designated as a Tier 3A Special Protection Area in the proposed Tier system. II. Board of County Commissioners Resolution #223-2004 directs staff to ideutify small parcels with indigenous hammock or pinelands that are ineligible for purchase by the State with Florida Forever funds, limit the issuance of permits for clearing on said parcels, and recommend said parcels for purchase by the Monroe County Land Authority. 12. 'The subject property is in an area of indigenous hammock that is ineligible for purchase by the State with Florida Forever funds. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. Applicant Dean Parkinson has met the requirements to receive administrative relief for Block 10, Lots I & 2, Bowens Addition of Riviera Village, Key Largo. 2. In accordance with Policy 101.6.5, 101.6.6, and BOCC Resolution 223-2004, the appropriate form of administrative relief for this application is an offer to purchase. The issuance of a ROGO allocation would be inconsistent with the Monroe County Year 20 I 0 Comprehensive Plan and DOCC Resolution 223-2004. 3. 'The Monroe County Land Authority is requested to have the subject property appraised and subsequently make an offer to purchase same. [The remainder of this page is blank.} ADMINISTRATIVE RBLIEF RESOLUTION BASSIL, RE#O0500930.000000 Pille 2 of3 4. In the event Applicant declines the above referenced purchase offer, Applicant will retain the right to remain in the ROGO system and continue competing for an allocation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 15th day ofNOVEMBE~ 2006. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tern, Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mario Di Genarro Commissioner Silvia Murphy YES YES YES YES YES BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE Cm;v, FLORIDA BY Y1 Mayor Chari s "Sonny" McCoy (SEAL) c:o <:: Cl L,w -' ~ C:J C> N ~.~~~2 (.) x: W Q.. , ._- cr: :::::2:::5 cr: r- .uo 0 I -' .U l.L. ,~ >--w 0 (..) --'0 ...... ....l-ua: LLi Q Z :z ....l - <( 0 u... = o :r: .= .... ADMlNISTRATIVE REuEF RESOLUTION BASSIL, RE#OO500930.000000 Pqe3or3