Resolution 632-2006 RESOLUTION NO. 632 - 2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING THE MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) SEWER CONNECTION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FIRST COMEIFIRST SERVED APPLICATION LIST AND RECOGNITION OF THE CDBG PROGRAM'S CONFLICT OF INTEREST REQUIREMENT WHEREAS, on April 9, 2003, Monroe County was awarded a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contract Agreement with DCA (03DB-IA-II-54-01-H32), and WHEREAS, on October 15,2003, an amendment was prepared by the Monroe County Housing Authority (MCHA) shifting funding priorities to funding only sewer connections, and WHEREAS, Resolutions 306-2002 and 471-2003 commits the county to assist "economically disadvantaged households" in the low - and very low-income categories as defined by BUD and WHEREAS, grant funds provided through the Community Development Block Grant program remain available, though application deadlines have passed and WHEREAS, Resolution 155-2005 provides using all available funds by allowing additional CDBG grant applications on a first come/first served basis, and WHEREAS, the County's Citizen Advisory Task Force (CATF) has reviewed the first come/first served eligibility list in accordance with the County's CDBG Program Housing Assistance Plan, and has recommended approval of their applications, and WHEREAS, the County's CATF has addressed any conflicts of interest (in accordance with sections 112.311- 112.3143, Florida Statutes and 24 C.F.R. section 570.489) among the CATF members and the eligible homeowners/residents who are recommended for approval of CDBG funding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, THAT: Section 1: The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein. Section 2: That funding for the listed first come/first served CDBG applicants (Attachment A), who have voluntarily complied with program requirements of the Contract Agreement #03DB-IA-II-54-01-H32 is hereby adopted. S.:ction 3: That the list of eligible frrst comeifIrst served CDBG applicants (Attachment A) is subject to final funding approval by the Special Programs Office based on compliance with the terms of the CDBG grant agreement #03DB-1A-II-54-0l-H32 and funding availability. SL'Ction 4: That the list of eligible frrst come/first served CDBG applicants (Attachment A) is subject to disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest witb the County Commissioners of Monroe County, Citizen's Advisory Task Force Board and Program Staff; and any such conflicts of interest by these parties and applicants shall be addressed pursuant to sections 112.311-112.3143, Florida Statutes and 24 C.F.R. section 570.489. S"ction 5: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 20th day of December ,2006 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Mayor Mario DiGennaro Yes Mayor Pro Tern DL'<ie M. Spehar Yes Commissioner Charles McCoy Yes ~~st~~~~~:~~ent ~:: , '1) ,..:;".,1.. \\ " ),'~/'} "'\1";>)>( :. , .,/J\:.( }\ " C~'.J)J "':.jif;'/J u 2-8i.f.~ '"""eputy Cled( BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /1/JA ,/11. a By: ///~/1Yf/~ Mayor Mario Digennaro MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO F~ ~m "& SUSAN M. GRIMS "J ASSISTANT CO~NTY ATTORNEY Dale II - d 'Orp CHAPTER FIVE I . During the application and administration of a grant, steps should be taken to avoid the development of a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest exists when: . A local official or family member of a local official has a financial interest or will receive or benefit from assistance provided by the CDBG Program. . A local government employee or family member of an employee has a financial interest or will receive or benefit from assistance provided by the CDBG Program. . When a board member, hired consultant, or family member of the same will receive or benefit from assistance provided by the CDBG Program. The Horida Statues define a relative as a: . Father, father-in-law, stepfather . Mother, mother-in-law, stepmother . Son, son-in-law, stepson · Daughter, daughter-in-law, stepdaughter . Brother, brother-in-law, stepbrother, half-brother . Sister, sister-in-law, stepsister, half-sister . Uncle . Aunt . Cousin . Nephew . Husband . Wife · Grandparent, great grandparent, step grandparent, step great grandparent · Grandchild, great grandchild, step grandchild, step great grandchild · Person who is engaged to be married to a public officer or employee or who otherwise holds himself, or herself out as, or in generally known as, the person with whom the public officer intends to form a household · Any other natural person having the same legal residence as a public officer or employee Waiver Provisions If a conflict of interest exists, a recipient may request a waiver from the Department. The following steps must be taken in order to have a conflict waived: . There must be a public disclosure of the conflict (done at a public meeting). In the case of an elected official, the public disclosure must be preceded by the filing of a written statement with the governing body. If the conflict was unknown prior to the meeting, the written statement must be issued within 15 days after the public disclosure. . A legal opinion must be obtained from the local government's legal counsel. The opinion must find that the conflict is eligible for a waiver and that no policies have been violated. The opinion must cite the regulation used in making the determination. (State requirements are found in Chapter 112.311 through 112.3143, Rorida Statutes, and federal requirements are located in 24 CPR 570.489(h). . A motion must be made and approved by the local governing body that requests a waiver from the Department. The chief elected official must request the waiver. If the waiver request is for an appointed advisory board member, a two-thirds majority vote of the appointing body is required. . A package must be prepared and forwarded to the Department that contains: (a) a copy of the public hearing minutes documenting disclosure of the conflict, approval of the waiver request, and any comments; (b) a copy of the legal opinion of the local government's legal counsel; and, (c) a request for a waiver from the chief elected official. Department Review of Waiver Requests Upon receipt of the necessary information, the Department will determine if the local government has followed the proper steps. If all necessary documentation has been included, the Department will either grant a waiver of the conflict or advise the local government of the reason that a waiver cannot be granted. Expenditures Prior to Receipt of the Waiver Local government should make every effort to avoid conflicts of interest. If a conflict is discovered, the governing body should promptly take the appropriate steps to disclose the conflict of interest and seek a waiver. In the event that CDBG funds are expended prior to the Department issuing a written waiver of the conflict of interest, those expenditures will not be considered eligible for reimbursement. FAQs Is it necessary for a local omcial to disclose a conflict of interest in a public meeting? Yes. Rorida law requires that elected officials adhere to certain ethical standards, including the public disclosure of a conflict of interest. HUD also requires that conflicts be disclosed publicly. When conflicts of interest are reported to the Department, are waivers usually granted? Yes. If the local government can provide documentation reflecting that it has followed the appropriate steps and that none of its local policies (i.e., housing assistance, procurement, etc.) have been violated, waivers are granted. References For more information on the issues discussed in this chapter, refer to: . 24 CFR Part 570 . Chapter 112, Florida Statutes Priority I and 11 Monroe County COBG First ComelFirst Served Waiting List Applicants Page 1 of 1 Owner Name __~ Renter Name 2 PRIORITY I ______ Property Address - 37 Bay Drive---.- ~__ StaZip_ Key West__ FI 33040 1 Ray, Ma'Y-___ _~~~_-.- 37i:llly Drive-==_. KeWesi-==- FI 33040 2 Schmidt, Chanes 50 Palm Drive Ke West FI 33040 ;3 Gu~Pablo/JuIJ~__ __ _ _ _ ___ 73 First Court ._ . __ KeY1arJlll._ FI 33037 4 Alvarez, J5Jhn____ _ __ _ 72 First Court __ __ Key Laf9Cl.__ FI 33037 ~ Wilson, Sand~_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =1~th Avenue E _ _ Key La.l9Q __ FI _ _33037 .6 Ki ht, MafY...-_. __ _ _ _ _ _~3 N. Conch Av~ _ Marath~ FI 33050 !m, Jea-,,--_ __ _ _ ____. 226Second Court_ Ke}'hafSQ.._ FI ~3037 8 Abreu, EvelioNanelys_ _____ _ _ 62 Avenue A_ ___ Key LafSQ..__ FI 33037 9 Moses,Qolores _ _ __ _ _ 1Q.Lauderdale Drive__ KeY1arllQ___ FI 33037 10 Landin, Michael 178 Buttonwood Ave Ke Lar~ FI 33037 11 Camohan,Michelle__ _ 7.QfloridaDrive__d Key Larg,,- FI 33037 12 ~alder()n,J_O~l1e !.Hibiscus Street Key Largo FI 33037 13 Tr~,Gen_~_.__ ___ _.___.__ __._ 70S. ConchAve__. Maratho-,,-_ _ _EL_~050 14 Zizzo, Angelo _____ 66 First Court Key Largo FI 33037 1_5 Orr,_ Mal}' Jane__ 43 Rock Hamor Dr Key Largo FI 33037 ~~ :;;;i.'~~~il~:-_----~--=.'. ..-l~:~~:~rt=-- ~:;~~:~~~_~: -~~~~~ 18 LaBello, Jerome/Susan__~~-. 38 Orange Drive.__ Key Largo_ FI 33037 19 Narvaez, Antonio/Manen_.. f-- ___ _ . _132 Oral1l!!.Drive__ Key Larg-,,- FI 33037 20 Vander Wyc:len, '-'1iChaeVJUn~____---110 Lake Shore Dri_",,-- Key Lafll"..._ FI 33037 PRIORITY--"- _____-~ -=~== '==== ==-=t -~_.--..._...--,_.._--_._--------"------ 1 Branam, Fa1"-___ Sawart,Robert __ 175 West Ave A_ Key Largo FI 33037 _2 Browning & Sirec:L Falero, Pedro._. 6!;()() Maloney Ave .#21 _. Key West..___. FL 33040 ..3 Browning & Sireci Martinez, Juan 6500 Maloney Ave #01_ Ke West__ FL 33040 4 Browning & SirElc:i_.. _ __ Falero, Omar= 6500MaloneyAvel!~ Keyvvest . ___ FL 33040 5 Browning & ::;ireci____ Unger, Joyce_. !l500 Maloney Ave #15 . Ke West__ FI 33040 _ 6 Brownin~Sireci . ___ Velazquez, RElbecca_ 6500 MaloneyAve#23 ._ Key vvest FL 33040 7 Brownin & Sireci Alfonso, Silvio 6500 Malone Ave 1/26 .. Key W~ _ FL 33040 8 Brownin!l!.::;irecLRegis, Joseph_____ 6500 MaloneyAve #100 Key WEl~ FL 33()4() __9 Browning & Sireci Toma, c;aridad_ 6500 Maloney Ave #6 Ke West FL 33040 .10 Browning&SifEl<:L Bames,~evin __ 6500 Malol"'Y_Ave#19 KeyWesL___ FL 33040 1_1 Browning & Sireci .__ Louis, Jean 6500 Maloney A"e#11._ Ke West FL 33040 12 Brownins. & SirecL.....___ Ferrini, Ralph 6500 Maloney Ave #25. __ Ke _West FL 33040 13 Brownin~.irecL___. C(lnnell,BruCEl___ _ 6500 Mal(lney Ave #30. Ke West .. FL 33040 14 BroWlling &::;ireci ._____ 'Cadet, Jule,,-___ _ 65.00 Maloney "'-v~ #33.._ Ke .West _.. FL 3~040_ ~5~~WI1i:g&~~~ci~= ..JAmador, Abrahan =- 6~00 Maloney,o,ve #34 __ Key West =-_ FL 33040 . f= -=~ __l._.~___.,__ 11/15/2006