Item D42 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: December 20,2006 Bulk Item: Yes XX No Division: County Attorney Staff Contact Person: Pedro Mercado AGENDA ITE:M WORDING: Execution of GMP Amendment for the Key West International Airport and Florida Keys Marathon Airport ITEM BACKGROUND: On October 19,2006 the County entered into a contract with the Morganti Group for the Key West International Airport -New Terminal Building and Renovation Pr'oject. As a result of the damage caused by Hurricane Wilma and the health and safety issues it created at the Florida Keys Marathon Airport on March 15, 2006 the RO.e.e. approved an amendment to the Morganti contract for Hurricane Damage Repair Work to the Marathon Airport. The contract requires that Morganti and the County prepare and execute an amendment to the contract reflecting the G.M.P. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Verbally approved the G.M.P. amendment at the November 2006 ROe.e. meeting CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Execute amendment TOTAL COSll: BUDGETED: Yes XX No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED ny: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DURECTOR APPROVAL: (TYPE NAME HERE) DOCUMENTATION: fuel uded Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 Dil. 1HIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, THE MORGANTI GROUP, INe. KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT- 'NEW TERMINAL BUILDING AND RENOVATION PROJECT Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment This third amendment (hereinafter "GMP Amendment") to the Agreement between the County and Construction Manager, the Morganti Group, Inc., for the Key West International Airport - New Terminal Building and Renovation Project (hereinafter "Agreement") is made and entered into this :2077f day of Dtrc(fl'1s4i)I( ,2006, by and between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter "County"), and The Morganti Group, Inc" a corporation of the State of Florida, (hereinafter "The Morganti Group"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of November 2005 the parties entered into an Agreement dated October 19, 2005 for the New Terminal Building and Renovation Project at the Key West International Airport; and WHEREAS, on the 15th day of March 2006 the parties entered into an amendment, incorporated herein, of the original agreement whereby The Morganti Group contracted with the County to perform Hurricane Damage Repair Work to the Florida Keys Marathon Airport; and WHEREAS, The County and The Morganti Group have agreed to amend and clarify both the Agreement and the First Amendment in a second amendment to the Agreement; WHEREAS, the F.A.A. and the F.D.O.T. have both provided grant funds for the New Terminal Building and Renovation Project at the Key West International Airport and the Hurricane Damage Repair Work to the Florida Keys Marathon Airport; and WHEREAS, the grant awards contain grant conditions which must be satisfied; WHEREAS, the parties are currently working together and with the Architect-Engineer to determine the scope of each party's responsibility and appropriate lines of authority to assure compliance with such grant conditions during the Construction Phase; WHEREAS, the parties intend to amend the Agreement, separately from this GMP Amendment, to address such compliance responsibilities; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth below, the parties agree to amend the original Agreement as follows: .$K In accordance with Article 7, the County hereby approves and the Agreement dated October] 9,2005 is hereby amended to establish for the designated portion of the work described in the GMP proposal dated November 15,2006 the Guaranteed Maximum Price in the amount of$31,613,533.00 for the Key West Intemational Airport New Terminal Building and Renovation Project and $3,718,026.00 for the Marathon Hurricane Damage Repair Work. The total Guaranteed Maximum Price, $35,331,559.00, includes preconstruction and construction phase fees and overhead and profit for the Key West Intemational Airport New Terminal Building and Renovation Project and the Marathon Hurricane Damage Repair Work. All other provisions of the October 19, 2005 Agreement (as previously amended), not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused this Amendment to the agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representative. ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Mayor/Chairman Deputy Clerk Construction Manager: The Morganti Group, Inc. ~;,., ~'"<-R'~"". M_" ATTEST: ~ft;e:~t;~~~bL SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY ~D CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. THE MORGANTI GROUP, INC. KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT- NEW TERMINAL BUILDNG AND RENOVATION PROJECT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT (hereinafter "2nd Amendment") to the Agreement between the County and Construction Manager, The Morganti Group, Inc., for the Key West International Airport - New Terminal Building And Renovation Project (hereinafter "agreement") is made and entered into this day of , 2006, by and between MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter "County"), and The Morganti Group, Inc., a corporation of the State of Florida, (hereinafter "The Morganti Group"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, on the 19th day of October, 2005, the parties entered into an Agreement for the New Terminal Building and Renovation Project at the Key West International Airport; and \VHEREAS, on 15th day of March 2006 the parties entered into an amendment, incorporated herein, of the original agreement whereby The Morganti Group contracted with tht: County to perform Hurricane Damage Repair Work (Repair Work) to the Florida Keys Marathon Airport; and WHEREAS, The County and The Morganti Group have agreed to amend and clarify both the Key West International Airport - New Terminal Building And Renovation Project agreement and the Florida Keys Marathon Airport Hurricane Damage Repair Work amendment; and WHEREAS, the County and The Morganti Group have agreed to memorialize these amendments and clarifications; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth below, the parties agree to amend the original agreement Agreement for the New Terminal Building and Renovation Proiect at the Kev West International Airport as amended bv Florida Kevs Marathon Airport Hurricane Damage Repair Work Amendment as follows: 1. Section 1.1 is amended to read as follows: 1.1 The Construction Team The Construction Manager, tlle Direetor of Faeilities f)e.,'eIOj'lffient for tlle COllnt)" the Protect Director Direetor of Planning and f)e...elotment for tlle K, West Intemational f.iFj'lort and the Architect-Engineer, called t e "Construction eam", shall work jointly during design and through final construction completion and shall be availaole thereafter should additional services be required. The Architect-Engineer will provide leadership during the Preconstruction Phase with support from the Construction Manager and the Construction Manager shall proVIde leadership to the Construction Team on all matters relating to construction. TAL#565469.3 ~/ (5' 2. Section 1.2 is amended to read as follows: 1.2 Extent of Al1eement - This Agreement for the Key West International Airport-New Termina Building and Renovation Project (Kev West Project) and the Florida Kevs Marathon Airport Hurricane Damage Reo air Work (Marathon Reoair Work). between the County and the Construction Manager, supersedes any prior negotIations, representations or a,greements. When drawings, specifications and other descriptive documents defimng the work to be included under a construction authorization are substantially complete, they shall be identified in the construction authorization issued by the Project Director. When drawings, specifications and other descriptive documents defining the work to be included in the guaranteed maximum price (GMP) are sufficiently complete, an Amendment to the Agreement shall be signed by the County and Construction Manager, acknowledging the GMP amount and the drawings, specifications and other descriptive documents upon which the GMP is based. To expedite the preparation of this GMP Amendment by the County, the Construction Manager shall obtain four (4) sets of signed, sealed and dated drawings, specifications, and other documents upon which the GMP is based from the ArchItect-Engineer, and shall acknowledge on the face of each document of each set that it is the set upon which he based his GMP and shall send one set of the documents to the COImty's Director of Facilities De'/elojllRcnt pro~ect Director Key West :\ifj'lort, Director of P'anninf aHa De'/elojllRent along wit his GMP proposal, while keeping one set for himse f and returning one set to thtl Architect-Engineer, and one set to the Clerk of Courts for Monroe County. The GMP Proposal shall include the following sections: Section One: Summary of Work Section Two: GMP Price Summary - To include Construction Authorization & Tax Savings Section Three: Scope Clarifications and Assumptions Section Four: Detailed Estimate Section Five: Bid Tabulations and Recommendations Section Six: Preliminary Construction Schedule Section Seven: Contract Documents - Drawing List and Specification List This Agreement shall not be superseded by any provisions of the documents for construction and may be amended only by written instrument signed by both the County and the Construction Manager. 3. Section 1.3 is amended to read as follows: 1.3 Definitions: Architect-Engineer - URS Corporation Southern, 7650 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33126. Construction Authorization - The term Construction Authorization shall mean a wnitten work order based on a defined scope of work excluding Construction M2magers fees a.s specified in Article 8, prepared by th.e Project Director af,ld issued to the ConstructIOn Manager. ConstructIOn AuthonzatIons shall be used pnor to the date of the GMP Amendment and all work performed pursuant to Construction Authorizations shall be included in the GMP Conslruction Manager - The Morganti Group, Inc., 1450 Centrepark Boulevard, SWle 260, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401, Owner - Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, aCling through its Board ofCounly Commissioners (hereinafter BOCC). ~~nt~'s Re~resentatives - The ~~:~r ~; ka~I~~s D~~=~= Pro~ct Director Im'ect r of lar.ning aHa De...el fi c T st I .'.1 ort and hIS TAL#5654,~9.3 superiors or designees. Permitting Authority - The local authority with jurisdiction over the area in which tht: project IS located. Kf; we~ Pro~ - The Project is the total weFk te Be performea lIHeer this Aj;, eelRe 1. The Pr~i eet consists of permitting, construction and code inspection for Key West InternatIOnal Airport-New Terminal Buildin,!;\ and Renovation Project nel~essary to build the component parts of the project identJfied in Exhibit B. Marathon Repair Work - The Rjtair Work consists of permitting, construction and co e mspectlOn for the Flonda evs Marathon Airport Hurncane Damage Re~alr Work necessary to build the component parts of the proiect Identified in Exhibit 1. 4. Pro~ect Director - The Dirootm of Facilitios DevclefHHont Countv Entp.ccr Direeter ef-Iar.Ring lIfla DeyelepmeRt of ~-West--ffit6fHllbElfIal f.irport - IS heremafter referred to as Project DlI'ectorj and is designated by the County to provide direct interface with the Construction Manager with respect to the County's responsibilities. Sel~tion 1.4 is amended to read as follows: I A Count's Construction Bud et- Bu' v I n Pr e : e ounty suns u gete ani requeste or constructIOn 0 e rOJect. e ounty's Construction Budget is Twenty-five million ($25,000,000.00) as te Be dfe';iaea BY the Censtruetien MiHlllger llfIa iaeHtiFiea in exhiBit B, including all onstruction Manager fees, costs of the work and the County's and Construction Manager's construction and interface contingencies as defined in Articles 8 and 9. +his llelffiswloagolReHt ef the be I' , GlJ. .. . A Guaranteed Maximum Price will be offere bv ~)arate documentation as outlined in Article 7. The following paragraph is appended to the Agreement between the County and Construction Manager and incorporated into the original agreement as paragraph 1.5 5. 1.5 urn e Dam R M h n all' r: e ounty s un s u gete an requeste or t e urncane amage repair wor . The County's Hurricane Damage Repair Budget is appre)[ilRlltely Three Million Seven Hundred Ei hteen Thousand Five Hundred Fift Nine Dollars 3718559.00, thti COllRty's InSlH'llftee ellfflOf, mc udmg a Construction Manager fees, costs of the work and the County's and Construction Manager's construction and interface contingencies as defined in Articles 8 and 9. This aeknowledgement of the Ge::t~ ~1Iti:~~=~.~ net te Be eenstruea.lIS the Csnotf!1elisn MllIla5er's Gti~ - -t e --.{ -- - ---fl--. A Guaranteed MaXimum Pnce will be offere by separate documentation as outlined in Article 7. 6. Se(:tion 2.1.4 shall be amended to read as follows: 2.1.4 Cost Control Subsvstem - The operation of this subsystem shall provide suffiCient limely data and detail to permit the Construction Team to control and adjust the Kev West Project and Marathon Repair Work requirements, needs, materials, equipment and systems by bUlldmg and site elements so that construction will be completed at a cost which, together with all other Kev West Project and Marathon Repair Work costs, will not exceed the maximum total Kev West Project or Marathon Repair Work budget. TAL#565469.3 The requirements of this subsystem for the Key 'Nest IfltBffiatiBHal f.il"jlort New +.:miHaI BliildiHg !.fid ReHovatioH Protest Kev West Proiect include the following submissions at the following phases oft e project: Estimates (a) . At completion of Advanced Schematic Preconstruction Phase For Each Item or BId Package. (b) At Completion of Design Development Phase For Each Item Or Bid Package. (c) At establishment of the Guaranteed Maximum (d) At Completion of 100% Construction Docume Package. (e'l Construction Documents Estimates - Prior te wilen the working drawings and specifications a Manager shall }lrt:{lare and submit a cost estimate matenal take-off WIth current local cost for each bid The r~uirements of this subs~stem for the Fl :a~i::H~:f\~e :H~~~g1h!~e~:rat~~~~:~ which shall be rovided to t e Pro' ect Director : ConstructIOn AuthonzatlOns are sou t or t e GMP Estimates m :\t CeIHflletioH ef I OO~(, COHstruetioH DOelliRl Pfrekage-c <) '/!/" l72tu:J.LtldtN?i'JJ aq9- 5-9(0 9 CfQfit 6""[3,-98.7 -JCC'?~: fil CeHstR1eti~H D~slllJ!.sHts EG~imates Prier te the Bid ef eaell Bid paek~e, \W:leH the werkiHg drawiHgs aad speeiiieatieHs are eeIHfllete, tlle COHstrnetJoH ~:~uirt::I~r:th~li::H~=lte:s~r: :a~mbi~ ;:li~t;:~:!t:uci~r:~~:e 7. Sel:tion 2.2(1) shall be amended to read as follows: 2.2: PROJECT MANUAL Upon award of contract the Construction Manager shall develop a draft c~mprehensive Proje~t Man1;1al. ~Iicable to both the ~. ~~st eat.~~~! =tl:o lI~ridI~~a~r;~~t~ ~~H=::a~~~~~ Marathon Repair Work describing the services set forth in thIS Contract. This shall provide a plan for the control, direction, coordination and evaluation of work performed throughout the project organization including identification of Key personnel, responsibilities of Construction Manager, County and Architect-Engineer; work flow diagrams; and strategy for bidding the work. The Project Manual shall be updated as necessary throucl1out the design, construction and Owner occupancy phases. Five copies oftne Project Manual and any updates shall be submitted to the County and Architect-Engineer. In developing the Project Manual, the Construction Manager shall coordinate with the County and the Architect-Engineer. A separate proiect manual shall not be required for the Marathon Repair Work. 8. Section 2.3(8) is amended to read as follows: (1) (8) Market Analvsis and Stimulation of Bidder Interest - This subsection. TAL#5654',9.3 2.3(8) shall apply to the Kev West Proiect only. (a) The Construction Manager shall monitor conditions in the construction market to identify factors that will or may affect costs and time for completing the project; he shall make analysis as necessary to (I) determine and report on availability of labor, material, equipment, potential bidders, and possible impact of any shortages or surpluses of labor or material, and (2) in light of such determinations, make recommendations as may be appropriate with respect to long lead procurement, separation of constructIon into bid packages, sequencing of work, use of alternative materials, equipment or methods, other economics in design or construction, and other matters that will promote cost savings and completion within the scheduled time. (b) Within thirty (30) days after receiving Notice to Proceed, the Construction Manager shall submit a wntten "Construction Market Analysis and Prospective Bidders Report" setting out recommendations and providing information as to prospective bidders. As various bid packages are prepared for bidding, the Construction Manager shall submit to the Project Director and the Architect- Engineer a list of potential bidders. The Construction Manager shall be responsible to stimulate bidder interest in the local market place and identify and encourage bidding competition. (c) The Construction Manager shall carry out an active program of stimulating interest of qualified Contractors and subcontractors in bidding on the work and of familiarizing those bidders with the requirements of this proj ect. 9. Section 2.4(4) is amended to read as follows: (4) Solicitation of Bids - This subsection 2.4 4 a lies to work related to the Key West Prolect only. Bv way 0 amen ent dated March 3.2006 and attached hereto. the reauirements contained withm thIS subsectIon. 2.4(4), are waived for the Marathon Repair Work. (a) Without assuming responsibilities of the Architect-Engineer, and unless waived in writing by the County, the Construction Manager shall prepare invitations for bids, or requests for proposal when applicable, for all procurements of long lead items, materials and services, and for Subcontractor contracts. If solicitation of bids is waived in writing by the County, the Construction Manager will adhere to County polIcy and procedures for all procurements of long lead items, matenals and services, and for Subcontractor contracts. Invitations for bids shall be prepared in accordance with the following gUIdelInes: I. Contracts over Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) but not exceeding Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) may be entered into by the Construction Manager with the firm which submits the lowest verbal quotation. The Construction Manager shall obtain a minimum of two (2) verbal quotations. These quotations shall be entered on a bid tabulation sheet and a copy of such tabulation sent to the County and Architect-Engineer upon request. The successful quotation shall be confirmed by written contract or purchase order defining the scope and quality of work to be provided and awarded to the firm with the most responsive bid. . 2. Contracts exceeding Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) but T AL#565469.3 3. not exceeding Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) may be entered into by the Construction Manager with the firm who is qualified and submits the most responsive proposal. The Construction Manager shall request at least three (3) firms to submit sealed written proposals based on a written drawings and/or specification. The written proposals shall all be received at the location, date and time named by the Construction Manager in his request for proposal. A tabulation of the results shall be furnished to the County and Architect-Engineer upon request. Contracts exceeding Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) may be entered into by the Construction Manager with the firm who is qualified and submits the lowest responsive proposal. The Construction Manager shall advertise these proj ects at least once with the last advertisement appearing at least 21 calendar days prior to the established bid opening date and at least five 5 days prior to any scheduled pre-bid conference. These proposals shall be based on approved plans and specifications. Bids shall be received at the location, date and time established in the bid advertisement. Individual purchases of materials or rentals or leases of equipment amounting to less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) each may be made without bids or quotes when reasonably necessary to expedite work on the project, however, the Construction Manager shall not divide or separate procurement in order to avoid the requirements set forth above. Site utilities may be acquired at market rates from the entity(ies) providing such in the franchise area. (b) As part of such preparation, the Construction Manager shall review the specifications and drawings prepared by the Architect-Engineer. Ambiguities, conflicts or lack of clarity of lanj;uage, use of illegally restrictive requirements, and any other defects III the specifications or in the drawings noted by the Construction Manager shall be brought to the attention of the Project Director and Architect-Engineer in written form. 4. 5. (c) For each separate construction contract exceeding Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000), the Construction Manager shall, unless waived in writing by the County, conduct a pre-bid conference with prospective bidders, the Architect-Engineer and Project Director. In the event questions are raised which require an interpretation of the bidding documents or otherwise indicate a need for clarification or correctIOn of the invitation, the Construction Manager shall transmit these to the Architect-Engineer and upon receiving clarification or correction in writing shall prepare an addendum to the bidding document, and issue same to all of the prospective bidders. (d) For all contracts exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), the Construction Manager shall establish a pre- qualification procedure for applicable subcontract trades. 10. Section 3.2 is amended to read as follows: 3.2 Countv's Rewesentative - The Director ef PaeilitieG De'/elepmeHt Proiect Director sha I be fully acquainted with the project and shall define the lines of Owner authority to approve Project Construction Budgets, and TAL#5654',9.3 changes in the Project. He shall render decisions promptly and furnish information expeditiously. II. Secltion 8.1. is amended to read: 8.1 In consideration of the performance of the contract, the County agrees to pay the Construction Manager as compensation for his services, fees as set forth m Subparagraphs 8.1.1, 8.1.2, lIflll 8.1.3. 8.1.4. 8.1.5 and 8.1.6. 12. Section 8.1.1 is amended to read as follows: 8.1.1 Preconstruction Phase Fee Kev West Proiect - For the performance of the services set forth under paragraphs 2.1.3(1), 2.1.4(a)(b)(c)(d), 2.3(1) and 2.3(2) and for profit and overhead related to these services, a total fee of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000). The Preconstruction Phase Fee shall be invoiced and paid in five (5) equal monthly payments of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) each and a final monthly payment of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) at completion of PreconstructlOn Phase Services in accordance with the Florida Prompt Payment Act, F.S. 218.735. The first monthly payment shall become due following the issuance of Notice-To-Proceed with the Preconstruction Phase Services. 13. Section 8.1.2 is amended to read as follows: 8.1.2 Construction Phase Fee- Kev West Proiect - Prior to commencement of the Construction Phase, the County will dIrect the Construction Manager in writing to proceed into the Construction Phase. The Construction Manager's compensation for work or services performed on the Kev West Proiect during the Construction Phase shall be a fee of Two Million FIve Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000) (However, the County retains the right to review the need and effectiveness of any employee or employees assigned by the Construction Manager, should the Project Director questIOn the need for the employee or employees). The Construction Phase Fee shall be invoiced and paid m Twent~ Three (23) monthly payments of One Hundred and Five Thousand ($105,000 each and one final monthly payment of Eighty Five Thousand Dollars ($85,000 in accordance with the Florida Prompt Payment Act F.S. 218.735. The first monthly payment shall become due following the issuance of the first ConstructIOn Authorization by the Project Director and the final monthly payment shall be paid only when construction ofthe project is finally completed and occupancy of the project accepted by the County. If constructIOn is authorized only for a part of the pro] ect, the fee paid shall be proportionate to the amount of work authorized by the County. ~Movided m subsection 8.1.2. I the Ke West Pro'ect shall not excee wo illion Five Hundred Thousand Dollars 2 500 000 (I) Construction Manager's Exclusive Remedv: In the event the construction Substantial or Final Completion date IS extended, regardless of whether delay is eallsed BY as the sole result of any act or sole neglect of the County or the Architect-Engineer, or IS solely attributable to the County or the Architect-Engineer, the Construction Manager's sole and exclusive remedy is an extension of the construction completion date and payment of addItional Construction Phase fees and Overhead and Profit for Construction Phase as provided by Articles 10 and 16. AnC; delavs occasioned bv the construction manager's failure to provide the ountv or the Architect-Engineer WIth appropnate documentatIOn that this Agreement expresslv reqUIres the ConstructIOn Manager to proVIde or faIlure to obtam reqUIred approvals that the ConstructIOn Manager IS expresslv reqUIred bv thIS Agreement to obtam shall not be attributable to the Countv or the Architect-Engineer. (2) Costs and Expenses Included in Fee - The following are included in the Construction Manager's fee for services during the Construction Phase: TAL#565469.3 (a) Salaries O'r O'ther cO'mpensatiO'n O'f the CO'nstructiO'n Manager's emplO'yees at his principal O'ffice and branch O'ffices. The CO'nstructiO'n Manager's JlersO'nnel to' be assigned during the cO'nstructiO'n phase, their duties and respO'nsibilities to' this project and the duratiO'n O'f their assignments are shO'wn O'n Exhibits H and 1. (b) The CO'sts O'f all data processing staff. (c) Salaries O'r O'ther cO'mpensatiO'n O'f the CO'nstructiO'n Manager's emplO'yees at the jO'b site. The CO'nstructiO'n Manager's persO'nnel to' be assigned to' the site during the CO'nstructiO'n Phase under the jO'O site management and supervisiO'n fee, their duties and respO'nsibilities and the duratiO'n O'f their assignment are shO'wn O'n Exhibit 1. 15. (d) General O'perating expenses incurred in the management and supervisiO'n O'fthe project, except as expressly included in Article 9. (e) ThO'se services set fO'rth in Article 2.4(9)(a). (f) JO'b O'ffice supplies - includes paper, pencils, paper clips, file fO'lders, staples, etc., and JanitO'rial supplies (phO'tO' CO'py O'r blue print paper nO't included). (g) Direct tax saving purchase program. 14. SectiO'n 8.1.3 is amended to' read as fO'llO'ws: 8.1.3 Overhead And Profit FO'r CO'nstructiO'n Phase-Kev West Proiect: FO'r O'verhead, prO'fit and general expenses O'f any kmd, except as may be expressly included m Article 9, fO'r services provided during and related to' the cO'nstructiO'n phase O'f the Key West Proi ect, the fee shall be One MilliO'n DO'llars ($1,000,000) and shall be paid propO'rtiO'nally to' the ratiO' O'f the CO'st O'f the wO'rk in place, and less retainage (see Article 12.1), as it bears O'n the latest estimate O'f the tO'tal cO'nstructiO'n CO'st O'r to' the GMP, whichever is less. The balance O'fthe fee shall be paid when cO'nstructiO'n O'f the prO'ject is finally cO'mpleted and O'ccupancy O'f the prO'ject accepted by the CO'unty. If cO'nstructiO'n is authO'rized O'nly fO'r a part O'fthe prO'ject, the fee paid shall be propO'rtiO'nate to' the amO'unt O'f wO'rk authO'rized by the CO'unty. Th,~ fO'llO'wing paragraph is appended to' the Agreement between the CO'untv and ConstructiO'n Manager and incO'rpO'rated mtO' the O'riginal agreement as paragraph 8.1.4. -T1.4 PrecO'nstructiO'n Phase Fee- MarathO'n R air WO'rk - FO'r the erfO'rmance 0' t e services set O'rth under ara a s 2.1.3 I 2.1.4 a b c d 2.3 1 an 2.3 2 and O'r rO' It and O'verhea re ate to' these services a tO'ta ee 0' went Five ThO'usan Nme Hun e Sixteen DO'llars and Thirt EI t Cents 25916.38 The PrecO'nstructlOn P ase Fee s a e mVOlce and aid m a sm e a ent 0' 25916.38 to' be I ed nO' earher than A nl 15 006 and sha I e paid m accO'r ance Wit t e FIO'nda Prompt Pavrnent ct. F.S. 218.735. The first mO'nthlv pa~ent shall becO'me due fO'llO'wmg the issuance O'f NO'tice- TO'-PrO'ceed With tlie recO'nstructlOn Phase Services. The CO'nstructiO'n ~an.a~er's persO'nnel to' be assigned during this ~hase and their dul1es and resEO'nslblhl1es to' thiS prolect and the duratIOn O'f their assignments are shO'wn O'n Xhlblt F. 16. Th,: follO'win'U!aragraph is appended to' the Agreement between the CO'untv and Construction Manager and incO'rporated into the origmal agreement as paragraph T AL#565469.3 8.1.5. -~1. . n Ph Fe - on R ir W r - The Construction anager s compensatIOn or wor or services j:!erformed dunng the ConstructIOn Phase shall be a fee of Three Hundred Twent Three Thousand Nme Hundred FI Four Do ars and Sevent Cents 323954.70. However t e ount retams the n t to review the need an e ectlveness of an em 10 ee or em 0 ees assl e t e onstructlOn Mana er shou d the Pro ect Director uestlon e nee or teem 0 ee or em 0 ees. The ConstructIOn P ase services egan on Apn 15.2006 and will nm or 13 mon s until Ma 15 2007. Pa ent shall be mVOlced and aid in 12 e ual monthl msta ents 0 2500 eac an one ma a ent 0 23954.70 m accor ance Wit the F on a Prompt PaYment Act F.S. 218.735. T e ust monthly payment shall become due followmcf the Issuance of the first Construction Authorization by the Proiect Director an the final monthlv payment shall be paid only when construction of the proiect is finally com~leted and occupancy of the proiect accepted bv the Counta. If constructIOn IS authorized only for a friar! of the proiect. the fee paid sha I be proportionate to the amount of work aut orized by the Count . Exce t as rovided m subsection 8.1.5 I the Construction Manager's constructIOn PI ase ee for the Marathon Repair Work shal not exceed Three Hundred Twentr Three Thousand Nme Hundred Fifty Four Dollars and Seventy Cents ($32 .954.70). (1) Construction Mana~er's Exclusive Remedy: In the event the construction Substantial or Final ompletlOn date is extended as the sole result of any act or sole neglect of the County or the Architect-Engineer. or IS solelv attnbutable to the Count~ or the Architect-Enrmeer. the Construction Manager's sole and exclusive reme is an extension 0 the construction com letion date an payment 0 ad Itlona Construction Phase ees an ver ead and Pro It or Construction Phase as orovided bl; ArtICles 10 and 16. Anv delavs occasIOned bv the construction manager's fal ure to provide the County or the Archltect- Engmeer With approQnate documentation that thiS Agreement ex~ressl~ re uires the ConstructIOn Mana er to rovlde or failure to obtain r-"lIire ~ !!pprov stat thiS Al\Ieement express y reqUires t e onstructlon Manager to obtain shaH not be attnbutable to the County or the Architect-Engineer. 2 Costs and Ex enses Included in Fee - The followin are included in the ConstructIOn anager's ee or services unng the ConstructIOn P ase: a Salaries or other com ensation of the Construction Mana er's emp ovees at IS pnnClDa 0 Ice and branch 0 Ices. The Construction Manager's personnel to be assigned during the construction ohase. their duties and resoonslbilitles to this orOJect and the duratIOn of their aSSignments are shown on Exhibits H and 1. (b) The costs of all data processing staff. c Salaries or other com ensation of the Construction Mana er's emoloyees at the 10 site. The ConstructIOn Manager's personnel to be assigned to the site during the Construction Phase under the iob site management and supervisIOn fee. their duties and responsibilities and the duration of their assignment are shown on Exhibit 1. d General 0 eratin ex enses incurred in the mana ement and supervision 0 the project. except as exoressly mcluded m Article 9. (e) Those services set forth in Article 2.4(9)(a). TAL#565469.3 Job office su lies - includes sta es etc. an anltona su not mcluded). ( g) Direct tax saving purchase program. 17. The followin OmstructlOn 8.1.6. ----s.1.6 Overhead And Profit For Construction Phase- Marathon Re air Work For overhea , ~ro It and ~eneral expenses of anv km . except as may be expresslv inclu ed in Artic e 9. for servicew:rovided during and related to the construction phase of the Marathon Regair ork. the fee shall be One Hundred Twent Nme Thousand Five Hundre EI t One Dollars and EI tv Eight Cents 129581.88 and shall be aid ro ortlOnall to the ratio of the cost of t e wor m lace an ess retama e see Icle 12.1 as it bears on the latest estimate 0 t e tota constructIOn cost or to the GMP. whichever IS less. The balance of the fee shall be liaid when constructIOn of the eroiect is finallv completed and occupancy of t e prOlect accepted by the Countv. f construction is authorized only for a part of the gro~ect. Hie fee Paid shall be proportionate to the amount of work autnonzed by t e ounty ara a h is a ended to the A eement between the Count and anager and mcoroorated mto the ongmal agreement as paragraph 18. Section 12. 2 is amended to read as follows: 12.2 Final Payment - Final payment constituting the unpaid balance of the Cost of the Project and the Construction Manager's fee, shall be due and payable as described in Article 17.6 after the County has accepted occupancy of the project, I?rovided that the Project be then finally completed, that the ConstructIOn Manager has verified by his signature tnat he has completed all items specified on the attached exhibit K, and that this Agreement has been finally performed. However, if there should remain work to be completed, the Construction Manager and the Architect-Engineer shall list those items prior to receiving final payment and the County may retain a sum equal to two hundred percent (200%) of the estimated cost of completing any unfinished work and portion of the Construction Manager's retainage, provided that said unfinished Items are listed separately and the estimated cost of completing any unfinished items are likewise listed separately. The estimated cost of completing any unfinished work shall be determined by the Architect-Engineer and approved by the County. Thereafter, the County shall pay to ConstructIOn Manager, monthly, the amount retained for each incomplete item after each of said items IS completed. 19. Section 12.4 is amended to read as follows: 12.4 Delaved Payments by Owner - If the County should fail to pay the ConstructIOn Manager wlthm twent~-five business da~s~ as I;ovided b~ section 218.735. Florida Statutes. thiFty ( 0) dayo after th~ -eee-t sf an -flflr-eved ~'ffieftt FeEj:llest :fFem the CeaDtraetiea MlIRager, then the Construction Manager may, upon seven (7) additional days written notice to the County and the Architect-Engineer stop the Project until payment of the Amount owing has been received. ;\)'l)'lFeval ef )'laymeat refjllireo that the GfI)'llieati6a fer payment shall Be made BY the CeHtrooter Manager aHd is thea revieYfed lIRa sigHed eff eft B~' the g:e=:t, ~~a~O:lIn~d E~r:~r~t ~laJ:' d:at~I~~:a~ra~~ll~: Gfljllieatiea fer jlaymeHt is thea re'fiewed aHd F611ted BY the Pr-ojeet Direeter, :~r::st;;:~~~~h~ ~~~) 'l:~:~b~~ B~=~~~~ e~the ~::;~e~:~~ TAL#565469.3 the elHef disBtlrsemeDl sfResr marksa as reeeivea BY date stamp BY the effiee sf the Cellllly Bagiaesr. 20. Section 17.6 is amended to read as follows: 17.6 Construction Mana er's Pa ent Ri ts - The Construction Manager shall be pal m accor ance Wit the F on a rompt Payment Act, F.S. 218.735. If Countv has reason to reiect a oar::Rent reauest or invoice. the r~ction shall be m wntin and shall s ecif the de Icienc and the action necess_ to correct the de IClenc . An un IS ute ortlon 0 the a ent a !CatIOn or mVOlce s a be a1 lImel WI m 25 busmess as. A correcte a ent re uest or mvolce wII e su mltte to on v a ess the wntten de IClencv. 21. All other provisions of the October 19, 2005 original Agreement, not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused this Amendment to Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representative. (SEAL) ATTEST: DAI\INY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairman ATTEST: THE MORGANTI GROUP, INC. By Title By Title TAL#565469.3