Resolution 603-2006 Petitioners Ocean Sunrise Associates, LLC RESOLUTION NO. 603 - 2006 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY AND THE PUBLIC IN AND TO A PORTION OF EAST FIRST STREET, BEING PART OF MANDALAY SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 62 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (KEY LARGO) AND APPROVAL OF THE CORRELATING REVERTER AGREEMENT, PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held In accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing the Board considered the argument of all parties present wishing to speak on the matter, and all premises considered concerning the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, the Petitioner provided an executed Reverter Agreement for return of the abandoned portion of road if the Mandalay Property is not approved for development and if the Petitioner does not undertake development within 2 years from the date of this Resolution (which time will be extended for a reasonable period provided the Petitioner is substantially moving forward with development), said Reverter Agreement being attached hereto as EXHIBIT I, and made a part of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Petitioner provided an executed Public Access Easement to Monroe County to ensure that after the abandonment, property owners in the Mandalay subdivision, and their guests and invitees and the public, will have ingress and egress across that portion of East Second Right-of-way described in Exhibit "A" to the Easement, said Public Access Easement being attached hereto as EXHIBIT II, and made a part of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Petitioner provided an executed Maintenance Agreement to improve and maintain that portion of East Second Avenue shown on Exhibit B of the Agreement; said Maintenance Agreement being attached hereto as EXHIBIT III, and made a part of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that vacation of the said road is for the general public welfare, and conforms to the requirement of Florida Statutes Sees. 336.09 and 336.10; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby 1. Renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: All that part of East First Street Right-of-way, per the subdivision plat of Mandalay located in Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterlymost comer of Lot 30, Block 2, and the northwesterly right-of-way line of East First Street per said subdivision plat of Mandalay; thence S.45000'OO" E. for 50.00 feet to the southeasterly right-of-way line of said East First Street; thence along said southeasterly right-of-way line S.45000'OO"W for I 75. OOfeet; thence continue along said right-of-way line southerly 39.37 feet along the arc of a tangential circular curve concave to the east, having a radius of 25.00 feet, through a central angle of90000'00" and being subtended by a chord which bears S. 00000'00 " E. for 35.56 feet to the northeasterly right- of-way line of Second Avenue per said subdivision plat of Mandalay; thence along said northeasterly right-of-way line of said Second Avenue, N45000'00"W for 100.00 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way line of said East First Street; thence along said right-of-way line easterly 39.37 feet along the arc of a non-tangential circular curve concave to the north having a radius of 25.00 feet, through a central angle of 90000'00" and being subtended by a chord which bears S.90000'00"E. for 35.36 feet; thence continue along said right-of-way line N45000'00"East for 175.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of the Parcel herein described; Bearings are based on the centerline of East First Street being N45000'OO"E. Subject to easements, restrictions and reservations of record; Containing 10268 square feet, more or less; Prepared by E.F. Gaines Surveying Services, Inc. (See Attached Exhibit A) 2. Accepts and approves the Reverter Agreement (attached as EXHIBIT I), the Public Access Easement (attached as EXHIBIT II), and the Maintenance Agreement (attached as EXHIBIT III) and made a part of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of MOlioe County, Florida, at a regular meeting ofthe Board on the 15th day of November, 2006. Mayor DiGennaro Mayor Pro Tern Spehar Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Murphy Commissioner McCoy Yes Yes Yes No Yes (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk By !):Xl/" pe jQ,;)(J~ / Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~){}~ Mayor/Chairperson (KMP:RAP: EAST FIRST ST. KL MANDALA Y SUB 11.15..06) erry D. Sanda.. Asa Itant Cou ty ltornay D TE: /0, :3: 0 o :::> :;;C :;r: ;0 (""')-.; 0_-- "'?:-< ~. r- an:..... ~,;~~:~ :<:--~J'_. """i\ G"1 I rq :::> ~ =: .." ..., CD - ~.." C -<1 U1 -0 :x r- ., -rt c:> ::;'0 :;0 ;"\1 '" (:) ?,"""J o (.0) s:- IE.F. Gaines Surveying Services, Inc. DESCRIPTION . of a portion of East First Street Right-of- Way, beirig part ofMandalay Subdivision located in . Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida . . Allthat part of East First street Right-of-way, per the SUbdivision plat of Manda lay located in Section 6,Tow'nship 62 SoUth, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida; being .-_:_ more-particularly-desCl"ibed-asfoHows:------- -, _n___ -,,_ --_ ,______ _______n' . . . . BEGINNING at theiritersection of the easterlymost cOmer of Lot 30, Block 2, and the .. northwesterly right-of-Way line of East First Street per said subdivision plat ofMandalay; thenceS.4S'OO'OO"E. for 50.00 feet to the southeasterly right-of-way line of said East . First Street; ... . . . . thence along said southeasterly riisht-of-way line S.45"OO'00"W. for 175.00 feet; thellce continue along said right-ofeway tine southerly 39.37 feet along the arc ofa. tangential circular curve concave to the east, having a radius of25. 00 feet,tbrough a . - central.angle of90'00'00" and being subtended by a chord which bears S.OO'OO'OO"E. . for 35.56 feet to the northeasterly right-of-way line of Second Avenue per said . subdivision plat ofMandalay; . .. thence along said northeasterly right-of-way line of said Second Avenue, N.45'OO'OO"W. for 1 00 .00 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way line of said East First Street; . thence along said rightcof-way tine easterly 39.37 feet along the arc of Ii non~tangential . circular curve concave to the north, having. a radius of 25.00 feet, through a central angle of90'00'oo" and being suhtended by.a chord which bears S.90'OO'00"E. for 35.36 feet; thence contiitlle aiong said right-of-way lineN.45'OO'OO"EaSt for ]75:00 feet to the Point of Beginning of the Parcel herein described;. . Bearings are baSed .on the centerlirie of East First Street being N.4 5 'OO'OO"E. . . Subject to easements, restrictions and reservations of record; . Containing ] 0268 square feet, more or less; .. Prepared byE.F.Gaines Surveying Services, lnc. _ .,;;;ft~~~~ F.. Gaines, PSM Florida License No. 4576 J>~f;;0Sh ,Date. ...'.Notvalid llnless signedlU)demhossed with the seal ofthe~eciSll1Y~r. .'. ..Riferi,~~:Ot69-i tOZ-OOll.d;':g - . . - . . . . - - - - -' 1342Co1o;1iaIBoulevard, Suite E-34S, Fort Myers, 'Florida 33907 126 . Fax: 1S-<l127. www.EFGaines.com . . EXHIBIT P, I I j I 1 " I I j I I , I I i 1 1 " . _ t.~'g..~_. ", "S~ o~ . -~:~5 :/.'. ~~i5 '. ~~:",~~~.@~F: . ~n~~'~5~L~ ~~~m~ ~~~5B ~O!~lIl ~...:z~-~ u~;;ici~~t u ii"'i'l:I!:j ..... --- ~,~ ~ ~ @,~ ~ ' <:J d ~ ~S ~ i~! ':l ~ ~5"Ui5 "'~ oli: ::l[ :;i~!f5~ /Ji5~1>~-i ~ ~ :z ~ ~.5li! . ~ g~ I '- '. >- m~.:r~8-J:!,'.olIO:~ )(: .-~ ~~~Bia~~~!:l J.;" 1,- U R- l"m 1-' f'- I; e>,xi!llo!:~e.J. oif , S' . ~~ I' , .~! -I ~llJ-' ' Cl v. 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': ~ q 0 .. ~ '" ~~~~.!:!:.z u.'~ ~ ti~ ~ u c: ,r-. -: ~ ~ ~ 1'1').....9 . \I' LU . ~ .- .!f"'I:!- i: ,_~_E C1J a;M.g; 8 . ~ 'O,m..~:d ',1:11 ~.. ~ < c: ~:g..'. 's. ,g(s.u.; ~ . e. 5,~~'~ _~~" :I" -Q "" g~~ "" 6'~'o:t.. ~ "0 a~~' _ uu.;.l'l'l:::;. l'l:I N ~ e ;;;- -~ 4i . 14 ..-' ."S . J:: ~ ~ " :0, ~~ ~ ~~ ls l5~i~~ci >-":F \~ ~ ", ~ 5~ <c;E IOU oi ~",eJ ", 'f'1-0 ~ 1-:5...r ~ o-a.c; .ilI .~~; @ <= <If<E . ~~o ~ t5;'{!j. ~ ~. J:::;~~ ". "\5.....!< ~::Sl:l <~~ -' ~ oi5< >--0 ~~~ fr 0 It. ~~ . w"' ",w g;<=<} ~~~ ~i~ !=oiS ~_i7>~ Vlui~ ~ -(<(I) b ~~~ lif ""1i8 PJ F-t;;l>l g: .[i3i!t i . ~ o < Return to: County Attorney PO Box 1026 Key West, Florida 33040 This instrument Prepared by Timothy Nicholas Thomes, P.A. Post Office Box 3318 Key Largo, FL 33037 Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (F olio) Number(s): Alternate Key No. Space Above This Line for Processing Data Space Above This Line for Recording REVERTER AGREEMENT THIS Agreement is made this 1 St,P day of November 2006, by and between Ocean Sunrise Associates, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (hereinafter "OSA"), whose address is: 12800 University Drive, Suite 400, Fort Myers, Florida 33907, and Monroe County, by its Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter "County"). WHEREAS, the OSA has petitioned COUNTY to abandon those portions of East First Street and East Second Street as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY is willing to abandon those portions of East First Street and East Second Street Right-of-way being part of Mandalay subdivision located in Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, as a condition of that abandonment County has requested OSA agree to this reverter agreement to ensure that after the abandonment, if the Mandalay Property is not approved for development and OSA (its successors or assigns) does not undertake development within 2 years from the date of this agreement (which time will be extended EXHIBIT IX for a reasonable period provided OSA is substantially moving forward with development), then the property which has been abandoned (Exhibit A) will revert back to and be transferred back to ownership by Monroe County. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of Monroe County's abandonment of the property herein and OSA's agreement to either develop the property set forth in Exhibit B or have the property revert back to ownership by Monroe County, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners ("County") agrees to abandon that property set forth on Exhibit A and transfer ownership of this property to Ocean Sunrise Associates, LLC ("OSA"), a Florida Limited Liability Company. 2. OSA agrees that they will grant all easements and obtain all consents necessary from all utilities in a timely manner as required for completion of the project and as may reasonably be required by Monroe County. 3. Ocean Sunrise. Associates, LLC agrees that they will timely move forward with plans to develop that property set forth herein as Exhibit B (as the same may be modified from time to time, a portion of which encompasses the property abandoned by County, that is, those portions of East 1" Street and East 2nd Street. 4. County and OSA agree that if OSA has not substantially moved forward with development of the Mandalay Project within two (2) years from the date the Board of County Commissioners approves the request for abandonment that the property (Exhibit A) abandoned and transferred to OSA will revert and be transferred back to County. DATED this 15th,. day of N0veJllber, 2006. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF CO~1}~~ERS ~ OCEAN SUNRISE ASSOCIATES, LLC ('I ~~ By i . Pri 1 ~()U6 ~r-.:;L I fa Title Ii, r E COUNTY ATTOR EY OVED AS F YD. SANDERS #jb d. ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOR~'(fo.t .. IE.F. Gaines Surveying Services, Inc. . DESCRIPTION.. . of a portion of East First Street Right-of-Way, beirig part ofMandalay Subdivision located in . . Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 Eas!, Monroe County, Florida AlJthat part of East First sireet Right-of-way, per the su1;>division plat of Manda lay located in Section 6,Towriship 62 SoUth, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida; being ... mortl-particularly-deseribed-as.follows;--------- ...... -- _____._.n ----------. . BEGINNING at theiirtersection of the easterlymost ccimer of Lot 30, Block2, and the . northwesterly right-of-Way line of East First Street per said subdivision plat ofMandalay; thenceS.4S.oo'OO"E. for 50_00 feet to the southeasterly right-of-way line of said East. First Street; . .thence along said southeasterly right-of-way line S.45"00'OO"W. fur 175.00 feet~ thence continue along said rightCofcway line southerly 39.37 feet alongthe arc ofa tangential circular curve concave to the east, having a radiusof25. 00 feet, through a central angle of90.00'00" and being subtended by a chord which bears S.OO.OO'OO"E. . for 35.56 feet to the northeasterly right-of-way line of Second Avenue per said subdivision plat ofMandalay; . . thence along said northeasterly right-of-way line of said Second Avenue, N.45"OO.'00"W. for 100.00 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way line of said East First Street; . thence along said rightcof-way line easterly 39.37 feet along the arc of a non-tangential . circular curve concave to the north, having a radius of 25.00 feet, through a central angle . of90.00'00" and being subtended by.a chord which bears S.90.00'00"E.. for 35.36 feet; thence contimIe along said right-of-way lineN.45.oo'OO"Ealit for 175:00 feet to the Point of Beginning ofthe Parcel herein described; . Bearings are based.on the centerlirie of East First Street being N_45.00'OO"E. Subject to easements, restrictions and reservations of record; Containing I 0268 square feet, more or less; . . Prepared byE.F.Gaines Surveying Services, Inc, ...- . .-;;;~~ dA-~~;9 Eliza . F.. Gaines, PSM Florida License No. 4576 . J>1?r;;0s>-- _Date. '. .,', . . '", -" - .'- - Not valid un1~ss signed andell1bossed with th~ seal ofthenlJ.ll1edsup'eyor. . '". '.- - ." - - - , -.' .'. '-- ,-._- .-,-'.', . '. . .. ',. ---R1feri,~~:ciI/i;- iI02'oO~.d",g . , ,'. ,- - -.' . - . .,., . - - . . . .' . . - - . . 1342 Colonialsot.iievard, Suite1:-34B, Fort Myers,Floi-ida33907 126 .. Fax: 19.{)127. www.EFGa.ines.com EXHIBIT P, .1:.1=. Gaines Surveying Services, Inc. DESCRIPTION of a portion of East Second Street Right-of-Way, . being part of Mandalay Subdivision located in .Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida All that part of East Second Street Right~of-way, per the subdivision plat ofMandalay located in. Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida, being -moreparticularlydesGribeli-asfeUew~- -: - - ...---.-..---.-. ... ..--. ---.-.-. BEGINNING stlhe intersection ofthe northerlymost comer of Lot 2, Block 4, and the soutIieasterly right-of-way line of East Second Street per said subdivision plat of Mandalay; . . thence wong said southeasterly right-of-way line S.4S'OO'OO"W. for] 00.80 feet; . thence continue along said right-of-way line southerly 39.37 feet along the arc ofa tangential circular curve. concave to the east, having a radius of 25 ,00 feet, through a . central angle of90'OO'00".and being subtended by a chord which bears S.OO'OO'OO"E. for 3S56 feet to the northeasterly right-of-way line of SeCond Avenue per said subdivision plat ofMandalay; .. . .. . thence along said northeasterly right-of-way line of said Second Avenue, N.4S'OO'OO"W. for I 00_00 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way. line of said East Second Street; thence along said right-of-way line easterly 39.37 feet a10rig the arcofa non-tangential. .. circular curve coricave tothe north, having a radius of2S.00feet, through a central angle of90'OO'00" and being subtended by a: chord which bearsS.90'OO'OO"E.fqr 3S.36 feet; . thence continue along said right-of-way line N.45'OO'OO"East for 100.79 feet to the Point . of Beginning of the Parcel herein described; . . :.' . . Bearings are based on the centerline of East Second Street J>eing N.4S'OO'OO"E. Subjectto.easeinents,.restrictions ll11d reservations of record; Containing 6556 square feet, more orless; . Prepared by E.F..Gaines Surveying Services, Inc. v~ ... -~. i, ~p.." F. Gaines,PSM FloridaLicenseNo. 4576 ;?ap;;{;J--- .. Date . NotvalidUnJ~ssigned.ande':"bo~edi.yjththese!l1 of~e ~edsl1l}'~()r,i . . . . , . . .,', --.' "".". . , .' .. .. .,. 'R#'er~~",,:O!Q97il02:909.d~g' . . - . ", ." ," . .' - " . . . . . . . " . .'. . . . .. ..... -' -, - , . . ... . ... ...... ....... .. 1342 Colonial Boulevard, Suite 1":-348, Fort Myers, Florida 33907 Phone: 239418,-0126 . Fax: 239418-01.27 . www.EFGaines.com m 0; "~' ~ .N ,,~ I I 1:,:"i,',I~"",I,'",,' ':;"0 ' ClVl'I . , . z~ ei ..-'. ,_" , '~-"-'--' I(~t~;,;::, (,?= 'in .I" '-"~ ~ g, .i;?'~ ~,' ~~ ~~ '15'~Gf;;!" ~~~ . . w' , Si:'.....% o~~. . :z;~~"'J."'2":!':jZi>-._:o . ::!WO-:iS~;:( j015::: t! . -. -~~~~~~~ ~~~:~,i' '0 a I I'~. 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Po< ~o'''o. ~G eo, ,P,bl Ie fu,oo,.,nd .} '(l/14/~ ~.. ~God Wldl" '01..0" lor to..",.,l ~ 1010E.o.aT~e."'SUlTI!400 KEY WEST. FLOIagA. S3040 TEL.; (305) ~3$440 F.U: (~29&0243 . , . ALLEN E. PEREZ, P.E. F1lIrIdIP.E.NO.51 ro PEREZ ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT. INC c~ 3507EAaTFIOOfomtoGII!Flicow.Sl.OT'E 140 T_... F....,..~33607 TEL.;(S13)!579-1eUS FAX:(81 2e&0710 I EXHIBIT B Return to: County Attorney PO Box 1026 Key West, Florida 33040 This instrument Prepared by Timothy Nicholas Thomes, P.A. Post Office Box 3318 Key Largo, FL 33037 Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (Folio) Number(s): Alternate Key No. Space Above This Line for Processing Data Space Above This Line for Recording PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT, made this 15th day of ~m1>er __ 2006, by and between Ocean Sunrise Associates, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, Grantor, whose address is: 12800 University Drive, Suite 400, Fort Myers, Florida 33907, to Monroe County, Grantee. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Grantor has petitioned Grantee to abandon that portion of East Second Street as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Grantee is willing to allow Grantor to abandon a portion of East Second Street Right-of-way being part of Mandalay subdivision located in Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described on Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, as a condition of that abandonment Grantee has requested Grantor agree to this public access easement to ensure that after the abandonment, property owners in the Mandalay subdivision, and their guests and invitees, will have ingress and egress across that portion of East Second Street Right-of-way described in Exhibit "A" that is abandoned by Grantee; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the accessibility herein made available to Grantee, the Grantor does grant to Grantee on behalf of property owners in the Mandalay subdivision, their successors and their guests and invitees, a perpetual easement on and over that portion of East Second Street, which is described in Exhibit "A" and attached hereto for the purpose of ingress and egress only. - 1 - j EXHIBIT JI: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this easement, on the day and year first stated above. ~~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ) GRANTOR: OCEAN SUNRISE ASSOCIATES, LLC, A Florida limited liability company By: Prin ted a Managing Il _ I 1;'he foregoing instrument wa~ac};?tedge before me this :<'!I.~ day of -.J.!..ITal2.k._ 2006, by _I2n.Ull r. e (J , as Managing Member of Ocean Sunrise Associates, LLC,u,. Florida limited liability company, who is () personally known to me or M who provided -drjll~w~<; J.i.cgn:;?~identification and who did take an oath. T VNWl NoIIly PubIc. S. oIFlaIllIt '~Cc#I..... ExphIAug 31.2. a,.1laIImaI1NHo,._.e - e VNWl8ANT08 NoIIly PuIJIc. S. 01 FbtdI " '~.ExphlAug31,2OIl8 '. . CommIssion. 00467992 ~ ,.,~ 'Rrlll~' Bondeo. tly National Notary Alllt ArrEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE COURT BY: ..Qod.. O(),~ Deputy Clerk tl- I S - 0 Co ~JiUJldl ~ Notary Signat;}re and Seal ACCEPTED BY: GRANTEE: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~~~~~ j MayortC airperson - 2- DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF BLOCK 3 AND EAST SECOND STREET, MANDALA Y, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 194, BEING IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 62 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF EAST FIRST STREET AND SECOND AVENUE, ACCORDING TO SAID PLAT OF MANDALAY; THENCE ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SECOND AVENUE SOUTH 44'37'16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 242.03 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID CENTERLINE NORTH 45'22'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERL Y RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SECOND AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH 44'37'16" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF -WA Y LINE AND EXTENSION THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 98.15 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 50.29 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 42'24'49" AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 36.38 FEET WHICH BEARS NORTH 13'49'03" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 37.23 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 91.12 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22'20'51" AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 35.32 FEET WHICH BEARS NORTH 06'53'42" WEST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 35.54 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.46 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 60'02'19" AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 24.48 FEET WHICH BEARS NORTH 31'18'18" EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 25.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64'10'43" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 35.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 72'15'39" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.56 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44'37'45" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 33.25 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERL Y HAVING A RADIUS OF 8.73 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 54'28'53" AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 7,99 FEET WHICH BEARS SOUTH 27'39'51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 8.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 63"40'53" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 16.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 68'04'17" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 29.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 11'13'06" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 3.30 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERL Y HAVING A RADIUS OF SO.37 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 25'00'06" AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 21.81 FEET WHICH BEARS SOUTH 41'24'43" WEST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 21.98 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 21.70 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 62'19'22" AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 22.45 FEET WHICH BEARS SOUTH 52'47'41" WEST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 23.60 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 52.57 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41'20'05" AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 37.11 FEET WHICH BEARS SOUTH 76'40'48" WEST; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 37.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.13 ACRES (5,474 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS In accordance with CH-61 G17-6 of the Florida Administrative Code, this Description and Sketch of Description bears the notation: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. DATE; 10/18/2006 SCALE;~ DRAWN BY; GHF APPROVED BY: DMD JOB NO. ASM52588 MANDAlAY (SOD).d09 REVISED: SHEET 1 OF 2 SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR SKETCH 1. THE SURVEYOR HAS NOT ABSTRACTED THE lAND SHOWN HEREON FOR EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WA Y, RES"ffiIC'TjC~:; JF RECORD WHICH MAY AFFECT ")"HE TiTlE OR GS1': OF THE LAND 2. NO UNDERGROUND IMPRO'.'fMENTS HAVE BEEN LOCATED EXCEPT AS SHuIVN. 3. NOT VALlD 'Ni1HOUT THE SIGNATURE: ANI) 1;.t~ ORIGINAL RAISEr! SEAL OF (>., FLORIDA UCEI~SEC SuRVEYOR AND MAPPER. BEARINGS SHO'M>4 HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERUNE Of SECOND AVENUE BEING S 44037'16- E, PER PLAT. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION OF PORTION OF UANDAlAY MONROE COUNTY, flORIDA SECTION 6-62-39 EXHIBIT I A RICAN SURVEYING & MAPPING CA TE OF AUTHORlZA nON NUMBER LB16393 1030 N. ORLANDO AVENUE SUITE B WINTER PARK, flORIDA 327B9 (407) 426-7979 wj(ll~ DAVID M. D:FILlPPD __'pSM #5038 DATE: O('T. to, ZtIO G? OF DESORIPTION: / , // ~~~ / / <:9.(0 '// ~ / / <Oc?if "" ~~....:- // 1-:.r / % cl< " -2 /~ 0" / ~ / '?-c} / <o",,,,G / -- <.)'/{:' / / .<?'v' / / '00 / SKETCH "" "" / " , , "" LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 CURVE C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 o 25 " , , "" / ~ , , "" POINT OF ,cOMMENCEMENT , LINE TABLE BEARING S44'37'16"E N64'10'43"E N72'15'39"E N44'37' 45"W S63'40'53"W S68'04'17"W S11'13'06"W I ~\~~ ,1-" ~" ~'" "'~~ 1:: ~ 1(;.. <'-:v. ...:'? ~ ~ "/~,y " <"CO ~ "''''~. ~^ ~%. ~.>.v "J- &. {6'. -<fJ.;; 'Y1-^ ,,,. ,,~'\ "" -'1-.., ~ "'''~ 1-U<" ' , "\, ~o ~ov" ",0 '\, ~ '\, "&0 ""1-;- '" '(<)~ "o~ '" ' 01-; r " %.~ ~~1-;0", ~ 'P 6 .,<'; " a , ~"P' '\ " LENGTH 98,15 35,68 20.56 33,25 16,18 29,28 3,30 RADIU5 50,29 91.12 24.46 8.73 50,37 21.70 52.57 CURVE TABLE CENTRAL ANGLE CHORD 42'24' 49" 36,38 22'20'51" 35,32 60'02'19" 24,48 54'28'53" 7,99 25'00'06" 21.81 62'19'22" 22.45 41'20'05" 37,11 1" = 50' GRAPHIC SCALE 50 CHORD BEARING Nl3'49'03"E N06'53' 42"W N31'18'18"E 527'39'51 "w 541'24' 43"W 552'47'41"W 576'40' 48"W SHEET 2 OF :2 SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTION DATE: 10/18/2006 REVISED: SCALE: 1~=50' DRAWN BY: GHF APPROVED BY: DMD , , "" , , "" I 100 JOB NO. ASM52588 MANDAlAY (SOO).dwg ~.t,..-1. -o-1?-'t-O -16'",0>0-1(-1 -' 01-)- "'". -' / O? Oc 1- if / / , , " o ~<.) / c,-<': ....:- / 5:>aV ~0"/ C3 c.,O",G/ / c,~~ ~s C2~"?',,6",.~ 7 " "" 0} (0 '0 /' 01- -' ". " LENGTH 37,23 35,54 25,63 8.30 21.98 23,60 37,93 " , , " I AMERICAN SURVEYING & MAPPING I CERTIfiCATE OF AUTHORIZAllON NUMBER l81f639J 1030 N. ORLANDO AVENUE SUITE 8 WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 327B9 (407) 426-7979 Return to: County Attorney PO Box 1026 Key West, Florida 33040 This instrument Prepared by Timothy Nicholas Thomes, P.A. Post Office Box 3318 Key Largo, FL 33037 Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (F olio) Number(s): Alternate Key No. Space Above This Line for Processing Data Space Above This Line for Recording MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the OSA has petitioned COUNTY to abandon those portions of East First Street and East Second Street as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY is willing to abandon those portions of East First Street and East Second Street Right-of-way being part of Mandalay subdivision located in Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, as a condition of that abandonment OSA has agreed to this maintenance agreement to improve and maintain that portion of East Second Avenue shown on Exhibit B. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of Monroe CoU!ity's abandonment of the property set forth on Exhibit A and OSA's agreement to maintain the property set forth in Exhibit B, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners ("County") agrees to abandon that property set forth on Exhibit A and transfer ownership of this property to Ocean Sunrise Associates, LLC ("OSA"), a Florida Limited Liability Company. EXHIBIT -1- I JII: 2. OSA agrees to improve and maintain that portion of East 2nd Avenue as shown on the legal descriptions and survey (Exhibit B). 3. The specific maintenance and improvement plans for East 2nd Avenue will be approved by the County Engineer and all other County departments required to approve the configuration and maintenance of County roads. 4. OSA understands that the specific requirements for maintenance and improvement may change from time to time, and agrees to comply with all reasonable requests for changes and upgrades. DATED this 15th day of NDvemb.er, 2006 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~iJ;~ OCEAN SUNRISE ASSOCIATES, LLC /~ ~o =,~~,~ TItle <./. ~ A_ By Printed Name Mario DiGennaro Title Mayor/Chairperson ~or~ 81 ' QEPUTY CLEF~ D.SANDERS / ~~ STANT COUNTY ATTOR EY -2- .. /C.IF. Gaines Surveying Services, 'nc. I i I , ! i . I i ! 1 i . 1 I I , , . DESCRIPTION.. . of a portion of East First Street Right-of- Way, beirig part ofMandalliy Subdivision located in . . Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Mcinroe County, Florida .. AUthat part of East First street Right-of-way, per the subdivision plat of Manda lay located in Section 6,Towriship 62 SoUth, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida; being .. ----more-pamcularly-desaibed-asfoHows;-m-'--c----:. - .. --- .----- ---- ----------- ----- . . '. . .". . . . . . . BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterlymost cOmer of Lot 30, Block: 2, and the ... northwesterly right-of-Way line of East First Street per said subdivision plat ofMandalay; thenceS.4S'OO'OO"E. for SO.OO feet to the southeasterly right-of-way line of said East. . First Street; . . ... .. . .. . . :thence along said southeasterly right-of-way line S.4S'OO'OO"W_ fur 17S.00 feet: thellce continue along said right~f'way line southerly 39.37 feet along the arc ofa . tangential circular curve concave to the east; having a radius of2S.00 feet, through a centraLangle of90'00'00" .and being subtended by a chord which bears S.OO'OO'OO"E. . for 35.56 feet to the northeasterly right-of-way line of Second Avenue per said . . subdiVision plat ofMandalay; ... .. thence along said northeasterly right-of-way line of said Second Avenue, N.45"00'OO"W. . for 100.00 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way line of said. East First Street; . thence along said rlght,-of-way line easterly 3937 feet along the arc of a non~tangential . . circul~ curve concave to the north, having a radiUs cif25.00 feet, through a central angle . of90"00'00" and being subtended bya chord which bears S,90'OO'OO"E.. for 35.36 feet;. thence contmue along said right-of-way lmeN.45"00'OO"East for 175:00 feet to the Point .' ofBegJnning of the Parcel herein described;. . I J 1 I I I 1 I I I . ". . . . . . . . Bearmgs are based on the centerlirie of East First Street being N.45"00'OO"E.. : Subject to eaSements, restrictions and res.ervations of record; . Containing 10268 square feet, niore or less; . .' . . .. Prepared byE.F.Gaimis Surveying Services, Inc. . ]">4r;765'--- .Date:. . ,."<.",-., ....-. NOlvalldUnless signed and embossed with theseaJ.ofthe ~i,d~uh>~~t:';: ,... ....:. ~'.' " ":. '. . ",.: 'c. .. _.; . , . . ....., ~ . . . '". ~ "", , ".:..,'" ". "'. ": .' _,' ,. ,'. ,..".." . .... ... . ';". ..... . .,~~~:Oi69-iI02~(]8d;,;g . . .' '.". . . . . .." . .". - '. '.' . . . -., '. . . . .,' - . . . - . . . - .' -. ,'-' . -. - - - '. . '. -. . - .' ", ", -," -, - - . - -.. -.- i 342CoIOflialBoulevan:l, Suite 1:-348, Fort MYerS, Florida 33907 . Fax: 2.39-418-0127.. www.EFGa.ines~com EXAlT E.F. Gaines Surveying Services, 'ne. DESCRIPTION . . ofa portion of East Second Street Right-of-Way, . '. being part of Mandalay Subdivision located in Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida . . .'. All that plirtofEastSecand Street Right~of-way, per the subdivision plat of Manda lay located in. Section 6, Township 62 South, Range 39 East, Monroe County, Florida, being ._.:...-.:-.moreparticulllI'ly.describe~-as.feIl0wS'n. '. .---.-~-...-.-.-._-.- .-.-..-... . . . . . . .. . . . BEGINNiNG atthe intersection of the northerlymostcomer of Lot 2, Block 4, and the sout!:ieasterly right-of-way line of East Second Street per said siIbdivisionplat of' Mandalay; .... . '.' . '. '. -. . .' '" thence illong said southeasterly right-of-way line SAS'OO'OO"W. for 1 00.80 feet;. . thence continue along sliid right-of-way line southerly 39.37 feeulong the arc of a tangential circular curve concave to the east, having a radius of2;,00 feet, through a. . central angJe of90~0()'00". and being subtended by a chord which bears S.OO'OO'OO"E, . . _ for 35.56 feet to the northeasterly right-of-way line of Second Avenue per said' subdivision plat ofMandalay; . '. ". '.' '.' .' _ . _ .... ..' : thence along said northeasterly right-of-way line of said Second Avenue, N.45'OO'00"W, for. 100.00 feet to thenorthwesterly right-of-way. line of said :East Second Street; . . . . . thence a1{)ng Said right-of-way line easterly 39.37 feet a10rig the arc.of a non-tangential. . circular curve concave to.the north, having a radius of 25,00 feet, through ~ centtal angle , of90'00'00" and beitig subtended by a chord which bearss.90'OO'00"E.f{)r 3S.36 feet; .' . thence continue along said right-of-way line NA5'QO'00;'East,for 100,79 feet to the Point. .. of Beginning of the Parcel herein deScribed;' . . i i , i I I i i , I . .. . : .;" . "..... . . . . .'. . . ..... Bearings are based on the centerline of East Second Street .befug N.4S'QQ'OQ"E. . Subje~toea:seinents,restrictlOns and reservations of record; '. ContiUning6556 square feet; more or less; Prepared by E.F,. Gaines Surveying Services, Inc. ~h/~' .F. Gaines,,'PSMFloridaLicenseNo, 4576 /ap;:{;;J--- . " Date . Notvalid.ul!less.sign~an~:e~bo~~~Ym~t1tese[ll~r#ie#~~st.1ry~y{);, .,...:.:-...... ',::'-'....;" ._'~~I'",,:~~!9!l:il02-90?d;';g . >1342 --Coio_nlal 'B~uh=va~d, Suite ;E-3~Et Fort'MY~fsJ' Rorida 339~7 ..l'hone:239-418,o126 e FiiIX: 239-4.18-0t27 e www.EFGaines.com . . .... . . O' . Ii .~_ .~.~ .E", '~"~~~~" . :~'iG ii"' ~~~ "." . . w.~:.... '~B'~ '" . . S5~-~.~~!2:: :s~ffi..::.~,:.. "z'~I','5 "~h~.: l'!l:>d6~~Kt "(8~:5~ ~~t'I'~ ~",;a~1 ~8ui~~~~ B Ei '" N. i- o ~ 2.- :ilJ- OVl I ' z~ 0< DZ _ ~m .1,...;: . c. o. ~. z. is ..\ ..1....:......<>:.....,... :: . r: .~;:~~.~~~~~-~~.: .' '>0\\' .~'il) 1UI000J' /::.L,'"'tl1>:!~_t~ . ~ >;~. ~ It..... ~!U I ... l:l'~ ~.~ J o ~ @.~ ~.; ~ ~ .~. ~~! "" ."~ .~.ooi WI ~.o-- --I ~ ~g~f~~ ;5~1 ,U_~ . .~~;Z ~~~~ ZS8~ L~" J!l1 . .~ !f::l~:. ~ CI:~ ~.~, .~~.I8>...5" 1..- :~ ~ ~ J:: 8 ~a ili % $.5 "',' 11"1 n"l'u'.", f I ; l'!,x!!lp<~e.J. o If. j .\" oo,oo.st'5". \' " , , , \ .\ ":.' , 0 , n I .~ \ 0 I ~ N , .\ ., ~ , \ " \. .\ , \ , \1'\ . 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CADENHEAD, .R. (T.T.l.f. DEED NO. 22605) ON OCTOBER 14, 1960 r~;:: O:-"fTl Ou>,. """z --< - "'OI 000 oZI ~-< ,0", ~C,. ~;u~ NC;:::o Oz 81'1!:: ~ Z 01 "! lz."!tvlJC MEAN HIGH WATER LINE NOT LOCA TEO IN THIS AREA ace,,!tv