Resolution 025-1990 County Commission r RESOLUTION NO. 025 -1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMt-lIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF DAVID P. KIRWAN, P.A., ATTORNEY AT LAW, TO REPRESENT THE MONROE COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD IN THE CASES ENUMERATED BELOW WHICH WILL BE LITIGATED IN THE APPELLATE DIVISION OF THE MONROE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That David P. Kirwan, P.A., attorney at law, is to represent the Monroe County Code Enforcement Board in the following cases, wherein Monroe County and the Monroe County Code Enforcement Board are named as Appellees: a. Holiday Isle Resort & Marina, Appellant; Case No. 89-20535-CA-18; b. Joseph Roth, Appellant; Case No. 89-20534-CA-18; \0 c. Joseph Roth, Appellant; '7) "'3" Case No. 89-20533-CA-18; 0- ~ d. Howard Johnsons Motor Lodge, Appellant; .- Case No. 89-20532-CA-18; z =:::: .' --::J e~' Howard Johnsons Motor Lodge, Appellant; .. e::. 0 ...... Case No. 89-20531-CA-18; 0 -- P' :E lL. f. Howard Johnsons Motor Lodge, Appellant; Case No. 89-20530-CA-18; 2. That Mr. Kirwan shall be compensated by Monroe County, Florida, at the rate of $150.00 per hour for his handling of the above-cited cases wherein Monroe County and the Monroe County Code Enforcement Board are named as Appellees. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 10th day of January, A.D. 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ;;;1t.COUNTY' FLORIDA By _._ .~. ....q' ~r~':a~rman (Seal) Attest:D~~ 1. ~Q~G~ Q~~ ~~~L APMOVED AS TO FORM AND GAL UFFICIENCY. -