Resolution 026-1990 Public Works RESOLUTION NO. 026-1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD O~~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/ CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEI!."l{ DEPARTMENT OJ:!' THE NAVY AND MONROE COUNTY EXTENDING THI<: l:..rCENSE FOR USF~ OF THE EAST MARTELr~ BATTERY SITE. BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF' COmITY OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNry, FLORIDA, that t.he Mayor/Chairman oft..he Board is hereby authori zed .to execute a contract by and between Department of the Navy and Monroe County concerning extending the license for t:b.€! use of the East Martello Battery Site, a copy of same being B.ttached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by t-.he Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on th.e Im:h day of January, A.D. 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF ltmNROE COUNTY." FLORIDA BY_~_~____ Ma.yor/Chairman (S~al) Attest: DANNY [,. KOr..HAGE, ClerJ.-r L?4;t2 . ", " U)~JNOW IA2L~ 9[: 17 d 6 L NVr 06. 'I ' I, ,:: ;';i,~,'; ",' ~ . ~ , -: ' -', " ;: .,t[ :1 ',' ,!;.,j'" t-:'. 'f. . : ~~- , DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY SOUTHERN DIVISION NAVAL. FACIL.ITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND 2155 EAGL.E OR.. P 0, BOX 10068 CHARL.ESTON,S C, 2941 1-0068 PL[ASl _CCPESS "[PL" "0 THE <.OM""''''....OI..G C"'IC':EA, ....0. '0 T....[ SIG'.[A 0" ':'''''50 l [rr[. P(FE" TO : 11011 Code 241 2 Z ::::::: j9S9 , l l .j Ms. Mary Greenwood Assistant County Attorney County of Monroe 310 Fleming Street, Room 29 Key West, FL 33040 Dear Ms. Greenwood: I , ~i I ~ .. '1 ~: j ~ ) .~ j ~, ~ ;. i i/ ~ ~- 1 --" . t' i'. f , t. :T' J ,~ -'~-;i1' ~ ;;(' ; '.1(.' . This is in regard to your letter of 2 November 1989 to the Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station, Key West, FL. As requested, License N62467-85-RP-00037 covering your use of a portion of the East Martello Battery Site, is extended for a one year period, through 31 December 1990. Please'have the attached copy of this letter signed by the appropriate official of the County, indicating acknowledgment of this extension and return the signed copy to us. All other terms and conditions of the license remain unchanged. '., '4. ) ':J..- II l :: ~' f' ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Si ncerely, ~'{Al~ DI. (;~lor Beal _ Estate Divisio,.. Mayor /Chainnan of the MOnroe County Commission TITLE: DATE: (SEAL ) Attest: :~: . ~., ,0 . . . By: Deputy Clerk AJIfIIIIN6DM TO.... AND LEGAL SUFFlCll1fC'/. DY I'f/\~~ DANNY L. KOlliAGE, CLERK ,,' "~,r<,, , " " '~', 'i :' ;~",",'. . , , DATE: Janua:zy 10, 1990 r. ,'\ t r', ,> J ,II f~.. ~. ,t: , ;1.;) r.', I.' DEe ... ....j . ~ f ".1/.. o .'"'.... .~':~ 'i . . . ~ -" . :;..... ... '..F'..RAl US< .F:l....U..PERTY hf' J;..~' 1IEio"7~ ' ':'VfAC 11011121 (1-15) (~a NoDod:s 2260) ~ ~\ ~ '.' "':;,'; '.j '.1 .f' ~ 'LICENSE NUMBER THIS LICENSE TO USE THE U.s. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY HEREIN aBCIlI8Ea:'$"~uEiPlI'I 'AtE ;..., OEPARTIIENT Of THE NAVY TO THE LICENSEE NAMEO BELOW FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN SPECIfIED UI'ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH BELOW ANO THE GENERAL PROVISIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. BV THE EXECUTION HEREOF THE LICENSEE AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL N6 2467 _ 85 _ RP- 00037 SUCH TERMS, CONDITIONS AND GEHERAL PROVISIONS. I. NAVAL ACTIVITY (Property Ioctuioll) Naval Air Station 2. DATES COVERED (11IC1tuM) FROM 1 Jan 1985 TO 31 Dec 1989 3. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Include room lIIId buildinz II1UI/ben whe~ .pPfOpri/lte) A portion of the East Martello Battery Site (KW-65), Monroe County, FL, measuring 200' X 200', comprising approximately 0.918 of an acre of land, including buried structure F-l, as shown in red on print attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A". 4. PURPOSE OF L1CEHSE Use and occupancy as a Monroe County Civil Defense Command and Operations Post. 5. LICENSOR Sa. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE, D~PT. OF NAVY OFFICIAL (Tille lIIId ~d1GS) Command ing Offic'er, Naval Air Station Key West, Florida 33040 ~ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY s. LICENSEE (Ntllne lIIId fI/ldn:uJ Monroe County Commissioners Key West, Florida 33040 Sa. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE (N"",e Ilnd Ilddrm) Monroe County Administrator 5828 Junior College Rd. West, Key West, FL 1. CASH PA VMEIIT BY LICENSEE (hyU/e 1.l1li"- fll no call l1/lymml is required, enler "None" under Ilem 7. "Amounl") b. FREQUENCV c. FIRST DUE DATE d. TO (Tlllelllldlldd~uolloclllrepresenllltf"eollheGo"emmmIJ PAVMENTS DUE 3304( L AMOUNT (EtZch Pilymml) None j ~ . ,~ 1 .~ L AMOUNT (EtZch deptnil) None I. DEPOSIT FOR UTILITIES AND SERVICES (hvIWe Ia l1li.... (11110 cah Pilymenl is reqllind, enter "None" under Item 8tI "AmoulII"J b. FREQUENCY c. FIRST DUE DATE d, TO (Mldlinztlddrm) PAVMENTS DUE TYPE MINIMUM AMOUNT TYPE MINIMUM AMOUNT L FIRE AND EXTENDED c. THIRD PARTY PERSONAL COVERAGE $ None INJURY PER PERSON $ None - - b. THIRD PARTY " d. THIRD PARTY PERSONAL PROPERTY DAMAGE $ None INJURY PER ACCIDENT $ None I I. INSURANCE REQUIRED AT EXPENSE OF LICENSEE (II IInY or IIlJ iIuuIlIllce requiremmll hIIIIe been Mlfliped. elller "None" in lI,b,c, or d tU IIPPfOpri/lle) 10. GENERAURDVlSIDNS (See Renne Side) II ~ Requirements for insurance waived under the authority of NAVFACENGCOM P-73, Chapter 20, paragraph l6.b. FOR II. EXECUTION OF LICENSE BY DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAME AND nTLE W. M. ROBINSON, JR. Pirector, Real Fstate Divisio S. Div., -Naval Fac. Fn r. Com. LICENSEE 'Wilhelmina Harvey MAYOR -. ~ONROE County DATE SIGNATURE If LiCtNJSft is. COI'pOIlItion. c.nifiation of sif/IMtUrrt is .ttachtJd 0 f' 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS I. The Licensor hereby panls to the Licensee 1be righl 10 use Ihe premises or facilities described in item J, lop!her wi!h !he necessary righu of Inp'eSI.nd earess. b. This Uc:ense shaD be errec:tift (or Ihe period slaled in ilem 2 ,nd is n:YOCIble al .ny lime wilhout notice .1 Ihe option and dlscrelion o( Ihe Licensor or ils duly .uthorized representalift. c. The use shaJl be Iimiled 10 Ihe purposes specified herein. d. This Licente shaD be nellher usipble nor transfenble by Ihe Lic:cnsee. . e. If ulDilies snd sel'Yic:cs .re' (urnlshed Ihe Licensee for itr use of Ihe premises Ihe Licensee shaD reimburse Ihe Licensor for Ihe cost Ihereof IS delermined by Ihe Licensor in accordance wilh applicable sUlules and regula lions. f. The Licensee. al ils own cost .nd expense, shaD protecI, main- Isin, and keep In load order, Ihe premises or (acUilles licensed hereby. Al Ihe dixrelion o( Ihe Licensor Ihls obliptlon shall Include. bul nol be limiled 10, conlribulion 'IOWlIrd!he expense or Ionl-Ienn m.ln- lefllnce of the premises or (acilities, Ihe necessity for which .ccrued durinl Ihe period of Licensee's use. The amounl o( expense '10 be borne by Ihe Licensee shall be delennlned by proralinllhe lotal expense o( Ihe ilem of lonl.tenn mainlenance on Ihe basis of fr.clional use by Ihe Licensee. This fraclional parI of Ihe 101.1 expense shall be pronled further if Ihe item oflOflI-lenn malnlenance did nolaccrue in ils entirely durinl the Licensee's use. Upon a delennlnalion by !he Licensor Ihal Ihe necessily exisls for .Ii expendilure o( funds for mainlenance, prolec. tion. presernlion or repair, Ihe Licensee shaU pay 10 Ihe Licensor ils proporlionlle share, on demand. g. No Iddilions 10, or Illerations of, Ihe premises or facililies shall be mlde withoullhe prior consenl oflhe Licensor. Upon revocltion or surrender of Ihis License, 10 Ihe exlenl direcled by Ihe Licensor, the Licensee shall remove all allenlions, Iddition., betlennents and improvements mlde, or inslalled, and reslore Ihe premises or facilities 10 Ihe same, or as good condillon as exisled on Ihe dale of entry under Ihls License, reasonable wear and lear excepled. h. The Ucensee shall be liable for any loss of. or damage 10, Ihe premises or facilities incurred as a resull o( II. use and shall make such reSlonllon or repair, or monelary compensalion a. may be directed by Ihe Licensor. The Licensee's llabillly for loss or damale 10 Ihe premise. resultin, from risks expressly requlreclto be insured hereunder shall not exceed Ihe amount o( insurance so required. The Licensee shall nOI be liable for loss 0(, or damlle to, Ihe premiseS arlsln, (rom causes beyond Ihe control orche Ucensee Ind oc:c:asloned by a rlsle not In fact covered by insurance and not customarDy covered by Insurance In the locality In which Ihe premises are situated. Holhlnl conlalned herein, however, shall relieve Ihe Ucensee of liability with respect 10 any loss or damage to lhe premises, not fully compensated for by insurance. which results from willful misconduct, lack of load failh. or failure 10 exercise due dililence, on the part of the Licensee. All. insurance required of Ihe Licensee on the premises shall be for the protection of the Licensor and Ihe Licensee apinst their respective risks and liabilities in conneclion ' with the premises. Each policy of insurance agaln.t los: QI damage 10 Government properly shall name the Licensee and Ihe Uniled Stales of America. Department of Ihe Navy. lS"the insured and shall contain a loss payable clause readilll substanlially IS follows: "Loss, if any, under this policy shall be adjusled with (Name of Licensee) and the proceeds, at lhe direction of Ihe Governmenl, shall be pIIyable 10 (Name of Licensee), and proceeds not paid 10 (Name of Ucensee) shall be paYlble to Ihe Treasurer of Ihe Uniled Slales of America." In Ihe event Ihll Iny item or part of Ihe premises or facilities shall . require repair, rebuildinl or replacement resulling from loss or damage, Ihe risk of which is assumed under this paralrlph h, Ihe Ucensee shall promplly gift nolice Ihereof 10 Ihe Licensor In4, 10 Ihe exlent of ils liability IS provided in Ihls plrlgraph, shill, upon demand. eilher com. pensale the Goftrnmenl for such loss or dlmage, or rebuild. replace or replir lhe ilem or ilems of the premises or flcililies so losl or damaged. as Ihe Licensor may elect. If Ihl" cost of such repair, rebuildinl, or replacemenl exceeds Ihe liability of the Licensee for such loss or NAVFAC 110111211 11-15) (/kid] 'I - " <:.-... .' damage, Ihe Ucensee shill errect such repair. rebuildlnl or replacement If required so 10 do by the UcenlOr, and such excess of cost WJ1 be reimbursed 10 Ihe Licensee by Ihe LIcensor. In the eventlhe Ucensee shill haft errecled any repair, rebuild In, or replacement which the . Licensee is required 10 errecl pursuanl '10 Ihls panll1lplt, the LIcensor . shall direcl paymenl 10 Ihe Ucensee of so much of Ihe proceeds of any insurance canied by Ihe Licensee and made lIVIilable 10 Ihe Goftrn- ment on accounl of loss of or dlmage 10 any Ilem or part of the premises or facililies IS may be necessary 10 enable the Licensee 10 errecl such repair, rebuUding or replacement. In eftnt Ihe Licensee shaU nOI have been required 10 effecl such repair. rebuildlnl. or replacement, and the insurance proceeds allocable 10 Ihe loss or damage which has crealed Ihe need for ,such repair. rebuilding or replacemenl have been paid to Ihe Ucensee, the Ucensee shill promptly refund to the Licensor the amount of such proceeds. i. The Licensee shall Indemnify and save hannless lhe GOftrnment, lIs officers, agenls, sernnls and employees from all liability under Ihe Federal Tort Claims Acl (62 Stal. 869,982; 28 US.C. Sec 2671. 2680) or olherwise, for death or injury 10 aU persons, or loss or damap to the property of all persons rl$ulcing from !he use of !he premises by the Licensee, and shall furnish Ihe insurance specified In Item 9. Each policy of insurance required in lIem 9 cow ring bodily Injuries and third party property damage shill conlaln In endorsement reading substantially IS foUows: "The insurer waives any righl of subrogation aplnsl Ihe Uniled Stiles of America whlth mighl arise by reason of any plyment made under Ihls policy." j. All insurlnce required by this License shill be In such fonn, for such periods of lime, and with such insurers as Ihe Licensor may reo quire or approve. A certificale of insurlnce or a certified copy of each policy of insurance laken out hereunder shall be deposited w.ith the Licensor's local represenlllive prior 10 use of the premises and facpities. Th-, Licensee agrees thst nol less Ihan Ihirly (30) days prior to the expiration of any insunnce required by Ihis License, II will deliver 10 Ihe Licensor's local represenlltive a certificlle of insurance or a certi. fied copy of each renewal policy 10 cover Ihe S1me riskL k. No member of or Delegate 10 Congress, or Resident Commis- sioner shan be admllled 10 any share or part of !hIs Ucense or 10 any benefil thaI mlY arise therefrom; bUI !hIs provision shall not be con. slrued 10 ex lend 10 !his License Ifmldewlth a corporlllon for lIS leneral benefit. I. The Ucensee warrlnts Ihsl It hIS not employed any person to solicit or secure Ihls License upon any Ilreement for a commission, percentage. brokerlge or conllngenl fee. Breach of Ihis wamnty shaD live Ihe Govemment Ihe right to Innul this Ucense or In ils dlscrellon 10 recover from Ihe Ucensee Ihe amount of such commission, percent. age, brokerage or conlingenl fee In addition 10 Ihe considenlion herein set forlh. This wlrranly shill nol Ipply 10 commissions payable by Ihe Ucensee upon conlracts or sales secured or made through bonl fide established commercill or sellilll agencies malnlained by Ihe Licensee for Ihe purpose of securilll business. m. In connll:tion with the perforrmnce of work under Ihis Ucense. Ihe Licensee Igrel$ nol 10 dlscriminlte apinst any employee or appli_ cant for employmenl because of race, relilion. color. or nlllonal origin. The aforesaid provision shall inelude. but nol be 'Iimiled to, the '. foUowing: employment. upgradinl. demotion. or t lsfer; reerullment or recruitmenl adwrtisinl; layorr or lenninltion; rlies of payor other fonns of compensation; and seleclion for lrainlnl, ineluding apprenllte. ship. The Licensee Igrees 10 post hereafter In conspicuous places lIVID. able for employees and applicanls Jor employment, notices to be pro- vided by Ihe Licensor selling fOrlh'tlieprovisioni of the nondiscrimifll. lion e1ause. Thc Licensee furlher alrel$to insert the forelOinl provision in all subcontracls hereunder. except subconlracls for standard com- mericalsupplies or raw malerials. n. All IcliYilles lulhori7.ed hereunder shall be subject to such rules and regulllions as regards supervision or othelWise, as mlY, from time to lime. be prescnbed by Ihe local represenlalive of Ihe Ucensor as designaled In Item Sa. ,~..~.......- ,.~ ~ . ~~ ,':.:' @. ~ ~... :. '~:,;' . ...... .. " ':::'~'~'. ...~,~~. ..~:..:~;: .' ,t '",r '., I ..'-" ._.: . ' . ~. :.; ':'.:.: '::::'>~;'J.:. . '. .>';i!. :::.:,,:<'~if.~t~,{[ti}; . .. .., . . - . ..\ ." . ~ ... ' , . . ... .. ~: >; {> '~'; ~ 8 .;; .:' . ; \;.;' ':.:':~ :.<': Z:~::,.' ;:':i~~~~~~S~~ :~ 'OJ" l .....::~",.z~.. ......\..... ~..t... ',:.:,." ...........'....,...;::--:;-: ...~.'::~.'.~...~:...., .~~.i~hi:::_~.:~ "-':::\:.~:..':'.~.:~~ ........ ~~::::~'~~~:~S\., '. ...... ............~ ... ...".:.\..0 ". .. \'.....'. \.... '. ..... ....... ....... ,.~. .'h..' . . .' ..~;.:,:.:.:~:t\5!f;~>t;tf{g~j~:. ". 1..~. . . . '~'.' ','.' .... '. ..........;<. 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