Resolution 028-1990 James R. Paros Public Safety Division RESOLUTION NO. 028-1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON BEHALF OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO.6. RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 421-1989 CONCERNING A CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT WITH PHYSIO CONTROL CORP. AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A NEW CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH SAID PHYSIO CONTROL CORP. WHEREAS, on July 20, 1989, the Board of County Commis- sioners, on behalf of Municipal Service Taxing District No.6, passed and adopted Resolution No. 421-1989 to execute a contract agreement with Physio Control Corp. in the amount of $4.380.00 concerning maintenance of biomedical equipment, and WHEREAS, due to the fact that the actual form of the contract agreement was unacceptable, the Board desires to rescind Resolution No. 421-1989 and enter into a new contract agreement with said Physio Control Corp., now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON BEHALF OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO.6, as follows: 1. Resolution No. 421-1989, passed and adopted by the Board on July 20, 1989, is hereby rescinded. 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a new Contract Agreement with Physio Control Corp. in the amount of $4,380.00, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning maintenance of 0\ biom~ical equipment. ~ PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of ."'-1 N Monr'ie County, Florida, on behalf of Municipal Service Taxing $ ....' .: tD-istrictNo.~6, on the 1..Q.!:h day of January, 1990. .S< . 0 LA.-" 1: (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON BE~~Qr MU~ICIPAL SERVICE TAX]'j~G 'D;J.~. .' . ....~.-.... ~~~. By: . Mayo~_,. Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY:~~,M epu er ' AI'MOVCDM TO,..., AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. BY ~~~:J: rt.Ot/V) AttDl'tlflt/. CIIFII>> CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19' A.D., by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Florida, on behalf of the Municipal Service Taxing District No.6, hereinafter "DISTRICT" and Physio Control Corporation, hereinafter "CONTRACTOR", WITNESSES: Tha:: the parties hereto, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, mutually agree as follows: 1. II. III, A, IV. A. SCOPE OF THE WORK The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, and transportation and perform all other work as described in the Specification, Request for Proposal, as attached, and as described in the proposal as furnished by the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACT SUM The DISTRICT shall pay to the CONTRACTOR for the faithful performance of the Contract, in lawful money of the United States, and subject to additions and deductions a9 provided in the Contract Documents. Based upon the price shown in the Proposal herewith submitted to the DISTRICT by the CONTRACTOR, a copy of the Proposal being a part of these Contract Documents, the aggregate amount of this Contract in the sum of Four thousand three hundred eighty dollars ($4,380.00), CONTRACT TERM The contract shall commence on April 1, 1989 and expire on September 30, 1990. CONTRACTORS ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS The CONTRACTOR has carefully examined the conditions of the site/equipment and has made sufficient investigation to fully satisfy himself that such site/equipment is a correct and suitable one for this work, and he assumes full responsibility therefor. The CONTRACTOR understands all provisions of this Contract and of the Specifications and agrees to their sufficiency for the work to be done. Under no circumstances, conditions or situations shall this Contract be more strongly construed against the DISTRICT than against the CONTRACTOR. The approval of any part of the work or material by the DISTRICT, or by its agent, as being in compliance \'lith the terms of this Contract, or the Request for Proposal, drawings and specifications, shall not operate as a waiver by the DISTRICT of strict compliance with the terms of any other part of this Contract, Drawings or Specifications. All parts and labor provided by the CONTRACTOR'S Technical Services Department shall have a ninety (90) day warranty. Batteries shall have a one (1) year warranty. A. B. A, B, C, D. The CONTRACTOR shall accomplish repair of DISTRICT equipment or provide the DISTRICT with loaner equipment within twenty-four (24) hours of notification of need. E. The CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify and hold the DISTRICT, its officials, employees and agents harmless, from any and all claims, liabilities, losses and causes of action which may arise out of the performance of the Contract except such claims, liab~lities, losses and causes of action which may arise because of the DISTRICT's negligent actions or omissions, Compliance with the insurance requirements shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from the obligations imposed by this article. V. INSURANCE A, The CONTRACTOR shall furnish proof of insurance, in a form acceptable to the DISTRICT as required in the Request for Proposal. VI, PARTIAL AND FINAL PAYMENT A, The CONTRACTOR shall invoice the DISTRICT, in arrears, in equal monthly installments. Invoices shall be submitted to the Monroe County EMS Director, 5192 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050, for approval and processing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract the day and year first above written. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON BEHALF OF MUNICIPAL TAXING DISTRICT NO. 6 (Seal) Attest: Danny L, Kolhage, Clerk Clerk Witness: PHYSIO CONTROL r---- t1,' "---- ,. ?)/L[...:; CORPORATION ,k:~Jl "- rl~ '- .J~ (' CiDf>o "- Witness: U {/ Nota ublic, CO\'let~ CGLloty, G20rgia My Commission Expires Aug, 31. 1992 r4IWIOVED AS 10 FORlH AN';! LEG.~L SfJFFIC!ENCY. ~ BY L ?-4\Ji~\':,\], Cl.u,()/ V) -ilt',.".." J :l 'f.i .~ '.~ :;1 "'" " '.1. j M<.llRJE <XUrIY ~CY MEDICAL SERVICES SFECIFlCATI~S for' BIG1EDICAL ~ ':'-~ ~ r~ '.~ , 'Ihese specifications are for the sole purpose of providing ale (1) L:-eventive maintenance inspection of each piece of equipoent every ~,b: (6) nonths and rorrective maintenance on an as l'eeded basis for t-k:lnroe County' 5 bianedical equipnent. . For the propcrsal s to be accepted by M:mme O:>unt:y, each of the following itans nust be addressed: Preventive Maintenance Inspections '!here shall be one (1) preventive maintenmae inepecUcn of each piece of equipnent awry six (6) nm1:hs. '!be fh:st: PC-.nUw maintenance inspection shall be sched11ed within faurteen (14) days of exeC11tion of the a91eElalent. Perfnrmanc::e ou~ end e1eot:rical safety inspections shall be perfaIned in accordance with the standards established by the Joint Chtm-t 881m. on the Accre41tation of Hospitals (JCAH) aId/or the National. Fire IUd Protection Agency (NFPA). ' Each inspection shall include the foll.ow1ngs 1. Cl.ean.in; of equipzent 2. Calibratwn: '!he calibratial results of each pJ.ece of equ!pent shall be recorded, and placed .in a file that CCDta1na a list of all M:mroe Cbunty biNMdkal equipoent. Make required adju.stnents to brin3 the equitnent up .1:0 the facto2:y spec1ficatiaul. '!he successful ~r JtI.1St provide M:mrce O:Nnty I.mezgerICY ~ieal Services with ~~tat.ion that their teK equ\pwlt 18 CA1H,<<ated evet)' six (6) 1Ia1ths and is ~le 1:0 the Na+f~l Bureau of Stan4arda (NBS). " . j: .: , ,.~ 1 , ~~ ; i .~ .~ .~ t. .1 :1 ;1 , .~ i ~ ,'~ '1 ~~ 1 'i l "]J , .~ ] 'f ", j 'L '~ ' - 3. Mllchanical Inspecticiu Inspect each p1eoe of eqn~p~&t for ~ and repair and record the f.1nd1.nga. 'Ih1a ~ 1Iha11 include patient cables and lead wirea. 4. IMkage Cl.1:r%ent ~~Its shall be %eCa:dtd an4 fi1e4. s. Ortput M!aaur~ila: Defi!:cillatOr oatputa 6. 1dbricatioru Each inst.r\Dent eba11 be, lubricated .. a~1ate to IMr&tfaat.\D:C" ~if~.b... . 7. 8ahecSulinqs M.rtua1ly agreed uptIl ~" trag of each Z8lJU1ar inlpection visit ahall be made in advance. ~:.--. ~i tatJ.OfU ~ CXJrI:llet!crl of prev-~tatJ.". ~ ...~- ens, a ref.')rt outlin1nJ the ~ of each p1ece at :;UtvCto;'H~.be for.erded to the ~ (bunty ~~ ~tcal . .~. ,I- '.'J .'.N ,~. ..~l --~~ ~~~i~ ~~:i. . .. ~ . . l' ~'-. .., ~" .. ",-..,. . ~...i_ .J; : '., ': . -." -;.~'-~ ". ...,;m",; . .:~;,:...,. .. .',_. ',.., .--.....-...,':~ r-..... ~ -3 .. f1 \ '-~ ., .. Corrective l'IC1.ultenance All repairs, m:x1ifications, ariJ/or calibrations shall be consistent with tre device amendments to the Food, Dtug and Cosrretic Act regulated by the Food erd Drug Mm1nistration (FDA). All equiprent that is repaired will be calibrated to (EM performance verification procedures. ~ <~ ,~ 'I ;-j 'i~ ~ :~ 1. ncergency Service: Energency service shall be available 24 hours per day/7 days per week, when necessa%Y. . 2. UX:ation: All repairs will be CCIlpleted 'em site' ~ever possible. ~tia'1S '!he following options are to be priced ind1V'&'~11y. Ib1.roe County reserves the right to select any cpt1.on or ~inat:1on thereof, or to reject all of the opt1.auJ listed below, in making the a'M1rd of the proposal in the best int:.eresU of It:m'oe OUlty. MY vendor interrli.rq to provide arry optial, or CCIIbinat:1on tbexeof, at no additional cost over the mandatDxy work and equi~ pr1ce proposal, smuld so indicate by noting NC (No eha%ge) for the appli.ceble option (s). Monroe County will CClIlfJ14er that any option wi thout a propcsed cost or N: indicator is not available' fra:D the oontta~r. t C;>tion No. 1 IDeners: IDaner (8) will be pmv1JSed, at an .. Me!Sed bRei." if it becQles necessaxy to remove a defibrillator, Ir.Xdtor cc blood presB1re machine fran 8e%Vice. '1he ca-atract:ar llbal1 pmri4e a unit(s), of exactly the same eqW.JilMDt, untU tbe ~t:1ng equipnent is back in service. Option No. 2 Batteries: 'Ibis coatract wUl ina}\1de t:ba 'repl~ I It of batteries. Only new batteries, of at leaft (EM equal qua1i~, will ~ used. Batteries are to be replaced, as ..rr-t, bmlll'UW no battery shall be kept in serv10e for lime than e!IJh~ (18) IIalt:ha wi tilout bein;J replaced. ' QJt.1on No. 3 Pa&Ues: '1Ms CCX'1tract will 1Dcl,~ tbe 00IIt ot np1~ paddles, on an aa nef~ buis, with p-Ml.. ot at: least: CD equal quality . " .j J { ~~ -; i -1 11 '''.~ l 'I 1 J I I <~ I \ - . ~l >"1 .j :';~ l.i - Opt1oo~. .. JladcUes: 'Jh1s ocntract; will' inch1de the ~ to ~ ~l", fran the ven&br, Q'l an as T"1!&td baai., a~ a coat. of $ per set. Ii2tqa t:8. I . ... .,- \ -~ -;:" c; -...;...... . ,,-..~l. _.. -. ;:".r. - . ~I . ., . :',t'm ~JJ.t1 ..... :':::)1 . ~": '.,~~ ..- .-: ~;..~t ., ;";;f.j.' I . . - "::,&'l,i . :'1:.' ..: ~~ General Ce..~ ......ens .~ 1. Parts: '!his contract will ,include the price of parta and rnuterials. Only new replacement parts, of at least Original Man.\facture EI:Iuipne.'1t (om) equal quality, will be used to repair M::mroe County. s biaredi.cal equiprent. 2. labor: This contract will include the cost of all labor associated with the inspection, maintenance and repair of M:xlroe County's bianedical equipnent. :.i "'. Y .J . '1 .~ 'A , ., . 3. Exclusions: '!he following items will hot be covered by this contract: B1.ocrl pressure cuffs and tubinq, patient C'-ables, stylls and cases. ~ ;,~ ) , 1 " ,j 4. Insurance: Each vendor DUSt shew that they have ~"equat.e \obrlanen ~sation inSU%'CUlCe to incluCle statutozy benefits. Each ven::1or nust also stew that they have premiaea/operat.!aVI and products/carpleted operatioos insurance in the mzomt. of $1,000,000 per <X:Olrrence/$3, 000,000 aggregate. 5. Technical Assistance: '!he 8l~.ful vendor IIU8t. prari.4e technical assistance to ~nroe County to establish regulatory . requirerrents for M::mxoe Count.y 's bianedical equipoent. 6. 'Iechnician Tra.ining: '!be successful vendor UlJSt show, on ~ cEnand, tre trainin:.J qualifications of the technicians that will bel \<.Orldn} on M::>nroe County tmergency Medical Service equ1pt'lE1nt. 7 · '1'echnical Data: '!be sucoess1'ul ~ DIJ8t show, en demand, that they have the technical 1ibraxy (cunent 8et'Yice manuals, etc.) to ~rt the technician(s) working on the b"~iC'al equiPDBnt. .. "';~ '.~ ,~i '- '. " 'j, " :'~ .. ~e -'J .;~ j .~ ',j :. :5 .:1 . '~ . ~ : '\'1 ..~ .. 8. Default PrOlisions: In case of default by ccntractor, )b&l.oe COunty a.ay procure serv10ea tran an alta1de contractor anc! hold the oontract.or responsible for any cha1:9ea 1nc:urred by Monzoe 0Ulty for the repair of its equ1p1aBnt. '1 :;.... '1 '" ,....~ ;; ;~ ::~ 'j '';I t "~ 9. O:mtract Award: !a'troa County ~ the right to reject arrt or all PL~s oc ~~ to be unreep. N1..... 8Id to .~ any pr~l which in its best. 1nte%est beat -.ta tM ~ terein. I-bnroe O:>unty r:e&ezws the ri9bt, babe -.zd1Dg the contract, to require a vendor to 8Uba1t:' 8UCh evidence cd his quaUfleations as it may deem necessary. ~..m:atkln thai: -.y be requireS is financial,. ter-hnica1 and ~ quaUficatJcaa and abilit.J.ej of a vend:,)r in maJd.ng t!-. -.rd 1n t!-. beat 1nt.ens1: of ltbrirOIi tbunty. ~nrce O:Nnty shall. be the final autbarity In t1b .....m ~ ~ contract. _ . , '. 10. Paad.lia.r1ty With Lawes '!he CQltract:ar ia ~-...4 to be famUJar with all federal, state aricS local lawB, ~, code l'Ule8, and regulftUona that may in any way ~fect the tQ:k I~.__ on - ~ part of the contractor shall in ~ way n1l8Vllt hh. frcJQ nMIpOnsibUi ty . . ~ Ib, J ~.~ 11 ~ ) 'l ':i '.. . . ~'.', . ): . . '~f ~~,jf '..;.". ."',- ~ ::-c:. . ". ~.-::~~~ ; I , ;~ 'f] 11. Licenses: All bidders must have all licenses that are roguired by Florida State law and be prepared to subnit copies of t.tan upon request. 12. Qumt i ties: l-'bnroe O:>unty reserves the right to increase or decrease the equiprent listed in Schedule A of this pl:~l, during the term of the oontract. ~ipnent increases or dem:eases '~il1 be accanplished by contract addendun, nutually agreed upon and executed by the venCbr and Monroe O:>unty. 13. Errors or Qnissions: "!he vendor sftal1. t.a)Qe no a~ of arry apparent error or anission ~ch might be ~1soovered 1n this specification, oot shall forthwith notify the Mcnroe <bunt;y EMS Director at 5192 <Nerseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050, of su::h discovery. '!he EMS Director will then make such correct.ia1a or inte%pretations as deened necessary' for reflecting the actual spirit and intent of the specification. 14. CUstarer Listirg: f.t)nroe Colmty resexves the right to J:eqUire a vender to provide z.bnroe O:ronty &lergency Medical Servu.. a list of Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Services for ~ the V8I'dor has perfonrEd similar or identical \fK)rk within the la~ three years. 15. In! tial 'I'enn of Contract: It is the intent of Iblroe Cbunty to establish a contract that will C(YIl.erlCe on April 1, 1989 and, expire on Sept.aIber 30, 1990. I 16. Renewal Op~on: 1\ssuming the availability of budgeted funds, this contract may be renened for an addit1a1al cme (1) year texm. 17. Payment: '!be vendor shall 1nvo1ce M:x1roe County in equal ncnthly installments, by taxing cUatr1ct.. IDvo1cea 8hall be suhnitt.ed to the M:mroe O:Nnty DS Difectar, 5192 CMsnnaa Rigb.Jay, MaratlDn, Florida 33050, for apprcwal and proce..ing. 18. Si9nature ~ired: All Pl~18 DI181: be a1gne4 with the fizm NIIIe and by an officer or 8q)layee having the authority to bird tbe cx:apany or fim by his signature.., , 'I ~~ ~ " ..1 .i ~ J ,~ ~~ 'I ~ ~ ~ j .~ ~ ~ J l 1 /1 1 . 19. ~~ prices shall be vaU4 for at 1eut ninety (90) ~ frail tha closinCj date for .~1ttal of ~'8. . I . ' . p~ ftt. .. ',. .i j ~.~ 'f .~ '4 .~ ~ ~ ~, , 4. .J.... ...,.,.~,... ....:.....,":"....!'.,......., , ".,~":.' ': . '. ''''', : .. -..~..-..~ .;~ j .~ ., ., ", . ...NroE CCXJNTi ~ MEDICAL SERVIas Sm:IFICATI~S for. BICl-iEDICJ\L ~ PmPOSAL FC.H4 Proposals nust be suhnitted for the three taxing districts of M:mroa County, as identified, and for the eqW.ple\t listed within each tuin9 district (Screaule A). Proposals not addreasinq all three 41atzo1ct:a will be deeueu inc::arplete and therefore wU.l not be acoeptecl .. a qualified proposal. Mandatory ~rk and Equiprent 'l1'\ere shall be one (1) preventive maintenance 1nspectica of MCb piece of equi.pn!!nt, upon execution of 8.gree...:ut, and cme (1) PEal 1 t i_ maintenance of each piece of equipnent. evexy aix (6) 1Dlth8 ~ and COJ::rew'live maintenance. on an 8.S r,e"""'ed basis for the -c:r'1y :ht within each Jobnroe County Taxir'q District. ID-er , Middle Keys Fire and hlbu1ance District $ 6030.00 Tavernier Special Taxing District No. 5 $ 1416.00 'h!y Largo Special Taxing District No. 6 $ 4380.00 .. Optialal lI:>%k and Equipte1t - Price each opt:.1al separately, p.- tax1nq districts 1 " .1 J pPtJcn No. 1 1cwer , Middle ~ Fire and 1tat:nJ1Amoe ~td.ct . '1'a\ternier Special 'l'ax1DJ District 110. 5 Xey Largo Special 'DIxiIVJ Dis1:rict lb. 6 0pt1cn No. 2 IDwer , Middle Key Fire B:nd ~ D1atrict tavernJ.er ~c:ial ~ District lb. 5 . . -.y 1.a2:90 ~al 'Dax1bJ Dis1:rict!b. 6 pPt.tca No. 3 IAfer , M14d1e Bey P'1n aJd...:....,,'.... D1atrict '1'Ave.rnier Special '1'ax1ncj Dist:r1ct 110. 5 ~ La%go Special 'ftod.ng Disbi.ct'Ib. 6 Pa9A 110. 5 ,) '! '1 ,. ,i ,1 ~ 'j ~ ~ i -j j , .'1 .~ 1 ~ I ;j 1 " '~ ~ ~ .1 .. "~'-~'.'.' ~ ...:-.........:-.3lt,. $ ~C $ HC $ , HC $ NC $ NC $ -..NC .. , HC $ HC $ NC - '.. -:~:.;~ ".::J~1 ,..!;; ,~1. '-''o!~ :'i~ . ....,.., ...:"S'~ 1I!!i ~.~~I -:1",1' , , '; , '.. ""~~~ . .~~ . '_"::-~5i! ...~~'~~~ :~~~~ ti~ ':-~i~~:. '-;".:j~: yo: :: _.~ ;~:< .....~~i~ ,_'.t~~ . ~: 1 r-~ ~. \ l :,~ "j, .1 " -\ " ; ,; ;:.~ ; .~ .~ .' '~ ',;;1 ,1 ,-~ ."! .....~ ,~ .:; '"{ , '1 .. ,:~ ,...~ .~ '.~] '::i .~ 'j , :1 ... .'...'...i~ ;'-\ " (./ ;;1 .'.."'.'.'~'.'.' ;"-, t.:" '. <~ .'~ "'J .:~ , , '1 .~ '... ~ . . Option No.4' ~r & Middle Ray Fire and 1Iti>ulance Disuict. Tavernier Special Taxing Distri<* No. 5 Key Largo Special TaxiN;l Distri<* No. 6 Pl~ 9Jt::mitted By: ca~ANY NNtE PHYSIO CONTROl. CORPORATION MlORESS 1777 Phoenix Parkway 5l1tt~ 11 n CrrY Nm STATE Atlanta. GA ZIP CXDI 3n~u~ ~ X). (404) 996-4091 Jiy. ~91 ,4~.J ~th:>rized SI~t:ure) . ,.. PI..E1\SE PJaNr NNw2 J\NI) TI'1'I.E Cf' SIGNER BBUM $ 812.70 $ 812.70 $ 812.70 3/=tl/A9 (St.i) James H. Irvin . District Manager, Southern District Technical ~ervlces fIialI "6t, , -- ....... t" '! . .., .A- '-' .. .\, ;~; , ~t.'. ,',OJ :.,,:.'" "/1,:: . ~ ~. ;(~ '~I.f~~~[:: 'I~.}:~ :. 't; . ~.~ i1 '~".~r . '~:'.'j~" ..,,/,,~, ~~~. , ~ ;;. "~;f ....~;: ," .d . 'i\~r . "'1~' ;~ r :~.:~ , ''':'-~r )~~ '-'Ji~ . tJjf-j ~~'li!lt . .';~ ~scription Manufacturer Serial No. LP 5 Iobni tor Physio CDntrol 051754 . LP 5 !-:oni tor Physio Control 0099::5 LP 5 Iobnitor Physio Q:)ntrol 054370 1.P 5 Monitor Physio Centrol OM561 1.P 5 M:>nitor Physio OonUol 001936 1. P 5 !-:oni tor Physio COntrol 009444 LP 5 M::>nitor Physio Control 043153 LP 5 Defib Physio Omtrol 028972 1.P 5 Oefib Fhysio Control 032963 LP 5 Defib Physio Centrol 007988 LP 5 Defih ibysio Control 019139 LP 5 Defib RIysio Control 008960 .... LP S oefih tbysio Omtrol 022986 LP 5 Defih Phyaio Oxltrol 030843 LS 100 Rlyaio Oxltzal 000712 . IS 100 Hlyaio Oxltz'ol 000737 LPSO\uger H1ya1o Qmtxc1 00N83 t LP 5 Olarger Phyaio ~t.ro1 020317 LP5~ H1ya1o O:II1tro1 010000 . 'j .$ .j '~ .~ OCHEOOLE A rower & Middle Keys Equipnent Inventory .';' '~" -~ ~. .;i :.~ .~, i ~ ~-: , O' ft .' )~ Jj ,A :~ ,~; :ol<; 'L '; '"" '.~ "~ '.J<~ ? ,. ';~ ;'j ~ {J i :!! :~ J ,1 ,~ '., ~1 .~ j ':'~ ... ~. , !1 '~ '11 ..a ,:;: j 11 . ..".r )d, '.. .l....,.....\.-I'. , ." --J,,. .~~ . ,.~; ~:__:-k ';~ ~< . -:.....:;..:; .- ..----~ ~I 1~ '~w r"~i~;.~ :1~::~1~1 ;........ . .~.. . '."," -I .;.!.~: - . ':.~ ~ - ...~. _.'-<.>~, .-1".., "ili' ,~r,:~ "l':.~ ,:,:jf;C~ '. . :, SOiEIlJI~ A (Continued) -< '~ ~avt!rnier Eq.11prent Inventory De !;cription Manufacturer L? 5 l'-bni tor Physio Control Physio Control Physio Control LP 5 l-Dni tor LP 5 Defib r.,ey L1!rgo ~lpnent InventolY DescriptiQ\ LP 5 ~tor Manlfacturer Physio Control Physic O:mtrol Physio Control Physio O:>ntrol Physio Q)ntrol Physio Cbntrol Physio O:lntrol Alysio Q)ntrol Physio CDltrol Hlysio Cbntrol Physio COntrol Alysio "Control Physic COntrol LP 5 !'On! tor LP 5 M:>ni tor LP 5 ~nitor j . ,:r ., LP 5 Oefib LP 5 Defib LP 5 Defih LP 5 Defib LS 100 LS 100 Chuger Battery SaJPPOrt Batte%y &1ppQ1.l LP 5 01arq8Z' , i .~ f; --'. 'J. .:~~ "'1 . .;.1. .~ . \ :~ ,; . ~~ . .~ ~ J .~ .'; " '~ 'j '1 . ,1 J " ,I j..i ':~ .... " '1 ~ ',:1 -J ';\4 1 J <t ':~ ,;~ "98 No. 8 ~=- ,.,. '.o.r.- . Serial No. 006559 010912 028973 Ser1A1 No. 016425 047757 002578 006109 00S751 026573 015602 002421 001574 001573 000741 006546 000507 1"r'. . :;~;'.' ".;'1::- .:'~ ~.,,; ';' . '..~!l~ . '. .. ..... . -.':twr." . J3ll'~ ,..:..~ . .,;~~~ " '.. .,.........~ -....:!