Resolution 083-1990 .-/' Kathie Moon Grants Manager RESOLUTION NO.- 083-1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TO FUND A COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TO ASSIST THE GRACE JONES DAY CARE CENTER WHEREAS, there is a great need for affordable day care, especially for low income individuals, in Monroe County, and WHEREAS, the Grace Jones Day Care Center provides day care services to low income individuals in the Marathon area, and WHEREAS, Monroe County is eligible for approximately $6482 in grant funds available from the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Any matching funds will be provided by the Grace Jones Day Care Center. Now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF . MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. That the County Administrator is hereby directed to submit an application for grant funds to the Florida Department of Community Affairs to assist the Grace Jones Day Care Center and to execute all necssary documents in furtherance thereof. 2. This resolution shall become effecive immediately upon adoption by the Commission and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. dNO"'-j i7~: l d Of NVr 06. , . i .J II PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held 24th day of January ,A.D. 1990. on the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ok~ By . - Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ./ Page 1 of 7 ATTACHMENT A APPLICANT SUBMISSION FORM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR 1990 SUBMITTED BY: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (APPLICANT) Application is hereby made for funding through the Community Services Block Grant under the Community Services Block Grant Act of 1981 (PL 91-35), as amended, and the Community Services Block Grant Program Administration Rule 9B-22, Florida Administrative Code, effective March 1984. THE APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT THE DATA IN THIS APPLICATION AND IT VARIOUS SECTIONS, INCLUDING BUDGET DATA, ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS OR HER KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE FILING OF THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED AND UNDERSTANDS THAT IT WILL BECOME PART OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT AND THE APPLICANT. John Stormont Name (typed) Signature Mayor, Chairman of Board of County Commissioners Title: ATTESTED BY: Danny Kolhage Name (typed) Signature Clerk of the Court Title APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY THE DUE DATE, FEBRUARY 1, 1990 AND RECEIVED NO LATER THAN CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON FEBRUARY 6, 1990 TO BE CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. Form:DCA/cas 90-1 Page 2 of 2.- COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR 1990 ====================================================================================== FOR DCA USE ONLY CONTRACT NO: ALLOCATION AMOUNT $ CASH MATCH$ FROM 90\ [ 5\ [X) D & POSTMARK DATE: DATE RECEIVED: REVISION REC'D: DATE APPROVED: DCA CONSULTANT: IN-KINDS TO R [ ==============-============~==============================================~====~====== ===========:=================================================~======================== INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete all parts in this Application which are applicable to your organization. If any part does not apply, write "N/A". Do not use white-out (correction fluid) on any part of this application, ====================================================================================== I. APPLICANT CATEGORY: l ) Eligible Entity ] Migrant/Seasonal Farmworker Organization [)() Local Government II. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION a. Name of Applicant: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners b. Applicant'S Address: Public Svcs. Bldg., Wing II, Stock Island Ci.t:l' : Key \.J est, Fl. Zip Code 33040 Telephone: (305) 294-4641 ext.23lCounty : Monroe c. Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from above): Zip Code d. Chief Official or Executive Director's Name: John Stormont Title: Mayor e. Name of Official to Receive State Warrant: Danny Kolhage, Clerk of Court Address: P.O. Box 1980 f. Contact Person: Key West, Florida Kathy Moon Zip Code 33040 Title: Grants Manager Hdi.l i.nq Address: Public Svcs. Bldg., Wing II, Stock Island Key West, Fl. Zip Code: 33040 Telephone: (305) 294-4641, ext. 231 59-2632876 Federal 10 #: g. -********************************************************************.******........... III. SUBGRANTEE INFORMATTON a. Will these funds be transferred to a subgrantee? [X) Yes No b, Give the number of subgrantees included in this application: 1 List for each (attach additional pages if necessary): Grace Jones Community Center Subgrantee Name: Address: 230-4lst Street Gulf, Marathon, Fl. 33050 Contact Person: Barbara J. Mertes Telephone: (305) 743-6064 ~I ""- ~I dI ~ no c 0 .c lJ ctl \-. ctl :.s 1Il >. Q) 1Il ~ >, Q) Q) ~ ..-l "0 Q) -0 ..-l '..-i -0 ::;: -0 '..-i :.s >. lJ c 0 ::l W 0 U > ~ Q) W 0 lI) \-. C W 0 Z c:l 0 E-< G: :z: ~ :5 .-f, <1; 0- W ~ U ~ .:t: 1-4 0::: ::r: 0 .,.. 0.. ="= ~ ~ (.,::l l'J l'J CO 0 0 C/) ~ W W 0.. l'J 1Il \-. Q) C 0 .r-< 1Il 1Il '..-i ~ 0 U >, lJ \-. C Q) ::l lJ 0 C U Q) U ....... 0 >, lJ -0 'M \-. C ctl ::l 0 E CO E 0 >, U lJ C 1Il ::l Q) 0 c u 0 ...., CV 0 Q) \-. U C ctl 0 \-. ::;: 0 w E-- w ~ E-< ..... ...... U ~ 1-4 o...l l'J 0. [1) 0.. ::> -:t: lI) CV ~ ........ ..-l 1Il '..-i I:: Lo -0 CV-o 1Il ...-i Q) ..:-- . >'-0 I:: ...-i CV ::l lIl.o t;;".~ . .. >, ctl '..-i CV..-l I:: 0 I:: Lo '..-i E c:- u lJ ~~ \-. 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I I I I t I >, +J (:; ::l o U 4-< o "0 h C1l o ;:Q ;.-. +J (:; ::l o U OJ o h (:; o ::<:: tl E-t CSBG BUDGET SUMMARY P&&~ 5 of 7 -- Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 'JiAHI: Of' APPLI ClJl':: . RI'VDlU! SOURCE: PEJlC'DT NATO! roT AI. AI<<.lUJIT 1. CS~:: l'ur'.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,482.00 2. Cub J1&tcb................. 20 % 3. In-lC.1nO HAtcb.............. J 0 -- - I., '.I'otaJ Katc:b (l1nn 2.3).. .. % -- $1,297.00 - 5, ':I':'!ll ( l1nn 1.L)......... .- ._--~- $7,779.00 - C511C nmm:o 'PRO~ ONLY (1) CSBC 7URIlS (2) C.\SH KA TCH (3) Ia-JC:nm HATCH (a. ) TC'TJ.1. iiR..;....:u: C>~~I;:~:FJ.T~VI txPI:iS~ 6, hJ.....1u 1nl:'lIJd1os fT1oge. . 1. lIe!:t LOd Ut111t1e......... . B. Travel. . . .. . . .. . .. . ....... . 9, 01. he r. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . 10. SUE ']'0-: J.l (l1ou &.9)....... s~:;F.;,:;:n: U~Ii:S'!'FJ...:IVI UP 11, SLLTiu loclu~~ng tr1nse, . 12. lie ot LOtS Ut111tSe.......... ~ 13, Travel.. . . . . .. . . . ... .... .. . 11., Otber.................. .... 15. ~1':'lTOTJ.l (l1ou 11-11. ), . . .. 16, TOTJ.l AD~N,[XP.(11oe 10+15) 17,. TO':J.l. CSBC Ulafi, [XP, ~ - _.. - % ---- - -~- ~ - - ,. (not to eXl:'et'O 151 ot l1ne 1) -- - CW,':II PR:JC~ IXF'~Sr lB. SaJ arS u including tringe.. $6,482.00 $1,297.00 -0- $7,779.00 19, Jlellt &ll~ Utll1t1u......... 20, 'rra ve 1, . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, Ot ber. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. SUI!'!'OT .u (liou 1~21).... . $6,482.00 $1,297.00 -0- $7,779.00 SUB:;f,,;.,';~ FJ\:l:;fM D:?!:;sr 23, Sa1.....1u lnl:'ludins tr1~e .. 21., Jleot &110 Ut111t1e.......... 25, ~avf'~......... II..... ..... 26. Othrr.... II.... ... ... II " II 27, Sl1BTOTAl (l1nn 23-26).... . 28, . TOTJ.l. PR:lCfWol EXPIJjSr.,.... (l1nn :n.;n ) $6,482.00 $1,297.00 -0- $7,779.00 29, SECOft:lA.Rl' J.DtoaIf. IlCP'DfSE.. . ,_. CFIJ\:' 'J':>TAL EXPO/Sf: $6,482.00 $1,297.00 : I $7,779~00 30, L1nr 16.~8.29............. -0- Page ~ of 2- CSBG SUB GRANTEE BUDGET (Each Su~grantee must complete this page) NA}ffi OF APPLICANT: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners NAHE OF SUBGRANTEE: Grace Jones Community Center MAILING ADDRESS OF SUBGRANTEE: 230 - 41st Street Gulf, Marathon, Fl. 33050 TAX EXENPT tMffiER: 59-2632876 (If none, attach a copy of the certificate of incorporation) CONT ACf PERSON: Barbara J. Mertes TITLE: Director TELEPHONE: (305)743-6064 NOTE: The follo~~ng line items (11-15 and 23-27) must correspond to the CSBG BUDGET S~~IARY of the applicant. If there is more than one Bubgrantee, it is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the total of all subgrantee budget add correctly so that they correspond to the CSBG BUDGET S~~Y. CSBC J1.r.lDED PROG'RAM OIlLY ( 1) CSBG P'l/I'fD 5 (2) CASH MATCH (3) IJ-XIND .,.ATCH (I.) TOTAL SUll:JfWnn: ADKINISTRATlVE OJ' 11. SaJ arI~9 including rring~.. 12. Rent and UtIlItIes......... 13. Travel. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. ... 14. Ot he r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J5. SlffiTOTAL (linea 11-14)..... SUll~RA:lTEE PROG~ EXPE.'iSE 23. SalarIes Inclu~lng rTlng~.. $6,482.00 $1 297.00 -0- $7,779.00 24. Rent and Utilities......... 25. Travel... ... ... ......... ... 26. Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. SUllTOTAL (lines 23-26)..... $6,482.00 $1,297.00 -0- $7,779.00 TOTAL CSBC EXPEJlDl11JRES $6,482.00 $1,297.00 -0- $7,779.00 (11 ne!l 15+27) The subgrantee certifies that the data included in the Subgrantee Budget and the Subgrantee t~ork plan are true and correct. The Subgrantee agrees to comply with all rules and regulations relating to the Community Services Block Grant and understands that this budget and work plan will become a part of the Agreement between the Applicant end the Department of Community Affairs. APPROVED BY: SIGNATIJRE~d.J~ P.c cI/. ~IJ~ Jessie L. Hobbs (President of the Board) l!:-J<1/QO I J WITNESS,_r~t{~ A { nIQ(h~ DATE: Page 7 of 7 ADMINISTRATIVE AND PROGRAM BUDGET DETAIL - April 1, 1990 - September 30, 1990 Line Item #23 - Subgrantee Program Expense, Salaries including fringe Teacher's-Aide - 40 hours/week @ $7.50/hr. for 26 weeks = $7,800.00 CASH MATCH DOCUMENTATION Line Item Number Source $ Amount 23 Private Donations $1,297.00 ~;J~;f,: .. ~1.1"y~';~at~~'~i · .,~~li~f~..,~;.1~ti~~",;!tt~~~Ii'."""''';;~i!'t~'lj~lt~;_1l1 U!. , .:Job ~e~c:.r\T>-rlb..J Brief Job Descriptions: Director/Teacher Provides the Center with an effective program; provides referral services to parents/teacher's aides; serves as communica- tion 1 ink to parents~ residents of the neighborhood and the community; o~serves and evaluates the program; reports to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis; acts as a resource person to teacher,'s aides, coo~ and volunteers; provides in-service training for staff development; assists cook in assuring proper nutrition for the children; is responsible for ordering of all supplies, record-keeping functions; and any other matters p2rtinent to the smooth-running of the Center. Teacher's Aides Assist Teacher/Director in implementing the Center's program for the children; help maintain the atmosphere as described in the emploY0e information bOoklet; follows lesson plans; serves as a positive role model, uses appropriate discipline, receives continuing child~:00d education through the HRS training course and other programs, and reports directly to the Director/Teacher. Cook(l) Salary The cook is responsible for all cooking and serving of snacks and meals; helps Director with menu planning; keeps an inventory for stock ordering; also serving as a role model to the children~ and is available to assist as needed in the care of the children. She has direct communication with the Director as indicated in the organizational structure of the Center. Record's clerk Assists the Director in the in-take procedures of new enrollees as required by HRS; keeps the recording of all food usage up-to-date as required by the State of Florida Department of Education & Nutrition; send informational forms to HRS as changes occur in each of the children's f'iles and assists Dirctor with monthly reimburse- ment requests. o . ~____~'_. n ~~". :. .." -,'- =,.:~'lI><'Il':'-:";:;:;;;f'9': .. :,... ", ,J...~",._~'~. ,..,.., ;....:" '" ',. \"~,:i"I)' ":',':-~l~,';_'~ .~:j;~~,~:~{~-;; ;~;~:~-::'" ~..........................."n.''''''. .... <"-"," . .....".' '.., .." .. .." ... -""",,'."- :".,_,.;t,.,.. ,.,.,". 0(' :Ji:'N'\ 2 Q-h'o~ W R\- Organizational Structure of Grace Jones Community Center Inc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS COOK HEAD TEACHER , I TEACHER'S AIDES DIRECTOR BOOKKEEPER CUSTODIAN VOLUNTEERS (Articles of Incorporation are attached) o ce:....P..-...",~.... -,,-- lY\SUj rpo ~~ tv ,~H~MH~~~H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ f' a ~ 0 ~ ~ _ -:r. _ ~- - F: C'a I nl3 ~ ,-' .'- '-~. -~~,' " ~ )\3 ' . " . " e1l'itj J~ . ,. .' ',,' 1. ~ ~(1~ ~~i " . ~.~,;; ~ . I ~rl~ ~ -",~~~rlJl . ~OJ2 .C ... Goo w[ 1IIu.' :::>~c )~ :in.Q.. r;U) t1 ~ wrpnrhnrl1t of !O'tntr ~~\t)tl ~ ~~ ~ ~~ m ~w 'c :)\t(: ~ ~~ ~ ~ c ~~ ~~ 'U)~ ~ I certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of the ~\UI~ ~ ~ ~ Articles of Incorporation of G RACE JONES COMMUNITY ~\Jl~ ~ ~ m CENTER, INC., a corporation organized under the Laws of the ~UlfJ C ~ )'\3 State of Florida, filed on October 18, ] 985, as shown by the r.-/l'lt3 ~ ~~ ~ records of this office. ~7l'lt3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )'G The document number of this corporation is Nl1656. r.fn1=3 ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~lUJ2 ~ ~ m ~U~ ~ ~ m ~w ~ ~ m ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ibtn unber mp bnnb nnb tbt ~ ~ ~rent ~tal of tbe ~tatr of jfloriba, f, n .:) ~ ~ at m:nllabasstt, tbe ltapital, tbis tbe ~ . ~ otl"E~~ bapof ~n ~ f/~~~_. 'c, r~~ 22nd / " Octo~er, 1985. Wo~ ~. /:l!"}.>~..~\ ../ j ~ ~ \i~ .e! ./. ,/ // ./- ~~ ; ~~~{i"i~~.;~j ~rorge:1firrilo~r..> r ~ CEA.l0l ~tcrftnrp of ~tatt ~({c ~BRHi:<=HRRRRRR.R.HaHHo~~nC ." , ~-~ ~(.~~t!J,II.'~." . ''''~"~~'.'~~""""""^.,, ..' ....",,;.. ':;:':'~1 "~.'!:.:-, ~rill' 1988 b. The fee schedule is based on the family size and annual income, ranging from a minimum weekly fee of $2~OO progressing towi1rd a level which approaches self- sufficiency. The weekly fee has been developed to provide an incentive for lower income parents to continue working while contributing an affordable amount to the child day care costs, thereby enabling families to work toward the goals of maintaining their self-support and self-sufficiency. Ar~c ls. f I'D c..-ecO.v... r-e..., f- ~ -I D HRSM 175-148 c. An income eligible client whose income falls .2~low the income levels for the family size shown on the Title XX Child Day Care Fee Schedule may request a waiver for the minimum $2.00 weekly fee when circumstances indicate a particular need. All waivers must be properly documented and located in the client's file. . ~ m The child is the client and resides with an adult who is not legally responsible for the child. (2) The parent is an emancipated minor as defined in HRSM 195-1. --- (3) The employment is of a seasonal nature as defined in oaragraph 2-3 b. f _ (I)(d). (4) There is no incom'" other than a training grant or SCholarship. --> (5) Other hardship cases determined by the provider agency must be apProved by the District Children, Youth and Families ,Program Office prior to waiving the fee (such as those cases recently terminated by Protective Services where the chil'" day care service is essential to preventing further abuse or neglect from reoccurring) d. 'Assessing the Client Fee. f (I) When more than one child from the same family is served by the child day care program, the youngest child in care is to be considered as the first child when determining the fee. Each additional child in the family enrolled in the subsidized program will be assessed a fee which equals 5096 of the first child's fee. When the "first child" leaves the program, the full fee will be assumed for the second child. (2) If the family is paying the $2.00 minimum weekly fee and there is more than one child in the same family receiving the child day care service, the family is not re uire an additional fee for more than one child in the family _ 1 . ~ / ~ ~ (3) If children in the same family are enrolled in different centers or homes and/or are served by more than one central agency, they may stilJ receive the ben~fit of the reduced fee. The child care provider wi11 note the fact on the Daily Attendance and Enrollment Roster (HRS-CYF Form 5042) that the assessed fee is lower due to multiple childr'en from the same famUy receiving the child day care service. e. Since the parent fees represent a revenue source for the provider, it is the child care provider (subcontractor, family day care home operator, center director) who is responsible for assessing and collecting state mandatory fees from income eligible clients and must reduce their reimbursp.ment for services rendered by the amount of fees assessed, whether or not collection is made. Assessed state mandatory fees must never 0 exceed the individual provic:!er's actual rates specified in the service contract. - .--........... f. Written polices a~d ;Jtocedures to adm inister the state mandatory fees collection prac~i:::e must ~e developed ~y the provider, the boare, 0r t~e goverl1ing body of the provider agency. 2-9 ".!'J;:- ~:t~~~'~~llU I.. ~'M 175-14B April 1, 1988 ~ Tnere must be sufficient documentation on file to evidence a reasonable effort made hv the provider to collect mandatory fees. Providers may, of their own initiative, secure other financial resources from other third parties to cover the payment of assessed fees. All income eligible clients are to be given a copy of the agenc 's ollcy. g. Fee collection will include the procedures listed below. Th,e time guidelines in paragaraph (3) and (4) below may not be reduced; however, agencies may develop additional program specific prqcedures. The Parent or responsible adult should be required to pay the fee nrior to the delivery of, the child day care service. (1) 'At the time of eligibility notification, the client must also be notified in ....c:::"") writing of the assessed fee amounts and dates due. The notification must include policies egarding fee payment for allowable holidays and any other absences. (2) When the parent/or responsible adult has failed to pay the assessed fee by the prescribed date, it is the child care operator's responsibility to inform the central agen~y of the delinquent account. This should be done immediately. ' (3) The central agency is then required to notify the parent/or responsible adult, in writing, that the child day care service will be terminated within 10 working days of the parent's receipt of impending termination unless payment has been received for the delinquent account. (4) Services should be terminated on the date specified in the notification letter if the client 'has not paid the delinquent account and future services will be prohibited until all deJinquent fees have been paid. . ~ (5) paymJ'\F schedules mav be established to assist the client in repaying the delinquent account while ~eeping the current balance paid. ' ,- , . . h. Day care fees as specified on the fee schedule will be charged to individuals who are eligible for services. Other child day care fees may not be charged to recipients of child day care services Fees for child day care may not be assessed to individuals eligible for services based on income maintenance status to "ldren who receive service under the Title XX gC9uo elif:ibiljty. ategory, or children oocumented to e "ct- risk" as authorized by protective services staff. ,. : ij ~ 1 i. If at any time it becomes evident that the ?rovider has been imposing voluntary fees above the required fee shown on the fee schedule, this action by the provider will be considered a breach of the terms of the contract. Evidence of a parent regularly contributing more than the assessed fee would appear to be an imposition of , voluntary fees thereby leading to a possible cancellation of the contract. Late charges ~y fa,dUties caring for children beyond the closing hour are not considered voluntary fees nor . are special fund-raising ac:!vitles sponsored by the facility. ~. Termination of Service. a. After the client's eligibility has been determined and recorded, the client should be provided a summary of client rights, obligat!ons and responsibilities. This may h.,. crc,.."....""nsh.,.rl b" n~cv;rl;nO' .h.,. ,..l;e"'. a "'cn.. o~ CO...... URSDT '''5. I IIr':e"'. R:~\...s oJ_ .... """..!""'." ........... _,,.... ......I.~ ~.,.... _.. ... .... ~J "'. . .1. ,.. ........"" -.. ~,,, II" , "'~"L . Obligations ?.'1d Responsibilities." The provider's ellgibility contac: pe:-so~ should be Ested at the bottom of this form. .., If' '::"-j,V ..'~.'.."'~;I~i'",~J"'Ji."."':'" ~~~1tf;~.\~,,~;;;tll ,:' ,:t,':"'~'; ",,,,,:~ '(:>t .:~~:.~~~\ ,~,,>...,:', ": . "::riJ 1, 1988- b. The HRS Form 1330 "Notice of Eligibility or Change in Service Status", is used to notl y c lents w en t ey, are not eligible to receive a service for which they applied or to notify clients of an imminent termination, suspension or reduction of a service currently being received. -, ~ "to.. I . I HRSM 175-l4B c. When a client determined to be eligible is subsequently found to be ineligible, child day care services are to be continued for a period of ten working days following notification of ineligible determination to allow the client time to request a fair hearing if desired. If a fair hearing is requested within the ten day limit, services are to be continued until a fair hearing is held. . ' " ~ (1) Of primary concern is the client's right to be given an impartial review ~ of individual circumstances regarding the appropriateness of deter.minations of eligibility /?S-".... for services; termination, suspension or reduction of services; or dissatisfaction with an~ service program funded by the Social Services Block Grant (Title XX). If' (2) The fair hearings requirements are applicable to purchase of services . contract providers and dirert services staff of the department. The c:ontact person for contract providers at the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services is the HRS .::- Contract Manager. (3) The procedures for termination of services and fair hearings are specifically described in Title XX Eligibility Determination, HRSM 195-1, Chapter 4 ..... - 2-7. Sprvices to In""li~ible Children and Families. a. Child day care services to children who do not meet the eligibility crit"'ria established by HRSM 175-14 may be sustained by a provider. No claims for payment for services rendered to ineligible children may be made under this contract. b. The quality of the child day care service must be the same when both eligible and ineligible children are served in the same program. This means that the provider serving both eligible and ineligible children may not discriminate between the two c ildren. 2-8. Client Eligibility Determination and Authorization. a. The central agency (or child day care provider if contract is directly with the department) is authorized by the department (in Attachment I, D. Special Provisions of the contract) to act as its agent in determining eligibility and authorizing child day care services. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with the policies and procedures in HRS Manual 195-1, Title XX Eligibility Determination. Procedures used for determining and authorizing eligibility determination may vary slightly according to the central agency and geographic area served. Any variation from the policies set forth by this manual which are used by the central agency must be approved, in '.I.'riting, by the department prior to implementing b. The contract manager is responsible for providing a copy of HRSM 195-1, "Title XX Eligibility Determinationll, as well as, HRSM 175-14, IIPurchase of Child Day Care Services" to the central agency (or child day care provider). c. Eli~ibi1itv Dete:-mination Procedures. (I) Eligibility staff complete the Application 10r Su~sidlzed Child Dav Care Services (HRS-CYF Form 50(2) in accordance with instructions found in Appendix B. 2-11 '" ~ ;..