Resolution 086-1990 Growth Management RESOLUTION 086 - 1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES (AGENT) FOR THOSE PURPOSES OUTLINED IN THE AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES, WHICH INCLUDE THE DESIGN, BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE REGIONAL SERVICE CENTER IN MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Monroe County has resolved to enter into an Agency Agreement between themselves and the Department of General Services; and WHEREAS, pursuant to that Agency, the County has executed an Agreement for Services; and WHEREAS, pursuant to that document the County is required to make certain transfers of funds to their Agent; Now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: that Section 1 Pursuant to the executed Agreement for Services, authorization is hereby given for the transfer of all sums due and owing the Agent. Section 2 Agent shall in consideration of the transferred funds, act as Agent for the County for the bidding, design and construction of tbe Regional Service Center in Marathon \ Florida; PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24 th day of January . A. D.. 1990. / ~ f!. .!,,....(:.r ,....... il '--:-~,f'--1 ._ _" _ ,:' " c...- //J .tl..:... \-.\'" /; tr- .J ~,-;:r- ;' " ;X:r ......./L.-~'"'~ Mayor I Chairman A TTES T pANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~/iP/ (SEAL) 3: o :~ ---r ,0 c' . _.....~ -, --r'1 :~ 0, In .~ ~ ''oJ ;)~ ".1 .'..- ..oi_~. '-/ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN A USING AGENCY AND AGENT .' ;,.i -,' STATE PROJECT NO. DGS-89093000 STATE SAMAS CODE (NOT YET ASSIGNED) 'J -,.'!l . d ~l -.~ -~ , STATE PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION MONROE COUNTY GOVERNMENTAL CENTER }: :1 f~ ~~ "' ,~ -,' " ..~ j ) MARATHON, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA USING AGENCY MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294-2908 ,l j Bob Martinez Governor Jim Smith Seeretary of State Tom Gallagher, Treasurer & Commissioner of Insuranee Bob Butterworth Attorney General Doyle Conner Commissioner of Agrieulture .J. ~ I Gerald A. Lewis Comptroller Betty Castor Commissioner of Edueation , f Ronald W. Thomas Exeeutive Direetor ., - , '~~1 ~ ~~ ;1 "J :I ...; ,. .~ i .. J .j J :~ '" -~~ _4 . 1 ~ i ~ t t c- AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES (i THIS AGREEMENT made this ~ of January in the year Nineteen Hundred and Ninety BY AND BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES, STATE OF FLORIDA, hereinafter called the AGENT, and MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA located at 5825 Junior College Road Wert Wing III, Stock Island KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 hereinafter ealled the USING AGENCY WITNESSETH, that whereas the USING AGENCY intends to retain the services of the AGENT for the design, bidding and construotion of the Monroe County Governmental Center; and that whereas the limitations will be those eovered in the attaehed letter of Deeember 30, 1988, in the attached Preliminary Development Agreement for Regional Serviee Center, Monroe County, Florida and in the attaehed First Amendment to Preliminary Development Agreement for Regional Serviee Center, Monroe County, Marathon, Florida; NOW THEREFORE, the AGENT and USING AGENCY, for the considerations hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Artiole 1. Following exeeution of this Agreement by all parties, Monroe County, Florida agrees to transfer to the AGENT the sum of $2,999,517.00. This $2,999,517.00 and the State funds previously appropriated in the amount of $150,000 for planning and $850,000 for oonstruetion will be utilized to design, bid and oonstru~t the 25,000 square foot faoility desired by Monroe County, Florida. Separate aeeounts will be maintained for the $150,000, the $850,000 and the $2,999,517 so that the individual ehanges against eaoh are known at all times. Artiole 2. The AGENT agrees to keep the $2,999,517.00, or deoreasing portion thereof, invested at all times and to return any unexpended balanee (ineluding interest) to Monroe County, Florida upon eompletion of the projest. Artiele 3. The AGENT agrees to furnish or eause to be furnished services ineluding, but not limited to, assisting in program development; preparing budgets and requesting ineremental fund releases as required; engaging, $oordinating and administering neoessary oonsultants' servioes; administering the bid and award of oonstruetion agreements to aoeomplish the work; and administering the agreements for $onstruotion. Artiele 4. The AGENT is authorized and requested to enter into agree.ents with arohiteets, engineers and oontraotors, using the AGENT'S forms and procedures, for the planning, design, bidding and eonstruetion of the projeet. Artiole 5. The USING AGENCY agrees to designate a representative for the project to, be solely responsible for all USING AGENCY astions under this agreement; and who will reseive, review and respond in a timely manner to all questions and requests from the AGENT. Artiole 6. The AGENT does not guarantee that the projeot ean be oompleted within the Total Budget of $3,999,517, (2,999,517 + $150,000 + $850,000-$3,999,517), but does agree not to oommit funds in exoess of $3,999,517 without mutual agreement and an Amendment to this Agreement authorizing such inorease. Page 1 of 3 '~'.... : lL Artiele 7. The USING AGENCY agrees to pay the AGENT an administrative fee of $62,843 for its serviees under this Agreement. Artiele 8. The AGENT will assess the administrative fee of $62,843 from the $2,999,517 forward to the AGENT by the USING AGENCY under Artiele 1 hereinabove. Artiele 9. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon s~ven (7) days' notiee by mutual agreement, or should one party fail substantially to perform in aeeordanee with its terms through no fault of the other. In the event of termination, the USING AGENCY shall pay for all eorumitments made and due, as a result of this Agreement (all Arehiteet Agreements, Engineer Agreements, Construetion Agreements, Authorizations, Amendments, ete.), up to the date of termination, ineluding terminal expenses. , 1 Page 2 of 3 r; ( . .,,~ , " -J :-.j '""1 ~ '. I 1 .J 'j ,~ 1 1 I j IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have exeeuted this Agreement the day and year first written above. USING AGENCY MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AIWtO~ED M TQ I'OItM AND 'fCfAl ~Urfli'IENCY. J , 10, I f]}1 // l,_\..__~~ ~- Ar'r{'~-':$ OllieF' (SEAL) Attest: :JANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Reeommended: By By JOM Stonnont - !\'layor /Chalnnan of- the Board of County Ccr:m:issio:oers of Monroe County, Florida Deputy Cler k AGENT DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL- SERVICES Reeommended: Reeommended: By William A. Searinge, P.E. Assistant Direetor, Division of Building Construetion, Department of General Serviees By Robert J. Boerema, FAIA, Direetor, Division of Building Construetion, Department of General Serviees Approved As To Form And Legality: APPROVED: By Offiee of General Counsel, Department of General Serviees By Ronald W. Thomas Exeeutive Direetor Department of General Serviees ~ Page 3 of 3