Resolution 098-1990 RESOLUTION NO 098 1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/ CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, KEY WEST, FLORIDA AND BOB CHANGO, INC. (Model Buick century - 36 month lease FOR A CAR) FOR THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a contract agreement between Monroe County, Key west, Florida, and Bob chango, Inc. (Model Buick century - 36 month lease for a car) for the Growth Management Division. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of January A.D. 1990 BO~RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M~NRO COUNTY, FLORIDA .~~ /""' /!t-. By _~~~~~ Mayor /Chaiill1Cin (Seal) Attest: DANNY: 4 KOLMGE, Clerk ~t;.~AJ4 Cler \ dNOW APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL (jf! CIENCY. !\u ' , \\ \\ \, \\\ EE: ll\-! (Z ~d\l 06. BY ,.....1 ~.; '__F ,_J ,.:]'lIJ ~ ~~ Tq~~J- L! :;>~t I ldml CO II ~;:-;! I II illlyl Ndm.' ,11ll! ^\1d:\':-~; lllh"IUdt' C')1I11l)' .lIHl !q' C,ldl'l LEt.SE AGREEMENT ll:: :...:;~,OR (Oeah~1 Narnl~ dnd Address) COUNTY OF NON ROE (I'LANN (Nt; OEPT.J 5825 JR. COLLEGE RD.. W1Nt; (l( KEY WEST, F~. 33040 NONROE CO. BOB CHANGO, INC. 3500 N. ROOSEVELT BLVD. KEY WEST, FL. 33040 Less..)J 1fI1('l)d; In d~;:,H.,1l till:. l,'.hl' Aqll"'ilH'lil (HH,Julhnq lilt' P,.,t!H'ilL JUt' Illldt'l d) [0 GVr\tH.ll M<.lIOI$ A("-:l.~)tdnce Corporatu.m (GMAC) Thu WOld L.'ss(lf 1,'ll'!~; lu ltw lll:.';.lI l1.LIlIt'.! .11.,\\ I' .Ind, .tllt'! ,1';SI~/fll1l+'llt ,.MAC tit ,111'1' i.lk! ,h:;I~nl'll Ttll.! WOld Lt'.\lit~' telers to thiS lU'St~ AOh.(,m('nt By 5IqI1l:1>1 III I" (P,I';I' 'JdU (lIll' Il'~~'",l' .Hld ,Ply CIlI',,;'>I',,) ,md I .':;'.(1' ,1I1ft'l' 10 'idUl !,''''il' of ttw n'lllch~ tll!S.Cflbt~ belo..... You aqwo tu dlllhn tflfms and COIllJl!lOIl:; on lilt, IHII1I .lIhll'.\('1o. 1l1111i'; l \',i'.o' DOOR VI'I'It'II' t"t'111di~.,II,;T\ NLimb,'r Puma Use tor Whrch L~6!WJ>d Ptlr'!i()n.1. FamilY or Ho~hokj X tJU$lnf'SS or A ucultUfl1 1I,'.!v lvI'" ~l!I'1 t T ,lIlt' lG4AH54N6L6454637 \'lllI:;I' ( ~lIllhJI t'd,,,,-'r Sh't'llny POWtH WfflJO......S TIU \Vheel '\11 C.HI,1 OTHLn INSURANCE A. VEHICLE INSUHANCE. IhHlll<J 1111'> I t',hn \It'll lIlusl I.H\)vllk ,lilt! pay lor H1U lolh)Wlr1\lllhul.I!),:~, CI1'o'I'IlIlq t10lftl ).ou illll1lps:ilU (1) Public li.lhllllv \1l:>lll.Hl~:I' IIl.,t 1'lnl,'1 (.11 ,.,IVI'IS up to SSO.OOO tor propmty d,lIn,1i1l' S 100,000 1\'1 l1"dllv 1I11UlIt'S Ii) ,Illy onc' Pt'r~(ln. "mil $300,000 tllr [l"lId.' Illlll!U'" hI! ,1llV ,lrlt' al:udt'nl or It)) lus.\ C,}f1\t111lt'd smql,'llIlld 01 $300,000 j.,! Illhjj!V Illlurlt~S dllll Pltlp.'rt". d.\I1U\lc' k'l ,Ill', ,1J1~' .1,:, Idl'111 And (2) ! '11, ~I,~,ll D,llll,hll' 111::\lr ,nll_" c, lV, '1111, 1 I, ",'; .11 d.lll1,I'l1! III fill' VI'llll:k .....1\11 ,h'\hlcllidt':. ,,1 11" Ilhllt' th.1l1 S500 I,H "lIIISIUfl dllJ up';!'! I,',;.; .111\..1 $250 1", \ ,H1\(lI,'hl'll',IVI' Ill" dlh! [1\0'11 1,,<, TIll' l'(\il(:.... ,II \'l:ll11\' L I.!luhl',' 1r1';Ut,~lll:l' '11,hl :,thIW li~,'^C ,I'. ,Ill ,t<I,lllhtt),L1 lflSlJI t~d 1 lit. 1'(111\ " III f'II~"oI".Ll /l,lIl'.IQ,' !r1-;,II.ln'I' musl sllow GMAL: ,I:; Ius,; P,I,t't' YtlU 111.lv ;:11,1(1:;" III q.'ll1u' j"\llllt,'tl "I\-';'rdlll"; \I~llH:,elt \JI OllUllql1 ,1I1~ p.'I:;,m 111<' p,'lh:ll'~; flllt"! lli' \\II!"'II t,).. ,1l1 Ilblll,IIl,'t' ,,:')flll"HlY ilCl-I'll!.lhll' hlll";,,,l! .l:ht (',f.,.I;\C '''HI .\'11".' I.' l'I(\\l\lt' Plllll! p! Ilh~H<lnCI' Id \ 1,,;:,,11 .111(1 \ .,MAl: \li',\'11 ,,'.:Ii" ,I No nlllur lypos of 11l5\1fllrlCO a,o rCQuuuc! by Los~;Of IN$UHANC[ NOller. THE VALID AND COll.l:ClIBl[ llAfHlITY INSURANCE OR PER. SONALINJUAY PROTECTION IN~U!1ANC[ pnOVIDING COVERAGE FOR THE lESSOR OF A MOlOR Vl.HIClE FOU RENT OR lEASE SHALL BE PRIMARY lJNLUiS OTH[ nWlsr SlATED IN UOlO TYPE ON lHl fACi: OF THl HtNTAL UH l.I.\S[ AGREEMENT. SUCH INSURANCE SHALL or PHIMAIH FOH IIlE LIMITS OF L1AUlllTY AND rfASONAllNJUBY I'HOld:lluN CuVlHAGE AS fH.UUIR[U BY ~~ J24 O;,J l[lj AND ll"U lJti YOU ACHLl 1 HA I VOUH l)WN t:^Blll1 Y ANn 1'1: HSONAllNJURY PROT[ C1ION IN$tJHANCl" Will rnovrm PHIMARY IN~,unANCE COV[HAG[ UP TO lIS rUll. !'OlICY LIMITS UNDEH THE AGFH.! MrNl (NAME OF l [551 (s tNSV;if\NC! COMPANY) 8 OPTIONAL LIFE ANU OlSAUllITV lNSlJHANCE. lossor d01J~ not rCQulru lile illl(l, or "I::>.lhIIIIV II1::>lIriIllCt: CO\it.'llIllj you, loasu p.Jvm~1I1 obligllllons. II V,l(j ;.1,111 [.'.1,'.... 1\ '.:;,'r '.vlll II).' 1(1 \jl'f lilt' ,-;rl~',_~,,'d 1')1 lIh' 11'110 ,,'I 111.. l "d,," Ill,' i 'I, "111l111l ,.,hl I:; '~ll)WIl .lll,' f,: '1.'III:)II'II\.\.t; :l'1 lit 't'd III !~ I,' fl"lri,,' "1:111,.\, t,.,' 111'111.': 1'1 {tu' !l.I." "I ii', I ,. I'.,' /'l! ,\d,l<t ,1,1"),11"'0'; .Il1t!111'.,IlrIU TI\lf1 .11'.ll,ll1w. Hl','H.lIh'l' 111:0111,'1 N,\llh' Atjdll'''~, __ ~: llle' lns-u,ant-j' (1\" edl":;';I" nillll i) 1'11'1\1;(1111 s N1A (', '\l'r .1;il' ll~,d, " 1111 l' N/A ! 1111 i! . ',I ~ ' ' D,S.lhlllly A(:u\h'l1f ,111.1 flt'.lIlh Ill',ur.!!ll" d ,':.-,"1' Onh' i'I"!111\l1ll 1, MIA CovtH,lue undo' U1I5 polu;y I$lIm.ted 10 It 1lIf1l(lmum monthly anlO\Jnl 01 $-------- Lp:;SI'l' ~ SI~IIl,llul" ^qt> Co,ll,~,,;,:t'~; ~~Iljll,lllrr\' ^"" Power SCJ:ts .:SiiJn Rool 1. PAYMENT DUe AT lEASE SIGNING, Youaqref' ro pay the follOWln-<;l .1n1~nmls when you 5-19" Ihls lease (d) C"PI1RI1Zed Cosl Reduction (caSh) Ill) Net Trade-In Allowanco leI Fllst Monthty Paym~nl m Ad....anc~ (J) Hl~fulld;lble SL'CtHity Ot.'POS.I1 , ti..) ljlleh.~ tll H,'qlstrallon fUel l q I ll':I'IlSt1 Ft.~t.~ '(0) 'It/4 lib) Kl4 l(e) S 2~.8Q Hdl ,-------BlA..- 1(') ,_-.lilA._._ l(n ,_____1I1A__._ 1(g) ,_$..1, 1.1.5__ Ilhl s__ .'f11A_..___ l(i) '_JVA_____ 1(j) L_lllA.___ , (k) $ _ _._t!L~. _ .__ 1(1) 1__tLQQ____ _eIlG'("'1 $ _.___ 21. SO _ 1I., L _4Q4..15_ i)l) S.Ik'S T,I' (1) r).,:I~;t! T.n lr) HI'lll..l1 US~ lax (k.) f'l'r';nn.ll Pft)I)t">rty Td'l. (l) llt!h.'1 (dV$Crll1d__~~ \11\1, Hll.'r (cJt!~...:;rlb\,~IIlE. ,~_Mn ("I 10TAL PAYMENT DUE AT LEASE SIGNING 2 MONTHLY PAYMENT. 1.1l 11.:,;,' M...Jnthl~ r,l~fT1l'(H lid H"11!.l1 USt' T.l,( 2{.1 L _ 298_.110 2lbl $. NIl. 21e) L 'ilIA 2\.01 $ __NIA 2i,t''; I 'ilIA 2(1) $ 296.,60 II ~ I',.! ~,tln,li PI' '1" '11, 1.1' i,1) UU11.': ((h<:;CIIC,~~ i,,1 \ 11I1"! l(h"C','lil)"l It) TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT 3 rERM lb. !\'1111 ,-'I 11' ,L',',l~," Lei _ ~_36 4 PAYMENT SCHEDULE 'l','\) ,1'Fl'" fl, ;', t.I;'I'~!l!') ,_',1 5.__298. au. Y,'.;f Lr:,! ~l,)Il:hl> P,I')'n:l':lt I:;; dUI WI1C" 35 Vd" '.I,jllln',> Le,l"" ... "IJr rl'r"n,\10!!Hl Mel'thly P,l~'m('nh ,U l~ th",' "n Ihp __ _ (1dy 01 edch monTh l)t'q:nnmg I'.:ltl tnt' :d:,," I ~ ' :; fOl Al OF MONTHL Y PA't'MENlS .lQ7SQ_,80 6 T\,lrAl OF OTl-iER CHARGES PAYABLE TO lESSOR (dl'~Ct'bl') l,l! 0,.1.) _"n,N/A... "" . _~__._____6{bil ___ ._..J81-^--__ (el 10TAL OF OTHER CHARGES 6(<1 $___tiJA_ 7_ TOTAL ESTIMATEO FEES AND TUES PAYABtE DURING LEASE TERM l;J) Tlllt! Fees [hi H"\}lstrnllC)n Fees tel l ICt'I1"I~ F"f':'> T.)..'" 7(.) $ ____tU^--_.____ 7(b) L..__JV/l.__ 7(d $ i~__ 't{dJ t. _, NtA ..,."n lllOl'~ .,.,~. 7(g) $ __ _ "6./1. . ,,- 1(h) L_,.1LS.Q__ 7(1) S_lli..oL__ Ivi t .,.,;-0) I""tt!lro if) RtN'Ibd/U" T..II:" . \\1] Personal Ptupo-rty Tal(es (Il) ()ther {duscrlbcL-_,u__~_.. (i) TOTAL ESTIMATED FEES AND TAXES a_LATE CHARGE. II ,I M\lllttlly !',1).'1l11'1l1 h 1\\11 1',11.1 In lull wrthm 10 d,w:; ,lltur IllS ..1U8. you WIll P-l\I a latc chafge of 5% 01 !f'u porilon 01 the p.I).'t1h'1l1 Ihal l~ Lilt' 9. EXCESS MILEAGE CHARGE (.1\ II '\ol.HI do nnt lan' 1110 \l1'IH..:;1e .11 lIfl~ .';dll!dull'tl t'lld 01 thl~ Lt',\:.v (I!l~m '0) Yl1ll agree 10 pay ar) excess milellge chary!;! TtH~ Charge -w1l1 be lQ If ~),'r 111111' 1111 I'.lell rllll" dllVt'!l OVt!1 45..000 rnilt)s You dnd lt~SSOf expect thli mileage W1U b-e thtl-lTl.!,li.unUm mlllllage fhe VI'lllclt' wlll hi' \111\'1'11 ,lV,'1 1111' ~,,'tll"!\lI,,\! I\'.l';\' h'lm (b\ I( Ow I l~d~;I' !l'tnllll.llt':; ,',1I1v (1I1'1l1 III "cHI ,lk;() tl\I'I!P In P,IY ,In t~"'C"% Illlle.llJc Ch.HgO Tht.' charge will be at the same rate as sha~n In Item ~.l\,l,' "11 t'd,ll '''II~' dlIV,'1\ 1'.....t'l Ill" u"'Pt',U:d 111(lnIl11\1 rnlll'il\j" ,>1 1.250._ Illlltls ttlnes Ihe nurnber 01 months t:!.,p~i'd In tht! lease !t'rm ll'~'~;"I' (,mil c:,l.L 1'~,:,~'\"111111,lis_._ t'l\w .__ 10, OPTION TO PURCHASE'1',l\l wrllll,IV,' Ill!' l'plliHllo pUl\:h.lSI' tlil' VPhll'h' Dilly al the schedult,d ll"t1 or Itlt~ LI'i1sC 10 do 50 VOll musl noMy l.t~s~()r ;11 h'.hl 15,:.),."; IW(\'I " 111\' .,Il.'dlll, ,,1 ,'!ld, It 1/1,. 1 ('.l;,~' Till' PlIldl,ISI' PO':l} wdllJt' S . 6.4,90.00._._, Y\.JlIlllusllllso p~y any t)ll1clalll..->es and ta.kt"S h'Llt..'d I,) lilt' pUIl:ll.1:,,' 11, EARLY TERMINATION Y\llll\ld'y' 1~'fIlIIlLl[',' lIlI'" l \'d~;1.' .It .lilY !Hll\' lh'I(l!I' Ih sdwduled end (ITem 31 il yOiJ 110111y lessor at 10<:\$115 days In ddvance II Yd.1 .Ht. III dl'l,lull (Ih'm :'~'l. l t";';,ll 111.1) 1"111"11.111' lIw; LU,l~L' 111111:; LI'.I~,(' 1"llllill.llt.:., t',uly. ).,111 Will t','" , 1 t':.';"1 [11 TIll' B.15t' Mnnl!liy l'.l\Il11'llt (111'111 :".:Iill:nH':; till' IHlHlbt'1 ,)1 M\)(I!hly F'.lynh'nls nl\t yet due, pillS l.'1 ^11V f',I;;I,hll' M\llllnly l'.IVlllt'lll:, plus l3) All\' otlll'l olll)(JlIllls you \'Wt' lIlIdl'l 011'; ll'd~;l' (IIKludt~s- ,Ullotml~: owtld ullde, lIam 22(c)) minus t-l1 Ally WH'.lIl1c'd 1\',lSI' c.:h.lI(jt';;, \ ll\t' fllLli \If til,' lldSI' fl.-hlnl111y Pdynhynts (:>l'l' Hem 2(01)) ltlcludl..'s depreCIation charges. <.Ind, loto1llease charges ell $ 3044,36 1 111' \lIll',Lffl\',! 11'.1';,' l-I\,lJlJt'~; Will be II\lul\'d by the Aclu,lfl,J1 McttlOd,J. minus (~) I tll' Surplus \In It't' :;.11\' (11111,' Vt'hld,' II ,IllY (II tilt' Surplll:; lS-lllUll' l!lolll !Ill' IU!.I! 01 Steps 1 through 4, lt~ssorwill keep thE! excess. and you will llWI! Lt,!:;:.,11 n01l111Hll The Surplul .....111 be ,my U)\\_:('~;:; ut tilt! s.lll' 1'110', 1l1100lS lt1t~ ft'<lSI)Il,ltllt~ costs of prppilnrlg the vehlcle IOf sale and selling it. above $_ 5900.~, ......111(;11 IS LessOl S Of I~JI!I,II e~;llmd I{~ III till' V l'llICI!) S \.r,II\lt~ ilf ff1t~ sdwduled end ollhe Ll~dse For (IllS purpose. Lessor will sell the vehicle at wholesale In a commCfCl.ll1y 11',I~;(Hlahle rll,HHh'I You nM)i tlbLlllllrom clllllldt'pclldt'nl IIl1ld p;uly ,I pHlh'sslOl1dl dppr,ll::>al of Iht~ vehIcle's wholes-ille \lalue Iha1 could be realized a1 sale. You must pay 101 lla~ dppr.ll:;,11 You dnd (I'~;~;u' musl .Iqll'!' on the a~)pr.lI:>er lIlt! ,IPPfillsnd valuH Will be Ilnal and blndtng and Wlij bo used as the sale price when hgurlnq Wlll'!lWf t'f n(llllH'lI~ IS a SUlplu~, NOTiCe, SEE OTHER SIDE FOR OTHER IMPORTANT AGREEMENTS_ ti71 OlP-rL 'Hit! , Pluast;l Hunl()v(.' All Cdlbon" B!'toH.l ~IQntr)g 0'1 Rl..'ve-r,!>o OIIIGINAL-LISIOIl -;".":."7::;=-.-;.',,,: ',~~i~~._.. '.".~,~.l'~; .i' {~'i*:~~~' ~~~!~~i.!lll. ~~';{ifi(i.a_.. ,,' ,,f(' \.' ,,,:, - ",o;_~' .:~ .,~,~ ,,' \-. ' . """: )R~,;';....;. . - , . "~-. . . ~W'*~~~~J.f.}...~'f~~"~,,,,",~\II. ~ i~ ~:'\, ij(.<?)< 1;~i((lil~r~:' ,"'...., . .'.';.. ~~,~tlt;_."W~.. ADDITIONAL TERMS _"i~~ 12. OWNERSHIP Ilus I~; iI It',ISO only .ind 1\\)1 OJ purchflsu agrocrlwnl Lessor owns Iht' vl~flldt' YUll d~H~C thilt 1111:; le,ISt.. I:; ..I hue ICdst' "JI tall. and OtlWI purPOSt.'S ilnd thillles!wr wIll't-'cOl\1e the bCflChb 01 oymelshlp 13. ASSIGNMENT. 'Yl)U will nol ",Ill~;lt'l. StlbJI',ISli', rUllt. 01 a~;'''~lll nll~ LC.1St~ the vehlClt.', or your rl9hl 10 lISI! tlw vt..'lHdtJ .....ltlllJut l CSSOl S wllth~n COI1- sent When YOll "'Hl ll'~S'lI SI,)" tillS l t~aSI' It':;sol will .IS~lqn II and wIll selllhtl vehlcl~ 10 Gt!rltHitl MuhHS A~cttplillln' COlpmaholl (GMAC) You musl lht:ln melk.., ;111 polyll1tHlb Ullt.lOf thIs lHtlSt! 10 GMAC You il\IWt' thell GMAC wl11nof h;IVt' lu 11l,I~t' ,II1Y It'P,lHS It' Ihl' vdw:lt', rn,lIllfilH1lhcl,'f,.tu- cleo ~It'l ,In" ll1$lll.llh t' III 1'1'1 l<ll III ,lily ,1Ih,'1 '.I'I\'ICI' lilt! [)1';\lt'f tt,IS ;HJrtJcd to ~)t'dl)flH undt" ltllS l.t'.P;I' YlHI WIIlI,IIl\.. lHI1V I~) Ihl' Ot'dll!! I,ll ItleSd 14, USE. Vou a~tt't' Ihdl VIlU will nol '(;11 "11,)\.... UI\II,:t'II';l',lt!lIl,'I'IS h1 dllVt! tilt' \lt'IIICItI (ll) USt' UI .\11,1.... 1111' ,dj.t:lt'lu tll~ 1I:;c'd 1I1,'q,li1V Illllll\IPl~lly 1\11 hilt! UI d~; ,I pU!11w C('HIVI'V.IIl\"1' \.-) U~.l' Ill,' VI'llIl'll' h'pliI) !!,lol"I~; th.lt ,." ,,'d 1I1"Il_lr1Iil.L,fllr"I" tl,ldc'l !lJWIIHIII'(OllHlll'llcl,Ltll'll'> \d) :~'/:;;.'\r1~'\1:::;.~,'.;1,;',1\' tr,\lll1111'Ul\d"1 :,I.It. "~I l-,I'I.I,J.I >\dll_>lI:! I' I") all,'~ I~:.q ~_ ,>! 'II-,!. ::1 .., 11111 'Ill. '111 II I tll<' \, '11'\ 1" ,', d'" 'ul ( , ..... 'I .; ",1 d~I'1l l','I1','-l\l 15. MAINT[NANCl_ Hll'AInS f1.NU OPUIATlNG l XPENS[S hill'" to mUlIlI,1Il1 ,lIltl 'l'p,111 :rl,' \.'1,., I.. 1,1 1-,""1' II ill \I""'! ".\lllo..llhl \lldl'f ,tnd condllil)n Yuu aYIt'L' Itl '-hi)' Il" \)f Cll\l'l ,Ill tl1.11l1h'I1.UI,-l'. It'p.W, .H\d o~~r. ,.::ng C.';X:l.;":" YOll nl!'.o !'If)r('(~ tn <trrvlca tho vohicte .s 1he ,".nul.:. tunH rt'comnH'fH1'; III IlIn OWIH'I~, M,IIUI.11 .11"j f\1,IIllh'I\,ICIl.C S<;lllldulu toldt" Ihal COI1lU~ Wllh Ihe ~l'IlIclc ,lIltt .I~ Uhl lIloln\i1,lchHl~r IUlllHJ~t'io III any recull campdl9t\ 16 WAHnANTHS: \1. ' ~ut'll" I I '11\ I' 1 ' 1",,'1 t,1 .Ii1.,\'. ""I 1.1 f,'. ,'1\,' III,' 1"'1,,-1,1 ,d 1,lllly nul (','Ill'''; V.lItl Ill,' \"'1\" It, '1'\(1 ~\lil ,II 1\'.,11 foil II, ,01 ,..'1\'1,,' (,'II!I.I, 111 \,lil ..11.III,j,'d L'I In.1 l!1~,;'llh' ,Il>lll.! IIII' !lIIHi! l.hllt'I:. v, 111,1111\ !,J """~, f1:'I~. IfhJ ~h"i!tl!,. ~'.I'oIT1t'ld. 1" 1,",',,>1 'I"l! 11l,ll' 11"! p.ll'II."ll/'. h(lI11 L 1.':.:.,1f liI1~I':-'S l'l'r:l1i!I,'d I'l I.IW You understand Itwllcssor i:-; nol otlorinq ,my tn. pruss or impliod war- wnlles and Ihl'll lC$sor ollulS no cmpll('d W,lfr,llltll)~ 01 mcrch,llllabllily. suiIBblllt)', or titnoss lor II pafliculnr pWpOStl cov~lfIClg tho vuhiclo 17_ OFFICIAL FEES AND lAXLS 'I"l! .1'11",. I" I'.L'. ,1111"1.., ,In,] liulql'" kl 111:11\'1 It',jl';I,1 ,; I II, :,".ll'hl ,li:.1 1111'1 tho 1,'\.11','1(' Ill.it ;lily \.1l)v,'rnrlH'III dullllHlty 1I"JljHI~S dUlllhl 1111' 10'1111 ,'I 1111, I ",I:,.~ '1"11 ;l\]lt,'t' II) 1',1,. iLlIll"'~' 1.,1.111'.1101 Ult' I t".1~;" Ilf tll<' vl.ll,,'ll' 1I1.11.Llt' h'\'II'(f 'HI \"11 111,' \,'111\'1..'_ 1'1 I, h,( Ll"", .\11 I I".';.,\f', 1\.'\ IIIU1,11,' !Ill! l.I,t'~; \,'IllnIJ~.II'.I\ ,',Il! (Jl' HI, 1111111' 1',1'.11"'111[111\' .11 LI',]'.,' ~;!,llllfl'l '"~ \,lllt M"llllil" l"I\"l1lt'nl .1C ',,'p,poIl.'''' hdl".1 t'.1 \'>11 bv I,.,;..,,, ('.....111 111.1\' ':~',lIh:" ....UIII "",Hllh,\ l"IVllu'nl Ipl 111<1,' I';,'; ,'I <11',:1".1';1"; tll Ll'~"'; 16_ FIN[S. LIENS. AND (NCUMfHlANCrS ',,'\1 ,H:I.'t' III i.t'.'l' 01,' vt'/\I !il'l' nl ,Ill 1"111 . 111.l ,'n, 111:11'i.lll. ,. 11 \,>t! .1'111('1 plt'lllpt!}' 1111]"; l'f 11-11',1',',' ,II'" 1"'1)'; \l!." Illll>!.!!!,'.".; I Ih.~.OI 111.11,' II,) :;ll P,\t' I I'.;' ,11 .11". ,11111'l;l\I'; (l" ';,11 1'_1',". t.. d" ..P 19 RETURN Of VrHICl[, l! d,' ILlt I'L, I!I.' ,-,'llI,'h' ,It till' ';,'!l",j u!Hd 1'11.1 "I 111\' I , ,I'.. - \ I I, 'ill y, '1I ,1'11 \',' I" I'-~t illl 1110' "'t.llId,' ,II lilt, tU It! ul Hit' lC'.I~." 1" :1". Dc'oIl"f~, .111.11.,;,'. "II,'~\ill "11 111;" ll',I:;I' PI [" dll'Jo 11',1 ,:,,'II.lU',' ,hh!II~:':' Il'.,',,'1 q;\!'~. 'rIlU Ih.. Vd11, i., I1JLJ~,1 L>l! HI \lllud ~","~lIhJ ,1[(!t'1 dllll ,'.\11<1.1,.'11 YOll <luroo 10 puy tho cost 01 ." rop<1lrs neodod bCCcHiSC 01 llICt':.sivo we,lf llfHt ust) 10 put t111l vchll:le in good working order ,lnd condItion 20 [XCESSIV[ WrAR AND use 1,,'(' ...,,,,, I\".H .Intl lJ';l' Int'Iud.',,; ,1,,11\>11,11'1110'1 II\lf"; (,\1.)1 I','; IIl,1! I': (l.0ll,I'I"" P' 1,."f.,t'll.ll trl.r! l"\! ",1\" II~llpd Ill; d.lm,H,'d l',-,:,. 1"lld"I.. 111,'1.1] ,,1\._ hqhh trlP1 <'I p.1I11t (..1 nW;~;lrhl ,'qLllpllll'III tll.:l \,,,j'. II' 1I1l,,,...tlllli' wlll'fl d.'ll\11'rl'0I ,Ind 11.1';' nol [II'\'ll 1.'pldl"l'J ~\Iltl 1-'1\111\111"111 pI 1'1111,11 qlullly .lfld d\";hlll i,0'1II';:;lIh' .....lu't'l ",I'.t'rs. 1,1<:1-, III ,'.11...'1 ....11./1(,h ~l'f 1l11'.',1'1l1 \\1;..",:;. (If l!ft'" (Ifldud Ill,; ~,p,lIt'l '" llll";,llt' wllt'l'I': ,I, !II.". (>inl'>'.' Ill.,,; .lIt' 1lt'1 ,1Cl"t'l't.lhl.'l. (1\ .IllY till' WII!1 ll'~~. Itl.LI1 1/8 l/lell .111I",1,j ,,'111,111111111.111111' ';ll;11l\)WI'~11l1.1lnf. \ql !.)lll d,lIll,lq,'.j ,ll ~.1.L",,'d dd~,h H,',,, U'\'I'I', :;1'.11:;, Ih',1l1l1l1,~.S upilol. o.!t'l \ 1111.'1 tlll W." l-, ,H tllll :i.llllt'f',_ ,11\ tl.UI1,ltl" III "till 'I llllldllh If I lt~.1!1l1,If.,c'" !IiI' \dIWI"lHl~dl<' \'1 11I11,,,\\ull<l "l't'I.lI1', lrJ ,Illy IIH.tll,lllll:'.i' d..Hlld~JI' loll ..1011'1 ~ ,'lhl,tl'1I1 tll.l!' .HI....... lIlI' ~I'I\I'I,. 1" ,'p.'I.ll.' lIl.! IhJl~.y Hlllqh \11 ,mpI,li"'f 1I\.ltll\t., .!lld (JI ,lll\ "t!\O'1 d,IIIL\lI" ",1H'1I1"1 (H 11<11 nl\'t'I\'d ll\' IIl';,H.1f1,.l' 2\ SCHEDULED TERMINATION II \,PLI Il'!liill!111' vdllc11' ,]t !th' sdH'd ull'(ll'lhf of lIlI' 1",1'''' '''!c'm I'll, .!trot of \"''.1 I,,~,,' f\l~l bf;l~l'l\ ,1l'Y ,11 \'('IU .hlll..'ll','lll'; III IIll' 1".1'1' th' ,'fit, .1I1\,\llli:~; \,'11 \\111 OWt' I i.".~;l)l Will ;11' .lI1Y f.\{"t':,~; IllII,' I.ll' ell,I1\II' (1l"HI:l1 ,lIld 1111' ,\1..1 "I ,HI\-' II'p,lIr:; 11".'dni l',.'l.,;,lllo,I' "I 1'\,', ....1\ I' WI'.lf .111<1 tI~.,' (1:.'f'1 ~ '\ 1\ 22. DEFAULT '''hi I~ll: Ih' .,1 d,-I,H:11 II .\Ily \.\ lilt. !"II,\,'.,;I'1 P\, 1] '1.JlI .1,111,'1 1!I,d,,' I I'd',llll'lll WIH'II II<J" /\ 1'ILl,:,',',1111'1 :;ll'.:I'~I"l'k\' I,., ,'1\"1'.11,1' ,'1 Ill~.dl\"'I\o.'.,.. I'~ ';1.llh'd 1'\ l'lIl1H .1'1,1111:.1 'l-"1I ,11 )11'111 lilll!'I'lIy (:.n Yuu make an assignmen1 for the benefd of CfedilDr$ (4) You do not keep In fofce the 10000anotl ~f'age the L_ f'IlQUtres. (5) You do nollepau or maintain the vehK:le as the LNM requit.... (6\ The vehkf. is lost. stota-n. destroyed. or diltermlftlld by Lenor 10 be unsul~e for usu (1) You have made 8 metell.1 miStep1'e~ntilhon on yOUr l.... $1.Jtemant. (8) Yuu transfer, sublease. rent. or assign thIS lease, the Y8h<<:hi, or your nght to use the vehICle Without the Lessor $ written consent (9) You dIe dutfrl\l the Lease term (10J You break any of your other 8Qfee-ments to thiS Lease and such broach signlhcanUy ImPftU'S the PfOSP<<'t of payment. performance, or r~ah..zallon 01 LdSs.ors InterGst in me vElhN:le (b) II yuu are In delllull. Lessor mtlI)' to<<mnatolhls Lea:se al any bmebtlfore tts sdwdulod end, Tht1 Jmwnt you owe upon h.'(mtnahon tHK:avse of YOLIf default Will be d~tt.'rmlOed under Item " (cl If \,,},J ;ue In (1daul! l~~sor wdl ill~o t;,l\'t' tnt' oghts and re-mo.aiili!S P~"\-,l(lt>d by j,lw Lt'SSOI!'o f.\ihl,> m,l',- Ill( iI.~l~' !IW 'I~ht to sue you tor ti,ilIU~~'S and 10 It~COVN till' ....t'h~ch.. ane thtf r""hl to......, the vehICle II,> 'l \"lll wlth.,Jt;! ,h'rn.lnd AlI,)f ll.'SSt..'fS r'!lht~ .tn.d ntrnedMMi 1'11,11 be ""'f(',"'it'd w.th.lt:t t'''',1Ch 01 Hw I~~'"t. at ~1Jbf(< fltT'll!!''S and t:ri.c'~, III ,,1 r.'.I'lll,tlll" P',j'!l1t'( ,\n.11f\ .K;':o'd.It"K.~e 'lrrth iI;'(l1rC.4l:ble ~ "\'O'..J ,If" ,'1 ,!d,luil..tfW d !fIt' I.""" ~'t;'m,ts ',~)U it),lW't"ft',.'1t l-t!'S~ 01' it~ i'f~t~ lit." ~'OlJl PI',lI't'rt)' or m(. prooorh wht"ft! tt'\.t.l' ~1C" t"l !.l\.~!o t,.,. Hlt~ \"C!lIl'lt;! II tt>uy do r"<~1 bn!4C~ n'..... ~.ICt! \')1' b<<tM. me ,_ If !l1\'ft.' 1~. ..10., Pt. ~'~(."".ll Prolwft)> In tile \'tlhiC~ 'flIrfW,n t.-n. ~..,.". ~.. 1.1ke the ~r1y and iIOre It tor )IOU. AIW ~~(J ~., '.. ' ~dllclH will std\' 'Alllh Ihe \-r"Hcle VotJ aor~ to NfV . m3~-'~ . ',,'ci.i:."""-''J'' .... _.:;. '''''.., ",\.'\0'1", ';: '. . "'. ',", ,"" ,,-,' "'.., ,.. ,>"",;., ..-. ~.ij._': ..11!:. ....."."..~."."~.h.,t.i, .-, , .' "t, ,,' ". ._.!l1 ,'_,.,. d. 1i~-.;r":<J::i!,.. .... . -I.",t,1' ''"y '''~~_ r ','I',I"l.'!, '::".n.... ',""" '\,,'.""~'.-dl. .~"" ,-:v.....'......<'""..: 'Y~'.,e""..".or ,.tt'a-".""i~.j;.-" r~"~~~,..~~l~.~r' ;>3 lO::>$ OR OrSTAUCTION OF THE VEHICLE II ;!,,[? VtH)I;';!t' 11}';l . :~(".",j .~f '~"!I'rrl1;11"" by l\''';'-\H tn t~, ti"",ul.ltlh' k)rr ,l&'i! or'd .t1 ~. .1:, '\-"~9 ....j' fl.l; 'i'.'1) i (I lti:"i ll',l~;.~ ~"'I!I (""'I"l.d.' ,. uh, Y"ll \",it ih\,' l:.:o,,;' 1'.,<:, 111'1',,)..1': !.,J- 1111") 1,lld~r 11...111 11 ttl(> .LI;I\)\J[\I (:,1 an... .1lSu'.I'1':\' J\f.!!tto'nrnl .,1\ bH !I't' ,; ,1(.' pncf' (11 th' v,'hfell' or It'~ Ii )..~1I .lnd It.'~sl.)' .14f\'~' ,/1 '...Il!Hlq nul' c~~nl'l1ut:' :11'5 It';IS(~ V\.:r, ,I ,:'ll'illtultl Vdlli~I.. Any IllSlJr.Hk'~~ :o,\'t1il!rn\~I1! ~\,,! Qt" app-ht!<~ h\ IDO' 1'lllt.'I'.IStJol ttw ,>l:tl::litule \\!ll';'::t' 24, LIFE ANO DtSABILlTY INSURANCE. Jt Ihe Idv H):;uhmce dcs...;rlof.d 1!1 Ill'rn ill:; m fOI(:,! ,1Ill.1 P.I'l',ltle ,lnd Ihe In5:..;r~,~ PL'T$ull d.t..s l.h..IU11J th:~ l t',I'.I' t''''I1\. lIu::; lp,l:-,I' ....111 lellllln.lh' l',lllv TIlt' 1I1:.u((~ds estate v,,1l owe l Pli' .un0unt Illj\ii\'Ll un,l<_'r Ih.:om li The Ill$url.'ds c'st,lte rnU::i! also I'll:, h.l'" tll0 v('hl\'I\' Th<.' t'St.llt'~i pU!l"h,ISP prlel' WIll be ~lJtlstllll!t',j h~r tll' ';.II"l"I~~t~ "..tH.:t1II\llHIl;i.. :tll_' ,lrlhlt;~'o1 "I'.I',! u:h:, r l:eCl It Tla'l':-;l.llc:,> ~'l:I,'h.I"" price wllIlJt' tile ,I\lt'r,h;.' ,--'f ll'l~ fe!.:ul ,Hld wtlvles...l.ie v.1itJ('~ ot a J;l>.,.' ,'h';Hl' Vf'hH-:I,' wllflll1f' $,lml' cnTlon" .lnd ....1!t1t)Ut cxct'!s" Ir\llf'ag!~ I WIllIHlt1 t111:"5e ,-,..Iuus 111 :llflt'lJ (:Wff!nl gUIJ\"buok It.'s$or :~elt.'(;ls 1111' H.II,k'hl1l' kn t'XCt'S:'> m,II'.\\llJ ""llIllt' tt1t~ t"TI', led monlhly rlldt'.I',le ll,lm 11,'111 ~l{b) tlnlt'S thl' nurnt't'r III tntllllll:; t'I,1r'-';hl in ttw lea~t' h.'un TIle I'~,!.II,' ;11,1\ IlulJlIllr.lt11 .1:1 InJI';'L'Il.h)nlltliftj p..lrt')' .J PI(\ft'~,s.lon<lt Jppl .1, ,;,11 ,l! 111,' \, '~l'de s wt" -Il'~:.l!t' ,In.! I l'!.l< v,tlt;. '5 Ih.t! \.~l)u!d t11' rt:;lh:e,! ,II ~,.ll(' 11\<' ,l\I'r.l\Jt! of tilt; It'l,j,1 ,lIl,l ',\lh);(":,ll,> ,.~lut'S 11~~m lll~ ~tpprals,d \'1',(1 bn Illl.ll.md r'lllding ;im1 \\111 bi' lht. ('~l:~It's rUf,h.b\' pnet' The estill!" n'(j.,,! (\,tV 1.)1 Ihl' appm,<;al I he l'St.IIl.' ,lnd It'~sol must ,ltJlt't' on the ap;'H.llt"t.'1 II I t''':;,l/ em not loWI lilt' "flU \k.;,lbibty CO\i(",'~ltJ l()r \'OU or II the CQVPI. .1'1" J:; ,,1l1,:I'lIed lWr"II.' ttw I'nd tlll11ft ll'.1:_t\_ lC!:is\" will crod;l any rl'!unds u! Ullt'.lIned ptl.'lIlIUll\~; p,\Ii.lln tt,~>~,';)f to ~OUf .lCC"llfll If your a<,:o-Ul)!lS (l\',j,!I'd Lessor wlil h,JtJ;;I' \','dr Munttlly PaVfTlt'.H 2S SECURITY DEPOSIT. ;\ :l't:md.il)'l! secullty d~'poSll i5 P/Ilrt of the II.l'l-IllH1! yO\! makll when you ~I\l/lllli~ l.tnse l I'SS,)I ",,11 jJI'llllct hum !tl0 St'l'llfllv l1f'DO~,t Il/ly ,inlOunt'!l ~'DlI 0\\,,-' 11tldt~r thIS 1('':'5('~nd do f'lnt pay II .In) p,llIl" IhQ !>t"CHlltV deposll,'; 11.'11 tt'ssor wl!1 !llflJnd that p.&lt to yOll ,111.'1 Ihl' tmd 01 HI(' l.f'i\:,e ~''''*<t,-.l:~.f';'~;":'.-';,~",,,,", ,,"4<:~">c>. .;,,'( 26. INSPECTION. YOtl <agree 1<1 allow lO$sor fo Insr(J(:t lIle vehicle all'my h'.t'i,Hl.lMI,' IlIllt.! .ll1d pl.\Ct.l If tuss;.)! ,\S~S to If'lSpl'c! Ihe vehick1, '/OIl Wlll "'II \ I.'~;s.lr tile l()(~J.ht1l111f Hw \I'!II(:!l, II Ow \/ehtclt' IS damaged ()f thf'fO I:; t.n"t~SSI\'tl ~d.r .irl\f usl'. L"~,~.Uf Will deCKle If !tIe v("hlck! shouhj bt~ Il'j.l.H(('t! Uf.-,on rl~q\J\!~1 b~: ll'S:;l'l )'OU aYfe-c t() h,t\le v'O'hicle tep..111tt~i PIf'fT\'llt~ 27, INOEMNm. You w,~1 protect Lt:!s.sor and ~ to,) whom leaoor ~ Ihls L.t',\:;",\. horn all 10SM>S, (ldm<lQ('s. lnlurles. cl.1tl'nS. dmnartds, and l'J>-IWIl::~'S anSlng out of Ihl} condition. "ld.lntenanC:t~. llS(". or ~raho-n of Ih,J Vdl,.,;ltl You agft..'o:l to mdt~mn(fy and nold tlJrml-ess lessor MKt its d~:;l~)n:, !r,)m all such losse::i, ditnldQes. lOJunes, ctauns. demands, and l,'qWrl'.,'~: You ngn't! to P,I" It's.~,"":r 11\1 Jny loss or d.1tntige to ttte ...p-hll.~le ,hHIIl\! Om l.,a~ tt'nn ,,;,,-t 28 OfUVERY RECEIPT. 0., ~'\lnll'~J thIS Le,l;;t,~, y,)O agree that (1) you n.CI'I\<'d ,lIld tJl(dnUOl'd Ihe vt'hlclc (lc!.cl1bttd lt1 tillS l~,1geA2} the ...ehl~ tIt' IS .l~, dt'!.C/Ill(~d In Illls lCdSI" .100 iJ) We "'t'h!cll' 1':1 In good OP~f,-lllf\g ,1! dw ,IJlt~ condlllon 29, G[NEAAL. 1 IllS LC,lc;c cunlol;lls llw cntJft: autl)ernent bOtw(1;!/'l yOU an-d I "';:;,11 I flt'ft! .1ft' Iln ,'fllt,'1 41\p"I'ln.'nh bt.I......l>lll,JU ,Hld lessol "\Ct'pt lil""c.' wlllh'n lllltll~; 1.\',l:a' Nu dl.Hlgt' ~,dllJ-e \,j:,,11101t's.s In WI ,llny OI'1d :;;')111',1 tJy YL1U ,Ind l.l'O';';llr NOTICE TO lESSEE 'DO NOl SIGN THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE YOU READ IT_ 2 YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT. 'rUU::-iltiNf-l} IHISAt,HI tMt Nl AI KEY WEST FL AND RFCE:IVED A Copy ON 19. COUNTY OF MONROR PLANNING OEPT.) rSEAL)SI.''''l Attest: Di'-'\'.'Y L. KOLll~GE. CLERK IL:"S~~.,,~,I,.,f"::-';.""'-;'I~. 'I~""~'..-' r'.'~......",. ."',1.'.....;,.",... "II ~'t.'CCa:.'Ol~ T'lPnurv- rler1- '-' .>~ ~ . .~ _ till.' ,IIILllllluCt,'~,11ll tlli:> Lctl:.>L! ,Ill.! III!' Vl.;!lU,;lU doscllbed t:crCIIl to"CiJn'!'I:t4 Mlrrhrc> !.(~ctJptance Corpora- 11\)r1 (GMAC) und"1 llh' 1"II1l~; ullht' l,MAl' ,I~;l' 1'1.\11111'.11.'1 ^lJIl't!llll't1t BOB CHANGO. INC. Ln~;sor NOTICE: SEE OTHER SIDE FOR OTHER IMPORTANT AGREEMENTS. lJy Tille Pl8ilSO Remove AU (,lrboJ)t; Bulow SI\ill'.l\l APAAOVED AS TO FOR.'.: "'NDLEGM f::i'.".-"NCY. ~ 0~ RY ~"'.J:~~ \In''l~, A" . .'011.- ~,*,~."".IP""'__"""""'''''F -j " ~ ,~ :1 ...." < :;. ....: -.~~ ~; , f ,;: '~ ~ " . . l .;: " ~ " ,. 7 ?' ... ,;' .~~ .'~~ '$, ,:; 1 ;" '. '. ~, l )' ,:.i ~ " I <I" ot: ( '" "If" ~ '!J I t ).' ;/ -t; ~ ;t\ t ~ J .., DIRECT LEASING PLAN LESSEE STATEMENT I BUSINESS I GMAC DIRECT -LEASING PLAN GMAC DIRECT LEASING PLAN BUSINESS CHECKING ACCOUNT: PREVIOUS BANK IF ABOVE LESS THAN 2 YEARS: COMPANY FROM WHICH LAST VEHICLE LEASED ~ OR FINANCED 0: y ~OR TRADE REFERENCE: NAME ADDRESS c.C - YY\\(\-n1 t - eo6 NAME ADDRESS CITY CITY lifra.,{v - STATE I, I)~e YEARS ASSOCIATED \ t'Y\l; L"Il-! ~\ H(a55-1 '1 d-4t"f.;11to NUMBER AND STREET COUNTY CITY STATE ZIP CODE TYPE 0 PROPRIETORSHIP OF 0 PARTNERSHIP IN ADDITION., 1':f.wN~ OR PROPRIETORSHIP, PLEASE COMI'I.ETE REVERSE OF FORM, ORGANIZATION 0 CORPORATION mU~ \C\ I /)\..,lLL I certify thIt tIIelbon inform.tion is complete .nd ICClIme. GeMrIl MClbn AccepUnct CGrpcntioII or GIIAC lusia& Corpcntion Is IItIloriad to illlllliptt Gal' credit .., to ....... information about its mdit experience with lIS. )(II!1,"~~f;.f'~r". ''''''T~' J ;d,? ~~ LESSEE ..' "'h . ..'~ " ..... . ( SEAL) Attest: DATE ~/~ KOLHAGE, CLERK Deputy Clerk DANNY L. IfilL BY John Stormont Title: Mayor/Chairman TTTLE YEAR MAKE gO eol PROPOSED LEASE DATA VEHICLE MOOEL IDE"lTlFlCATlON NO, ~rrLJCf i~~6~4:L~~4lcQ CAPITAL ,3k~.~ ESTIMATED ANNj.IAL MILEAGE , ~ INDICATE IF M.&.JOR OPTIONS NOT INClUDED ON VEHICLE: o AIR CONOlTlONtNG o AUTO, TRAN8UJSSION 0 cmER(tlESCAIU) &,CS ~f.HU8P I \.uC ~ rL1lf0{.... 3 1~/c.D DEALERSHIP'AGENT BY FOR OFFICE USE c;( t[bJOA '7:::>/~ l\:l~ 'f~8"(P tJcEj) iXcu~ S\",^ll~ lD l(eSc - GMAC 670 OlP ~ (. ~ ( l ( ( <:. ( ( ( (; ( . ( ( ~ ---- - . , INSURANCE INFORMATION ~k.JIUC. State ress ~~e.CbI~ ~ U,)IN(;III: ip~: 3"'"'3()4() Business ( '::o'\::) ) ~~\..!.- 1 Telephone No. State _ Zip Code City Lessee Telephone No: Home ( Policyholder Name, if other than Lessee Policyholder Address City Agent:-E.RANK MCPHERSON Agency:-I,HE PORTER ALLEN COMPANY Address: 513 SOUTHARV STREET KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 Policy No. HO 1 077922 Insurance Company INSURANCE CO. OF N. AMERICA Effective Date: 03/1 5/90 Expiration Date: 0 3 / 1 5 / 91 Continuous? yes no X 'f.. ~ Telephone No. ( ~ n ; ) ?q4-?54? FOLD TO INSURANCE AGENT LISTED ABOVE FOU I have agreed to the lease conditions as follows: Limit: Public Liabili1Y~ $100,000/300,000 Bodily Injury, $50,000 Property Damage (Minimum) or $300,000 Combined Single Limit Comprehensive: ~Deductjble(Maxjmum) $1,000. DEDUCTIBLE Collision: ~ Deductible (Maximum) $1,000. DEDUCTIBLE ..'Ii' NOTE: AS OWNER AND LESSOR OF SAID VEHICLE, GMAC MUST BE NAMED AS AN '"ADDITIONAL NAMED INSURED'" AND '"LOSS ~. ON ANY AND ALL INSURANCE COVERAGES APPLICABLE TO SAID VEHICLE INCLUDING LIABILITY COVERAGES. Such inclusion of lessor as ':Additional Named Insured" and '"Loss PayOO" shall not operate to increase the limits of company liability. Lessor shall receive notice by certified mail of any expiration. cancellation. or reduction of the insurance applicable to said vehicle. Such notice shall be sent thirty (30) or the statutory minimum number of days prior to the effective date of such change to: GMAC, C/O pop SERVICES, 7TH FLOOR, . EXECUTIVE PLAZA IV, HUNT VALLEY, MARYLAND 21031, PHONE: 8CJO.638.05OO. The vehicle described in Section NO.2 is replacing the following vehicle presently covered under the policy mentioned above: Year: Make: Thank ~ for your cooperation. Serial No. ':X ~"T~""'''' , '.' .......,;(,..J~..~-!If':~"'~.::,'~~~~ ~<t. LesseeSignature'~ .".:,';;.'~~~;:l',. . (SEAL ) Attest: By: SerialNo~b~tQLlD~~ Date 1-24-90 DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK 2. DEALER: &b ~ =~~: YearJl~~1$lc.J( ~IU~ ~ Telephone 'krification of Insurance Coverage: Name of Person Contacted at Insurance Agency: Verified by (Dealer Employe): .!2Y Dale: 3.~ GMAC Branch Branch No. Dealer No. Lease Contract No. 4. INSURANCE AGENT OR COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE (PLEASE SIGN AND MAIL IN ATTACHED POSTAGE PAID ENVELOPE): As an authorized representative of the insurance company shown above. I agree to endorse the above policy as directed by lessee and certify COII8I'8ge :.=~~M:U~ _ 1;/5/10 Agent's Stamp or Address Label: ~ "-- THE PORTER-ALLEN COMPANY INSURANCE SINCE 1891 P. E:^C:E: DD."'T nD TYPE: Tn DDn\ftl"\l: E:.VI: 11:"'01 I: I"'/"U)II:O