Resolution 099-1990 ., ,.... C';'rowth Management -" RESOLUTION 099_ 1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COIJNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA AUTHORIZINC';' AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE COUNTY WITH REGARD TO DESIGN. BIDDL'\IG AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE REGIONAL SERVICE CENTER WHEREAS. Monroe County is a local government located within the Big Cypress Area of Critical State Concern. Section 380.055. Florida Stat.utes (F. S.). (1987); and within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern, Section 380.0552. F.S. (1987); and WHEREAS, the Department of General Services is an agency of the State of Florida with building construction permitting authority over st.ate agencies pursuant to Section 255.25 (I), F. S. (1987); and WHEREAS. it is in the best interests of the County to enter into an agreement between themselves and the Department of General Services as their agent (the Agreement for Services) now t.herefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO:tVIMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that Section 1 It is in the best interest of the County to enter into an agreement with the Depari:ment of General Services to become our agent with regard to the design, bidding and construction of the Regional Service Center; and Section 2 That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute that Agency Agreement on behalf of the County and this Board of Commissioners: and PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. at 24 th day of January a regular meeting of said Board Ii eld , A. D ., 1990. ok~ -.--- .-. - ------- on the Mayor ATTESTPANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ii r,1 0 (-J =~ ~~/'~~ 87.: 8 \1 ~- El3j 06. ", ,. 'i 'j 1 , I ~. . 1[, \? (.t .. AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES, AND DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS This agreement is entered into between the Board of County commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, the state of Florida, Department of General Services, and the state of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, as follows: ;,~ WHEREAS, Monroe County is a local government located within the Big Cypress Area of Critical State Concern, Section 380.055, , " Florida Statutes (1987), and within the Florida Keys Area of ~ 'j. Critical State Concern, Section 380.0552, Florida Statutes (1987); and 1 .. , . ,~ ~ 'i WHEREAS, the Department of General Services is an agency of the State of Florida with building construction permitting ';'~ authority over state agencies pursuant to Section 255.25(1), Florida Statutes, (1987), which has adopted a building code as required by Chapter 553, Part VI, Florida Statutes, (1987); and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs is the state land planning agency with the power and duty to exercise general .i ,", . ,5 " ~ '~ J .1 " ,s ~ '1 " :......j.'.~ 1 ~J ~:"- supervision of the administration and enforcement of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; and WHEREAS, Monroe County has adopted certain land development ,i .:j 1 j 1 '. regulations which are in compliance with the Principles for Guiding Developm~nt and which have been approved by the Department of ~ Page 1 of 4 ~':"'"'-" :-&- . ,.~ ~ 1. ~ , .. ij ~ ", " , i ;j '.J ~ ',~ ~ J._ 'tl f ;1 j i ~:':-_ ::-a.., ( (',',~ ~ommunity Affairs and the Administration Commission of the state of Florida in Rules 9J-14, 28-20, and 28-25, F.A.C.; and WHEREAS, the building code adopted by Monroe County is, not part of the land development regulations approved by the Department or the Administration commission; and WHEREAS, Section 380.031(2), Florida Statutes (1987), defines "developer" to mean, "any person, including a governmental agency undertaking any development as defined in (Chapter 380);" and, WHEREAS, section 380.05(16), Florida Statutes, provides that, "No person shall undertake any development within any area of critical state concern except in accordance with this chapter;" and, WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement wish to resolve any disagreement which may arise concerning the application of Chapters 255, 380 and 553 to projects permitted by the Department of General Services in Monroe County, Florida. Now, therefore, the parties agree as follows: 1. All structures or other development for which the building construction permit is issued by the Department of General Services or which are developed by the Department of General Services within Monroe County shall comply with the land development regulations of Monroe county, Florida. 2. The Department of General Services shall ensure that all structures and other development constructed by the Department of General S.rvices in Monroe County complies with the building code adopted by the Department of General Services pursuant to Chapter Page 2 of 4 ( ct 553, Florida statutes. Monroe County shall not have any responsibility for compliance of structures or other development for which the building construction permit has been issued by the I Department of General Services with the Monroe County Building Code. 3. The Department of General Services shall apply for a Monroe County development permit for each structure or other development that the Department of General Service proposes to construct in Monroe County. It shall be the responsibility of any '. .~ I 4 j , ~ I I i ,1 i ~ ~~ i other agency which applies to the Department of General Services for a building construction permit for a structure or other development in Monroe County to also apply to Monroe County for a development permit for same. If the proposed structure or other development in fact complies with the Monroe County land development regulations, Monroe County shall issue said development permit. 4. This agreement shall not modify the right of any party to appeal a development permit or development order to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission pursuant to Section 380.07, Florida Statutes. 5. This agreement shall take effect on the date that the 1 ~ last signature is executed for this agreement. I i ~ I Page 3 of 4 ) '" ( (* ,; ,.~ DGS ~w.~~ Ronald W. Thomas, Executive Director Department of General Services Koger Executive Center 2737 Centerview Drive Knight Building, Suite 110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 J d. - J5-~CJ Date Approved as to form and legality: I ~1 DCA Attorney Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Date " ! i , ~ , , J I J 1 Approved as to form and legality: ~o~ co~~ January 24. 1990 Date The Honorable John Stormont, Mayor Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 3180 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 (SEAL) ATTEST: ~ANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: Deputy Clerk Page 4 of 4 1 '1:0- :-a..