Resolution 124-1990 Gr',~'lth Management RESOLUTION NO. 124-1990 ~::c: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SHERIFF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGE'll FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989/90 AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITlJRE OF IMPACT FEES. L!i ~::;, ="I :---.; E8 Lt. .-., '5\ WHEREAS, Volume 2, Chapter 5, Section F of the Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan sets forth the policy of providing an ade~late amount of poLice protection; and WHEREAS, the proposed sheriff capital i.mprovements budget is consistent with this policy; and WHEREAS, the proposed impact fee expenditures within the budget have been reviewed by the Planning Commission in accordance with Volume 2, Chapter 5, Section L of the comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed impact fee expenditures within the budget are consistent with section 9.5-495 et seq., Monroe County Land Development Regulations; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the proposed sheriff capital improvements budg- et for fiscal year 1989/90 is hereby approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the l~tJJ_ day of hl,r-IA.Q "'j A.D. 1990. ~~~~~COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~ Mayor/Chairman ATTEST: DANNX L. ,KOLHAGE, ~lerk By' -L?..-L t!~~ iP/ CLE~ ~ ( SEAl, ) ",