Resolution 127-1990 .. Pl:"lnning Department RESOLUTION NO. 127-1990 '~ A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 54, FOR THE WEST 65.50 FT. OF LOT 15, DRIFTWOOD ESTATES, FAT DEER KEY, MARATHON WHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Department Report of January 24, 1990, for the west 65.50 ft. of Lot 15, Driftwood Estates, Fat Deer Key, Marathon, presently used for commercial, was zoned Light Business District (BU-1) under the zoning code in effect prior to September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986 Land Develop- ment Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated commercial boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 54 dated January 24 , 1989, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Communi- ty Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe \.0 c county~ Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day o~ebruary, A.D., 1990. N co LJ.....t L.!.. -', S; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ok~ Mayor/Chairman By (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -/2L ~~,~~ Cler ASAik_ In , , M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: The Board of County Commissioners ,. FROM Donald L. Craig, AlCP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for the west 65.50 ft. of lot 15, Driftwood Estates, Section 4, Township 66 S., Range 33 E., Fat Deer Key. DATE: January 24, 1990 MEETING DATE: February 13/14, 1990 Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes____No~ Commissioner's District: 'Recommended Action: The Planning Department is requesting a boundary determination for the west 65.50 ft. of Lot 15 in Driftwood estates to correct an error made in the placement of the district boundary line at the time the current land use map were adopted. The Planning Department is requesting the relocation of the Suburban Commercial (SC) boundary line in order to include the above mentioned part of Lot 15 in the Suburban Commercial District. At present, this land is included in the Suburban Residential District. Background: Driftwood Estates is a legally recorded plat in Plat Book 2, page 132 of the Monroe County Public Records. Prior to September 15, 1986, this portion of the plat was zoned BU-I. Under the current land plan that designation was changed to Suburban Residential. Based on the records this land conforms to the requirements for desig- nation of Suburban Commercial according to Section 9.5-235. Finding of Fact: 1.) The property was zoned BU-l under the previous land plan. 2.) The June 10, 1987 letter to the applicant from Charles Pattison confirms that the planning department had previously clarified the land was commercially designated. 3.) The request is consistent with Section 9.5-235 the purpose of the SC District of the Land Development Regulations. 4.) The land use maps adopted September 15, 1986 erred in placing the SC boundary to the east of the property in question. Action by: Ordinance X Resolution Attachments: Yes X No 1. Application 2. Proposed Boundary Map change 3. Land Use District Map 4. Aerial Map 24Th edition, 1989 5. Zoning Pre-September 15, 1986 6. Land Use District Map February 28, 1986 (Pattison) 7. Letter from Mr. Pattison 8. Survey of Property .' ( ( .-, APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATIO~ APP~ICANT /!fh;/l'7r> ~LLl~ PHONE # p/;//////J?7 CZh~~P/// / ' ~/27hfO?J OCEANSIDE O~YSI~ SUBDIVISION ADDRESS KEY MM -J-.y/, PLAT BOOK PAGE BLOCK LOT(S) MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) ~rrCN?d Ed':::Y oCr_--htri-t s:: 7clJh'~~~ 6~ ~-e c~3 ~ REQUEST CHANGE FROM ~ ~ TO, ~c: * '.) c ,t!2 rn:r-r- / // C. /f3:. _ 11 $/!/Y JJv.J4 REASON FOR REQUEST: ;{' h~c/' PRESENT LAND USE: C.o>>?/J?~,/'0 ~ DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: , //';; . ~.-e ?lI0C~ ~:7fe'r /?r;J4~/ {::;t?//~U: / ~~~? r /~/'/d9 -' , SIGNATURE I ..e X &-In ;;67, / DATE Fee paid ( ( ~ - .... ...., NA SR I MM' 54 a I 1 I I 4 I . 7 . 1 I I .. P..auant to Section 9.5-24(aH2Hh) of the Monroe County Code, the boundarlea of the land Use Dlatrlct Map are Interpreted to be located as Indicated above and briefly described aa: Move the boundary line to the east as shown to include the property in the SC distric~. Delete old boundary line as shown. Director, Growth Management Sheet # 224 Key Fat Deer Key Date BOCC Re.olutlon FAT DE. I I I- I I h I 4 I I I I . I I 7 I . I I . I . b~ N ~ 1"= 200' ( ( t I t r.'.. f"':' "'_'."';'Wi, '~"'~f'I;',~'~~"p"~~~i!),~~, rr"'~'" ~ ~ .,-" !-~:;:O~'~~~l~., . ""'l!"!"~,-",,""'<~,'!J,T~,~^._..,.__!O:...~.~~'".:..,r. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --\ ~ ....-.",. \ ~ ....--.",-- \~ ~",...".",.. , ----------- OJ# \ I --,-- I ~ I I I .!.._------( : -----....- \ - I I I I ";.' . . '~~''r-'',;~.:.~-- . ~"i - " ,... '.r '.; ,..'"--, . " , I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ;~~ . ~ f ~ 1 ,~ 1 FAT 1 , i I MM' 54 I . t I . .. . . 7 N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# ~ 1 .Appllc ant: ~lJ/~ ~a4 Key: ;-;;,-1.. _71;J.PJ (/!fp~;(~) Mile Marker: _______ I 1"= 200' t ( ( I 1"-600' t Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. ~vTl; Edltlon,19 &} Panel or Sh.et # (0...2, File # Applicant: Ilb T) /7"') e. CC.,.-u/}7i-~,-/ Key: Ti;:r. /)ee f /0/-7 /2( /t~~~ ~II. Ma r ker: . - -- -- ~ - - - --~ - ----- .; -- w W .l. ( I - 1 J 0 .- .1.. j N . I 1"=200' ~ ( ( :>\ " "^ ~~o .,;:... ,.... ~ -"--- -.... lYIonroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 Panel or Sheet# . Applicant: Key: ~?f8 / Flle# Mile Marker: ( ( FAT DEER ~ N ,Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,19'86 Panel or Sheet# .hV:; //) Flle# Applicant: ,? 7// r(f - / Key:, '-'-'. :- ~J'/?7 7iff? Mile Marker: @ I 1"= 600' I .,> ( ~ ~n OK~y~r; (!J FL~R~~3~~E 130512944641 Di Clna .Jones Tlopical Isle Hairstyling 1:<f;8'3 OV~rsen.S Highway i.1n.i";::. L.~)J"J.i, .i::"'l{)J.:,ida ( BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR Jerry Hernandez, District 1 Mayor Pro tem Gene Lytton, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3 Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 .June la, 1987 HE: West 60.50 feet of lot 15, Driftwood Estates Located in Section 4, Township 66 South, Range 33 East. Dear. Ms. Jones, '" I am responding to your visit with Ty Symroski on Tuesday, May 19, 1987. He and I have reviewed the Land Use District Maps and have determined your property near Coco Plum Boulevard is in the Sub Urban Commercial District. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to cOlltact Dorr Fox, Land Use Coordinator, at 294-4641, extension 136 or one of the planners in the Land Use Division. IS: t.s rc: (In I" r Fox Ty Symn')sln Ger) tge G;:n l'C~t t Sincerely, r I ) \ 1 ,\, , )--~- . .\....... ',,' ./ \....- v\.."'"'- Charles Pattison, Director, Plan~ing Department - I ( / JOHN A. PETSCHE, JR.' :: ,;.': = f l ; .: '- .a _: ....~. ;. :- ~; ~ ; _ .;0: . ~ ~ : ; ivlay 25, 1.93) -",-",., . .. ~ ""!-it It ( III II \II", , 1;'45 f IF TH AVE.. GULF MARATHON. Fl ORIDA J.3O!>O 1:.'. ~.?:Yr=:.:"":':': i -:: :..0::'.-= 1 ~:; ::. ."}:r;:'! ?:::: : :J.~:.;'. -: :~'2.:::' FLA REG S. 2914 & E . 23742 OHIO REG S ~;74 II. E - ~ OP \'EST 60.50 FEET OF lOT 15, DRIFTWOOD ESTATES LOCATED IN SECTION 4,TO~/NSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE JJ EAST, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS SHOWN BY PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE IJ2 OF MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. SCAlE 1" = JO' NOTE I Floor elevation shown hereon is relative to mean sea level as established by U.S.C.& G. Survey. .- 4' WI!?l FE NLE 0.55 N. ", .t .", E.w.r.o.50' : .JJI?/P-, 5.C,{;33 4 ~ ~ .-.-n.-'..;...:_ 1 '" . o.zs ----, I C'l.L.FfNfe 0.75.W': IlJ15' ~;I4t' "~ oz: ~:. 2.5{'.......: d . /4" 1 . .' :-'7' .. 11.45 -9- Ir: lcates J stee ,-...., -17.]", "''1'/1 ... /' <:. plpe found or set. ~'"" >oJ"" l.4..J~' J.'~ ;,., "- ~ ~ I ~ '"" I l:l. . ~ "" ~ " ':>o!. ~"" ~ -e- , ~ I or P.K. nail survey ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..-' ---lr~ con tro 1 found. ~....... ~ I') ~ ~ I.B?- -';] ...... I '<:: 11.39' :'547 t''::::J Indicates concrete ~~, ICOl' --;-:.~:..' .......-\..~.: .. "',h-;- ,~ ground s la bs . ~ ~ I -\r- .if. U't~3' l..". '+'.' ;.' L~-' "f' 5..z F(j. :'32 ......, '~/'".-~[. fI-.1 _ : I \~.3~" (\ AI" 'Ia-, C'[./. FENtE or-ow.,' ..~ ~[,1 l\'i \lu. '<..3 . '}\U~~ uS.(,1'.:~ ~.7: 1t. f\ f..A I ..:'. SIf\ v I" 0 ~~.': / / FIlIV :.__OL'tl (5(EIIIE 1.lt'lK.tiO ./-- /..-.......-...."""'- tJ IIi(O~c. I a-., p5 II 1\11U5 . //~ : //'"- jfL.fl1 1:~ 1Z~J\N 5 - -- ;: ./ -"\ . I ", , . ,'-3 \ .......- . I vi \ ......- A' :"1 . I ~ ~ 8 I \.....-~ . ",~l ~ ~ ..- . "'il...j ..-.......-...."""'- \ ~ ~ \ v, ~ ~ .......-- =:::i // ~~.~ 'i .., t "'_------~ : ~ V' ; 32- Cf-33 r WfJT (;f).S' LOT /5 I ."'-5TL.llXll IN lONf. FHO. I : I . I : 33 '&5-33 f 100 year coastal flood zone V-IO, Base Flood Elevation 9.00 feet above Mean Sea Level. ---+- cn.5. 0: BILLfjORIW ..-.......-..-"""--/ ~A( . c." II ,,1"t- / E: ~ ~ ~(') , 'IoIQ'1 \G\-\~l 11.S.\-\ c \1'~ til ~~lJ t't V, l ::', \D. S. ~. ,/" ..-.......- ./ ...--' /~........---"--/ b \!\ \ -0'>' ...~ ~ f:.>/ ~fI,,/ . A'/. ~ <.i . \ ~ ;:. ~\ ~. ,. ~\ \~\J~ _ _)..'~ ~ ~ .3AE./: \<! 'is.\ . ..c.1~~"\llIf:--' \ \1\\ ~ " - _/fSlr ,/:\'" ft" I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached ~ plat is a true and correct represent- ation of a survey conducted under my direct supervision on May 11, 198). Improvements are located as shown ~ hereon. Bearings are relative to an ~ ~ ~ assumed meridian and given for the \i~ . ~~rpose of delineating angles only. I ~ ~lstances and elevations are in feet and decimal parts th eof, all of wh'ch I certify to co ect llWE 'f{ JV/ . ~ -~..-"'~.