Resolution 136-1990 /' Planning Department r .. RESOLUTION NO. 136-1990 ,. ..' A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 52, UPPER MATECUMBE KEY, MM.80 .wHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Department R-eport of January 18, 1990, Upper Matecumbe Key, MM 80, presently vacant, was zoned General Use (GU), under the zoning code in effect prior to September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986 Land Develop- ment Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated residential boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 52 dated January 18, 1989, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Communi- ty Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, :~lorida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of ~bruary , A.D., 1990. ::"oJ :"-J c;::J !_Lj Lr_~ ,:;'\ C:) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA otL~ Mayor/Chairman By (SEAL) Attest: D~ijX 4 ~OLHAGE, C1,Eg~ '-l!2L>P~'1M Cler~ ( ", M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: . Board of County Commissioners 'FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Arthur B. Choate Upper Matecumbe Key, MM.80 DATE: January 18, 1990 MEETING DATE: February 13/14, 1990 PLANNER: Lorenzo Aghemo BIOLOGIST: Bob Smith Previous Relevant Board Action: 1 1 ( ) Referral: Yes____No X Commissioner's District: Recommended Action: Approval for the inclusion of the CFSD-11 portion of the request. Deni- al for the inclusion of the NA portion of the request. The reason for this recommendation is that the existing conditions area accurately reflected in the SR/NA boundary. No density would be given to wetland areas of the parcel regardless of the Land Use District. Background: The subject parcel is bordered on the north and the west by Florida Bay, the south by U. S. Hwy #1, and the east by a horse farm and Tropical Hardwood Hammock. The subject parcel has the Land Use designation of Native for the majori- ty of the tract. This area measures approximately 100 acres. The envi- ronmental character of this area is Mangroves/submerged land. A borrow pi t was dug wi thin thi s area during the 1950' s. The remainder of the property is either Tropical Hardwood Hammock (approx. 20 acres) or dis- turbed. The disturbed area is bisected by a dredged canal. The Tropical Hardwood Hammock presently has the Land Use designation SR, while the disturbed area is designated CFSD-11. The SR designation has been the predominant designation for Tropical Hardwood Hammocks. The existing conditions maps accurately reflect the designation of SR. The area of CFSD-11 is disturbed along a dirt roadway but grade into Tropi- cal Hardwood Hammock. This area is identical in biological character to the adjacent SR land use district. The area surrounding the borrow pit was examined and found to be a dis- turbed wetland. The" Islands" referred to are about 20 feet across and range in length from 50 to 150 feet. These "Islands" are surrounded by a fringing mangrove community and are unvegetated by woody species but do have wetland herbaceous plants present. Findings of Fact: 1. That the SR designation as depicted on the Land Use District maps are accurately depicted on the map. 2. That the area indicated as NA is correctly shown and reflect the existing wetland character of that area. 3. That the area requested for a change from CFSD-l1 are in fact identi- cal to the adjacent SR District. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: Yes X No Attached -- Board Policy(ies) Applicable: N.A. Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date X N.A. Alternatives: N.A. Attached Documentation: X Yes No 1. Application and Fee 2. Land Use District Map 3. Existing Conditions Map 4. Strip Map 5. Aerial Map 6. Land Use District Map February, 1986 (Pattison) 7. Zoning Pre-September IS, 1986 8. Photo of the site 9. Staff Reports (Planner & Biologist) 10. Letter and exhibit reason for request r r , APPLlCATIONC. 1R LAND US___B Dl STRICT MAP (t'SRMINATIOlf - : APPLICANT Arthur S~ Choate 1390 S. Dixie Highwa~. Suite 2221 Coral Gables. Florida 33146 UDD~r Matecumbe Key PHONm * 663-3553 ADDRESS KEY MM 80 OCEANSIDE OR J3AYSID!? Bayside SUBDIVISION ---.lt/A (~ee Leqal DescrfPtiont PLAT BOOK MIA' 'AOI MIA BLOCK N/A LOT(S) N/A MISC. LOCATION INrORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF'~EC!SSARY) See Zoning MaD. , .1 " REQUEST CHANGE FROM CFSD-ll & NI A TO SR REASON FOR ~EQU!ST: See attached letter and exhibit. PR~SENT LAND USE: .SR, CFSD-l1 ~nd N/A . DESCRIPTION or EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST r Aeria 1 Photographs n 1neer's site visit and 81010 1st's site visit DATE h-.J..-c - ~ . r ( , ; -'~~.....""'- -,. -'-. _.- -'-, -,,",,' ..:.;". - - /~.:;;,: -:"-~~-'~:~ ..J.-~-.....i-,_~.,,,,_ ....;..;>.;,;. ~..~-:--...;;,,- . -' .......--.;~ .";-~ ,,'a.-~,_~:.,~...i......;~~ .:""""~-:--:-----~-----........,...---..~....-~--:---~ ~'''''-'"Zpo~~.''''A ~.~. ~~. .~~~~:_~""'!"~_~..-4."''r!P''''.:''I~~~_, ~_. .'!~ "'" BOARD r~ COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS Mol:",,-~ County, Flonda (- NC? 459150 ~ OFFICE OF __________FLORIDA t RECEIVED fromm _ _ _____B:m_____ _u_ _m_ _ _ __m____m__m__mDate _m_uu_mm:__~_Q_umm_ FOR: _~-~---~--~l_~-~~-..-L4.:??-:QQ----.- .J , _ _ J' ~ I.'" -A- ~ ~ ~ $ ______u___________u_uu_u_____ -E~----.. ......- ---UL.~--...- _{M~__......___..._______..._..._......_..._________ ------ _____m ii------ - - ~- --&:JJ . al-1.~1fL-~~~~-------.~-:=~~~~~~:~..------.. ~.~-:-:--:------ B~~_ ----_ ___ TOTAL $ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: lcfl:Zu ....~."'/..;. '<>,,:~ . ....... ................... ............... . ................... ................ _n.................. ................... . ........... -... -........ -. ~. :''':''";IC:: c I I , I I , I , I , , I I I , , , I , I , I , , I I I , , , I I --J , , I I I , , I , , .. '(.. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , KEY CM-*!. - -- as KEY ~~ , , -~ / / / ,. ~/'c /,' ~ / ./ / " -,~"", / / ,,' ~~~ " '/r,..T-M'M I ,/ , /, , ,/, ">.(l 80 / ,<'><, / ~ ~ I / //~' ,~::-":'---i', 1 // ~~C" .~ /'" \,', ,/,. ,\" . , , ., , /./ , ,,,.... '-/ i ,'. , " - U -;-'-7--- " 'l;:if.,r// -"- -~.:', ''-\ /, '*\/ _ . -" 'v , ,/' / /' , , ".' / :' ,,,,,/ , "'. '- I " - \ ",,' '~-<'-- ---- ....... ~." , ....- -'r'"- .-~ -------- -\ ,,~\ ..."/ '" ",."".-,,,/ g~ -- -' "" /\' ~~Qt- ",,' _ </'\, '~ l' ," ,~",.. \ ~r..-. " .<', ""\L \. ... -, ~ "," ~,'< ',/\ \.....""', \I(.~:'t; ," '- ',., ~~ \\~ ." "",, \. , ,," . -" - ~ ,,',- '-( ,-,-"~~ , " '. ,"5' C ' \ " .- ,\ ','".,' " ' " > , , '\ ;,.. '~... >... NA ~" MATECtJIA8E KEY NA / V ,,- '\ / ./' -.., ..--- , _....- , - --~_.. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .. ./ '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" , '" '" ... '" , '" , '" '" , , '" , , , , , , '" '" '" '" , -"'- '- Pursuant to Section 9.5-24(a)(2)(h) of the Monroe County Code, the boundarle. of the Land U.e District Map are Interrfcreted to cae located a. Indicated above and briefly described aa: ove boun ary as shown. Delete boundary as shown to include parcel in SR district. N ~ Director. Growth Management Sheet~8l&182 Keyupper Matecumbe Date BOCC Resolution 1"= 200' E ( I I I I I I I I , , NA I I I I I I I I I I I I / ;; --" - UPPER MATECU NA KEY N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or She~1I I <r I f5;;' Flle# _Applicant:. 16. Ctwalr K8y:~eA C)::naJi:~ Mile Marker: g-o ~ ,~('..-."'. ~ '. :I , ,,~ 1"=200' 1 IOF 5" ~ ] 1 I ! ( i... ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,;*' ---J I \. " " " " MM .80 , ~ I I I I I I . @~ ~~~ .....-. ~-,.,-.-,-,,-.-.. " - _"""-~.. ~ ,.''-0 Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panol or Sh~ <T If''' !"0#_. APPIIC~ ~ali: .. -Key:___ ~ Mile Marker: ~__ ~ ,; N /~ ,~t ~:4-ll ~ 1"=200' j r I.. ( 3 0': s- UPPER MATECUMBE KEY /1 /l / i j I I I I I / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ./ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ; s I / /, ~/ ...: / t ,/ i / . / ~ : ~ / . C. / I ~ / : ~ / i y / . . ~/ ~4> / ~G// }-ttJ / / ~/ rQ"/ o~ / / " / - N L~nd Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# /F?/ rt- /fd. Flle# APPIIC~ ~tt;;;aJi Key: ~ Mile Marker: 8V I_~ it ::f> l ~ J 1"::0200.1 , r l ( It ot:: ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I , .' I , , , , , NA N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or She~ jg;J. Flle# APPIIC~ vv _ ~ta:oqJj Key: e) ClJia1i:t Mile Marker: 2J)~ ,u~,/''''''' ~ .. .J " :;..--/'/ I 1"=200' I ( " .~- -~ -,~ ~j_."'-' "'-~'iIi't'.~,,~_.. -I(......~--"'".._. 'cuo ----...............-- "_._"'C{.;'!~.~:'~:';~'l { S OP S' Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sh~ _ Aieli' . APPI~ ~ Key: BIt Mile Marker: ~ ___ N ~ .~t. :fll ~ ~ 1"=200.1 ~ / POND ~ . / r [ d OF~ '- " " .... .... .... " "".."..,' ~~ .. ...",,-' " .,' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' UPPER MATECUMBE KCY Kcy "- ).. ... '" ," " ..."'...... , \.' , " , \.,'- " " " " v' ~' I' ,,' ~' "/' IS.... ')0' ," " " " " 1''' ," I' I S ,,/,,/ " I' Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sh~ IfSl tiw Flle# App II c"f,~ ;: {fwft cd[ Key: --MfI~!ll:L~ Mile Marker: g-o_ /~ ~t;::~~ ~ r 1"=400 I ..... ~..... ~ ~ ~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I .' I I I , I I I , I I I I , I . I I I I I I I , :HMINEl. , I I , , I I I I I I EY Cl-V>HNEL r \ / OF 7- ~ " UPPER M ~ i4 1 j l , NA I I I , I I I , I , ... ..... , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , UPPER MATEaJ NA , , , > , , , , , ',.' , ' /// ..- '" '" ..- '" '" '" '" '" ,- .'" N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or s~e t# ,[$f;.. Flle# - Applicant: w.JI 13. Ctwrdf Key: ~8!!L xi1t~- Mile Marker:----3J)_ ~ .ift~:~~ U r 1"=400 I f f- " .. ... 21 MA' ~.-s, ~..,.. 3 6 "f..(l" < ~4. *' V ~'v "t 31 v ~~l/TTLE B ~. 32 a o~ 'vv. '" '" -\ ~ . ... ~ If') .-, -\ 'l> C!) C!) ~ z Z '12: 12: ~ o "3:. ~ "Z. "'7 ---1 " I: N Existing Land Conditions Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 Panel or Sheet# Flle# -Applicant: ~ ~~ Key:~e< 9:n"a)z:euuJu Mile Marker: Pv Maps 11 "=-2000.1 / r t { ....~..- "1- o. o ....04 . ~~, N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. Edition,19 1"-_ I Panel or Sheet# Flle# Applicant: ~-!E f:i..Oa.tz Key: ~ ~ Mile Marker: 8'0 -1- f-- ..... -Co.,:..". ..-. 2 ".0 ...'1k~~Stii~":iz:; .. ;~~,~.~ - ..:-.. ,.";"' ;~:i~: .~'..;. , ...,. -,. ".'.,. .............--~_..,,.... ~~r~_~ .; ,- -.-"',:- .....::0;.....;" Aerial Maps, Monroe Real Estate Data, Cou nty , Inc. d/8f Florida Edition,19g 1"=600' Panel or Sheet# 1'1 File # Applicant: ~ g. etwa1i __ Key: -"f(1~-~alZ~ Mile Marker: g-o__ (- f' --- "'-, / / h, t' , - -,I .1 I I o _ ~:lt~,o , - /;0.... ,,---- S R \ I 0 " " . :r) "7 i;;j-, -1.,\. \ ,'-" / /.. \ 18 C I - '1 '" >~\~~/ \. "~x. ~~~ 7r " '00 _ fY~ __-~ ' , ;1 -- !t~ "'C~I C. C~:--.-:dj. ~f-- ~ "~'.. ,-' ,- ;"'/_.-r .~-~ ~ '0_. . , _ . :_:' ..... . \ . r- -, ........ ...... 0,., ~"o' '" -- __-- ~2J:?'- St'" ~.. _ __ . 0' ..... "...,.. __ .,... ~ c". , . ':; , " ~ , ,- <: . .'/,.-\..0/" __'~:<... '-'t .... i' "'.',r: ' .f.:~... .. ~ . ,. _ . J . ._..... ".' ( ~8( , jA/ 0 .t--.( ~. r \ j I . .--- .. . . -.. ...,..... ~ ' ...... ." _ I " I / - - -- -. -. - ~ - ---. -'" I . ---- - ~ ~'~.~ - - --- ) I ' (. . , .. i ! I i , N~ I ,/" .,,- - "",.""" I -- '" , --- - , ---- \ " o~. 8. "" - ~- ," ; . ! ;;.. ("l ,'!^ -... "'1-., , ;,. "r" .1"4 .. ,..I r ?" -- '.. N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sh~t# fi; Flle# - Applicant: __ g LM./Jai:C Key: 10/1 ~ Mile Marker: _tf?L._ @ I 1"= 600' I ,~ '- f '- ..~.. . . ' . .. . , "?-~ <0 , ~ ~v-', ~'i?' r-v .~ ~,"'--- ~. , .' ~. . .... <-. _v ....... ~, . .~-..- .,.-' .... -, , ,~.. '. ..,,' 'O- ',\" .... .' , ~ .. "'.-1 . :(:)'J .- ;. . ,,' ~.;:.~.,. . ~o .: ..-:.~.' //......~ " ~ "./ -- ,,<- ""' .,. '. . ,c, ~i \,.~ ~i N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 ~ ;if~~:-hl ~ I 1"= 600' I Panel or sh~11 Flle# 'Appllcant: 13. CMalt Key: ~f3{ (j;qa17~ Mile Marker: ~ r ( A' I ( ~r~F ANAr.Y~IS OF LAND U~_~ DI~"rRICT MAP DETERMINATION Fee paid Date APPLICANT ArthurB.Choate PHONE .. 663-355:J ADDRESS 1390 S. Dixie HiqhwWr ~l1ite ?/71 Coral Gables. FL. 3314f-i KEY. Upper Matecumbe Kev MM 80 OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? Bavside SUBDIVISION N/A (See leqal description) BLOCK N/A N/A PAGE N/n. , PLAT BOOK LOT(S) NIp. . MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) See zoning Map. / REQUEST CHANGE FROM CFSD-l1 &. N/A 1. BACKGROUND DATA: TO SR A. PRESENT LAND USE DISTRICT: SR, CFSD-ll and N/A B. CHARACTERISTICS OF SURROUNDING AREA: C. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS: SITE SURROUNDING ; ( ~1"~~f_ANA~!SIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINAT~Q~ APPLICANT PAGE 2 D. PRE-SEPT. 15, 1986 ZONING: E. LAND USE DESIGNATION ON FIRST DRAFT PREPARED BY LAND USE CONSULTANTS: F. ACTION ON "D" IF ANY: G. LAND USE DESIGNATION OF MAPS ADOPTED SEPT. 15, 1986: H. HAS PARCEL BEEN REZONED OR P!tOPOSED FOR REZONING SINCE SEPT. 15, 1986? YES NO. DETAILS: 2. RECOMMENDATIONS: 3. FINDINGS OF FACT: STAFF REVIEWERS: PLANNER ...., ,w, <' ,. t"i , - . l' ~_ I,: >,".' 1, . /". DATE r.1 ' BIOLOGIST l/:~f) ,- '- t \' "IJ' I... -' , DATE _ /--".--.--' ;. -' ! "-'d-' --, ~"! './;' -;..... ,,",' "/ ,- , '.-.---' '.'! ./ / ..; '. /,~I / / '-_ ..-,' I' ,r ( BOUNDARY DETERMINATION ADDENDUM: ArUlur B. Choate 'Environmental Review: The subject parcel is bordered on the north and west by Florida Bay, the south by u.s. Hwy #1, and the east by a horse farm and Tropical Hardwood Hammock. The subject parcel has the Land Use designation of Native for the majority of the tract. This area measures approximately 100 acres. The environmental character of this area is Mangroves/submerged land. A borrow pit was dug within this area during the 1950's. The remainder of the property is either Tropical Hardwood Hammock (approx. 20 acres) or disturbed. The disturbed area is bisected by a dredged canal. The Tropical Hardwood Hammock presently has the Land Use designation SR, while the disturbed area is designated CFSD-11. The SR designation has been the predominant designation for Tropical Hardwood Hammocks. The existing conditions maps accurately reflect the designation of SR. The area of CFSD-11 is disturbed along a dirt roadway but grade into Tropical Hardwood Hammock. This area is identical in biological character to the adjacent SR land use district. The proposed Boundary change is to recognize that surrounding the borrow pit exists some areas of dredge spoils which are uplanding character. Additional to this, the applicant proposes to change a small portion (approximately 1/2 acre) of land which is adjacent to a dirt road and is disturbed in character to SR. The area surrounding the borrow pit was examined and found to be a disturbed wetland. The "Islands" referred to are about 20 feet across and range in length from 50 to 150 feet. These "Islands" are surrounded by a fringing mangrove community and are unvegetated by woody species but do have wetland herbaceous plants present. Recommendation: Approval for the inclusion of the CFSD-11 portion of the request. Denial for the inclusion of the NA portion of the request~ The reason for this recommendation is that the existing conditions are accurately reflected in the SR/NA boundary. No density would be given to wetland areas of the parcel regardless of the Land Use District. Findings of Fact: 1. That the SR designation as depicted on the Land Use District maps are accurately depicted on the map. .' , r ( 1.. That the area indicated as NA is correctly shown and reflect the existing wetland character of that area. .3. That the area requested for a change from CFSD-ll are in fact identical to the adjacent SR District. / / .-.. --'."~-.'~'-~"'-."." ---.. , ,.,.-..,.-'......,-'-.-'.~~, "-, " ... - _.u ,..'y. -- , _ . .'.-' . ..-. _ " . --. 'r- ~~---:---_.~-~ -----=-'--_.._~---,._---( Mr. Lorenzo Aghemo - June 29, 1989 Page 2 . ;".,;~~......,:..b~..~~~.~.....,....:..<.:. -'~~.'.w.l~~~~ The addition of these areas to the SR district area will help the feasibility of this project as an affordable housing concept, by" increasing net density. We appreciate your prompt attention in this matter and await your answer. Very truly yours, POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH &: JERNIGAN, INC. Al~:f~ Senior Designer__ APG/m mc 04-312.50 hm/GC# 128 Enclosure cc: w /encl. Arthur B. Choate Chris Macey ,," " ~ EXHIBIT "A" ADJACENT ~ PROPERTY "- LINE ISLANDS AND PENINSULAS Or D/STV/Z8EO UPLANDS PROPOSED AS PART Or SllBV28AN RES/DENTIAl D/ST2ICT MANG.eOVcS N CJ) ...: . z NA NA MANbROVES PROPOSED CFSO-II \ DISTRICT :..\ . \- BOLJNDA RV (:30'TO ACCOMOOATc EXISTIN(; i)/,er ,l?OAO LEGEND ~ PI?OP05c 0 SU8ve 841{ 12ES/DENT/AL DI5T121CT WITHIN PROJ€CT SIT!: HARBOR BA Y WEST PROPOSED SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES I'8SJ POST. BUCKLEY, SCHUH &. IERNIGAN, INC JOB NO. 04-312.50 SHEET REV. 1 ~ c or IlEPl'lQ ~TS INC. DATE MAY 11,1989 OF-L ....----....<'.,~.. ,,-_.,-_.__..~- '--"""'--'-." June 29, 1989 " Mr. Lorenzo Aghemo Senior Planner Monroe County Planning, Building & Zoning Dept. 88800 Overseas Highway, Rt. 3 Tavernier, Florida 33010 RE: Harbor Bay West District Boundary Determination Dear Lorenzo: -' In reference to our meeting of April 18th, 1989 and in regard to the attached "Application for Land Use District Map Determination", I am writing to express our findings and opinion on this matter. As you can see from a review of the attached maps, the proposed project site is bounded on the Southwest by the CFSD-ll use area and on the northwest by the NA use area. We believe that both these areas are shown incorrectly in current Land Use District Maps. In the CFSD-ll case, the boundaries should not include any lands northeast of an existing dirt road (see aerials), these lands would not support any commercial fishing operations. It is our opinion that the CFSD-ll boundary should only include a 30-foot wide strip next to the existing canal to accomodate the existing dirt road; to serve as access to any commercial fishing operation. We believe that this is' an oversight or graphical error in the production of the Land Use District Maps and propose to move the CFSD-ll boundary as shown on Exhibit "A", attached. As to the N A case, there are a number of Upland "Islands" and "Peninsulas" that protrude in to the NA area; the purpose of NA was to establish and preserve undisturbed areas, these "Islands" and "Peninsulas" were the result of the excavation of the borrow pit back in the 1950's and are the spoils from that excavation. It is our opinion that those "Islands and Peninsulas" are disturbed areas and should not be considered part of the NA district area. We feel that this was an oversight or graphical error in the production of the land use district maps and propose to include these "Islands" and "Peninsulas" in the SR district area. We also feel that these corrections to the map will not affect the NA district as the "Islands" and "Peninsulas" are too narrow to support any development considering setback and buffer requirements now in effect. ENGINEERING · PLANNING · ARCHITECTURE