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Resolution 174-1990
Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 174 -1990 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A LEASE BETWEEN IRWIN S. MORSE, M.D. AND THE MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF' S DEPARTMENT CONCERNING SP ACE IN THE TOWN SQUARE MALL IN MARATHON FOR THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby approves a Lease between Irwin S. Morse, M.D. and the Monroe County Sheriff's Department, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof, concerning space in the Town Square Mall in Marathon for the Sheriff's Department Special Operations Division. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of March, A.D. 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~~ MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (Seal) Attest :PM'i]~{X L. ~OLHAGE, g1.erk -42;. ~~'.iP1 0 ':"':" c 'li:j' L., c... c --::r - c 2 LL (, :C ~"-,-; C,' ~"~ U..i Z -I ~ 0 - ~ u... .tJ .JlMDM TQI'OMf AND LEGAL stJFFlClENt:Y~ BB~4 /;7~ Attorney'. Office _ --.aL____ ! ,-' OFFICE BUILDING LEASE .... , 21st Novemoer A. D., 19 89 'f;bi' ~~ttmtnt, .....d i..o alii. day of belwee. Irwin.S. Morse, M.D. -- -_. MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMBNT .......,.i_h. c:alled T":NANT, .1141 '. ....i..her c.lled l.ANOLORU, IS TO WITNESS: Th.. L_ellord doe. alii. dey Ie... .... T....' -"- SUITE 214 AN 215 CONSISTING OF 900 SOUARE FEET LOCATED AT TOHN SQUARE MALL, HARATHON, FLORIDA,' FOR THE MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION. TO.H^Yt:.~D.TO H.OLD ..iel pr..i... for .be ..r. 01 _ THREE (3) YEARS DECEMBER 1, 1989 __ .,..1!.4f!11d,!ft.._NmTt'MRP"R ,)f\ 1nn'"l _ .. __ ,"/ , 41.. ,. ~ L- ....eI ....1 r....1 0' SEE SCHEDULE BELOVJ Doll.,. (. , be,Ui.i., , .. .ad 'or .h. . " ,.,...... .0 ud .. .he office of . I:r;'win 'S. Morse, M.~ ..... for LucUord. .. folio..' THE RENTAL vnIICH IS PAYABLE MONTHLY &Nx~RxRRR~RRx~NRxRxRSX IN ARREARS mxxX~XKKOCOCXKNNXK~K<<YXM0N~KXI~ AS FOLLOWS: IT IS FURTHER A~REED AND COVENANTED BY AND DETWEEN THE PARTIES IIERETO AS FOL.Loas: I. T...., c:onc:urn:~dy wilb Ibe execu.i_ of ...i. le._, h.. depODited wi.b Landlord the .wn 0' "...................001 "'e ree.ip' of ...iu i. ber.by acknowledSed by L.dlord, which .wn shall be retained by Landlord y or Lbe peymee. by Teft... 01 "'e rent. hereift .peed to b. p.id by Teaan. ...d for "'e failbful ce by Tenant of the ler... and coveeant. of Ibia lea_. II i. ap_d thai Lalldlord. at Landlord'a 0 ti at ...y Lime apply ..a id sum << cw anv c-rI "'er.of towarda the pavment 0' Ibe reala and all olber .um. Ten.nl under this le_e, .nd Lowarda Ibe perfor-.ac. of e.cb and every of Tenanl'a coveft_t. un . e..e, b.. .uch covea...Ls and TenallL's lisbiliLy under "'i. lea.e sh.1I Ibereby be di.cbarged onl 0; th.t Teftant shall re....in liable for any amounts LhaL such ~ .u. sh.1I be i..ufficienl '0 p.y; Ibat _y exhaust ..y or .11 rlgbt. .Dd remedies againat TenanL before reo .or.iaS '0 .aiel .Ulll. but eol' ereill cont.ined aball require cw be deemed to require Landlord so LO do;thaL, ia Lhe J eveDt Ibi. depo.h 01 be utilized for .ny .ucb purpo.e.. tbeD .uch depoait sh.ll be relurned by Landlord to Ten. ~ .. wi...i. y. nex' .her lhe expir.tion of .... larm 01 ...i. I..... .....ellorel.h.1l ao' be r.quired Lo per T....L allY i7' ..iel ..ewi.y d.po.i.. POLICE MATTERS 2. Tit. T...' .i11 ... ..d occupy.... pr..i... f. -,' . . t ' " s&cuany Us& ASSIGNMENT IE.VICE t:lIl/\\lISATION or ....UUllil:lI .. EP A 11"1 DEI./\ \. .... l'usst:sJ;lUN DEC. 1, 1989- HAY 30 J 1990 $650.00 PER Hm1TH JUNE 1, 1990- NOV. 30, 1990 $700.00 PER HONTH DEC. 1, 1990- MAY 30, 1991 $750.00 PEP. MONTII ~ JUNE 1, 1991- NOV. 30, 1991 $800.00 PER HONTH DEC. ~, 1991- NOV. 30, 1992 $800.00 PER MONTH SALES TAX EXEMPT SECURITY DEPOSIT NOT REQUlRED_ RENTAL INCLUDES USE OF ALL SECURITY DEVICES. \ ~ aDd for DO 0.... u.. or purpo.., 3. .itbout .be ww:inell coa..nt of Landlord fir.t obt.ined in each caae. Tenant shsll not assip, Iransfer, mortgage:. pled.. or o"'erwi.e encumber or ditipo.e of thi. le..e or Ibe term bereof, or underlet the demised premtses or any perl tbereof 01 permit tbe ,.emi..s 10 be occupied by o"'er per.on.. If &biB le..e be assigned, or if lhe demised premi.es Of .ny pari lbereof be underlet or oc('upied lly anybody ollier than the Tenant, "'e Landrord mav, aher default by lhe T..n- aat, collecI r.' &om Ibe assignee. undertenant, or occup"'L and .pply lhe net amount collerLed LO Ibe renl hereIn reo served. bul .0 .ucla collection sball be deemed. .aiver 0' Lbia covenanL. or the accepLance of Lbe asslj~nee. under. teft.Dt. or occupant .a Tenant or . relCll" of lhe TellDnt Irom "'e furtlller ob.ervance ...d perforlllDllce by Lbe Teeanl of &h. c:ov.e... lIIer.ia cOll.ained. 4. n.. Laa'dlord will furnish _rvic.. a. folio..: during normal business hours. only public areas. Sucb aervice shall be /Sivell a8 long a. Ibe Teaanl i. not in def.ult uftder any of Ibe coven...ts of Ibi. lease. sublerl to aUike., acridenta. bre.kdowaK. catastropbe., n..ion.1 or 10c.1 emerseftcie., .cts of Cod, ...d conditions and "auses beyond Ibe control of tbe Landlord, and upon .ucb bappening, no c1.im for d....... or ab.tement 01 reat 1<< I.ilute Lo furnillh .y .u~ ..vice. lIbell be made by the Te..e. 01 .1I0wed by .b. Laaellorel. 5. Teunt b.vi.ll eaemined tbe premi... i. fa..i1iar wi'" the condi.iOD tbereof _d relyins .olely on .uch uami.... .ion will .ake tbe. ia their ....enl conditiOll. uele.. o"'erwiae ea.....ly aveed upOD ill writinS' 6. Tenaa. .iII .. ~enaal'. own expen.e keep demiaed premi.e. in ,ood repair aftd tenantable condition durin8 .aid term aDd will replace a. ,hia own expe...e aDY Md .11 brokea .1... i. a.d about said pr...i.e. ...d Tenanl will aL the 'ermi..tioft of alLi. lea.. by lap.. of time or oalLerwi.e, return ..iel pr.... '0 Laadlord i. .a .ood cODditiOD a. .lIIe. receiv.d, 1_ by fire or .indator.. and ordinary _. excepted. 6A. If aILe Laedlord i. ue.ble to sive poe.e_io. 01 the demi.ed premi... Oft the date of tbe commencement of the .foreaaid .er. by r...oa of tbe holdinll ov,. of ..y pior teDAllt or ..ant. 01 for MY other re..on; an abat_eIlt 01 dim- i.utioa of ~e r.. tD be .-id bereuDder &ball be .Ilowed t....Dt ..der .uell circu...tMc". bu. ftotbiftll berein ailall ..per..e to elltead the 'erm of aILe le.e beyoad "'e aweed ..piralion d.te; ..d .aid abatement in reft' shall be cae full elltent 01 LuelIOlel'. liability to TelWl' for any 10.. or damAfJe '0 TeftMt oa account of ..id del.y in oblaining pos.' e.aion of .... pr_l.... If L.ndlord i. uD.ble to ,pve po.....iOD of "'e demi..d premi.e. to Tenant within ninely days nellt aher .... co_ac_ent of Ibe ter. of &hi. lease. thee Tea..t sh.1I h.ve the ri.. to cancelthia lease upon wriUen notice thereol delivered to L..dlonl wi...ia left day. aft,. aILe I.p.. of said ninel) d.y period; ad. lIfJotl Duch c:aec:eJIa.iOll. L..elIOIeI..eI T.... sh.1l ..~ be r.l...... MeI cUaca...ed frota .11 Ii.bility otl tJai. Ie.... Electricity and air conditioning Cleaning and trash removal from ''\ . 7. T.,,_. will _II. .. ah.r..i..a ...4ili_.., .' 1....dIUfb~. 0..~.1I ..wlll.n. Ii..w_. ;, tMJlfo.._..':"::::;-:i, :,iI'c:.,::,.e:-~.,,~:::::' .':o-:.i. ~::.r,' ,..ova C W. IN' ..,,,ry .. loll. "."'H.. ...11 ... .... ,..... . ,... .. .... "..... .. ~ ..,.,..._ ., .... ..... 8. II I. _d.,..CNHI ..4 .1'..4 II,.. ~..w... ~ petti.. ...... ... .. .."'lca. or 'Of .Ofll dOlI. .. loll. JIf."'I". ~ .4. .. T_.. . .......:' c .".. =~....T....... ..,......~I ..4 ,.. .'",H .. .... "ue _ ...11 ~ iaelll"." .. .., .... ,. ,.... · · ...,... · - ... - I... ... 9. I. .h. ...., loll. "..i... ch.ll ... 4....,.4 . .. 4....-4 laj..... 'iI . .f &Iu. .1'._."" .........,. ... ,,_. ".U ~ ,..4er... _......~....._ ~.:.. :~I.~:. c~~: t..':'.4~::: JlfC""". 'c"_,.,,. ,Itr '.p.". W..... ...." 4.,.. ......fr... II .'4 ....,.. .. ... ,..,04 ......... .~,...iIt 11_ I' .h.1I ... .p....... "... ...her ,...., ....... .. eooe.' .11160 "OIl.. ... Ia ~ UN' .f _III .....11..... .. .... .h.1I ... p.ul o.lr .. .h. .... .f _ell II.. c......,. ".. .:..CO,",'" III..... ........4 ..... III. ..w..c.4 .. _..... evil"'''' 11_ Iollo' ... pr..~_ .. _'.....a.I. _ .. c..... .. ,... .. .It.. ...-..... ......,.. ....- ... ..ir pr.,..... ,..,..f ....11 .. _..-.4. ........- 10. Tn.. ~oll "0.,.1,. ..ee.... .... e..pI, ..... .11 ...,...~. -.;.,~.c... r..... .,4or.. r...I.'........ r....".. _... 0' "'. F."e,.I. Sa.... e....~' ~ eta, ce.......,. ..4 .. .., .... ,II ...." 0.......... ... u.r.-. ..."...... '0. .01"prC.'''o f. Ule, e.'~""', ..."...._. .-d ...._.. ., ...'...e.. . ... .""..._. Ia. ..... . .....e... .... ...d p........ "1If1.. ...4 .... ..~ ~.1I101_ ....,,,, ..pI, .,... M4 ...c.'. .11 ,..... ....,. ..tI ,.~...... of .11. Sou'h....... UM.,.h... 1\0...,..... .. .... ..."...,_ .. ."... .. T....... ._ .... _ ..,..... T.... 0"... ,. f.' -, 'K'... I. ,... .-.. of "'....... ,,__ ....f ... ...... .... .... ... .. f_ ... .., .. ...-4 b, T..... . .... .. eec.....c' of .... "..,.... ~Jl. T....... .",..a: n.. T..... .iII "......, .., ~'4 ,.. .. .... ... ....". .....4~~UkN_ ",_)f"~W*I*_X9tIIk9l"~_ICIl'IIiDc*"vvw.fxIN"iMwaMtl. ".,1-0".......... .... Illr "bo.... ...11 ....i. 4... oM _,.i4 I. ..,,~ ..,. .... .r..i.... .....M.1J.~C_. 4... .... ,.,...... LeIltI...... .holl haft .... .,.... .f ..c""., loll. ...1... ., .... ..". ,..., 'Of loll. ...". ,....1 .... .. ,"i. ..... .. .. ,...... ....1, d... ..4 ,.,.W.. ... Loo4~4 lief dI. "lMlM4 .. ..Uee. .n .. ... ....W .... cellH C. a., ..... ..... a., ........ ". 0....'''.... ' . 12. II 4......A ~. ..~. ., ...i. ".," .T.... ....11 .....4... ".... . ,_". Ir.. loll. ....,.. loll. .... ,.,.... .. .b. lood.. w.,... ."...,.... . ,.....,... .._II, ...,. _ .aW ......... . ....11 c.... 40.., ......... ,. ..t4 .... ..,.... o. .h.1I ...U.. .b. ,..., '0 III. io ....... Wo41or4 ..,.. .. it. ...,..~ cOIIC.1 ,lIIi. ...... i. ,h. ...... ....4 ,. P...~.ph 13 b.....f. . Lo..I.,. _, OIl'. Mi4 ........ .. loll. .... .f T...... ..,. fore. or .Ioll."i... "....... ....., liable i" .nr .., ......f.. _.. ..1.. ... .._,... .illl . "it..... .., ,........ lI&.. .., ... ......i.. .. .... ..... · T..._.. ., .IIC'h pr..:. ..4 llpea .lICb ..._ ..tI ,. Me" tI.....l.. ., .bM .. l.MoIII..4 _, 4....i... ..4 ....i". loll. ,... Ihe,.fOf. .ppl,i., .he ..... ,. lII. ,.,.... .f .a.. ...'411. ..,. aa.... ......... ..4 " .... f.ll ...... ....... ....i4ed .h.1I .0' III. ,..U..4 ~ ......ier4 .... ..4.... ... ....... .. ....4_4 .. ... .......... T..... ....U ,., .., ...hci.ae,.' . 13. h i. ....d ...,_.. ,... ,.,.... ...,... ...... .. Too.' ...11 ... "'j.4'c...4 . ~..... . .. ......... . ~. .... 1II.".h. o' M, f.do..1 '.or~i..,,_ .. ~..."... "....4... .. ..... . ....... .......... . ... ........ , 1...I...ey I.w. or .f T...... . .......14 ....,.., __ ...,. I.... ...u ... ...4 11M. "Y ...fl...i.. ... .. .... ". if . 11110'... i. ........,ac, .. . .....-.':;: ....... ..~~....... . .1....4. .... ... ~..... f. , '.~...'.:..~. '...1. fH .. ..... JIf..'''. ~.II ... .a...4_04 _ ....."... . if T.... .. . ....f.. .., .f Ui. c........ · c_diu_. 0' ..,. I.... ... T.....'... ,... .. .. ...f..... _ " Ui'. . .. .... Ioll...f ... 11_01...'" - ,.... ,. or dowel... "POll "r ,..,.... '"'' oI"c.. . c........,_ . ..... a., ..... of .... T.._.. .,...i_ ., Se. .. o.....w,... .h.. ..4 '" .., .~ .._.. &al'. Ie ... .. LIl'. ...... .. Lea4&...'. .,.,... ...11 ..,... ...... ~...4 % Ii.. door. .h., l.Wl41... .... "... T.. ,. ..Uc. CI. aa.. ...... III........... .....4.4) of .... oct. ceed"'" or .'_1. .... TOft..' ho.. 4'....' ..... Ie ..U .... ...._4.. _,4 ,,_i... .. L-4lertli .... Ut.. ".61 . .01 iMpei. ., .II.&:. I. . ri ,Ie ............, .......... fer .... ,oc..., .f ,,,. ........ 01 loll. .....4 I ~I JIf.""... 'ft . .....i..... ~ II, I... II .... ... .rloll'. I.... ....11 ~ .. ............ r:::1_4 -, .~...I, 7 or. II... ......."............ Of. f. ....... .... ".... ... ....". ell....... .... ......, ......- ......... .' a. u.a... I., ........ . ......~ . . . . '4. If ,... T..... ....... a. 'M ......uce ... .., .. .... c........I .w. ..... .... a., ...... .........1IIIt L......... ..pl.,. 'M ...ic.. .. . .......,. .. _f... ,.....M. .. ... ......... .., .. T...... .. .,.ic1 .... T........ coll.c. .u.,. .. ~, .'11. T...... . .. ..,f... .., ...lee ...... .,.. ..w 4.'..1,. loll.. a. -, .. -... ..... ... T..... d... .... '0 ,., . ........... ......,.. ,.. aa4 .11 ..,..... M4 ..... ....,... ~.... L.M.......... ie. ........ .... '" ..,..... .. .., ,_4, ...,....a. .. .... L.aM"4. I~. T....' "...., pl"'p. ... ""p. .. ~10r4 .u ~ '..'..0: "...... .... .... c......I. 01 T..... ..icll ....11 . _, ~ ......... . ,. .. _4 r...'''. .. ....", .. ~ ,.,...... ..'4 ".'. ..... T..orM ..... ..... ..w ,... .., ... ..1...4 a., 4'....... f.. ..,. . ...._,... ., .... .&oc.,- ., .... ,"-41.4. T..... a....1tr .."...a, w.,... .... f........ f. 11'-11 oed fMelI, .., ..4 ell ......,... .... .._,u.. ,.... ... .., ..... -.. - ...... 01... __ . .., wIrtH .. ~ ..."..... ... .... .. .... s... .. ,_,. ..f OIl'..... ........ .. .... U.".4 s...... .. ...... .... ,.,.., .. ... ...... . .., ...... ....... · -, .... .......... · ...... ... .., ..... .... lIMI ..,..f... ....-. ' " ... . 16. N. ".,,,.. .f .., ....."... . ....... ., ... ..... ~ Wra41or4 .....1 ... ......4.. ,.,1, · ......... · ,~. ,he, _..., ~ .........4 .. .., ...., ......... . ......., ., ...,. I..... ".. ,'...,. oad ....4'.. cr...... .., .... , 1_.. ore c......"". ... .... ... .. Me ,....., ...... ..' lie ...... .. ..e.... . ..iw. ... "... to ... ... .. .....f. 17. LaIl4I.4. . _y .. It,. ...... ....n ...... .. ,..... '.. ... ..14 .._.... ..,... .u.......w. ..... Ie...... ,.. .Iw .... . .. ... ... '.JIlO,... ....1"-- . ....,..,... .. -, .. ...-.4 MC~1 ,. all. ._1..,. ......... · "......... ....,. .. of ..14 ...u~... . ,. ....6ial. .oW "..,... .. .., .... .,..... ....", "-'. M.... .... ...".. .,.. .. ...1. I..... Se'4 ,'.... .. ""1 ....n U1t..._ ..... .,., .... ,.,,... ... ........ ........ ..... ........ ...... .Ii..... . ~"ial.. wltlc" ... ... .... .. &AI" ........ . . 18. All ,.,_.1 ".,..., ,1..4 .. ...04 .. .... _"..,... ...... ..cr,..... ....11 .. .. .... .,~ .. T..... · .... ...., ....,..f. ..4 L.......4 ....H ... ... U.a... .. T..... f. OIl, ..... .. ..,4 ,.,....1 ...,..,. · .. T...... ..i.... f.ora Ill. .......i.. .. 1.111.. ., .... ",.. . ,... ., .. .. ..'h.... .. ., .. ...... · ....... .. .... ....114... . .. .., ...." ,.,... ........... If. I. c...,....,.' .f .'4 ........ ~... 1....4.. T..... f. ... ..... .....1. T..... ...... TIt.. T...... .. .11 .1m. w.1I '.4...1f, M4 ~.., ........ -&..-4..4 fI_ .11 I...... 4...... ....."',... ..4 ..,...... .~ica. .., ..i.. .. ~. cl....4 ..... '1Ae4.... .... .. a. f."., ., M' ,.,.... ,,,. ..e....."-. I. .., ...,.i.. · ....... .. .... po'." .. ".""'1 .. M' ,.,..... Ian. . ..,....... ......... .... .. ...... fl. .... ... · OIIc....ee,'.. ..t4 "..1... '" T....., .. ........... .... . ...... II. .., ee... _,..,.... ...1... · '.1111 of .T..... (a... ...'i' ..nWl'.. ..,I.,.....lic............... .. "'''1....). Of '....0l(ltM' .,.. . .,.Ita. ".. T...... '-'1... .. c.., , whh .h. .lor...i4 ..... .......... .4i...... . ............; .... 1..0.41.4 ...n ... ... ..alai. .. T..... f.. .., """.'" I...... . i..jllli.. .. .M ..,.... . ".,.", .f T..... ...,.. -, ... coIIN4 a., .... M&o. ...I.ct. ..,..,_. ....'. .f "Y pol'" fll.. c..,.,"'_, _4 ,.... T..... .111 '.....If, .ad ~.., ......... ........4 Iro. .11 ........ .. ..ih..... ...~.. ,.j....., .. ..p..... ....c.. _y .... . ... ........ ...,... L.M41ar4 .04 .. ,. f.,.. .. ...:.,,.,.:;. Ii.. . ...,....... I. .., iIlj_'" . ~... .. aM ...... .. ".,.,., ., .., ...... ...... ...,........ · · iajwl.. . ....... ... ...- . ... ,~4 ",~' ,., T"." T .."... II \lu/.t" ..... ..... y.. ..... ... r.......o\TIlI.... ANII .N."'..Ute.. I4.N...U'.Cl'iIT ,.ANftON"....T AN.."'""" "...NSW" uaa ...r....,.r....T W ..""n.... 'AIV" ,1fl'1T c..- UlT. W To. ""'1"'. :'1ilui"UT~ . ,.r.,......'\. ..".. ....... n " , .. .' , '. :1;' .' . . -..~- ~\ '- 1 I ..' fhe ..d..........,.".nc... p......., coW'", .'IVet2', ",..Ubc.&l.., ".""'"'' corridor., or twll, ...... .., 1M ...,..,... _ '-~"Ld It, e.., T._.. _ u..d 1_ en, ,..po.. 011.. II_n Inr... ..... ...... '0 ..... '.0.. ... ........d pr...I.... . 3. No .wnl... or ...... proll.llon. ...11 b. ....eh.d '0 I" .....Id. weU. of .... bulldl.. wit..... ... prl.. _II1.n c_.ri ... ... L.....I..... H. e..'.'n" It'tnd.. .ha.... CllI' ,cI..n. ,haJl b. ....ched to .. h..-. 'n. _ \teed In c."".cUon _Uh, ..., ......0. or ... 0' .he cI......... pe.......... wtlhe... the aw'. ........n eon..nt ., the L.ndl_d. SUI'h ..."..... ....,.~..o".. eW''''''t blind., ...41.., 'CI..".,.r '''WI h.I-...""'I' ... .f . .....111,. 1"'..4..1.... .nd e.'oo. .nd .".."'d In.'' _"".. .ppro".d 10,... L.....I..... 1. N. .lln. .dn.II.._". nolle.. or 0'''' I."..... .hIolI bo ..hlbll.d. In.e.lb.d. p.I...d. _ ."I..d 10, .n, T...... .n .n, p'" 011... .....Id. .. 'M,d. 01 I" d...,..d pr.mI... or bulldl.. ...itho'" lhe pr'or _UI.n c.n.... of lhe L.....I_~ In.... ."... of ... "1.1.lIon 01 .... .....1... .., .n, Tene.., Lendlord mer ,emove ..me wllhoUl en., &llbtall,. end --r c...,... the ,.pI"'. ,,,C',,,...'ttr .uch ,e.....1 I. 'hi T...... or T....n.. ,,'... ..11.. IN. .uI.. Int..loo .lln. on 4000. ..... dlteelor, 1.101.. ....11 b. In.c'lb.d. p'!I...d. or .".... .I-t" .....n.. oIlhe T._. ..... ....11 b. .. . .1... color. ..... .1,.. .ee.pl.bl. 10 I'" &.e....lord. 4. The ...he.. ...h 400... ...,11."'.. wl....ow.. .nd door. ..... ,.f1.c' _ .d.... II.'" .nd .1, 1"0 I'" hIolI'. ..........,.. .. ..... p....... pl.c.. In.'' bulldl.. ...11 nol 1M eo"...d or vb...u....d 10, .n, T....n.. __ .hIolI .n, boUI... p.'." or 0''''' ,..lcI.. b. pl.c.d ." lho w_ow.III.. S. 'r.. ..... .nd w..h clo..'. end 01"" pl......l.. 11.1.... ....11 "". b. ....d I.. .n, p"po... 01'" ......1..... lor ....e.. ..., .... ..on.lrur..d .nd no .w..p..... ....bi.h. ..... 0. 01"" ....,....... .hIolI b. Ilwo_ .ho..ln. AJI dame... '......1... fro... .n, mi..... ollh. h...... ....11 It. 10__ It, .... T....... who, Of .ho.. ",".n.., .mplo'.... 'I.n.., ",.H.I, .. IIc.n.... ,hall "'VI c.\a..d ltw ..,.., .. No T....nI ....11 _'''. p..nl. drill IRlo. or In .n, w., d.l.e. .n, port 0'1'" d.nu..d pr.mI... or .ho bu.ldlnc 01 whle" ...., .... . p.... No bOf''', cull'.... 0' ..,1..... 01 wi... ....11 b. p..mllI,d. .ee'pl w'Ih lho prl.. WlIII.n con,.nl 01... L,ndIor.. .nd .. II _, d".c.. 7. No ble yel... ".hl.I... or .nI_l. o. .n, ..,.... ....11 b. 1H0..h. IRlo or ".p' In or .100'" ... p..mI.... ..... "" ..00..1... ....11 b. dOM or p." mlll.d 10, .n, T.n.nl on ..Id po.ml.... No T....nl ....11 c.u.. 0. porml. .n, ....u....1 or ob/...llon.bl. ........ .. b. produc.d _.... ,......... ',om Ih. .""..d pr.......... . I. "0 T.....nt ahall ........ or permU 10 be ft\Ad.. In)' un...mI)' _ d'.turb'.. no..... or d,.....b or ,..rr.,. .-lIh OC(~nc. 0' 'hi. _ net.""". ...,. b"..d..... or pr."'.... or tho.. MV'", bu,'ne.. with ttwm, whether b~ U. \leI 0' eny mUI'cII '''.'''.menl, 'ldlO, ,..11... "WehuN. ..,........c.l no.... wtw.tl.... ".'nc. or in In, olh., .1', No T...nI. ..... ".OW .n,thlne out of the doorl. wl""o... or ...'ltahel,... down the pe.......,.. 9. No odd."o...' 10'''. .. boll. 01 .ny ..Ind .hIolI bo pl.e.d _n ."y ... I'" d..o.. 0. window. 10, .n, T........ no. ....11 ..., e....... b. ",-de In ......,. loc". or lhit nM'chan..", 1"''''01. E.ech Yenenl ......1, upon I" '.r",inaUon o' hi. I'Nnc~, r..lw. '0 the Landlord eU ....... .f gllle.. end I..h., rooma, "Iher h.n.ah"d 10, Of' olh.'.... SNoC'W'ed "" eWE''' T..wnl, end 6n Uw ey.. ., the I... .f .n, ...,. .. ..."......., a..clh T.n.nt .hell po, 10 Ih. L.ndlo.d .... cO.1 .h...ol. 10. All removel.. or 'M ('."y_.... in or out 0' an)' ....., I'...".. h.nl"'.'t or bwk., mall.r o' a", ..crlpUon ..".... t.... place d..lnt: the how. which the L.ndlo,d 0' ,10 ...n. _, d.I.,mlne from II.... '0 11m.. T'" L.ndlord ...."'.. Ih. .I.hl 10 pr..c.lb. I'" we'.h' .nd po.lllon o. .11 ..,... whl.h ...... 1M' p'.e.d _n 3- Inch IhI.h p..... ...Ip. 10 dlol.ib... I'" w.ilht. Th. moo... 0' ..1..0. ...... lid.... or bul", _.... o. .n, ....... ",u.1 b. _d. .I.or ",."Iou. noli.. '0 .h. Me...... 01 .he buildl.... An, d....... done 10 the b..,ldl.. or .. .... ,....nt. or 10 ....... p.roon. In bol.... i... In 0' ..mo"l... ..1... I..nil... 0. olh.. bul", or h.."y .rticl.. .hIollll. ...,d 10. 10, T.n.nt. \ II, No T.nont ....11 o..e~, or p.,mll .n, po.llon 01 I'" p..ml... do...l..d 10 Nm 10 b. ....d lor _nuf.e'",,, 0' lor .he po......on. ..or.... monul.eh.., or ..1" of liquor or nercohe. 0' .. . b.,b.r 0' manic... .hop, .. .. an .."'pIG)'",.nt b....a,a. "0 Tenent .haU .",a,. 01 pe, an., I'm_ plor". on I" d.mu.d po~m1.... .,e.p' .ho.. .el...lI, wo...I.. lor ,uch T....n. on ..Id p..m...,.' _.114".11.. ,.. 1.100'.'.11"1" .n .dd...... .ald pr.ml.... U. E..h T.nonl. b.I... clo..... .nd I.."i.. Ih. ..id pr.ml... .. .n, II.... .hell ... ..... .11 window. ... clo..d. All ....."'. ..... oce~."'. mue' ob..,,,. a.,lct car. not to 1..". their window. op.n when .. '.'nII, end 'or anr d.I.\lJt or ~".le..IW.' In the.. r..pect., or e"~ 0' lhe..., ....11 _... 1004 .n, In/.., ....I.I...d 10, 0'''' I....n... .nd '0 .he L.ndl..d ... d._.. '0 p.I"'. pl.....I'" or ...., p.... 01 .... bulldl.... ...u1I.... horn .,.ult or '"..I...n.... 11. E.eh T.n.nI .h.lI. .. hi. ..p.n... poo"ld. ..1I1oel.1 lI.hl ,_ I'" .....10'... o. I'" L.....I..d ..hll. dol.. ,.nI.... .....e. or ..he. c1..nl... .nd In _"I.. ..p.lro 0. .1I...hon. 'n ..Id d."",.d ....IN.... 14. The p..ml.'. ....11 "01 b. ....d lor .....11.... lodlln. or .I..pln. 0. 10. .n, hNno..1 0' 111...1 p..,.o.... U. Th. ..qulr.....nl. 01 T....nt. w'lI b. ....nd.d '0 onl, ~on .pplle.lIon .. .h. ollie. o. .h. build,... &""'.0'... ...11 _I ......... ..., _... or do .nrthl... o....ld. 0..... .....1.. d..,... unI... und.. .p.e..1 ,,,.I.uellon. '.orn.ho o"lc. o. .... L.ndl_d. I.. C.n"...I... ..lIciti... .nd p.ddlln. In I'" build'.. I. prohlbll.d ..... ..ch T....", .hell eoqp.,.I. 10....... Ih, .._. 17, T._" .hell hev~ .he f,~. u... 01 "'" ....11 ch..... In.I.II.d 'n .he bulldl.., 10.. .ho L.ndlood .n "" wi.. ............ .... .'''el.nc, 01 ... ..ld .." chut.. and .tMlI be In no *1.. ,...pon.lb.. '01' any demit.. or dela, whlch m.~ u,.. 'rom the .... "."01. 'I. Ttw L.ndlord .p..cUlc.U" ,.1:.,..,.. Ih. ,i.hl ,~ ref".. ed'"'ttancl' 10 II... build"", .It9' 7 P' "'. daU" __ on $-......,.. or on ..... holW.,... 10 an, p.r.on GI I",.on. who CaNlOI h.nieh ,.".'.ctor, .de-ntU.cet'on, or .to an, p.r.on or p.r.on. who. 'ar an, at he, ,...Oft .n .he Lel'-flord'. ZJ1._n.. ....uld b. ckn..d ...cen 10 ... pr.ml.... The L.....lord. 10. .h. poo'eellon 01 ... T.n."', .n4 ,''',. .IIocu -, po..erab. ho....nd I.... .,,,.1. d..l.. I" ru..... on Sund.,. ..... Holld.,.. wh.n .11 peroon. ....e.I....... d.p..II.. Ihe O..lldl" .hell b. ..qul..d '0 .nl.. ..." nom... .he of".... 10 wNeh '''y ... 101... or '.0... whl..h lhe~ ... 1...1... ..... .... limo 01 .n.rone. or dop...... I... R.,I.I.. pro"ld.d for .he. P"'1lo.. , .., lhe L.ndlo.d. , j . T L.ndlo.d .'n p." It ... I..d I..... b.. .d. II., Iho..1 '.U .. ....101 ...... /:.. . In. the ,d pr. ::/ 30. T" L.iidlord .....".. .he .1.... 10 _... ....h o.ho. .nd I....ho. ....0...101. .u1.. .nd ,.. ....lion. .. In it. Jud.....n. _y I.om limo 10 limo b. no.dful 10. I'" ..f.'r. c... .nd c1..nll..... 0' .... pr.ml.... ..... 10. .... pr..e.v.llon o. .ood o.d.. '''...n. .nd .n, ,uch o.he. .. I...he. .u1.. ..... '.luI.llon. ....11 1M 101....1... ~on Ih. p."I.. h....o wllh .... .._ lorc~ .nd .".... .. If ..., ..... bo.n In..rt.d he,.in.I I'" 11_ 011'" .... c...lon he..o'. ' Z I. No T.".nl. nor any 01 th. T.nenl'. ..r..n.., .""Ioy.... .,.nt.. .,.lIorl, U1I lic.n..... .a... ., .ft, ....... b",. 01 .....p upon th. ".nwI.d p..mI... .n, Inll.mmobl.. cO......lIbl.. ... .apl".I". fluid. e"'lftle.l. or ......nc.. " II i . ..I w I I . .. u ... ~ .. ...J 0\ c :0 '5 m .. ~ II: e o l- - . Q 'a .. w ."- IlIGHTI(l . MOIH<<;I\(,.: UK I:.,^~t ' rIOTU. t:S. .IJI,t~S ANIl R~t;IIL"TION5 WRITTt:!\! AGK~~Mt:NT TIME ..t:IK5 "NO Ablt;NS Pt:"CU'lJL ..U....~SSION ALTt:K"T10N5 "Nil K~...\IKS E:\1I!\!F.!\!T OIl\l,\I!\! SI'KKt:NIlt:K I'Kt:\IISt:S 1.lt::-.:; 20. Teaa .. .ball be HuhjrcI In 1IIl)' bona lidr mongage which now cove flle.i.e. ..d wOlda ..y laere- ehe:. be: Vle<e:d ull .&II.II"e:nu.ea Ity lAfullu.d, o. ullde.lyu,. le..e aow or 1.ler cov.riaA Iba ..Iir. prupeny. 21. Eacepl for rhe monrhly renral nOlices. all nOlices shall be cenifled or re,iatered mail or nOlicea delivered in hand 10 thr La..dlord ur I.andlord's Agent and to the Tenanl or Tenane's A,eoe on the premiaes. 11 the premise. a,e unoccupied 0' ac."cepeancc of said notice i. refulied by Ihe Tenanr 01 Tenanr'. A,e"e. said norice may"bc served on thc Tena..t by postin, ume in . p,umioent place on Ihe p.emiae.. This pa,a.r.ph shall apply to noei&:e. provided '0)' in ttau lease or by rhe laws of elle Scale o. Flo,id.. 22. h ia mUlu.lly'aNeed Lb.I .11 Lbe Rulce _d RelUlaliooa prinled UPOD Ute back 01 llai. inauUlDenl .ball b. ..d ..e be,eby m..de . ~" 01 lhi.. leueaDd Teaanl coven..,I. ..d apeea &b.I 1I_"..d bia .e",.nle ..,d .,eDI. will .1 .11 li_. abaerve. perl..r. ..d abide by aald ,ulea a"d re aul.liOA.. ' 23. Thi. le.ae conlain.. lhe enli,e .greemenl belweeD &he .-niea berelo Uld.1l previous D~li.lion.le.diDI Lberelo. and il m.y be modilied ooly by IW .Neemenl in wriliDI lIiped aDd .ealed by Ludlord ..d TenaDI. No .urrea4er o. &b. ~emi..d prellli.... or of Lbe rem..inder o. Ute ler. o. Lbi. le..e. .b.ll be v.lid ...1... acc.Pled by L_dlord i. wril . 101' 24. h ia under.lood Uld apeed belween Lbe fNArlies herelo Ibal li.e i. lb. ...ence 01 .11 o. &b. ler_ ..d provi.io.. 01 Lbi. le..e. 25. Thi. le..e ud .11 provi..iona, cove..UlIS Uld concUliOCls Lbereo' ..11 be bindinl UpOA Uld i..ure 10 llae beaelil o. &he heir.. lel.1 rerre.enl.U ve.. aucce...ur. ..d .a.i fPle 01 Lbe p"lie. berelo. eacepl Lb.I DO persoo. 'ir.. corporelion. or COUll o'ficer bo ding under or Ihrougb TenuI i.. violalion 01 uay 01 Lbe lerm.. provi.ioo. qr cOAdiliOAa of Lbi. Ie.... sh.ll b.ve aay ri",I, i..lereal 01 equilY iD or 10 Ibi. I...., Ihe lerm. 01 &hi. Ie... or &be pr.-... cover.d by &hi. 1_... 26. SubjecI 10 Lbe lerm., condiliOAe IIId covenanl. o. Ibi. I..ee. L...ndlord .gree. dI.I T.UlI aball ..d -y pe.c.. ably bave. buld and enjoy Ibe premiae. above deecdbed, wilbouI bindr""c. or mol.al.liOA by L.Ddlord. 27. And il i. 'Ullber agreed &h.1 &hi. leue i. m.d. by ah. L.ndlord ud accepled by &he Tenu' IUlder &h. di.llAcl undersl_din8 IIIld awumeDI Lblll Ibe L.ndlord shall b.ve Lbe ripI Uld privilese 10 mak. ..d build .dcUli_. 10 Ibe building 01 wbicll Ibe demitied apace! i,. a parI. ""d make auch .her.lion. aDd repaira 10 aaid buil<<ha. .. il ..y de.. wise ...d .dvia.ble w..hOUI Ilny Ii.bilily 10 lhe Ten.nl Lbr.relor. 28. The lerme L.and lord cwd TenuI .. ber.in COAllAined a1a.1I ioclude .inpl.. .nd/ or plur.l, _eculi.... 'emiau.e. and/ or neuler, beinl, ..u,x;e.aora, e.eculor.. .dmioi"U.lorll. peraon.1 repr...laliv.. &Ad/ or .a. p. wla..ver .... .conleal 110 requirea or edmiui. 29. In Lbe evenl any pOllioa 01 aaid le.aed premiaea ia luen by any condemDalion or emiaenl dom.in proceedinll'" Ibe (minimum) monlbly renlal huein apecified 10 be paid aball be ralably r.duced .ccordin8 10 lbe are. ollh. Ie_cd premiae. wbich is luen. ...,d Te:n"'I .b..1I be' eoualed 10 DO olber conaider.lion by re.aoo o. .ucb lakiD" aad U1Y d.mallea ..ullered by To;n....1 un 1I('(,ounl 01 &he laking 01 ""y porlioo o' .aid le.aed premi.ea ud any d_age. 10 -y alluclurr.s e,ecled on "Illd le.sed pren,illell. re..peclively. Ih.1 "hall be .w.d.d 10 Tenanl in .aid proceecUDIII' ab.lI be p.id 10 lUId recei ved by l.andlord. and Ten""l .h.lI b.ve no rigbl IhereiD or Lberelo or 10 any pan Utereo'. ud TeD. anI doea hereby relinquish and ..."ign 10 l.andlord .U 01 TenlAnl's riabla ud .quiLiea in ud 10 .ny .ucla d_ag.a. July renl..1 bll..ed upon Ihe percenlafole 01 gru.... "lAlea specified in ahi..le.lle 10 be pllid sb.1I io DO w.y be reduced or IAllecled Ity Ibe llIiLinl( 01 lII'y p<lIlion 01 Ihe premi>>.a by condenlAalioD or _inenl domain pa:oc.edinla. Should .11 01 Ihe 1.Il..ed l"emi..es be I.e:1I by emiocoI domlliD. Ihen ""d in Ib.I evenl Tenu.I aball b~ .Oluled 10 00 d_a,.. or uay con..ideralloll by re.SOD 01 lIUcb laklnl. eac.pl Ihe cllllcell.lIDn and IenDln.UOA 01 Ibl. I.... .. o' lb. d.I. o. ..Id laking. 30. Ten....l .wees 10 IAurender 10 LaDdlord. .1 Ihe end 01 lhe lerm 01 Lbis le..e and/ or upUG uy cuacellalion 01 Lbi. le'"ie, ....Ilj lelAsed premi..es in lUi good cuodilioD .a said prea,isea were .1 Ibe beginoilll o' Ibe lenn o. Ibi. .1..... or- dinlllY we... IUId Ie.... lII,d d...lIalle k-y 'ire ""d wind"Ionn or olber aCla 01 Cod. eaeepled. Tell""I .I\r... Ib.l. II Teoual doe.. nOI tiurrende, 10 LIIII.llurd. III Ibe end o. Ihe lerm ul Ibia le..e. 0' upon any cIII,~'ell.llun ullbc ler.. o. Ibla Ie.... ..aid lelA..ed premi..e.., Ihen Tenlll,I will pay 10 l.....dlord .11 d.m.gel! lhal Ludlord m.y Buller on acCouOl 01 Tc...,.I'. 1.i1u,e 10 ..0 lOurrende:r 10 l.andlo.d puasc..l6ioo 01 aaid le....d premilA.a. ""d will indemoily and ..ve L..dlord b...- Ie.." from IlfId .j(ainal .11 c1lllm.. mild. by uay ..ucceedinl lenonl 01 Mid premille. .glAilll" Ludlo,d 00 .ccounl .01 delay 01 L.ndlo.d ,n delivellnj( po....eluuolI 01 Mid peu.i.es 10 ...id succeedin. lcaUlI 110 I.. a. sucb delay I. occ..looed by Illilu.e of Tell",,1 IU'IOU ..urr"nder .....d prenai..e:... J). Te......1 further III'1"e.. Ih..t Te,,,,,,1 will ""Y 1111 lie.... ..f couU.."la.a. aubconll"clo.., mechan.c... l..bore.., m..lrr- i..lmen l&fld Olher IIeo,.. 01 like chUlIcler, lII,d will indemnily Lcwdlord again"I .11 leg.1 co..l.. ....d cb.rIl"II, buHd plemiu~,ti lor rele...e 01 lieoll, including cuunscl leell rC.lIOnably incurred in and .boul Ihe del.na. 01 any lIuil io ,di.- ,.taluganK Ihe .aid p..,I1I.be.. or any pllll Ihcreol 'rom any hens. ludgmealll. or .ncumbrance. c.uaed or ...fl.red by fen. anI. 11 i.. Wldcrslood ...llj agree.' belweell Ihe 1'lIIl1ea herelu Iblll Ihe co.I. ...d cbarlell above relened 10 ab.1I b. con- ",deled liS .enl due ....d shall b.. lIldud"d iu 'lilY lien 1m ."nl. . The Tenanl herein. ....all not tallve IIIIY "ullwrily I" nellte any lien. 'or labor or mlllerilll on Ihe Laodlord'. inle.c..t in Ihe above de..crib.,d propr.rly, ...d..1I pe.sona, conuactinK. wilh Ihe Tenlllll 'or lhe de~lIucLio.. or removal ol_y build1nK "r lor Ih.. c,eniuu. 'Iu..lall..llon, allc'lIlIon, or rep,":,r 01 ....v bUllclin~ or olher Improve~enla 011 Ihe above delicribed premi....:;. Ilud all mlll"rialmcn, '.onll....o's.rnechani.c... .nd I..borerll. lire hereby charged wllb nollce Ihllllbcy n.usI look I" Ihe Tell 111.1 IIIld lu Ihe Ten....I... IIllero:"I" only III &he ..bovc dell{'flbed pruperly 10 IlCcure lb. p.ymcoI uf Mny bill lor wo,l dOlle or m"Ierilll lurlli>>hed dUlillg Ibe rl'1I1al period cr..led by Ibi. le..e. ~ T~nant may terminate this agreement/lease by giving Landlord n1nety (90) days written notice of Tenant's intent to vacate the premises. Termination 32. IN WITNESS \UIUtEOF. lhe pIlIlies berelo, bllve I6igrled. Muled IIfId delivered lhi. lease iD . no,ida. on Ihe Juy IlIId year h...I ak-ove wrillell. L1~ ,..",p, "'..? .. ...1,......',' d a~~~ d~ / Dy Irwin S. Morse, M.D. liy: sh --n:f' or'l-bnroe CbITty' (S~AL) MA-' IY-~ "ilnell"e.. ..s 10 Tenllnl I ~--?""-- ..---._.-. COP1 ~~ //-/3:tf'Y