Resolution 179-1990 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 179-1990 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 56, SOMBRERO PROPER- TIES, PARCEL 5-E, LOTS 5 & 6 WHEREAS, the property described in the Planning Department Report of February 1, 1.990, lots 5 & 6, Parcel 5-E, Sombrero Properties, presently vacant, zoned Improved Subdivision since September 1986; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were placed in error with the adoption of the September 1.5, 1986 Land Develop- ment Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previous demarcated residential boundary; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 56 dated February 1st, 1990, which recommends approval is hereby acknowledged and found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Communi- ty Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe c. ~ ; oCoutrey, Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th c; _" (.' .-.::; \.day 51: MarclY, A. D., 1990. :~:, C! (~~ N Si s:: c. W .-\ - U- ~"-". L\.... "-"0 '" "..:; ex: ..,' ;% o <;) 1: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA I..' /" 11 ' O~;iW-~ ~ By Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attestt>.ANNY L. KGi.:"-Tf,GF, crer~ APPROVE. ':MDLE J II't ~~~-1,1J~ Cler 17 o ~ ~ Ie Pursuant to Section St.5-24(aH2Hh) of the Monroe County Code, the boundaries of the Land U.e District Map are Interp.reted to be located as Indicated above and briefly described as: Move boundary line to include lots 5 and 6 in the 15-0 district. Director, Growth Management Sheet# 235 Key Boot Key N' 1 Date BOCC Resolution 1"= 200' (- M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: I Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Southeastern Home Mortgage Company at lots 5 & 6, Parcel 5-E, Sombrero Properties. DATE: February 1, 1990 MEETING DATE: March 6/7, 1990 PLANNER: Tim DuBose BIOLOGIST: Pat McNeese Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes____No X Commissioner's District: Recommended Action: The Environmental Resources Department will have no objection to approv- al of the boundary determination if it can be shown that the present land use designation given on the land use maps was not that intended by the BOCC at the time of original designation and that, in fact, duplex or multi-family zoning was intended here. Otherwise, as the property is vacant, and the effect of moving the boundary would to double the allo~ cated density on this property, this request should be treated as a map amendment. Background: The applicant is requesting a boundary determination for the referenced property. The property is presently located within the Improved Subdivi- sion (IS) land use district. The adjacent properties on both sides (north and south) are also located within the IS land use district. The property across the canal to the west is located wi thin the Improved Subdi vi sion-Duplex (I S-D) land use di strict. Therefore, the effect of this boundary determination would be to move the existing boundary run- ning down the middle of the canal to the east in order to include the lots referenced above. The property is presently vacant and turbed uplands vegetated mainly with dered along th~ canal by a seawall. the adj acent property to the north south is vacant. is located witpin an area of dis- sal t tolerant 'vegetation and bor- There is a multifamily dwelling on and the adj acent property to the ( Findings of Fact: 1. The habitat type on these two lots is designated "disturbed" and as such requires an environmental open space ratio of 0.20 regardless of the land use district. 2. There would be no significant increase in adverse impacts on the immediate environment (the property itself) with approval of the boundary determination. 3. The cumulative impacts of an increase in density of these lots from two dwelling units to four dwelling units (increase sewage, traffic, boating impacts, etc.) should be considered in light of the intent of the original land use district designation. 4. The property is presently vacant. Therefore, this boundary determi- nation cannot be reviewed as simple mistake in consideration of the present use of the property, since there is no present use. The original intent of the IS designation must be reviewed with respect to the entire area. If there is no mistake in the mapping with respect to the original intent, then this request should be consid- ered as a map amendment. 5. The stated purpose of the request on the application is "to build a duplex" . I t should be noted that each of two lots (lots 5 &: 6) given in the application are presently allocated one dwelling unit under the current district. Therefore, two single family dwellings; (two units) can now be built giving the owner the same effect as building one duplex (two units). Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: ___Yes~No Attached Board Policy(ies) Applicable: N.A. Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date X N.A. Alternatives: The request should be treated is a Map Amendment, Attached Documentation: X Yes No 1. Application and proof of payment 2. Proposed Boundary Change map 3. Land Use District Map 4. Aerial Map 24th Edition 1989 5. Zoning Map Pre-September 1986 (Pattison) 6. Photograph of property 7. Staff Report (Planner &: Biologist) -- ~ "..~.I c.t:f. ( APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT. MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Southeastern Home Hortgage Co PHONE # (407) 862-9560 ADDRESS 499 St-. Rc~ <'134, Suite 2179 AltamontG Sprinas, FI 32714 KEY Boot ,Kc~' MM <=;0 OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? (If''''::>"'''; r'n SUBDIVISION Somhrprn Propprties (metps & bounds) PLAT BOOK 5 PAGE 101 5 't- k, ',-- BLOCK Pt. Parcel' 5-E LOT(S) MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) See attached strip map and Land Use Map. REQUEST CHANGE FROM Iraprovec SUbdivisionTO Improved Subdivision-Duplex REASON FOR REQUEST: To bui Id a duple;~ PRESENT LAND USE: Sinqle Fanilv DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: Tuo mUlti-family_ home~ adjacent North of property, Four duplexes to South of property and ISD cesi~natiQn ~cr~ canal from property. SOUTHEASTERN ~OME ~R~ C. SIGNATURE ,,_ "+_ DATE JULY 24, 1989 CEOIL l\. MOORE Fee paid $~e-o. 00 VB -1-/?.1.LB9 ~;Lso "~g'-{(~I {C/)'}o ~j~ RECEIVED #-~ 11 (, --- - r'" -..J ~ '"- --:J v -:\ 0_ 00 (j I () U c:" _ 0 L..-' .5 JY-- 1. Y () -- OOO<-OD AU6 1 5 i989 PLANNING DEPT. BY LAN~ ~~-EC:~J s.. S:::hedule . A- at. tacI~ n....to ....... "....... _ .. ~ l:7 he~. J ':"~',<."11t~t~~, ~2"~'~t;! II} r~ -; " ...,... . k..~~. ~ ~4f~ ..., ,; ~ J , ,'.. .:1''';'- j. !;",,;', ~ . .. ii , , '-'" J'.,~., ,.,.,. . , "<' -- - ~ ~ ~~',' 'ft'~,,'?~t' '?;;, ~Si~~~",~~i;::': . ~ ,,~ - ........ ."" ..'.. '~..J .. ,'...... 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( M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Ty Symroski, Development Review Coordinator Tim DuBose, Planner FROM: Pat McNeese, Biolo~ist DATE: October 3, 1989 REF: Boundary Determination for Southeastern Home Mortgage Company at Lots 5 and 6, Parcel 5-E, Sombrero Properties I) INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting a boundary determination for the referenced property. The property is presently located wi thin the Improved Subdivision (IS) land use district. The adjacent properties on both sides (north and south) are also located with- in the IS land use district. The property across the canal to the west is located within the Improved Subdivision-Duplex (IS-D) land use district. Therefore, the effect of this bounda- ry determination would be to move the existing boundary running down the middle of the canal to the east in order to include the lots referenced above. II) PROJECT DESCRIPTION. The property is presently vacant and is located within an area of disturbed uplands vegetated mainly with salt tolerant vegeta- tion and bordered along the canal by a seawall. There is a mul tifamily dwelling on the adj acent property to the north and the adjacent property to the south is vacant. III) STAFF REVIEW The following findings were made during review: 1. The habitat type on these two lots is designated "disturbed" and as such requires an environmental open space ratio of 0.20 regardless of the land use district. 2, There would be no significant increase in adverse impacts on the immediate environment (the property itself) with approval of the boundary determination. 3. The cumulative impacts of an increase in density of these lots from two dwelling units to four dwelling units (increased sewage, traffic, boating impacts, etc.) should be considered in light of the intent of the original land use district designation. , .. '- (- Symroski/DuBose/McNeese October 3, 1989 Page Two 4. The property is presently vacant. Therefore, this boundary determination cannot be reviewed as a simple mistake in consideration of the present use of the property, since there is no present use. The original intent of the IS designation must be reviewed with respect to the entire ar- ea. If there is no mistake in the mapping with respect to the original intent, then this request should be considered as a map amendment. 5. The stated purpose of the request on the application is "to build a duplex". It should be noted that each of the two lots (Lots 5 and 6) given in the application are presently allocated one dwelling unit under the current district. Therefore, two single family dwellings (two units) can now be built giving the owner the same effect as building one duplex (two units). IV) RECOMMENDATION The Environmental Resources Department will have no objection to approval of the boundary determination if it can be shown that the present land use designation given on the land use maps was not that intended by the BOCC at the time of original designa- tion and that, in fact, duplex or multi-family zoning was intend- ed here. Otherwise, as the property is vacant, and the effect of moving the boundary would to double the allocated density on this property, this request should be treated as a map amendment. cc: file 2