Resolution 243-2001 RESOLUTION NO. 243 -2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A GRANT MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SOUTH FLORIDA COMMUNITY-URBAN RESOURCES PARTNERSmIP, INC. AND MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS TO IMPLEMENT A MATCHING GRANT PROJECT TO ASSIST IN THE RESTORATION PLANTING OF NATIVE VEGETATION AT OLD SETTLER'S PARK, TAVERNIER. WHEREAS, on April 19, 2000, the Board authorized the grant application to the South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership (SFCURP) Program to assist in the restoration planting of Old Settler's Park; and WHEREAS, based on that application, the South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership, Inc. awarded a grant for the sum of $14,000 to be matched with monies from the Monroe County Environmental Restoration Fund; and WHEREAS, the South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership, Inc. (SFCURP, Inc.) submitted a Grant Memorandum of Agreement for execution by the Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: to approve the Grant Memorandum of Agreement between the South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership, Inc. and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Community Volunteers to implement a matching grant project to assist in the restoration planting of native vegetation at Old Settler's Park, Tavernier. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY ........ C") COMMISSIONERS of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of the Board held~n tie ....'v .., ...1,- 21st day of June 2001. ~)r-:;:: , I Tl :::: -< c). r- e' C"") . c--: :-2:-,,-J yes yes yes yes yes --I '''":'' ~:"'-_.! ....... I f"....".:) C::::.) -T"; "";:;::;,) I c- !l1 c:: ::::J .- '1 0 '.:J. :::':'0 -0 :':J -",,, ,. ""f N :') .- 1'" (fl BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS r MONR, OE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~,e ~~cf - Mayor/Chairperson