1st Amendment 03/21/2007 DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: March 29, 2007 TO: Suzanne A. Hutton County Attorney FROM: Kathy Peters Executive Assistant Pamela G. Han~ Deputy Clerk 0 ATTN: At the March 21, 2007, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of the following: First Amendment to Agreement between Monroe County and K. Marlene Conaway to provide expert witness testimony. Enclosed is a copy of the Agreement for your handling. First Amendment to Contract between Monroe County and the Monroe County Sheriff's Office for law enforcement and security services at the Key West International Airport and the Florida Keys Marathon Airport for the purpose of compliance with specific grant language. Enclosed are two duplicate originals for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: Finance File FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR EXPERT WITNESS SERVICES THIS FIRST AMENDMENTJO THE AGREEMENT FOR EXPERT WITNESS SERVICES is made as of this :PI - day of /Jf IIJ~~ ,2007, between Monroe County ("COUNTY"), a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040 and K. Marlene Conaway ("CONSUL TANT"), whose address is I 143 Circle Drive Tallahassee, FL 32301: WHEREAS Section XVI of the existing Agreement for Expert Witness Services authorizes amendment to that agreement by written instrument duly executed by the parties; lmd WHEREAS the Consultant's testimony would be useful to the County in other pending matters in addition to Florida Keys Citizens Coalition & Last Stand v. Dept. of Community Affairs and Monroe County, DOAH 06-2449; and WHEREAS the Consultant has already provided expert assistance in some of the matters Ilisted below; NOW, THEREFORE, COUNTY and CONSULTANT in consideration of the mutual wvenants contained herein, amend Section I, entitled Scope of Services, of their Agreement for Expert Witness Services approved by the County on or about February 21, 2007, which shall read in its entirety as follows: SECTION I. SCOPE OF SERVICES The CONSULTANT will provide expert witness testimony, necessary related research and invf:stigation in the following matters as more specifically set forth below or in ancillary cases related to the following matters: Florida Keys Citizens Coalition & Last Stand v. Dept. of Community Affairs and Monroe County, DOAH 06-2449; Monroe County v. Dept. of Community Affairs, DOAH 06-2856; Emmert v. Monroe County, CA P 02-520; Collins, et al. v. Monroe County v. State of Florida, CA M 04-379; Galleon Bay Corp. v. Monroe County v. State of Florida, CA K 02-595; Bauknight, et al. v. Monroe County, CA P 04-451; Neuman v. Monroe County, CA K 04-663; 1 Lightner, et al. v. Monroe County, CA K 07-280; Kalan v. Monroe County, CA P 03-155; Good v. Monroe County, CA K 01-977, as well as an asserted yet unfilled claim by Lloyd Good under the Bert J. Harris Act; Lloyd Johnson v. Marlene Conaway and/or Aref Joulani, CA K 02-1248; Kenneth Dorn & Katie Pearce v. Monroe County, CA P 06-203; This amendment shall authorize payments for work performed on any of the above-listed matters regardless of whether that work was performed prior to the date this agreement was approved, however, nothing in this agreement shall authorize any payment to the Consultant for work she performed while she was a salaried employee of Monroe County or the Florida Department of Community Affairs. d~~~;3f~',"~~, 1;{~~~efT " ~~~~~.the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day (,{SE~~l,;i74/ ~g~~~~~~Y . . :~~. Y L. KOLHAGE, Clerk MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ... ,~ '.</> a ,p-~~ By: Deputy Cle MAR 2 1 2007 Date: K. Markne Conaway, "Consultant" By: '7t: /J1;.- 1..__,<.... Clx.Q...u..:J'7- Name: 1<. Marlen'€' Gno.wa..1 Date: ~ p, ;200 7 / 2 ~4~~ rrt A -<. Mayor Mario DiGennaro g;,-T S;o:>~ --I ("") ._._ ;<:-< ~.. .." l'j.<" I Q >> Fi. RO R . SHill INGER, JR. Cl~~~~F A~I!!m~~ATTORNEY .... co co -- ::I: ",. ::;0 N \D -., r- r:1 C-J -n o ::0 :;u 1'1 n Cl ;xl CJ ",. ::I: 'Po ~ co